The Sereni-Tree, the Immortals, the Octagonal Order, and the Harbringer of Darkness, Part 2

UPDATED: Thursday, December 21, 2006 03:42
VIEWED: 20196
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Saturday, November 11, 2006 5:47 AM


This is Thread 53 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, telling our story and providing links to all such threads:

Early in this next link is the very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V6”. This post is a description of the ship and crew, the latter of which is out of date.

The latest, updated crew list is early in this thread:

Following is a summary of our previous thread, located at:

The Sereni-Tree has come to the planet Zanzibar, colonized long ago by new age mystics, fantasy role-players, and Renaissance Faire enthusiasts. Our Heroes came looking for some of the giant, fire-breathing space chickens that the Zanzibarbarians have bred instead of horses to be their mounts. However, they have become entangled into something else.

The planet has been conquered by eight immortal magicians of terrifying power. They seem to be without morals or compassion, and rule through might. They are casually ruthless with “mere humans”, and are constantly bickering with and backstabbing each other. Alatariel seems to be leading a breeding program where she combines genes of humans with other creatures, creating odd-looking chimeras and unspeakable abominations, all of them as toys to her. One of these creatures is the “Special Project”. The Immortals seem frightened of their leader Arinda, who has the power to control their minds even if she cannot permanently harm their bodies. Jadehand has theorized that the Immortals are kept alive by removing their souls and putting it into soul jars. So, unless the jars can be located, they cannot be slain, and if harmed they regenerate at a frightening rate. However, Wisp may have found a way around that.

Adelle the Burner (Orange) – Fire, Smoke, Energy; has summoned lava dragons with riders
Alatariel the Lurker, of the Black Tower (Black) – Communication, Transformation, Illusion; breeder of monsters.
Arinda of the Silver Eyes, the Empress (Violet) – Mind Control, Knowledge; ugly and vain.
Karg the Bloody (Red) – War Magic; gigantic warrior encased in armor. Not yet seen.
Krysta the Whisperer, the Ice Queen (White) – Cold, Ice, Water; recently slain by Wisp???
Magnus the Maker (Gold) – Crafter of Magical Items. Not yet seen.
Ouroborous the Infinite (Green) – Life, Plants, Animals, Earth, Stone; floats, likes snakes, worst backstabber of the bunch as he plots against all his fellows.
Zorander the Storm Caller (Blue) – Air, Wind, Storm, Weather; killed by Sir Devan once, and looking for payback. Not yet seen.

Opposing the Immortals and protecting the normal humans is an organization of knight-magicians, the Octagonal Order:

Sir Devan - Old, white-haired, bearded mentor in the style of Obi-wan Kenobi. Found Wisp. Led the capture of Krysta in a Wards Major.
Sir Elaine - She is temperamental and wields a greatsword with much skill. Helped capture Krysta.
Sir Fesai - Has light, flexible armor and a halberd. Least of the Order. Recently frozen to death by Krysta.
Sir Kei - Large, super strong, cheerful slayer of monsters. Summons armor and weapons to him. Unburdened by great intellect.
Sir Luc / Lucretia. - She can locate other Knights. Friend to Kei, who annoys her greatly.
Sir Morgana - She is very cautious. Leery about both Wisp and 13. Helped capture Krysta. EDIT: Baroness of Fairhaven.
Sir Wil - Lightly built; extraordinary archer. Found the chimera 13. He helped capture Krysta.

Sir Not-appearing-in-this-film aka Sir Up-for-grabs - The eighth Knight of the Octagonal Order has not yet been identified. Perhaps a vacant position. EDIT: It seems we have a candidate for the eighth knight.


Wisp and 13 (one of Alatariel’s escaped chicken-men chimeras) were taken to the hidden keep of the Octagonal Order by Sir Devan and Sir Wil, respectively. As a techno-heretic, Wisp was shown the Order’s sacred vault filled with forbidden techno devices, and he started working on them. Wisped believes that he has found the scientific laws underlying magic. After four Knights captured the Immortal Krysta the Whisperer in a Wards Major, Wisp conducted some experiments on her blood and believes that he can kill the Immortals. Sadly, Sir Fesai, in a moment of mad delirium, attacked Wisp’s equipment, released the Immortal Krysta, and was frozen solid for his trouble. Wisp might have then killed Krysta with some weird death ray (certainly, he damaged her severely). Most of Wisp’s work is trashed, but he has the ability to gift ONE Knight with extraordinary magical power, but it must be done quickly! Sir Luc, the only (living) Knight with him, has volunteered for the procedure. She has recieved an injection, and must wait for some hours.

While 13 was with the Octagonal Order at the invitation of Sir Wil the archer, I believe that he was sent off to find some more of Our Heroes.

TheRealMe, Jadehand, Jake7, (and perhaps Ash/XanderLHarris) realized that Cozen has taken the shuttle Admiral Nelson back up to the Sereni-Tree with a cargo of giant fire-breathing space chickens, leaving Our Heroes stranded. Oh, well. Jadehand provides TheRealMe with five jar devices that could potentially track down the hidden soul jars of the Immortals, provided we had a piece of an Immortal of interest to stick in each jar. Jadehand then departed for a time, having to balance all of his alter-egos again.

LightMeDark is wandering around alone on Zanzibar and has met a mysterious old man in a farm cottage.

Seryn, Scorpion Regent, and his robot Snarky have approached the castle of the local baroness, to undertake a mission to recover some kind of dream stone that can grant wishes. They have just been let in by a rather short but efficient butler.

EDIT: Seryn, SR, and Snarky approached the Octagonal Order hidden keep, apparently known to SR, not the keep of the local baroness.


On the Sereni-Tree in orbit, Cozen is busy cooking some of the giant space chickens that he brought up from the planet. Or else he is busy unwrapping his birthday present from Bride5 (which is, in fact, Bride5 herself).

SoulofSerenity and CallMeSerenity continue in their wedded bliss as new parents of the little angel Seraphina. Mai especially has enjoyed her role as babysitter and auntie. I believe that Serenity and Mai have taken little Sera to the pifflepony ranch.

Jazaf has returned after a long absence.

The Brides got together to convince Doctor SimonWho to clone Bride1, who had been slain long ago on the planet Black Diamond. While successful, it seems that some Chemical X had been accidentally dropped into the vat during the process, with yet-unknown results.

In an earlier thread, SimonWho’s son PsychicRiver had returned from his trip across spacetime, but seems strangely quiet now.

