The Sereni-Tree: Quest For The Giant Firebreathing Space Chickens!

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 20:07
VIEWED: 14185
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Friday, September 8, 2006 3:49 AM


"But before we go, we must take him!" Sir Devan points to the monk. "I despise the Alliance utterly, but as long as they oppose the Immortals, then we are fighting the same fight! Here, at least help me roll him down the stairs."

Sir Devan then grabs the hair of Alatariel's head and tosses the head out the window. All the while, it is glaring at him and mouthing curses as the burning body tries to stand.

"There, that might buy us a little more time."

Sir Devan, Knight of the Octagonal Order


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:09 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp Throws the monk over his shoulders and follows Sir Devan down the stairs. Outside two genuine space chickens are tied up. One of them spits fire out as he sees its owner approach.
'If I just borrowed it I could leave now' Wisp thought to himself but then again here was the chance to do some actual grade A Heroics.

Sir Devan Mounted the first and took The monk from Wisp laying him over the back of his steed while Wisp mounted the spare with trepadation. As soon as he was on The Knight began riding away from the church. Wisp could see an octagon logo on the back of his cloak 'This Guy was the real deal'

Wisp Followed him and ran the chickens parrallel.
"Okay im gonna need some answers now cos we just hit 11 on the wierdometer"


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:45 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul wakes slowly and wanders out of his office, where he had fallen asleep earlier. He wanders through the halls until he finds Jazaf and Deuce sparring in one of the cargo bays. He heads back to the kitchen to grab a drink, and then returns to the cargo bay to watch the sparring.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:22 AM


Seryn paused and considered her options.

She had two. She could go back to the town, haul the rest of them out of the pub, and attempt to get them all moving in the same direction long enough to get her honey rescued.

She'd already tried her hand at cat herding, she didn't fancy it.

The other was to look at the bleedin' obvious, embrace the cliche's and go look in the dungeons.

A matinee idol with a striped jerkin over shapely behose'd legs wandered past. Two seconds later a third option began to edge its way into her brain.

But she quashed it, and called out to the strutting peacock.

"Say, oh handsome sir... would you know where the nearest dungeons are in this place?" She smiled, one of the 'special smiles' and the man looked at her, gulped, then pointed vaguely in an easterly direction.

The castle was to the west.

She motioned for him to lead the way, and stood waiting while he oriented himself.

Ten minutes later, she knocked delicately on the grimy crumbled old wood of a large iron hinged door. Who ever had been talking paused, and a few minutes later a starlted face appeared around the door.

It pulled back and there was a murmured consultation, in the meantime she used the slight relaxation to push the door open and briskly examine the room, finally resting her eyes on the rather dishevelled and distinctly unclothed form of SR.

In the back of her throat she made a low clicking noise, and turning to the other woman in the room, rolled her eyes and asked in her best despairing tone "So go on then, what did he do?"


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:03 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
There is a note attached.

"For Kermie From Serenity. Many Happy Returns of the Day!"

*LMD looks up from the note and into the burning sun. It's hard to say whether from happiness or brightness, but something aproximating a smile made its way onto his face for the barest of moments. He absently dropped the bottle of undistinguishable booze he'd brought out from the bar with him onto the dusty walkway and set off in a seemingly random direction.


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:50 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
In the back of her throat she made a low clicking noise, and turning to the other woman in the room, rolled her eyes and asked in her best despairing tone "So go on then, what did he do?"

"In order of importance or chronologically? You see the Marquesa and I were just going over some ancient history." muttered SR with a air of great wearyness.

"I am not as interested in what he has done, rather what he might do." Answered the Baroness.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:04 PM



A tall thin man glides into the room, his long green robes barely brushing the floor. In one hand he holds a staff entwined with living, writhing serpents. In the other, he holds a long venomous snake which is looped about and biting its own tail. He stops to observe a charred headless corpse which is still twitching in an attempt to rise.

“My dear Alatariel, never have you looked lovelier!”

A glance from this man causes the head from a crossbow bolt to leap from the ashes to float in the air before him, where it can be easily examined. Along the edge of the arrowhead’s blade, tiny marks are inscribed in the metal.

“Well, well! Dannic runes! Impressive! And look! An approximation of your True Name. This looks like the work of the Eight, but I am surprised that they would delve into magic this dark! I suppose that they are getting desperate! Hmmm… I might as well keep this.” The head from the crossbow bolt gently floats into a pocket in the man’s voluminous robes. “After all, one never knows when one must be prepared to strike first against a rival.”

The man drops the large constrictor snake to the floor. It releases the bite on its own tail and starts to slither around the room.

“Hunt, my pet. Seek. We can’t find out what happened to her until we can find her head, yes?”

The snake wanders about the room, flicking its tongue. It ends its roundabout journey at the window sill.

“Ah, THERE you are, my dear!” he says as he pokes his own head out the window. “What are you doing all the way down there!?”

Dropped in a gutter in an alley behind the building, face down in the mud, the head of Alatariel mouths curses.

Ouroborous the Infinite

OOC: It’s odd, but now that I have met the real Citizen and Seryn, their characters on the Sereni-Tree and Special Branch have suddenly acquired British accents!


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:05 PM


Alatariel observed herself in a mirror as she once again adjusted her head atop her neck. Her body had nearly completed healing itself once again. “I’m getting more than a bit tired of this. It was Devan. He used magic, of course, but something darker than usual. If I didn’t know him better, I’d think he used some Dannic invocation.”

“Devan, you say? I see. It seems unlikely to me that one such as he would risk Dannic magic. Hmmm… ‘Tis a shame, my dear, that all of your clothing was consumed in the conflagration.” Ouroborous openly leered at her naked form.

