Special Branch: The Living Dead

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2007 05:39
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:34 PM


The stranger finally pulls his grav-sled up to the assembled group.

"Is this the local chapter of anti alliance anonomous?"

Scorpion Regent


Friday, November 10, 2006 4:51 AM


From inside the transport, Seryn hears the strangers voice, and starts to laugh.

@Go tell them to stop messing about, it's SR, tall the man that he has to stop popping up on us like that, and to get in her and report - i want to know how he is!"

Sykes goes to step out of the Transport, but stop and decides to watch instead - the other obviously didn't know the voice as well as Seryn had, and were still slowly summing eacgh other up like rival dogs.

The it clicked, Wisp visibly relaxed, and Soul began to grin, but Safe had already walked up and clapped the guy on the shoulder. "You old... How the hell did you find us? When did you get here? Good god, no, tell us when we're moving, its time we got off this rock. Someone in there will be glad to see you.

Safe ran back to the transport, banging on the side to get the drivers attention. The engine started up, as Soul and the others shook Regents and stowed his haul away.

Sykes resumed his place, let Seryn pummell him into a comfier shape again and relaxed, feeling the rumbles of the engine and strangely glad to be leaving.

The stranger climbed aboard, took in all the different folks there, then seemed to stop dead when he saw Seryn. His face hardened slightly, but not before a brief flash of confusion swept accross his features. Sykes watched, the man met his eyes and they hardend further, he seemed about to turn away, but them approached them.

Seryn stirred, did her best to sit straight, and grinned at him. But even she seemed puzzled by the cold greeting.

He stood, not even swayed by the lurching of the transport as it moved off "Captain."

(ooc - is this ok?)

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, November 10, 2006 6:32 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
From inside the transport, Seryn hears the strangers voice, and starts to laugh.

@Go tell them to stop messing about, it's SR, tall the man that he has to stop popping up on us like that, and to get in her and report - i want to know how he is!"

Sykes goes to step out of the Transport, but stop and decides to watch instead - the other obviously didn't know the voice as well as Seryn had, and were still slowly summing eacgh other up like rival dogs.

The it clicked, Wisp visibly relaxed, and Soul began to grin, but Safe had already walked up and clapped the guy on the shoulder. "You old... How the hell did you find us? When did you get here? Good god, no, tell us when we're moving, its time we got off this rock. Someone in there will be glad to see you.

Safe ran back to the transport, banging on the side to get the drivers attention. The engine started up, as Soul and the others shook Regents and stowed his haul away.

Sykes resumed his place, let Seryn pummell him into a comfier shape again and relaxed, feeling the rumbles of the engine and strangely glad to be leaving.

The stranger climbed aboard, took in all the different folks there, then seemed to stop dead when he saw Seryn. His face hardened slightly, but not before a brief flash of confusion swept accross his features. Sykes watched, the man met his eyes and they hardend further, he seemed about to turn away, but them approached them.

Seryn stirred, did her best to sit straight, and grinned at him. But even she seemed puzzled by the cold greeting.

He stood, not even swayed by the lurching of the transport as it moved off "Captain."

(ooc - is this ok?)


A myriad of thoughts ran through SR's mind. He had found her again, or had she found him? In times of great stress or need SR could "travel", he would spontaneously dissappear from a time and place and appear somewhere else. Sometimes he didn't move far in time or space, other times,..well far is too small a word to describe. He could control the point of departure, but not the point of arrival. Yet time and time again he seemed to be drawn back to her, Seryn. He had seen her old, he had seen her as child, both of these instances he was lucky enough to be in disguise, he had seen and be involved with her in multiple situations. He had been the quartermaster of her pirate crew. Everytime he met her again he had to figure out how much she remembered of him. The fact that at one time thay had been "seeing" each other made all of this exponentially more complicated. His worst nightmare was finding her grave.
And now here she was. SR wanted to sweep her off her feet and kiss her, but what if he had never done that with her before, at least in her recollection. He tried to look for time line clues, who was here, what were they wearing? What music was being broadcast?

And who was that man she was being so fo,..frie,..familiar with?

Scorpion Regent


Friday, November 10, 2006 7:46 AM


OOC: Wisp, I loved the Safe punching the doctor! I was gonna write something similar.
Yup, that worked Seryn! SR, I didn't truely understand your first post, but the last one was great!
Sorry about the length of this, but when writers block breaks...

Upon seeing Seryn, Safe felt a large weight lift off his chest. The crew was together, essentially intact. Crew... Safe paused to consider that. These people, thrown together by circumstance, some as different as night and day, clicked. He couldn’t understand why, but wasn’t about to question it. In fact, the feeling was cemented in Safe’s mind by what happened next.

After greeting Seryn, Safe looked up. Soul stood of to one side gazing back up the tunnel. The man was an enigma. For what Safe could remember of his case file, he was a loner, never technically worked with a crew. Rumour had it he was connected at one time to an assassin’s guild. The fact that he stayed with this group this long and had acted selflessly in the hospital spoke volumes to Safe.

Safe walked up to Soul but before he could say anything, Soul interrupted him.

“He’s headed straight for us, like he knew we were here.”

Safe followed the other mans gaze back up the tunnel.

“How so?”

“When he rounded the corner, he didn’t look any other direction.”

“Soul?...Safe?” Seryn called out.

“Yeah, we see him.”

Safe could fell the group tense as one. A rifle bolt snapped into place.

Turning casually, Safe found Jake and Flechette standing nearby. Safe locked eyes with jack. They had been through a lot of tight spots together. Jack could read the message in Safe’s eyes and stood down ready for follow Safe’s lead. Flechette followed suit.

The rifle belonged to Wisp. Safe looked at the youngster and slowly shook his head. Wisp’s eyes darted from the stranger, to Safe, to Jack and back to Safe again, before lowering the rifle.

Safe had to grin. He liked the kid. He was a quick learner. Seemed to absorb everything around him.

Turning back to Soul, who had never stopped watching the stranger, Safe watched the stranger take a draw from a flask and continue towards them. Safe knew the newcomer had seen them all watching him.

The stranger finally pulls his grav-sled up to the assembled group.

"Is this the local chapter of anti alliance anonomous?"

“I don’t know where you get such fanciful ideas as that neighbour.” Safe says with an easy smile. “Jes’ deliverin’ up a few supplies for the needy. I would imagine that the Anti Anonmous Alliance or some such, wouldn’t be caught muckin’ about in the sewers eh?”

Citizen, now wise to Safe's ways steps forward. "As my loutish help so... eloquently explained, I, Mr. Citizen (perhaps you've heard of me?) not we, are making deliveries. Now if you'd so kind..." He waves the necomer off to the side. "Time is money and money is time. Ok people!! Chop chop. Off to the next stop."

From inside the transport, Seryn hears the strangers voice, and starts to laugh.

“Go tell them to stop messing about, it's SR, tall the man that he has to stop popping up on us like that, and to get in her and report - I want to know how he is!”

Sykes goes to step out of the Transport, but stop and decides to watch instead - the other obviously didn't know the voice as well as Seryn had, and were still slowly summing each other up like rival dogs.

Then it clicked, Wisp visibly relaxed, and Soul began to grin, but Safe had already walked up and clapped the guy on the shoulder. “You old... How the hell did you find us? When did you get here? Good god, no, tell us when we're moving, its time we got off this rock. Someone in there will be glad to see you.”

Safe ran back to the transport, banging on the side to get the drivers attention. The engine started up, as Soul and the others shook Regents and stowed his haul away.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, November 10, 2006 8:03 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp wasnt overly invested in the meeting as he realised he hadnt slept in about three days. He threw a quick salute and a pat on the back before finding a semi-comfy spot on the floor and sitting down. Within 12 seconds he was gone to the world, too tired for dreams he lay comatose for hours.

