The Sereni-Tree and the Second Gala Pageant Winds Down

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 16:46
VIEWED: 16214
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:58 PM


This is Thread 49 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, telling our story and providing links to all such threads:

Early in this thread is the very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V6”. This post is a description of the ship and crew.

Below is the summary of the previous thread at:

The Second Gala Pageant begins, with TheRealMe dressed in a tuxedo and top hat as Master of Ceremonies. Malicious is the only one of the judges from the First Gala Pageant to return, but she promptly falls asleep. Serenity is also judging. For the contestants, see the summaries below. Spectators include the contestants themselves and: LightMeDark, Lissa, McQ, MontanaGirl, SimonWho, Seryn, and Jazaf. Kelly watched, at least until Ath slipped and possibly revealed too much (at which point she cheered).

Seryn puts Shadow and Ghost into the care of Ervin so she could go off, but he had to cover their eyes so many times during the contest that he had Hewitt, one of his Yeti friends, take the girls to the park.

TRM suggests that our Doctor SimonWho (who was a leading contender in the First Gala Pageant) should enter as the mysterious time-twisted Contestant 8. SimonWho declines, claiming that he can't time-travel since his son PsychicRiver "borrowed" the TARDIS (privately, he is glad he doesn't have to shave his legs again). Speaking of which, PR sends a minor mind-wave from wherever/whenever he is.

An annoying troll followed Seryn home. Mai suggested a troll attack, but we ignore it and it goes away.

We pause the contest, while we celebrate the second aniversary of the Clubhouse/Treehouse/Sereni-Tree threads. This includes the arrival of tiny faeries who are part of an Olympic formation flying team. They buzz around and spell out "Happy Treeversary!"

Seryn puts a bit and bridle on Schwartz the Llama and hoses him down, giving the llama a much needed bath. ScorpionRegent offers the use of his tranquilizer gun to expedite the process.

Mai and Jadehand engage in much romance, including a picnic in the "This Land" park.

Seryn and ScorpionRegent engage in much romance at various times, including a trip in Nandi away from Sereni-Tree to a private location. The romance starts alarm bells ringing for Seryn. Also, SR shows her his catapults.

Jet uses a DRD to help Quincey spray on her outfit for the pageant, then she gets to work on repairs down in Engineering. During repairs, she stumbles in on Seryn and ScorpionRegent. Whoops!

The Yeti Assan and Lichna engage in some romance, scarring Bobbie Sue's retinas for all time.

Also, Bobbie Sue and Wisp engage in some romance, or at least a little action.

Seryn asks who wants a baby rabbit. Serenity, Mai, and Bride6 all speak up.

At the bar, Trey plies SimonWho with dozens of drinks. Perhaps she has something in mind. SimonWho becomes concerned when he sees Yeti dancing, but is comforted to discover that they are real.

Here are our contestants for the Second Gala Pageant of the Sereni-Tree:

CONTESTANT 1: Ervin the Yeti, in clean fur, tuxedo jacket, and a top-hat.

Swimsuit: Did a cannonball into the pool, and got his fur colored from the paint that came off of Bride5.

Talent: Performed the dance ThatWeirdGirl taught the Yeti back on Black Diamond (the Yeti in the audience joined in). Ervin's movements spray everyone with his still-wet fur, except Serenity who packed an umbrella.


CONTESTANT 2: Bobbie Sue, Bride6, in a Kaylee-like ruffly pink dress.

Swimsuit: In a bikini, used roller blades to skate down one of the twisting, three-storey slides into the pool.

Talent: In a pretty pink dress with ruffles (the short one, this time), she tapdanced and sweetly sang "On the Good Ship Lollipop".


CONTESTANT 3: JadeHand, as Dr. Frankenfurter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Swimsuit: A high dive, while still wearing black slacks, shirt, tie, and socks.

Talent: Plays his guitar and sings a Marillion song about a man of a thousand faces.


CONTESTANT 4: Wisp transformed into the female Wispette, wearing a custom-made outfit and flashing his/her boobs.




CONTESTANT 5: Jake7, wearing a long sheath of sparkling pop-top tabs.

