The New thread for talk of all things costumy - and related panicking.

UPDATED: Friday, September 8, 2006 01:48
VIEWED: 14879
PAGE 4 of 6

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 6:44 AM


Oh yes, more pics!

And, you're making 2 MORE coats? As in, you've sold 3 so far? Sheesh, I need to get into the leather business. Much more profitable than knitting hats!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 6:52 AM


Actually only sold two...the ones I am working on now. The second one I built I just posted here to sell and had one response, but I have not heard back from them yet. I am also waiting on the wife (she has today off) to call me with the UPS weight of the packaged Browncoat so I can tell everyone the shipping estimates.
Leather working is a blast! You ought to give it a shot someday.



Tuesday, August 8, 2006 6:54 AM


You're going to think I'm crazy and want to disassociate yourself from me when I tell you this, but: I don't like the smell of leather.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 6:59 AM




Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:22 AM


Every time a girl says that, somewhere a fairy dies.

No, wait, I'm thinking of two very different things.

All these things looks so great, if drooling were allowed here I'd do it over said costumes.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:26 AM


Well, I don't think there's a rule about drooling in person, so feel free to drool all you want at S3.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:28 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:

Sorry, dear. Did I break your heart and shatter all your dreams?

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:38 AM


SimonWho, drool all you want. Makes us happy that people appreciate what we do.

Serenity, yes, my heart has been trodden upon, my hopes and dreams dashed beyond all repair...the very reason for my existence has been called into question; my striving for creation dampened...
But, I will get over it.



Tuesday, August 8, 2006 8:29 AM


I am a heartbreaker!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 9:57 AM


I have a costumeish question:

I bought a cheapo fake gold chain to wear with this cool "pirate" medallion that I have. It's really an Argentinian peso in a pendant, but it looks sufficiently piratical.

Anyway, the chain is all shiny fake gold but the medallion is nice and tarnish. It might be brass or something, I really really don't think it's gold.

I want to tarnish the chain so it looks grungy like the medallion. Any ideas how to do that? For now, I stuck it in a drawer with some other jewelry, because all my silver stuff tarnishes so easily if I leave it all sitting together for very long.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:05 AM

TRISTAN could dilute a black paint (enamels might work) and dip the chain in that. Let it dry a bit then wipe of the excess. It'll stick to the areas in between the links, etc...should looks sufficiently grungy.



Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:27 AM

CALLMESERENITY enamel, that's an interesting idea I hadn't thought of. Thanks Tristan!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:53 AM


Always a pleasure. Just hope it works...



Tuesday, August 8, 2006 8:50 PM


Tristans idea is the best one. go with that. he's a handy mand to have around isn't he?

the only other method would be to rub it with soap and fullers earth or graphite powder. but thats not as good as the paint.

i remember in college we had this stuff that tarnished most metals, it was like anti-polish, but i can't for the life of me remember what it was. probably some kind of acid or alkaline, but it worked a treat. Slightly longer to work is rub them with some kind of degergent, wipe most of the excess off and leave them in a dapm atmosphere (like your bathroom or a window sill in the sun and spray them occaisionally) and leave for as long as possible.

but again, the paint is better.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:59 AM


Thank you, Seryn. It's nice to feel useful!
I know that stuff you are talking was sort of a brownish colored, stinky liquid. You would dip the metal in it, leave it for a bit, then rinse it with water and you would have aged metal. I also can't remember what it was called, though...

Oh, and no pictures today. The curse of modern technological breakthroughs such as digital cameras is that they require batteries to run...and I did not have any, nor did I feel like running out after any last night. Sorry, I will try to get them taken tonight.



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:20 AM


I finished off my costume last night. Yay! Pic on my LJ. I was tired, it was late, I only took one picture, so it's not terribly good.

All good ideas for corroding metal, thank you!

Oh yeah, Seryn. JadeHand says I need a bunch of bracelets for my wrists. I don't have any, cuz I don't wear gold and I was wondering if you did, cuz then I wouldn't have to go out and buy some. I'm going to buy some bangles to go with my Sari, but I don't have any clunky piratey jewelry. If not, it's okay. I bought the chain at Walmart for $4, I can always go there or hit thrift stores and look for junk. Just thought I'd ask.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:23 AM


Serenity, that is So. Very. Hot! It looks very good! I can't wait to see it in person.
Arrhh, bonnie lass! Erm, I mean, avast ye scurvy sea-dog!