'let the grownups do the horse work for a change'


Friday, November 10, 2006 9:18 PM


Ghost sat silently in the corner of the room, hugging her knees with her good arm. The adults had been acting silly for a long time. 'Specially around Ms. Seryn, Mr. Scary Doctor man, and the silly man with the cart who had just arrived. Ms. Seryn must have gotten out like they did, maybe that was why Mr. Scary Doctor man had left her in the scary place, to get Ms. Seryn, and she had been a bad girl by moving from where he had left her. She hoped her punishment wouldn't rehurt her hurt arm. It was hurting enough now. She hoped it wouldn't be no food for a week, cause she was really really really hungry.

There were a lot of adults here, more adults than she had seen in a long time. That was why she was trying to be a good girl and stay small and silent. Children were meant to be neither seen nor heard, and to obey. That was what Mr. and Mrs. Carson had told her.

She missed Truth and Shadow.


OOC: Sorry it's been so long, I'll try to do better.


Saturday, November 11, 2006 5:08 AM



Originally posted by Aprilise:
Ghost sat silently in the corner of the room, hugging her knees with her good arm. She hoped her punishment wouldn't rehurt her hurt arm. It was hurting enough now. She hoped it wouldn't be no food for a week, cause she was really really really hungry.

There were a lot of adults here, more adults than she had seen in a long time. That was why she was trying to be a good girl and stay small and silent. Children were meant to be neither seen nor heard, and to obey. That was what Mr. and Mrs. Carson had told her.

SR looked about for clues and for something to do. When lost in time he found it best to set himself to some sort mundane task and everything else, hopefully, would fall into place.
He looked about and his sharp eyes spotted a small child huddling in a corner. Tired, hungry, frightened, injured, the girl didn't belong here, SR sensed that she was probably a orphan. It riled him to see a child suffer. He would give her some food. He began to rummage through his mussete bag slung around his neck and shoulder. His search produced bag of trailmix, a large hank of beef jerky, two oranges and a small daily vitamin package. He bundled up the food and vitamins in a large scarf. He the turned to the grav-sled. He reached under the tarp at one corner and pulled out a full canteen. That should do the job. He realized there was a problem. There was no way a small child would, or even should, trust any gift from a tall dark stranger, it would have to be given indirectly. This needed a woman's touch. He approached Seryn.
"Capt'n, yer pardon,"
"Yonder urchin there looks in need of a snack." He said indicating with a tilt of his head towards Ghost. He handed Seryn the bundle and the canteen. "I hope she's not allergic to nuts. You'll have to peel the oranges for her, she's only got one good arm."

Scorpion Regent


Monday, November 13, 2006 7:54 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Moments earlier:

Needy stared blankly into the eyes of Milton, his former protege. "What do you mean?"

"I... I thought you were dead."

"What did you do?" Needy asked calmly

"I thought these savages had killed you."

"What did you do?" Needy asked again, this time more anxious.

"I just did what I thought was best. 'Do the right thing' - like you taught me. No matter wha..."

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He repeated angrily as he stood up to Milton

"The Alliance" he began to confess "I gave them everything they needed... to take down the Resistance."

Needy continued to stare at him, eyes of fire.

"I imagine they know where we are right now... formulating a plan... if they're not already acting on it"

Needy closed his eyes so to calm his spirit and think it over.

"Its the beginning..." the being told him "of the war."

"No," Needy told the presence in his mind "its too soon"

"It's time"

"No" Needy uttered, out loud this time, causing Milton to stand back

"What?" his protege asked in fear

Needy's eyes were now open, but were no longer looking at Milton, but a figure looming in the distance behind him. Walking towards them.

Could this be the beginning?
A sole Alliance operative sent to bring them in? It seemed bold even for them.

But as the figure edged closer, Needy realised he was wrong, and that the person that entered into the midst of their group was not Alliance. It was not even a stranger. It was SR

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 6:09 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Thordom Business Park

On the roof of the EkstraTech building, a sniper got into position.
Laying low on the roof, he peered through the scope of his weapon, and directed it towards the window across the street, to the offices of Chung Industries.

"I've got a visual" he spoke into his communicator

On the street outside, a delivery van remained parked by the side of the building.
Inside were ten souls, a driver, eight special operatives and their team leader - a man by the name of Captain Man Janus - and all listened intently to the report being given them by one of their colleagues.

"You got a visual on Number One?" Janus spoke into his comm.

"Negative" the reply came back after a moment's silence. "It looks like they're all packing up. And Number One got to go home early"

"Ai Ya" the captain cursed in response.

"He may come back" the sniper reasoned

"No. He's long gone. We wait any more and they'll slip through our hands again" Janus realised

"Course of action?" the sniper asked

"We move". Janus turned to his men in the truck and ordered "Operation is a go. Now move!"

Returning to his comm as the eight special agents move out, he instructs "we're doing this now Phelps. Remember, we want them alive to talk... but I don't wanna lose any men again. You think you need to take a shot, you take it"

"Yes sir" Phelps replied as he readied himself

Flipping a switch by the receiver he ordered teams Blue and Red to prepare themselves at the exit, in case any of the resistance attempted to escape that way.

"Finally," Janus thought to himself "these rebels will face the consequences of their actions." With that, he armed himself and exited the back doors of the vehicle.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:00 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp had very wierd dreams that night. He dreamt he was in a room all awash with white light so he couldnt really see anything. Then a woman appeared he he sort of recognised but really couldnt be sure. She spoke with a soft tone that was comforting yet eerie

"The time is approaching where you will have to follow him"

"follow who??"

"He is the chosen one. The rest of you are here to focus and guide him. You must help him"

He awoke with a start intaking a sharp breath and banging his head on the wall. He shook his head with a puzzled look then dropped off again and dreamt of bunnies...


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:04 AM



"Capt'n, yer pardon,"
"Yonder urchin there looks in need of a snack." He said indicating with a tilt of his head towards Ghost. He handed Seryn the bundle and the canteen. "I hope she's not allergic to nuts. You'll have to peel the oranges for her, she's only got one good arm."

Seryn looked to where Ghost sat, folorn and scared looking, and gasped - "Oh gods, how could i have forgotten about her? How did her arm get broken?"
Will SR swift behind she stood up and moved towards the little girl, squatting, as best she could around the bump, infront of her.

Ghost looked on the verge of tears, but Seryn just smiled, tucked hair behind her ears and nodded back to where she had been sitting.

Ghost brightened slightly, and nodded.

Seated back down, Seryn got to sharing the food out into portions, the lions share to Ghost, as well as pouring the little girl a small cup of the tea she had been drinking. Ghost wrinkled her nose, but started to sip away.

"Wouldn't it just be better to give her a pain killer?"
"No, she's just had the most traumatic hospital visit its possible to have, the tea will take the edge of the pain off, then when she calmer you can look at the arm... SR, will you please stop looming? Sit, eat something, and after i've got Ghosts life story, you can tell us how you got here - its a neat trick"

Ghost looked up at her name, but Seryn was still smiling at her, she knew she'd have to explain herself, but it didn't seem to be a bad thing "So, sweet pea, where have you come from? where is your Shadow?"

Ghost blinked How did she know about Shadow? Did she know about Truth as well? "At the Carsons farm."

"The Carsons? They are?"

It took a while to coax the full answers out of her, but eventually the whole sorry tale came out, at the conclusion, Seryn looked grim, but she gathered Ghost up and hugged her, so she didn't think it was because of her.Full up and finally warm, Ghost started to fall asleep.

"SR, can you talk to Safe up front? let him know that we have a change of plan? we have to go back to wherever he hired his mule from and pay a visit" SR looked at her and nodded, she noticed his impulse to salute, and smiled "SR, did we ever get round to that conversation about how i'm not running a ship anymore, and you don't have to call me captain, or take orders, and i'd like to be friends? Can you pretend that we did? Cheers, ok, go tell Safe."

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:02 PM



"SR, can you talk to Safe up front? let him know that we have a change of plan? we have to go back to wherever he hired his mule from and pay a visit" SR looked at her and nodded, she noticed his impulse to salute, and smiled "SR, did we ever get round to that conversation about how i'm not running a ship anymore, and you don't have to call me captain, or take orders, and i'd like to be friends? Can you pretend that we did? Cheers, ok, go tell Safe."

"Can do, remind me, what did we agree to call each other now you're not captain?"

"We are still working on that."