Swimsuit: Underwater somersaults.

Talent: Sings karaoke with gusto to Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me".


CONTESTANT 6: Quincey, Bride5, wearing nothing but red and black body paint.

Swimsuit: Still in body paint, she does a daring high-dive with somersaults, but the paint washes off in the pool.

Talent: Paint re-applied in different colors, she does a pole dance.


CONTESTANT 7: CallMeAth, wearing a frilly pink dress and fishnet stockings (slips, falls, and shows a bit too much).




CONTESTANT 8: Unknown at this time, but we remain hopeful.




CONTESTANT 9: SoulOfSerenity, in a blonde wig, mermaid flippers, and a bra of coconuts. He attempts to bribe the judges with more Firefly episodes from an alternate dimension where the show was never cancelled.




CONTESTANT 10: Needy, in a skin-tight bright red dress with matching high heeled shoes. As he walks off, he slips and does the splits (the crowd thinks it was part of his act).

Swimsuit: With a well-toned, greased body and clad only in his skimpy G-Swim (tm), he jumped off the diving board, grabbed it to vault back up to it, and then launched himself out for an impressive dive.



CONTESTANT(S) 11: The Faerie Team (Luna, May, Fauna, Merle, Amber, Orla and Tiffany) appear in gowns they made themselves, out of spider silk and faerie glamour.

Swimsuit: In similar illusionary swimsuits, some faeries dive into the pool, and others perform synchronized swimming, with illusions of flowers dancing upon the surface of the water.

Talent: Well, they were very talented when they flew in formation and spelled out "Happy Treeversary". Maybe they will show us something else.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:16 PM


*El(emdee) sets about telling his animal companions a great tale, a tale of sorrow and angst sometimes broken by brief respites of joy, a tale that is his own.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:46 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Okay, all this love and sex is starting to annoy me, so.....

"Serenity is going into labor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:53 AM


moments earlier

*Serenity feels, rather than hears, a small *pop* and then suddenly there is water everywhere. In shock, she stands up.


It's starting!


Thursday, June 15, 2006 6:53 PM


At that moment, one of the Yeti howls and falls down on its back. Ervin runs up, a worried expression on his face. He turns toward the crowd. "Corbin at her time, too. Baby Yeti, coming! Coming now!"

TheRealMe rushes over toward the bar where he had recently seen SimonWho. "Doctor? Doctor SimonWho? We require your services for..."

All that TheRealMe sees at the doctor's customary place is a collection of 47 shot glasses. No SimonWho. No Trey.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, June 19, 2006 2:14 AM


*JadeHand and Mai sit quietly in the "This Land" Park sipping their wine, and gazing across the blanket that holds several other tasty dishes. As he sits and takes in the beauty of the park and his wife.... Wait! Did he just think "wife"? He fingers the small box is his pocket. She hasn't said yes, yet. He hasn't asked, yet. He has a hard time not asking, but he knows now is not quite the right time. Soon. It will wait. They've found each other and time has slowed down for them to enjoy each day of the rest of their lives. His hand comes away from the box and reaches across the blanket to take hers*

Mai, I can't believe our luck in finding each other here. All of the little things that had to happen to bring us together... I am amazed... daily. I want you to know... I need you to understand.. I am completely in love with you.
I look forward to our future.

"You landed in my life Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in shadow
I always used to believe That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new word to describe you
And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak.
-No One Can(Holidays in Eden)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, June 19, 2006 3:39 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy runs in.
Having spent the better part of an hour trying to get out of his G-Swim, and back into his red dress for the talent competition, he found he was locked in his changing room.
After some impressive use of a body part - which we won't go into right now - he managed to escape, but not before realising his opportunity to display his talents on stage may have already passed him by.

"Have I missed it?" he calls out "Can I still do my thing?"

The thought that his words may have come out wrong were knocked from his head as he slides in a puddle of water, falls back and bangs his head on the floor.

"Agh!" he groans.
Now lying in said puddle of water, he looks up.
"What the hell? Doesn't anybody clean up in this place?"

