The New thread for talk of all things costumy - and related panicking.

UPDATED: Friday, September 8, 2006 01:48
VIEWED: 14878
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Monday, August 14, 2006 1:57 PM


wow...i feel like such a slacker now!! serenity, great job!! and tristan...omg, you seriously are the costume god! *bows*

update on my kaylee costume:

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! panic panic eek eek...

ok, now that I've got that out of my system...I've finally ordered my coveralls!!! After looking from store to store today and not finding anything that fit the ticket (or me), I felt it was time to just buy online. So, I went to ebay and bought three different ones so i could have options, after all they were all about $5 each, so it didn't cost me much to get 3 of them. (the only prob is that we have a shipping problem, they want $43 to ship $15 dollars worth of stuff. we'll have to work that out) I think they're a little too dark a green, but they're my best bet at the moment. What do you think?

My next steps are to make the teddy bear patch (which I need to go get the fabric for. I went to ACMoore today to get supplies for my first Jayne hat and I totally forgot the fabric.) getting the other patches and words onto the coveralls when I get them (they should arrive on thursday or friday, should the shipping thing get worked out within the next day) and cutting off the sleeves and hemming them. Oh...and I don't have a sewing machine...hmmm...maybe I can do it all by hand, or maybe i can borrow a friend's...i don't know. OH! and I have to find either boots or sandals that are good kaylee'm doubting whether i can get this done by D*C since i'm leaving for a week starting sunday, babysitting the whole day on monday and tuesday, and then getting to Atlanta on wednesday...someone give me hope before i don't have any nails left!!! eek!!!


Monday, August 14, 2006 9:06 PM


Boots i can't help with, and i know your panic as the way things have swapped and changed around, i'm working 11 days straight, three of those will be from 10-3, then 4.30- 10pm. Argh!
Then i get one weekend and then theres only a few days till i fly out! arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

so don't worry, you're not alone!

I still have to make a pair of trousers, a shirt, a waistcoat and two pair of pj pants, because i've been looking for two months now and can't find a single pair i like to buy, so i have to make them.


They are going to be the roughest crappest things in the world - good thing they're for a pirate!
I hesitate to say it, but i hope to finish the corsets but for the eyelets tonight/tomorrow, but that still doesn't give me much time - its going to take me two nights to do patterns, a night each for the three trousers, a night for the shirt, maybe two, and two maybe three for the waistcoat - cutting it fine! and thats after abandoning the dress i was going to make if i needed it for the Buffy prom.

ah well...

But yes, onto you again, i'm afraid i can't help you with boot types or anything like that, beyond basic army boots i think are fine - if you can borrow someones then they'll look suitably beaten up and old, but you've got the issue of they've moulded to someones foot already. The badge will take you decades if you do it by hand - is there no one you know with a machine who's wiling to freehand embroider it for you?

failing that, satin stitch with embroudery threads on Aida will probably be the quickest option - it will cover the most space in the shortest time, wont look quite the same, but as a quick fix... and then you can do the patch the way Tristan suggested for the future.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:33 AM


Engie: for sandals, find any shop that sells chinese shoes. I bought my sandals for $10 at a shop in my mall called Sino USA. It's also where I bought my parasol, my chinese dress and blouses, slippers, a couple purses and who knows what else! I love that place.

If you get down to the wire for sewing, I suggest "stitch witchery". It's hem tape that you iron on, a glue. It won't last if you wash the garment, but it'll make do for a day until you have time to sew it up proper.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:42 AM


Okay, I haven't seen Tristan around for a few days. Is anyone else getting worried?

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:50 AM


Hey, all!
Thanks for the worry, Serenity...been busy this weekend, and I had a blasted head cold yesterday.
I'm trying to catch up on work from yesterday, so I'll be on and off all day.

Thank you again for thinking of me!



Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:58 AM



failing that, satin stitch with embroudery threads on Aida will probably be the quickest option - it will cover the most space in the shortest time, wont look quite the same, but as a quick fix... and then you can do the patch the way Tristan suggested for the future.

...wha?? sorry, i totally didn't understand that... i'm not the best with terms of stuff...

serenity, i don't have any great chinese stores around here. our chinatown is sorely lacking in many chinese things...

tristan? do you know of any way i can make the teddy bear patch without a sewing machine?? maybe i could embroider by hand??...would that take too long?

oh and what did you guys think of the coveralls?


