The Sereni-Tree and the Start of the Second Gala Pageant

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 16:00
VIEWED: 12816
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Friday, May 26, 2006 8:33 AM



*Serenity cat calls and whistles and holds up a big "10" sign.*

What? *she says, in response to looks from the other judges.* Okay, so I'm a little bias. But, really, did you see the butt wiggle?

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:02 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
CONTESTANT 9 – SoulOfSerenity

Soul ambles onto the stage, struggling very hard to walk in the mermaid flippers. He is wearing a flowing blond wig, a pair of coconuts on his chest, and has a sparkling blue mermaid tail. Finally arriving at the microphone, he speaks.

“I would flash my boobs, but I really don’t think I can compare. So instead, I have to try something else. I have a friend of mine who specializes in gifts from alternate dimensions. Every now and then he pops into a little machine he built and checks out other dimensions, bringing back little things that don’t exist here. Well, about a month ago, he stumbled across a dimension where people are very big fans of Joss Whedon, and he brought me back a little something…”

Soul holds up what looks to be a rather thick DVD box set. All across the room gasps are heard as the title is read: “Firefly: The Complete First Four Seasons.”

“If I win, I play it. If not…”

He lets the thought hang in the air and walks off the stage. For good measure, though, he pauses and shakes his rear.

"This contest is over!" TRM calls out, holding up a big fat 10

"Aw dammit" Needy groans from the sidelines. "I'm all dressed up and everything"
Then, spotting the "10" sign TRM is holding up, he blurts "Oh... Contestant number 10. I guess that's me"

OOC: Whatever happened to contestant number 8? Did a time portal swallow them up?

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:22 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


The boy whore walks onto the stage feigning confidance. His bright red dress with matching high heel shoes surely would make him standout... at least anywhere else - it seemed that everybody there had chosen a similarly unusual outfit.
He was just thankful he had had practice walking in six-inch heels prior to this

"Well that leaves nothing to the imagination" Serenity mutters to the other judges, referring to his skin-tight red dress.

"Hey everybody, the name's Needy... for those that don't already know. I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to do at this point but I've been encouraged to join the pageant so... here I am!"

The crowd is silent

"And I'll be going now"

Just as he starts to walk off, his left foot twists and gives way, causing him to fall down and do the splits.

The crowd bursts into a round of applause at the magnificent display of his flexibility.
Amazingly his dress hasn't split, but the decision to not wear underwear underneath soon backfires as the landing was made that much more painful.

Standing up, he bows and in a very high pitch tone utters "Thank you very much"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:26 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by NEEDY:

OOC: Whatever happened to contestant number 8? Did a time portal swallow them up?

OOC: Uh...uh...crap...


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, May 26, 2006 9:29 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

Originally posted by NEEDY:

OOC: Whatever happened to contestant number 8? Did a time portal swallow them up?

OOC: Uh...uh...crap...


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

OOC: I bet nobody would have noticed if I hadn't pointed it out. Doh!
Look at it this way, far weirder things have happened. Plus, someone can always go back and fill in the gap.

Does that make you feel any better?

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, May 26, 2006 1:39 PM


Seryn breaks off the kiss, "What?..." Her brain catches up, and she rolls her eyes. "Mills and boon are the 2nd rate... 3rd. 4th rate versions of Jane Austen. *unbuttons shirt* Basically they are porn for middle aged housewives. *kisses* There will be a few scenes establishing a variation on a single plot, then lots of pages full of something not entirly unlike what is happening now *does something extremely x-rated*

"Now just shut up..."

(ooc - I know, I got things crossed over, but hey, it might be relevant to a future plot. But I think thats those two sorted for the weekend. Leave it there, then we can start messing with their heads come monday, see you then)

(also - has Soul won? What about the talent part? I was looking forward to that!)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 26, 2006 6:03 PM


After Ath's brilliant showing Jazaf felt the need for a drink.
"Hey there Trey, Do you have anything back there that'll help me forget the past few seconds?"
Trey smiles and says "Lemme check."

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
what? Everyone's doing it!


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:05 PM


There is a knock at the door to ScorpionRegent's room, but he and Seryn are far too preoccupied to notice. The door opens, and from Main Engineering, Jet walks into the room, excited.

"Warren, I just finished cleaning the inside of the main fusion reactor, and I wondered if you would like... to... help... with..."

