The Sereni-Tree: Quest For The Giant Firebreathing Space Chickens!

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 20:07
VIEWED: 14184
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Monday, August 21, 2006 5:46 PM


TheRealMe takes another swig.

"It has layers!"

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, August 21, 2006 5:50 PM


As he is walking towards the castle with Seryn and Snarky a thought crosses SR mind.

"Snarky stay with lady Seryn and see she stays safe, well atleast relatively safe. I need to run down to the tavern relay some crucial informaion. Tell lady Seryn that I will be at the castle right away."

SR makes his way as quick as possible to the tavern. He walks up to Wisp's table.

"Wisp there's something you should know. Before you start getting friendly with,..."

A young woman interposes herself between SR and Wisp.

"Excuse me, my girlfriends and I have had a lot of fun, but we need to get paid, now."

SR rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Well I got to get to the castle." SR dashes off.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, August 21, 2006 6:02 PM


Are the fire chickens born breathing fire? And if so, how do they keep from turning themselves into scrambled eggs when they are hatching?

More stuff with layers please! Yum!!!


Monday, August 21, 2006 6:15 PM


LOL, yes, Layers indeed. Cheers! *slams another "Broadside" (yes I just named it)* (And yes, I'll make one at D*C)

*LOL at self scrambling eggs*
You are brilliant.
*gets another round of Layered Broadsides*
If we do get detained for FBCRUI (fire breathing chicken riding under the influence) I've got a few tricks up my sleave. Of course we could just get a couple of rooms at this fine establishment and call to the other folk that we'll be in tomorrow... late tomorrow.

"Friends don't let friends ride fire breathing chickens drunk."


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:00 PM


SR returns to the Castle to find hundreds of people milling alover the place, and small child tugs on his tunic hem and in coached tones tells him the Seryn is over this way.

Following the kid, SR see Seryn seated amongst a group of ladies in bright dresses in a small raised dais off to one side of a large open and almost empty field.

"Hey darling! Look, I made some new friends. They were just telling me about whats happening, its like an old medieval tournament, and they have the jousting and whatnot, but they also have events like chicken dressage, agility training, chicken dancing and chicken confusing. *lowers voice* BTW, all the wild chickens belong to the king. and all the property of the people also belong to the king, so basically, everything belongs to the king, so if we're of to hunt them, we now know who we're avoiding.

Look, they're about to start the chicken dancing..."

*several knights waddle out onto the saw dust surface and begin rhythmically waggling their elbows and hands*

"Oh... ok, I was expecting the chickens to do the actual dancing..."


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:10 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"PAY??? Ive never payed of it in my life but in tthe interests of i didnt ask" Wisp reached in his bag and handed each of the girls a diamond the size of a penny. All of them agreed it was too much and offered Wisp more service but he declined as he said prostitution was bad and gave them all a lecture.
"Now am i the only one interested in the monk with the gun??"

Wisp walked outside to follow the monk but foun JH and Mai pouring moonshine down the chickens throats.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:05 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
LOL, yes, Layers indeed. Cheers! *slams another "Broadside" (yes I just named it)* (And yes, I'll make one at D*C)

Total OOC

Oooh! Genius you! I must try one at D*C!

*reminds herself to pack shot glasses*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:08 AM


just got off the phone with one of my fire breathing chicken friends...he informed me they are born with the ability to produce flame, but in order to do so must first consume large quantities of the zanziberra daisy, part of the local fauna...hence, no instant scrambled egg


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:05 PM


*kiss* umm.. bought 2 more shot glasses today. Then found 4 pirate mugs and 2 pirate shot glasses. We're good Captain. *bows*

"I have been here many times before In a life I used to live
But I have never seen these streets so fresh Washed with morning rain
I have seen this face a thousand times Every morning of my life
But I never saw these eyes so clear Free of doubt and pain
Like the whole world has been made again."
Made Again (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:09 PM


I can't resist rooster jokes. I live on a chicken farm, so I've got tons.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:18 PM


wow. their chickens can talk on the phone?! and do the speak chickencluck or human?
thanks for the info, LMD.
here have a drink!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:43 PM


Actually, Mai, our good friend LMD can communicate with any creature, not unlike the superpower that Ebonezer had.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:07 AM


...of course, we must still face the fact that space chickens can use telephones!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:37 AM


JH: ooh, fantastic! Pirate Day is going to be so much fun!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:12 AM


Quote: chickens can use telephones!

