Independent Army Brigade--The 76th (part three)

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 5, 2006 06:08
VIEWED: 14288
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Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:00 PM


I also like the idea of our 76th patch on the left shoulder and the Independents patch on the right. If that is acceptable to most, then I think that is the way we should go.
Thank you for the info, BWTP!

I am out for the weekend, but I'll be back Sunday...and I'll be bringing home the new gun.

Until then!



Friday, December 1, 2006 3:47 AM


Little Albatross,

I too have a companion costume, and was thinking originally of marching in the parade with a "Support Unification" sign since companions logically would be Alliance sympathizers

However the idea of marching as part of the brigade has overcome my desire to get all gussied up in companion attire for the parade at least, after the parade I will be found in either companion clothes or my kaylee jumpsuit.

I figure I have all weekend and am allowed a few costume changes.

I have one sleeve done with the knitting, now I just have to play with mylar and experiment with a slightly different dye.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Friday, December 1, 2006 4:52 AM


Tristan, I hope you don't mind but I am doing this so I can find everything we have already run through in one location, I figure as one thread gets used up, it will be easy to copy and paste/edit this master list as oppposed to going back through 3 or more threads to find a link you were lookign for :)

This of course is all somewhat fluid still and just my attempt to amass as much info for my selfish use as possible :)

The Plan:

March as members of the Independent Army, at in their parade. The finished costumes will look like this

we will be marching as the Balls and Bayonets brigade, regiment # . The current vision is, "vision has the soldiers at least a little "uniform" least close in pants and shirts, but with similar vests and overcoats and weapons. As the war progressed, they seem to have become very hodge-podge...I was aiming for a relatively new 'brigade'...haven't really had their edges dulled to far yet."

Pants can be found here:

These are the pants I used for my Mal costume...all that needs to be done is a bit of hemming and adding the stripe down the side. You don't have to use these pants, but they are the closest within a decent pricerange.

Tristan is designing one now

Chainmail Sleeves:
Artcat is testing out these directions and will be making chainmail sleeves on a limited basis, possibly making a make your own sleeves kit available if there is enough interest.

Still unsure, thought the Navy does/did use textured helmets

not really a problem. Mid-calf or knee high boots. Preferably brown... but of course, it doesn't matter a great deal.

Depending on what campaign, apparently. Mal wears a blue scarf and Zoe wears a red scarf in Serenity Valley. Tracey, Mal and Zoey all wear red scarves in Du-Khang. Up to you. I have a blue bandana sort of scarf plus a big red one, just in case.

Belts and ammo packs etc:
Look around :) A brown belt isn't hard to come by... a gun holster should be too hard in America

Patches can be found here:
AND will has fully embroidered Independent patches. The star is a navy blue, which is the color in the Firefly Companion book.

Gloves: Unknown

This is what we are looking for. The G36, obviously. (First big picture) We can take the laser off, etc.
The gun we seem to have settled on is the H&K G36C. It appears that the guns in the series are actually something called CA36 (it has a higher sight rail than the G36), but as the CA36 runs about $350.00, and the G36 runs anywhere from $13-$40 for the airsoft versions, we have decided to go with those. Sister gave us a link to, which has just the right one:{C70A1A45-9E39-4CFE-BDB3-D
$17.95 plus shipping.

Optional Medical Kit (aka Beer bag) for our medical crew

........ I Will finish editing this list in a bit gotta get some work done :)......

If there is anything horribly wrong in what I have thus far please let me know

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:22 AM




Friday, December 1, 2006 11:28 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
We will be bigger than the 501st! We must! We shall blanket the streets with wave upon wave of browncoat-ed Independents! They will have to increase the length of the parade just to accomodate us! They will stand in awe of the ordered (well, maybe) ranks of proud holders-of-the-line! And we shall march proudly!

Amen brother! I really think that ordered is not the way to go, it will make us look too much like those dumb stormtroopers. We could move along flanking each other, complete with spotters and scouts and the like.


Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
Ultimate Dragon*Con Fantasy:

Captain Malcolm Reynolds, in full officer uniform, leading the troops through the streets of Atlanta (after having caught wind of this fabu idea)..............

That would be ing amazing. Maybe we should send him a wave sometime to help to encourage him to be there. Hmmmm, I have his MySpace too.....