The Yeti are busy playing with and caring for their new arrival, Corbin’s baby SimonYeti (named in honor of our good doctor), who was born around the same time as Sera.

NOTE: Sorry I couldn’t keep verb tenses straight, but this was done in a rush.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, November 11, 2006 8:36 AM


Yes! Hello, good to meet you, i've forgotten what we're here for. Oh, thats right, we've come to help! To assist you in any way you need it.

But in the meantime, would you have such a thing as a foot-spa?

*SR rolls eyes*

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Saturday, November 11, 2006 3:17 PM


Previously on...TREE


Originally posted by LightMeDark:
"Regards, sir. I'm called LMD. Fine weather you're having."

"We don't rightly care what yer called."

The silence left behind as that gravelly voice falls away roars in El's ears as his blank stare meets the openly hostile expression worn by the older man seated on a rocking chair that's ceased rocking.

"Paul, you ter'rizin' friendly folk again? Shame on you!"

LMD stifles a laugh fed by the astonished look on Paul's face directed at the woman who has just walked out from the open door off the porch.

"Don't mind Paul, dearie...old fool. LMD you said? Name's Sally, and right glad to have ya. There's some food to be ate on the table if ya care to."

"I'd be pleased and honored, Sally. Perhaps I could be of some help around here after, in compensation?"

The look of anger Paul aims at Sally is quickly masked with a smile when he notices El's noting of it.


Saturday, November 11, 2006 6:36 PM


In a computer lab on the Sereni-tree, McQ the cyborg awakens from a temporary hybernation as he regenerated his circuits. His backup energy source has kept him functional during this hybernation and switches on his primary power...

starting primary energy cells....normal
primary memory....normal
backup memory....normal
standard weapons....normal
alert status....nomral
searching additional status....complete
duration of hybernation....unknown

"Hmm..." McQ says to himself as he stands up to summons the dimly lit room. He finds his rifle on a nearby desk and retrieves it, then checks to make sure it's loaded and operational. He decides to leave his rifle and find out how long he's been out for. Leaving the computer lab to find some assistance, McQ learns that most of the ship is empty.

"Where is everyone?" he asks aloud and continues to search the ship for whomever may still be aboard.

O Captain, My Captain? (or the other way around)
The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Saturday, November 11, 2006 6:59 PM


OOC: point of clarification. SR, Seryn and Snarky have been banging on and through the door of the secret keep of the octagonal order. They left the Baroness' castle a long way back.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:35 AM


*hopes everyone will finish their complicated and convoluted businesses on Zanzibar in time for the annual SereniTREE Christmas party.*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:22 AM


Sir Luc throws her head back in agony. Her hands claw towards the ceiling. Her scream becomes less human sounding more like a recording played at high speed.

Wisp looks at the syringe in his hand with a mix of shock and wonder. He expected some sort of side effects but not so soon.

Looking closely at Sir Luc, Wisp can now see that her veins are bulging and lumps travel along them like her blood has been replaced by marbles.

Suddenly the screams stop and Sir Luc’s arms drop to her sides. She slowly raises her head and looks around the room. The others gasp in shock as her gaze falls upon them, for her eyes no longer contain pupils but instead a kaleidoscope of colours. Orange, Black, Violet, Red, White, Gold, Green and Blue.

On the Sereni-Tree orbiting Zanzibar, McQ’s sensors are flooded with an electronic scream, bringing him crashing to his knees. Then it is gone. Gingerly scanning all frequency to find its origin, McQ finds nothing but static.

On Zanzibar, Sir Luc stretches her neck to each side until it cracks, then smiles a small smile, “What a rush.”

The page interrupts Sir Devan. “The gate sir…” he says, his eyes never leaving Sir Luc.

Sir Devan waves his hand absently at the page, “Yes, Yes, just answer it...”

Sir Devan levels his stare at Wisp “What have you done...?”

“I’ve saved you...” Wisp says his grin faltering as he holds up the syringe as proof.

“Have you really? But at what cost...” Sir Devan looks sadly at Sir Luc as she holds her hands up to the light, examining them like they were new to her.

OOC:Wisp let me know if that was what you had in mind. If not, I can edit it. I have a bit more to show off her new found powers, I'll post later.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 4:17 PM


On the planet Zanzibar, in the hidden fortress of the Octagonal Order:


Ummm… Okay, so how to fix this…. I went back and did a bit of reading of the previous thread. Okay, so SR does NOT want to be at the castle of the local Baroness. It looks to me like SR wants to report to the Octagonal Order that the local Baroness in the (other) Castle is hiring someone to search for the Dream Stone, and that the Stone is in the possession of the Chancellor of the Empress Arinda, Immortal Sorceress.



The 3-foot-tall butler scurried ahead of the determined figure behind him. Sir Morgana of the Octagonal Order was taking long, slow strides, her head down, lost in her own musings. Whatever disaster was happening down in the vault of the techno-heretics, she trusted Sir Devan to handle it. But a knocking at the gate? Who even knew of the hidden gate’s existence?

Only a select few.

The small butler stopped, immaculate in his tuxedo. For all of his rushing about, not a hair was out of place, not one bead of perspiration touched his face. He bowed deeply. “Baroness Morgana of Fairhaven, I present to you our three new guests.”

Morgana was a tall woman, with a pale face and raven black hair. She was still dressed in the same black leather armor that she wore when Krysta was captured. At her throat she wore a brooch displaying an octagon. Various weapons dangled at her sides. She was tired and annoyed when she addressed the newcomers. “Very well, then, exactly what…” Morgana stopped, surprised, and pointed directly at Scorpion Regent. “YOU! After all these years, you have FINALLY returned! And… and… Hey! You broke our gate!”

OOC: Again, Morgana is not to be confused with the local baroness, who, as 13 and Seryn once showed us, is a cow who needs to be bitch-slapped. Morgana is the baroness of a different place.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 4:17 PM


In the Sereni-Tree gym:

Ace thrust her practice blade forward, confident of a winning blow. But Deuce twisted at the last moment, even while falling, rolled, and managed an adequate parry. Then, Deuce executed a back flip that allowed her to regain her feet, and she adopted an effective defensive stance. Ace pressed the attack, but her smaller, more agile opponent parried with first one, then another of her blades. There seemed to be no way to get through.