SR found Safe.
Hey SR! What's the story?" said Safe offering SR his hand to shake.
"Long and mighty confusing, bet on that, if nothing else." replied SR as he produced a beer from out of one of his coat pockets and placed it in Safe's open hand.
"Nice trick," Said Safe as he quickly divested the bottle of it's top and took a long swallow. "Ooh that hit's the spot. You'll be asking a favor now, no doubt, that's your style SR. You rarely come asking empty handed."
"You are one cynical individual you know that? Well if you are expecting me to ask for something then I will have to consult the spirits." SR closed his eyes and collected himself in the manner of pseudo-psychic meditation. He began to speak in the stilted speech of a medium, "I see you returning to a place where you once aquired surface transport on a mission of mercy for dark and dangerous woman who is not without beauty and charms."

"You do, do you, you saw all that? Well this beautiful, dark, dangerous, woman," said Safe as he left the sentence hanging.

"That would be Seryn." SR replied filling in the blank.

"Wants to go back to,.."

"Where you got the mule." Said SR finishing the sentence.

Safe took another long pull on the beer.
"And we are doing this because?"


"Cause why?"

"Cause it's her that's asking and she's beautiful, dark, dangerous."

"And charming."

"And that, and that, and because it's the right thing to do." finished SR suddenly rather serious.

"No money in it, is there?"


"And it will be dangerous?"

'Might be, might be, I guarantee it might cause you to have your heart broken, but you'll be a big damn hero tomorrow, and feel better about yourself later."


"I'll give you another beer."

Safe picked up the microphone for the PA system.

"Folks we have a minor detour shouldn't take long at all."

OOC: apologies any and all, if I took too many liberties with your characters.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, November 17, 2006 6:06 AM



Originally posted by NEEDY:
"Finally," Janus thought to himself "these rebels will face the consequences of their actions." With that, he armed himself and exited the back doors of the vehicle.

Jack looks down suddenly. Snatching a pager like object from his belt, he stared at the red blinking light on it. "Crap, I liked that base." Turning to Flechette, "Looks like we're movin' again, sweets. You sure Versa's virus will erase everything?"

"Yes I'm sure. I helped her set up the fail safe system mineownself. You questionin' our ablities?" Flechette glares at Jack.

"Oh, nononono. Nothing like that..." Casting about desperately for something to change the subject, Jack sees Safe "Safe!! We can't go back to our “office”, it's been compromised."

Needy overhears the conversation and glares at Milton.

Jack flips open the cover of the pager exposing a single finger print pad. Pressing his thumb to the pad, Jack then throws the unit out the window. It bounces along the side of the road finally coming to a rest. The blinking red light flashes faster until it looks like it is not blinking at all. Smoke starts rising from the unit and it melts into an unrecognizable glob of plastic. At the same moment, in the offices of the Chung industry building, all the computers start smoking.

“Impressive.” Both SR and Safe say in unison.

“Looks like you’re coming off planet with us.” Safe says, slapping Jack on the back, then leans into the back of the transport, “Hey Doc? You got any place in particular you need to be?”

OOC:Nope, that was fine SR.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Saturday, November 18, 2006 11:43 AM


Never one known for her patience, Seryn stood and wandered towards the cockpit, Safe and SR were stood clutching beers, laughing at something, she guessed, by the look on the other girls face, that it was something Jack had done.

"Hey. So did you tell them?"

SR looked over "I did, they don't seem that eager"

"Not eager? When theres a chance to play hero's and go about rescuing mini-damsels in distress?

Turns out the little girl, Ghost, has a brother and a sister. And they live in that peice of crap house Safe got the mule from. 'Cept there ain't much living there - they are in no way fond of the folk that barely look after them.

In anycase, we have to get the girl back to her siblings, but I was wondering if anyone had a better idea?

Jack looked around, cynicism in his voice "we can hardly take them with us - what are we supposed to do? We don't even have anywhere to go"

"Just so happens we do" Sykes had followed her over and grinned "In answer to the other question, yup, i'm all up for a space adventure, but, wont last long." He stopped, looked over at her, but it took her a while to realise that meant ot was her cue.

"Oh! Right. We were doing some breaking and entering... " SR raised one eyebrow "Going through files held on the cortex, one that might give us clue as to where some science type guys may be hiding out now" she caught the confused looks "...extra-curricular project - something he's got going on. And we found something interesting amongst some records of an old uncles. Payments, for delivery's made to an old moon - god awful place, no-one goes there unless they haven't got a choice."

The confused look hadn't gone, but she decided not to enlighten them any time soon "See when I was about six one of my cousins was telling us about how he knew of a secret house, and how he was going there as soon as he could and as long as we didn't expect to eat we could go with him to fly the ship.

I mean we told him it was crap, and beat him with sofa cushions, but several years later, I was eavesdropping on our mothers - his was saying how her accountant was an incompetant, recording expenses twice, detailing things they didn't even purchase, almost like he was budgeting two different estates.

And now we find this, I think its true. Somewhere on that moon up there is an entire housing complex - somewhere between a subterranean hideout and an oversized love nest - my family ain't known for tender feelings of fidelity.

I'm betting thats its almost entirely self sufficient and virtually undetectable. So i'm thinking we go take a look for it.

Anyone else interested?"


Monday, November 20, 2006 2:58 PM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul chose that moment to emerge once again from the shadows.

"I say we get off this rock as soon as we can."

He looked over to where Ghost sat, rocking slowly with her arms wrapped around her legs.

"She needs her family, and they need to come with us. Let's go."

Soul turned and stepped away from the group for a moment, staring back up the tunnel. The long, dark passage stretched away in front of him, and Soul once again felt the crushing weight of the life he had lived. If only any of them knew. If only--

A the darkness...Soul stood still, straining his eyes, staring...he saw a flash of brown hair, green eyes, and a smile that haunted him in his dreams...and he opened his mouth to cry out--

He blinked. She was gone.


Soul squared his shoulders and took a moment to compose himself. She wasn't real. She couldn't be. There was no way.

Ciaran had died nearly 100 years earlier. 300 years after Soul had woken up and found himself far from home, cold, and alone.

Feeling the effects of the centuries he had lived, ageless as it seemed he was, Soul turned back to the group as they prepared to leave. From behind him, though, almost as imperceptible as the smallest breeze, came a voice wafting across time...

I'll wait for you...


OOC: Sorry I've been away. I figured I could reveal a big part of Soul's backstory there.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:24 AM


“Wait a minute.” Safe looks at SR. “This place you wanted us to go, is it the Carson’s place?”

Seryn nods her head. “Yes, that’s the name Ghost said.”

“Well, that changes things.”

“How so?” SR asks.

“I had the distinct displeasure of dealing with that... pile of Go-se.” Safe’s eyes narrow. “I think I need to pay him a visit.”

The transport pulls up in front of Rube’s hanger.

“Jack, our ships inside. Load the passengers, I’ll be back shortly.” Safe turns and helps Ghost down out of the transport, mindful of the sling Sikes had put on her arm.

“When I get back we have one more job, we have to pick-up Seryn’s ship.”

Jack shares a conspiratory grin with Flechtte. “No you don’t”

“Ok, what are you two damn fools grinning at?” Safe was getting a little annoyed.

“Safe, we’re the underground, the intelligence.”

“Jack, in all the years I’ve known you, you have never been accused of that.”

“Cut me some slack, Safe.” Jack gave him a pained look. “Ok,ok. Versa and Flechette are the intelligence. When we realized it was you we had our people bring the ship here.”

“Don’t tell me Rube is part of the underground…”

“No, he’s just a really good mechanic what doesn’t keep any records.” Jack says with a grin.

“Well… good then.” Safe hunkers down in front of Ghost. “Ok, little one. I need you to trust me. Do you think you can do that?”

Ghost looks at the ground, refusing to make eye contact.

“Ok, let’s see how I can put this... Where I come from, little ones are a precious gift. Now I never had little ones of mine own, my wife died at the start of the war, but I did want them, so did she. And nuthin’ makes this old soldier's heart break more that a sad and lonely little girl.”

