Male and Female Imponderables - Juicy Juicy Green Grass

UPDATED: Friday, November 10, 2006 17:57
VIEWED: 10654
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Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:07 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
I think that a sense of humor is very important. Especially since I am a very sarcastic person. My quick wit gets me into trouble a lot else where so I need some one that can enjoy it for what it is!

I second that, most especially with people I don't know.

And if someday on some little piss-ant moon/My hand is a little too slow, or my aim a little bit off/At least I’ll go down fighting, not lying abed surrounded by quacks - "Sir Warrick" by Geezer


Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:49 AM


Ah, humor is very important to me. I love sarcasm and a quick wit is key. If the person I'm with doesn't have a similar sense of humor, they wouldn't understand half of my jokes. That's no fun.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:52 AM


Well, here's to hoping you are tired for another reason.

Your picture of Annie & Wyatt reminded me I finally had a pic of Carson I could access at work: so here he is, my Tidbit, the fruit of my loins. He looks just like his Dad. If I hadn't given birth to him, you'd swear I wasn't even present at conception...

Sorry, I can't make the white box go away...


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:23 AM


OH isn't he the cutest!!! Mavoureen that's one very handsome boy you have:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:30 AM


Thank you, MsG - I'm a proud Mama.

I think I'm gonna have a tough time keeping the girls away when he hits his teens. And, if he's anything like his Dad, I'm gonna have to staple his pants onto him.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:36 AM


I didn't want to mention any of last nights activities, but...

I went with GND last night to drop her and her horse off for their ride to this weekends rodeo in Boulder city. Mindy is telling me that I really need to figure out where me and GND stand. Had a great op last night but didn't take it. We had gone to town to run errands before leaving and she ended up sitting next to me with her head on my shoulder. Still real confused as to whats goin' on. She left her competition number and needs some hay so I'm off to meet them this afternoon.
Thats it. Lost in whatever thought remains.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:38 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
Combining Imponderables and the Pub? Please no. I've never been in the Pub...mostly because it started as a Forsaken thread. I'm all for tossing one back, but not so much for dancing in pyres, etc. And to tell you the truth, I'm not a *Rugbug orders a whiskey, surveys the room and tosses it back* type of internet poster. That becomes a lot like RPG and I'm not into that. In fact, when it gets like that here, I stop "reading" and just start scanning. Just not my thing. So there are my two cents. Take it how you will.

I'm right there with ya. When it gets too roleplayish my eyes glaze over. Just not my thing I guess.

Oh and don't worry about you bra size. There are people that enjoy all types.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:40 AM


Sorry for my absence...long meeting followed by a long lunch. I need a nap!

DTH, well, you did come in here and aim your breasts at me...then ran away! What was I supposed to do?

Magda!, that's not it at all! It's for the skill and accomplishment...yeah, that's it. Why, do you need to have something fitted? hehehe

Hey, KelKhil! Missed you the first time around.

NVG, feeling good is all that matters. The world could be falling down around you...still maintain your happiness.

RugBug! Hi, there!

DeepGirl, just missed seeing you around. Glad to know you are with us in spirit. I did PM you at least once about a week ago...they may not have been working, like they sometimes do. Still, good to see you!

TPage, greetings! Talked to you in another thread, so welcome to the Imponderables...unless you have been here before and I have missed seeing that!



Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:45 AM


*opens purse, looks frantically but brick is out on loan to a friend*

Hmmm. What's this? A Cinder Block? On a rope?

*wonders if she can toss said cinder block from Maryland to Nevada, hit NV with it, then pull it back...*



Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:51 AM


NV- Do NOT make me hit you with Mavoureen's brick...I can't believe..oh for pete's sake...KISS HER!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!