See that's my pointh exaclty *hic*
I've got a theory bormin in my frain...
Them fire chicks are more intelligent than any of us know. If they can conquer the phone lines who knows what other things they know that we don't know that they know. You know?
I bet'cha it ain't the people running this planet it's the FIRE CHICKENS!!!!!
'Nother drink please tarbender.

Also, deep thought for the day,... Do you think that if two riders of the fc's ride straight at each other to see who will give in before an immenite crash... Is that still called playing chicken?


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:49 AM


Hmm. I hope my chicken confusion ability still works on intelligent chickens who can use the phone!

Maybe we can call one back and I can try it to see what happens? (After we make sure we're not somewhere they can find us and toast us should things go wrong. I *do* have my remote with me, but I have no idea if it's good against just plain old fire...)

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:18 AM


*really wants to play "chicken" now*
Yes! more drinks. Good call. But I'm thinking we should get a suite of rooms for us for the night.

*stumbles up to the bar and fumbles in his pocket. He produces a small gem stone and lays it on the bar. Having a hushed conversation with the barkeep, a series of nods later, he stumbles back to the table followed by a server with more drinks. He takes his seat back with Mai and TRM*

Drinks, dinners, breakfasts, and rooms for us are covered. For the week.

*receiving a quizical look from his allies, he replies:
As he begins to sip from his next beverage.*

"I have been here many times before In a life I used to live
But I have never seen these streets so fresh Washed with morning rain
I have seen this face a thousand times Every morning of my life
But I never saw these eyes so clear Free of doubt and pain
Like the whole world has been made again."
Made Again (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:24 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
SR returns to the Castle to find hundreds of people milling alover the place, and small child tugs on his tunic hem and in coached tones tells him the Seryn is over this way.

Following the kid, SR see Seryn seated amongst a group of ladies in bright dresses in a small raised dais off to one side of a large open and almost empty field.

"Hey darling! Look, I made some new friends. They were just telling me about whats happening, its like an old medieval tournament, and they have the jousting and whatnot, but they also have events like chicken dressage, agility training, chicken dancing and chicken confusing. *lowers voice* BTW, all the wild chickens belong to the king. and all the property of the people also belong to the king, so basically, everything belongs to the king, so if we're of to hunt them, we now know who we're avoiding.

Look, they're about to start the chicken dancing..."

*several knights waddle out onto the saw dust surface and begin rhythmically waggling their elbows and hands*

"Oh... ok, I was expecting the chickens to do the actual dancing..."

"Lucky us, the courtship dance of the Fray Fowl is far to violent to witness at close range. Have you been making friends?" asks SR as he suddenly remembers his manners and bows to the ladies.
"Please forgive me, Scorpion Regent at your service."

The mention of SR's name causes all the women's eyes to focus on him. The reactions are mixed. Some look on him with suspicion and reserve, others with interest and a few with fear. One aging dowager stands and with a sniff of disdain walks away without so much as "a good day."

"It seems that you may have heard of me. Perhaps I can serve you better by leaving." he states.

"Not at all mil' lord. My aunt has always had a over zealous sense of propriety. Please sit." Replies a woman in her late twenties dressed in a cotehardie of blue with white trim. Her dark hair was held off her face with a jeweled coif.
SR finds himself suddenly seated a comfortable chair with a glass of wine in his hand.
A young woman, with red hair spoke up. "If you I may be so bold sir, would you tell us how you are still alive? You supposed to have died at Wollenbeck when the castle fell. We were told there were no survivors."

"Please do not call me sir. I was never knighted." replies SR. He takes a slow sip of wine and appears to savor it, though in fact the memory of the fall of Wollenbeck causes his mouth to fill with the taste of ashes, dirt and blood.

"I was crude and sneaky as a animal, mil' lady. The details are far to disturbing to share with such lovely company."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:45 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp followed the monk on foot to the abbey hiding rhytmically in case he turned round and spotted him. He stayed outside the gates of the church as the priest went inside. He sneaked up the path while loading margret with a bolt.