“A shame,” she agreed sarcastically. “I don’t suppose that you could spare me a tunic or a robe or something?”

An evil smile spread across her companion’s face. “Why, my dear, I would be delighted to aid you, except, of course, for the fact that my own wardrobe has been tailored to perfection! Were I to loan you as much as a hanky, why, my own appearance would suffer incalculably!” The tall man continued to smile and leer at the woman’s young naked body.

Resigned, Alatariel sighed and rummaged through closets and chests until she found some priestly robes that she could use to cover herself. “Why have you come alone? If only I had more support against Devan, then…”

“Then even MORE of us could have witnessed your humiliation, my dear.”

“No! This is a matter of gravest…”

“Alatariel, my dear, you have been recalled. No argument.”

She paused in pulling robes over her head. She was not expecting that. “Why, Ouroborous? Who? By what authority?” She finished dressing, and admired the view in the mirror.

“These orders came directly from the lips of Adelle herself.” Ouroborous waited with anticipation to see Alatariel’s reaction. He was not disappointed.

Fear quivered in the pit of Alatariel’s stomach, and she gulped. “Adelle the Burner? Why would she take an interest?”

“She discovered that some of your latest chimeras had escaped. You are to answer for that.”

She shrugged. “The human-chicken crossbreeds? They were nothing. A distraction. A hobby. Toys.”

“Toys indeed, but toys with enough of a mind to lead our enemies back to our primary sanctum.” Ouroborous was clearly enjoying himself as he continued in a pleasant tone. “Which ones got away again? Please refresh my memory, my dear.”

She was becoming irritated now. “I’m sure your memory was quite clear when you reported me to Adelle! I made twenty-one human-chicken chimeras. Five escaped by tricking the guards during feeding time, a rather elaborate plan that required significant co-operation amongst them. They were numbers Three, Seven, Nine, Thirteen, and Seventeen. I know that I should have been more careful about the odd-numbered ones. Anyway, Three and Seventeen were caught by magical traps on the outer grounds. Seven and Nine were later hunted down by the Shadow Hounds.”

“And Thirteen?”

She fidgeted with the robe, unable to make the coarse, bulky garment conform to anything approaching fashion. “I don’t know where Thirteen is.”

Ouroborous smiled. “I do. It is at the Royal Castle among our greatest enemies, with information in its head that could impede the Great Project, and THAT is the reason that Adelle the Burner wants you recalled. You are to report to the Empress herself and explain this matter to her satisfaction…” He paused for effect. “In person.”

“In… In person? The Empress?” For the first time in several decades, Alatariel experienced pure terror.


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:33 PM


Wisp and the knight rode side by side for a while, but then Sir Devan called a halt. With one boot, he pushed the monk off the back of Wisp's mount and into the muddy street. "I don't want to be TOO nice to him."

They ride their giant chickens a bit farther, then Sir Devan turns to Wisp. "Very well, young sir. What would you like to know about? The Order of the Octagon, the Oracular Prophesy of the Harbringer of Doom, the Lord Baron's castle, the Immortals, or the monsters that the Immortals manufacture?"

Sir Devan of the Order of the Octagon


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:44 PM


As a public service, here is where I think people are:

On the Planet Zanzibar:
If I am not mistaken, then 13, Seryn, and ScorpionRegent are in the castle dungeon (where is Snarky?); Wisp is riding in the village with Sir Devan; LightMeDark is walking around town and has just had a package drop into his hands; Jadehand has just awakened and is ready for the day; and Cozen, Jake7, Mai, TheRealMe, and Xander/Ash are in the village inn (probably still sleeping in the common room).

In orbit in the Sereni-Tree:
SimonWho in acting command, SoulOfSerenity, the Brides (including Serenity), Seraphina, the Faeries, the Yeti, and others.


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:14 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Lets start at the beginning. Im a little rusty on my magic and sorcery"

OOC-How many final fantasy crossovers do we need??? And next week is my freshers week so my posting may be slow so just control me and ill play along when i get back into a less drunken routine!!


Saturday, September 9, 2006 5:37 AM


OOC: Sorry, but I don't know Final Fantasy. Any crossovers there that I made are coincidental. Also, while I planned to have this story ready and some stuff to do in the castle, I am afraid that Real Life has intruded, and I will be delayed. Wisp, if you want to continue without me, then some sudden attack or event could separate you and Devan or cause you to become too preoccupied to talk.


Saturday, September 9, 2006 5:53 AM


OOC: Thanks for the update on where everyone is, TRM. I got lost for a bit there! I'll assume I'm sleeping (I'll need my strength later, I think). I'm just waiting for my chicken-confusing skills to come into play.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Saturday, September 9, 2006 6:43 AM


At the castle, a cheer erupts from the crowd as the next contestant is introduced.

“Sir Kei of Sandford.”

At the far end of the jousting pitch a man rides in on a large hooded chickenhawk. He is about 6'3" and broad shouldered. His armour is a combination of chain mail and plate armour. His shield is octagon shaped with spikes at each corner. The only thing marring this imposing scene was the goofy smile and wave.

“Hi everybody!!”

Edited to fix the horse, which has now become a large chickenhawk, more in keeping with the story.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Saturday, September 9, 2006 11:34 AM


OoC: The Great Project? Could it be the Harbinger?


Saturday, September 9, 2006 12:10 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC- Final fantasy has large chickens (chocobos) and a sorceress called Adell

Wisp and Sir Devan arrived at the edge of the river valley on the far side of the village. Infront of them was a cliff face reaching up to a height casting shadow for a a furlong on the ground.