EDIT: LA, great minds must think alike or at least have a one-way psychic link

I like the idea of wearing both patches, and I would pay ArtCat or whoever else is able to make them for a set of the mail sleeves (I have never been good with the needles, though I would be willing to learn if someone wants to give me instruction)

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 2:08 PM


I think I will be making the sleeves on a limited commission basis, but keep in mind each sleeve just to knit so far takes me 5 hours

If I end up doing the mylar metallic stuffs it will go up a bit more.

I would be more than happy to help coach browncoats to knit, and again if there is enough interest I can order bulk supplies and send knit sleeves kits out.
I will talk to my fellow Houston Browncoats as I know there is at least one other knitter and 3 folks that crochet (the crafty 'coats have been teaching each other).

I'm getting very excited about this folks it is coming together quickly!

Again I am going to suggest a website or at least a page so we can keep track of links to various pieces of the costume and have all teh reference pics in one place, just an idea so folks dont have to crawl through multiple threads to find info, and folks with dialup are not faced with the pics and hte horrendous times it takes to load :)

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Saturday, December 2, 2006 1:06 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey! Artcat81... that is such a shiny idea - but I have no clue how to make it happen, so we might just have to keep mentioning it... in our conversation from time to time until someone who is clever, computer-savvy and has amazing talent can start a webpage for us!!

Also I am pretty sure these haven't been scanned and posted yet... so I finally got around to doing it - hope they don't confuse at all, just wanted to add to the colourful array of options for us...

All from the Official Firefly Companion...

So... Artcat... what's been happening lately - wouldn't it be shiny to have a dedicated web page for the 76th Independant brigade...?


Saturday, December 2, 2006 6:32 AM


oooooo, gorramit I am still trying to get me a copy locally of the companion Im about to give up and order from

You know... looks like the chainmail is not a full sleeve... that would make life easier and be a bit less knitting.. however thehn you have the how to attach it to those understraps issue... hmm I am gonna talk to some of me very Browncoated D&d group who happen to be talented leather workers for ideas...

oh and I have one sleeve done except I need to redye it so it all matches in coloration closer (right now I have a dark patch, a light patch, and a white patch

I am on the mylar hunt this weekend

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Saturday, December 2, 2006 10:29 AM


ArtCat, you might also want to look at how shiny the sleeves are. Actual steel chainmail dulls down very quickly after it's made. I assume that warfare would make it even more so.

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, December 2, 2006 11:21 AM


Howdy, all!

Hope this isn't too presumptuous, but I posted on both the OB and Dragoncon's livejournal about the 76th. Hopefully, you guys'll get some more recruits!

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, December 2, 2006 6:32 PM


Hi Tristan I was woundering if I can march with you guys at D*C?

and for guns theres a G&G UMG airsoft at


Gen. Tristan



Sunday, December 3, 2006 4:33 AM


yeha I was thinking about the shiny aspect, the "chainmail" has kinda dull shiny, I am working on dying it a deeper grey color and am gonna play with it from there.

I know Tristans vision is for us to be beggining of the war independents not teh stuck in serenity valley after laying down arms type.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Sunday, December 3, 2006 7:33 AM


Just Bumping...


Sunday, December 3, 2006 9:56 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:
...wouldn't it be shiny to have a dedicated web page for the 76th Independant brigade...?

I've mentioned to Tristan that I have some webspace available for a site. Once we get more information I can start to throw something together. I've got some ideas I've been tossing around, and once I get them onto the page, I'll post it here for viewing and suggestions. Oh, and it's Battalion, not Brigade.

Oh, and talk of rank has come up a couple of times, and I know that the fear is that everyone will be claiming thier own rank and we'll have an overabundance of NCO's and Officers. A suggestion, if I may, as to the deciding of rank. Make it merit based. Those that have made major contributions to the unit (i.e. Tristan coming up with the idea, making the vests, etc., makes him a perfect choice as our Commanding Officer. ArtCat81 making the mail sleeves and offers to put together kits could possible be a Corporal or a Sergeant). That way a majority of those marching and in the unit are Privates. Then, as time goes on and the 76th grows, further contributions could be weighed by those already with rank and more people could be promoted to higher ranks. Just a thought.


I'll be in my bunk.