Jet stares blankly at the couple.


Jet backs out of the door and closes it.

Jet, Bride4


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:14 PM


Needy, I noticed the linear-time-challenged Contestant 8 as well. I have a sneaking suspicion it may be someone with Timelord blood. As they say, "Time will tell."

And as tempting as Soul might be, we will be accepting candidates at least until our special occasion party on Sunday. And yes, there will be a talent and perhaps swimsuit competition.

Actually, Soul, the idea of a place where Firefly was never cancelled is an old one. Here is a reference, along with some Pepsimilk fun from back in Thread 4, "The I Am Not Going To Be Depressed About the Delay Club".


Orginally posted by TheRealMe and ThatWeirdGirl from Nov 29 to Dec 1, 2004:

Hey, ThatWeirdGirl, look!

* The Real Me rips off the covering on the package he was carrying and displays a 7-pack of soda with an odd label that seems to be inscribed with Nordic runes. *

I found an alternate reality where they actually bottle Pepsimilk! THAT wasn’t easy!


Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, you! I'm going to need the coordinates for that alternate reality.

Oh, I can take you there sometime. It's right next to the alternate reality where they never cancelled Firefly.


I'll get working on the translation for this stuff.

Well, the BIG runes just say, "Pepsimilk"...

*pops top of fourth can of pepsimilk, takes swig.*

yep. that's the stuff. way to go.

...and the smaller runes... well, they're some kind of warning label.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:23 PM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
ooc-- I resent the accusation that just because i am a teenage male that all my thoughts are i cant pull that one off.

Wisp returned to his room just as the womaniser pill wore off. His dress ripped apart at the seams exposing him in all his manly glory.

He quickly dressed into loose jeans and a white t-shirt complete with his boots and set off to watch the rest of the show.

On the way he saw SR and Seryn bumping uglies, Jade hand and Mai heavy petting and he was pretty sure the yetis were amking an XXX film.

"Is this ship on viagra..." He said as Bobbie Sue walked up to him.

"If your breasts lose me this competition!!!!"

Bobbie Sue, still in her ruffly dress, stomps up to Wisp.

“You! Wisp! Hey, what do you think you’re doing? You can’t just turn yourself into a woman and horn in on our contest! Why, you had a better figure than mine, but yours was fake! Mine is real! I’m all woman!”

With that, Bobbie Sue grabs Wisp on either side of his head and plants a long, passionate kiss on him. She pulls back, seeming somewhat surprised, then turns to stomp off elsewhere.

When she turns, she gets an eyeful. She covers her eyes.

"Ewww! Yuck! Yeti sex! Get a room, you two! Or a cave! Whatever."

One of the yeti calls out, "Assan and Lichna pick THIS room!"

Bobbie Sue, Bride6


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:32 PM


TheRealMe joins Jazaf and others at the bar, looking for something to quickly and completely erase some selected memories of the past few minutes. TheRealMe notices SimonWho drinking at the bar.

"Doctor SimonWho! So, doesn't this all bring back memories of the First Gala Pageant, when it was coming down to you and me and Cozen? Say, do you have any plans to resurrect 'SimoneWho', perhaps? Feel free to muck up time, as we still have this Contestant 8 problem. Hmmm.... As I recall, you were quite glamorous back then, in a disturbing kind of way."

Thinking back on that day, TheRealMe decides that he needs an extra shot of Trey's patented 'Mind Eraser' drink.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:13 AM


Oh, glamourous, yes. But ever so sadly, my ABSO earning offspring has borrowed my transportation and therefore I can't go back to become contestant number 8.

*is glad he doesn't have to shave his legs again*


Saturday, May 27, 2006 3:26 AM


Seryn Said:

ooc - A little more of what Mai?)

OOC: Umm of the outfit.. it was so well put together.. yeah. Pretty clothes is what I'm talking about. What were YOU thinking on?

*finally returns handing JH his drink and plops down on the chair* Geez sorry about that. There was a mob at the bar.
So besides your own lovely ensemble who would you vote for if you could?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, May 27, 2006 7:21 AM


(ooc - oh, thank goodness, you had me worried for a moment! It just seemed that around the time you said that, there were a number of contestants wearing less than the standard number of underthings, loosing their footing, and revealing that fact to the world.)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:06 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp stood still for a moment but then thought.

'screw this is everyone else is then peer pressure here we come!!!'