The path ended a few feet from the wall of granite and the Space Chickens stopped at the end of the dirt track.

"Did we take a wrong turn??" Wisp asked, his voic ladened in sarcasm. Sir Devan Shot Wisp an "i am not amused" Stare and dismounted walking towards the natural fortification. Upon a flat patch he drew an octagon with his finger burning a mark on the rock. The stones began to shudder and shift and a doorway appeared and inside was a bustling scene of people trading in weapons and magic.

Imps, Goblins and pixies scuttled around and Two centaurs were guarding the entrance. Sir Devan walked in without hesitaion as Wisp followed With awe lost in the living incarnation of his dreams.


Saturday, September 9, 2006 1:09 PM


Seryn turns to the woman - posh dress, time consuming hair, spine deforming amounts of jewellry....

"Baroness, believe me, whatever he did in the past, he's with me now *turns steely gaze upon SR* and he wont be doing it again.

... not if he knows whats good for him...."

"My Lady.....?"

"Althea" Seryn replies lying always comes in so handy

"Lady Althea... his crimes are of a serious nature..."

"Spare me, please... you do know what your ladies maid is doing with that young man who led me here right now don't you? *opens the door to a 'nice' little scene* Don't try to convince me that this happy little castle is a paragon of virtue - i've heard of the cloven fruit game."

She smiles slightly at the Baronesses blush.

"So, lets stick to the facts, how many people were killed and how many husbands made to feel inadequete? *whispers in the baronesses ear* and how many ladies left disapointed?"

She turns and flashes a brief smile at SR, trying to be encouraging.

"And finally, what do I need to do to get him out of here? Or to at least *plaintive cry* get some pants on him?"


Sunday, September 10, 2006 4:04 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
"And finally, what do I need to do to get him out of here? Or to at least *plaintive cry* get some pants on him?"

"Lady Althea you misunderstand." the Baroness replied.

Seryn raised a eye brow and waited for the Baroness to continue.

"I said 'I am not as interested in what he has done, rather what he might do.' What I failed to add is that I am not interested in prosecuting Mr Regent. I am, or shall I say was until you arrived complicating things, contemplating how to best employ Mr Regent. He is just the sort of intriguer I need." Says the Baroness as she hands a pair of pants to Seryn.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:29 AM


Seryn stares intently at the baroness for a few moments

" serious?"

The Baroness nods, and Seryn relaxes visibly, her shoulders drop and she laughs a little.

"Wow, for a minute there I was really scared. Really, you have need of him?

For what?"

While she talks Seryn takes the trousers and put them next to SR, kisses him quickly on the forhead and then stands and motions to the chains still tethering him.

"No I won't be removing the bonds just yet... we've yet to hear if employment is agreeable to him.

Well, Regent?"


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:16 AM



Originally posted by 13:
OoC: The Great Project? Could it be the Harbinger?

OOC: Could be, 13, could be! Hey, 13, aren't you in the same dungeon with Seryn, SR, and the Baroness?

Oh, and I must admit that the name Adelle came from an NPC in a friend's roleplaying game, so it is possible that he got it from Final Fantasy. No giant chickens there, however, just Iron Dragon trains.


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:29 AM


Ii'm in the dungeon, just in the corner.

"Excuse me, misses and naked man...but there are more pressing matters of late."


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:34 AM


OOC: Bravo, 13! BTW, I hope that you don't mind your half-chicken self being revealed as a science project of the Immortals. Since they were tinkering with magical genetics, it seemed likely to me. TheRealMe returns to trying to figure out Sir Devan's Story.


Sunday, September 10, 2006 2:53 PM


The horns sound to signal the start of the joust.

Sir Kei’s goofy smile vanishes as he slaps down the visor on his helmet, raises his lance and spurs his mount forward by removing its hood.

The two knights rocket down the pitch towards one another. As the two near each other, both raise their shields and the lances make contact. Where the opposing knight’s lance shatters upon impact with sir Kei’s shield, Sir Kei’s lance flexes and flings the other knight off his mount.

Sir Kei leaps off his mount and draws his sword in one fluid movement. He charges the other knight and their swords ring out.

After a short spar, Sir Kei seizes his opportunity. Stepping inside the other knight’s swing, Sir Kei delivers and bone jarring shield smash that knocks the knight off balance. Sir Kei quickly follows that with a vicious punch to the head knocking his opponent out.

The horns sound signaling the end off the competition, and the crowd goes wild. But Sir Kei changes like a switch being thrown at the sound of the horn.

“I say, good knight, art thou injured? Please accept my most heart felt apologies. T’was not my intention to grievously injure you.” Sir Kei says raising his visor and clumsily sheathing his sword. “T’would pain me greatly if I were to cause thine passing.”

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Sunday, September 10, 2006 3:59 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
[B"No I won't be removing the bonds just yet... we've yet to hear if employment is agreeable to him.

Well, Regent?"

SR take breath and begins. "I would have to insist that as terms of my employment that I be allowed to choose when and where I remove my pants." SR being still blindfolded is oblivious to the fact that his pants are now within easy reach. He continues on, "I will need to know what is expected of me and how I am to be compensated for my efforts and of course all the details. Which is to say, who, what, why, when, where and how?"

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:45 PM


ooc - I missed the bit about the blindfold *sheepish grin*

Seryn kneels next to SR and removes his blindfold, and they both await the Baronesses reply.


Monday, September 11, 2006 8:10 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
ooc - I missed the bit about the blindfold *sheepish grin*

Seryn kneels next to SR and removes his blindfold, and they both await the Baronesses reply.