I'm going to slightly embarrass MisterG now and he'll probably smack me for it, but...When he was in college( before we got together) he was asked to a party by a young woman. When he arrived, at the time she told him, no one else was there. She was dressed only in a towel that she let "slip". He just said "I'm sorry I'll let you get ready" and went and sat in another room. HE WAS AN IDIOT!!!! That poor girl probably spent nights going over her flaws and trying to figure out why she was so unattractive and such. He just had no confidence and thought she wasn't interested and all...Please don't make the same mistake.HUGS you know what you want to do and I think we ALL know what she wants you to go with what feels right!!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:57 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

I still waiting to see any humor around here. Booze and boobs is all I can see.

So here's my latest (and late in some cases) input.
Nico - I understand the desire (och! that word...) to combine the two threads: The Impubberables? (Trust me, I know it's spelled funny but it means something else entirely without two "B"'s; although considering the nature of a lot of the posts, not entirely out of place...) Nah, I think I'm going to agree with several other posters that even though I find almost exactly the same crowd in both places but not necessarily the same time--not to mention The regular Forsaken thread and the GlamourShots threads--I think the threads should lift and separate, in keeping with our brassiere theme.

Speaking of which, only two (heh, heh) comments on them, er, that topic (top pic? top pick?). The first is that while it seems that a good number of the ladies in our little corner of the 'Verse are blessed with mega-amplitude, there are a few amongst us who are not as voluminous upfront as others. Let us not forget them or how sexy they are either. One or two have admitted as much, but they seem to have grown very quiet of late. At least regarding this. Not sayin' buxom is bad by any means, but there a lot to be said for, um, "perky". (That reminds me; i need to get over to the Pub for some of the Good Stuff.)

Second "point". *groan* In the middle of all the fuss about the proper fit being difficult, I am surprised that no one brought up the notion that the girls are not always "twins": sometimes they don't match each other, which must add a whole 'nuther dimension to the problem of sizing 'em up. Not expecting anyone to fess up about this, just want to include everyone in the convo.

Well since I posted the 3 cup pic, I guess I can add another thought. I'm just glad that men don't have to worry or brag about the size or measurement of any part...of...them...hmmm. Well, I'm certainly not going to start...! Pervs!! (By the way whoever said the penis mightier than the sword, I think you need a verb in there.

MsG - the sexiest song is anything by Shakira--as long as the video goes along with it. (Sidenote, while Shakira and Fergie are both extremely, what's the word, unabashed about their sexuality or appeal, they are quite different in their approach: Shakira evokes the Untamed, Fergie is more the Hussy. Interestingly, Their bodies are very similar, but their bustlines are not. Who is sexier looking?

Humor is essential. But it does have to be identical with your partner but the overlap (I think it was Tristan who said this) helps. Some of my "humor" absolutely annoys Toni, but we can laugh together until we're weak about stuff, too. Humor cannot not be the sole ingredient either.

Back in awhile. I hope.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:58 AM


(Dodges above mentioned cinder block on rope)

I get whats bein' said. I just, well, pussed out. I want to hear what she's feelin', but then again I don't.

I, Me , My. Really hate using those words.

But I really wanna take her by the hand and lead her to a nice quiet spot for a long talk. I really wanna just take hold of her and cuddle tightly for a good span. I guess those are thengsd my friend Mindy really thinks I should tell her.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:02 AM


See Jonny I completely agree with the idea that smaller "perky" boobs are just as sexy and as soon as the ( crossing fingers here) little browncoat is born and weaned, I will be having a reduction to a size that's better proportioned to my frame.
I think Fergie is seriously HOT!! Not just visually, but her attitude too!

As for humor... Have you ever seen Eddie Izzard's stand-up. I think he is the funniest man alive

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:14 AM


Gee, I go to bed and this place starts jumpin' and jivin'. Seems I got some catching up to do here.

Sense of humor. Well, being a "court jester", I guess without a sense of humor I'd seem rather foolish (in an unfunny kind of way). Sometimes I say that if I didn't have my sense of humor I wouldn't have much else. Sad, isn't it? I think a sense of humor is very important 'cause if you take things too seriously, you could end up being a very bitter and uptight individual. Similar sense of humors is a bonus - you can laugh at the same things and makes the moment all the more enjoyable. I agree with Rose that if you have to explain WHY something is funny, then that kills the moment.