He followed the general direction Bobbie Sue had left in and found her entering her room. He walked to the door.

He stopped for a moment and sprayed himslef with universal pheromone aftershave then knocked.

"YOU!!" She shouted as the door opened.

"Listen. Im sorry for the boob thing but now im all man again I was hoping we could talk things through and get off to a better start?"

In Reply she grabbed him by the collar and threw him into the room locking the door behind her.


Saturday, May 27, 2006 7:12 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Oh, glamourous, yes. But ever so sadly, my ABSO earning offspring has borrowed my transportation and therefore I can't go back to become contestant number 8.

*is glad he doesn't have to shave his legs again*

Can't you just wait until PR comes back, and THEN go back in time and participate, ala Bill & Ted's Excellent adventure?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Saturday, May 27, 2006 9:01 PM


OOC: Seryn. I know this is suppose to be a drama free zone, but how would you like to join me on a bit of a troll hunt? Could be fun!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:16 PM



Oh, my, it appears that a cute little troll followed someone home.

Well, it is usually not a good idea to respond to trolls. That's the only reason that they come here, to try to get someone upset enough to lash back.

This person's alias was newly created and used only to insult others.

A request has been made to the moderator to block this person from the site.


Saturday, May 27, 2006 11:22 PM


ahhhhh... but troll hunting would have b een interestin...but yeah your're right. Thanks TRM.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Sunday, May 28, 2006 6:03 AM


(I suppose its what I get for insulting people on the net. Trolls are just so tiresome)

In the middle of some much needed sleep, Seryn twitches, hearing some strange inarticulate snarl somewhere. She rolls over, punches the autodial for the Troll Extermination Squad, then rolls over again and snuggles back up to SR. *cozy*

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Sunday, May 28, 2006 6:14 AM


TheRealMe returns to the stage, still dressed in his tux.

“Hello, everyone! I hope that you are enjoying the Second Gala Pageant! We shall have a pause in the proceedings at this time, in order to participate in a special celebration!”

Meanwhile, Trey starts wheeling out a cart with booze, desserts, and other treats.

TheRealMe continues: “We will now celebrate our second anniversary! We have been in existence on this site, over 48 consecutive threads, for two years! I’d like to thank Ebonezer for starting things up. The Second Gala Pageant will resume after this party. While we will still accept new contestants (especially someone to be the time-challenged Contestant 8), we will be moving on to the other contests. Thank you!”

OOC: Actually, yesterday was our true anniversary, but my planning didn’t quite work out.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, May 28, 2006 7:32 AM



*finally returns handing JH his drink and plops down on the chair* Geez sorry about that. There was a mob at the bar.
So besides your own lovely ensemble who would you vote for if you could?

Thanks for the drink. Well, It seems I've missed a couple of contestants while I was changing, and the person I'd vote hasn't gone up yet.
Speaking of which, when are you going up?

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Sunday, May 28, 2006 12:44 PM


Oh no I'm not going up. I do much better as a spectator here. Entirely too much competition for my liking.

Besides it looks like theres a bit of a party going on now. It's only been 2 years... seems like so much longer. In a good way of course! Happy Treeversary Everyone!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Sunday, May 28, 2006 12:56 PM


Happy Treeversary Everyone!

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Sunday, May 28, 2006 2:29 PM


Happy Treeversary!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Sunday, May 28, 2006 2:37 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
Can't you just wait until PR comes back, and THEN go back in time and participate, ala Bill & Ted's Excellent adventure?

Unfortunately, due to the Blinovitch Limitation Effect, that would break several laws of time and space and also Delaware. They're very anti-temporal anomalies in Delaware.

And Happy Treeversary! I think we should go out with other people. (Five bonus points up for grabs on that one.)


Sunday, May 28, 2006 11:44 PM


sorry i'm late! (ooc - I didn't have time for a long post) I was kind of, er, *blushes* occupied.


Walking to the center of the room she clears a space, places a large box down and, taking the lid of, presses the big red button on the side.

She wanders off, first to turn off the lights, then to find herself a drink, and for a moment the box just sits there.

Just one moment more...


From the box hundreds of tiny lights fly up, whizzing and zig zagging around, zooming all over the room. Looking exactly like fireworks, several people jump when they come near, but after one hits a yeti in the butt, backs up, shakes its self and flys off in another direction, people begin to wonder what they really are.