The large door was wooden with iron braces but wasnt locked and opened without noise. Inside Th parish was empty. The pues were arranged neatley towards the alter at the front. Unlike Churches from christianity There wasnt a cross through the church so it was a straight rectangle with a small conclave at the back.

The monk was nowhere to be seen but the confession door was open. Wisp hid the crossbow under his cloak and entered the booth.

"Forgive me father for I have sined. It has been over a year since my last confession"

"What is your sin my child"

"Well i slept with a lot of girls did a bot of crime And oh yeah where did u get the gorram 9mm beneath your robe??"

The monk reached for it but Wisp put a bolt in his shoulder before he was there. In a fluid motion He was out of the wooden structure and Had the bleeding holy man layed out the stone floor.

"Start talking preacher man"


Thursday, August 24, 2006 2:27 PM


(pssssst! Wisp! are we allowed to be this perilous?)

Seryn seats herself on one of the far benches as the ladies surround SR and set about making him comfortable.

She has a good think about whether or not to get extremely jealous.

After his foot cushion is plumped for the fifth time, she shakes her head in disgust and decides to get him for it when they are alone later.
Wandering off, she spots a group of men gathering together with longbows , and decides to go join in.

After loosing a somewhat perfect shot on a borrowed bow, she smiles at the owner and asks what the prize is.

"'tis a tremendous prize - I small figurine of a fearsome wild chicken."

*tried hard to keep the disbelief from her face*

*doesn't succeed*

"And hunting rights for the new season."

"Now thats more like it. I'm off to get my bow, don't start without me."


Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:33 PM


OOC: The no-peril policy has been lifted, but I'd like to have less blood and fewer gore-fests than the Special Branch. Now, I'm off to Seattle for the weekend! See you all later!

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:50 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC-so peril is alowed but not total peril so JH stay drunk and we should be fine


Friday, August 25, 2006 12:08 AM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
OOC-so peril is alowed but not total peril so JH stay drunk and we should be fine

A sober JH is total peril? ok.

"I have been here many times before In a life I used to live
But I have never seen these streets so fresh Washed with morning rain
I have seen this face a thousand times Every morning of my life
But I never saw these eyes so clear Free of doubt and pain
Like the whole world has been made again."
Made Again (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Friday, August 25, 2006 3:50 AM


*is of the opinion that JH is a bit perilous no matter what his blood alcohol level.*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:44 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
*is of the opinion that JH is a bit perilous no matter what his blood alcohol level.*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom

OOC: yes, but alcohol impairs coordination, degrades judgement, and removes inhibitions. These factors can exponentially increase peril.

In a week I going to Fall Potrero War (SCA). When I get there I'm going to up my peril potential.


SR notices that the wine though unassuming is quite strong and that after only one glass his consciousness is slipping away. He sets down the glass, yawns, nods and promptly fall asleep. The ladies summon courtiers who lift and carry the unconscious SR into the castle.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, August 25, 2006 5:12 AM


So, I'm perilous?
*is just trying to have several rounds of quiet drinks and a good rest at the inn with his friends.*
*really isn't ready for the party of adventurers who just lost 2 friends to come to the inn looking for aid.* (ignore the gamer joke)

"I have been here many times before In a life I used to live
But I have never seen these streets so fresh Washed with morning rain
I have seen this face a thousand times Every morning of my life
But I never saw these eyes so clear Free of doubt and pain
Like the whole world has been made again."
Made Again (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:32 AM


*as the night goes on, the crew continue to consume there favourite food and drink. They soon realize that they are the only ones left in the pub. Finishing the last of their drinks, they stumble up the stairs and into the suite of rooms to find somewhere to sleep it off. JadeHand drinks lots of water before bed and quietly lays down to fade away.*

"I have been here many times before In a life I used to live
But I have never seen these streets so fresh Washed with morning rain
I have seen this face a thousand times Every morning of my life
But I never saw these eyes so clear Free of doubt and pain
Like the whole world has been made again."
Made Again (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 1:41 PM


Seryn returns from the archery competition, happy and laughing like a (very ladylike) loon.

SR is gone.


So are half the ladies who were with him.

Double grrrrr.

