What's wrong with being a tough guy?

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:49
VIEWED: 5016
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3:37 PM


Whaddaya say?!


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3:51 PM



And include your dad.

As for your definition of badass. There is a difference between being tough and doing what you have to do because it is the done thing and being an ass and a bully. You get negative reactions because you attempt to glorify the bully. One thing the BDH's aren't are bullies, well maybe Jayne, but even he has a reason. A bunch of guys getting liqoured up and making fools of themselves is just not interesting. That is unless you want to roll with the Jerry Springer crowd.

The greatest "Tough Guy" heros have a heart. They don't throw done just to have some fun and kick the shit out of someone.

And btw, I knew a number of the East Coast Pagans back in the day and anyone they beat up didn't walk away - if they could move at all they crawled.

Again I say verily unto you - get some THERAPY!

EDIT: I find it amusing that you have changed both the title of your thread and many of your subsequent postings. Maybe the therapy IS working!

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3:52 PM


"I don't know why so many people who enjoy watching a show set in an old-west atmosphere, with bar fights, shoot-outs and the like have such a negative opinion of anyone with mean streak"

CM, A lot of the people on this board watch these shows for fantasy - entertainment. It only takes 3min of reading RWEs that there are a lot of limp wristed candy asses around here. They love the aggression in the BDHs, but hate it in real life. My guess is they've been bitch slapped once to often in life. Don't forget a lot of folks around here will never understand the American bad-ass thing...Especially the English and French....Well, it's true....


Kick your buddy for me.....that f*ckin drunk retard.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3:54 PM


Don't listen to FMF, what do chicks know?

"I don't go around telling people that they're dumbasses, immature or un-intelligent just for posting their opinions or a story about something I don't agree with"

Shit you should try it sometime.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3:56 PM



Maybe you and Kaneman/River could have group together.

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3:58 PM


Gee Kaneman. Thought you were a chick. Or so you have said repeatedly. Or was that one of your personalities having an outing for the day?

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 4:00 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:
Don't listen to FMF, what do chicks know?

A lot more than you give them credit...

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 4:11 PM


Wha? I thought we were talking about hugs?


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 4:21 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Gee Kaneman. Thought you were a chick. Or so you have said repeatedly. Or was that one of your personalities having an outing for the day?

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

I am and always will be a black female animal psychologist from Tunisia.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 4:21 PM


I was at a bar once and some Pagans came in, they tried to hit on me, my friend tried defended my honor. Long story short, they tried to curb stomp was real hi-larious

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 4:26 PM


I'm confused... what are you all talking about?! We're supposed to be hugging, damnit!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:01 AM


The thing is most of us here want and do live in a society where we act civilised and violence isn't the solution to anything other than getting a stuck key out of the door.

Now our society has lots of problems but one of the biggest is holdovers like yourself who see violence as one of your main options for things not going your way. Your friend says something you don't like - beat him up. Your girlfriend decides to leave you for someone better - beat the other guy up. Someone cuts you up in traffic - beat him up.

That's not the world anymore. That's the response of a caveman. Grow up. Learn the rules of decent society before you do something really stupid.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:26 AM


I'm with Simonwho.

The point isn't what you do with like-minded people who enjoy getting beaten up so they can laugh about it later. (For whatever reason.)

The point are things like beating up someone because he cut you off in traffic. That's pointless, self-agrandizing violence upon a person who does NOT share this love of hurting and being hurt. That's a threat against all people who, like me, enjoy using brains over brawn and consider violence wrong.

You don't use a disclaimer that says "I only beat up people who enjoy it!", you just post stories about beating someone and then you wonder why you get digusted responses?

And yes, Firefly is a fantasy. It's a tv show. It explores aspects of humanity, like all fiction. Not everyone considers our BDH's role-models in every. single. way.

Not to mention the fact that their violence occurs in a world where it sometimes has its place. Civilian, democratic society? Generally not. Your violence is for fun. Just make sure you keep it confined to victims who actually consider it that, and explain that when you post about the next person you beat up, so we'll know you haven't committed violent crime. I'm sure then the insults will stay away.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:48 PM


Why are we not hugging yet!?