Tristan - thanks for the standing ovation comment. I aim to please (and entertain, of course!)

As for this boob massaging business, well, I'm told I'm pretty good when it comes to massages. Any takers?

O Captain, My Captain? (or the other way around)
The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:32 AM


Oh I love your little court jester in your signature!!! he's adorable.
I pictured you more like this

Tristan these are for you

PR- these are yours

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:38 AM


JQ - hope you didn't think I was being crowded out by the well-endowed. I'm perfectly happy with my size. And when I want the girls to come out to play, Victoria makes some wonderful items that give the appearance of more. I've just been filling my head with other types of endowments...the life insurance kind. Got a test on Sat. that has got to be the most confusing thing I've ever studied for. Questions are written to purposefully trick you into the wrong answer. That bites.

My funny seems to be on vacation for the moment. Hopefully it's just a long weekend and not a 'holiday.'

Life's still okay...had a GREAT lesson on my horse on Tuesday, so that was a bright spot, but I'm stressed about this stupid test. That's the problem when people think you're smart: You've got to live up to their expectations or you look like a loser.

NV: Why not just ask GND what she thinks? Just casually bring it up..."Hey, I'm really enjoying spending time with you. We're great friends and maybe there could more there, maybe not. I just want to get a sense of where you're coming from so I can know where the boundaries of our relationship are..." or maybe in a way that's not quite as sterile as what I wrote (MSG...come put your spin on it). Just get it out there and see what she thinks. If you do it in a casual, non-"I SOOOOOOOO into you" way, and she only wants friendship, you're good. If she wants more, you're good. Two sides of goodness in my book is just plain good.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:40 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Oh I love your little court jester in your signature!!! he's adorable.
I pictured you more like this

Thanks for the thought MsG, but I have to admit, there's something kinda creepy about a cartoonish smiley with what seems like human hands. Thought is appreciated though! And I'm glad you like the one I have - I actually borrowed it from VerseExplorer (by the way VerseExplorer, thanks for providing it!!)

O Captain, My Captain? (or the other way around)
The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:43 AM


Rugbug- so is this test for you to be an insurance broker??? HUGS and wishes of great luck on the test. here's a four leaf clover

See I think what you said is fine. I always say, if you want to know the answer to a question, you have to ask it!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:49 AM



Originally posted by msg:
See I think what you said is fine. I always say, if you want to know the answer to a question, you have to ask it!

You beat me to the punch, MsG.
You'll never know unless you ask her, NV.
I'll be thinking about you!

To all, Good night. It's the end of my work day, and tonight we're eating leftovers. Hoo-ha.

See you all tomorrow.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:50 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Rugbug- so is this test for you to be an insurance broker??? HUGS and wishes of great luck on the test. here's a four leaf clover

*eyes glaze over*

Ooooh...purdy!! (yes, I got some Irish in me)

O Captain, My Captain? (or the other way around)
The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:52 AM


NVG...go with what feels right.

MSG, thank you for the emoties!

RugBug, welcome to the wonderful world of insurance!

Speaking of which...I need to get back to work...



Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:54 AM


Hey all, just popping in to say hi, and reply to a couple of things, though I know there's a ton I've missed.

PR: Something like 70% of women are wearing the wrong bra size, and since it took me so long to get correctly fitted, it's become somewhat of a crusade for me. So all you ladies, get out the tape measures! The bra industry has the stupidest measuring criteria I've ever heard of ("put on your best fitting bra and measure the difference between your bust and your underbust" -- if you don't have a good fitting bra, how are you ever going to find one in the first place?!), so here's what I recommend: Get a tape measure and measure your underbust, without a bra on. Add 3 or 4 inches to that (but no more than 4!), and that's your band size. Then go out and start trying on bras in the band size, and fiddle with the sizing as necessary. When you buy a new bra, you should put the hook&eyes on the largest setting, since the elastic will stretch over time and you'll need to go in from there (so if you have to start on the second or third set of hooks&eyes on a new bra, go down a band size!). The band should be parallel to the ground, and shouldn't ride up in back at all. You shouldn't be able to squeeze your finger in between the band and your ribcage, but it also shouldn't be leaving red marks on you.