SR ignores the pants and looks the Baroness straight in the eye and as he waits for her answer. Presently she begins to speak.

"The Sir Morris MacKeirn the Chancellor to the Empress Arinda has in his possesion a priceless heirloom of my family. It does not properly belong to him. Yet I am unable to prove that he has it. If I had proof, I could simply appear in the Empress's court and demand it's return. I want it back, through litigation, theft, treachery, blackmail, or force of arms, it matters not. You Mister Regent as my agent might deliver it back into my hands, the sooner the better, and as it is irreplacable, you are entitled to ask for a lot in return for your services. I do not have the resources to move against him openly. Until that time you can not let anyone know that you are in my employ. I can give you aid, but not directly. I think that will answer for the most part your questions. As to the control of your pants, you can put them on now."

SR makes no move to dress himself, but scratches his beard in thought and then leans himself against the wall.

"Aren't you going ..." Seryn asks before she is cut off by SR's raised hand.

"I'm thinking."

"Surely you can do that with your pants on?" Seryn enquires.

"Yes, but it might hold me back." SR replies.

Seryn's expression is beyond description.

"It might impair my thinking." SR explains " Leave me be, this is important."

Seryn rolls her eyes and moves to leave.

"Don't go, the Baroness can't have you wandering with the information you have, besides I may need your help,...thinking."

Scorpion Regent


Monday, September 11, 2006 9:33 AM


*raises an eyebrow*

"In what way?"

Seryn smooths the creases out of her skirts and turns back to the Baroness.

"What exactly is the nature of this bit of precious? Would you prefer the thing its self or is proof sufficient?


And why exactly is it so important to you? Beyond its heirloom iness? I have many heirlooms i'd quite like to bet back, but not to the point where i'm hiring strange crooks to do the dirty work for me.

what does it mean to you?"


Monday, September 11, 2006 1:27 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
*raises an eyebrow*

"In what way?"

Seryn smooths the creases out of her skirts and turns back to the Baroness.

"What exactly is the nature of this bit of precious? Would you prefer the thing its self or is proof sufficient?


And why exactly is it so important to you? Beyond its heirloom iness? I have many heirlooms i'd quite like to bet back, but not to the point where i'm hiring strange crooks to do the dirty work for me.

what does it mean to you?"

SR speaks up, "This item is significant beyond it's sentimental value. It's either a key of some sort, it's magic, or it is essential for some sort of ritual. My guess is all of the above and without it the Barony will crumble into ruin, soon. If we have it to return, we get to name our reward. If we provide the ability to reclaim it, we get a small chest of coins and semi-precious stones and a bunch smaller consolation prizes along with a lifetime membership seat at the children's table at all Baronial functions." At this point SR puts on his pants.

The Baroness nods in agreement. "Yes Mr. Regent you have the situation well in hand I see." She turns to the semi rooster in the corner. "Thirteen please remove Mr Regent's chains and show him and his, ...associate to the guest suite in the west tower." She speaks again to Seryn and SR. "Please make yourselves comfortable and join me and the household for dinner this evening. You are our guests, but to leave now would be considerably discourteous. We will discuss all of the sublties in the morning."

Scorpion Regent


Monday, September 11, 2006 6:05 PM



Sir Devan and Wisp drop their mounts off at an ostlery just inside the hidden gate. Then, the old knight leads Wisp deep into a magnificent hidden fortress delved into the mountain. “We have been carving this secret castle out of the living rock for generations. It has become, perhaps, our final refuge with the raising of the Wards Major.”

They head down several long corridors, each perfectly straight, past a few intersections with other tunnels. The entire way was lit by magical glow-stones set into the wall in intervals. Sir Devan stops outside a door. “These are my chambers. You are welcome here.”

Sir Devan mumbles a phrase and the door swings open. They enter, and the door closes behind them. Sir Devan throws back his hood and unties his cloak, dropping it to the floor. He sheds some armor, then drops himself into a large comfortable chair, cringing slightly at some ache or pain that plagues him. Wisp can find other chairs and a couch in the modest quarters.

A tray magically floats into the room, carrying a pitcher, glasses, and other refreshments. Devan pours a glass and offers it to Wisp. He pours another for himself. Wisp judges Sir Devan to be perhaps in his mid sixties, a tired man who seemed to bear a great burden, but one whose will was strong enough for any task. He had a bushy beard and unkempt shoulder-length hair all gone white.

“Well, young sir, you wanted to know our story…”


Monday, September 11, 2006 6:06 PM


IN THE HIDDEN FORTRESS: History of the Zanzibar Kingdoms and the Octagonal Order

Sir Devan takes a deep breath and begins to talk to Wisp:

“You probably know much of our history. Our ancestors came here to the planet Zanzibar from Earth, a multitude of people intent on living a simple life with limited technology. Among our colonists were a group of new-age mystics. It so happened that they discovered that their magical spells worked on this planet, and academies developed to train wizards. The horses that we brought could not adapt to the world’s biosphere, so we trained the large indigenous flightless birds to act as mounts. Centuries passed, and the population gradually lost knowledge. Our space trip here is now recalled by most as a legendary journey across the ocean in a great ship. Only a relative few of us know much of true history, science, and the technology that we spurned.

“We divided our people among great leaders, who formed the first kingdoms of Zanzibar. The kingdoms were subdivided into various duchies, counties, and baronies, with the smallest feudal holding being that of a manor that supports a heavily armed and armored mounted knight. There is a Baronial castle near here. Occasionally, as now, an Emperor or Empress gains such power that he or she rules over virtually the entire world.