Ace realized that even were she was fully recovered and at the top of her form, she would have trouble taking out Deuce. How did Deuce become so skilled, so dangerous? The last Ace remembered, this youngest of the Brides was an acrobat, a dancer. Nothing more. Nothing dangerous. Nothing threatening.

But apparently, that time was more than 30 threads in the past.

A buzzer went off, ending the practice session. Deuce was smiling, sure of herself, confident in her abilities.

That was different, too.

“Not bad,” Ace allowed.

Deuce tossed her a towel. “Not bad, huh? Right! I positively kicked your butt!”

Ace scowled as she wiped the sweat from her face. “Not bad,” she repeated.

Ace had to do something about this situation, but what?

Ace, Bride1
Deuce, Bride2


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 6:26 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
On the Sereni-Tree orbiting Zanzibar, McQ’s sensors are flooded with an electronic scream, bringing him crashing to his knees. Then it is gone. Gingerly scanning all frequency to find its origin, McQ finds nothing but static.

McQ tries to stand, but stumbles at first. Whatever it was he heard for only a moment, affected his balance. Using a nearby wall in the corridor for support, McQ manages to stand up and again checks all frequencies for the noise he heard moments ago, yet still finds nothing.

"Hmm..what in the name of virus-infected microchips was that??" he says to himself amid the empty corridor and continues in the direction he was going. "Is anyone still onboard this God-forsaken ship!?" he calls out to anyone who might hear him.

O Captain, My Captain? (or the other way around)
The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 7:52 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
*hopes everyone will finish their complicated and convoluted businesses on Zanzibar in time for the annual SereniTREE Christmas party.*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom

*Ath appears out of nowhere, with absolutely no fanfare.*

"Someone say something about a party?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:54 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC-thats great ill fill in a little more soon


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:55 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

On the planet Zanzibar, in the hidden fortress of the Octagonal Order:


Ummm… Okay, so how to fix this…. I went back and did a bit of reading of the previous thread. Okay, so SR does NOT want to be at the castle of the local Baroness. It looks to me like SR wants to report to the Octagonal Order that the local Baroness in the (other) Castle is hiring someone to search for the Dream Stone, and that the Stone is in the possession of the Chancellor of the Empress Arinda, Immortal Sorceress.



The 3-foot-tall butler scurried ahead of the determined figure behind him. Sir Morgana of the Octagonal Order was taking long, slow strides, her head down, lost in her own musings. Whatever disaster was happening down in the vault of the techno-heretics, she trusted Sir Devan to handle it. But a knocking at the gate? Who even knew of the hidden gate’s existence?

Only a select few.

The small butler stopped, immaculate in his tuxedo. For all of his rushing about, not a hair was out of place, not one bead of perspiration touched his face. He bowed deeply. “Baroness Morgana of Fairhaven, I present to you our three new guests.”

Morgana was a tall woman, with a pale face and raven black hair. She was still dressed in the same black leather armor that she wore when Krysta was captured. At her throat she wore a brooch displaying an octagon. Various weapons dangled at her sides. She was tired and annoyed when she addressed the newcomers. “Very well, then, exactly what…” Morgana stopped, surprised, and pointed directly at Scorpion Regent. “YOU! After all these years, you have FINALLY returned! And… and… Hey! You broke our gate!”

OOC: Again, Morgana is not to be confused with the local baroness, who, as 13 and Seryn once showed us, is a cow who needs to be bitch-slapped. Morgana is the baroness of a different place.

Begin OOC reply:
Okay Seryn, SR and Snarky are in the right place. SR did tell the local Baroness he would get the dreamer's stone for her, but when in Zanzibar things are never simple and certainly not as they seem. SR is possibly playing one side against the other or maybe in for a long con game.

end OOC reply.

"Oh the gate, yes, right, about that?" SR turns to Snarky.
"My good Snarky would you be so kind as to repair and double reinforce the gate." Snarky set's to and in a blur of constant motion, a veritable reverse tasmanian devil, he begins to rebuild the gate into a very formidable barrier. SR turns back to Baroness Morgana and bows. "Your Excellency I have returned,... and I wish to mend some fences, gates, and make good. But first let me say that you look most regal today. May I introduce the lady Seryn. Baroness Morgana of Fairhaven- lady Seryn, lady Seryn - Baroness Morgana of Fairhaven."

Seryn does as much of a curtsey as can be expected in her gravid state.
"Your Excellency,"

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 3:29 AM


Hey, brother!

Long time no see. Where've you been hiding!


President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:12 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Hey, brother!

Long time no see. Where've you been hiding!

I was in the bathroom.

So, you're looking thin. Where's the kid?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:17 AM


*rolls eyes*

Fine, don't tell me.

Seraphina's sleeping over here. See? Isn't she perfect?

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:39 AM


*looks down on his niece, smiling*

She is, at that. Can she fly yet?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:54 AM


She's only 4 months old! She's just trying to crawl. Give her a few months!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:59 PM


On the Sereni-Tree:

When Ath checks out the cockpit in the pilot dome on the bridge, he discovers that all of his “Invader Zim” action figures are missing, replaced by an extensive collection of Bruce Lee memorabilia. Also, all of the piloting displays have been reprogrammed to show their data exclusively in Mandarin Chinese. Glued to the console is a picture of a family of Asian descent, with five teenagers surrounding a middle-aged couple. One of the teenagers in the picture is clearly a younger image of the woman Ath knows as Quincey, Bride5.

OOC: Good to have you back, Ath!


Sunday, November 19, 2006 1:41 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
She's only 4 months old! She's just trying to crawl. Give her a few months!/

She four months old already? Jeepers Serenity what are you feeding her?!?!

(ok, so, is Sera growing fast-like-a-freak or does Seryn have the gestation period of an elephant? Cause by my reckoning, we've only been on Zanzibar a few days.... is there anything to say that children grow quicker in space? Anybody?)

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Sunday, November 19, 2006 11:38 AM


Sera was born in July 2. So, she's going on 5 months.

I can't keep track of you Zanzibarbarians!

And, isn't it silly I remember her birthday?

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Sunday, November 19, 2006 1:10 PM



Are you guys working on a different calendar? I could have sworn she wasn't born till after D*C...

Nevermind, but it does confirm that we're working to two different time frames - you're going in real time, while i'm working in narrative time.

which helps, because although the story is only a few days old, we really have BEEN HERE FOR MONTHS!!!!!

So if you'll excuse me, i'm going to be terribly ungracious one moment, and extricate myself from the plot by the most ungainly manner possible.