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:05 PM


Someone, please, stop talking crazy and HUG ME!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:48 PM


You're not Batman. You're not Conan. There's no honour or valour in beating up those who offend your sensibilities. You're no hero for vandalising the vehicle of those who upset you.

You're obviously intelligent, you're obviously literate, which makes it even more infuriating that you seem hellbent on throwing any useful purpose to your life away. You've made your own food in the wild: big wow, I did CCF training with the same thing, I've killed chickens with my bare hands for dinner, eaten self-collected herbs and berries... doesn't mean a damn thing. Stop pretending it's 2000 years ago.

And you might think that people in this thread were joking or trying to get a rise out of you when then said you should get therapy. Well, I'm not. Spend one hour a week for six weeks talking to someone, see if there's not something to it.

And I hate to burst your bubble but nearly every civilisation uses one form of drugs or another. Call it Dutch Courage or a quick snifter, people like to alter their mental state of mind.

>>I say that taking beatings and delivering them is a vital part of life that gives you a greater appreciation for everything else, making you stronger and more productive in the long run.

Oh god. Please, please tell me you're not one of those who think Fight Club is the movie to base your life on. I mean, at least you actually seem to have some follow through on the idea but if I read one more post from someone quoting a character who is purely the fictional construct of a nerdy guy having a mental breakdown as though he were Jesus, I'm going to scream.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:20 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Also, AgentRouka, whatever the reason people get mad at me, I would ask weather or not it's justified. I may post things that people don't like, but I never insult them or call any of them names when I'm making a topic or a first response, and I never make any statements like "I hate niggers" or something equally as inciting.

So I have to ask, are their demeaning responses where they accuse me of being everything, from uneducated to a caveman to a rapist, justified just because they don't like that I hit some guy that they never met? I would say no and shame them for being so rude to someone just because they don't like what they had to say. I create topics in interest of people responding who are of the same mind as me. I usually find a couple, so saying "there's none here" is just plain un-true. The ONLY problem is that every high and mighty jerk who thinks that he'll be the one to tell me off wants to get on his damn soapbox and condem me for being who I am.


There is a difference between having an unpopular opinion using using that unpopular opinion as a justification for harming other people.

You mntion other vices, but there is a very significant difference between your choice of hobby and other people's:

Drinking & drugs = harms the person that does it.
Masturbation = harms... no one. Affects only the person who does it.

Violence = harms NOT just the person who does it. Violence is you acting against another person. Doesn't just concern you. Concerns everyone!

It's not something you can sell as a personal opinion. You declaring that you consider it a vital part of life completely desregards the people who, quite simply, don't, and it's a threat against them. Anyone who does something you deem provoking could be your next victim. That's not harmless or neutral, and stop pretending that it is!


Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:05 AM


What's wrong with you people!? Why are you making up quotes that I never said!? I JUST WANT TO BE HUGGED!


Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:27 AM




Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:42 AM


As the way Man-ape gone wrong things go, you ain't half bad CMH. You have clarity whereas others (former military, ex-cons, Springer fans) that I know could barely form complete sentances. I don't agree with all you have to say and at times I downright loathe the attitude. But you're truthful and you got guts. And guts is enough. Thanks for staying true to yourself and bending only for your own well being.


Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:53 AM


CMH - Congrats on getting cleared to re-enlist. I am glad you get another attempt to leave your dream. PTSD is some nasty stuff. A friend ended up in the hospital for 6 weeks because of it. Not good at all.
So you've already been back through MEPS? Make sure you get the contract that You want. They can negotiate on the terms and benifits. Most times people don't realize it and get shafted in the end. Good luck with that!
When (not if) you end up over in the Sand Box make sure you watch youself and your buddies. Stay safe and come home!

