Browncoat Brainstorming & a Special Request for Phoenixrose and Citizen

UPDATED: Friday, September 8, 2006 13:35
VIEWED: 1733
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006 12:08 AM


Hello Browncoats!

I'm not sure if anyone has read my post in the general discussion titled "Guitar Tabs and the evils of the RIAA" about the recording industry and it's minions and their newest war waged against freedom and musicians worldwide, and their bullying tactics against the use of guitar tablature. I won't go into details as I pretty much summed up my thoughts on fighting back there and in my MySpace blog. I also know that, most likely, not everyone is in agreement with me on that topic, but I think that's fine. It is a topic that needs to be discussed out in the open and not behind closed doors by RI lobbyists and lawyers and politicians and judges.

I know that there are many thoughtful & creative freedom loveing Browncoats in our 'verse and I wanted to come up with a symbol of that freedom. Something that doesn't look like it was from Firefly or Serenity but also something that has that Browncoat feel. Something anti-Big Brother.... something anti Republicrat Alliance.... something that shows the world just how sick we are of being bullied around by politics and politicians and lobbyists and war and lawsuits and political correctness and all of the other happy horse that all of that muckety-muck entails. Something that we can all wear with pride whereever we go, weather it's our MySpace accounts or other blogs, online poker rooms or whatever. Maybe somebody with that entrapanurial spirit might even make a bumpersticker or even hats with it for browncoats to wear proudly. Something that is simple, yet elegant and powerful and gets the message across, but in a subtle way at the same time. Something that would silently grow and grow and more and more people would be using it everyday. Something thought provoking that would make others who aren't in the know ask themselves just what is it that we're wearing and what does it mean. Something that is OURS!

The call for Phoenixrose was because she is a wonderful artist and I feel she would be ideal to create such a symbol based on our input and hers and also Citizen because in a thread that we were all posting in a few months ago he wowed me with some of his work as well. I'm sure there are other great artists in our 'verse as well. Phoenixrose and Citizen know what my digital art looks like but for those who don't, meet Tim:

Hence the call to arms... lol.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you think this is a good idea and I know we'll have some wonderful ideas to throw around in here.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 12:39 AM


You give me a logo, with or without a little catch phrase, and I'll give you merchandise, for those interested. I've got a couple shops on CafePress, so I'm familiar with setting up shop.


I'll be in my bunk.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 3:45 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Ok im no good at logos and stuff but i do have the time and patience to scour google for ideas!!


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 8:06 AM



This is exactly along the lines I'm talking about. Thanks for the tasty nuggets 'o propoganda CTSYB. Very thought provoking indeed. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and though I know my posts can be pretty long winded and hard to digest, your post may be what this thread needed to get some traction.

I'd be happy to hear more about your ideas for marketing a browncoat seal when we come up with one BWTP.

Thanks for your input Browncoats!

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:02 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 2:11 PM


I've been sitting here thinking about this. My city has plenty of symbols. We have the house riddled with 9mm rounds by drive-by shooters who don't even know who's inside when they open fire. We the drunks waiting outside a tavern to put a round through some guy over an argument nobody seems to even remember what it was about. We have street people sitting on the curb with their 40oz malt liquer they bought with the money they pan handled. My city has plenty of symbols. If you want one please take one. Were trying to give them away. I just know our police are over worked, underpaid, not much appreciated. But they show up every day and take it on. If they hurt someone trying to bring them down it's called police brutality. If they pursue a criminal in a car chase a there's a crash with innocent people involved, their told they shouldn't have given chase. The symbol I see on my streets that I'm most proud of wears a dark blue coat and a small silver badge and drives a car with "911" painted on the side. And now they are in Iraq and Afganistan, and other far off places in this world. All trying to do their job because they believe in protecting us.

How about doing something simple like saying "Thanks Guys". I wouldn't mind standing behind that symbol.
I would like to do that.



Wednesday, September 6, 2006 2:19 PM


Traveler are you here in NYC too ?