Safe cups the little girls chin gently bring her eyes up to meet his. “From now on, I would consider it a great kindness if when we talked; you’d look me right in the eyes. Now let’s see if we can go and get your kin.”

Safe stands and offers Ghost his hand.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:13 AM


As safe and Ghost approach the outer hatch SR waits with a suitably wicked looking combat shotgun.

"Do you need someone to watch your back?"

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:09 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Waking from his slumber Wisp hears the discussion about destination and the new issues a things he stands up and joins the conversation.

"does that mean the Epsilon is here as well?? Cos ive got some stuff id like to pick up. And I havent changed in ooohh a month or so?? And ive been drowned, tortured, in firefights, and generally done over."


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 2:15 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The work of altruistic men and women striving to strip the Alliance of their power by any means necessary had taken place for years. The resistance.
"Whatever it takes" was their motto, their mission statement.
The resistance had operatives everywhere. You may not know it, but they were in the marketplace, in offices, had seats on the Alliance Board. They had infiltrated every part of the verse, or at least were well on their way to achieving that goal.
Unfortunately, the method works both ways.
Alliance had also infiltrated parts of The Resistance. They too, wanted to take down the enemy, by any means necessary.
Sometimes though, they don't even need an operative. Just one person to make a mistake, and place their trust, or mistrust, on the wrong side...

Chung Industries, Thordom Business Park

The silent alarm beeped as Janus and his men entered the Resistance-fronted stronghold.
The offices of Chung Industries did not house soldiers though, but ordinary people volunteering their services any way they could, to make a difference.
They had been victimised in the past, and once again they were about to become the victims

The lights went out in the building, and as the computers started to fry - a precautionary measure to protect information, carried out by one of their own - the members of Special Branch 1138, a faction of The Resistance knew what was happening.
Their location had been compromised and it was only a matter of time before they were arrested, if not killed.

Quickly they all moved as one to a hidden exit as they had been instructed to do in such an emergency.
Unfortunately for them, they were not the only ones who knew of it.

As Faisal, a timid computer hacker, lead the way to the exit and slid the door open, he was met with an unfriendly face.

"Don't even think about it" Janus instructed, pointing his firearmat Faisal's head.

The potential escapees remained motionless as Janus' men entered from all corners of the room through various entrances.

They were surrounded. No escape.

"On your knees" Janus growled at them.

As they complied, he muttered to himself "Rebel scum"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 2:18 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"The consoles are fried sir" an agent called to Janus.

"Great" he mumbled sarcastically. "All of them?"

"Looks like it."

"Well, there's gotta be something here. These guys have paper right. Look for a hard copy. Find me something. Anything"

Janus paced the room as the lights were switched back on by one of his agents.

"You look upset" Phelps called on the comm.

Janus turned suddenly and looked out the window across to the adjacent building. Then, speaking into his comm he replied "They fried the drives"

"You'll find something. They don't clean up after themselves that well"

"Maybe" Janus said, sounding defeated already

"They fried the computers? So be it. You can't find any hard copies? Fair enough. But you got suspects, right? That's all you need. Assuming you're willing to go that far." Phelps smiled a wicked grin.

"I've come this far Phelps" Janus resolved "There's nothing I won't do to see these rebels buried once and for all"


Clayton hid behind a wall as he witnessed the lights go out in the offices, then come back on minutes later. He'd spotted the unmarked van, parked suspiciously upfront, and he knew one thing.
The Alliance had found them.

There was nothing he could do. Even if he was one of them, he had no power to help those inside. They were on their own.
Hopefully, they had taken precautions for such an emergency so that information wouldn't fall into enemy hands.
Clayton backed away slowly, and quickly vacated the area.
"What now? he wondered.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Thursday, November 23, 2006 6:12 AM


OOC: Just let me know when someone steps on the Epsilon. I've been waiting patiently for months to resolve Rosie's fate.


Thursday, November 23, 2006 1:56 PM



Happy Thanksgiving!

I am working on a post..well several posts actually. One is a backstory on the Carsons, one of a new character i am thinking of bringing in, one for truth and shadow, and of course one of ghost. Expect one or two, maybe even more, of these tonight with the others following on sunday.



Thursday, November 23, 2006 10:43 PM


Carson Hovecraft had once been a grand and upstanding business. Founded in the early days of the colony, by one of the colony’s founding fathers, John Elliot Carson, it had been known as an icon of the community. For three generations it stayed this way, until the war. The owner of the company at that time was Jacob Carson.

Jacob was a good man, and a great businessman, he had a lovely wife, Karena, and two sons, James and John. He ran the business fairly and well, and from the outside it looked like he had the perfect life and perfect family. Like any family, however, life was not all perfect.

Amberlyn was Jacob’s first wife, and high school sweetheart. They had married very young. And for awhile they had been happy. They had a son James, followed three years later by twin daughters Amy and Faith. Unfortunately the girls both died soon after their births and the marriage crumbled. It was during this time when Jacob met his second wife, and while nothing happened while he was married, their relationship grew quickly after the divorce was finalized.

They married only a month after the divorce, and nine months later welcomed another son, John. While Amberlyn held no grudges against her ex husband, young James was not as forgiving. Even at the young age of six, James blamed Jacob for the death of his sisters and mother. While John adored his older brother, James thought of the younger boy as a replacement, as just another reason for his family not being together, and later the reason his mother was now dead.

Years later when the war came and Jacob left to join the war, he left the business in the care of his wife and sons. He didn’t know that in the few months following his departure that a sickness would sweep through the colony, and take the life of Karena, didn’t know the effect the war would have on his business, and didn’t know what would happen when his then sixteen year old son took over the business.

If Jacob learned any of this, no one would ever know.

The next time anyone saw Jacob he was in a coffin.

James, at sixteen, was not a businessman, he hadn’t wanted anything to do with the business, until he learned that his ten year old brother did. He didn’t want custody of his younger brother, until he learned his father’s will stated that in order to keep the business he must care for his brother until the boy was sixteen. To James the whole affair was nothing but a nuisance, but he’d do it for no other reason than to keep his brother from getting the business, and to make the younger boys life as miserable as he could.

James had grown up into a cruel teen, and the power he held over his brother only made him crueler. John went from a life of happiness and love, to a life of tyranny and servitude under the iron fist of his half brother. James led a life of parties and women. It was John, who did his best to keep the business afloat, but John was still young, too young to do what was needed, and James didn’t care. The war and the sickness that had passed through the colony had wreaked havoc on the economy. The once grand business soon fell into disrepair. There were many war orphans, and the leaders of the colony decided to help out those who would care for these orphans. It was during this time James learned that he was entitled to money from the colony for “caring” for John…that he could get money for “caring” for other orphans.

Two weeks later the first “Carson” child came to the home. That first child died mysteriously at age 3 two weeks after being with James. Three years after this first adoption, James married one of foster children…his first wife just fourteen at the time of the marriage and had been living in the home for two years, she died mysteriously six months later. His second marriage, only a year after the first, began and ended much the same way. Many other children passed through the walls of the Carson home. Some like John were lucky, escaping the home either by running away, growing old enough to leave, or on occasion being taken away by the social workers. Others weren’t so lucky…either dying under suspicious circumstances, being sold to others, or becoming wives for James.

John left when he was 15, taking James’ third wife, Evelyn, and a small group of others with him. No one knew what happened to him after this. Some say he died, some say he watches over the Carson children helping those he can, while others think he left and got as far away as possible.

James continued to foster orphans…continued to get money for “caring” for the kids. The townspeople grew used to seeing a new child or new children in the Carson home, grew used to their ill fitting clothing, and bruises, and grew used to young children mysteriously appearing at the Carson’s with no news of a social worker arriving.

Young Joshua was one of those. He’d been just a baby when he appeared, a very young baby. From the start he lived like all the Carson kids lived, But unlike the others he learned to live and help others live. He started giving code names to all the children, starting with himself, starting with the thing he’d wanted to know since the moment he was old enough to understand, the truth. He would be Truth. He’d be ten years old before he’d discover the truth while protecting his new little sisters from James’ wrath. The girls, like Truth appeared with no notice. Truth would have left then if it wasn’t for his sisters. Unlike Truth, the older of the two girls could remember a life before, could remember a mommy and a daddy who loved them more than anything, who could remember a scary night when dark shadows came into the house and stole everything except her sister from her. Truth decided she would be Shadow, for her memories and for the fact that she would not leave his side.

