Browncoat Singles

UPDATED: Sunday, October 8, 2006 04:01
VIEWED: 22866
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Friday, September 8, 2006 11:32 AM


Ok, I searched, I really did, for the other threads like this...where all the single Browncoats on this site post...I can't find them. So, I apologize for starting another one, but it turns out I will be single again in about 30 days, plus or minus, and will be "on the market" once more. So, I figured I'd start another one of these to see what happens.

I'll open:

Most of my info is in my profile, but some info isn't. I am in the process of a divorce right now. It's a cordial split-up, so I don't have any emotional baggage about it. I'm not looking for a re-bound, just looking for other singles that share my loves.

I'm 35, male, and an Insurance Agent with a secret identity

That should be enough to get us going, I hope...



Friday, September 8, 2006 11:54 AM


Ach, sorry to hear about your woes, Tristan. Here's hoping it frees you up to find a better situation - maybe a precision Inara costumer to set off your precision Mal cosplay? I mean it though, buddy, best wishes to you. True, it is a bit of a shame that the other singles threads got buried so quick. I hope the novelty hasn't worn off...


Here I am, a solitary man, 27-year-old Mal clone in the Philly area. As much as I wish to say a bit more, I have a pretty hard time thinking of good stuff to say on my own behalf, particularly here on ye olde spurre of ye moment. For now, let's just say I've gotten a lot of grief in years past and I intend to take it...real...slow.

If perchance you are a 20-something Kaylee and/or River type with a fiercely crazed and undying love of Firefly, that is definitely a good place to start.


Friday, September 8, 2006 5:59 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

The other threads were pretty long anyhow
Here I am again. I'm 21 and live in northern Colorado. I have dead set opinions, I don't lie or hide my emotions too much, and I am dead sexeh (well, I like to think so ) I consider myself the perfect blend of River, Zoe, and Kaylee, plus some Inara (without the angst, hiding of emotion, and getting paid for sex). If you love to cuddle, love Firefly, and know how to spell and/or speak intelligently, and aren't too much older than me, I'd love to see what happens. At the moment I'm a night-worker, which cuts down on when I've been able to socialize, which is probably why I'm still single. That and my standards. "Must be smart, kind, drug-free, and love Firefly". Why is that so hard?
Think I've rambled enough. Semi-muscular is a plus

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:09 PM


I'll join in here.
umm...ok, well most stuff is in my profile, but i'm 22 and live in Sydney.
i don't know that i could compare myself to a characer... but i have been told i look like what a kitten would look like if it was human...
The only standards that i apply are: must love cats, joss whedon creations, and books.
smart, funny, open-minded etc are expected from people on this site!
also, i'm a girl-only kinda Faith says about Willow, "not driving stick anymore"!



Friday, September 8, 2006 10:15 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Awwwwww Why you have to be in Sydney? Way the hell over there...

I forgot to mention; I'm basically equal opportunity

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, September 10, 2006 6:05 PM

SHINYKITTEN raise an interesting point, PhoenixRose,...why AM i way the hell over here?!

no-one else seems to be into this thread...omg, what if we are the 4 ONLY single people!? that cannot be true! Bah! i say.

If Cavemen and Astronauts had a fight....


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:17 PM


Well, just to let you know, shinykitten, there is at least one more. I am single, and I have come to read comments on this thread to see what's up.

It's just that I'm not in my 20s and not in my 30s. I like being single. I'm an independent woman and enjoy living alone.

I don't know what the older longer single threads were like, but if it was a little more fun and carefee, it might bring in more singles. It doesn't mean we can't support each other through rough times, but it might be good to start on an optimistic note. Of course there is always the chance that we are the only 5 single people on this website.

How about telling a funny thing that happened on a date? Then adding how a Firefly character could have made it more romantic.

I went on a romantic canoe ride one time in March when it was still chilly. We both turned the same direction at the same time, and the boat overturned. Aaaaaahhhhh. The water was cold, and it was one of my most embarrassing moments. I was freezing cold and drenched.