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:32 AM


Oh yay.

Tristan, you just made my day. I know the costume doesn't look terribly piratey, so I'm trying to go for a more wenchy look. I guess I've succeeded?

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:40 AM


Absolutely! Sorry, when I think of wenches, two things come to mind; Ren Faires and pirates. In this case, I have pirates on the brain...something about this board and pirates, you know?
But yes, it looks very good. You did a bang-up job. And I love the sleeves on the blouse!



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:51 AM


aw, thanks! So do I. They turned out just like I wanted. Much better than how they were before.

I'm hoping to go to the Renn Faire in Charlotte again this fall. It was so much fun last year. It'll be another excuse to wear my costume. I can tone down the pirate and amp the bar wench for that, though.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:57 AM


great job on your costume serenity!!! and tristian i agree with serenity on the whole suspender thing. They look great! btw, out of curiousity, how much do you sell your browncoats for? and can i see a pic?


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:07 AM


Serenity, the closest Ren Faire to me is the one in Atlanta...and it was fun! I miss performing in them, though. And that outfit will make quite the impression!

EngineAngel, check this link...I posted one for sale in the Trading area:

By the way, did you get my email on the Kaylee bear?



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:15 AM


thankee for the link. and yes i got your e-mail thanks again for the help. i didn't have time to check out the pics until now, and now that i look at them, i can't really make out the numbers on the ruler or measuring tape. could you give me some numbers and i can try to figure it out from those along with the pics?


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:29 AM


EngineAngel, no problem. The bear measures roughly 6" by 6". I was hoping the pictures would give you a good template to work with. I hope the numbers help...



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:35 AM


I think they will now that i know 6 x 6 i can figure out the individual measurements from the pictures! thankee very much!


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:45 AM


My pleasure!



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 12:55 PM


Ok, and i say this as a totally straight female - Serenity?


that is one very cute blouse. and look! leg!

In anwer to your question, no i haven't got bangles. I wasn't even thinking about pirate jewellry actually.


I have some fine silver coloured bangles, that i might be able to spray gold, and you're welcome to share those, but thats it - the most piraty jewelry i can think of off the top of my head is some little knotted cord bracelets the shop in work sells, i can get you a few of them?

not sure what else - i suppose hoop earrings are a must.

and your corset laces arrived to day,

and the trims are on!

just the bones to put in, eyelets and binding on and thats yours done!

oh you are going to look so cute.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 1:49 PM


I'm assuming "phwar" is a good thing?

I think I've got earrings covered. I don't wear real earrings so I'm going to buy a pair of clip on hoop fake gold ones. I'll just go hunting for funky jewelry. That can be fun. And, if I hit pay dirt, I'm more than willing to share.

Wow, that was fast on the laces. I just ordered them a couple of days ago.

Guess what came in for me? My sari! The sari itself is fantastic, only it's not a rose pink, it's more a mauvey purple, dont know how to describe the colour. But it's very pretty. The petticoat is way too long, but I can easily fix it. Now, here's the kicker: the choli is WAY too small. Which I don't understand since I sent them my measurements. There's NO way that thing would fit me. It was left unfinished and there are seams that can be left out, but I don't know if it would be enough. I'm going to email the company tomorrow and see if there's something that can be done. If not, I wonder if I might beg your help? I figure if I cut a bit off the end of the sari, it could be enlarged. I just don't trust my skills with something so grandiose.

Anyway, I don't have to cross that bridge yet. Gonna email the company tomorrow.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 8:52 PM


sure, i'll help how ever i can.

yep. phwar, or phwor, or however you want to spell it, is a good thing.

good luck!


Thursday, August 10, 2006 2:42 AM


Well, I emailed the company. I tried to be polite but firm. We'll see what kind of a result I get. The fault is theirs, so I do expect them to fix it, I just worry about the time frame. If it's not ready by S3, I'm gonna be not happy.

It's really pretty though. I looked online on how to wear it and I was practicing. It's hard to get all those pleats right.