She decides to give him the benefit of the doubt, and joins a group heading off to watch the chicken races. She has a whale of a time and even wins a minature lap-chicken after guessing its name correctly (fi-fi). She keeps an eye out for SR, but figure she'll see him at the the banquet, to which they have both been invited.

At the meal, which with several delicious courses and dancers, gynasts, fools, jugglers and a bard singing daft songs about fairies and knights and women with no backbones, lasts into the small hours

She hopes that SR's just gone back to the village to meet the others, and falls asleep in front of one of the great fires still listening to the bard.

She wakes in the first light, and wrapping her cloak around her shoulders makes her way out of the keep into the fields, she finds the dais that she last saw him at.

All still stands untouched, and she picks up his glass. Noting a strange smell, she quickly puts it down again, and looks around for any clues. A mettalic scratching leads her to look under the dais itself, and she finds Snarky trapped on his back. The scraping being his arm as it repeats a motion endlessly like a stuck record.

Oh poo.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 1:48 PM


lmd wakes to find himself slumped in the dark corner of a pub, empty bottles to either side of him. he stands, somewhat unsteadily, and makes his way back over to the bar.

"cluck-cluck...cluck" the words emerge from el's mouth as he drops some coins on the bar top. the tender looks at him for a moment before shrugging and finally handing the heavily leaning patron another bottle of un-named alcohol.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:14 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Seryn returns from the archery competition, happy and laughing like a (very ladylike) loon.

SR is gone.


So are half the ladies who were with him.

Double grrrrr.

She decides to give him the benefit of the doubt, and joins a group heading off to watch the chicken races. She has a whale of a time and even wins a minature lap-chicken after guessing its name correctly (fi-fi). She keeps an eye out for SR, but figure she'll see him at the the banquet, to which they have both been invited.

At the meal, which with several delicious courses and dancers, gynasts, fools, jugglers and a bard singing daft songs about fairies and knights and women with no backbones, lasts into the small hours

She hopes that SR's just gone back to the village to meet the others, and falls asleep in front of one of the great fires still listening to the bard.

She wakes in the first light, and wrapping her cloak around her shoulders makes her way out of the keep into the fields, she finds the dais that she last saw him at.

All still stands untouched, and she picks up his glass. Noting a strange smell, she quickly puts it down again, and looks around for any clues. A mettalic scratching leads her to look under the dais itself, and she finds Snarky trapped on his back. The scraping being his arm as it repeats a motion endlessly like a stuck record.

Oh poo.

SR comes to and finds himself blindfolded and chained to a rock wall.

"This can't be good."

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, August 27, 2006 7:28 AM


*Serenity brings Seraphina to SimonWho to get her 2 month shots.*

Dr. Whom, have you heard anything from the people planetside? I hope they aren't getting into too much trouble. You know how things never go smooth.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:02 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The monk spinned over knocking Wisp off balance. Wisp fell onto the floor and his crossbow flew out of his hands. The monk threw off his robe ontop of Wisp temporaily blinding and disorientating him. He managed to roll Just as three shells shattered the stone floor where hed been.

He gripped The cloak and whipped it around the clergymans weapon binding their hands together before yanking the cloak and gun across the floor behind a pue at the back of the hall.

He could now see That the Priest wore an alliance issue jumpsuit beneath his robes. It was well worn and showed signs it had been in an accident in the past. The man positioned himself in a fighting posture.

"This is not going to be a good day"


Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:41 PM


In a room on Zanzibar.
Still blindfolded and chained SR realizes he is not alone.

"I know you are there. I can hear you breathing. Say your piece or get get out. This is my room." Said SR after a moment.

A womans voice answered, "Scorpion Regent you are a interesting man. Every one is interested in you. The Baron of Camatine wants to kill you, slowly, for 'corrupting' his daughters."

"I didn't corrupt them. I just let them know that they had options."

"Yes, the youngest became a nun, the middle one became a courtesan, and the eldest joined the free amazons. All of them gave up thier family name and the Baron lost all hope of creating alliances through marriage." the woman's voice continued, "Lady Freya of Wyvern's Crag wants to kill you to avenge the death of her brother."

"He was about to slaughter women and children."

"You are responsible for the fall of the house of Ulien."