“As kingdoms do, these warred each upon the other, seeking to gain land, influences or resources both mundane and magical. These wars used battle wizards to scout out the enemy, control the minds of enemy generals, or blast armies with magical fire.

“After a number of wars between the kingdoms, a special society was formed to attempt to influence the kingdoms toward policies that were less destructive toward the common folk. This group was originally formed with eight members, each of which was both a powerful wizard and a powerful knight. The members of this order would be sent to trouble spots to try to influence the local political situation. They gained a great reputation, and came to be respected throughout all the kingdoms. They were famous for their truthfulness, honor, and relative neutrality. They were much sought out as negotiators and diplomats. I am speaking, of course, of the Octagonal Order of which I am a member. As time passed new members were inducted into the order to replace those who died or retired. One of the early members was the Great Oracle. We shall speak again of him later.

“One of the groups of wizards was the Guild of Shapers. These wizards warped and changed life into forms more useful to them through magic, gene-splicing, and careful crossbreeding. They created centaurs, pixies, dwarfs, elves, dragons, and all manner of fantastic creatures with which to populate this world.

“Time passed and we lived our lives. But then something happened to change our lives forever.”


Monday, September 11, 2006 6:08 PM



Sir Devan continues his talk with Wisp:

“One day, about a century ago, there came a great earthquake that was felt throughout the world, followed by a year of darkness. Wizards could detect that this was a magical disturbance of the highest order. Plague and famine scoured the land. It was soon after that when the Immortals first appeared. There were only a small number of them, perhaps as many as six or eight, each known by the color of robes he or she wore and the type of magic that he or she specialized in. They were wizards far more powerful than any that had been known before, and they seem to be impossible to destroy permanently. I give my oath that I once had the Blue Wizard, Zorander the Storm Caller, at my mercy. My band killed him, chopped him to pieces, and burned the remains to ashes. He was seen again less than a year later, in a mood for bloody revenge.

“At least some of the Immortals were from the Guild of Shapers, and they continued their research, warping animals and humans into strange things. They created warrior races of trolls and orcs and started their armies marching across the land. The Knights of the Octagonal Order, who had helped to maintain peace until that time, were slain, pushed back, and driven underground, literally as you can see. Before long, the Empire was formed under the rule of Arinda the Empress, who began as the ruler of one of the petty kingdoms of the north. Why the Immortals support her is a great question. She maintains some hold over them. We believe that she is an Immortal herself.

“For long, we have been searching for the key to their power and amazing durability, in vain. We suspect that the Immortals have used magic to remove their souls from their bodies, and so we need to find the soul jars of each to harm them. If such soul jars exist, then they would be well hidden or well protected or both.

“Today, in the Imperial court, fawning courtiers flatter the Empress and participate in an endless game of intrigue and backstabbing. Meanwhile, the Empress rules with an iron hand, supported by her Immortal lieutenants. The most terrible of these are Karg the Bloody and Adelle the Burner. However, the Immortals squabble and plot one against the other, each seeking more influence. Here is a list of known or suspected Immortals:

Adelle the Burner (Orange) – Fire, Smoke, Energy
Alatariel the Lurker, of the Black Tower (Black) – Communication, Transformation, Illusion
Arinda of the Silver Eyes, the Empress (Violet) – Mind Control, Knowledge
Karg the Bloody (Red) – War Magic
Krysta the Ice Queen (White) – Cold, Ice, Water
Magnus the Maker (Gold) – Crafting of Magical Items
Ouroborous the Infinite (Green) – Life, Plants, Animals, Earth, Stone
Zorander the Storm Caller (Blue) – Air, Wind, Storm, Weather


Monday, September 11, 2006 6:12 PM



Sir Devan continues:

“One of the early members of the Octagonal Order was known as the Oracle. His or her name was not recorded. He or she was quite mad, but gifted with foresight. Some say that he or she saw the future so accurately, and what was seen was so terrible, that it was the cause of the madness. His or her writings were discredited, but I have come to study them. Here is one of interest:”



Violence in the earth, darkness in the sky, and a rainbow appears. It is as eternal and certain in the sky as the sun, moon, and stars. It is a spectrum all broken and wrong, with no color touching another. Its light shall shine forth to warp the bodies and souls of all that dwell below it.

A hundred years, and comes the Harbinger of Darkness, a thing of shadow and flame so terrible as to defy description. Upon great wings it takes to the sky and rains devastation upon the world. It is a world without hope, as sturdy walls are shattered and not even eight can be found to continue the struggle.

But hope remains! From a tree like no other, seeds fall upon the earth, to take root and grow. The lesser monster shall betray the greater, and with the proper key, doors will open, the great weapon shall be loosed from its sheath, the rainbow will be shattered forever, and the people shall rejoice once more.


“In my mind, the first paragraph tells of the rise of the Immortals. The rainbow mentioned must be the Immortals, who are each represented by their color, but who fight and bicker constantly amongst themselves, so they are always separate and apart.

“The second paragraph speaks of some new terror that is yet to come, and perhaps the fall of the Octagonal Order and this hidden fortress. Whatever this Harbinger of Darkness is, it seems to be a terrible force of destruction.

“The third paragraph tells how we might combat this evil. It involves some monsters, some weapon, and some key, none of which we have yet identified. It also involves the seeds of a tree like no other.

“Now, when I found you about to be transformed into something unpleasant, I was eavesdropping on Alatariel’s telepathic sending. She mentioned something odd that she read from your mind, something about a tree in the sky. Now, a tree in the sky is a tree like no other, if you ask me! And that is why I saved you. I believe that you are caught up in this prophesy.”