As far as the reason for this tread.....
I will be the first to admit that I stood on that Soap Box that you speak of (this is more for the other readers and not really you). Afterwards we started a very normal and civil conversation. You do have alot of good ideas, input and it has been fun talking military shop with you.
I think that what gets people upset is some of the topics you bring up and how you bring them up.
I wasn't around for the "rapist" conversation and I really don't what to know what happened. Not my business.
But the constant talk of death or beating people and the way you describe it seems to be the main issues that I have. Not for any personal reasons. I just know that some people don't want to talk about such issues. It scares them or it reminds them of their past and they would rather be elsewhere.
Yes it could be ignored and I am sure that people are ignoring what you have to say which is not good either. When you are not talking about such things you have a great deal of positive input to this site.
You said it right a while back. We all came together because of Firefly and we are all different. Not everyone is going to see eye to eye on every topic.
So when I go to a thread I read as much of it as I can before I post anything. I try to figure out what is accepted and what is over the line and I post accordingly. I do that out of respect for all who come here. If I cannot respond without stepping over that line I just don't post.

Well I rambled long enough.

You should stop by the Pub sometime. We don't just drink alcohol there. Coffee in the morning and quite a few don't drink at all. It is just a place to kick back and relax.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:59 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

For the life of me, I don't know why so many people who enjoy watching a show set in an old-west atmosphere, with bar fights, shoot-outs and the like have such a negative opinion of anyone with mean streak.

There is a difference between reality and fiction. FF/S is fiction, NOT a guide-book for life. Also, it is obviously based on life in the old-west. Last time I checked, this is NOT the old-west. There is also a difference between someone with a "mean streak" and someone with violent tendancies that is a danger to others. You are the later, NOT the former.


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

Forgive me my ramblings, but my favorite stories to hear from my father's youth are all about people getting their asses kicked. One time, it was about him and some buddies getting stomped by an East coast chapter of the Pegans motorcycle club. Another time, it was about a biker buddy of his beating the hell out of some preppy who cut him off. Then there's my friend's dad, who used to deal out West, and ended up taking a 9mm to the gut. Had a friend named Johnny with classic short man's disease, used to carry around a butterfly knife. Said he once stabbed two guys so quick that they didn't notice until after they had kicked Johnny's ass.

In all seriousness, please seek help. I don't know if you have a medical condition i.e. a chemical imbalance, or just have a distorted reality being brought up with such stories or a combination of the two. But, you do need help.


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

It's all great story telling, but whenever I bring up the subject around here, I don't just get people who disagree with what I did, but who make personal attacks on me. What gives man? Why the hell can't people have a good time trading stories about violence? The only thing that makes getting hurt that bad worth it is being able to tell other people about it and laugh. I know this might seem like nitpicking to some people, but for fuck's sake, this is how I unwind with my friends, and here it almost seems equivilent to using racial slurs.

There is a difference between telling stories that include violence and committing them. Stories are basically harmless when one can tell fact from fiction. Committing violence is a crime and no-one living in a civilized world, in a civilized way would be proud of what you are proud of doing.

You also seem to be missing the point. Telling stories about you beating the crap out of your so called friends isn't equivalent "to using racial slurs" here. We're just pointing out the stupidity of it and you're refusing to acknowledge that.


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

A lot of people on this site need to lighten the fuck up. I don't go around telling people that they're dumbasses, immature or un-intelligent just for posting their opinions or a story about something I don't agree with. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind people disagreeing with me, but these personal attacks have got to stop. It's not like I don't wanna get in people's faces about some things, but I don't for several reasons. One, it's online, and I think anyone who hides behind words on a screen is a chicken shit, so because I'm unable to be present when I talk shit, I simply avoid doing so. The second, being related to the first, is that nothing ever gets resolved. Because no one's physically present to defend their word, no one backs down, so nothing ever gets resolved. It's bullshit man.

So, you say, "I don't wanna get in people's faces" and then do just that. You say, "I don't go around telling people that they're dumbasses, immature or un-intelligent" and then do just that.

Guy, you're a hypocrite.

Also, nothing gets resolved with regards to this little debate because YOU don't want to acknowledge what we are saying. It is YOU that thinks that we all need to be in a room together to settle things because settling things in your mind means that it probably has to come to blows. Grow up. Real adults don't behave like this.


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

This is my plea; if you have some sort of major issue with something someone is saying, either respond to what they're saying or don't respond at all. Making personal attacks right off is nearly an outright admission of cowardice and stupidity.

So, then you are bringing you're bullying on-line. If we post our opinions about what you (or someone else) says/does, then we are a coward and stupid. Only agree with someone then, right? God forbid if anyone should disagree with you and find your lifestyle that of a redneck and post it.