The person standing above him is Soul, with a panicked look on his face. "You don't have any medical training do you? Serenity's water has just broken"

"Erm... I... wait, her water has broken? Please don't tell me I'm covered in it!"

Soul remains silent

"Great" Needy sighs, getting to his feet.
Looking around he asks "Where's your doctor?"

"I don't know! Can you help?"

"I'll give it a shot"

"A shot? This is my child we're talking about"

Needy turns serious. "Ok, but first I'm gonna need a tissue"

"A tissue? Do I want to know?"

"This dress is designer, and right now its in an uncomfortable stage of wet."

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:59 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

ooc-i havent posted in a while due to technical difficulties and im only posting this at college sp there'll be a while before my next post but ill try to set myself up. If im saying anything wrong just ignore it!!!

Wisp rolled onto his back with the sheets coiled around his waist. He was sweating profusely but him and Bobbie Sue had just had been doing 'emmmmhhufffnnwaaa' countless times over the past few days.

"That was amazing" she whispered in a low voice while stroking his chest.

"I have my moments" He replied.

He stood up in a very american gigolo moment and walked over to the sink baring all and sundry. His toned physique glistening with moisture in the dim light of the bedroom.

He shot a glance over his shoulder to BS lying asleep on the bed before splashing cold water on his face.

'Should i go?' He thought to himself 'Or should i stay?'

He answered by lying on the bed and falling asleep waiting for when she awoke.

He'd made a deal with himself a long time ago. Never leave in the night. Make sure shes consious and call her at least once. It was his own personal code.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:15 PM


Isn't it nice to just sit here under the stars and relax?
*flicks a switch and the ceiling turns from drab metal to the starry pseudo-sky*

You're right it is perhaps a bit strange about how we ended up here, not just on the same ship but here in the place we are at with each other. Strange in the kind of luck I never thought I'd see.

*feels a bit tipsy from the wine*

Yep, amazed is definitely a good word.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.
"You know things are serious when you start having the closet space conversation."


Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:36 PM


Whoa. Baby Alarm!

I'm going to...


I'm having real problems here. Time seems to be unstable... events are occuring then being rewound... some sort of problem with the space/time continuum.

I'd do something about it if I had my blue box to hand...

*mutters again about the youth of today and blames the parents*


Yeah, well, anyhow...

*rushes to Serenity as best he can*


Thursday, June 22, 2006 12:04 PM


(ooc - Finally! people are here and we can get on with the story! No offence SR darling, but theres only so much fictional sex you can have before you need to jimmy in a plot)

Seryn had propped herself up on her elbows, watching the sun flash over the waves and the wind ruffle little strands of SR's hair. The day had been absolute perfection. She figured the night would carry on that way. SR turned, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and she inclined her head to be kissed...


SR jumped, Seryn jumped, teeth jarred, both grimaced.
"What the hell was that?!?!"
She checked her wrist, then leapt to her feet "Baby Alarm! Serenity's baby! Oh dear god, its coming! She going into labor, oh, hell"
Seryn flapped, then paced a little, then turned and ran for the Nandi. "I rigged up the alarm to go of as soon as the T.H.R.E.A.D.S registered her waters breaking. I wanted to be there. Have to be there!"
SR grabbed her elbow "Um, why?"
"Well, she's a good friend.."
"Well I kind of needed to know whats going to happen..." She poked a finger at her own tummy "i'm not good with surprises. I mean really not good. I need to know how bad its going to be... Plus! She wanted a rabbit, And the baby will want one too! What better time to give them?"

She leapt into the drivers seat, allowed just enough time for SR to gather up their stuff and slide in behind her then gunned the engine and headed for home.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, June 22, 2006 4:47 PM


*Looks up at the now starry sky ceiling and then back to the woman in front of him in awe.*

I love our luck. I'm a very happy man.

*JadeHand takes both wine glasses and sets them on the blanket. Standing, he takes Mai by the hand and pulls her to her feet. Pulling her close, they begin to dance beneath the stars. *

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:22 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:

I'd do something about it if I had my blue box to hand...

*mutters again about the youth of today and blames the parents*


(And virtual sex? ) Oh my!