The youngest took a long time to name. She was very young, only a few months old. Too young for Truth to know if she would even survive living with the Carson’s, most young ones didn’t. It took two whole years to figure out her name. two years where the girl grew and a strong personality developed under her shy exterior. Her adeptness even at that young of an age at disappearing, her gift of not being seen, like a ghost, protected her on more than one occasion. She was rarely seen or heard, which both kept her from the Carson’s wrath and brought it down harder on her. Truth called her Ghost for the protection the name offered.

Years passed and the trio grew, others drifted in and out of the household but the three survived, and found ways to escape the Carson’s wrath…until one faithful day when a fight caused young Ghost to hide in one of the hovercraft. Now she was missing.

Truth looked upon their small cove sadly. This would probably be one of the last days they’d ever see this place again. After waking up from the last beating the Carson’s had given him he had gotten out of the house, taking his and his sisters meager belongings with him. Shadow had snuck some food from the kitchen as well as any credits she could find, and they had left. The Carson’s had been drunkenly passed out in the living room, so neither of them knew they had left…and probably wouldn’t even notice for a long time.

Before leaving the property Truth left a sign that Ghost would know. Just in case she returned. They would be able to stay in their haven for three days, then they would have to go. He’d continue to look for her, they just would not be able to stay here or keep an eye on the Carson place for longer than that. Sooner or later Mr. Carson was going to notice they were gone and he would look for them. If he found them, he was sure they would be killed.


Thursday, November 23, 2006 11:04 PM


These adults were strange ones. Maybe they weren’t adults? They looked like adults, they sounded like adults…but they had given her food and didn’t yell at her or hit her, and Mr. Safe said he wanted her to talk and look him in the eyes. Ghost looked up at Mr. Safe as he piloted the ship. This whole experience had been very confusing for the six year old, and she wanted Truth and Shadow. She missed them terribly.

Ghost smiled as she remembered that Mr. Safe said he and the other not adults were going to get Truth and Shadow from the Carson’s, a frown crossed her face for a moment as another thought popped into her head. What if they were taking her back and going to leave her at the Carson’s. Mr. Carson was going to be angry with her for going away for so long. Silently she took herself closer to Mr. Safe and tugged on his shirt.

“Mr. Safe no leave Ghost wite?” She asked quietly, still not used to talking to anyone really.

“No little one, you and your siblings will be coming with us.” Safe said smiling down at the little girl who smiled up at him. Then sensing she had something else to say he waited.

“Mr. Safe…I gotta use the potty.”

Spider McClellan was a street rat through and through, living in an abandoned building, and pick-pocketing or robbing strangers for cash. She knew the streets better than most of the adults who had lived there, and she knew of everyone who lived in the town. So when the transport came through filled with strangers, she couldn’t resist the challenge. She didn’t expect to see the brat with them, and that fact was what got her caught.

Ok so trying to rob a group of strangers who had connections to the underground wasn’t her best idea. Not paying attention was not smart either. She should have checked to see if there were others onboard first. Even with all these mistakes it was going well until she heard a young girl yell.


Quickly she turned to see three blasters trained on her, and feel a small figure attach itself to her legs. Looking down she groaned, it had to be her, for some reason the little brat adored her.

“Well well well, if it ain’t Truth’s little pet. What’s a matter brat, Mr. Carson finally get sick of you and sell you?” Spider smirked then flinched as the brat wrapped her arms around her legs tighter.

OOC: So these posts should have me caught up...I think...anyway, enjoy and sorry if it's a bit rambly i wrote a lot of this late at night.


Friday, November 24, 2006 6:36 AM



Spider McClellan was a street rat through and through, living in an abandoned building, and pick-pocketing or robbing strangers for cash. She knew the streets better than most of the adults who had lived there, and she knew of everyone who lived in the town. So when the transport came through filled with strangers, she couldn’t resist the challenge. She didn’t expect to see the brat with them, and that fact was what got her caught.

Ok so trying to rob a group of strangers who had connections to the underground wasn’t her best idea. Not paying attention was not smart either. She should have checked to see if there were others onboard first. Even with all these mistakes it was going well until she heard a young girl yell.


Quickly she turned to see three blasters trained on her, and feel a small figure attach itself to her legs. Looking down she groaned, it had to be her, for some reason the little brat adored her.

“Well well well, if it ain’t Truth’s little pet. What’s a matter brat, Mr. Carson finally get sick of you and sell you?” Spider smirked then flinched as the brat wrapped her arms around her legs tighter.

"Safe, tell me this isn't one of the 'innocents' we're here to save? Cause if the cost of doing good works is being robbed blind then I say we just mind our own business. That is after we institute a drastic pest control program." SR muttered over the barrel of his gun.

"Patience SR let's not do anything irreversable just yet." chided Seryn

Safe spoke next "Young lady, if you fail to respect a persons property that person will not be so inclined to look favorably on you. Now if those persons should happen to have guns, and be short on time they might be so inclined as simply shake you loose your mortal coil and be about their business."

Spider's blood ran cold. "You could just let me go." she suggested, knowing that it was hopeless.

"I see a better chance of hitting a air pocket out there in the black." scoffed SR

"You could hand me over to the local constable." She knew that she could bear a week or two in the pokey. The deputy might abuse and misuse her, but she would be alive.

"The local constable is corrupt otherwise that young girl that has applied herself so intractably to your legs wouldn't be stowing away on strange ships." repied Safe

"You could go to the feds." Federal prision and hard labor were something she had no interest in, but atleast she would stay alive.

"Like that will ever happen." Growled SR. Death by protracted turture awaited SR if the feds ever got their hands on him.

"Gentlemen I have a proposal." interceded Seryn, who then turned her attention to Spider. "Child the way I see it you are not going to talk your way out of this. Right now we have business that really can't wait, however you can. So I think that we'll keep you under lock and key for a bit until we get our other business out of the way and then maybe we'll find us a nice patch of wilderness to maroon you in."

"A desert would be nice." suggested Safe

"No, island in middle of a great big ocean and we tatoo 'thief' on her forehead." countered SR

"How about dropping her into a ice cold mountain lake, hypothermia makes one contemplate one's sins while shivering to death." riposted Safe. He didn't really want to kill the girl, but there was no reason she needed to know that.

"No!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Ghost. Her grip on Spider's legs was so tight that Spider couldn't feel her feet.

"Boys!" Seryn shout cut short this overly morbid conversational angle. "We can decide what to do later. Ghost honey let go of her and we will go and find your brother and sister."

Scorpion Regent


Friday, November 24, 2006 7:18 AM


OOC: Where do I start? Needy, Awesome stuff! April, love the backstory! SR, the back and forth patter made me laugh out loud. WYSB, I'm not excluding you, just jump in anytime. I'm still relatively new at writing and feel a little overwhelmed at times trying to write for large groups of people, and then trying to find the characters motivation. Am I wrong in picturing Wisp as Lucas Wolenczak from Seaquest, only edgier? Soul and Seryn, I can't read enough of your stuff.

And is anyone else grinning maniacally at TRM's surprise awaiting us? Ok, maybe it's just me..

I'll write a bit this weekend, clean up the Carson storyline, April permitting of course, and then we can get off planet for a pause and refresh. I'm itchin' to explore Soul's story, flesh out Wisp's story and see where Needy and TRM are headed with theirs.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, November 24, 2006 7:53 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
OOC: Where do I start? Needy, Awesome stuff! April, love the backstory! SR, the back and forth patter made me laugh out loud. WYSB, I'm not excluding you, just jump in anytime. I'm still relatively new at writing and feel a little overwhelmed at times trying to write for large groups of people, and then trying to find the characters motivation. Am I wrong in picturing Wisp as Lucas Wolenczak from Seaquest, only edgier? Soul and Seryn, I can't read enough of your stuff.