Once you have your band size, start trying on bras in that size until you find the right cup size. The middle of the underwire should lie flat against your sternum, and be in contact with your sternum at all times. If you bulge over the top of the cup, go up a cup size, and if you have extra fabric in the cup, go down a cup size. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the Browncoat ladies here have a much smaller band size and much larger cup size than they currently think. It makes financial sense for the bra industry to try to make us all fit into 32-38 A-D, but every woman deserves a properly fitting bra! It makes you look better and your back feel better.

Ok, stepping down off my soap box now.

All that bra stuff said, I am definitely agree with you Jonny on the perky boobs thing. While watching Lost last night (which I always watch, and seeing our dear Captain was just an added bonus!) I was reflecting that the actress who plays Kate, Evangeline Lily, is pretty much my definition of beauty. She's got natural beauty, she's athletic but still curvy, not too far in any one direction. Completely perfect, IMO. I generally feel pretty good about my body, but man, I would love to have a body like hers.

And Humor: an absolute must in my book. One of my favorite parts of my marriage is that we have a huge list of "inside jokes", and can communicate about them without even talking, which comes in handy in public.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:57 AM


'Night Mav. I just ate leftovers for lunch since I'm stuck here for a bit.

On the askin', I really gotta know, but wonder if it could be detrimental to the friendship. I usually opt for dry and to the point when emotions can get invilved. Just a defense mechanism I guess. But there also has to be a time, blah blah blah.
I hate my excuses. Except this one. I'm never afraid of rejection. In fact, I've grown quite used to it. There's just been one too many letdowns lately. But hesitating seems to be a huge mistake in this case. We'll see what happens when we meet this afternoon. And of course on Sunday there's apt to be some reason (None actually) to get together.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:09 AM


NV- If, for some insane reason, she isn't in to you ( which I must point out is about as likely as me being struck by lightening) then there'll be a bit of awkwardness and then it'll be back to normal so long as you act normal around her:) I'm pretty sure she's just gonna jump you !!!

CK- Yeah took me forever to get properly fitted, but I had to early because of dance and costumes and such. It's a peeve with me as well. Not a fan of the underwire though for the most part. I've really like victoria's secret ipex which comes in non underwire and fits flawlessly for me.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:13 AM


Forgot to comment on the story of MrG and the towel incident. Honestly, I'd been in similar situations but prefer a truthful request rather than an insinuated one.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:14 AM


Yep. It's my life insurance broker's license. But, I will not be selling anything. My company requires us all to get licensed for E&O purposes.

The worst part of this is about 2% of what is on the test actually applies to what I do on a daily basis. The test is mostly geared towards life, annuities, individual disability, etc. I do group benefits. Biggest issue is I took the class last year before I broke my arm. Now I'm having to re-learn all this stuff. Blargh.

NVG: what I was trying to say, but might not have done if very well, is that if you approach GND in a relaxed easy "just looking for some more information" type manner, the friendship can survive if that's all she wants. Just a "Hey, I wanted to see if there is a possibility so I can know the appropriate boundaries of our relationship." If a guy came to me and did that I would be fine even if I was in a "just friends" place. It's the ones who come to you all "I want more" that 'cause problems. Then I get all freaked. I guess I'm advocating an "I want more if you do, but am okay being friends if you don't" stance.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:25 AM


Heres where we cross the line. Mindy asked me if I got jealous of the guys she talks about (ex's, friends, etc) and honestly I do. I fully admit to it. And she knows I do. But I shouldn't be jealous, should I?
I like asking about the appropriate boundries thing. Honestly, if we ain't gonna be together I don't need another female coming to me for emotional support and having someone for everything else. But I really don't like the idea of pushing her away because of it.
Guess I really hate to lose and it shows.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:26 AM


CaliforniaKaylee, you're the best storyteller ever. Feel free to tell us more anytime.