Above heads several hundreds of the lights have formed into groups, and started doing stunts, one group flicker red and a dragon flys around the room, blowing yellow flickering lights from its mouth. Some others have turned green and started doing an irish jig, another waltz around the room in shades of blue and violet. Above them, others burst in a rainbow of colours, perfect imitations of old earth fireworks. The biggest group move to the front and arrange themselves, colours flickering in a mexican wave of a rainbow, to spell the words


A chorus of ooohs and aaaahhs go up, then appreciative clapping.

Main display over, most of the lights settle on the roof or the furniture, gently twinkling away like stars, others still zig zag about the room, chasing each other or playing tag around the light fittings.

TRM turns to where she is helping her self to another glass of champagne, and grins.

"Very nice, but what exactly are they?"

Seryn smiles back "Fairies! Formation Flyers, the olympic team actually. They were overjoyed to be back on earth, haven't seen the irish cousins for eons apparently. They're going to stay for the wedding, then go visiting.

"Happy Treeversary everyone!"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, May 29, 2006 5:40 AM


*oohs and aahs over the fairy display.*

So who's next in this gala? It's entertaining.

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, May 29, 2006 5:56 AM


TheRealMe is quite impressed, and claps at the fireworks.

"Outstanding work, Seryn. Very well done!"

He returns to the stage and faces the audience again.

"Well, if I may have your attention, I think that it is time to begin the Swimsuit Competition. In moments, we will adjourn to the water park. If you have some special swimsuit that you would like to display, or some skill in swimming and diving, this would be the time and place to show us. Otherwise, we will assume that you just stand in a line-up with the other contestants. Be sure to continue to display your contestant number at the top of your post when you compete.

"We will still accept new contestants, especially the time-lost Contestant 8, whoever that might be."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, May 29, 2006 6:09 AM


Here is a recap:

CONTESTANT 1: Ervin the Yeti, in clean fur, tuxedo jacket, and a top-hat
CONTESTANT 2: Bobbie Sue, Bride6, in a Kaylee-like ruffly pink dress
CONTESTANT 3: JadeHand, as Dr. Frankenfurter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
CONTESTANT 4: Wisp transformed into the female Wispette, wearing a custom-made outfit
CONTESTANT 5: Jake7, wearing a long sheath of sparkling pop-top tabs
CONTESTANT 6: Quincey, Bride5, wearing nothing but red and black body paint
CONTESTANT 7: CallMeAth, wearing a frilly pink dress and fishnet stockings
CONTESTANT 8: Unkown at this time, but we remain hopeful
CONTESTANT 9: SoulOfSerenity, in a blonde wig, mermaid flippers, and a bra of coconuts
CONTESTANT 10: Needy, in a skin-tight bright red dress with matching high heeled shoes

TheRealMe, Master of Ceremonies of the Second Gala Pageant


Monday, May 29, 2006 9:29 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
...that would break several laws of time and space and also Delaware. They're very anti-temporal anomalies in Delaware.

Eh, who needs Delaware anyway?

Ooh, pretty fairies Seryn!

You ended that sentence with a preposition! Bastard. - O'Neill


Monday, May 29, 2006 11:30 AM


(why to I keep thinking 'small plastic containers' whenever anyone says Delaware? Meh.)

Seryn raises her glass to those thanking her for the Fairy display "No problem!" Then she crosses to a chair where two specks of light are bobbing about in an agitated fashion.

"Goodness, whats up with you guys?"

One of the specks of light turns to her, then dims, so that she can see a tiny little woman in the midst of the glow.

"Oh, he's grousing about one of the displays, the dragon didn't go according to the plan, mainly because the left eye and the fingernail on the right pinkie where still in the bottom of the box doing...." the little voice falters, and the light takes on a rosy glow "...things..."

Her serious look is interrupted by the other speck, which dims to reveal a little balding man with a grumpy look on his face "I wouldn't mind, but up 'til a day ago, those two couldn't stand the sight of each other - she's bin gunnin for 'is blood ever since 'e made the front page of Lady Cottingtons..."

"Maybe they just made up... put aside their differences" Seryn interjected, then added defensively "it can happen..."

The female fairy crossed her arms over her chest, a sly look on her face "oh aye...?"

Seryn blushed "look, payment, gold coins in a bag in my quarters, fruit and wine in the kitchen, knock yourselves out. You'd be hard pressed to find a virgin on this boat but stay away from the children! she wags a finger for emphasis.