Seryn turned from the guy greeting them and caught SR by the collar.

"Darling, as much fun as this has been, i'm tired, confused, growing increasingly round, not to mention short tempered. I have no idea what is going on, and can pretty much guarantee that even if I did, I would be of no use whatsoever."

*Snogs SR's socks off*

"So when you've managed to get you're self out of mortal peril, and other such larks, I shall be at home, eating strawberry's and gravy* and crying in a ridiculously hormonal way over rubbish romance novels."

*Walks off to a secluded spot, where no one can see the Nandi landing** and in less than an hour is back on the Tree*

*no kidding, this was actually one friends craving.

**and yes, for the purposes of this bit, the Nandi can be remote controlled.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Sunday, November 19, 2006 9:05 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
On the Sereni-Tree:

When Ath checks out the cockpit in the pilot dome on the bridge, he discovers that all of his “Invader Zim” action figures are missing, replaced by an extensive collection of Bruce Lee memorabilia. Also, all of the piloting displays have been reprogrammed to show their data exclusively in Mandarin Chinese. Glued to the console is a picture of a family of Asian descent, with five teenagers surrounding a middle-aged couple. One of the teenagers in the picture is clearly a younger image of the woman Ath knows as Quincey, Bride5.

OOC: Good to have you back, Ath!

Why do I get the feeling not everyone is?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, November 19, 2006 9:08 PM


Yeah, so umm...where exactly are those figurines? I don't think we can exactly just hop on over to the nearest planet with a Suncoast. Not with everyone on Zanzibar fighting the Maybe-Not-So-Immortal-Immortals, anyway.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, November 19, 2006 10:29 PM


Okay, Ath, I can tell you:

Quincey, otherwise known as Bride5, had a rivalry going with Ath for the position of pilot of the Sereni-Tree. Ath won, and populated the pilot dome with Invader Zim action figures.

However, due to Ath's long absence of late, Quincey has taken the liberty of taking over the pilot dome and putting her stuff there.

Ath will find his action figures in a cardboard box in a locker adjoining the bridge.


Monday, November 20, 2006 5:48 AM


“Ummm… Sir Luc?” Wisp is the first to break the shocked silence. “How do you feel?”

Sir Luc turns at the sound of Wisp’s voice. “I feel…” She pauses as if speaking is something new to her. “I feel! I feel it all!”

Sir Luc smiles and Grabs Wisps shoulders, her eyes shifting to violet for a moment, then back again.

“You were right! All your theories were correct! All humans host latent magical ability. All it needs is the right environment for it to surface. THIS is the right environment. The very air is charged with magic. Can you not see it? It is everywhere and in everything. In fact, if you concentrate, you can reach out a touch a specific ability. Our bodies just filter, so to speak, and adapt the magic to our unique physiologies. That is why everyone has a different ability, when in reality it’s all just the same. The immortals have been able to filter less of it so they have more access to the whole.” She locks eyes with Sir Devan, “It is fascinating...”

Releasing Wisp, she surveys the room thoughtfully. “I want to test out my new found powers. I just need a subject. Let us start with the immortal that is the weakest. Hmmm...”

Sir Luc squints, examining the air in front of her. The kaleidoscope of colours in her eyes, changes to white only. She reaches out gingerly and pinched the air.

“Ah HA! I’ve got you!” Sir Luc pulls back her hand while using her other hand to brace herself against an invisible wall.

To all she looks like she has discovered the talent of Miming.

A thin wisp of smoke follows her pinched fingers. The further back she draws her hand the more pronounced the smoke becomes until Krysta stands before her.

Before Krysta can act, Sir Luc's eyes shift to violet and Krysta turns and drops to one knee, as if forced, bowing to Sir Luc.

Wisp’s elation at his success falters a bit when he catches the shark-like smile that briefly flashes across Sir Luc’s face.

OOC: In case my writing hasn’t conveyed my ideas clearly, the colour of sir Luc’s eyes represents the Immortals ability that she is currently using. See TRM’s Summary.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:07 PM


In the hidden keep of the Octagonal Order, on Zanzibar:

The Immortal Krysta falls to one knee before Sir Luc and bows her head of white, spiky hair. Her lips move, expelling fog, but only Sir Luc can hear her: “Mistress! I live to serve you! What is your desire?”

While Sir Luc contemplates her many desires, she suddenly becomes aware of a small bit of magic nearby. It is carefully hidden by powerful wards and anti-scrying spells, but it is there! It cannot hide from Luc!

Luc sends forth her awareness to encompass the entire large chamber. There it is! Hidden among the many ancient techno-constructs is a small, floating silvery eye, an eye belonging to Arinda the Violet. The Empress had been watching everything that transpired here!

Luc laughs.


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:08 PM


In the Castle of the Immortals, on Zanzibar:

Alatariel the Lurker entered the council room of the Imperial castle. She strove to keep her paces slow and stately, despite her urge to rush. Once again, she was dressed in her slinky black gown with a minimum of silver decoration.

Almost everyone was there, sitting around a large circular table. Arinda the Empress stood at her throne, gesturing angrily at Ouroboros as she berated him. He was nodding and bowing with downcast eyes, obsequious as always, offering excuses or scapegoats for his failures. Most of Arinda’s floating magical eyes were orbiting about him, examining him minutely. Her own physical eyes were closed, as always.

Adelle the Burner sat at her place, watching the exchange, eyes blazing. It was clear that she was furious.

Magnus the Maker looked nervous, as always, as he sat obediently waiting for his lady’s command. From his pudgy form dangled numerous enchanted weapons, talismans, and charms, all glowing visibly when viewed by Alatariel’s magesight. He was a walking arsenal of magical devices! Even his yellow-hued cloth robes were enchanted beyond the toughness of plate armor.

Zorander the Storm Caller sat at his place, seemingly bored. He watched the ceiling, or studied his hands. All the while breezes kicked up by his presence caused his great mane of blond hair and beard to swirl. His blue robes twisted about.

Karg the Bloody, his gigantic figure fully encased in his bright red plate armor, stood. His low, booming voice echoed from inside his great helm throughout the small chamber. “Your Majesty! Alatariel has arrived. Our number is complete!”

Alatariel stopped walking, puzzled. “Complete? But we are only seven. What of Krysta?”

“Krysta’s not coming,” Zorander said off-handedly.