Seriously, I have no idea why it's hot just hearing women talk about bras. But it is. So, continue.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:29 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
PR: Something like 70% of women are wearing the wrong bra size, and since it took me so long to get correctly fitted, it's become somewhat of a crusade for me. So all you ladies, get out the tape measures! The bra industry has the stupidest measuring criteria I've ever heard of ("put on your best fitting bra and measure the difference between your bust and your underbust" -- if you don't have a good fitting bra, how are you ever going to find one in the first place?!), so here's what I recommend: Get a tape measure and measure your underbust, without a bra on. Add 3 or 4 inches to that (but no more than 4!), and that's your band size. Then go out and start trying on bras in the band size, and fiddle with the sizing as necessary. When you buy a new bra, you should put the hook&eyes on the largest setting, since the elastic will stretch over time and you'll need to go in from there (so if you have to start on the second or third set of hooks&eyes on a new bra, go down a band size!). The band should be parallel to the ground, and shouldn't ride up in back at all. You shouldn't be able to squeeze your finger in between the band and your ribcage, but it also shouldn't be leaving red marks on you.

Once you have your band size, start trying on bras in that size until you find the right cup size. The middle of the underwire should lie flat against your sternum, and be in contact with your sternum at all times. If you bulge over the top of the cup, go up a cup size, and if you have extra fabric in the cup, go down a cup size. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the Browncoat ladies here have a much smaller band size and much larger cup size than they currently think. It makes financial sense for the bra industry to try to make us all fit into 32-38 A-D, but every woman deserves a properly fitting bra! It makes you look better and your back feel better.

CaliforniaKaylee - WOW! I never knew so much about bras before. Maybe that's because I'm a man? Still, I just got myself educated-ed. Interesting stuff!!

O Captain, My Captain? (or the other way around)
The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:54 AM


Nv- Ok at this point the suspense is killing me Would you just for pity's sake ask her out~!!!! I'm almost certain that's what she wants ( the only tinge of uncertainty is that I'm not there to see it) based on everything she's said and everything I know...She really really likes you and the best thing you can do is ask her out! That way you both stop dancing around and get down to it. If she says no I'd rather be friends, just smile and say "well that's what we've always been, so it's fine by me. Just wanted to see where we were going." If she leaps on you and begins to tear off your clothes, that would be a " yes I'd like to go out with you" in case you didn't know.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:00 PM


On the subject of bras, I'm a 36C and have always felt that my boobs are just right. It seems that I am a bit small in this company though.

I am against combining this thread with the Pub thread. I want to drink and have fun in one place and be serious (ok semi-serious) and ponder in another. Besides, even seperated they take a while to load.

A sense of humor is crucial if you want to be my friend, let alone in a relationship. A person that does not have a sense of humor is not going to get me at all. Hell, even people with a good sense of humor don't get me sometimes.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:05 PM


Whimsical- that so reminds me of my dad's toast for me at my wedding. he made the comment he knew MisterG was perfect for me because we had the same sense of humor and that as he( my dad) had an off the wall humor and I was off his wall misterG had to be one in a million:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:16 PM


Sorry to torture you so MSG. But ain't torture fun?

I don't know what to expect, and that's kinda fun. But I figure I'll feel real dumb if I end up keeping her at bay and she decides to go elsewhere.

I gotta go. Days up and the weekend beckons. Glad to have seen everyone and thanks for listening to my whiny ramblings.

Have a great weekend and hugs to all.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:20 PM


MSG: LOL! That sounds like a great toast. Both your dad and MrG must be great people.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:25 PM


Just an additional thought here, I don't read the Pub thread so I don't see a need to combine that with the ponderables. I realize I'm new to this thread and my opinion may be less inspired, but just thought I'd weigh in my 2 cents.