Sunday, December 3, 2006 1:19 PM


Just bumping...I'll be happy to be a private; no problem.


Sunday, December 3, 2006 2:14 PM


Hello, all.
Just back from a long weekend away...I have some catching up to do.

ArtCat, thank you for compiling what we have so far...that will be a lot easier to move around!

Let me see if I can suggest a few things to "final" out some of the ifs on that list...
I am not sure we can use "Balls and Bayonets" as a phrase...we might want to find something a little different for ourselves.

As BWTP has pointed out, we should be calling ourselves a Battalion rather than a Brigade. And thank you again for the offer of webspace, BWTP. It would be great to have everything "concrete" there, with this thread as a discussion/recruitment center.

Helmets. I think we may have discussed getting the galvanized or rough-surfaced ones. I again defer to the military individuals involved to decide on what would be best and easiest for us to get ahold of.

As far as rank, I think that's a good idea. I again am not military-minded, and am going to need guidance as far as the actual marching goes, but a merit-based ranking is a sound idea.

I have two different versions of the G36 now in my possession. When I get a chance over the next few days, I'll do a side-by-side comparison...they are both very close in look and feel, and both about the same price. More on those later!

I like the idea of wearing both our patch (the 76th) and the Independent patch. It may not be entirely militarily sound, but it's a good homage.

Oh, BWTP, quick side note regarding of the versions of this breaks down compactly...very short barrel and no stock. Might be a good "sidearm" for a sniper.

Ok...let's see...Magda (qing ren!), thank you for posting those never crossed my mind to do that for some reason....

ArtCat, again, thank you for the mail sleeves. I know that not everyone will be wearing them (especially the soliders in the sleeved coats), but they are going to be very, very shiny! Um...well, not literally...but...wel, you know what I mean!

BoomerGoodHeart, thank you for posting this elsewhere! I am hoping people from those boards pop in to say hello!

I think this is pretty obvious, but I'll go ahead and state it...anyone is welcome to march with us, as long as they are willing to "conform" to the minimum requirements we have already been discussing. We are not asking that everyone be a cookie-cutter duplicate, but close enough that someone can look at us and say "Oh, they look cool!" Does this seem like a reasonable requirement to everyone else? We will have links to clothing items that can be purchased either from an online store or from members here, and there are already several alternatives to most of the stuff required. I will also be offering the patterns for the vest, at least, as well as offering to make them for people (reasonable price). As for the guns, there are a few of us that live close to Atlanta that will be brining extras, so no worries there.

Alright, that should have it about covered. Again, I want to thank everyone involved for making this a possibility rather than a dream. We are going to look good and have fun doing it!

76th Battallion!



Sunday, December 3, 2006 3:25 PM


Well, I did some looking for helmets and I found this one. It's an old Russian Military helmet, looks pretty close.

Not a bad price at only $9.97. They're out of stock now, but hopefully they'll get some in soon. I'll keep looking for alternatives.


I'll be in my bunk.


Sunday, December 3, 2006 3:28 PM


They have a Polish one too for the same price, though it's not as close as the Russian one:


I'll be in my bunk.


Sunday, December 3, 2006 4:38 PM



Originally posted by artcat81:
oooooo, gorramit I am still trying to get me a copy locally of the companion Im about to give up and order from

You know... looks like the chainmail is not a full sleeve... that would make life easier and be a bit less knitting.. however thehn you have the how to attach it to those understraps issue... hmm I am gonna talk to some of me very Browncoated D&d group who happen to be talented leather workers for ideas...

oh and I have one sleeve done except I need to redye it so it all matches in coloration closer (right now I have a dark patch, a light patch, and a white patch

I am on the mylar hunt this weekend

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse

Hi ArtCat,
I had requested in one of the previous posts to please put me down on your list of those needing the knitted sleeves. I don't remember seeing a reply, so I apologize if I'm duplicating but could you let me know if I can be on the list for some sleeves, please?