Good thing I'm eighteen in five days!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:23 PM


The Fairies, lounging by the pool after being interrupted preparing their 'talent' watched the goings on with bemused looks on their faces.

"Shouln't we help them?" Orla, watched, as two of them seemed to turn again and again on the spot, until one grabbed a tissue and the other a chair.
"Why? we steal human babies, whats the point of delivering them?"
Orla shrugged "They just don't seem to be coping very well... that one is about to blow his top, that one is fixated on his dress and there isn't a healer in sight. She just looks a little annoyed."
"Hey! Leave him alone, dresses like that need careful attention. ...I wonder how attentive he is in other areas..."
The group rolled their eyes.
"Well their doctor has just arrived.."
They rolled their eyes again.
"I'm going to help."
"Suit yourself"
"I'm going too!"

Both girls made their way over to the group. Amber went straight to Needy, grabbed tissues and started rubbing at the fabric. "oh! You poor man! How terrible, it must be so trying for you, you must be so stressed. Poor man, well, its ok, i'm here for you, you just relax, and sit. Are you ok?"
Soul looked on in amazement "Is He ok?!"

Orla made her way over to Serenity. Lightly taking her arm she began walking slowly around the poolside.
"I'm Orla, i've some experience of childbirth, so if you want my help at all, i'll assist the doctor as much as i can. "She lifted a foot and looked at the hem of her skirt, then at the pool. "Should we head somewhere a little drier do you think? Somewhere with tea maybe?"


Friday, June 23, 2006 3:58 AM


*look around at the crowd gathering around her*

My nest, I need to get to my nest!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, June 23, 2006 5:29 AM




SR jumped, Seryn jumped, teeth jarred, both grimaced.
"What the hell was that?!?!"
She checked her wrist, then leapt to her feet "Baby Alarm! Serenity's baby! Oh dear god, its coming! She going into labor, oh, hell"
Seryn flapped, then paced a little, then turned and ran for the Nandi. "I rigged up the alarm to go of as soon as the T.H.R.E.A.D.S registered her waters breaking. I wanted to be there. Have to be there!"
SR grabbed her elbow "Um, why?"
"Well, she's a good friend.."
"Well I kind of needed to know whats going to happen..." She poked a finger at her own tummy "i'm not good with surprises. I mean really not good. I need to know how bad its going to be... Plus! She wanted a rabbit, And the baby will want one too! What better time to give them?"

She leapt into the drivers seat, allowed just enough time for SR to gather up their stuff and slide in behind her then gunned the engine and headed for home.

SR realizes that there will be no stopping this woman, yet still he refuses to give up without at least making some form of effort.

"Isn't it obvious what's going to happen? People have been having babies ever since," SR paused struggling for a appropriate figure of speech and then it arrived, "they could. How bad it's going to be? It's bad enough she may not want us around, but it's not so bad that all mothers since the beggining of time immemorial haven't just sworn of childbirth and just opted to go down to the pub for a pint. It's one of those examples of extremely unpleasant hard work that just needs to get done so we can all get on with our lives and be really grateful every year on mothers day. Somehow I fail to see the surprise element of the whole situation, but I guess that's just my flaw."

Seryn looked back over her shoulder and fixed SR with a cold stare.

"I understand that this is important to you and I am not going to stop you. I just think that you should know that CMS is going to be a bit busy, and in a great deal of pain, doing something that will require all of her attention and that showing up to spectate and give bunnies might not be the best idea. Timing is so often key in life. The best thing you can do is make sure you are wanted there, because if not, we should get the hell out of the way. Yes I said we, because if this is important to you I will do this with you, because you are important to me."

Scorpion Regent


Friday, June 23, 2006 6:54 AM


"Yes, I realise that. Last things she wants is an audience.
And did I not mention she was a friend? I'm not exactly going to stand in a corner with a notepad and pencil, i'll be doing whatever she tells me to do."

The Nandi approaches the Tree, then suddenly swerves off to one side, circles just long enough for Seryn to start yelling.

"Stop lecturing me! Stop thinking that i'm an idiot who doesn't consider these things! And stop taking everything so damn seriously!!!"