All of Arinda’s floating silver eyes focused on Alatariel. “There is a New Power arisen, Alatariel. Have you not felt its presence in the Astral Plane? This Power surpasses that of any one of us. It may surpass us as a group. It has Taken Krysta, because THIS one abandoned her!”

Ouroboros cringed once again, but raised a finger and opened his mouth to speak.

“SILENCE!” Arinda bellowed. “I will hear no more excuses!”

Alatariel was upset. Krysta had been her sister, after all. “Taken?”

With Arinda’s attention now upon Alatariel, Ouroboros slinked over to his chair and sat down.

Arinda motioned for Alatariel to be seated. “Krysta the Whisperer is fully under the control of this new Power. She is our enemy now. She will work for our destruction, willingly, gleefully! I have seen this.”

Alatariel was stunned. “But… with your magic, could Your Majesty not recover her?”

“I could not!” Arinda stated. This New Power is greater than I.”

“We need a plan,” suggested Adelle.

“My army even now marches on the keep of the Octagonal Order!” Karg bellowed.

Adelle sneered. “We need an INTELLIGENT plan! Your troops will be squashed easily by the New Power. Any one of US could do so, after all.”

Karg’s great chest expanded as he took a deep breath. He slowly let it out as he turned to face Adelle. His voice was low and rumbled with menace. “And I suppose that YOU have a better idea?”

“I do!” Adelle responded confidently. She turned toward the Empress. “We must use every resource available to us if we are to face this New Power. It is time to utilize the Great Project.”

“Yes!” Arinda smiled, and turned to face Alatariel. “Alatariel, are you prepared to unleash the Great Project upon the world?”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” she replied. Alatariel shuddered to herself. The Great Project was not NEARLY ready!

“Good! Do so!” Mentally, Arinda called for her chancellor. She could feel his mortal mind recoil under the onslaught of hers, but he quickly moved to obey. The time had come to delve into the powers of the Dreamer’s Stone. The dangers of that dark path were no longer significant compared to this new threat.


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:08 PM


Later, in the secret laboratory tower of the Immortal Alatariel the Lurker:

Chicken-man Number 2 wringed his hands even as he clutched the umbrella that was his badge of office. His voice trembled as he spoke. “M-mistress? D-do you really think this is S-safe?”

“Of course,” Alatariel replied confidently. “Continue!” She had privately calculated that there were at best two chances in five that this plan would work. She chose to not share this information with her subordinates.

Number 2 nodded, gulped, and called down orders to the workers below. Eight other chicken-men servants, all that had remained loyal out of her batch of twenty-one, grunted and groaned in an effort to turn a massive crank. Slowly, the bar restraining the huge doors retracted.

Alatariel carefully prepared the binding spell. “Come…” she began.

The Great Project smashed through the doors. The creature was huge, some unholy blend of human, dragon, and demon. It began spitting out large gouts of flame upon the screaming chicken-men. The few left alive attempted to scatter.

With great concentration and hands gesturing before her, Alatariel cast the binding spell with which to control the Great Project. As if in response, the creature’s great maw reached up and snapped near where she stood, completely devouring a cringing Number Two and half of the balcony. The remainder of the balcony promptly collapsed, dropping Alatariel two floors to the courtyard below. The monstrous creature turned to where she now lay, bloody and broken.

Abandoning any further attempts at control, Alatariel the Lurker made a sweeping gesture with one arm and completely vanished into the shadows.

Confused, the Great Project next turned its attention back upon the remaining chicken-men, tossing them one by one into its mouth like popcorn. When no more remained to be consumed, the Great Project bellowed wrathfully and applied its anger to the walls of Alatariel’s laboratory keep. The stone structure collapsed completely to rubble, and the howls of the Great Project and the screams of its victims could be heard for miles around as it left and began to burninate the countryside.

As her bleeding stopped and her broken bones straightened and re-knitted themselves, Alatariel sent a mental message to Arinda the Empress: Your Majesty, the Great Project has been deployed.


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:09 PM


Among the ruins of Alatariel’s laboratory / keep, on Zanzibar:

Before long, Alatariel struggled to her feet and attempted to cover herself with the tatters of her gown. It was too bad that she didn’t have garments that regenerated as easily as her body. Oh, well. Perhaps she could commission something more durable from Magnus.

As Alatariel departed the pile of rubble that used to be her tower, a shadowy figure moved to where she had fallen and lay bleeding. It bent down to collect some of her blood and sealed it in a jar. It was the rebellious chicken-man, Number 6, finally freed from his prison.

All around Number 6 began to gather whatever experiments of Alatariel survived the destruction of her tower.

Number 6 climbed a large stone to address them all. "It seems that the tables have turned," 6 said to the crowd of monsters. "Are you all prepared to strike back against our tormentors?"

As one, the group yelled, nodded, waved appendages, or gurgled enthusiastically.


Monday, November 20, 2006 11:29 PM


*JadeHand climbs out of his bed in the Inn on Zanzibar, still in Mel's body, He's gone quiet mad and managed to forget where he is and why he was here. Something about a chicken? One image comes to his mind... a room with a nice view of the black. He gathers his belongings and ponders for a moment. Nothing else comes to mind. He focuses and begins chanting a spell, waving his arms and focusing on the image of the room. He finishes chanting and vanishes.*

On board the Sereni-Tree: JadeHand's Room:
*Mel appears and begins to look around the room. It all looks familiar, but he doesn't remember it. He looks at the bag that he collected, also unfamiliar, but he somehow knew it belonged to him. He opens the bag and finds several odd things. A book draws his attention. He plucks it out and looks at the cover which says: "Read Me."
Opening the book he finds a list of things to do. Secure the door. Get comfortable, this is going to take a while. Turn up the stereo, it'll drown out the screams. Check your torso for a small sticky piece of paper. Remove it. Keep Reading.*
*Mel follows the instructions, even though he doesn't know what a stereo is, he manages to almost instictively press a button. The sounds startle, then somehow soothe him. He's surprised to find a piece of paper with his name on it attached to his shirt under his robes. He plucks it off. Images begin to flood his mind. He starts to cover his ears at the sound of someone screaming. There's an impact across his back. He starts to feel the first hints of embarassment as he realizes the scream was his, and the impact was the bed as he fell, but the feeling is incomplete as he is no longer conscious*

On JadeHand's bed:
*A body begins to morph and return to the recognizable form of JadeHand. Blood still flows in his veins, air still passes his lips. Body still functions....soul trapped elsewhere.*

Somewhere Else:
JadeHand stands and looks around at the familiar surroundings of the Astral Plane....