And Tristan, you already have me penciled in for a vest, I think

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Sunday, December 3, 2006 9:40 PM


Hey Gang...I doubt very seriously if I get to go to D*C, but I am a costumer and it's so very exciting to read all the posts with all the ideas and the research going on. I can't wait to see pix.
I just wanted to let anyone interested know that I have a HUGE garbage bag full of real US military shoulder holsters. I've been trying to find some like them online to price BELOW what they can go for...and it seems that $30-$40 is the average. I don't even know if shoulder holsters would be part of the costumes/uniforms you are goin for....but my daughter little ewok wore two when she dressed as Zoe a couple years ago at Comic Con. She loved doing the 'pose' where Zoe pulls both guns and fires! I took some of the holsters apart to make the 'leg' strap holster variety for her also. I'll see if I can find pix of those. I just got a new digital camera and plan on figuring it out in the next day or two as we are planning on going to Flan2. Also, I've met and emailed Shawna on a couple of occasions and she's always been super helpful with costuming info...if the person who emailed her doesn't hear back soon, I'll try to talk to her at Flan, or email her if you'd like.
This is so awesome that you guys are going to do this. I really wish I could be there. If anyone wants to contact me, I'm always on the OB, or you can email me at


Monday, December 4, 2006 2:23 AM


Hello Saxon; I was the person who attempted to reach Shawna; haven't heard anything back so far so feel free to try and speak with her at Flan! As to the holsters and straps..once you figure out what you'd want for a couple or three...put me down for them, okay? Thanks! This is so much fun!


Monday, December 4, 2006 2:40 AM


Upon seeing some pics I too might be interested in some holsters/straps.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia
Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Brigade

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be mandatory." - Bill Hicks


Monday, December 4, 2006 3:16 AM



Originally posted by Saxon:
I just wanted to let anyone interested know that I have a HUGE garbage bag full of real US military shoulder holsters.

I've personally got a Blackhawk Tactical Leg Holster from when I was in that I plan on using, but I might be interested in one, for my personal firearm if not the costume. Can't wait to see the pics.


I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, December 4, 2006 3:36 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Tristan:
I also like the idea of our 76th patch on the left shoulder and the Independents patch on the right. If that is acceptable to most, then I think that is the way we should go.
Thank you for the info, BWTP!

I agree. I would also like to wear both patches. I already have the triangular Independent patch. Per the pilot episode it was worn on the right shoulder (where we see Mal rip it off the uniform of the dead Lt.). I say if everyone is okay with it we wear the 76th patch on the left & the Independent patch on the right.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, December 4, 2006 3:49 AM


Browncoat1, that sounds shiny to me patch wise,

folks talking of working on a website, XIE XIE!

I think if we can go ahead and throw a site together and just update it as more info comes in that might be a good idea so folks dont have to go chasing merrily through multiple threads :)

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Monday, December 4, 2006 4:34 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Alright 76th, listen up.

I know that there has been some debate on the weapon we will use. Seems we have settled on the G36 in the $18-$40 range. I have found one that is closer to the pics we see in series and the still provided above in this thread. Here is what I found:

[img] [/img]

It can be found here:

Price is $89.95 plus S&H. That is steeper than the $20 tag on the G36 Tristan shows above, but this G36K is far closer to what we see the browncoats using in the show.

I know money is a concern for nearly all of us. Heck, I'll be the first one to tell you I feel the pinch, but I really like the looks of this second one better.

If it doesn't ruffle any feathers, I'll be going with it I think. I mean I have already sank a good bit of coin into my costuming for Firefly/Serenity over the past couple of years in an effort to be accurate. I want to be as close to true as possible.

Just a thought.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, December 4, 2006 4:52 AM


Morning, 76th!

Browncoat1, there was a debate about the guns, but I have two G36 airsoft guns at my house that I am going to be doing a photo-comparison of in the next few days. That one you posted is bang-on to what they had, but the G36 (rather than the CA36, which is what they used in the series) is a bit more affordable in the $30-$50 range. The one you found is very shiny, and if people want to go with it, that is great! I will be carrying one of the two that I have at the house now, though.

BWTP, I like the Russian over the Polish helmet...but the Russian one is currently out of stock. It looks like they will be getting them back in stock, so that's promising. I like this idea because it gives everyone interested ONE place to find the same helmet. If there are no major objections, I suggest we go with this helmet for the 76th. A bit of painting, and they will be perfect!
Thank you for those links, BWTP!

FFG, indeed I do!