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:42 AM


EngineAngel, those overalls look like they will work out fine with a few modifications. You don't have access to a sewing machine at all?!? That may be problematic...things can be done with a hand needle, but it'll take forever.
Serenity, you have uttered the blasphemous phrase "Use stitch witchery"! (kidding, of course! )
EngineAngel, if there is anything I can do, let me know...I realize I can't come over and sew, but I am good at advice and moral support when it comes to costuming!

EA, yes, the teddy bear patch can be done by hand...not all that hard to follow the lines in cross-stitch thread (it'll stand out as it is thicker)


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:38 AM


Tristan, I never would have uttered such a blasphemous phrase had she not said she didn't have a sewing machine! That is the real blasphemy! (just teasing Engie! Not everyone is crazy like us!)

I'll have you know that stuff saved my best friend's wedding. Kinda. See, she decided she wanted to hem big squares of coordinating cloth to put on the tables for the reception. She found fabrics she liked at the store and came to me VERY excited about it. And so she asked if she could use my sewing machine and if I'd show her how to do it and I said yes. Simple hems, right? I showed her how to iron and measure and whatnot and then she started sewing one day while another friend and I were helping her with decorations and whatnot. Well, I guess she had a hard time with it, or she just got overwhelmed because after about 2 sides she just freaked out, said she couldn't do it, threw a hissy fit (if you knew her, you would have been as shocked and amazed as we were) grabbed her dollies and went home.

I waited a couple hours and then called her and she said it was just too hard to sew them and I said "NEVER FEAR! You can have your tableclothes!" I ran to walmart, bought a bunch of that stuff, drove it to her house and showed her how to iron it in place. She got all the table clothes done in a few hours, and she was so happy she cried.

And the moral of that story is, give yourself more than 6 weeks to plan a wedding.

Also: Tristan: did you see my choli? Check out my choli (I'm just a little more than proud.)

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:50 AM


Serenity, I understand about the witchery stuff...believe it or not, I do use it on ocassion...but only to hold really sleazy material still while I'm sewing it together!

Choli is gorgeous! You done good!
I saw those Bollywood patterns this weekend while at the fabric store...made me stop for a minute. They are coming up with interesting things these days...

Weddings...mercy me, weddings. My wife and I had almost a year to plan ours, and I was still stitching things together at midnight the day before the wedding...and I forgot my boots...
So, even if you have time, I would suggest hiring someone to do all the work.



Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:07 PM


I decided once that it might be really cool to plan theme weddings - like renaissance or elizabethan theme, or fairies or purple kangaroo's, whatever people wanted - for folk, as all the wedding planners i've seen only cater for the trendy cash flashing lot (bleurgh)

Then i remember that weddings, and christening and funerals and familiy occasisions connected to a church freak me out. Always have done, since i was six months old (get me to tell you at D*C if i haven't already told you The Tale Of Helens Christening From Hell.)

But anyway.

Sorry EA, aida fabric is the grid like fabric that you use for cross-stitching, and satin stitch is where you have all of the stitches comming up and running parallel and xlose together so that they form a smooth gapless surface, very quick, covers a lot of area quickly, in the absence of a machine, mught be a good option. - was looking at the patch today, and a cheaper, more authentic option would be to use wool - the patch she wears has a matt surface and its quite raised and woolly, so use that for the bulk and pick out detail with the embroidery threads.

or did you get that bit and were confused about something else?


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 2:49 AM


Seryn: our pirate pistols came in the mail yesterday. They were exactly what I wanted: cheap, plastic, but very cool looking.

EA: have you tried looking online for patches? you might be able to find a teddy bear online. I haven't been able to find any in my worthless stores, except one sequined teddy bear (tacky!). But the heart is easily found, you'd think the teddy bear would be, too!

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:01 AM


I would so enjoy the Helen Christening From Hell Story.

When I was baptized, I slept through the whole thing. Quote my dad, "You didn't cry once, you were such a little angel......what happened?"

He loves telling me stories about what a great baby I was. Apparently I only cried when I had good reason, I was never cholicy or fussy, I kept myself amused for hours, slept a lot and was nothing short of perfect.

And then I started walking and talking and it all went downhill.

Anyway, enough of that. I wanted to ask you, dear Seryn, to send me your flight itinerary. Someone has to keep track of these things so it might as well be me. Also, I'm going to try to arrange pick up for everyone.