If only - Jayne had come along to reach out to grab me and pull me up on the dock. "Need some help, mam?" Yadda, yadda, yadda. Then he says, "We'll be in my bunk." I could draw the story out longer, but then it should probably go on the fan fic thread.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:27 PM


Sorry to hear about that Tristan.

Im still technichly single although Im carrying around a torch for someone these days. Im 21 and im a guy, live in sweden (originally from iceland).I like to cuddle, hang out with people, watch movies and play RPGs with my friends. Im somewhat of a wash type of person (with a hint of simon and some kaylee optimism)and semi-muscular. Ive recently re-dyed my hair black, which is the hair color I look best in, but I also shaved my beard at the time and that was somewhat less of a hit (safe to say, the facefuzz is on its way back, thank god for healthy facial hair growth ). Would love in general to meet more browncoats in sweden.

And dont you worry Shinykitten. Last time there was a post like this me and Rose had a long discussion about the abscence of browncoat singles, eventually they dropped in and joined us in the thread, there just a bit shy.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:27 PM


Sorry to hear about that Tristan.

Im still technichly single although Im carrying around a torch for someone these days. Im 21 and im a guy, live in sweden (originally from iceland).I like to cuddle, hang out with people, watch movies and play RPGs with my friends. Im somewhat of a wash type of person (with a hint of simon and some kaylee optimism)and semi-muscular. Ive recently re-dyed my hair black, which is the hair color I look best in, but I also shaved my beard at the time and that was somewhat less of a hit (safe to say, the facefuzz is on its way back, thank god for healthy facial hair growth ). Would love in general to meet more browncoats in sweden.

And dont you worry Shinykitten. Last time there was a post like this me and Rose had a long discussion about the abscence of browncoat singles, eventually they dropped in and joined us in the thread, there just a bit shy.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:27 PM


Sorry to hear about that Tristan.

Im still technichly single although Im carrying around a torch for someone these days. Im 21 and im a guy, live in sweden (originally from iceland).I like to cuddle, hang out with people, watch movies and play RPGs with my friends. Im somewhat of a wash type of person (with a hint of simon and some kaylee optimism)and semi-muscular. Ive recently re-dyed my hair black, which is the hair color I look best in, but I also shaved my beard at the time and that was somewhat less of a hit (safe to say, the facefuzz is on its way back, thank god for healthy facial hair growth ). Would love in general to meet more browncoats in sweden.

And dont you worry Shinykitten. Last time there was a post like this me and Rose had a long discussion about the abscence of browncoat singles, eventually they dropped in and joined us in the thread, there just a bit shy.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:27 PM


Sorry to hear about that Tristan.

Im still technichly single although Im carrying around a torch for someone these days. Im 21 and im a guy, live in sweden (originally from iceland).I like to cuddle, hang out with people, watch movies and play RPGs with my friends. Im somewhat of a wash type of person (with a hint of simon and some kaylee optimism)and semi-muscular. Ive recently re-dyed my hair black, which is the hair color I look best in, but I also shaved my beard at the time and that was somewhat less of a hit (safe to say, the facefuzz is on its way back, thank god for healthy facial hair growth ). Would love in general to meet more browncoats in sweden.

And dont you worry Shinykitten. Last time there was a post like this me and Rose had a long discussion about the abscence of browncoat singles, eventually they dropped in and joined us in the thread, there just a bit shy.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:27 PM


Sorry to hear about that Tristan.

Im still technichly single although Im carrying around a torch for someone these days. Im 21 and im a guy, live in sweden (originally from iceland).I like to cuddle, hang out with people, watch movies and play RPGs with my friends. Im somewhat of a wash type of person (with a hint of simon and some kaylee optimism)and semi-muscular. Ive recently re-dyed my hair black, which is the hair color I look best in, but I also shaved my beard at the time and that was somewhat less of a hit (safe to say, the facefuzz is on its way back, thank god for healthy facial hair growth ). Would love in general to meet more browncoats in sweden.