Monday, September 11, 2006 6:14 PM


"Of course, mistress," 13 mutters dutifully, removing the chains. "Follow me, guests. I believe you'll find the suite most appealing. It is often reserved for royal guests."

13 hadn't been working as the Baroness's bodyguard for long, and had no clue what the guest suite looked like. Or, in fact, the general direction of the west tower.


Monday, September 11, 2006 8:34 PM


general logic dictates in a westerly direction?

but then, english castle builder logic dictates that the route to it lies to the north east, then to the south before eventually turning west just before you've given up hope and decided to turn back..


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:49 AM


After several wrong turns and what seems like miles of corridors, 13 eventually leads Seryn and SR into a large spacious but simply furnished room.

No one seems more surprised that they actually made it than 13 himself. Even with the fact that no one is quite sure if he's actually there or not.

Seryn goes immedietly to a bell pull marked 'water - pull twice for hot' and pulls it twice, then twice again for emphasis.


"So... what?" SR grabs her around the waist and tries to snuggle.

"Oh no, before any of that you are going to bathe, you've been locked up in a dungeon - you're smelly by association"

SR frowns and pulls a hurt face. "oh don't try that with me mister, besides, it'll make for a fun evening.. you with the bathing, me with the watching you bathe..."

Water arrives (very speedily, yey!) infact, it arrives twice. "well, waste not want not" she says as she dives into the second tub "oooooooooh, good lord, water! clean water! warm! ok, do not disturb for the next three hours."

Ten minutes later, bored, she gets out and goes to look see what they have in the way of clean clothes. She finds a soft wool dress to put on, and drops a shirt and some breeches onto the bed for SR.

"OK, I fold, I can't not ask... are you going to do what the baroness wants?"

(ooc - was that a lot of random detail? I think my edit function is offline)


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:02 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
After several wrong turns and what seems like miles of corridors, 13 eventually leads Seryn and SR into a large spacious but simply furnished room.

No one seems more surprised that they actually made it than 13 himself. Even with the fact that no one is quite sure if he's actually there or not.

Seryn goes immedietly to a bell pull marked 'water - pull twice for hot' and pulls it twice, then twice again for emphasis.


"So... what?" SR grabs her around the waist and tries to snuggle.

"Oh no, before any of that you are going to bathe, you've been locked up in a dungeon - you're smelly by association"

SR frowns and pulls a hurt face. "oh don't try that with me mister, besides, it'll make for a fun evening.. you with the bathing, me with the watching you bathe..."

Water arrives (very speedily, yey!) infact, it arrives twice. "well, waste not want not" she says as she dives into the second tub "oooooooooh, good lord, water! clean water! warm! ok, do not disturb for the next three hours."

Ten minutes later, bored, she gets out and goes to look see what they have in the way of clean clothes. She finds a soft wool dress to put on, and drops a shirt and some breeches onto the bed for SR.

"OK, I fold, I can't not ask... are you going to do what the baroness wants?"

(ooc - was that a lot of random detail? I think my edit function is offline)

"Do we really know what she wants? We know what she told us she wants. Be very careful not to confuse low technology with a lack of sophistication. A flow chart of convoluted mechanations of a typical power struggle on this planet it would make the wiring schematic of a mainframe computer look simple. So I guess the answer is no, for the moment we will play along with the Baroness and we may even get the whatsit, but I want a lot more information before I make a solid decision. Of course I might change my mind once I put on some pants, doubt it though. She could be setting me up as a fall guy. What do you think?"

OOC: That was just fine.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 5:20 PM


TheRealMe awakens in the village inn common room. He attempts to rouse Cozen, Jake7, Mai, and Xander/Ash, then heads downstairs to join Jadehand (and LMD?) for breakfast.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:43 PM



"Do we really know what she wants? We know what she told us she wants. Be very careful not to confuse low technology with a lack of sophistication. A flow chart of convoluted mechanations of a typical power struggle on this planet it would make the wiring schematic of a mainframe computer look simple. So I guess the answer is no, for the moment we will play along with the Baroness and we may even get the whatsit, but I want a lot more information before I make a solid decision. Of course I might change my mind once I put on some pants, doubt it though. She could be setting me up as a fall guy. What do you think?"

"I think it's a distinct possibility.

I also think that we need to look at this from the other side. And maybe a neutral corner. Identify the players, isolate the pertinent thread on this flowchart of yours, and make an educated guess at who is most likely to stab us in the back first. I'm also thinking, do we want to get the others involved?"

She gets up and goes to look in the mirror at the pretty dress, but then something else catches her eye...

"On the other hand, a small part of me is thinking, why not just make a run for it?...
... look!" She stands sideways on to SR and smooths down the front of her dress to reveal a distinct bump "Now is that baby or is life on the tree just making me flabbier?"


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 3:43 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
"I think it's a distinct possibility.

I also think that we need to look at this from the other side. And maybe a neutral corner. Identify the players, isolate the pertinent thread on this flowchart of yours, and make an educated guess at who is most likely to stab us in the back first. I'm also thinking, do we want to get the others involved?"

She gets up and goes to look in the mirror at the pretty dress, but then something else catches her eye...

"On the other hand, a small part of me is thinking, why not just make a run for it?...
... look!" She stands sideways on to SR and smooths down the front of her dress to reveal a distinct bump "Now is that baby or is life on the tree just making me flabbier?"

"Involving the others could prove very risky. It's not really the time to make a run for it. We are behind too many walls of rock here. The time for running will present itself. It's too late to go into denial now. You are really pregnant. In fact aren't you over due now? Now I know that I have not been with you 24/7, but it seems to me that you have had one of the most low maintenace pregnancies ever. You are just so magic. So when will the cannonball burst forth and claim the title 'Spawn of Seryn'?"