I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 4:10 PM


Would you believe Milwaukee? Are crime rate is beyond belief for a city this size. Of course having a tavern on every block does not help. We have the honor as being the drunkest city in the U.S. There are some streets you could walk down and if you had one drink in every tavern you came to in one block you would be blind drunk. We aren't known as the beer capitol because we make so much, it is because we drink so much. Add crack and heroin to that and we have some interesting weekends. I'm sure if you Googled drunk it would come up Milwaukee.



Wednesday, September 6, 2006 4:24 PM


Hmmm...I dunno I kinda like Tim!


We're all just floating...


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 4:24 PM


Milwaukee ? Wow , I gues Laverne & Shirley must have ben boozehounds after all. And I think everyone here is on crack too.
Gotta love life in the city.


I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 5:25 PM


I don't want to turn this into A Milwaukee thread.

I think 6ixstringjack has a good idea and I would like to think we could do something positive with it.

In other words showing our gratitude for all those people who stand in harms way.

The people who risk their lives to protect ours.

Maybe a simple thread that just says "Thank You", to these wonderful people.

There are so many people who give without asking for anything in return. I just would like to thank them.

Could we create something like that?



Wednesday, September 6, 2006 5:40 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Um wow, well, thank you!
I can't really think of anything (I am at work and braindead and don't have my precious, precious photoshop here...) But I'll see what I can do. I'm all about freedom of speech, freedom of music, that kind of thing. Have to say, though, I am also all about artists getting paid for their art. I think there is a fine line to be walked. But I'll be happy to try designing something if anyone has any ideas.

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, September 7, 2006 8:45 PM


Though as a veteran I appreciate your sentiment Traveller, that post was really uncalled for. Being anti-control doesn't mean being anti-cop. Having police and soldiers risking themselves for us everyday and some corporation abusing a skewed legal system to protect their interest under the guise of caring about the little guys is something else. I sweat, bled and cried so you could have the freedom to think like that and post it here. But I also did it in the hope that people would be able to see what was right in front of them and not jump to some illogical conclusion based on some variable that God only knows, because I, for one, sure as hell didn't see it in that post.

You villianise Jack for that post and obviously missed his point entirely. And you want to talk symbols, take a good look at the Red, White and Blue. It was a symbol created by a bunch of men who had had enough of being on the short end of the stick, kinda like our good friends the Browncoats. So Traveller, this is obviously not a place for you, so if your name implies your occupation, I suggest you keep on walking.


I'll be in my bunk.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 8:52 PM


Well, I made that last post before my dial-up had a chance to load the whole page, so I thought it ended at your first one, Traveller, but my point still stands (though my tone would have been softer). And as someone who has been there, I do thank you for your sentiment for those who serve.

Also, Milwaukee isn't that bad, I live in New Berlin about 5 minutes outside of downtown. You may all be a bunch of cheese-head, alcoholic, Packer fans (sorry, I'm a Chicago native and i couldn't help it ), but it's a much safer city than Chicago or New York. I like it there, I'm not walking around with a perpetual fear of getting stabbed.

And Phoenix, I was just going to set the store up for cost (so people would only pay what the site charged for the stuff) but it wouldn't be hard to charge like a dollar or so more a shirt or hat so you get what's coming to you for the work. If you're interested, let me know, and we can set that up.


I'll be in my bunk.


Friday, September 8, 2006 1:03 PM



I sorry if I caused any offence. I just see the people who really put themselsve on the line for us everyday, and I would like show some gratitude. I truely did not mean to offend anybody. Like I said I wanted to make this a positive thing.



Friday, September 8, 2006 1:11 PM


When you were describing the city, my first thought was Milwaukee, but that's because I grew up in GB and go to school in Madison. And I've had 2 friends violently assaulted there this year.

Wisconsin sucks. I don't want to be here.

~Forsaken Forever


Friday, September 8, 2006 1:35 PM


Hello Sassalicious:

I know larger cities will have more crime, but Milwaukee does seem to have a large share considering how small it is. But I know our police department really tries to fight it. I would like them to increase the size of our police force, but I don't think the money is there.

I have had friends hurt here as well.

For myself I have lived here a long time and I will probably never leave.







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