"Caress Ophelia's hand with breathstroke ambition
An albatross in the marrytime tradition
Sheathed within the Walkman wear the halo of distortion
Aural contraceptive aborting pregnant conversation
She turned the harpoon and it pierced my heart
She hung herself around my neck."
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 6:05 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"LUC!!!" Wisp Shouts "Calm down!!"

"NO!! My powers scream to be used!! i must fulfill their wishes!!"she replies

"your body is just getting used to the stress, if you throw yourself in at the deepend youll burn out" Wisp says calmly and scienifically with an air of confidence and authority.

Sir Luc's eyes continue to burn for a second before she pushes her hand into Krystas face causing her to fall unconsious. She shifts her gaze to Wisp like a child who'd been forced out of her tantrum. "Happy now?" Her voice was laced with bitterness.

"Much. Now im gonna take a few bloods and i want you to SLOWLY flex your powers. Start small- an exageration of ur previous powers then expand and flow. Imagine your powers are behind a dam, slowly make a crack and watch the water pour but dont make too big one and lose control"

Wisp sat her down on a nearby chair and took her bloods noticing after he'd done how quickly she healed and how mangled the needle was. Under his spectroscope he could see the new protein structure was amazing. There were entirley new aminoacids and ludicrous tertairy shapes, many defining biological law. Metabolism was through the roof but inputs and outputs were negligible.

This was trully a great achievement but he had a nagging fear of ultimate disaster. Making sure Luc's focus was elsewhere bending a girder he exposed the sample to his antimagical radiation. The effect was still fatal, he hoped he wouldnt have to implement it.

As he started running more tests a loud commotion could be heard accompanied by red glowing crystals in the roof. Voices could be heard in the distance:

"Were under attack!! The immortals are coming"

Wisps darted over to his AIE which was standing by but as he climbed inside he saw Luc was nowhere to be seen.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:09 PM


After wishing Cozen a Happy birthday with the others, Jazaf headed back to his quarters. Something is off. he thought to himself. What did I miss? He checks the THREAD system again, reading the most recent passage carefully.
"Zanzibar!? Dammit, the Knights!" He rushes out of his quarters and down to the hanger bay. He leaps into a vacant ship and heads to the planet below.
"I have to help them out, I hope it's not too late!"

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 4:09 AM


While in the hanger, just before Jazaf closes the hatch, Deuce jumps into the ship with him.

"Hummph! Did you really think you could sneak off all on your own, Sensei!?"



Wednesday, November 22, 2006 4:59 AM


Sir Luc stands atop the keeps tower. Though there was no wind, the energy of the world flowed through her causing her hair to move as if blown by a strong breeze.

She came to realize that the energy flowed in patterns, that there were ‘hotspots’ of magical energy, and that this Keep was built on one of them.

Her gaze focused on one of the other hotspots, from where approached a wave a malevolent magic.

Feeling naked and decidedly un-heroic, Sir Luc sought to rectify that. Closing her eyes and reaching out with her mind, she taps another’s ‘talent’. Holding her arms straight out from her sides, and tilting her head back eyes still closed, she waits.

Down in the Keep, Sir Kei approaches Wisp, a question forming on his lips when his great sword is wrenched from his hands by an invisible force and flys out of the room.
Standing in shock and staring accusingly at his own hand, Sir Kei notices his armour start to disassemble and fly out of the room in pieces as his sword did.

His keen analytical mind... *pause for laughter*... finally puts two and two together with a sound almost audible. “Sir Luc! Stop this instant. Tis unseemly for a knight to be defrocked in public!”

Atop the tower a small smile creeps across Sir Luc’s face as the armour assembles around her, fitting perfectly. She holds one arm above her head and catches Sir Kei’s Broadsword deftly and without strain. Her eyes snap open, red fire leaking from her tear ducts and the blade bursts into flame.

“Come to me little ones. I’m hungry...”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 5:53 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Sir Luc stands atop the keeps tower. Though there was no wind, the energy of the world flowed through her causing her hair to move as if blown by a strong breeze.

She came to realize that the energy flowed in patterns, that there were ‘hotspots’ of magical energy, and that this Keep was built on one of them.

Her gaze focused on one of the other hotspots, from where approached a wave a malevolent magic.

Feeling naked and decidedly un-heroic, Sir Luc sought to rectify that. Closing her eyes and reaching out with her mind, she taps another’s ‘talent’. Holding her arms straight out from her sides, and tilting her head back eyes still closed, she waits.

Down in the Keep, Sir Kei approaches Wisp, a question forming on his lips when his great sword is wrenched from his hands by an invisible force and flys out of the room.
Standing in shock and staring accusingly at his own hand, Sir Kei notices his armour start to disassemble and fly out of the room in pieces as his sword did.

His keen analytical mind... *pause for laughter*... finally puts two and two together with a sound almost audible. “Sir Luc! Stop this instant. Tis unseemly for a knight to be defrocked in public!”

Atop the tower a small creeps across Sir Luc’s face as the armour assembles around her, fitting perfectly. She holds one arm above her head and catches Sir Kei’s Broadsword deftly and without strain. Her eyes snap open, red fire leaking from her tear ducts and the blade bursts into flame.

“Come to me little ones. I’m hungry...”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."

SR observes, from a distance, Sir Luc's potential corruption by absolute power and considers the possibilties that she will not have the patience to deal with one with the reputation of a troublemaker. He turns to Baroness Morgana
"If this is a bad time Snarky and I can come back later." He then notices the gathering hordes outside and realizes he is really stuck. Seryn is in the clear, luckily, but he will not abandon Snarky.
"Perhaps we can make ourselves useful loading the trebuchets and other siege weaponry."

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:00 AM


OOC: quick temporal back pedal.


Originally posted by seryn:

Are you guys working on a different calendar? I could have sworn she wasn't born till after D*C...

Nevermind, but it does confirm that we're working to two different time frames - you're going in real time, while i'm working in narrative time.

which helps, because although the story is only a few days old, we really have BEEN HERE FOR MONTHS!!!!!

So if you'll excuse me, i'm going to be terribly ungracious one moment, and extricate myself from the plot by the most ungainly manner possible.


Seryn turned from the guy greeting them and caught SR by the collar.