I should go ahead and mention that I am also going to design a cloth coat based as closely on the soldier's coats as I can. It will not be a necessity to purchase one from me (I am going to try to keep them as inexpensive as possible), but if we can keep close to the same look, that would be a good thing. I am also going to try to make a "smock" for those interested in going with just the vest and mail sleeves. It will take me a little while to design those. I have started on the vest and coat already, and plan on posting shots of the coat when I have one I am happy with.

Saxon, thank you for that offer. I am not entirely sure about sidearms; I have not really seen any in the series. That does not mean we can't wear them, though!



Monday, December 4, 2006 6:33 AM


My first question: Where exactly did Mal get his gun? Is it an officer's sidearm from the war? Just wondering.

My second question/idea: I'd like everyone involved in the 76th to post (or send to me, whichever) their suggestions for the saying on the other side of the lanyard. Also, it's been pretty much decided to go with "THE 76TH BATTALION", correct?

Send me those phrase ideas, and hubby & I'll work up a prototype for posting (I may have to send it to one of you guys as I still can't figure out how to post pictures here).

"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 4, 2006 6:58 AM


Posting pictures is easy, and there is a thread around somewhere that includes a tutorial. Lemme see if I can find it.

EDIT: Here it is -

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia
Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Brigade

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be mandatory." - Bill Hicks


Monday, December 4, 2006 8:07 AM


BoomerGoodheart, thank you again.
I like the "We Will Hold the Line" saying. And yes, it is 76th Battalion. We're a Battalion! How shiny is that?!?

As for Mal's gun, I am not entirely sure. I do not recall any mention/reference in the series as to where he obtained the gun. There is a vague reference in the graphic novel/comic along the lines of "this gun saw me through the war", but again, I am not sure about that.

Looking forward to the prototypes!



Monday, December 4, 2006 8:50 AM


Howdy Coats!...good Monday to you all. Regarding all the questions about sidearms/etc; in my humble opinion, since much of what I've read on this and other boards indicates a lot of the backstory on the 'verse and particularly the war came from the Civil War/old west era; I think many of the battalions in the Independence Army probably brought with them small, familiar armaments from their home worlds like knives and handguns. They were probably issued weapons as well and as soldiers are wont to do in downtimes between battles or campaigns some of the personal armaments were perhaps wagered in games of chance? Just a thought and could be reason enough for some of us to have sidearms; others not?


Monday, December 4, 2006 8:53 AM


Sister, I like that concept! Shiny! I say we go with that.
Anyone have any issues with this?



Monday, December 4, 2006 9:34 AM


I think the whole point of the Browncoats was the fact that they weren't 'unified' like the Alliance. So, like the Civil War, there would have been smaller militia groups that might have some sort of 'uniform' but yeah, mostly they brought what they had and supplimented with what they were given. The whole 'rag-tag' thing. JMHO. This sounds so fun!! Got the whole envy thing going on here. :P


Monday, December 4, 2006 12:57 PM


Are we going to go with 76th Battalion or 76th Independent Battalion on the lanyards?

Also, have a very basic and very bare bones site created (much more to be updated when it's not a work night). I jumped the gun and made myself a Sergeant (you'll see in my opening message on the site) based on contributing the webpage and the patch, though if anyone has any issue with that, it definately up for debate. I'm thinking for officers, especially CO and XO, that it should be put to a vote. Personally I think CO should be Tristan, and the XO has to be someone that's going, can organize and has contributed. Again though, that's up for debate as well.

Here's the link:

Please, let me know what you think, and please don't spare my feelings. If there's something you feel could be improved upon, by all means, let me know.

Also, I'm working on securing us a dedicated domain. or something similar. if you have any ideas on what you'd want our URL to be post it here as well.


I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, December 4, 2006 1:15 PM


BWTP...Love the site! Ya done good.


Monday, December 4, 2006 1:26 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:
BWTP, I like the Russian over the Polish helmet...but the Russian one is currently out of stock. It looks like they will be getting them back in stock, so that's promising. I like this idea because it gives everyone interested ONE place to find the same helmet. If there are no major objections, I suggest we go with this helmet for the 76th. A bit of painting, and they will be perfect!
Thank you for those links, BWTP!

I'm set to be notified shoud they get more in stock. Once they do, I'll post here immediately so we can sell them out again.


I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, December 4, 2006 1:29 PM



Originally posted by Sister:
BWTP...Love the site! Ya done good.