What I find is that YOU are the coward. If YOU can't handle what people post about your ways, then don't post them. Because I, like everyone else here, has the right to post what we want. It's that thing called free speech. You might have heard of it.

In all seriousness, you really need to think about this. If basically everyone here has issues with how you live your life, that kind of says something doesn't it? Take a long hard think, because no civilized man behaves the way you do.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:21 AM


What in the hell is everyone talking about?! I came on here specifically requesting hugs, and everyone's going batty!


Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:21 AM


Chris, I'm not posting this to incur your wrath, and I am not here to insult you either... but, please at least consider taking a little less violent approach to life... You say pain makes you strong, that may be, but the lifestyle that you proclaim will only induce a large amount of stress related problems in your life. It’s admirable to be independent and live life on one’s own terms, but remember, moderation is the key – try to temper your aggressive nature with a like amount of passivity…

(oh, and try to get laid every now and then… it takes the edge off)


Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:31 AM


My only question is for both Kaneman and Chrismoorhead... why do you persist in coming to a site peopled by individuals you seem to dislike and then make confrontation staements and then act surprised or wounded when the outcry begins? Maybe you should try a new site or place where mindles, pointless, violence for it's own sake and not as a final resort for the defense of self or others is the main topic. And Kaneman could you please pick a gender. It's vaguely disconcerting. I realized we're all relatively disembodied here, but honestly it'd be much appreciated if you could decide who/what you are and then stick to that for at least a period of greater than a few weeks.
CMH- I would also suggested you might want to check out a few books by John Douglas ( F.B.I. profiler) and ask youself a few pointed questions about your life and choices. I note you mentioned past abuse. Are you aware that abused kids fall into one of two catagories. 1- Identifying with victim- constantly seek out situations in which they will be abused again OR 2- identifing with the aggressor. Seek to wipe out all "weakness" and then bully or abuse others. Neither pattern is healthy and both will lead to serious problems.
For both of you. I really do suggest that you try and find a site with people more suited to your personalities. I am still baffled that you feel the need to hang out here among us whiny, wimpy, pathetic people who obviously have no interest in or tolerance for your behavior. Really do us all a favor and find another site or develop some manners and a less sociopathic personality.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, October 26, 2006 11:27 AM


CMH, thanks for the thread.
I once had a problem with you...we both know this, and I think we have mostly resolved our issues. I, for the most part, enjoy your posts, and agree that you are intelligent and literate. You express yourself well, and that is what gets to most people in here. I won't say that some of the things you say don't bother me, but I have gotten past the point where I think you are only here to cause trouble. I am glad you are a Browncoat, and glad you are an active participant here on the boards.
I am also a fan of what may be considered violent actions...but mine are more along the lines of controlled violence; when I go into a fight, I know I will not end up seriously injured. Well, at least I hope not. I am talking about the sword's not choreographed, we don't wear armor, and we go full speed. But, the weapons we use are not lethal and we are not setting out to really hurt one another. I am thinking, and I may be wrong, that when you set your mind to violence, the goal is to seriously hurt whoever faces you. I understand this based on the concept of "Don't leave your enemy standing"...makes sense to me. I think many people on here are irked that you seem to seek out violent situations, and revel in them. I don't have a problem with this, either. The problem only really comes about because your posts seem to brag in those facts. I get a chuckle out of a few of your threads, and even nod my head in agreement to a few of them.
Self-reliance; I agree with that, too. There is the very high possibility that I would not last long outside a civilized area...I have never hunted, never killed for my own food, never foraged, either. So we are in agreement that that is a skill that should be nurtured and taught. But, again, from your posts, it almost seems like you are one of the people that would end up at Ruby Ridge or something beacause of a desire to escape the yoke of government and corporation. This is not an insult; I am merely letting you know what your posts lead me to think and visualize.

I hope you take all of that as it was meant; to let you read what I see when I read your posts, without all the emotional stuff tacked on. Again, I am glad you are here, and I have enjoyed the few conversations we have had since we worked things out. I am glad that you are cleared to re-enlist, and I hope you do well. I echo KelKhil when I say be careful in the 'sandbox'. We don't need to lose a Browncoat over there!
Oh, and this:

I am cleared to carry and operate a fully automatic weapon. I'd say that makes me pretty mentally stable.