She brings the Nandi into land in the bay, leaps out, stalks accross the bay and locks the large interior doors behind her for a moment, which she uses to put the smile back on her face.

Mostly calm and composed. She runs to find Serenity. On reaching them, she hears her voice asking to be helped to her nest. She grins at Serenity, salutes her smartly, "Here to obey your every whim my dear" then gently pushes Soul towards his fiancee, and follows behind them as they make their way to the upper floors. All the while watching with relief as Simon switches to Ace-doctor mode.

Well, we're in a great place for it.[i/]


Friday, June 23, 2006 7:46 AM


*watches the crowd gathering*

Serenity? How many invitations did you send out to the birth? Because it's getting rather crowded in here.

Okay, now can someone lay down a few mattresses on the floor over there? Thank you. All men in the room, with the exception of Soul and myself, should stand beside them. Then when it comes to the moment you see something... gynecological... that makes you pass out, you won't suffer any injuries from the fall.

Soul, it is also traditional that in some way or other, you will experience pain, mirroring Serenity's own. I'll leave this icepack and some aspirin here ready for that moment.

Okay Serenity... ready?


Friday, June 23, 2006 8:00 AM


No, not so much!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, June 23, 2006 12:08 PM


Seryn watches in amazement. She knows very little, but she's sure that it should take longer than that. And pretty sure that someone, a female someone who could be relied upon not to faint at crucial moments, should be there to help Serenity and Soul while Simon himself was dealing with things at the business end.
Plus she was sure people usually hung around to do things, fetch stuff, like hot water or something. For the baby or whoever... maybe it was cold water.. to throw on the new father... Never mind.

She watched as they started to climb up to the nest, and looked at the fairy. Who met her eyes with a dissapointed look as they turned a strolled towards the kitchen.

"Well, looks like we're not wanted. Ah well, and I was told of this spell that acted like an ep...epidoo ra.. epidural, but with out all those needles..."
"Really? neat! Say, where are you going to be in about six months time?"
"Oh I don't know, but I'd love to try it, so I could find my way back"
"Oh, that would be helpful. Suddenly I feel a whole lot better. Ok, so, for afterwards, we need to boil water for an awful lot of cups of tea, and find some strong alchohol. And we need to corral some rabbits and tie bows around their necks."
"Rabbit hunting? Oh I love rabbit hunting!"
"No, not hunting dear, just catching! 'Sides, you wouldn't like these rabbits, they taste awful"
"Yes, like humans"
"Ugh! That bad?"


Friday, June 23, 2006 1:23 PM


*LMD summons the animals and sets them to work transferring Serenity's nest to the infirmary just as they'd found it.


Friday, June 23, 2006 10:35 PM


Hey I think the room is spinning. Ooh or maybe thats just the dancing/drink combo.

Did I tell you how absolutely wonderful you make me feel? We are very lucky. Though I'm starting to suspect perhaps theres a whole lot more to it than just blind luck.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, June 23, 2006 10:58 PM


*JadeHand slows the pace of the dance and steps towards the blanket placing one foot behind him and drawing himself down to a sitting position, pulling Mai to his lap.*

You make me feel wonderful too. We're very lucky. But tell me more of this thing other than blind luck that you thing is involved. Fate? Destiny? or something else?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:14 AM


No no! I don't want my nest to be in the infirmary! I want it to stay right where it is.

Okay, everybody that's not a doctor, a veterinarian, or the father of my child-OUT!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:42 AM


Deep breaths, deep breaths.

Huff huff huff pheeeeew
Huff huff huff pheeeeew

That's it. Okay... veterinarian... I'm a little unclear... are we expecting an egg or a live birth? Because if there's to be a hatching as well...


Sunday, June 25, 2006 4:46 PM



SimonWho wrote:
are we expecting an egg or a live birth? Because if there's to be a hatching as well...

TheRealMe KNOWS that it is wrong of him to think about omelettes at a time like this, but...


Monday, June 26, 2006 2:22 AM


An egg? I'm not a platypus!