"Darling, as much fun as this has been, i'm tired, confused, growing increasingly round, not to mention short tempered. I have no idea what is going on, and can pretty much guarantee that even if I did, I would be of no use whatsoever."

*Snogs SR's socks off*

"So when you've managed to get you're self out of mortal peril, and other such larks, I shall be at home, eating strawberry's and gravy* and crying in a ridiculously hormonal way over rubbish romance novels."

*Walks off to a secluded spot, where no one can see the Nandi landing** and in less than an hour is back on the Tree*

*no kidding, this was actually one friends craving.

**and yes, for the purposes of this bit, the Nandi can be remote controlled.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!

SR finds himself so breathless from the powerful, niegh mercilessy, snogging he finds himself unable to form the words, "I love. I'll be be there soon." and then she's gone.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 12:51 PM



Originally posted by Bride2:
While in the hanger, just before Jazaf closes the hatch, Deuce jumps into the ship with him.

"Hummph! Did you really think you could sneak off all on your own, Sensei!?"


"Sorry, My mind was on other things." Jazaf said, his voice sounding distant.
"Like what?"
"Facing a past I was hoping to avoid..."
The ship lands not far from a Fortress. Jazaf and Deuce climb out and look at the Fortress.
"Is....someone floating above the castle?" Deuce wonders out loud.
"Looks like it. No doubt something's about to go down. C'mon, we have to hurry inside. I need to be brought up to speed by the other knights." Jazaf starts off for the Fortress.
"Other knights?"
"Welcome to my Home Planet."
**edited Nov. 22
As the duo head to the fortress with the newly empowered Knight preparing for a test of her skills a silver eye winks into existence. After a moment it fades, already having gathered any information needed.

In the Castle of the Immortals Arinda sends a message to her fellow Immortals: The Traitor has returned...
Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:03 PM


On the Sereni-Tree:

As he wanders around on the Sereni-Tree, McQ the cyborg runs into someone that he has never met before. She is a tall, attractive woman of perhaps 30 years, with long straight blonde hair. She is standing alone in the mess hall, with a sheathed katana held comfortably in her left hand. She is wearing simple yellow cover-alls. She looks up as he enters, startled out of her meditation. Her right hand flinches, but she does not draw her blade.

“What are you? Another damn robot like Sparky?” She looks more closely. “No, you were alive once, weren’t you? Just like me. You were hurt and changed and tinkered with, and put to someone else’s use. Just like me.”

She sighs as she looks at him. “Have a seat if you like, tin man. I am Ace.”

She turns away and chuckles grimly. “No, actually, I’m not. The one who died was called Ace, and that wasn’t even her real name because they took that away from her, too. I’m not sure who I am or what I am. I guess I’m a copy of the one called Ace. A replacement. But I remember BEING Ace, so I guess ‘Ace’ will do for now, until I find something better.”

She turns back toward him. “So, how about you?”

Ace, Bride1

OOC: Great plot twist, Jazaf! And welcome back, Bride2!


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:28 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
On the Sereni-Tree:

As he wanders around on the Sereni-Tree, McQ the cyborg runs into someone that he has never met before. She is a tall, attractive woman of perhaps 30 years, with long straight blonde hair. She is standing alone in the mess hall, with a sheathed katana held comfortably in her left hand. She is wearing simple yellow cover-alls. She looks up as he enters, startled out of her meditation. Her right hand flinches, but she does not draw her blade.

“What are you? Another damn robot like Sparky?” She looks more closely. “No, you were alive once, weren’t you? Just like me. You were hurt and changed and tinkered with, and put to someone else’s use. Just like me.”

She sighs as she looks at him. “Have a seat if you like, tin man. I am Ace.”

She turns away and chuckles grimly. “No, actually, I’m not. The one who died was called Ace, and that wasn’t even her real name because they took that away from her, too. I’m not sure who I am or what I am. I guess I’m a copy of the one called Ace. A replacement. But I remember BEING Ace, so I guess ‘Ace’ will do for now, until I find something better.”

She turns back toward him. “So, how about you?”

McQ takes a seat near Ace and examines her for a moment. Once he decides that she is no immediate threat to him, he decides to proceed with the conversation.

"They call me McQ," he starts in a calm, low and slightly computerized voice. "I don't remember much about who I was - or am. Whomever it was who turned me into this...machine tried to erase my memory yet I still have random flashes...images...from my past. Some I don't even remember."

He pauses for a moment and looks around the mess hall, realizing it's only him and Ace in the room. "I remember that I was a soldier once. I was foolish and fought for the wrong side...I died in battle but don't remember where or when...the next thing I knew I woke up and had this robotic body, extreme strength and some fierce firepower. I remember those who created me smiling down on me in pride of the 'weapon' they created. When I came aboard this ship I decided it was my moment to turn against them and seek vengeance to those who made me like this. However, since then I've become used to this new body and the advantages of having it, yet I won't use it for the purposes it was originally intended."

McQ stopped again and realized he may be telling more than Ace asked or cared to hear.

"Forgive my rambling. I've been in hybernation regenerating my circuits. I don't know how long I've been out but it seems most have fled the ship. I don't even know where we are at this moment. Perhaps you could bring me up to date."

The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:09 PM



Originally posted by McQ:
I remember those who created me smiling down on me in pride of the 'weapon' they created. When I came aboard this ship I decided it was my moment to turn against them and seek vengeance to those who made me like this."

Suddenly, Ace spins to face McQ and her eyes brighten. She gives an evil smile. "Vengeance? From being made from a person into a weapon? I understand that! I have a list! I've been crossing names off one by one!" She pauses, and looks down. "Well, SHE had a list. Ace did."


"Forgive my rambling. I've been in hybernation regenerating my circuits. I don't know how long I've been out but it seems most have fled the ship. I don't even know where we are at this moment. Perhaps you could bring me up to date."

"Sorry, McQ, but I have no clue. I just woke up myself a little while ago. The last memory in this head before that was from over 30 threads ago when we were landing on Black Diamond. But maybe we can find out. Would you like a drink?"

She stares more closely at him.

"CAN you drink?"

Ace, Bride1


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:26 PM



Originally posted by Jazaf:
"Is....someone floating above the castle?" Deuce wonders out loud.
"Looks like it. No doubt something's about to go down. C'mon, we have to hurry inside. I need to be brought up to speed by the other knights." Jazaf starts off for the Fortress.
"Other knights?"
"Welcome to my Home Planet."