Thank you dearie!

Costumy update (to try to bring this back to topic). I ripped out the seams and zipper of my red chinese dress. Soon it will be my lovely red chinese top. I have plans, I just hope I can make them work!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:50 AM



Tristan, I never would have uttered such a blasphemous phrase had she not said she didn't have a sewing machine! That is the real blasphemy! (just teasing Engie! Not everyone is crazy like us!)

lol, well i can hold my own on the crazy account


Sorry EA, aida fabric is the grid like fabric that you use for cross-stitching, and satin stitch is where you have all of the stitches comming up and running parallel and xlose together so that they form a smooth gapless surface, very quick, covers a lot of area quickly, in the absence of a machine, mught be a good option. - was looking at the patch today, and a cheaper, more authentic option would be to use wool - the patch she wears has a matt surface and its quite raised and woolly, so use that for the bulk and pick out detail with the embroidery threads.

or did you get that bit and were confused about something else?

hmmm, no that was what i was confused about, and yet, i'm still confused...sigh sorry, it makes more sense now but....sounds complicated...good news though!!! I talked to a friend and she said I could go to her house and use her sewing machine....problem now is finding a time when we're both around and knowing exactly how to use it like i need too...eek again...


EA: have you tried looking online for patches? you might be able to find a teddy bear online. I haven't been able to find any in my worthless stores, except one sequined teddy bear (tacky!). But the heart is easily found, you'd think the teddy bear would be, too!

I have tried looking online for patches, no luck. there was one that would have been good, cept it was 2"x2" instead of 6" x 6" like it needs to be...shouldn't be too bad...i should be able to make the bear...right? even by hand, i'll just need to embroider the fabric and it should be pretty good...i hope...


Friday, August 18, 2006 8:33 AM


I know you can do it. It will look lovely, just don't cut anything till you are absolutely sure! my downfall is usually being too hasty with the scissors.

And costumy update from me - the new eyelt tool arrived, and the eyelets fit and work without warping and... and, they are the perfect colour for your corset! They are dulled gold without being the dark brassy colour. I thought they might be a bit small, but i tried the laces throught them, and they are fine, and with the smaller ones closer together it look 'older' if you get what i mean - more t=like the original corset.

So with the eyelet issue sorted we were due for another disaster - bias! Argh! I needed another few meters, so went back to the shop... and they'd sold out! I asked when they'de be getting some 'well it will be a week till it comes into the warehouses, so... two and a half weeks maybe...?' *helen tries very hard not to cry*

but my mum came to the rescue! marvelous mum - aparently there a stall in the market that i didn't know about, and she went to look today and got me some other stuff.

Now its still not the perfect colour - it's kind of a lemony gold now, but it looks so much better than the orangy gold! and its only twenty three pence a metre and they have plenty.

Even though its not perfect still, i'm so much happier with it than the other - it doesn't nake me panic to look at it anyway!

So i'm happier.

All heavy work has had to grind to a halt though, which i'm annoyed about - i'm having one of those headaches that you just can't shift, so even though i'm really not helping myself (i got annoyed with missing out on stuff and went to see a band to spite it yesterday, owie!) I can't get more than a couple of eyelets in before it starts to become a pain in the ass. So i'm so sorry but photo's are going to be delayed! I will send you them once the binding is on.

My miserable excuses i know, when you are dying to see it. You see this is why i need a bloke - so i can press gang him into doing the heavy stuff for me!

On the other hand! Enforced light sewing means i got the shirt done! It looks faboo if i do say so myself - but very shiny and new! I've put it next to the machine with a note saying to put it in with every dark wash there is, so that it can wilt and grey a bit. So that trousers and waistcoat, besides the corsets to finish... i think i may just do it.

Fantastic about the gun - do they look good for plastic guns?

I bought us some rings as well - big silly piraty rings - i found one in green cat's eye with gold dragons around the mount - very big and very jack sparrow, and they had another in a lavender cats eye, with dragons an phoenix's, and couldn't resist getting it for you. So they are on their way to me now.Call it a thank you present for putting up with all my umming and ahhhing and wibbling.

Angel - if you have the use of a machine then no worries, i won't confuse you more - but saatin stitch is very simple and if you do need to use it, just google it, there'll be drawn instruction somewhere im sure.

ok, enough, back to the bias binding sewing.