The little fairy rolls her eye's but aquiesces, and they shake on it.

People begin to file out towards the water park in anticipation of the next round. Unobserved, by fairies and humans alike, in one corner of the common room, several specks group together, talking in whispers to each other

"but what if we get caught?"
"well, we plead insanity"
"we say we were enchanted"
"only works for humans"
*blows a raspberry*
"I like the one in the red dress"
"so we are going to join in the swimming?"
"but I didn't bring my costume! What shall I wear?"
"what a question to ask!"
"but its against the rules! You know what they said!"
"shut up Tiffany"
"can it Tiff"
"so we're all agreed?"
"nuh uh!"
"shut it Tiff"
"right then, on three..."

"does that mean I can have the one in the red dress?"

As the Treefolk file out, they are by by several new people, long hair in dazzling shades of blond waving in a none existant breeze, bobbing every now and then in a suppressed giggle.

Seryn makes her way towards the park, then she stops. Leaning against a door frame, half hidden in the shadows, is a tall familiar figure. She crosses over, kisses him, and smiles. "you're awake."
"you're in the wrong place."
"Oh? Where exactly should I be?"
"Follow me and i'll show you"
She rolls her eyes comically "if I must"
"Oh you must."

(sorry, super long post, I think I have waffle fever - otherwise known as a day to myself with no company)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, May 29, 2006 3:24 PM


Well, I still don't have a swimsuit, but.... *shrug*
*Stands up, extends hand to Mai. Takes her hand and escorts her to the water park for round 2... of the gala*

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, May 29, 2006 3:52 PM


Wow that was an awesome display! Wonder where she got the fairies?

*take JH's hand and proceeds to the waterpark*

Can't wait to see this part of the competition!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, May 29, 2006 6:50 PM


CONTESTANT 6: Quincey, Bride5

“Hi, I’m Quincey again, and I’ll start the second phase of the competition!”

Quincey, still naked except for red and black body paint, climbs up the tall ladder to the highest diving platform over the Olympic sized swimming pool. She takes a deep breath, then launches herself out over the pool. She executes a number of somersaults and cleanly breaks the water in a perfect dive. The audience claps.

As Quincey surfaces and she takes in a few breaths, she realizes that she is surrounded by a growing circle of dark water.

“Ooops! I guess that body paint isn’t water-safe.”

A naked Quincey climbs out of the pool and dashes off to the locker room.

Quincey, Bride5


Monday, May 29, 2006 10:29 PM


Contestant number 3: JadeHand

*JadeHand stands by the pool and notices Quincey as she starts to rise from the pool. As her head comes up by the ladder, he gives a quick nod of approval, glad to see the woman he helpped to rescue, having fun. As she climbs up and notices the lack of paint clinging to her body, he quickly looks back to Mai*

So, I still don't have a suit, but I don't think I'll take Quincey's approach.

*JadeHand slips off his boots and sets down his bag beside Mai. Still wearing his black slacks, shirt, tie, and socks he walks over and climbs to the uppermost board. He steps to the edge. His hands sweep out to his sides and meet above his head. His knees bend and straiten, bringing him up into the air. His body bends, his fingertips meet his toes as he spins through 2 complete flips. His body extends and straitens again just as he slips below the surface. Beneath the surface he traverses the length of the pool and surfaces on the far side. He gently places his hands on the poolside and lifts up bending his knees and placing his feet between his hands. he stands and walks back Mai.*

"I should find a towel....."

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 2:48 AM


CONTESTANT 1: Ervin the Yeti

A magnificent smile spreads across Ervin's features as he yells, "Cannonball!" The Yeti runs up to the side of the pool, leaps high, and curls his body into a ball. Water spashes everywhere as he falls into the pool. When Ervin surfaces, his fur is no longer pure white. It now seems to have red and black patches. Apparently, he swam through the cloud of paint left by Quincey.

Ervin the Yeti


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 4:44 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

Seryn makes her way towards the park, then she stops. Leaning against a door frame, half hidden in the shadows, is a tall familiar figure. She crosses over, kisses him, and smiles. "you're awake."
"you're in the wrong place."
"Oh? Where exactly should I be?"
"Follow me and i'll show you"
She rolls her eyes comically "if I must"
"Oh you must."