“You’re a knight, Sensei? That’s pretty cool.” Deuce frowns as she seems to consider this. “So does that make me a squire?”



Thursday, November 23, 2006 6:48 PM



Originally posted by Bride2:

“You’re a knight, Sensei? That’s pretty cool.” Deuce frowns as she seems to consider this. “So does that make me a squire?”


Jazaf pauses for a bit. "Not sure. I don't know if training a squire ever came up in the meetings." Duece and Jazaf eventually find their way to the entrance and let themselves in.

"Sir Jazaf, converted Immortal, reporting!" Jazaf yells as he enters.
"Converted Immortal?"
"It's a long story."

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, November 23, 2006 7:20 PM


Jazaf and Deuce enter the Keep of the Octagonal Order at the very place where Scorpion Regent and Baroness Morgana of Fairhaven (a Knight herself) are speaking.

Sir Morgana looks up. "Well, another prodigal son returns. Sir Jazaf, you have been missing for long, and the reasons for your departure are questionable. Yet, yet, we could surely use your aid if you would grant it."

Morgana glances at Deuce. "Is this your squire?"

Deuce nudges Jazaf. "See!"


Friday, November 24, 2006 7:06 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Jazaf and Deuce enter the Keep of the Octagonal Order at the very place where Scorpion Regent and Baroness Morgana of Fairhaven (a Knight herself) are speaking.

Sir Morgana looks up. "Well, another prodigal son returns. Sir Jazaf, you have been missing for long, and the reasons for your departure are questionable. Yet, yet, we could surely use your aid if you would grant it."

Morgana glances at Deuce. "Is this your squire?"

Deuce nudges Jazaf. "See!"

Jazaf speaks "Baroness Morgana of Fairhaven, lady Duece. Lady Duece, Baroness Morgana of Fairhaven."

There is slight awkward moment and Duece remember to her manners and bows to the Baroness. The gesture is incorrect for her gender, but the Baroness is well known for her tolerance of iconoclasts, though SR is very likely pushing the envelope.

"Lady Duece,"

"Your excellency,"

SR turns and bows to Duece. "Lady Duece it has been a long time. I welcome your sword though I fear that even if you survive this, your sunny disposition may not. The horror of a siege is not for the faint of heart." SR turns toward Jazaf and see's a hardened warrior. He offers his hand to Jazaf "Jazaf, I'm Scorpion Regent, I'm not sure we ever got a chance to meet properly aboard the Tree. Worry not there is nothing like a castle seige for bonding."

Duece looks SR square in the eye. "I'll take a side order of the bonding and we can send back the horror return to sender. My heart is like my sword strong and flexible."

"That's right in fact the samurai believed that their sword was their soul or spirit. We shall see what you are made of soon enough. " Replied SR

SR nods grimly and the Baroness looks to Jazaf with her right eye brow raised in approval.
Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 4:26 AM


After several failed attempts to "call" back his armor, and looking like an idiot in his red flannel longjohns, Sir Kei storms to the armory.

He finally emerges in a hodge podge of armor, carrying a helmet under one arm and a short sword in the other hand.

He glares at the group daring anyone to laugh at him. Satisfied he angrily slaps the helmet on his head. Kei helmet has a large red brush on top. If nothing else, he resembles Marvin The Martian but on steroids.

This proves too much for the group which dissolves into fits of laughter.

Sir Kei turns and summoning as much of his dignity as he can, the deep breath he takes causes rivets of his mismatched, ill-fitting armor to pop, he walks out of the room headed for the Keeps outer wall.

He pauses briefly to to nod in greeting to SR, Jazaf, Duece and Sir Morganna, before continuing on his way; head held high, trailing bits of armor.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:38 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp steps into the courtyard of the keep in his AIE and leaps to the outer wall of the keep putting a quick test on his systems. He looks quickly behind him to the top of the Tower at Sir Luc's display of power as a wave of doubt passes through him.

"Im sure someone said Science shouldnt try and understand magic. If only I could have listened to this intelligent person"

Regrets aside he returned his focus to the field before him. A mass army had ammassed for battle and was positioned on a ridge around half a mile from the cliff face hiding the keep. The magic Hiding the keep was obviously still working as the troops looked obviously bored and annoyed at their lack of opponents. The enemy forces were quite a Magical Menagerie.

Most of the ranks appeared to be a man like orc/goblin type of creature ranging from 4 to 7ft in height and weilding an array of Iron killing instruments. On either flank were divisions of lankier members on chicken mounts of even greater diversity than there riders. Behind Large trolls carried a variety of siege weapons from rams to catapults. The entire army blackened a large area of earth and even at a glance easily outnumbered the possible Knights of the Octagnol order and their soldiers within the keep.

The battle would be bloody....


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 6:51 PM


Near the Hidden Keep of the Octagonal Order:

A huge figure completely covered in crimson armor rides out to be at the head of this army of monsters. He is astride the most massive space chicken yet seen, yet it struggles to bear his weight. His hands make quick gestures, almost faster than the eye can follow.

Those with magesight can see the protective magics around the keep fray and tear, then collapse completely. The Keep of the Octagonal Order is no longer magically hidden. This imposing general, Immortal Karg the Bloody, draws forth a comically huge sword and calls for a charge, leading his army to war against the Knights of the Octagon.

Meanwhile, up on the highest parapet of the keep, Sir Luc senses the approach of a Power. From inside the very stone of the tower, a figure emerges. It is a tall, thin man, dressed all in green and holding a snake in his hand. He kneels before her. “Your Majesty, the Empress… Lucretia! I have come to pledge to you my service and fealty. I am the Immortal Ouroboros the Infinite, and I can be of great use to you in conquering your rival, the False Empress Arinda, and whatever petty forces she sends to inconvenience you! Kindly allow me to prove myself.”


Wednesday, November 29, 2006 4:50 AM


OOC: Anyone have any guide lines as to how Sir Luc is to progress? I could go wildly out of control writing for her... so much potential... but I don't want to trod upon anyone's toes or story arcs.

WYSB? TRM? SR? 13? Jazaf? Anyone??

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:01 AM


OOC: I sort of agree with Serenity that I'd like to resolve the Zanzibar plotline in time for Christmas. I have already released the Great Project, which will come on the scene before too long. I have plans for Chickenman Number 6 and his own army of monsters to do something after meeting up with TheRealMe. But for the most part, I say go for it.

Heh. Who's to say that the Great Project is really the Harbringer of Darkness?






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