New Browncoat with a few things to say...

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 06:03
VIEWED: 4537
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:02 PM


Wow, sad to say I just finished watching Firefly for the first time...ever. It was amazing, Ive had serenity for some time now and am a big fan. After SDCC and seeing the browncoats everyday it started to creep into me, so last saturday i picked up the complete season...

I am so happy and yet so saddened.

I am happy because it was the best show I have ever seen... ever.

I am saddened because im thinking I missed it. In that I mean the fan push the banning together. All the local browncoats, are untouchable and the San diego brown coats sight seems very dead. None the less I want more, I need more, and after buying the graphic novel and so on, Im still not satisfied.

I have such a sad feeling because I know its finally over, I dont think we will see any more firefly... have to run but Im in love with the show and hope to stick around for a long long time :)


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:09 PM


well, nice ta meet ya, but don't be so pessimistic. It ain't over yet. If you haven't noticed, there is hope (however small) of a Big Damn Sequel. So a lot of us do whatever it takes (bombarding Universal with thanks, guerrilla marketing)to increase the chances of us seeing more of the Firefly crew.


Always havin' a good time!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:13 PM


Really? In all seriousness! Thats great, well im all there :)

This show has really inspired me to turn my pursuits back into film production (many aspects)... I was going somewhere with that and forgot because of the doorbell!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:34 PM


I have these same feelings at least once a month but then I come here to this great site and just vent to a few people. They are always willing to listen, help boost your spirits and keep up hope that something will happen.

I find that its rather hard to be a Browncoat sometimes. But I love this 'verse and everything in it and I will always love it. Mal's voice tends to pop into my head:

"It may have been the losing side, not so sure it was the wrong one."

As long as we keep them in our heads and in our hearts, they will be there forever. If you ever need more, read some fanfic. Alot of this stuff is really good.

take care! keeep flyin!

Shepherd used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:51 PM


Welcome Josh:

Don't feel sad. You are one of the lucky people to have discovered this precious gem. Fox threw it away like so much trash, but you discovered it and realized it's true value. That is shiny. Remember that it is not over with yet. We got the movie because we are mighty. So don't be surprized if more comes our way. Appriciate what you have. It may seem small but it burns with a blinding light. You are a Browncoat. It does not matter how many we are or what will take place in the future, we have been given these wonderful episodes to enjoy and this website to share this experience, so when you get the mind to, watch them again, because there is always something new you never noticed before.

Welcome Josh, glad you joined us. Ask us anything. We may have it discussed before but we are always ready to discuss it again. There are people here who will help you with the site if you have questions about that as well. So feel at home.



Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:31 PM


Thanks for the welcomes and words guys :)


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 7:44 PM


Welcome home, Josh. You bring the crew to #22801 and I'm sure I speak for all when I say it's right shiny to have you aboard.

New recruits don't get off the ramp before they're given a dish of fresh strawerries and a mug of Mudder's Milk.

Then you're invited up to the galley (no need to dress) to question the buffet. There's always Wife Soup and hot cheese, and anything else we can cobble together as we go from planet to moon.

Ice-planets are in the cooler, bottom shelf. We're down to chocolate or Borosian ginger but that'll be rectified at our next stop.

Please try not to step on ShipsCat or into her dish.

I think you'll find some San Diego browncoats if you holler loudly enough. Put out a call on the board...



Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:19 PM


Welcome home Josh..don't give up hope. I think that we all fall in love with Firefly/Serenity a little bit too hard and when we find out that the last ep, is just exactly that.. the last ep, we're just devastated. Familiar feeling to just about everyone here. You are among folk who will understand you.

Once we see the movie, we're even more lonely for more 'Verse and that same feeling will come upon you from time to time being a part of this fandom.

We're very busy though, you've arrived at a good time. We are celebrating the anniversary of the BDM ( Big Damn Movie) on the 30th of this month.
We're calling it the Serenity 'Versary. We're going to write Universal and tell them how much we appreciate them making Serenity for us. We're gonna have shindigs and viewing and recruiting parties. We're gonna have fun and we're gonna increase our numbers. You can also buy the DVD of Serenity again if you'd like to. Never hurts to have a loaner or to contribute to a library of your choice.

We also have a website that some Browncoats created to upload pictures to, in which you can say thank you to Universal. Click on the link above my signature banner it'll take you straight there.

We're a thriving growing community. Welcome home.

Oh, wait.. you need your browncoat!

*hands Josh a browncoat of his very own*

There you go, you're all set.

Go to and check it out!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 10:00 PM


Welcome Aboard Josh,
I watched Firefly when it first aired on TV in 2002. I was devastated when it was canceled. I didn't know that it had been put out on DVD, so I was overjoyed when it was on the Sci Fi channel last summer. Words can't describe how excited I was to find out that Joss had made a movie, Serenity, last year! Since then I have found out that it was the Browncoats on the Internet that were a driving force that made it happen. Anything is possible in the future.

For right now enjoy the site, tell your friends about Firefly and Serenity, and if you need anything, get on the Cortex and send us a wave.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:44 AM


and the comic books? Have you read the comics?
Because Joss is working on more as we speak...
so the story is continuing...
and eventually we WILL get our sequel

but I get these down feelings, we've all been there,
but when ever you feel low then:

read the unaired script:

watch the R. Tam Session vids:

and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,

and I highly recommend Joss Whedon's 'Serenity: The Official Visual Companion' which has more in the script than made it to the screen (so it is a VERY fun read)
besides it has story boards, drawings by the costume and set designers, and lots of production memos which are must reads (really reveal everything Joss wants in this film, and how patiently he feels about it all).

what else am I forgetting?
oh yeah...don't miss out on this (huge spoilers):


Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:20 AM


I think Universal is figuring out how many of us are new recruits (since the BDM) and that, for each Browncoat who is geeking hard, there are 10 friends who are interested. There will be more: Firefly Campanion Vol.2, more graphic novels (comics), more novels, DVD re-releases, and a Big Damn Sequel. I highly recommend Jane Espenson's book "Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly".