Glad you like it. I'll try to update it more sometime between wed-fri and try to update at least once a week.


I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, December 4, 2006 5:22 PM


BWTP, oh, how very shiny! I like it! And I also like the 76th Independent Battalion...has a nice ring to it! Thank you very much for "throwing" that together.
I am again flattered by the prospect of being CO, and I also agree that it should be put to a well as the XO and other officers. I think what we need to do is go ahead and take a head-count to see who is going. I'll go ahead and post a thread to that regards...something along the lines of 76th Independent Battalion Role Call.

Thank you also for finding the helmets, and for keeping us informed.

Wow. This is coming along quite well!

Alright, Roll Call thread is here:



Monday, December 4, 2006 6:10 PM


Alright, time for a gun discussion! I purchased two different versions of the G36 from eBay to see what they were automatic version and a semi-auto version.
BrownCoat1 has found an almost-perfect version on the airsplat page, but at $89.00 a pop, the versions I have may be a more affordable option. If you can get the other one, go for it! I am quite happy with these two...

The first one (semi-auto) is labeled M41 on the box. The manufacturer of this one is Double Eagle. It has an upper gunsight and a laser pointer. It is also the most versatile of the two, as it can be broken down into several variants.

The last photo shows the smallest version of this weapon. I know a few on here were talking about being snipers, medics, etc...this might be a good one to get for y'all.

The second gun (fully automatic! Whoo!) is made by Cyma, and is designated the CM.021. This one does not break down into a smaller version, although the stock is hinged. This one comes with a battery, a front handle, battery charger, and safety glasses. I found out those are necessary, as I tested the 40-round magazine on full auto in my costume shop...those little balls bounce all over the place! Ok, back to the gun...this one has a more solid feel than the first, probably due to the minor weight of the battery. It did not come with the upper gunsight.

I did put the gunsight from the first gun on this one, as this will be the gun I carry in the parade.

And, a side-by-side comparison, including the very inadequate straps and strap hooks. The straps suck in both cases, and the hooks broke the first time I put the straps on's something each person will have to look at and modify. If I come up with a way, I'll post it.

Gun number one sling:

Gun number two sling:

So, for those wanting all the toys in one shot, I would suggest gun number one. It has the sight that the ones in the series has, and is a nice-looking piece. It would also be good for those not requiring a "full-size" weapon...snipers, medics, etc.
For those desiring something a bit more "solid", the second version meets this bill quite well. The only drawback to this one is that the top sight is not included. It may be possible to get this separately, but I am not sure.

Both of these guns were purchased from eBay, and both ended up being right around $35.00 including shipping. If anyone does buy one from airsplat, would you be so kind as to post photos and details, so the rest of us can know?



Monday, December 4, 2006 6:18 PM


Ok, if no one has any objections (and if you do, please bring them up! We won't bite), let's go with 76TH INDEPENDENT BATTALION on the one side, and WE WILL HOLD THE LINE on the other. Price will be $10, just like our other lanyards. We need to order a number stamp set from our leather store. As soon as we receive it, we'll work one up and post a pic (as well as send one for the website). First lanyard will go to Tristan for his foresight and hard work. Everyone ok with that?

Now, how should we work out delivery? We have no problem sending it to anyone. However, we would like to keep this exclusively for those that are acutally marching. We will, of course, have a bunch with us at DragonCon, where they can either be picked up, or purchased. (An aside: Thank you WickedWren for inviting us to share your vendor table!! We do so appreciate it.)

If ya'll have any questions about this post, other things we could possibly make for the squad, or leatherworking in general, please let me know!

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 4, 2006 6:44 PM


Glad you like it, and glad I could help.

Okay, I know I've been the one pushing the rank issue, but I've done nothing to help break the ranks down. So, I give to you the US Army rank structure. For enlisted ranks I say we just use the Army's and just flip it (similar to Canada). Officer rank we can just leave as it is. For ease of rank, I'm skipping Specialist, Master Sergeant and Comand Sergeant Major, and I'm posting the rank symbols right side up. Our imaginations should allow for seeing them fliped.