And dont you worry Shinykitten. Last time there was a post like this me and Rose had a long discussion about the abscence of browncoat singles, eventually they dropped in and joined us in the thread, there just a bit shy.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:27 PM


Sorry to hear about that Tristan.

Im still technichly single although Im carrying around a torch for someone these days. Im 21 and im a guy, live in sweden (originally from iceland).I like to cuddle, hang out with people, watch movies and play RPGs with my friends. Im somewhat of a wash type of person (with a hint of simon and some kaylee optimism)and semi-muscular. Ive recently re-dyed my hair black, which is the hair color I look best in, but I also shaved my beard at the time and that was somewhat less of a hit (safe to say, the facefuzz is on its way back, thank god for healthy facial hair growth ). Would love in general to meet more browncoats in sweden.

And dont you worry Shinykitten. Last time there was a post like this me and Rose had a long discussion about the abscence of browncoat singles, eventually they dropped in and joined us in the thread, there just a bit shy.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:47 PM


Hi VerseExplorer and Vinterdraken!
phew!just as well you two dropped in to save me from my paranoia!

good story VerseExplorer! (but poor you!)

for the life of me, i can't think of a funny date may just be that i haven't been on a date in so long that i don't remember...
of course the addittion of Kaylee to any situation would make it instantly better

If Cavemen and Astronauts had a fight....


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:08 PM



good story VerseExplorer! (but poor you!)

Don't feel too sorry for me. I dried out and warmed up in time, and it has become one of my favorite stories to tell. Although you are at a disadvantage because I usually act it out, and I have a very expressive face. It's much funnier when I tell it in person.

Ahhh, Kaylee. She is such a beam of light. Who wouldn't want to be around Kaylee? Imagine being stranded on an isolated road with engine problems. Then Kaylee happens along, and she lifts the hood of your car. *pause a little here for your thoughts to run wild*
Wouldn't that be fun?

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:16 PM


ah, i will try to imagine you telling the story with full effects then ..........................
yep, really funny!(hehehehehehe)

...and a very good scenario involving Kaylee there that WOULD be so much fun!

If Cavemen and Astronauts had a fight....


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:32 PM


So if you can't remember a funny date, can you remember a GREAT date?

Mine was going to the lake with a new man I had met. (Is there always water around my dates? Hmmm, well, atleast this time we didn't fall in the lake.) We sat up on the cliff looking at the water. There was a cool breeze. And the conversation was fantastic. I think that gets me everytime. He did have soulful eyes and other parts I liked, but I love a man that is able to sustain a GREAT conversation. Of course, I'm really a pushover if he makes me laugh.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Monday, September 11, 2006 8:22 AM


Howdy, singles!
Vinterdraken, thank you...but it's not really all that bad. I am looking forward to being single for awhile, and then hopefully finding someone I have more in common with...and a Browncoat would fit that bill wonderfully! Granted, I still have to wait about 30 days before it's all legal, but I can look until then, right?

I'm a bit busy this week, and won't have much time to play here, but I did want to drop in to see what was going on. I will be back.
Until then, my direct email address is



Monday, September 11, 2006 8:36 AM


26 single male here. Looking for a decent woman, well sort of looking. I haven't been trying to hard. LOL! But if one comes my way, cool, if not, no worries. I've been single for so long, it just doesn't bug me anymore. - The Homepage - The Myspace page


Monday, September 11, 2006 9:13 AM


Thanks to the Fearless lead of Tristan, I decided to jump in. Ya know. For giggles.
Browncoat with brown skin. Habitually single. Don't know why, just am. Work with Native teens at a residential care facility. Been helping with the care of niece and nephew for the last three months (been longer than I thought).