I said "veterinarian" in case MG was around anywhere.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, June 26, 2006 6:07 AM


I'm not really sure of it myself to tell the truth. It just seems like a lot more had to go on to lead up to this point than dumb blind luck. I suppose I could be wrong. (No, wait I'm never wrong ) Really it doesn't matter its the getting here that is important.

Not to interrupt the moment or anything, but don't you think it's been awfully quiet up here? I mean usually theres people running back and forth through here all the time. Something feels a little off.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, June 26, 2006 6:49 AM


yes a lot more than dumb blind luck brought us here, you're not wrong. And being here is what is important.
It is awfully quite around here, I've been enjoying the peaceful. But it does seem that activity is down. You want to go out and check on everyone? Maybe there's something going on that we missed? The Gala winner being announced or something? We can always come back here if it's nothing, or when it, whatever it is, is over.

"You landed in my life Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in shadow
I always used to believe That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new word to describe you
And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak.
-No One Can(Holidays in Eden)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, June 26, 2006 7:29 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

As it normally happens, something crosses Soul's mind that really has no connection with the current event. Except in this case, thinking of Lethal Weapon 4 is appropriate.

"We have to get married first!"

Serenity grabs Soul's hand and squeezes it. "Now? All this time we had after you proposed and you wait until now?!?!?"

Soul tries to smile, but it comes out more as a grimmace. "Yes?"

To his suprise, Serenity actually smiles and nods. "I want to be married, too, before this baby comes. We can do a big ceremony later."

"So we need a Priest, right?"

"Or a Captain," Serenity replies, still squeezing Soul's hand. "Where's Ebo when you need her?"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, June 26, 2006 2:08 PM


TheRealMe has overheard this conversation between Soul and Serenity.

"I believe that I have a solution for you."

TheRealMe pulls out his com-link and keys it for ship-wide communication.

"Attention! Attention! This is Me. As of this moment, I am assuming command of the Sereni-Tree! Ebonezer will be promoted to Commodore."

He turns back to the couple. "It so happens that I was the Sereni-Tree's very first Captain, as its construction was completed during another of Ebo's absences."

He looks this way and that, following the group as Serenity is being carted up to her nest. At a dead run, he continues, "Uh, SoulofSerenity, do you take this woman..."

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, June 26, 2006 4:58 PM


While SimonWho and Soul are moving Serenity up to the observation lounge where she built her nest, TheRealMe is stumbling behind, pinning Captain’s insignia to his collar. “Say, you know, I don’t think a Captain can perform the ceremony if the ship is grounded!”

He pulls out his com-link again. “Ath, Bride5, one of you get to the Bridge and get us moving! Bride4? Warm up the engines! We need to take off!”

Jet responds from Main Engineering. “But I took the main fusion plant offline. I can have it lit in just a minute.”

TheRealMe quickly evaluates Serenity’s increasingly dire situation. “Don’t have a minute, Jet. What can we do right now?”

“Well, if I stoke up the auxiliary plant, I could maybe get us to hover.”

“Good enough!”

Soon, the Sereni-tree lurches as it leaves its perch in the Tree and is once again airborne.

“Now, as I was saying, SoulOfSerenity, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

"Oh, and congratulations, Doctor and Seryn. I believe that you are the Best Man and Maid of Honor by default."

TheRealMe, Captain of Sereni-Tree


Monday, June 26, 2006 6:43 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
"Attention! Attention! This is Me. As of this moment, I am assuming command of the Sereni-Tree! Ebonezer will be promoted to Commodore."

*JadeHand turns to Mai*

Well, it seems something is going on.... maybe we should...

*the couple begin to make their way to their feet in the "This Land" park...*


Soon, the Sereni-tree lurches as it leaves its perch in the Tree and is once again airborne.

*stumbling slighty the give each other curious glances*

Yes, this is definitatly something. lets go see what's up.

*They gather their things and dash out to the balcony above the common room to see what's going on......*

"You landed in my life Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in shadow
I always used to believe That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new word to describe you
And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak.
-No One Can(Holidays in Eden)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, June 26, 2006 9:09 PM


*leaving the park just in time to see a small group running towards observation they begin to follow*

"What in the world?"