And is anyone else grinning maniacally at TRM's surprise awaiting us? Ok, maybe it's just me..

I'll write a bit this weekend, clean up the Carson storyline, April permitting of course, and then we can get off planet for a pause and refresh. I'm itchin' to explore Soul's story, flesh out Wisp's story and see where Needy and TRM are headed with theirs.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."

OOC: There's a surprise? Will there be cake and cookies too?! I'm glad to please. It's not always easy for me to write dialogue for other characters. I want to apologise for writing anything out of character. I fear that I may have taken too many liberties with Seryn's character. I know that people have stepped on my toes in the past so I want to be double careful not to do it to others. However I know that I have made a bad habit of writing statement/speech monologues that leave everything hanging. So I have taken the plunge and started to speak for others. I'm glad someone appreciates it.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, November 24, 2006 8:14 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
"How about dropping her into a ice cold mountain lake, hypothermia makes one contemplate one's sins while shivering to death." riposted Safe. He didn't really want to kill the girl, but there was no reason she needed to know that.

"No!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Ghost. Her grip on Spider's legs was so tight that Spider couldn't feel her feet.

"Boys!" Seryn shout cut short this overly morbid conversational angle. "We can decide what to do later. Ghost honey let go of her and we will go and find your brother and sister."

Ghost looked at Seryn her grip on Spider's legs loosening a bit. She was very happy she had found someone she knew, and she didn't want the adults to hurt her. She didn't want anyone else she knew to go away.

Spider had looked up when the woman had yelled. Seryn's words registering quickly. The kid was here alone? Truth rarely let the brat out of his sight. She might not always get along with the idiot boy but she didn't want anything to happen to him, or Shadow. "Wait, the brat's here alone!? Kid where's Truth?"

OOC: okay so not my best work but i'm about to leave for work. Anyway Safe when you wrap up the storyline Truth and Spider have a complicated relationship. Basically they are 15 year old teenagers. They antagonize each other, but in some ways respect each other. They act like they hate each other but deep down they like each other. Does that make sense?


Friday, November 24, 2006 8:48 AM


“On second thought...” Safe pauses. “I think we should bring her along. I don’t want to leave her here and chance that Vixen will talk to her. Wisp has his has full with that girl as it is, she doesn’t need like minded accomplices.”

Turning to SR, “I’m never one to turn down well armed help, plus an extra pair of eyes to watch over our new friend here would be appreciated. But let’s start our ‘meeting’ with the Carsons off civil like ok?”

SR sighs and reluctantly holsters his guns. Glaring at Spider, he grabs her upper arm in a vice like grip. “Let’s go street rat.”

Safe turns to Seryn, “I don’t want to come on to the Carsons all mob like, but if you want to come along… Wisp and Citizen will show Jack and them around the Epsilon. I’m sure I heard that he wanted to get cleaned up anyway. Plus, he knows his way around that ship. He’ll have her warmed up and ready to go for when we get back.”

“Besides,” Safe smiled down at Ghost, “I think she likes you best.”

OOC: April, that makes sense just fine. You will write Ghost finding Truth and Shadow right?

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, November 24, 2006 10:25 AM



OOC: okay so not my best work but i'm about to leave for work. Anyway Safe when you wrap up the storyline Truth and Spider have a complicated relationship. Basically they are 15 year old teenagers. They antagonize each other, but in some ways respect each other. They act like they hate each other but deep down they like each other. Does that make sense?

OOC: Hey you don't have to worry about it making sense, they're teenagers. In about a year or two they will realize that they actually love each other, but willl be too insecure to admit and will be spend whole months in fear and loathing because they can't be bothered to say the simple words, "You want to get some coffee?"

Scorpion Regent


Friday, November 24, 2006 11:35 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Well, there was more posts here to read than I had expected. Excellent stuff as always (and I too can't wait to see what's going to happen at the Epsilon - I feel bad for making TRM wait so long). Also, gotta say April that your backstory for the Carson's was great and has been a huge help, now at least I can understand a bit more about where the kids are coming from
Btw, I will get to writing something for Needy/Kyra/Milton eventually when I've figured out a specific way to do it

Clayton waited patiently at the station for the man to arrive.
"How the hell did my life turn out this way? One minute I'm checking up on weird stories, the next I'm helping out The Resistance. And now, it looks like that's done for. Now what? What do I do now? Just carry on working for Perry like none of this happened?"
Clayton's life certainly had done a u-turn of such in the past few weeks.
He had never been a star reporter, despite his talents for writing and finding a good story. His problem was that he sought out the wrong sort of story. Stories other people laughed at. Stories of governmental conspiracies, aliens, ghosts... any crazy story you may have heard by an equally crazy person, Clayton would have bought, wrote about and attempted to sell to the general public.
To be fair, he had on several occasions reported on incidents involving Reavers a long-time before the supposed authentic video circulated on the Cortex. The Alliance created these monsters? Still many refuse to believe despite the evidence, yet Clayton would just call them fools, just like he would call anyone else who refused to accept the stories he had discovered to be "true"
That was then though.
His life changed not so long ago whilst investigating the disappearance of a colleague's friend.
What he was told that day by two strangers was that the man he sought was alive and well, and provided visual evidence to confirm the fact.
The men were members of the underground Resistance and, despite Clayton's habit of not trusting people, he believed them. He trusted that what they were trying to accomplish was for the good of the verse. And they wanted his help.
Having someone like him, working for the media, would prove to be an invaluable asset. And in return? He would have access to all their knowledge and surveillance equipment. Not only could he prove his theories about what really goes on in the government, but he could help his colleague Kyra find her friend... when it was time.

But now that time was past.
His associates working for The Resistance had been captured.
There was only one other man he could turn to at this time. Someone else who had volunteered their services to the underground movement.

And now, that man had arrived, walking slowly towards him at the crowded station.

Clayton moved towards him casually, so as not to arouse suspicion from anyone who might be watching them.
It had to look simply like two friends meeting, nothing more than that.

"Clayton" the man said with a smile, extending his hand.

Shaking the hand that had been held out as a greeting, Clayton replied with a smile "Robert, glad you could make it. Let's go for a walk"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, November 24, 2006 12:06 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

After explaining what he saw to Robert Wu - the unmarked van, the presence of Alliance agents at Special Branch offices - Clayton waited for advice as to how to act.

"It's simple." Robert started "You just go back to work, and carry on as normal"

"That's it? Shouldn't we do something?" Clayton asked, struggling to believe Robert's apparent lack of interest

"That's all you can do. Look, you can't do anything as you are, you're just one man, you can't take them all on by yourself. Why do you think organisations like this are set up?"

"But what about those that have been taken?"

"There are other teams out there, ones that deal with the recovery of their members"

"But, what if the others have been compromised too? What then?"

"There's no reason to suspect this is anything other than a lucky break for The Alliance. Someone at CI could have merely made a dumb mistake when they were hacking. There's a thousand reasons why this could have happened, but it does happen, sad to say. I'm sure you'll be the first to hear if it's anything other than a one-off."

Robert's words calmed Clayton somewhat, but still he felt anxious... helpless.

"It just feels like I should be doing something. Warning someone" he admits

"Trust me, they know already. There's sensors all over that building that are relayed in all offices. Everyone from SB1121 to those in the ditches will know, and they'll be formulating a plan. The best thing you can do is go back to work. See what you can find out from reports, and you'll soon hear from your handler, or his replacement."

Clayton still seems unsure

"Trust me, you'll be fine. It'll be fine"

"Ok. So... how's Needy? Everything go alright?"

Robert pauses before answering. "Well yes and... It's worrying"

Taken aback somewhat, Clayton questions "What? What's worrying?"

"I mean, they all got out, no problem. And I expect that he and the others are off this rock by now."


"It's just that, I don't think Needy's the same guy he was before."

"How do you mean?"

"Well it seems he's attained some powerful abilities."

"Abilities? What kind of abilities?"

"Let's just say I didn't help him out of there. He got out himself."

Clayton was silent, he didn't know how to react. He didn't know exactly what Robert was trying to say. They had both seen ordinary people manifest remarkable abilities before, and it hadn't always been a bad thing.
Then Robert clarified the matter.