I'm gonna need pins to keep the saree on my shoulder. Do you have little pins?

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:02 AM


I have had the same problem when ordering custom sewn stuff from India. They ask for body measurements, then forget and think they asked for garment measurements, and make it too small. *growf*

Do you have a dancewear store anywhere nearby? Many of them carry stuff for belly dance these days, and if all else fails, maybe you can pick up a choli you can actually try before buying. They don't have to match, and frequently don't.

* If you're a leaf on the wind
* If you aim to misbehave
* If they can't take the sky from you
* If you are going to the Special Hell
* If you like the taste of Mudder's Milk
* If you carry Serenity with you everywhere you go
then you are a Browncoat, and you're with family.

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:09 AM


Well, at least I'm not the only one.

I live in a VERY small town. I doubt I'm going to be able to find anything near me that will sell cholis.

I think it can be expanded. It's made from the same material as my saree and I really don't think it's going to make all that much difference if I cut a half yard off my saree. I'm so darn short anyway. But I'm hoping they'll say they'll correct it and send me a new one ASAP.

OH! I got your comment on my LJ. That's a good idea, about the screwbacks. I'll have to keep that in mind. I don't think it'd work for one pair, being that they're just those little wires, but the other pair is posts and they might work.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:25 AM


Morning, all!
Serenity, Seryn pretty much nailed it with "phwar".

Is the saree going to make an appearance at D*C? That is something else I would love to see...

Ok, good news, then bad news. The good news is that the wife and I will be playing dress-up tonight with everything we have so far (armor, Kaylee/Mal, DPR minus the mask, etc), so I will probably have lots of stuff to show off tomorrow. The bad news is that I don't have anything to show off today...I had sewing machine issues last night that slowed me down a bit. I think I sacrificed half a dozen needles before I got it working right again. I apologize for not having the pictures...but my pants are supposed to come in today, so that will make everything ok!



Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:34 AM


oooh, I'm sorry the sewing machine's having issues! I hate that.

I usually bend a few needles when sewing any major project, so I anticipated and bought a bunch extra, but I mananged to make both my costume and Mai's with the same needle. I was amazed! Right near the end it started giving me some problems (it's a bit tempramental, dear thing) but I got it working. I have a few more little things to sew before D*C.

Can't wait to see more pictures! Yay.

I was planning on saving the sari for S3, but I might have to bring it to D*C, if I need to beg Seryn's help on it. I'm going to open it the blouse up as much as possible, see if that helps at all. The inside seams were left raw and there's a good inch of fabric on each seam, so if I can open those, we'll see how I'm doing. But I don't know when I'd have a chance to wear it.

The petticoat they sent is cotton, so I'm going to wash it so it can shrink and then see how much I need to take it up. It's too long right now.

Seryn-your saree is still coming to me, right? I'm surprised mine got here so quickly.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:42 AM


Sewing on leather requires thick needles (I don't like using the leather machine needles; they cut the leather up too much), so I use the purple ones when I can find them. The machine I use (I think you've seen the picture, Serenity) is a powerful monster...I have not yet bent a needle, as they all just break. I was doing good...had used this needle through one browncoat already, but it misaligned at a thick part and just went "poof"...all I had left were some 12's, and they lasted a stitch or two. All is well now. inch of seam allowance...lots to play with! If it doesn't make it to D*C, is there a way to see it in pictures? I like the way sarees look, but I have never had much of a chance to study one.



Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:59 AM


Oh yes, I loves me the purple needles!! That's what I had to use on my costumes, to get through all those layers of fabric.

If I don't wear the saree to D*C, there will be pictures!

I was having fun practicing wearing it properly. You have to make all these pleats and tuck them in just so and then there's supposed to be so much hanging over, just enough so you can pull it behind you and it touches the ends of your fingertips. It's quite an exact science, this saree wearing.

Oh, and Seryn: my saree came with a little packet of bendis. forehead jewel things. they're pretty. Plenty to share!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:31 AM


Ok, my Mal pants arrived today (I have been tracking it via UPS tracking that sad?), so that means I will have all manner of photos tomorrow. The wife and I are playing dress-up tonight with the costumes we are taking to D*C to see what we have, how it looks, and what we are missing. That means pictures of the whole completed armor, my Rohan-esque outfit, DPR, Mal, Kaylee, and possibly a few others. I'll try to make small pics so they don't take forever to load. Sorry! If y'all don't want to see these, or if I am going a bit overboard, let me know. I am just happy to find other Browncoats that sew!



Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:46 PM


I do have lots and lots of pins - straight pins, safety pins and hat pins, I can pack them, but it'll be a miracle if they reach atlanta with me - with the s**t storm that started up today, i'm very glad the guns are going to you.

Apparently EVERYONE is being thouroughly searched - no liquids, no electronics(apparently the threat was liquid explosives with electronic detonators, so...) no carry on full stop, the only thing you're allowed is a see through plastic baggie with your travel documents in.

and i'm told that that may continue for a while, so no promises.

I'm more than willing to bring my sari with me to D*C - will be fun to get as much wear out of it as possible, plus - alternative to wear to the Buffy prom? I think in the end she said the delivery time was a worst case estimate, so i took a risk on sending it here - fingers crossed.
that decision is probably going to bite me in the ass.

So which website was this? Can you post a link? I know the basics, but your site sound really detailed. and as for fixing your coli, sure, just pack a sewing kit with thread in the right colour, a few straight pins, at least two needles and most essentially, a seam ripper! (or quick-un-pick or whatever you call them. Thats if you haven't fixed it yourself already, you can't fool me that you can't do clothes - not after you last pic!

well, progress report - several near blindings, seventy plus bones and a whole lot of sticking plaster later - the bones are in, it looks great! just eyelets and bindings now.

eyelet colours, i decided on gold but did you want the antiqued brass colours? I looked at it in the shop and it looked 'mucky' against the fabrics, but if you don't want the shiny gold colour, i can go get the brass?


Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:06 PM


Long photo session tonight. Lots and lots of pics. As this thread is getting very long, I'll only post a few...may start a D*C Costume Showoff thread tomorrow...
Wife in full armor:

DPR (minus the mask...still working on that)

The Rohan-esque armor:

And, finally, Mal!

I have fallen in love with the pants already...still have to put the stripe on, finish the suspenders, and get a belt and holster, but most of that will be easy.

I have more, but again, I don't want to take up too much space.

Bed time...see you all in the morning!



Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:40 PM


already done darling -

they are just about the most fantastic things i've seen. (well. done by someone without an LOTR budget) woweee.

but i wax lyrical in the new thread.



Friday, August 11, 2006 3:05 AM


Seryn: yeah, I've heard. What a mess. It's been all over the news here. On one hand, this is probably the safest time EVER to fly between the US and UK, but on the other hand, I can't imagine a 10hr flight without a book or something to do. Even if I plan to spend it all sleeping.

Don't bring pins to D*C, I'll bring pins, if you want me to pick up any special pins, let me know. Right now all I have are sewing pins, the ones with the big round colourful heads.

Update on the choli: haven't heard back from the India company yet. I'm thinking of emailing them again. I'm persistant.

Meanwhile, I ripped out the seams as much as I could (there were only two that ran from the underside of the sleeve down the side. Even with that extra inch or so it gave me, the sleeves are still too tight and I need another 5 or 6 inches to even think about being able to fasten the thing closed. I'm at a loss as to the best way to expand it. I'm fine following a pattern, but having to figure these things out for myself is above my skills. I'll bring it to D*C and you can have a hand at it. Even if we just figure out how to make it bigger and maybe do some cutting and pinning and I can take it back and sew it, that'd be fine. It's also VERY short, I was hoping it'd be a good 6 inches longer, so I'm wondering if it'd be possible to add a piece at the bottom. I do crunches EVERY SINGLE GORRAM DAY, but I still don't have a tummy I feel comfortable showing off. The thing is also lined with a coordinating cotton fabric, so I think I'll run to the store to pick up matching thread and a yard of something similar.

Also, I think I'll stop by the dance shop by my house soon. They just might possibly have something, though I won't hold my breath. Ugh! I have to admit this is more than a little bit frustrating.

Sarees to prom, eh? That's a possibility. But, they're so very hard to dance in. Better for standing around and looking cute in.