I liked that!



Thursday, October 26, 2006 11:56 AM


I don't understand what's going on...


Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:27 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
I've noticed an un-usually vehement hate for anything approaching the American badass arch-type on this website. For the life of me, I don't know why so many people who enjoy watching a show set in an old-west atmosphere, with bar fights, shoot-outs and the like have such a negative opinion of anyone with mean streak.

If you don't like it why not take your own advice and ignore those who say it? Or at least ignore that sentiment.

I don't care what you do with yourself, go beat shit outta a punch bag, I do so regularly myself. In fact it's even more fun doing with real people in a sparing match, they hit back after all. Long as you ain't squaring up to me with a broken bottle why the f**k should I care, and for that matter why should you care about people who think you're a knuckle dragger or some such?

This thread just seems to be drawing attention and scorn for something you say shouldn't be viewed as such, so why start it?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:38 PM


I don't dislike you. I just wondered why you would be in a place you felt so unwanted or harrassed in. But since you're fine with that, then stay all you want. I don't think therapy is the only or even the best answer in most cases, but it's my job to work with abused and violent kids and I know that no one leads a fulfilling or productive life without learning to grow past the abuse and not repeat the maladaptive cycles contained in abuse. I worry that you don't seem to have gotten past it. You seem to glory in pain, anguish, and a level of stoicism that has me concerned for your safety and the safety of others around you. You have many of the characteristics I see in my students and I have to say , while many have gone on to change the pattern and develop healthy patterns of behavior, those who haven't are dead or in jail. It concerns me that you have a perception that everyone hates you and that every place you've been people hate you, yet you don't seem to recognize that it could be your provoking and unusually anti-social behavior that they are reacting to. Or if you do recognize it, you seem to feel that you don't need to change your behavior. This concerns me, because it is also something I see some of my students struggle with. They want the liking and acceptance of peers, but they are somewhat trapped in the maladapitve behaviors that have led to their ostracizing. They can't seem to break away from their socially inappropriate behaviors. That would be, I guess, my main concern about your posts. You are aware( being as bright as you obviously are) that your posts are provocative and likely to produce significant negative response, yet when they do, you act as though you have been victimized. This is a profoundly unhealthy pattern. I honestly don't think I have ever said this to another adult. And this is not based on a hatred or dislike of you. This is based on my Masters in Psychology and 8 years working with emotionally disturbed and behavior disordered students. YOU NEED HELP. You are so unhappy and trapped and you will not get out of that until you do something, not meaning therapy( though that's not a bad idea)but even a self help book or two. Sorry this is so long, but I am genuinely concerned for you.

As for Kaneman, I just don't get it. Sometimes you are charming, kind, thoughful, and nice. And other times your an absolute ass. Pick a gender, pick a personality, and stop picking on others.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:42 PM


Just to clarify on a couple of points:

1) You make a big deal that everyone you've beaten up was asking for it. That doesn't match the description you've given of you beating up your ex-girlfriend's new bloke. She was provoking you, yes, but I didn't see any mention of him "asking for it".

2) Second, I don't think you should leave the site. I think a lot of your views are reprehensible but they're obviously heartfelt. Whereas someone like Kaneman hides behind multiple identities and hasn't contributed anything ever, you're just being you.

Come to think of it, I think a lot of Adam Baldwin's political views are reprehensible but I don't think he should be driven out of fandom either.

And I think everyone on this site should get laid more often. Including me.


Friday, October 27, 2006 4:34 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

As per usual I enter the fray late and uninvited. But like everyone else around here I can't just read and not respond.

On the few occasions when we've crossed paths, CMH, I have been with you, at least up to the point where I want to hear the real point of what you are saying and not just want to slap you down (figuratively, obviously) because your statements may go against my sensibilities. IOW, I not at all convinced you need therapy.

That said, I have just a couple of points to put out there for whatever worth they might have to the group, whatever value they might lend to the discussion here.