"It's not that which worries me most though. When I was questioning him. I couldn't seem to reach him. Didn't have the control I should have had"

"What do you mean? You think you're losing your gift?"

"No" Robert confessed. "It's not that at all. It was... something else."

"Robert, what are you trying to say? What's wrong?"

"I couldn't control him, not at all. No influence, nothing?"

"Maybe his mind is not open to outside influences. Surely that happens, some are not as... moldable as it were."

Robert sighed. "I wish that was the case. But I fear it's because..."

"Because what?"

"There's something else controlling him already. And I don't think its motives are so pure"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, November 24, 2006 12:43 PM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by NEEDY:
"There's something else controlling him already. And I don't think its motives are so pure"

OOC: Ooh! Chills! Very nice!

Uh...I've got nothing at the moment. I'll try to come up with something after Truth and Shadow reunite with Ghost and Spider.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Saturday, November 25, 2006 10:53 AM


Seryn watched the little girl - and the bigger girl she was apparently trying deprive of circulation.

"I'd kind of intended to come along - i'm not leaving Shadow... or.. a... Shadow, in a place that scares the living daylights out of her sister.

It might give us more of a clue about what, why, where or when we are here..."

She snapped back to attention.

"Ok, shall we get to it?"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, November 27, 2006 6:01 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC- sorry ive been away for a while- battling the flu.

but am thinking of some stuff just keep me with ya n ill be back in a day or two


Monday, November 27, 2006 7:20 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: I'm a bti braindead at the minute, but I figured since I've got spare time I should try and post here

Milton was a little disappointed to say the least.
Here he was, reunited with a friend he thought was dead, only, as horrible as it was to think it, he might as well have been
The man that sat by him was not the one he remembered. He was cold and quiet. Distant.
To be fair, Milton had made a huge mistake and threatened the safety of all their lives by selling them out to the alliance, but even so, Needy used to be such an understanding guy.
Now his thoughts were much more internal and hard to read. His manner was calm, but which was not so much soothing as unnerving.

Milton remained silent too, occasionally staring at his former master who in turn listened intently to the others around them.

Milton struggled to know exactly what was going on. Who was going where - there was talk of returning to a ship named The Epsilon, whilst others talked of paying a visit to a family known as The Carson - something to do with returning lost children as much as he could work out.
Fortunately for him, Needy hadn't mentioned that Milton had sold them out, only that they should move fast as it was "inevitable" the alliance would find them.
This was the only indicator whatsoever Milton felt that Needy cared about what happened to him. Then again, that was no guarantee that he would be protected by these men and women when the alliance did arrive. He certainly didn't want to get thrown back into prison. Only, he didn't have the courage to ask Needy for such assurance - that he had a place to stay with them. He didn't know what the future had in store for him now

"I'm going" Needy said suddenly as he stood, as if he had been prompted to say it by force.
"Where?" Safe asked
"To the Epsilon. I'm sorry if you were thinking you needed me to go to The Carsons, but I really do feel I need to get off this planet as soon as possible. I don't plan on staying here a second longer than I need to."

"That's your choice" Safe said reluctantly "Whatver, you feel you need to do. You probably should get some rest if you can too."
Then pulling him close so as to keep the conversation private, Safe whispered, "What about them?"

Milton looked on nervously as Needy spoke quietly to his colleague, looked back towards him, then carried on talking.
"What's going on? Is Needy telling him what I've done? Are they gonna..."
His thoughts are interrupted as Needy ends the conversation and slowly walks towards him
Milton's suddenly feels sick to the stomach as his heart begins to thump faster and faster.
"Get your things" Needy tells him.
It takes seconds before Milton can force out any words from his mouth. "W-wh-why?"
"We're going"
"To the ship?" Milton asks

Milton continues to feel uneasy, not knowing whether it is a trick. Was this really the same guy he knew, the very same man that trained him? Or was that man really dead - this one standing before him, nothing more than a clone, or the result of another Alliance experiment?

"What's the problem?" Needy asked "You don't wanna stay here right?"

"No" Milton declared, shaking his head emphatically.

"Good. They'll have supplies there, just grab whatever you've got with ya."

Needy breathed deeply as he contemplated his next decision. Meanwhile, Milton waited with baited breath what words would next come out of the man's mouth.

"And Milton..."

"Yeah" he replied nervously.

"Grab Kyra."

"What? She's coming with us?"


Milton wasn't sure whether to feel more or less nervous. The two of them had both betrayed him. Either he was going to punish them the same way, or was showing incredible mercy to the pair.

"How?" he asked. "She's still out. You want me to carry her?"

"No." Needy lowered his eyelids and listened to the voices in the wind. "She is coming to. She will be able to walk with you..."

Milton turned back towards the transport where Kyra had been moved. How could he know?

Needy continued "...but not with me. I'm not ready yet" Needy then looked consolingly at him. "Could you do that for me? You take care of her. For now"

Milton could feel tears welling up in his own eyes. He could sense the pain Needy must be feeling. It was him, the same guy he knew. Only now, he was scarred. "Yes" he offered. "I can do that for you."
With that, Milton scurried off to the transport to gather what belongings he had, and to do what Needy had asked.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, November 27, 2006 8:31 AM


OOC: For those who aren’t sure quite where we are, the transport has pulled up in front of the shop where the Epsilon is housed. It’s a small rural town, the Carson’s are a short walk down the road.

Jack loads his arms with supplies as Amy calms the former inmates, keeping them inside the transport and out from under foot.

Jack nods briefly at Safe as the small group heads off down the road, and turns towards the shop. Wisp is almost at the door when Rube comes running out in a panic. “Mr. Stark, Mr. Citizen!! Don’t go in there!! I don’t know what it is but its disgusting!”

“Mr. Stark?” Wisp raises an eyebrow at Jack.

“It’s a long story.” Jack grins at Wisp then turns to Rube. “Calm down. Let’s start with easy questions and you have to promise to respond in English, ok?”

Rube sputters and tries to continue.

Jack holds up his hands. ”Remember... English. Now take a deep breath. Did you complete the repairs?”

Rube nods his head “But...”

Jack holds his hands up again stopping Rube before he can spiral into panic again. “And the docking clamp for the Nandi atop the Epsilon?”

Rube nods his head again, calmer now. “Yes, but I haven’t been able to check the electronics. That... thing...”

"Good. We'll deal with the electronics shortly" Jack looks questioningly at Wisp who nods back. "Now show me this thing what has you, a large muscular man I might add, acting like a scared child."

Wisp rolls his eyes and holds the door open allowing Rube and Jack to walk through. Wisp gives an over exaggerated bow which causes Versa and Amy to laugh out loud.

Wisp grins and winks at them before following Jack and Rube into the building. Needy follows shortly thereafter.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, November 27, 2006 2:37 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC:Thanks for saying where we are Safe, to be honest I'm struggling to keep up location wise

Also, this goes for everyone. I think it would be great for everyone writing, so that we can have some indication of who we're writing about, if we "cast" the characters as it were.
Getting a mental picture of what everyone looks and acts like
So could you all please offer suggestions as to who you would see playing your character (as if it was a movie/tv show) or any of the other characters you have created.

Right now, I haven't got them all figured out, but I should hopefully compile a list in the next day or so

(Plus I wouldn't mind creating a movie style poster for the threads too, featuring said actors - when i get time that is)

Think about it.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:37 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Vixen looked on at the commotion with limited expression. Her arms were crossed and she casually bit on a fingernail. Her black hair hung tangled again in its pony tail that somewhere was making a soroity girl weep. Her face was narrow with sharp features which portrayed just an edge of darkness. If she had been born on earth that was they would have likened her to the actressSelma Blair.

She didnt care about the rugrat or any of that pervy Needys friends, She could tolerate Safe and his posse because of what they had done for her but she wasnt about to send thankyou cards out to anyone. Wisp on the other hand she had warmed to, the boyish charm and cheeky smile. How any person could travel through such darkness and remain sane was an acheivment.