Some days later, spent mostly in bed, without much sleep, Seryn lies next to SR. She is, what can only be described as, glowing. If the thermostat were to be lowered in the room there would be steam rising off of SR as a result of recent strenuous activity. He moves his arm and it seems to have no weight. His senses are acute. He looks at his hands and no longer sees blood. He turns his gaze upon Seryn and sees a woman of intense, nigh painful, beauty.

He speaks, "I love you."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:05 AM


**jake7 watches the diving display with dismay. She doesn't know how to dive. She thinks furiously about what water tricks she knows. A figurative lightbulb appears over her head as she recalls one trick she did as a kid. She slips into the pool. She addresses the judges**

Since there's no clear sides to the pool, you'll have to come up to the sides and view.

**jake7 takes a deep breath, then jumps up from the water, then "dives" forward and completes two full somersaults underwater. She springs up from the water, spluttering. She takes a couple of deep breaths and then exits the pool**

(OOC: Better late than never: Happy Treeversary!!! )

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:49 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

CONTESTANT 10: Needy, the boy whore

Needy steps up, fresh from changing into his companion-swimsuit: The G-Swim.

Walking confidantly up to the large diving board with his well-toned body shining under the lights, he is sure he can hear whistles from the Fairy corner. Shruggin it off, he begins to ascend the ladder.

He almost slips a couple times due to his greased body, but manages to save himself.

Reaching the top of the diving board he prepares himself.
After a minute of taking in deep breaths he finally makes his move - running the length of the diving board, before suddenly stopping, spinning his body around as the grease on his feet causes him to slide off the board backwards (All on purpose of course)

With his arms stretched upwards as he falls, he grabs with his powdered hands the end of the board, and vaults himself up. As his body flies in the air, above the board, he closes his eyes as he lets gravity do the work. His feet again meet the board and this time, bending his knees, he lets the board spin his body in a backwards somersault towards the pool below.

Doing a full 360 turn before his feet hit the water in a graceful immersion, his body sinks to the bottom, allowing him to finally spring himself up dramatically as his feet jump off the floor of the pool.

Needy emerges from the depths with his arms held up high in a victorious pose.

As Needy had told many people before, he was an expert when it came to going down.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 8:09 AM


OOC:lol that's a damn brilliant post Needy.
With his memory sufficiently thrashed, Jazaf turns back to the Gala in time to witness the arrival of creatures of light. The combination of the lights and the alcohol he consumed however, cause him to pass out on the floor. He would have stayed that way if not for Ervin's Cannonball.

"Aiya! My head feels like someone took a hammer to it."

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
what? Everyone's doing it!


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:31 AM


/me makes his way out to the common room and the bar just in time to see everyone departing. he looks after the departing herd for a beat, shrugs, and pulls up yet another bottle from behind the bar and gets to work.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:13 PM



Contestant(s) 11

The lull in the competion reveals a flurry of activity in one corner. After some low arguments, wierd flashes of light and one or two protesting yelps of pain, seven young women glide out to the front.

In unison, they shimmer out across the side of the pool, pause and turn to face the judges. The effect is only spoiled slightly by the fact that the last one, a slight girl with honey blonde hair and a blush pink dress, every so often waves a hand, giggles and blows kisses at Needy.

The tallest girl glides forward, and anounces them to the room.

"We wish to enter your pagent. We are Luna, May, Fauna, Merle, Amber, Orla and Tiffany. She first inlines her head, then indicates the rest of the girls, frowning slightly as she catches Amber mouthing sweet nothings in Needy's direction.
Our dresses we made ourselves, from spiders webs and fairy glamour.

Each girl wears a slight variation of the same dress, the colours so delicately tinted as to look more like a stain on skin than actual fabric. Several people lean in to look closer at the shimmering confections, eyes straining to make out what they are looking at, then the significance of the words 'fairy glamour' sink in, and they lean back out again, wondering how to judge a dress that is almost pure illusion.
Amber flutters a wave at Needy again, and lets the illusion fade for a moment.

Several men in the audience shift awkwardly in their seats.

Well, thats is round one.

Instantly, the dresses fade to be replaced with more substantial swimming costumes. Serenly, three of the group climb the diving boards whilst the others dive into the pool. A flute starts up a simple tune and they begin to swim in formation, following the dives with leaps up towards the cielings, aided by their wings, and using their glamours to tint the water different colours, to make flowers and animals dance across the surface.