Tryin' to find a woman who likes the outdoors, Loves FF/BDM, and can put up with my strange pondering/even stranger rants.

Aw hell. I typed a buncha crap that I don't even understand so I deleted it. Just need to find someone who likes to get all the work done and spend the rest of their time laughing and enjoying life.

That is what I hope to find.


Monday, September 11, 2006 12:21 PM


Ok, my turn I guess...

Pagan Prince seeks Witchy Woman

I'm 44 years old, but look young enough to still get carded on occasion. I have a full head of thick, dark brown hair, although my beard shows the grey. I'm 5'9" and 185 lbs, fit but not a jock.

The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a practicing Pagan. In fact, I'm a registered minister, but I almost never use my title "Reverend" (I prefer "Shepherd Paul" anyway). I'm active in my church's Nature Spirituality Circle, and the Shamanic Journey group, and I just started teaching religious education classes to our congregations 6 to 8th graders. I also officiated for the opening and closing rituals of our Hogwarts School of Wizardry event, and taught the Spellcrafting class there.

I'm the co-author of a book called Witching Stones published by Llewellyn Press, and I'm involved in the local Pagan community here in Washington, DC.

I work for the Federal government as a computer technician, so you can be very sure that I have no skeletons in my closet (or at least none that can be found ).

I've always tried to live my life according to very high moral standards and by the Wiccan Reed:
The eight words of the Wiccan Reed fulfill:
An harm it none, do as ye will!

The woman I'm looking for does not need to be Pagan, but having a Pagan Friendly or even tolerant attitude is a must. If you want to "save" me you are wasting your time.

If I sounds like someone you'd be interested in getting to know, please feel free to contact me "freely and of your own volition". I await your response with open heart and arms.

Merry meet, and merry part, so that we may merry meet again!


Monday, September 11, 2006 7:56 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Paul, were I a bit older (or you a bit younger) you know I would be all over you, right? Well, it would be nice if you lived a little closer, too.
*sigh* So many lovely Browncoats, so much distance that would need to be covered... - show Universal your gratitude!

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:06 AM


Thanks, PR. The same goes here.

It is too bad that we all live so far away from each other. It would be so shiny if we could all get together for a great big shindig!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:16 AM


Popping back in to see how things are going.
Welcome to the ranks, PaganPaul! And sorry all at the same time.
PR, how far away from Alabama are you again?



Tuesday, September 12, 2006 10:28 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*ponders* About five states, probably near-on 1000 miles if not more. Thought I was a bit too young for you, though - show Universal your gratitude!

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:21 AM


It's only about 1670 miles from Colorado to Washington, DC. If I start walking right now...

Just kidding. I'd be driving it anyway. I could be there in 24 hours 9 mins according to MapQuest. See ya this time tomorrow?

ps. - There's no such thing as too young (within legal limits), but too old could be a problem...

* - * - * - * - * - * -We are the FORSAKEN, and we aim to burn!- * - * - * - * - * - * - *


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:44 AM


PR, but your mental age is significantly higher than your physical age! Oh, well, it was a thought...



Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:51 AM


And What a thought!

Howdy singles.
(Attach stigma here)


Friday, September 15, 2006 6:48 PM


PaganPaul, I saw that you posted, but I didn't get a chance to welcome you to the site right away. (And then went down) I've been hearing the song Witchy Woman going through my head ever since I saw your post. Did you add a spell as you were typing?

Tristan, are you going to be single by the time we're celebrating the 'Versary. I will be toasting to your new life journey down here in the Southwest.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Friday, September 15, 2006 7:06 PM


Welcome Steamer, Vinterdraken, ElDusto, and NVghostrider,
What can we do to attrack more single women to this site? (PhoenixRose, I thought you might want some help). What do women like? Initially? Flowers. What flower would you bring a woman on a first date?

Type and color. We just might find a shy young female fan that can't resist your choice. Who knows? Anything is possible.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Friday, September 15, 2006 7:47 PM


Hello, again, singles!
VerseExplorer...I will be single by the middle of October. But I'll take any type of toasting you wish!