O Captain, My Captain? (or the other way around)
The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:25 PM


I love my captain

Oh wow CK. That's very good to know.
As to bra size, I'm about a 42C...kinda...I've always had problems finding proper fitting bras.
See, it seems most gals with a band size over 38 have a much larger cup size. At least, the people who make bras think so. And the cups never fit me anyway. C is actually to big and I fall out of B's. I've been thinking of trying those half sized ones. Does anyone know how those work? Actually worth it or just pointless?


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:34 PM


*Does not approve of this line of conversation*
*Has been desperately trying to think of another topic to discuss*
*Cannot think of another topic*
*Is leaving to hang out with his real life friends, none of whom have a bra size*

Tyler's not here.
Tyler's gone.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkiries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 1:24 PM


LOL -Chris I love you:) You are so funny and adorable!!! HUGS You totally made me think of Mal after Kaylee's "run on batteries" line when he says " I can't know this"

NV- KISS HER!!! KISS HER!!! When you see her tonight hear the little voice( my voice) in your head saying Kiss her....and do it!!! HUGS

Ck- yeah he's great!

OK new and Manly topic for Chris- Is there some activity, like sky diving, boxing, etc that really scares you that you might consider doing with an SO if they wanted to???

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, November 9, 2006 1:48 PM


Do managers get their rocks off by requesting things like "everything you've worked on this year in a bulleted list" by morning when it's already past 5pm when you're taking vacation the next day?

*takes deep breath*

*counts to 10*

*goes into blind rage and throws things around the office* (ok not really but I want to)


Thursday, November 9, 2006 2:44 PM


*edges away from Zeek very, very carefully*

Borrow the crazy chainsmoking pyrokinetic who lives in my head. She'll happily burn down your boss's office for you and will even clear up all the evidence for free.

Kayna - odd though it may seem, if you're having trouble fitting a cup size, go up or drop down an underbust size. Like as not, a 44B or a 40C will fit you. You could also try changing manufacturers - they're more even than women's dress sizes, but not 100%.

Incidentally, the whole bras and breast cancer thing. My sister is hot on the theory that wearing bras increases your chance of getting breast cancer. It came up at work today (OK, I forgot to put a bra on when I was getting dressed, and believe me, this is something I don't do easily; I so had too little sleep last night), and my co-worker was convinced that *not* wearing a bra increases your risk of getting breast cancer. Aah! Have any of you heard anything on the topic?

MsG - the gut reaction is no, largely because you brought up the skydiving thing and that TERRIFIES me rather than just scares me... my sister had a university friend who was questioned as a witness by police when a British skydiver either was murdered or committed suicide when he jumped out of an aeroplane with half-cut ropes. Four degrees of separation is just *too* close.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 3:18 PM


Wow. I never expected nearly ninety posts worth of bra discussion. Huh.

Dangerous Activities: I'm a big advocate of not taking completely unneccessary risks. I'm not ever going to jump out of a perfectly functional plane, or off of a perfectly stable bridge, if I can help it. If I have a parachute and the plane's goin' down, different story, but in ordinary situations, I'm opting for the safer path.

I lead an uninteresting life...


*Realizes none of CMH's friends have a bra size*

Well, that makes me feel a bit better. Female friends are a damn sight more reliable and constant then the males, I find. Of course, I have been subjected to some real skithaels in my day... Less so from the ladies, but not exactly... I've really got to stop talking...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 3:31 PM


Evening All Imponderables! I just got off work, and it seems likes there are a lot of ppl that have left for the evening. Hope to catch you tomorrow.

Mavourneen wrote:
Also, Verseexplorer, I LOVE the applause GIF. Mind if I put that in my photobucket?

Sure, we all need a little applause now and then. Use it whenever you see the need.

McQ wrote:
And I'm glad you like the one I have - I actually borrowed it from VerseExplorer (by the way VerseExplorer, thanks for providing it!!)

You're welcome! It just seemed like the perfect emoticon for the Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa.