"No, that was inevitable. It was damaged beyond repair long before I ever arrived."

"You were caught enflagrante delicto with Lady Ulien."

"She threatened to accuse me of rape if I did not comply with her wishes."

"You fleeced Lord Ulien of more than two thirds of his assets through cards, dice and other wagers."

To this SR meerly shrugged.

"You killed Lord Ulien's brother and his two eldest sons."

"Yes, the brother in a duel, the eldest in a brawl, which he started, and the younger when he tried to garrote me while I was reading in a library."

"The Bard Alan the Verbose, tells of how you are the first and only man to have fought Noree the Greater to a stand still, at the straits of Basquearier."

"I just happened to be there. Lots of people fought in that battle. Enough about me, what do you want?"

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:48 PM


Sorry Serenity, I've heard nothing further but I'm sure they're not in any more trouble than they can handle.

I'm keeping an eye on the communications from the planet just in case.


Monday, August 28, 2006 12:14 PM


The half-rooster mercenary known only as '13' poked his human head into the dank chamber, chicken's claws scratching nervously at the stone.

"Uhmm...milady? Milady? I hate to be a bother, but...exactly when will you be done with the...theatrics? The Baron grows anxious."

And why is there a naked man chained to a wall?


Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:37 AM


*the next afternoon, the crew awakens, slowly. to the sounds of small birds chirping by their windows, and the scent of flowers blowing through the windows, mixed with the smells of lunch being prepared below. Jadehand rolls over and puts his arm around Mai.*
"Hey you, time to get up. Busy day."
"just ten more minutes....."
"okay. ten more minutes"
*a smile fills his face as he rolls off the bed and goes to the lavatory to clean himself for the fresh day. He thinks to himself.."I hope everyone else is enjoying this place as much as I am."

"I have been here many times before In a life I used to live
But I have never seen these streets so fresh Washed with morning rain
I have seen this face a thousand times Every morning of my life
But I never saw these eyes so clear Free of doubt and pain
Like the whole world has been made again."
Made Again (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:45 AM



Originally posted by 13:
The half-rooster mercenary known only as '13' poked his human head into the dank chamber, chicken's claws scratching nervously at the stone.

"Uhmm...milady? Milady? I hate to be a bother, but...exactly when will you be done with the...theatrics? The Baron grows anxious."

And why is there a naked man chained to a wall?

OOC: You took away my pants, that was rude. Oh well, best roll with it. The show must go on.

"Well now that we have been formally introduced why not take off this blindfold?" SR proposed.

"But they so extremely comfortable I suspect that in a year or so everyone will be wearing them. Besides if you don't have to see me it reduces the embarrassment factor."

"I'm not embarassed. I can always close my eyes if I choose not to see you."


"You still haven't told me what you want of me."

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:09 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The monks first blow was a roundhouse kick which Wisp dodged easily and allowed him to plant a swift right hook on his jaw. He recovered quickly though with a long arm attack which connected with Wisps right flank before his arm could return.

Wisp fighting style was street boxing. He wasnt an expert in hand to hand combat but he had ample time in the street practising. At one point he'd been involved in an underground bareboxing arena. He was doing well but left before someone messed his face up, He was too damn pretty for that.

The preacher mans was a chinese style. Finely executed moves delivered through the entire body. Unfortunately for him he was very rusty. Wisp guessed he hadnt had time or need to practise it in a while.

Wisp threw his elbow into the other mans face. A move his theoretical ju jitsu didnt expect. Wisp followed it up with two quick right jabs and a left hool sending his opponent sprawling to the floor. Wisp through his heel down on the man but he rolled away too quickly knocking Wisps foot out from beneath him causing him to stumble forward. As Wisp turned and reprepared himself the Priest was headed for the door.

Wisp didnt chase him, he simply picked up Margret and fired a bolt into the door before he could reach it. As the arrow splintered the wood the the entry was opened by a young girl.

"Father?? Are you there??" She stepped inside and closed the door behind her as The man grabbed her by the throat and covered her mouth.

"Let me leave or she dies" Wisp fired his final bolt into the latch pinning it shut. He kept the bow firm though, He didnt know it was his last shot. He would have really liked some of his explosive arrows from the bar.