I think the most unique flower I ever gave a first date was an orchid. She loved it, too!



Friday, September 15, 2006 7:56 PM



Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
Welcome Steamer, Vinterdraken, ElDusto, and NVghostrider,
What can we do to attrack more single women to this site? (PhoenixRose, I thought you might want some help). What do women like? Initially? Flowers. What flower would you bring a woman on a first date?

Type and color. We just might find a shy young female fan that can't resist your choice. Who knows? Anything is possible.

Could be that's so; be nice not to have some obnoxious hormone-bag hanging from my coat for once. Alas I'm not very well versed in horticulture (steam power is more my expertise), but I'd probably lean toward white roses.......yeah. Ain't that just nondescript.


Friday, September 15, 2006 8:01 PM


So exotic. Very few can resist an orchid.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Friday, September 15, 2006 8:04 PM


For "not very well versed in horticulture" you've got good instincts. The sweet and pure white rose is very touching.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Saturday, September 16, 2006 12:51 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hmmmmmm.... where to start?

Hi I'm Magdalena... from 'New Melbourne', Australia - hello Shiney Kitten! I 5' 5" & like crossword puzzles, knitting and bingo nights at the local community centre...

Nah - seriously - I'm 39 and love the 'verse and love all the shiney intelligent folk in it! And damn! Why do I love so far away from you all? If it's not the friends I love to talk with it's the guys I'd love to meet! *sigh*

I have a terrific sense of humour and love to be romanced... if i found the right guy "no power in the 'verse would stop me from goin' to him!" and I am fiercly loyal too... very easy going but if someone attacks a person I love - they'd better look out!

Love friends - love life - love acting, drama, writing, reading, my family, my friends and oh - heaps of other things aside! I have the same birthday as Pagan Paul - but I fear our religions are not compatable...

Oh yeah - and I love my captain!

Magdalena x x x


Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:30 AM


Hey Magdelina,
Nice to have you join us on this thread. Maybe we should plan a big 'Versary Cruise Celebration next year to Australia. Now doesn't that sound like FUN?

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Saturday, September 16, 2006 3:11 AM


I'm 15, male from Chester in the UK. Name, Josh. Looking for a girl of around 15-17 years.


Monday, September 18, 2006 3:30 AM


Morning, singles! Just popping back in to say "hello". Good to see you here, Magdalena!



Monday, September 18, 2006 7:35 AM



Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
So if you can't remember a funny date, can you remember a GREAT date?

Hmmm... How about a HORRIBLE date?

I was still living in Buffalo at the time, and went downtown to cash my paycheck. In line at the bank, I was standing behind a very pretty young woman, and we started chatting.

Long story short, I asked if she would like to go out to dinner sometime and she said that she would like that very much. I asked her for her phone number, but she said that she'd met so many loonies that she preferred to wait until she got to know me a bit better before giving me her personal information (which I thought was quite reasonable and sensible). So we agreed to meet at a nice restaurant that evening.

We met there, and had an absolutely fantastic time. We laughed, and had a few drinks, and talked for hours! The night was going great, so I gathered up my courage and asked if she'd like to come back to my apartment for a while. She again said that she'd like that very much.

She followed me back to my place in her car, and once we were upstairs she said that she just needed to call her sitter (I already knew she had a child) and let her know that she would be later than she'd thought. I showed her to the phone, and excused myself to use the bathroom for a moment while she made her call.

I wasn't gone for more than 2 minutes, but when I came out of the bathroom I discovered that my phone was gone. So was my answering machine, my VCR, my TV, my stereo, and my PC.

I went downstairs to look on the street for her car but it was gone, and my downstairs neighbor was already out on the porch trying to figure out what was going on. He told me that moments after we'd gone inside it sounded like a dozen people ran upstairs and then seconds later ran back out.