Friday, August 18, 2006 8:45 AM


Eyelet tool...*sigh*...I like those! Much easier than hammer-work and cursing when one gets crushed!

EngineAngel...breathe! It will be all right! You still have 14 or so days left. Plenty of time!

Bias tape--have you tried making your own? I know, why do that when you can buy it... I have found that if you buy fabric you like that matches/contrasts your project, and buy a few yards of it, you have a ready-supply of bias without risking running out. Might be that you have thought of this already and I'm re-hashing something you know...if so, I apologize.



Friday, August 18, 2006 9:34 AM


yay for eyelets!!!!

I'm not worried about the bias! I trust you completely. And your mom rocks!

I am SO sorry about your headache! I've had a tension headache every day this work, but it mysteriously goes away when I come home. Hmmmm?

Your Helen song was just on! So jealous Nizioi is in love with you and not me, but I'll live. You bought shiny rings!! yay!

OH! That reminds me, my tarnishing project went VERY well. This is what I did: I soaked it in salt water for several days. The gold paint came off and settled on the bottom of the glass and now it's all grungy and funky looking! Perfect!! I just hope it doesn't turn my skin green when I wear it!

I think the pistols look lovely, personally. Not too realistic, but realistic enough, which is what I wanted. I hope you like them, too.

My weekend goals are to finish sewing the closures on the choli, finish hemming the sari, finish my chinese blouse and sew hooks and eyes on my pirate skirt. I think I can do all that.

Tonight I'm going shopping for jewelry to wear with my sari. I need bangles and a big clunky necklace.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, August 18, 2006 3:01 PM


Seryn-I was gonna buy some pins when I was at Walmart getting more hooks and eyes, but I wasn't sure what kind to get so I ended up not getting any.

I did buy a bunch of bangles to wear with my sari. But I can't find a necklace I like. The ones I like tend to be brass coloured (I really don't like gold) which will look terrible with the gold trim. Oh well. I'll keep looking.

And I can't find fake tatoos anywhere! ooh! Crazy idea! Do you think a tatoo parlour would sell fake ones? We just had one open up here not too long ago. First one in the county (big todo.) I wonder.....

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, August 18, 2006 5:53 PM


I only have 11 days cause i'm getting there on wednesday, and I'm going to be gone for 7 of those of my friends offered to make the teddy bear patch for me. I'd like to try it myself but I'm just not seeing the time with everything else I have going on here...Do you think I should take her up on it? I wouldn't be able to get it until she and I were actually at D*C and met up on thursday night or friday morning, since she lives far away from me, but I would be able to see pics before hand...What do you think?

Also, just because I could have a sewing machine lined up to use, doesn't mean I'll have the know-how of how to use it to make the patch...

Thanx for the encouragement seryn, and I shall indeed measure twice and cut once...and um...not mess up on the cutting even after I measured twice


Friday, August 18, 2006 9:01 PM


Tristan what you say makes perfect sense - it would be much better to make my own tape from the cordinating fabric, but i've made bias tape that way before, and even with a full workroom, cutting tables, metre rules, bais tape makers and megasuperair-suckysteamironsandboards, the results still sucked - it was off the true bias, the edges where uneven and lumpy, the fabric frayed like a b**** - it was a mess.

And seeing as i don't have any of those helpful items at home (nope, not even enough space to spread fabric out) and i was striving something that looked somewhat professional, i figured i was better off buying it.

and now of course i don't have the time or the money.


but this yellowy gold seems to work fine, so i'll go with it - and the quest for the perfect bias goes on.

No problems Angle, i would take your friend up on her offer, if you really are that pressed for time.


Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:14 PM


oh, i forgot to say - its just the straight pins, get the finer ones if you can, sometimes called wedding dress pins. I think that was what i was talking about. Other wise, find lots and lots of very small safety pins (nappy pins? diaper pins?) the curled ones that close over) to use in case we don't have time to sew the inserts in.

So straights pins, but more importantly, safety pins.

And if they don't stock them (the tatto parlour) they can probably tell you who does, the one place i can think of is a fancy dress shop, but not so sure what they're like in your place.


Monday, August 21, 2006 5:28 AM


I finally found tattoos, bought several cuz I had to order at least $4 worth online. So, there will be extras.

I found a cool one for me. It's a piratical skull with a rose in it's mouth. Appropriate, no?

Okay, you want me to make sure we have fine straight pins and safety pins, no problems, I can bring some.