My Zippo and trading cards should be in any day and I'm waiting on my ornament. My first Shindig is Serenity 'versary. __________________________________________

Holding 'till you get back, Captain.


Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:35 AM



Originally posted by embers:
watch the R. Tam Session vids:

Is there any place to get this for download, unzipped, not YouTube (I don't have Flashmedia 8 or something)?


Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:45 AM


Here is a link to be able to download as a Quicktime file:


You should be able to right click on this link and then click on "save target as" so that you can download it to your harddrive.

Hope this works for you.

"Well ya know, we studied bludgeoning in the academy first year but by the time you graduate, you just forget everything. I'm a bad cop." ----Laurence Dobson


Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:51 AM



Originally posted by RimGirl:

Is there any place to get this for download, unzipped, not YouTube (I don't have Flashmedia 8 or something)?

I think you might be able to download from this site:

they really are gems...just Joss & Summer, what more do you need?


Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:56 PM


Wow very cool guys, just a quick question? Should I buy a factory sealed box of firefly cards, are they any good?


Friday, September 22, 2006 9:58 AM


Hello and I am also new here. Fox missed out on Serenity when Universal picked it up. Now the fan base is even larger then before after Serenity. And more and more Firefly fans. If Universal does not make a sequal or possible trilogy to this It will come back and bite them in the a$$ later on and will regret it.


Friday, September 22, 2006 11:03 AM


Thanks, LadySings and Embers.

I downloaded the quicktime but then couldn't play it.

From here I was able to go to

and download them one at a time. Missing out was driving me crazy.


Friday, September 22, 2006 11:05 AM



Originally posted by Josh:
Wow very cool guys, just a quick question? Should I buy a factory sealed box of firefly cards, are they any good?

I pick them up tomorrow. I'll let you know Monday.

Laying out cashey money for anything Firefly.


Friday, October 6, 2006 6:45 PM


Wow had a very inspireing week, thought to come here and post. Seems everywhere I turn im finding browncoats. Old friends I havent talked to in years, even the cashier at borders and FYE the two stores I stoped in today were both browncoats. The FYE cashier even boasted that she had bought the last firefly soundtrack (dangit!). :)


Saturday, October 7, 2006 3:59 AM


Welcome GalacticMyth!

As you so rightly point out the fandom is growing. That's the major reason why I have hope for a sequel to our beloved Big Damn Movie. We just have to keep working and spreading the signal to folks that know nothing about the 'Verse. And we aim to do just that. We're glad you've joined us here.

New folks get a 'coat.. granted it's a virtual browncoat, but it signifies you're one of us.

*hands GalacticMyth a browncoat that fits just right*

There you are, you are all set. Join in often, be at home, for that is what this is, your new home. Someone will likely come along and offer you food and drink. I'm pretty partial to the ginger ice planets and the shimmerwine.

Above all else, spread the knowledge of Firefly to folks you love, they'll thank you for it.
That's what we have to keep on doing.
More folks know about Firefly/Serenity the greater our chances of Universal greenlighting the sequel and one after that, and another show....yeah.. I'm aimin' high.

Go to and check it out!


Saturday, October 7, 2006 4:07 AM



Originally posted by Josh:
Wow had a very inspireing week, thought to come here and post. Seems everywhere I turn im finding browncoats. Old friends I havent talked to in years, even the cashier at borders and FYE the two stores I stoped in today were both browncoats. The FYE cashier even boasted that she had bought the last firefly soundtrack (dangit!). :)

It's always a thrill to run into a fellow Browncoat! Sounds like our 'verse is growin', and that's what we like to hear.

Oh, darn about the Firefly soundtrack.. keep trying to get it, it's great!
Do you have the Serenity soundtrack? It's different and I love Greg Edmondson's music and I would have loved it if they'd used him on the movie soundtrack, but I have to say - the movie soundtrack is soaring and beautiful. I love it.

Go to and check it out!


Saturday, October 7, 2006 4:20 AM


I, too, just found Firefly and Serenity and I am ready to stand with the 'coats in whatever can be done to bring back the 'verse. I'm planning to get the DVD sets for holiday gifts for everyone in my family. I cannot BELIEVE this amazing show was canceled.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:03 AM


Sorry for the delay in reporting on the Firefly trading cards. I lost the thread.

They are very shiny.

In each sealed box, you are guarenteed a full set of the 72 base cards. I got a full set, all but one for a second set and about 1/3 of another. I also got several of the special or extra series cards and a Gina Torres autograph card. In the base set, there are character cards for each BDH plus Yo-Sa-Bridge and Jubal Early. For each episode, there are three cards: a plot synopsis, quotes and notes that may be a significant plot point or behind the scenes or something. Then there's a bunch of behind the scene cards showing Joss directing people and some cards with the various ships on them.

There are mistakes in the text (a picture of Mal injecting River in the morgue from Ariel is labelled "River is revived by her brother.") but those can be fun for a Browncoat to spot.

The pictures are sweet and a lovely (portable) reminder of the series when you can't sit down to watch. When my calm is near damaged, I thumb through the extra set. And getting a whole box was like 36 presents.

Also my Zippo is a source of joy. Serenity, Spike and GI connotations. I may take up smoking.






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