E1 - Private (PV1) - No rank insignia

E2 - Private (PV2) -

E3 - Private First Class (PFC) -

E4 - Corporal (CPL) -

E5 - Sergeant (SGT) -

E6 - Staff Sergeant (SSG) -

E7 - Sergeant First Class (SFC) -

E8 - First Sergeant (1SG) -

E9 - Sergeant Major (SGM) -


O1 - 2nd Lieutenant (2LT) -

O2 - 1st Lieutenant (1LT) -

O3 - Captain (CPT) -

O4 - Major (MAJ) -

O5 - Lieutenant Colonal (LTC) -

O6 - Colonal (COL) -

O7 - Brigadier General (BG) -

O8 - Major General (MG) -

O9 - Lieutenant General (LTG) -

O10 - General (GEN) -

Since we're a Battalion, the CO would be either a LTC or a COL, the XO a CPT.


I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, December 4, 2006 6:58 PM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
Ok, if no one has any objections (and if you do, please bring them up! We won't bite), let's go with 76TH INDEPENDENT BATTALION on the one side, and WE WILL HOLD THE LINE on the other. Price will be $10, just like our other lanyards. We need to order a number stamp set from our leather store. As soon as we receive it, we'll work one up and post a pic (as well as send one for the website). First lanyard will go to Tristan for his foresight and hard work. Everyone ok with that?

Now, how should we work out delivery? We have no problem sending it to anyone. However, we would like to keep this exclusively for those that are acutally marching. We will, of course, have a bunch with us at DragonCon, where they can either be picked up, or purchased. (An aside: Thank you WickedWren for inviting us to share your vendor table!! We do so appreciate it.)

No objections at all, I prefer 76th Indepentent Battalion and I think that's a good quote to have. Good on you. Get me the pic as soon as you have it ready and I'll post it on the website along with a link to your page.

I'd kind of like to keep this lanyard for those of us that marched. It makes it more special, you know? Whether we do it by shipping them out or pick up at the Con would work for me.


I'll be in my bunk.


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 1:57 AM


I like both the 76th Independent Battalion name and the 'We Will Hold The Line' tagline. I also like the idea of only the people marching having the lanyard.

Ironically, I am doing some computer-based training this morning, and the section I came to while reading this thread has to do with AF military rankings.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia
Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be mandatory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 1:59 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Tristan:
Browncoat1, there was a debate about the guns, but I have two G36 airsoft guns at my house that I am going to be doing a photo-comparison of in the next few days. That one you posted is bang-on to what they had, but the G36 (rather than the CA36, which is what they used in the series) is a bit more affordable in the $30-$50 range. The one you found is very shiny, and if people want to go with it, that is great! I will be carrying one of the two that I have at the house now, though.

I should go ahead and mention that I am also going to design a cloth coat based as closely on the soldier's coats as I can. It will not be a necessity to purchase one from me (I am going to try to keep them as inexpensive as possible), but if we can keep close to the same look, that would be a good thing. I am also going to try to make a "smock" for those interested in going with just the vest and mail sleeves. It will take me a little while to design those. I have started on the vest and coat already, and plan on posting shots of the coat when I have one I am happy with.

Tristan, I think I will go with the one I posted above. I appreciate all of your efforts on researching the two G36 variants you purchased, but I really like the looks of the one I posted. Just glad I won't be ruffling any feathers in carrying a slightly different weapon.

I am definitely interested in the cloth coat you are making. Just keep us in the loop on the cost and construction. Soon as you are taking orders I will place one.

Do you have pix of the Polish helmet?


Originally posted by Sister:
Regarding all the questions about sidearms/etc; in my humble opinion, since much of what I've read on this and other boards indicates a lot of the backstory on the 'verse and particularly the war came from the Civil War/old west era; I think many of the battalions in the Independence Army probably brought with them small, familiar armaments from their home worlds like knives and handguns. They were probably issued weapons as well and as soldiers are wont to do in downtimes between battles or campaigns some of the personal armaments were perhaps wagered in games of chance? Just a thought and could be reason enough for some of us to have sidearms; others not?

I completely agree Sister. I am an avid reader/researcher of the War Between the States and I can say you are dead on about individual weaponry. Those who could afford it, armed themselves or were armed by loved ones and brought all manner of weapons with them when they entered the service. Knives, swords, pistols of all sorts, rifles, muskets, shotguns, whatever they could get to try to insure they made it home safely. Many tintypes exist that show soldiers from both sides proudly displaying knives, pistols, etc.