The man growled and snapped the girls neck throwing her body forward while he rolled behind a pue. Wisp ran towards the private chamber at the back assuming he would be headed there. He couldnt see the man as he was beneath the height of the seats.

The monk got to the door first but Wisp caught him in a flying rugby tackle. The pair wrestled on the floor throwing random jabs wildly. After a short time though Wisps speed and youth prevailed and he managed to grab the vicars head pounding it into the floor before he passed out.

Wisp tied him to the ropes in the belfry and sat down to recover his strength till he awoke.

"Drinking, Promiscuous sex, Prostitution and beating a man of god senseless. I am SO Going to hell this week"


Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:37 PM


From his position, an exhausted Wisp does not notice the young woman in a heap on the floor.

She opens her eyes and blinks. She makes her way to her feet and with both hands grabs her head and slowly and carefully twists it about until it is facing forward. Strange popping and grinding sounds accompany this action.

With a flick of her wrist, she tosses a telepathy spell. Ouroboros? Can you sense me? This is Alatariel. Gather the other Immortals. I have uncovered the techno-heretic. You were correct. It was the monk. Oh, I had a little help.

As she strolls over toward Wisp, she can feel her neck muscles heal and the vertebrae re-align automatically. "Hi!" she says sweetly to Wisp. "I'm called Alatariel, or just Ally. Who are you?"

Alatariel, Immortal Sorceress of the Black Tower


Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:08 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
She opens her eyes and blinks. She makes her way to her feet and with both hands grabs her head and slowly and carefully twists it about until it is facing forward. Strange popping and grinding sounds accompany this action.

OOC: Now that's just creepifying no end.

I can see SR is going to have a very hard time of it when, no if, he starts smuggling off world technoogy on to Zanzibar.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:44 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"WAAAHHHAAARRRRRHHHH WUO DUH MA!!!" Wisp recoiled at the dead girls sudden non-corpsification "YOUR DEAD!! You just died i heard the crunch and everything!! Wow Gods wrath must be smiting me down a mite early this time"


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 12:02 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Would you mind telling me how ur reborn with intact vertebrae??"


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:49 PM


The young woman giggles. "Oh, you saw that! Heh. Well, it's supposed to be a secret, but I guess that you have already found me out. I'm Immortal, that's all. Can never die. Wounds heal instantly. That sort of thing. But that's not important now. About this monk..."

Alatariel, Immortal Sorceress of the Black Tower


Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:36 AM


*JadeHand Steps out of the shower feeling refreshed. He dresses casually for the day and gathers his belongings.*

I'm going down to get breakfast, and see what's going on with everyone else. I'm enjoying the lifestlye here. Quiet, relaxed, fun. Can I bring you some breakfast?

"I have been here many times before In a life I used to live
But I have never seen these streets so fresh Washed with morning rain
I have seen this face a thousand times Every morning of my life
But I never saw these eyes so clear Free of doubt and pain
Like the whole world has been made again."
Made Again (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:50 AM


LMD steps outside the bar for a breath of fresh air and is surprised when a small but warm package falls into his arms.

There is a note attached.

"For Kermie From Serenity. Many Happy Returns of the Day!"

He opens it to find a loaf of freshly baked banana bread, still steaming from the oven.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, September 7, 2006 6:14 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Well i dont know if hes really a monk. I saw him packing a weapon that doesnt..."Wisp stopped Midsentance, Just cos the monks cover was blown doenst mean his was. He had to keep cool and play time specific. If she already knew who he was shed probably speak up. If she didnt and he gave himself away it could get very messy "I t was a strange silver object, I assumed it was a weapon and when i aksed him about it he went kung fu hustle on me."

Wisp rubbed his eyes as his implants whirred through the spectrum anaylsing the girl. Her thermal signature was very cold-barely recognisable and she was giving out lots if gamma rays. Needless to say she wasnt human.

"Whats Your beef with him??"


Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:55 PM



WISP wrote:
"Well i dont know if hes really a monk. I saw him packing a weapon that doesnt..."Wisp stopped Midsentance, Just cos the monks cover was blown doenst mean his was. He had to keep cool and play time specific. If she already knew who he was shed probably speak up. If she didnt and he gave himself away it could get very messy "I t was a strange silver object, I assumed it was a weapon and when i aksed him about it he went kung fu hustle on me."