What inserts are you referring to? I'm so confused.

I am in a bloody foul mood today. I may end up having to kill someone. Problem is, my list of people I'd like to murder today is so very long, I'm really not sure where to begin.

Where'd that complaining thread go?

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:57 AM


oh dear, ok! Chocolate winging its way towards you! (ok, so its only virtual chocolate, but, less calories!

the inserts i was referring to where the triangular bits of fabric between the tabs to keep them (the tabs) down - they need to be fitted, and if we don't have time to sew them, then safety pins will be required.

whats up? the ranting thread i think is lost to the archives, but you are more than welcom to rant here if needs be.

very apt tattoo!

Would capatain Mal bottom make you feel better? >


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:30 AM


Oh yeah, those inserts! I forgot all about them.

Yes, safety pins and straight pins. Can do!

I feel better now. Calmer. But it's been a long and not so very great day.

But there were chocolate chip cookies. Homemade. Makes everything better!

Can you believe I started packing this weekend? I had to, I had so much crap piling up, I needed to stash it all somewhere.

umm...costumeage! I also sewed all the hooks & eyes into my choli. But I really don't think I'll end up bringing it to D*C. Don't think I'll have an opportunity to wear it.

Has yours come in the post yet?

Mal's naked butt always makes things better!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, August 21, 2006 2:19 PM


yes, it really does.

I'm glad you feel better. Praise be to the cookie maker.

and no, the sari hasn't come yet. *sulk* i was hoping! but i doubt it will come now before i go away. I was going to eamail them soon and get a date of posting, so that i know exactly when to start panicking. maybe i should have sent it to you

ah well, fingers crossed.

well, i've learned something valuable today - when making tabbed corsets in the future, sew the lower edge of binding on BEFORE you put the bones in - there absolutely no way i can sew the stuff on by machine now, so i'm having to do it by hand.

but i am coaching myself into a zen like calm. I can do it, i know i can. I shall not go stir crazy in less than a weeks time.

what candy was it you wanted me to bring again?

and i'm trying to find the travel details for you, i can't find the envelope they're in, it should be pinned to the board over my computer, or in my bag (believe it or not, i kinda started packing two weeks ago)and as is frickin typical of me, its not there. Which means it is somewhere in the house, so on top of getting everything finished, all this bleedin hand sewing, getting boot fixed and what not, i have to tidy and go thorough my room and all my various belongings to try and find it. And i can't do any of that in ernest till thursday, as i'm working 10am till 10pm tuesday and wednesday.
Really. Starting. To. Panic. Now.

no! Zen calm, zen calm.



Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:32 AM


Deep cleansing breaths. Water gently cascading down rocks. Deep pools of clear water. The wind whispering through fields of wild flowers. Snow falling softly on pine trees. Deep cleansing breaths.


You can only do so much, so don't push yourself too hard, okay?

Candy: wine gums, galaxy bars, those star thingies you were talking about.

I made myself a little drawstring purse to match my pirate costume last night. It will be useful in carrying essentials when I'm pocketless. Cell phone, chapstick, cashy money.

I'm very sorry you have to hand sew the binding on. I did a lot of that on Mai's and it is SO time consuming. I find things go faster if I spread them out. So, crazy me, what I do is knit for an hour, sew for an hour, knit for an hour, sew for an hour. Or, usually, knit for one episode of Wonderfalls, sew for one episode of Firefly. Or whatever. But I'm silly like that.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:19 PM


no it makes sense! I am alternating things - I do eyelets till my hands are too sore, then the hat until i'm sick of being anally neat, then the bindings, which don't have to be too neat yet as the first lot of stitches will be concealed, and the second lot is whipstitching which is quite quick anyway.

Ok, i found, not the original, but the copy i made of my flight details, so sending you the email.

And i got the note about the shindig! Yey! whoot!

but you have to wear your sari now! And i hope that mine comes in time because i don't have anything brown coaty to wear other wise.

fingers crossed!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:16 AM


yeah? Maybe I will wear my sari. I can't decide. I want to dance and saris are no conducive to dancing.

I had planned on wearing a nice blouse/skirt combo to Prom, but then I was thinking chinese blouse/skirt to shindig.

Not sure. Must ponder.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:29 PM


ok, you ready?


Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:32 PM


I tired to put it on my mannequin, but she was too fat.