NVG: I'm hoping that you go for it. If you don't, I'm sure MsG will be VERY disappointed. Good Luck. Just remember we are all here hoping that it happens.

Eloisa: I have not heard of the connection of breast cancer and bras. Although, I did burn mine in the late 60s.

Zeek: Can you send your boss this list?
1. I've done every f ing thing that you've asked me to do this year.
2. I've stayed after 5:00 PM to complete every f ing task that you've given me.

MsG: If I'm afraid of doing it, I don't think I could do it for another person even a SO.

I made a web site to introduce my friends to the 'Verse.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 3:56 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by RugBug:
JQ - hope you didn't think I was being crowded out by the well-endowed. I'm perfectly happy with my size. And when I want the girls to come out to play, Victoria makes some wonderful items that give the appearance of more. I've just been filling my head with other types of endowments...the life insurance kind.

Jeez, RB, I wuz tryin' not to name names...!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:43 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Morning everyone!
As I tell many ladies who want bigger boobs, "It takes all kinds to make a world." There are men who like the smaller, and men who like the bigger. Obviously, I've attracted the men who like the bigger. Sometimes I've even been told "Yeah, I think you're pretty, but you're not really my type. Your boobs are too big." Gotta love Rocky.
And yes, it's true the girls don't always match. I've never found a big difference in mine, but I have a friend who is off by almost an entire cup size; one is a B and the other is a C. She has a helluva time finding bras. Mine are very very close, though. I count myself lucky.
I remember reading an article on 'proper' sizing and saying "Well, according to this, I would be a 40B, which I know is totally wrong, as a 42C seems to fit me now. I would fall the hell out of anything smaller!" They were telling me to add way too many inches to my ribcage measurement; this is how I know I'm not a 42C. Still have to go shopping and see if I can actually find a D with a band size under 40. Also, I can't stand underwire. Maybe if I actually get the right size that will change, but I find the stiff wire limits my movement. That's not really ok with me as I like to be able to bend and stretch and move without discomfort.
NVG, for heaven's sake, just say something to her! Anything! "How would you feel if this were a date?" "Hey, I think you like me. Am I right?" Something!
MsG, not much scares me. I'd love to do skydiving, with or without a SO. I don't 'box' but I come pretty close. Pretty much there's not anything I wouldn't try if I got the chance. I'd probably be a little freaked about those things beforehand, and then be going "Wanna do it again!!!" afterwards.
I've heard the 'theory' that bras cause breast cancer; it is total bunk IMO. I read a very good book once on what actually causes breast cancer (can't remember the name, arg! I will try to find it again) the big risk factors I remember were 1) too much sugar 2) not enough omega-3 fatty acids 3) birth control pills before the age of 18. It has nothing to do with what you wear and everything to do with your lifestyle and health. What a concept.



Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:43 PM


My mom told me the other day about lowering the band size on your bra and upping the cup size. Seemed a little strange to me (although I hate the feeling of underwires digging into me). A few days later she told me it worked and that I should try it. I just looked at her and said, "There's NO WAY that I'm a D-cup!" *sigh* maybe I should try it after all. Perhaps soon I shall be a 36D and join the ranks of the busty women who grace this thread (at least I'd be in good company). Anyone want to join me in proper sized bra shopping tomorrow?

You're never to old to have a happy childhood!


Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:21 PM


Nice to see the board's extremely lively while I'm a way, lots to read when I log on each day.

Here's what I've learnt, and some of my responses.

Combining the threads the mob has spoken. Actually, it's more of an "In the beginning was the word, and the word was NO." If nothing else it might keep some trolls of the pub.

Underwear Not only do companies make items to make the ladies look bigger, but there's also the 'wondercup' for the men, which is meant to make them look bigger. Which begs the questions of the guys here: do you think such an item is worth while? To me, there's no real point, as with the exception of one tightish pair of jeans, all my pants are loose-fiting enough that you wouldn't be able to tell how well-hung I may (or may not) be.