Wisp rubbed his eyes as his implants whirred through the spectrum anaylsing the girl. Her thermal signature was very cold-barely recognisable and she was giving out lots if gamma rays. Needless to say she wasnt human.

"Whats Your beef with him??"

“Our ‘beef’ with him?” As Alatariel approached Wisp with a confident stride, she made an almost imperceptible gesture with her right index finger to call forth a scrying. Her eyes clouded over slightly and she gazed deeply into the young man’s aura. She frowned. He has experienced a life of pain and pleasure, living at a wild pace that might burn out a lesser being. He can be gently tender and ruthlessly violent at turns. And what was this? Demons lived behind his eyes, showing him otherworldly scenes. Demons were bound around his throat, ready to breathe water for him. Demons were fused to the bones in his forearms, prepared to lift steel and iron at his command. And all these were techno-demons, the worst of all demon-kind. Needless to say, he wasn’t human. And yet she saw nothing in his personality that convinced her that he was an enemy. Interesting! He was acting wary, of course, and attempting obfuscation, but that was to be expected in this sort of situation.

Alatariel bent down and gently touched the prone monk’s shoulder. A flash of light, and his body became as rigid as stone.

“Our ‘beef’, as you put it, is that he is a techno-heretic, a member of an organization bent on promoting technology, overcoming magic, and destroying our way of life. He is an off-world agent, attempting to weaken us for assimilation into his Alliance. If he is truly a monk, none would claim him now. However, we are likely to purge his order, anyway. It’s the only way to be sure.”

She grins evilly at Wisp and rubs the back of her neck. “Besides which, this monk tried to kill me, and for that he must pay!”

Alatariel effortlessly casts a telepathy spell. Ouroboros! Be alert! There is a new, unknown faction that has lately entered the Great Game! I have one of the players of this faction with me now. He’s hard to read, very hard. I’m scrying something about a tree… Yes, a tree in the sky.

“So, who might you be, young man, and how did you learn to bind techno-demons to your will?”

Alatariel, Immortal Sorceress of the Black Tower


Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:29 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Magic. Wisp had always been drawn to myth and magic. In his early schooling he had been asked to read a trashy kids novel that took him two months, Then they gave him a book on myths that he finished in a week. Throughout his youth he had imagined himself in a world of magic and here he was on the edge of the scorcery talking to a genuine witch/pixie/elf being asked why he was using technology.

At the womans comment he at first tried to look shocked and innocent but he knew he had very little chance of beating a mage in a game of wits.

"Like you I am not from this world. Me and mine came to seek out the Knights of the Octagon and prevent a terrible tragedy with the space chickens. I am a master of technology in my world and i plan to use it here for good" Wisp was still sat on the floor so at this point he stood up reaching a height a little taller than the new comer. "Unless you want to turn me into a newt???"


Friday, September 8, 2006 3:27 AM


Alatariel bursts out laughing. "A newt? No, not a newt for you, I think. After all, YOU are also a techno-heretic, and seeking the Eight? You seem nice, but we really can't take any chances. Not a newt. Something more disgusting, I think, with a shorter lifespan. Like, perhaps..."

At that moment, Wisp hears a twang and sees an arrowhead emerge from the young woman's chest. Annoyed, she turns her back on Wisp to face her new foe. Suddenly, the embedded crossbow bolt bursts into flames, dropping the woman to the ground, writhing in agony.

An old man in worn travelling clothes slings his crossbow on his back. "Greetings, sir. I am Sir Devan, Knight of the Octagonal Order, and we are both in danger here. We must depart before the other Immortals arrive, for I assure you, they are on their way, and this ploy will not hold Alatariel long."


Friday, September 8, 2006 3:36 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp was welcomeof the offer of escape and pulled the sword off his belt (in a yoda episode 2 moment) and swings it at the womans head. Even though it rolls to the floor Wisp doesnt think thats the end and grabs his own bow as he heads for the door. The lack of ammo for it would only be a temporary set back unless he needed it urgently. Reaching the door the knight is already leaving.

"Hey Dave where we going??"







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