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:14 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
TheRealMe awakens in the village inn common room. He attempts to rouse Cozen, Jake7, Mai, and Xander/Ash, then heads downstairs to join Jadehand (and LMD?) for breakfast.

**jake7 yawns mightily, stretches then gets up. After a quick shower she heads off to breakfast with TRM and Jadehand. Spotting them at a table, she joins them.**

Hey, guys! Anything good on the menu?

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:32 AM


Sitting at a table in the corner of the village inn, TheRealMe studies the menu. "Hmmm... 'Two-egg omelette, serves twenty'. Must be made with eggs from the giant chickens. That sounds tasty to me, but..."

As TheRealMe looks up from the menu at Jake7, he stops. "What's that?" he whispers.

Behind Jake7, floating up among the rafters of the room, is a small silvery eye. It seems to be staring at Our Heroes.

TheRealMe shrugs and waves at it.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:47 AM


What's what?

**jake7 turns around to see what TRM is waving at. She sees the bizarre eyeball thing. She looks back at TRM**

Um, do you think you should wave at it? Might be a security camera, but if so, it's the strangest one I've ever seen!

As for the omlette, there's not enough of us to share one. Anything more normal in portion size?

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:51 AM


Sir Kei walks into the Village Inn. He has replaced his armor with a simple peasant style shirt and brown pants made from what looks to be a combination of some sort of leather and cotton. (Actually, it's chicken skin but it has to be blended with cotton for strength.)

He smiles and waves at the serving girl. "Hiya Ruby!"

"You want the usual Sir Kei?" Ruby smiles back.

"Ya, two two-egg omelettes, but only one loaf of bread. I'm trying to cut back. Need to be in shape for the next tournament."

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 7:17 AM


ooc - Well... i was having it progress at just a bit faster than RL, and waiting for the best (or would that be worst) time to work it into the story. Around about five months the sickness is over and the back pains have yet to begin and mostly women are just doing that 'glowy' thing before another hormone shift makes all your hair fall out. (my sister had a baby, and she likes SHARING)so just beginning to show but not yet awkward.

But apparently Serenitys baby is two months old already! does that meen mine is slow or hers is precocious? Argh! ok, better get a move on.

"Well, i was intending to call him Kaspar, but we can go with Spawn if you must. But you have to explain it to his school teachers.

Don't worry, the back ache and the swollen ankles and the mood swings and cravings will begin and your life will become hellish soon enough, so just savour the calm."

"So no running... did you have another plan or are we just going to twiddle our thumbs until something turns up?"


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:40 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Behind Jake7, floating up among the rafters of the room, is a small silvery eye. It seems to be staring at Our Heroes.

TheRealMe shrugs and waves at it.

*LMD walks back into the inn to see his captain waving at something he can't quite see. He moves to join the crew and partake of breakfast when he finally sees the oddly floating orb. Also shrugging, he pulls up a seat and picks out a banana from the bowl of mixed fruits sitting at the center of the table.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:23 PM


Hey guys,
Welcome to breakfast. I've ordered some toast with a variety of jellies and jams, also plenty of juices. The omlette sounds great. I'm really hungry, and the others will hopefully join us soon.
* JadeHand puts his elbows up on the table and leans forward, asking loudly, "So, how did everyone sleep? I think I got the first great rest I've had in a long time. I really like this place." His hand comes up to shield his mouth from view as he looks forward as if anticipating their response. He mumbles to Captain TRM, "It's been watching me for about an hour. It came through the open window in the back over my right shoulder. I've not been able to get a good look at it, as I've tried to be subtle and it tends to move about. Ever seen anything like it?" JadeHand leans back taking a glass of Orange Juice in his hand and sipping it slowly. His right hand slips into his bag as he begins to fumble for a tool.*

"But you sleep like a ghost with me
It's as simple as that
So tell me I'm mad
Roll me up and breathe me in
Come to my madness
My opium den
Come to my madness
Make sense of it again."
Goodbye to all that. III-The Opium Den (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:39 PM


*Completely oblivious to JadeHand's use of diversionary tactics, LMD looks at him with a face contorted by concentration

Y'know, now that I think about it...I'm not really sure how I slept or if I even did. I, uh, I can't recall anything from last ni- wait, I remember receiving a package with a note attached from Serenity, though I'm not really sure where it came from...I never forget. What did happen this night past?

*LMD's voice trails off and an expression of confusion falls upon his face.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:28 PM




Jadehand wrote:
Hey guys,

Welcome to breakfast. I've ordered some toast with a variety of jellies and jams, also plenty of juices. The omlette sounds great. I'm really hungry, and the others will hopefully join us soon.”

JadeHand puts his elbows up on the table and leans forward, asking loudly, "So, how did everyone sleep? I think I got the first great rest I've had in a long time. I really like this place."

His hand comes up to shield his mouth from view as he looks forward as if anticipating their response. He mumbles to Captain TRM, "It's been watching me for about an hour. It came through the open window in the back over my right shoulder. I've not been able to get a good look at it, as I've tried to be subtle and it tends to move about. Ever seen anything like it?"

JadeHand leans back taking a glass of Orange Juice in his hand and sipping it slowly. His right hand slips into his bag as he begins to fumble for a tool.*

“Oh, right, subtlety!” TheRealMe stops waving at the silvery eye floating in the rafters and sheepishly goes back to studying the menu.

Meanwhile, the silver eye swivels about until it spots Sir Kei at a nearby table. It flies closer to him and seems intent on observing him in particular. Sir Kei notices and nods to the eye. “Greetings, Your Majesty! Is all here as you think it should be?”