Oh, the website on how to wear it? I just googled "Sari, how to wear" and clicked on the first few websites that came up. One had pictures! They all said pretty much the same thing. I tried it on again last night (you know, to practice, not because I'm obesessed with how pretty it is or anything) and I'm getting better. It looks so nice with the shoes I bought at the Renn Faire, I'm so glad I bought those.

Eyelets! Well, normally I hate gold, but if the brass looked mucky, go with the gold. I trust your eye. I'm going to cover the eyelets eventually with thread to match the trim anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter so much.

Okay, blathering done. *sigh*

Tristan: you are a costuming god, truly you are!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, August 11, 2006 11:59 PM



they eylets are just a wee bit too small for the tool i have, so i need to go out and get a slightly smaller tool, or slightly bigger eyelets. theres literally like .5 of a millimeter in it.

but it means i can have another look for non bright and shiny gold eyelets for you.

As for the choli, if there is taht much in it, it may be for the best if you get a meter of co-ordination fabric and we do our best to fashion you a new top at the con, using the trims from the old choli. It would all be hand sewn at D*C, but i could possibly take it home and sew it up properly for you intime for S3. But its entirely up to you.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:08 PM


Well, I finally feel worthy to accept a place with you amazing costumers. I feel I have earned it this weekend.

Read my LJ for the story, and to see pictures, but here's a summary:

I found a choli pattern and used it to reconfigure my existing, too small choli. I kept the back, but redid the sleeves and front using the end of my sari. I only had to cut off about a half a yard. Not much. It turned out quite well, I am very pleased with myself. Especially since I remembered to do clever things like sew the lining to the fabric on the front and on the sleeves to make a nice edge, so I didn't have to hem it or anything. And, I used the end of the old sleeves as a trim on the bottom of the front.

Choli crisis solved. I just have to tidy up and rehem my sari.

I also found a pattern for a nice jacket. Very straight and simple. Elegant. See, for some reason I have a couple yards left over of the material I used for my pirate skirt. I can't explain it as I ordered the same amount for the overskirt and the underskirt and I barely have any of the underskirt material. I figure the lady at the store counted wrong or something. But, I have all this extra fabric and I kept thinking I wanted to make something out of it since it is SO VERY PRETTY.

And I remembered this woman I saw once walking her dog. She was wearing these ridiculous but very chic orange stilleto boots and this amazing coat that was this very pretty kind of tapestry print. All embroidered with flowers. I loved that coat and thought 1)it must have been terribly expensive and 2) how much I'd love to have something like it one day.

So, I think I shall use the material to make myself a coat. After S3, though, I can't start any new projects until then.

Oh dear, I think I've caught the bug!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:00 PM


Oh it looks fantastic! Way better than starting again, and you get the pretty ness of the sari fabric as well.

I dieliberatly didn't get a bought choli as i knew they would be very short (and no one wants to see my lazy tummy, least of all me) but you've even found a way to lenghthen it.

And you were already in the ranks to begin with - Mai wasit coat, pirate outfit?

Well, the bones are in your corset, the top edge is bias bound - i'm going to have to get two more meters of the binding for the lower edge. I'm a little concerned at the colour - it matches your tapestry fabric exactly, but against the trims it seems a little coppery. When its sewn down properly, and the laces are on, it will look fine i'm sure. If not, i'll make it my lifes work to track down a bias binding the right shade and then sew it on for you.

I'm also having something of an epeic struggle with the eyelets. My tool was just that bit to big, they don't do slightly smaller eyelets, so i had to get one of the crappy hammer and bit tools, and i'm really not happy about that - it makes awful messes of the eyelets sometimes, and there seems to be no controlling it. But i've sent off for another pair of pliers, which come with eyelets, so i'm hoping to god that the eyeltes and pliers are the same size. You'd think they would be, but i'm right out of faith on that score. So it means that completion of your corset will be delayed a few days, i'm sorry!

But it has given me a chance to work on mine - i got all the channels in today, tomorrow i can do the bones and hopefully the top line of binding, and then again, i have to get more binding. the good news is that i can do mine with the little hammer and tool, as i don't mind mine looking like crap too much. yey!

i'd leap about and dance, but im too tired, an i need to go to bed - my hands have turned grey, i'm pretty sure thats a bad sign.