So my brothers girlfriend Sarah offered to wear it for a few minutes so i could check it over and get photo's. Hope you don't mind!


Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:36 PM


and bear in mind, that though she's very skinny it was big on her, and with the wide stomacher i'm confident that it's very adjustable and will fit you brilliantly.

(though it may be overlong! hopefully you are taller than her, you looked to be)

but anyway....


Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:38 PM




Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:40 PM


oh, they're very dark! sorry, do you want me to try and get some done in daylight?


Sunday, August 27, 2006 2:29 AM



That turned out goooood! Very nice work!



Sunday, August 27, 2006 3:25 AM


thank you Tristan!

I just hope Serenity likes it!


Sunday, August 27, 2006 4:01 AM


Oh My Goodness!

It's gorgeous!!!!

It's amazing.

I am in awe.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Sunday, August 27, 2006 4:05 AM


I LOVE it.

You are brilliant!

I'm still gawking.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Sunday, August 27, 2006 7:54 AM


*breaths a huge sigh of relief!*

*falls over through oxygen deprivation*

*gets up and goes to do own waistcoat and trews*

I'm really very glad that you like it! i can't wait see it on you and know that it actually does fit and all, and how great all your curves will look in it.


and to celebrate, i shan't wipe the sig off the end of this one!

Now, This one had to be bought out and shown to the world.
Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:16 AM


indeed, you are a costume goddess!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, August 28, 2006 3:05 AM


I had to come back and look again. Cuz it is so very very pretty!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, August 28, 2006 12:23 PM


oh i'm so glad you like it! I was worried, the binding actually look a great colour on the photo's doesn't it? it worked!


Monday, August 28, 2006 12:31 PM


Yes! The binding looks gorgeous, the trim looks gorgeous, the eyelets look gorgeous. The whole thing is gorgeous!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:47 AM


and it's time for my daily gawk at my corset.

I hope it fits!!!!! I haven't been exactly eating like I should. Only, it's paid off as I mysteriously lost a few lbs somewhere. I hope they just wandered off and aren't hiding somewhere to come back unexpectedly. I hate when lbs do that. You think you lost them and then BOO! they're back.

Anyway, corset=<3

Seryn is the Corset Goddess!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 5:48 AM


It will fit you! The only worry i have is that it will be too long in the front, but the silver lining to that is, think of all the pounds we'll loose standing up the whole day (as, er, if it is too long, sitting donw won't be an option)

and we'll have to find lots of volunteers to help us stand up again, as ristricted bending in the middle makes for ungainly getting up.

Do you think we can find volunteers? What will we have to bribe them with do you think? Will chocolate work?


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 6:01 AM


I really don't think we'll have problems finding any sort of help we'll need while corseted.

I'm pretty sure all we'll have to do is take a deep breath and ask nicely.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 6:27 AM



Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:00 AM


*snaps off a quick, precise salute*
Heard you were recruiting helper-uppers-of-those-wearing-corsets-at-DragonCon. Where do I sign?



Tuesday, August 29, 2006 1:41 PM


steady on boy! you haven't even seen Serenity breath in yet...

theres no signing, its an informal, but rewarding job.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:23 PM


SQUEEEE!!!! my jumpsuits came in, i brought them to a seamstress to put a zipper in and the sleeves are cut and hemmed (damn, i'm such a last minuter, can't deny it anymore, seeing as we're off tomorrow morning for atlanta) I look like Kaylee. squeee!! My friend made the teddy bear for me (she's so shiny) and it looks awesome i think :) going to sew it on at the con. I have two iron on patches (the flower and the heart) that i shall iron on in a moment. and i went to goodwill yesterday and got such shiny sandals! they're kaylee-ish and chinese-ish. not like the ones in the pilot, but SOOOO kaylee :) I just need to know one thing, what is the lettering for the chinese phrases on kaylee's jumpsuit?? tristan do you know?

can i just say once again....SQUEE! :) pictures coming soon!

PS: seryn....damn! great job girl!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:35 PM


Seryn, I accept. I can handle a corseted woman breathing in.

EngineAnJL, shiny! Glad things came together for you! I am going to try to find the photo I used for the lettering....give me a minute...



Wednesday, August 30, 2006 5:59 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
steady on boy! you haven't even seen Serenity breath in yet...

theres no signing, its an informal, but rewarding job.

lol! Stop Seryn, you're gonna get me in trouble!!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom






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