A few minutes pass. The serving maid Ruby brings Sir Kei’s breakfast, but as he begins to dig in, there is a rumble from the ground.

“Not again!” Ruby says, and dives backward.

The floorboards below and around Sir Kei explode into a shower of splinters as perhaps a dozen giant snakes rise up from the earth to attack him. Patrons of the Inn scatter.

Sir Kei seems more annoyed than anything else. He calls out, “Again, Ouroborous, with the snakes? Show some originality!”


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:31 PM



Doctor SimonWho returns from checking on Corbin the Yeti and her new-born baby SimonYeti, named in honor of him. Mother and son seem to be doing fine, assuming that his wild guesses on Yeti physiology are anywhere near to correct.

SimonWho enters his medical office to find seven women waiting for him.

Bobbie Sue jumps up and down with glee, causing her numerous blonde curls to bounce. She claps her hands. “Goodie! Goodie! The doctor is here!”

“Welcome back, Doctor,” Serenity tells him, though her attention is focused on little Seraphina in her arms. Serenity changes position in her chair and refolds her angelic wings in order to shift how she holds her baby.

Sitting in a corner, Deuce is calmly sharpening one of her katanas. “Huh! About time he got back! Can we get on with this? I’m late for my gymnastics practice. Then I have sword training this afternoon.” She pauses to secure her red hair in a headband, then she gets back to her work.

Quincey slinks over in her short, tight, low cut red dress and hugs SimonWho. She looks up into his eyes, gives him a long, lingering look, and whispers, “We have a favor to ask of you.” Then she kisses him gently.

“Wonderful, Quin!” Bride7 sneers, looking away. “You struck out with every other human male on this ship, why not strike out with the doctor, too! Then you can start working your way through the Yeti.”

Quincey flashes a searing glance back at Bride7. “At least I try.”

“Whatever!” Bride7 looks down and crosses her arms.

Trey and Jet stand together, side by side. They are a mis-matched pair, for Trey is dark and tall, over six feet in height, while Jet is pale and stands not quite five feet. “Doctor…” they both begin. They pause and look at one another, then look back at SimonWho.

Trey continues alone. “Doctor, we would like your help on a special project. As I’m sure you remember, we Brides came aboard this ship as a group of seven. And we have recently welcomed Serenity, here, as the new Bride8. But really, our number has been incomplete for a long time, since the incident on Black Diamond with the FemaleReaver.”

“Really?” Bobbie Sue’s brow furrows as she wonders aloud. “What happened?”

“Idiot!” Bride7 scowls. “Bride1 got turned into a reaver by the FemaleReaver, attacked us, and then was killed and eaten by Needleseye!”

“Oh, yeah,” Bobbie Sue mutters, pouting, eyes downcast. “I forgot.”

“That’s only because YOU didn’t help clean up the mess!” Quincey responds, shuddering at the memory.

“It was… yucky.” Bobbie Sue protests.

Jet brushes back an errant strand of black hair and adjusts her smudged glasses. “Bride1 was PARTIALLY eaten by Needleseye,” she corrects. “We saved some of her remains and stuck it into cryogenic storage to preserve it. That’s where you come in, Doc.”

Trey nods. “Yes, we’d like to take the remains of Ace, Bride1, out of cryo and regenerate her or clone her or something. We want her back with us.”

Jet pulls an odd device from a pocket of her grimy coveralls. She turns it back and forth in her hand, displaying lots of control knobs, pointy projections, and blinking lights. “Look, I invented a DNA duplicator / resequencer just for this job!”

Deuce stops sharpening her blade and considers this. “It’s been a while since my own sensei was around. But Ace was a very skilled swordmaster. She could probably teach me a thing or two about fighting if we can get her back.”

“Get her back?” Bride7 laughs. “Bride1? That nutcase was a psychopath BEFORE she became a reaver. I say keep her in cold storage, or better yet, space whatever’s left of her. Safer for everyone that way! Besides,” Bride7 turns and points at Deuce, “you’ve gotten to be too much like her as it is!”

“Good! I want to be a good fighter!”

Trey shrugs at SimonWho. “We would want to leave out the reaverized bits, of course.”

“Yes,” Jet agrees enthusiastically. “This will be fun! Just like playing Mad Scientist!”

Somewhat stunned by this verbal assault, SimonWho looks at Serenity.

“I don’t know, Doctor,” she tells him. “I never met the woman. This happened before my time.”

“But Ace WAS a Bride!” Jet stresses.

“Yes, she was a Bride,” Serenity agrees.

“She’s like our sister!” Bobbie Sue offers, pleading.

“A psychopathic sister who is waiting to kill us all!” Bride7 adds, smirking.

Deuce, Bride2
Trey, Bride3
Jet, Bride4
Quincey, Bride5
Bobbie Sue, Bride6
Serenity, Bride8


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:21 PM




"Well, i was intending to call him Kaspar, but we can go with Spawn if you must. But you have to explain it to his school teachers.

Don't worry, the back ache and the swollen ankles and the mood swings and cravings will begin and your life will become hellish soon enough, so just savour the calm."

"So no running... did you have another plan or are we just going to twiddle our thumbs until something turns up?"

"I was thinking of Spawn of Seryn as more of a title than a proper name. I have no right to name your child. I was just thinking whimsically. As for a plan I intend to soak here comforably for a while longer, then I will take a liesurely nap and finally I will go down stairs and stuff my face at dinner. The nobles set a excellent table on this planet. That sounds just about perfect, unless of course you would like to make that a strenuous nap."

Scorpion Regent






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