Well done sweetie, the choli looks grand and you'll look so good in it.


Monday, August 14, 2006 2:41 AM


aw, thanks! I am very proud of the choli.

About the binding: I was worried how the gold brown would look against the trim. If it looks bad, would it be better to do the trim in a blue to match the fabric? What do you think? I know you'll figure it all out, but I'm sorry it's causing you so very many problems! I've come to the conclusion that eyelets are evil. I have extras left over from Mai's corset and even though I gathered them all up in a baggie and put them away, I still keep finding them on the floor. I keep stepping on the blighters and I can't figure out for the life of me where they're coming from. My theory is that they sneak out of the ziplock bag at night to have raucous parties (that I can't hear because I wear ear plugs at night) and one or two always get so sloshed they can't make it back in the bag and I step on them.

Either that or they're breeding.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, August 14, 2006 2:43 AM


aw, thanks! I am very proud of the choli.

About the binding: I was worried how the gold brown would look against the trim. If it looks bad, would it be better to do the trim in a blue to match the fabric? What do you think? I know you'll figure it all out, but I'm sorry it's causing you so very many problems! I've come to the conclusion that eyelets are evil. I have extras left over from Mai's corset and even though I gathered them all up in a baggie and put them away, I still keep finding them on the floor. I keep stepping on the blighters and I can't figure out for the life of me where they're coming from. My theory is that they sneak out of the ziplock bag at night to have raucous parties (that I can't hear because I wear ear plugs at night) and one or two always get so sloshed they can't make it back in the bag and I step on them.

Either that or they're breeding.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, August 14, 2006 3:02 AM


I think it will be ok - once sewn down, and everything, the colours have a habit of blending in, especially once you get the skirt near it - it'll look good with the skirt. On the off chance that it doesn't, like i said, i'll make it my lifes work to find one that does. The way things are, changing the binding now will be very expensive and there isn't a blue that matches anyway. I'll carry on as is, if thats alright, cause looking at in daylight with the skirt swatch you sent me, i think it will work.

And i think you are right, they are having raucus parties, they can't be breeding, cause if they bred then i wouldn't keep running out of them half way through any given project.


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:53 AM


Well, if something doesn't turn out right, colourwise, it is of course completely my fault because I couldn't be bothered to just be happy with red and black. No, no, I had to get all fancy with crazy fabrics and trims and whatnot. So, it's my fault entirely.

Yay that your corset is coming along, anyway. And while I know you're a happy clam buying pliers and more fabrics and whatnot, I am concerned about all the extra fundage you're putting into this project! Not for my sake, because you're worth every penny, but for yours!

But, on the upside: I was at the grocery store the other day, and fruit roll ups were on sale, so I bought you a few boxes. My grandfather saw them and wanted to "sample" them but I told him to keep his grubby paws off. And then I gave him a muffin to make him feel better!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, August 14, 2006 5:10 AM


Oh! you are an absolute star! Wowee, a whole box. Tell your grandpa that i'm more than happy to let him sample one for me, just let me know how nice they are, but make sure that one doesn't turn into two turns in the entire box.

Ok, as if i could be more excited about september.

well, no worries about the expense - i was annoyed at having to get the plastic tool thing, cause i knew they were rubbish but didn't have any option, but things like that, and the pliers, and even the eyelets will get used up eventually, so don't worry yourself about that.

And it is not your fault at all - its this bloody stupid country and its toatal lack of choice when it comes to things like this - i mean i had to send to your country to get the bones! who doesn't stock a gold coloured bias fer chrissakes?

ah well, it will look fine, amd things are coming along - i've signed away half my evenings of one week, so i'm worried about trousers and shirts getting done. but the corsets will be glorious!


Monday, August 14, 2006 5:19 AM


You're very generous with your fruit roll ups, but really, he can pay $2 for a box like everybody else! lol.

I hope you get all your stuff done before D*C. I've got quite a little list myself. I ruined my red chinese dress last year with an iron, so I want to take that apart and make it into a red chinese blouse. I can do it, but I might have to take out the zipper. And lots of little things. I may start panicking soon. The days are flying by! Oh, but I can't wait.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom






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