Apparently, her whole crew had been on standby, followed her back to my place from the restaurant, and just waiting for the signal that all was clear to come in and clean me out.

Now you know my 2nd worst date story! You'll never hear about my worst date.

So how about you guys?

* - * - * - * - * - * -We are the FORSAKEN, and we aim to burn!- * - * - * - * - * - * - *


Monday, September 18, 2006 9:43 AM


PaganPaul...damn! I think you may have won.



Monday, September 18, 2006 10:04 AM


Jeese, cought her yet.

Women and crew hunt, undercover, find her, dont go up to her, look around for crew, follow her, observation, cam corder, police backup. Wait for the moment and then grab her and her crew while leaving with equipment.



Monday, September 18, 2006 10:24 AM


jeez PaganPaul, that really sucks!

you know it really is nicer to meet someone who is 'known' (like we all have a chance to get to know each other here at fff...or who is already known by friends and family)

I'm not joining in on this thread on my own behalf,
because I'm both old and set in my single ways...
but because I feel bad that CallMeSerenity is missing out on this thread!
She is currently in London for S3,
but she'll be home again...and would like to be included in the singles group:

(should I become a matchmaker? it's a thought...)


Monday, September 18, 2006 10:29 AM


Serenity's single?!? I find that difficult to believe. Embers, will she come after you for posting on her behalf?
Huh...she's not all that far away from me...



Monday, September 18, 2006 10:32 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Serenity's single?!? I find that difficult to believe. Embers, will she come after you for posting on her behalf?
Huh...she's not all that far away from me...

I'm sure of it...
she had once posted to another single thread that was up over a year ago,
and I know she hasn't gotten engaged or anything like that in all this time

she is the sweetest young woman, she deserves the best
(that could be Tristan!)


Monday, September 18, 2006 10:39 AM


Thanks, Ember!
Sorry, I just really find it hard to believe that someone like her is still single after a year...huh! Could be interesting!
When will she be back from S3?



Monday, September 18, 2006 6:18 PM


OMG. How long did it take to ever trust a female again? Or have you yet? Have you ever taken anyone back to you place again?


Now you know my 2nd worst date story! You'll never hear about my worst date.

I don't think I could handle hearing about the worst. You'd have me in tears. Well, believe it or not there are a few nice women in the world. I don't practice your craft, but my friends have called me a White Witch because of some exceptional things that have happened. I will be sending positive thoughts your direction that a special witchy woman comes into your life.

I think we do need your Match Making talents on this thread. Do we have Tristan and Serenity connecting? Hmmmm, is it too early to sing:
Tristan and Serenity sitting in a tree

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Monday, September 18, 2006 6:41 PM


22, female, taller, average size. I enjoy working out, the outdoors, travel, etc etc. I tend to run around half-crazed because I really suck at planning things, give in to most of my impulses and whims, and procrastinate way too much.

Amusing date story? I'm incredibly awkward about goodnight kisses, especially first ones because I never ever ever see them coming. Anyway, it inevitably happens and it's awkward because sometimes I'm awkward and when I start to get awkward, my instinct is to flee. A few times ago when it happened, I said "k, bye" and jumped out of the car. Last week, I got on my bike and kind of pedaled away . . . we spoke a bit and he called the next day, but it still seems weird. Or maybe that's just me.

Oh, and I've been told I have a hot ass.

Wisconsin sucks. I don't want to be here.

~Forsaken Forever


Monday, September 18, 2006 9:09 PM


Welcome aboard, Sassalicious, it sounds like your kissing radar is malfunctioning. Not to worry, it will get better. It helps to find a guy that you want to kiss, and then practice, practice, practise.

All joking aside, I think most everyone feels awkward occasionally. There's a chance the guy feels a little awkward making the first move. If it happens again, instead of saying, "k bye". Try saying, "Ooops! i wasn't ready. Can we try that again?"