They finish the set and gracefully climb out of the pool, only Luna pausing to bow to the judges, and to yank Amber after her as she starts blowing kisses again.

(ooc- sorry, I meant to make this funnier, but ihave a stonking great headache, I will edit soon)


Seryn wriggles a little, making herself comfortable, when SR's words penetrate her hazy thoughts.

what? wait! What did you just say? Oh go se!

Outwardly calm, she stretches a bit and starts to play with strand of his hair. On the inside, adrenaline floods her system and somewhere, her inner whatever throws one stinker of a tantrum.
In amongst the chaos, she fails to recognise the compulsion to speak before its almost too late. Opening her mouth to speak, the sudden realisation of what she's about to do stops her dead. The words stick in her mouth, and she covers it with an awkward smile.

"oh behave!" she lightly shoves at one shoulder, forcing herself to laugh. "you had me worried for a moment there!" She turns over, catching his hand and wrapping his arms around her waist. Then makes her self still and pretends to fall asleep.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:06 PM


*JadeHand finds a towel and begins trying to dry his soaked clothing. shaking most of the water from his arms and legs and hair. His shirt sticking to his skin he looks up and the smile on her face as she shakes her head.*

"What? I didn't want to miss anything by going back to change, and I didn't have a swimsuit anyway. well... I did swim in the suit but I don't think that's what they mean."

*JadeHand slips his boots back on, throws his bag over his shoulder, and smiles at Mai*

"You know..... I'm glad you got lost and ended up in our winged waters. But don't get lost anymore, okay?"

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:24 PM


*watches as JH comes out of the water*

Well that was interesting. Guess it does save on having to do the laundry later. Hey don't...

*is splattered as he shakes off the excess water*

do that.

Good thing I like you. Otherwise that would have been a might annyoing.

I'm glad I got lost too.

So what's your plan for the talent competition?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:15 PM


Oh, I've some talent ... not the sort of thing for public performances though.

I'm thinking on performing a song that I find fits me.
Hopefully it goes over well, not expecting to win anything here, just having some fun.

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:32 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

Seryn wriggles a little, making herself comfortable, when SR's words penetrate her hazy thoughts.

what? wait! What did you just say? Oh go se!

Outwardly calm, she stretches a bit and starts to play with strand of his hair. On the inside, adrenaline floods her system and somewhere, her inner whatever throws one stinker of a tantrum.
In amongst the chaos, she fails to recognise the compulsion to speak before its almost too late. Opening her mouth to speak, the sudden realisation of what she's about to do stops her dead. The words stick in her mouth, and she covers it with an awkward smile.

"oh behave!" she lightly shoves at one shoulder, forcing herself to laugh. "you had me worried for a moment there!" She turns over, catching his hand and wrapping his arms around her waist. Then makes her self still and pretends to fall asleep.

A very stunned SR takes all this in as his whole perspective changes. Five minutes before he was literally flying around the room in perfect bliss, now he is back down on the ground again. He quashes his initial response closing eyes that are moist with potential tears. He takes a moment and mentally draws himself out of his body, as the lady had taught him so long ago, to see the situation as objectively as possible. SR focuses his memory taking a long slow look back at what had just happened. Seryn had been taken off guard, but she had hesitated before speaking. What had the lady have said about all this?
"Beware of the naked woman who lies to you. Focus on her motivations and distill the truth from the lies."
He knew his captain from long experience under sail and in combat. This person in his bed was at first glance terra incognita, but they were in fact the same person.
"She plays at using me, but if that were really so then she wouldn't have hesitated." SR thinks to himself.
"The better lies contain elements of the truth, it makes them easier to digest." The lady had said.
Seryn had said, "you had me worried for a moment there!"
SR thought it through, yes, Seryn was worried.
"Women are afraid of love, because they do not want to lose control and fear losing themselves." the lady had said.
So Seryn was holding back out of fear, SR concluded.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, June 1, 2006 9:03 AM


(ooc- oh the ego! men!)


Thursday, June 1, 2006 4:32 PM


(OOC.... "Saw that coming.")

*Turns to face Mai*

I see a couple of comfy lounge chairs over there where we can watch the rest of the show, and one has a sun lamp. Maybe I'll be dry by the time the talent portion comes around. Care to join me?

*extends hand*

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.






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