Do I believe we are getting "soft" in America? (wont' comment on anywhere else as I am not anywhere else) Yes I do. We have some real pansy issues around here. Should it ever come down to us and them survival I believe we are at a disadvantage. But what we have is one of the finest, most courageous, potentially well-equiped militaries around to make up for that, as well as an heroic, underpaid public servant corps. Ideal? Maybe not. But it works for now and now is ever, always all that we have.

Others have mentioned that maybe it's just the way you come across that's the problem. I think that it contributes. You are obviously well read in the areas that interest you. You have well thought out ideas, whether or not anyone agrees with your conclusions. Your command of the language is at least as good as anyone else's around here and better than more than a few. But the art of communicating is more than being able to put the words together. Lots of highly educated professors of English literature will never be best-selling, critically acclaimed novelists because, simply, they are boring and could never tell an interesting story if their lives depended on it. You are not an English professor. Nor are you a novelist. Nobody expects that. You most certainly, in my experience, have never been boring. Quite the contrary. But any speaker or writer must engage the audience they address at the audience's level, not at their own. I'm not saying don't wear camos just because no one else here does (which is in itself an untruth); just don't wear jungle camos in the desert: it sets you apart immediately and makes you a target.

This is going on way longer than I thought it would, but "Here I am". The next thing that comes to mind is the fact that you are currently in "Combat Ready" mode where folks like Kelkhil and NVGhostrider have moved out of that but still have vivid memories. I think being in that state of mind makes a lot of the people on FireFlyFans identify you as "Alliance" (the Enemy!) which may in fact be unfair to you, but is certainly understandable, don't you agree?

As far as why do the candy asses here love a show so filled with violence? Ironically, only Kaneman correctly identified that, albeit in typical fashion. No one else mentioned it. It's called CATHARSIS. The BDH's act out our desire to do violence so that we are less likely to act out ourselves. (Obviously, I do not subscribe to the theory that video games cause violence. Violent people seek out violent video games to validate their tendencies, in a kind of reverse catharsis.)

Only two more items to go. Please riddle me this, ChrisMoorhead: how do you reconcile these two quotes, taken from this very thread?

Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
My problem with this particular peeps is that they think they're somehow in a position to make judgements on what kind of person I am. The only times I've resorted to name calling is when so many people were doing it to me that I lost my temper. Then they were all quick to point out how I was the one acting immature. Fucking hypocrites
If you or anyone else feels threatened or uncomfortable because of words on your computer screen, then you're the one's who need tharapists, not me. And if you don't feel threatened, then why does it matter enough to respond to? Just get over yourselves and you high and mighty attitudes.

Also along these lines is this. One of the problems people have about "understanding" where you are coming from is that you say you don't resort to violence until you decide to, that you are in control (except for those occasions when you're not). What "worries" people here is that we don't know what will set you off (being called names apparently does), or where the line is toed between a verbal assault from you and a physical one. Though it's unlikely, we might actually cross paths in the RW (maybe at a Con?), so how should we behave?

And finally--though I have a feeling that I'm forgetting some point somewhere--to answer your original thread spawning question, let me ask you a question in return. And, Kaneman, you are included in this.
Who is tougher: the person who holds his hand unflinching in the flame or the one who cries out in pain and tries to quench the flame? Some of us are not candy asses just because we chose not to respond to injury or insult with violence; some of us are just tough enough to ignore the pain enough not to care to respond in such a manner. Some here judge you harshly? Be careful which of us you judge as "weak"; could be we're just taking the high road.
What Would Buddha Do?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, October 27, 2006 4:40 AM


And yet again JQ that was well put. Man you gotta stop making us look bad.

Sorry, felt this thread could use a little light hearted input!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, October 27, 2006 4:44 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Kelkhil:
And yet again JQ that was well put. Man you gotta stop making us look bad.

Sorry, felt this thread could use a little light hearted input!


The Shirtless Forsaken

*humorlessly* Was I?
(had all night to think about it...points were there, polish wasn't.)

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:05 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
for the 22 years I've been on this Earth...

Because that's how it is everywhere I go. I show up, people hate me.

Chris- Sorry to edit out the rest of your posting, but these two sentences really slapped me hard.