*hears muffled screams*

Holy Cow! It's Serenity! Must be baby time! And there I was lounging about not paying a bit of attention. Oh I do hope she's all right.

*over hears TRM talking

“Now, as I was saying, SoulOfSerenity, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Well, looks like we will have to do the pretty dress up ceremony a bit later.

*waits patiently for news*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, June 26, 2006 9:42 PM


Seryn, walking with the fairy Orla on their way to put the kettle on, stops on hearing her name.

She indicates for her to go on to the kitchens and runs back up all the stairs, waves to Mai and Jadehand and stops just behind TRM. Blinks at the Captains insignia, then grins. Then realises what he's saying.

"Oh...!" she smiles,girly squeals with joy at Serenity. Then straightens up and attempts to look suitably sober.

Suddenly an idea hits her, she runs back down the corridor, plucks a bunch of flowers from a vase, then runs back, tucks a large bloom behind Serenity's ear and hands her the rest.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, June 26, 2006 9:42 PM


*Mai and JadeHand cautiously approach the side of Serenity and look around at the others.*

"Can we help?"

"You landed in my life Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in shadow
I always used to believe That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new word to describe you
And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak.
-No One Can(Holidays in Eden)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 1:33 AM


Guys, I hope you are up on the details of Fisher vs Fisher and Norman vs Norman because...

Ah, never mind.



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 7:35 AM


Wait: To be Commodore, doesn't one have to have a fleet?

Is there a fleet?

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:53 AM


um, Serenity? is this really what you want to be wrrying about at this particular point in time?


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:51 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
No no! I don't want my nest to be in the infirmary! I want it to stay right where it is.

Okay, everybody that's not a doctor, a veterinarian, or the father of my child-OUT!

/me has the animals return it as they'd found it and retreat to their own hidey holes. LMD does the same.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:35 AM


*whispers to Seryn* I'm kinda trying to take my mind off of things. Like how much this hurts and how Soul hasn't said anything in the last 10 minutes.

So, didn't you used to be a captain of a pirate vessel? How does the whole Commodore thing work? And how does one become and Admiral? Did you know Lord Nelson is buried at St. Paul's Cathedral in London? He was preserved in brandy and brought back from the battle of Trafalgar. You learn so much from reading travel books.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 3:17 AM


"Serenity! Don't forget the tremendous stress that you are under. It only SEEMS like ten minutes since Soul said anything. Actually, it's been..."

Checks watch.

"...nine and a half. Hmmmm..."

TheRealMe snaps his fingers a few times in front of Soul's blank stare.

TheRealMe, Captain of Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:19 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
“Now, as I was saying, SoulOfSerenity, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Soul, snapped out of his stupor, realizes that his wife-to-be and mother of his child is glaring at him.

"Yes! Yes! Of course I do!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:00 AM



Right, well, er, As far as I know, as a pirate, to become a commodore, you have to steal another ship, get a fancier hat and shoot anyone who doesn't like the idea. To become and admiral, you have to do pretty much the same, but kill the other admiral, and get new stationary printed.

Soul clicks out of his stupor, and says his 'I do's'

Seryn tries very hard to cry with happiness.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:28 AM


Ah, I see.

We should buy Ebo a new hat.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:39 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Did you know Lord Nelson is buried at St. Paul's Cathedral in London? He was preserved in brandy and brought back from the battle of Trafalgar.

((he was also buried in a casket made from the wood of the L'Orient (napolean's flagship at one point) that he obliterated near the mouth of the Nile in a naval battle))


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:50 PM


*at the business end of things*

Oh my. Whoever is performing the ceremony... I strongly suggest the abbreviated text.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:52 PM


OOC: Wow. That was so... historical Who knew you could higher education on the tree?!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 3:33 PM


"Uh, RIGHT! And do you, CallMeSerenity, take this man for... oh any reason at all?"

TheRealMe, Captain of Sereni-Tree


Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:01 AM


I guess. I might as well. Yeah, okay.

How's it going down there, doctor? Not so much fun on my end.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom






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