Skydiving One of the many things I'd do if I had the money. If I get a work visa or strike it lucky in the green card lottery, then get a decently paying job in the USA, I might get my chance to hurl myself out of a perfectly good plane. For now I have to be happy with jumping off cliffs (with a rope attatched) while being heroic in my CFS work.


(Thx to Desktop Hippie for the banner)
If you find yourself getting too worked up about stuff that isn't real (RP Threads etc), then go outside, breathe in some fresh air and try feeding the ducks. (Because ducks don't care about your politics, religion, skin colour, choice of music or even your haircut. They like everyone, provided you bring them food.)


Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:37 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh dear - can I remember everything I wanted to say now? It's so hard being out of time-synch with everyone - I have to wade through the posts and then I have to wait for a response... here goes...

NVG!! You have had a brick thrown at you so often by this wonderful woman that you are becoming insensible! The above advice is so very sound - make it a 'would you like this to be more than friendship sort of approach and you cannot go wrong - if yes!! YAY!! We will celebrate with you here Darling - if no, well we are still here and you will get through it - but I have a good feeling!!

Mei Mei we will have to write another book with Laurelin I think... "The brick Theory - what to do when you've been hit too often to notice!" and mine are almost even too - though I know those who are not... feet are often different sizes too... did you know that!

Uh... oh Tristan! I might be wanting something made in the future qing ren... you up for the... er... sewing??

Hey everyone! Sorry if I miss some of you - got a headache... will catch up agin later!!


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:06 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I heard about that particular piece of underwear a few days ago. Honestly, can anyone here tell through clothing how well-hung a man is? I sure can't. And isn't there a big difference in size between flacid and, well, not? And there's always the cliche of "It's not what you've got, it's what you do with it"
You get to jump off cliffs, qing ren? I'm not sure whether to be jealous of that or not. I think it would be scarier if I was trying to be heroic, rather than just jumping for the rush.
And no, I haven't actually gotten to do that, but there is a ride at Six Flags Elich Gardens in Denver that is basically a huge, huge swing. It's called the XLR8R and they strap you into a harness and hoist you up and then you have to pull a cord and you FLY. Amazing amazing amazing. It's a separate charge to do it, though, so I can't just ride it all day, which makes me a little sad.
Jie jie, my feet are in fact a half size off. My right foot is a size 9 (usually) while my left foot runs around an 8 1/2. Also, one of my ears is higher than the other. Those who have to fit my glasses say it's not that uncommon, but that it's a little exaggerated in me. You can really see it in my glasses when they're off. The little arm for my right ear doesn't touch the surface when they sit on a table open. I'm not sure that made sense, but yeah...



Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:37 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Why do I suddenly have a mental image of anyone (not you though Nico!) going through the metal detector at the airport and it going off and he has to remove the aluminium foil wrapped item from his trousers...

Spinal Tap anyone???

Sorry Nico - I wasn't implying... oh dear... I'd better go back to the picture thread... where I was heading...


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:22 PM



Originally posted by magdalena:
Why do I suddenly have a mental image of anyone (not you though Nico!) going through the metal detector at the airport and it going off and he has to remove the aluminium foil wrapped item from his trousers...

Spinal Tap anyone???

Well now that you brought up Spinal Tap, I simply can't refuse:

David St. Hubbins:
"I don't think there was a problem with the band. I think what the problem may have been is that there was there a Stonehenge monument on stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf!! That hugely underestimates the size of the object!"

Nigel Tufnel (in regard to one of his guitars):
"It's famous for it's sustain. Listen...just listen for a minute." ("I don't hear anything.") "You would though, if it were playing. You could be playing and aaahhh go out and get a bite, come back and waaaa you'd still be hearing that one."

(in regard to their black album cover)
"You have to ask yourself 'how much more black could this be?' and the answer would be 'none...none more black'."

Derek Smalls:
"They're really like two visionaries, Nigel and David. They're like fire and ice. I feel that my role comes somewhere in the middle, somewhere like lukewarm water."

Great movie!!

O Captain, My Captain? (or the other way around)
The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!






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