You are only 22 and you feel this way? Have you ever thought - and I mean, really thought - about why "I show up, people hate me." ??


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:05 AM


hmm a little lightening up?? How about a nice "tough guy" pic?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:07 AM


"As for Kaneman, I just don't get it. Sometimes you are charming, kind, thoughful, and nice. And other times your an absolute ass. Pick a gender, pick a personality, and stop picking on others."

What are you on my case for MSG? I happen to agree with CM on most of this. Yes, I am a human not a cardboard cutout, I have dynamics. It should be clear to all that I am not a black Tunisian woman. I am a white midget. I enjoy running 5k marathons, smoking pipes, collecting old soup cans, and watching Spanish language soap operas... and I usually do these while going "commando"...I hate bras. There MSG, now you know all about me. Thanks, it feels good to get that off my chest.

Love always kaneman


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:15 AM


2) Second, I don't think you should leave the site. I think a lot of your views are reprehensible but they're obviously heartfelt. Whereas someone like Kaneman hides behind multiple identities and hasn't contributed anything ever, you're just being you.

What? That is so untrue. Simon shut up. I add plenty to this site, not that it's a prerequisite to being here, that you choose to ignore this is your problem. Go die now. You ape........Well, you gotta have hope.


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:22 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by kaneman:
What are you on my case for MSG? I happen to agree with CM on most of this. Yes, I am a human not a cardboard cutout, I have dynamics. It should be clear to all that I am not a black Tunisian woman. I am a white midget. I enjoy running 5k marathons, smoking pipes, collecting old soup cans, and watching Spanish language soap operas... and I usually do these while going "commando"...I hate bras. There MSG, now you know all about me. Thanks, it feels good to get that off my chest.
Love always kaneman

"I am and always will be a black female animal psychologist from Tunisia."

Not even Kaneman is immune from my wrath when it comes to protecting fair MsG. But to be fair Nicodemus just said, "I don't see anything wrong with the thread having split personalities. Just because the name I changed it to when I edited my post won't stay in place, doesn't make it any less of a thread." I don't see why the same principle shouldn't apply to posters.

That out of the way, Kaneman, even the much maligned CMH was exceptionally polite responding to MsG. As one of the minions who have secret schoolboy crushes on said teacher, you better watch your stuff.

On the other hand picturing you going commando does bring a certain blush to my cheeks...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:31 AM


LOL- oh you're so cute Jonny:) HUGS

I also feel this thread is in serious need of butterflies and flowers

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:36 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
As one of the minions who have secret schoolboy crushes on said teacher, you better watch your stuff.

Luckily I'm SOOO much older than you. Otherwise the schoolboard and the state and the media would be all over you. Much like the minions would like to be...ahem. Did I say that out loud?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:40 AM


LOL :)
Hmmm we could always go dancing...

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:45 AM


Yeah but MisterG would make it a 3 person dance and those get uncomfortable.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, October 27, 2006 6:18 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

Only the simple fact that some people try to force their ideologies on others, and that those ideologies are then forced to defend themselves. That's what other countries have done to the US. That's what the US has done to other countries. And that's currently what you are trying to do to me. Conflict; the basis of our lives.

Stop using numbers to vindicate the validity of your opinions.

Just think about this for a second. What I'm telling you is that IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY what you are doing is a crime. Furthermore, what you are doing is a crime in ANY country that I know of. So, now by your logic, the world is out to get you, because the world is out to force you into there ideology. It is the law after all.

It's that, or we can take a trip down sanity lane and realize that the way you live your live contradicts civilized society as well as any "un-civilized" society that I know of. Why can't you admit that if everyone lived as you do (or similarly) the world would fall into complete disorder?

Also, the basis of my life is NOT conflict. If conflict is truly the basis of your life, then again, I'd recommend seeking help as that is no way to live; we've left the cave after all.

My life is based on forwarding my understanding of the world, including but not limited to, mathematics, physics, sociology, psychology, international relations, etc. Basically intellectual pursuits.

Please note that although this may involve heated exchanges, it in no way involves flying fists. That is for uneducated Neanderthals that haven't learned any coping techniques beyond that in which they learned by grade 3.