There was some commotion gathering around the epsilon so she wandered over and stood at Wisps side noticing a smell of woodchip in the air.....

OOC-Wisp would be played by Tom Welling just about 8inch shorter (they could do it for John Rhys-Davies in lord of the rings)


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 6:55 PM


As Our Heroes enter the Epsilon’s cargo bay, they are met by a horrific sight. It appears that the plant woman Rosie Walker has been chopped up for kindling! The seemingly lifeless pieces of her body are stacked neatly along one wall. A great amount of pale green goo oozes from these remains, and also forms a large puddle in the center of the chamber. A chainsaw lies discarded on the deck, its jagged teeth still dripping with more of this goo. The remains of Rosie’s shins and feet are still rooted in the large tub of earth that she brought on board.

Scurrying around the area are a handful of tiny plant people attempting to clean up what remains of the mess. As Our Heroes enter the chamber, these creatures all stop and stare at them, but after a moment they go back to their tasks.

Suddenly, a small figure comes bounding out into the open. “Surprise!”

It is a young woman with very pale skin, reddish hair, and green eyes. She is rather short, though with an ample figure. She is wearing a dress that does not remotely fit her. The tiny plant people scatter at her abrupt entrance.

The small figure stops smiling, then inclines her head to one side, concern showing on her face. “You ARE surprised, right?”

OOC: Sorry, I’m not sure who is present.


Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:05 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Stepping forward Wisp spoke with clear confidence "Well may I be the first to say HUH???"


Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:40 AM


Jack had stopped at the hatch, his mouth hung open in a mixture of disbelief and revulsion.

"I'm gonna echo Wisp here, HUNH??"

"If you mean surprised as in 'I'm gonna empty my gorram stomach on the ruttin' floor', well then you'd be pretty close to the truth.” Jack looks at the others and finds the same reaction on their faces too.

Jack glares at the newcomer? “You mind explainin’ what in the name of the four moons of Persephone is goin’ on here?” He rests his hand on his holstered gun.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:03 PM


She blinks. "Oh, Persephone has four moons? I didn't know that. But this? It was my idea. I thought it would make things more convenient."

She spins around, as if modeling a dress. "Don't you like it?"

She stops spinning, stares at them, and frowns. "No, no, you don't like it. Not at all. But I thought..."

Suddenly, she follows the group's horrified gaze to the pieces of Rosie stacked against the wall. "OH! Oh, THAT! Don't worry. I'll make sure the mess is cleaned up!"


Saturday, December 2, 2006 4:39 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp steps forward and levels his weapon at the strange person spouting gibberish, not in a violent way more in a drawing attention way.

"Okay im taking the liberty of speaking for everyone here but i have three questions:

One. Who are you?
Two. What are you doing here?
and finally. HUH??"

He looks round for reassuring nods from the group which he quickly recieves.


Saturday, December 2, 2006 1:26 PM


they paused, seemingly all as one, and surveyed the building before them.

Seryn planted her hands on the back of her hips, momentarily dismayed by the fact that - thanks to the bump, they no longer fit on the sides, and tryed to think of a word bad enought to describe it.

Ramshackle was to nice - had a homly edge to it.
Couldn't be derelict, cause it was obvious people still did some sort of living there.
Pigsty couldn't even cut it - the sty ;eaning against the wall had actually been repaired in the last ten years.
It was a mess. that was all she could think.

She looked over at Safe, who grimaced back.

she walked up the dirt track that wound between vehicles in various states of disrepair, and knocked on the wood next to the screen that masked the doorway.

A seedy looking guy, his body so badly maintained he could have been 30 or ninety slouched towards the opening, and leaned against the jamb, grinning at her.

She bit back the urge to punch his lights out, and smiled, a bright beaming smile. "Hi! We were in the neighbourhood, and we'd like to make you an unmissable, once in a life time offer!"

"yeah, which is?" He ran his eyes up and down her again, and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. Then started as the sound of soft clicking came from below. He stared at the muzzle of the gun lightly pressed to the greasy cotton at the apex of his legs, and followed the long barrel up to Safes face.

Safe grinned also "Let us see the children, and you get the rest of your life with your family jewels..."

Carson shifted his eyes to the side, looking for the shot gun that would be nearby, but his attention was pulled back by SR's handgun levelled with is nose.

"So, are you gonna call the kiddies or what?"

(ooc - sorry i can't remember if shadow and truth are there or not)

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Saturday, December 2, 2006 6:50 PM


OOC: Truth and Shadow are hiding in the cove after having ran away while the Carson's were drunk and passed out in the living room. Truth left some sign that Ghost will recognize.

Sorry it's been awhile, I've been really busy. I'm working on a post (actually had a short one i might incorporate as a flashback) I hope to have it up by tomorrow.


Sunday, December 3, 2006 10:31 AM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
Wisp steps forward and levels his weapon at the strange person spouting gibberish, not in a violent way more in a drawing attention way.

"Okay im taking the liberty of speaking for everyone here but i have three questions:

One. Who are you?
Two. What are you doing here?
and finally. HUH??"

He looks round for reassuring nods from the group which he quickly recieves.

The short woman's expression goes from a frown to annoyance, and she places her hands on her hips and leans forward a bit.

"One: Translated to your language, my name means ‘Young adult female who greets the sunrise with uplifted arms and who grows blossoms that resemble roses in sight and scent, and who can move from a rooted existence to walk among the spreaders of pollen to satisfy her curiosity.’ Your friend Bear shortened that to 'Rosie Walker' and I've used that name among you, even though that is curt and simpleminded and doesn't come close to describing me.

"Two: You, Wisp, planted me and grew me, along with my siblings. You and others invited me to travel with you. That's why I am here. Have you changed your minds or something?

"And finally, I realized that having a walking, talking plant person in your midst could make it difficult for you to do your business with some secrecy. So, when the time next came for me to bud, I went to a great deal of trouble to generate this new body that will pass as a human."

She reaches up to run her fingers through her long, red hair. "Hair? No. Plant fibers."

With one hand, she grabs her other forearm and squeezes it. "Skin? No, bark. But very, very soft and malleable bark. And, I might add, not nearly so resistant to heat and cold as before, or even bullets."

Finally, she stamps a foot. "Huh! Humans! Can never figure them out. I don't know why I bother, sometimes!"


Sunday, December 3, 2006 10:58 AM


ooc - cool!

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Sunday, December 3, 2006 11:11 AM


The new,human-appearing Rosie gestures toward the pile of wood, plant mass, and goo that was her old body.

"And you seem so concerned with that. Well, after this body ate the heart seed to transfer all my memories, all that was left was just a pile of... It was just a mess. Are you so concerned about the clippings of your own hair and fingernails?"

Rosie Walker, plant woman

OOC: Thanks, Seryn. See, I told you at Dragon*Con that I had a plan for Rosie and that she would be just fine. :-)


Sunday, December 3, 2006 6:26 PM


Spider looked down at the brat, who was still clinging to her legs in a surprisingly tight grip. Ghost looked up at her, her eyes bright and Spider groaned. “No Way Bratling!, Last time I tried that you nearly killed me.” Ghost pouted and Spider frowned at her, before giving up and reaching down to pick up the small girl. Ghost immediately letting go of the older girl’s legs and wrapping her good arm around Spider’s neck.

Spider shook her head then turned to the adults “So I guess since Idiot boy isn’t here we’re taking Bratling here back to him?”

Spider wasn’t happy, for one she was stuck watching the brat, for another she was missing the action that was sure to happen when this rather erratic group of adults got the “pleasure” of meeting the owner of this establishment. Looking around she frowned, something was wrong. She knew this hovercraft yard almost as well as Bratling and her siblings, anyone else would not notice a difference. After all, the hovercraft yard was almost always a mess, and it was nearly impossible to know when something was missing or moved, but something wasn’t right. Spider looked into Ghost’s eyes and knew the younger girl saw it as well.

“Well Bratling, looks like we might get to see what is going on at the house after all.” She said, tightening her grip on the younger girl as she began to walk towards the house.

OOC: The first section is from before they left to meet the carsons the second part is while the adults are having that "meeting" with the Carsons.






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