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:37 AM


hey guys.. just thought i'd put my info in.. im 28.. 6"3 about 220 lbs.. have curly brown hair and dimples.. i'm living in rochester ny now.. but im moving to korea in january for a year.. so im not really looking or anything. i enjoy watching bad horror movies and eating candy bars.. im a cheap date.. ifyou take me to taco bell and the dollar theatre i'll put out.. but no tongue

Hail to the King baby!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:05 AM


Ah, we have new faces! Welcome Sass! Welcome KingHendrick!

VerseExplorer, let's not jump the gun here! I have met Serenity once and talked to her several times. I'll have to wait until she returns to see what happens. Thanks for the vote of confidence, though.

Sass, don't worry about akward first kisses. I never see them coming, either, and sometimes miss...the mouth is a difficult target to hit when your eyes are closed and you're moving, ya know?



Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:09 AM


Just thought I would throw my impressive stats out there. M, 28, 5'-10", average build. OK that isn't very impressive, but...

Eventhough there have been recent claims of it's nonexistance I am a native of Iowa who just moved to Omaha, NE. So, I like Firefly, Serenity, and oh yeah, did I mention Firefly? I also bike and play disc golf eventhough I don't do enough of either one to suit my taste. Chilling out at a good pub drinking a Guinness with some friends is also most enjoyable.

No horrible date stories though thank heavens. Although even if I did they would be increadibly mundane after PaganPaul's experience.

Everybody always has the advantage over us, but that's what makes us special...and Browncoats.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:11 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hey, I dug up the thread with my original ad!

21 yr old female from Northern Colorado who combines traits of Zoe, River and Kaylee. (Usually sunny, kinda crazy, but with a take-no-go se attitude) Lookin' for a sweet Wash-like browncoat who will call me bao bei. Must have an open mind and like to cuddle. Semi-muscular a plus.
Will also consider applications from women-folk.
See if I get any response to that, then maybe get more specific.

Also, all previous singles threads: (first one I found, pretty old thread, and very long) (this one was started by me when I found the old one) (most recent thread started by Capture)

Moving on to what folk have been talkin about...
*hugs Paul* That is the lamest of the lame. I have nothing to compare to that.
Worst date I ever went on... Can't say there's one that sticks out in my mind.
Oh, but there was a guy I met on a dating site and went out with a couple times who, during one of our phone conversations, kinda exclaimed "Wow, you're a freak!" which was followed by about 30 seconds of totally chilling silence from me, followed by a "Well, I guess I'll see you around" and a click. I never called him again. All I was doing was describing the Rocky Horror experience
Can you imagine his reaction if he knew everything about me? Bwahahahahahahaha! - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:04 AM


Okay, I'll join in. I'm Male, 31 years old. 6'4 (imagine Jane with blondish hair and a red goatee, and you're about there). I'm of medium build, but I've recently quit cigarettes, and started working out, so I'm working on that. I have lived in northern New Mexico and/or southern Colorado most of my life.

Professionally, I am a teacher, currently running a High School Gifted program. My true passion is filmmaking. I have written/directed 1 (really awful) feature, and about 10 short films of vary degrees of quality. My most recent, and IMO best is at:

I'm a big genre fan. Aside from Firefly and all things Whedon, I'm also into Babylon 5, Farscape, Star Wars and Highlander.

I do not own a cell phone, but I think the iPod is the greatest invention of the last decade.

And I'm a cat person (despite a slight allergy to them).

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:16 AM


Also, all previous singles threads: (first one I found, pretty old thread, and very long) (this one was started by me when I found the old one) (most recent thread started by Capture)
and also this one:


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:32 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

See, the thing about yours, Josh, is that you can't expect people on this site not to talk about things. Even talking to those that have posted about maybe hooking up would be defined by yours as 'chatter'.
But maybe the reason you haven't had others post there is because of the typo, I'm not sure.
Not trying to be mean, so you know. I'm just tellin' it like it is. - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta






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