And CMH, if my numbers weren't the rest of the world (civilized and a lot of un-civilized societies as well) you'd have a point. But, since my opinions are those outside of your little scrap of no-where, I do have a point, and you do need to have a long think about your lifestyle.

CMH, you have a choice now. Continue living the way you do, being the sad little king of your sad little hill or you can grow as a person and be better for it.

Lastly, I find that I've spent too much time trying to get you to see reason. Time which would be better spent on other actually productive things. So, these are the last keystrokes that I will waste on this topic.

Good-day sir.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, October 27, 2006 6:21 AM


FINE! Don't hug me! You people are all obviously totally INSANE, so I wouldn't want to catch it throguh physical contact!



Friday, October 27, 2006 6:50 AM


Ok but didn't you eben like my little leather shorts dancer guy? 'Cause you didn't say. Also, I'm sure you've answered this and I'm dingy, but is the pic in your signature you? It looks like you, but I'm not sure why you're wearing your jammies to fight in. Doesn't really seem like you to be wearing jammies during combat and all.Come to think of it, you don't really seem like a guy who has jammies at all...Ok not that I am speculating about your sleep wear...well I guess I am, but not in a weird way just in a random thought kind of way:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, October 27, 2006 7:49 AM


Oooooh... I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!

I really would like a hug... I don't care how utterly insane you all are...


Friday, October 27, 2006 8:01 AM


I'll just agree with the first response.

Seek therapy, dude.


"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, October 27, 2006 8:19 AM


yes, you'd be amazed by how many folk in pre-Roman Britain dressed like Rupert the Bear.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway?I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, October 27, 2006 8:36 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
yes, you'd be amazed by how many folk in pre-Roman Britain dressed like Rupert the Bear.

Of course, that guy is bad ass.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, October 27, 2006 2:53 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

You've made your own food in the wild: big wow, I did CCF training with the same thing, I've killed chickens with my bare hands for dinner, eaten self-collected herbs and berries... doesn't mean a damn thing. Stop pretending it's 2000 years ago.

That's where you're wrong. Learning to be self reliant severs the bonds of dependence that corporations and government have created for us. It is vital to our independence that we keep these skills alive with every generation, because the more we accept money as a means of procuring every little thing that we need, the power we give away. It might not be 2000 years ago, but the skills that we learned then to make it to now are no less valuable.

As for this seriousness about therapy thing, I just stopped seeing a psychiatrist last month. If you'd like, I can even scan the letter of recommendation he wrote for me telling the military that my post traumatic stress is not debilitating and that I am mentally fit for active military duty. Translation: I am cleared to carry and operate a fully automatic weapon. I'd say that makes me pretty mentally stable.

Here's another thing, all these situations where I beat someone up or let my temper get the better of me, I was carrying a firearm, and I was carrying it illegally. Therapy is for people who can't control themselves, who continue to do something in spite of negative results. I always had the frame of mind to not draw my weapon.

As for Fight Club, good movie, but I'm not really interested in talking about movies or the ideology behind them right now. Fighting making a person stronger is just natural law that everyone is subject to. In the wild, the ones that aren't strong enough become the non-alphas at best, and at worst, they die. Here in our society, we're too "polite" to let that happen, so they become... well, like a certain friend of mine. Fat, lazy, goes to a psychiatrist to deal with the great emotional impact of fucking High School, even though he graduated back in 1999. He got eaten alive there and they tried to do the same thing to me. Difference is, I didn't let them.

Finally, say what you want about this or that not having honor. You might shake your head at me and think, "what a waste", but when I go to a special place called MEPS, and I got an E7 telling me how proud he is of me, and an E8 telling me not to give up and going out of his way to push me to the head of the line, then I know I've done well in life. My parents are proud of me, and once I re-enlist, I'll actually have the time and funding to go to college.

I'm doing just fine, and I'm not compromising my principals, honor or valor to get there.


Chris - Kudos for all you have done for the military and yourself. However (a) let me know your NCO's response the first time you kick the shit out of someone when back on active duty and (b) behavior that is appropriate and lauded in the military is not necessarily behavior that is lauded in society.

Personnaly, I have decided that while you do need therapy, you are just trying to push peoples buttons by posting what you post. :biggin:

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original






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