I find no reason to believe that an Independent army, formed by volunteers from border planets would be all that different. It could be that Mal's pistol was an individual weapon Mal either brought with him, was issued, or found on a dead soldier. I would think it highly likely that other browncoats carried personal weapons as well.

I think we should try to stay unified to a point on uniform and long arms, but that if individuals want to add sidearms, knives, etc, it should be okay. It would give us that frontier, individual feel of the browncoats. Unified for a purpose, but still individuals.

I would also like to ask about flags. Every unit on parade has flags. One for our country and one that is the units personal flag. Can't rightly march in a parade if we don't have flags, now can we? I figured we might consider an Independent flag as our national flag and then design something with a personal touch for battalion flag.

If I may be so bold as to suggest a "personalized" flag for the unit. These types of unit banners normally had the names of battles that the unit fought in. Here are a couple of examples from the WBtS:

[img] [/img]

[img] [/img]


Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 2:16 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Do you have pix of the Polish helmet?

The Polish one can be found here:

It's okay, but the far better choice is the Russian, which is here:


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
If I may be so bold as to suggest a "personalized" flag for the unit. These types of unit banners normally had the names of battles that the unit fought in.

It's a good idea. The guidon (pronounced guide-on) bearers would march at the front of the formation at either side of the CO. Battalion flags tend to be simpler in design now than they were back in the day, simply being the color of the specialty (blue for MI, red for maint/supply, ets.) with the unit's crest and number on them. There was a site somewhere that had the Independent Flag as a graphic, it was simply the triangle patch we know extended out into a rectangle. I've got the hookup on a patch guy but I'd have to do some digging to find a flag maker. And with only ordering a few (obviously not as easy to move as patches) costs will be way up.


I'll be in my bunk.


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 2:27 AM


The idea of a flag is a good one, although it means we need to come up with a more in-depth back-story for the unit than we currently have.

Things to consider are what battles would we have fought in (Du Khang amongst others), although this would partly depend on the time period that we're placing our costuming in.

Of course, the real important question is, who gets the honour / responsibility of being the unit flag bearer?


(Thx to Desktop Hippie for the banner)
If you find yourself getting too worked up about stuff that isn't real (RP Threads etc), then go outside, breathe in some fresh air and try feeding the ducks. (Because ducks don't care about your politics, religion, skin colour, choice of music or even your haircut. They like everyone, provided you bring them food.)


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 2:46 AM


OOOOoooo, you guys!! Will Dragon*Con EVER get here??!! You've all done SUCH wonderful work!
Tristan I have the M41a from Airsplat; since I'm happy to be just a basic private that's what I'll carry.
Regarding flags; at the end of the battle of Serenity Valley; I believe Zoe asks "what colors are they flying?" when the med-ships finally come. Since they are 'browncoats' I'd guess that the flag would be brown; possibly? How about the triangle design (with the blue star from the Firefly Companion Vol. I) as the main design top left? We could then add small one-square inch patches from each of the border worlds (oops, states? countries?) we're all from? and add to it as we add troops? In keeping with the Chinese feel to the show, that strip of patches could run vertically down either side. Just some suggestions..feel free to rip/bend/fold and mutilate!! Oh, good morning and happy Tuesday to all of you.


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 2:56 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

The Polish & Russian helmets look okay, but isn't the American helmet a better match:

[img] [/img]

[img] [/img]

I am familiar with the guidon (being former military). As per earlier discussion, I don't think we need to strictly adhere to current military doctrine when creating the 76th, as our unit is based 500 years in the future & on frontier worlds where the acceptable practices of Core worlds may not be observed.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 3:02 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Nicodemus:
The idea of a flag is a good one, although it means we need to come up with a more in-depth back-story for the unit than we currently have.

Things to consider are what battles would we have fought in (Du Khang amongst others), although this would partly depend on the time period that we're placing our costuming in.

Of course, the real important question is, who gets the honour / responsibility of being the unit flag bearer?

I don't think we need to be overly worried about backstory. It might be nice if we want to put something up on our shiny new site (thanks BWTP!) or if we decide to have a table at Dragon Con, hand out fliers, etc. Right now we are doing this for fun, love of the show, and to pimp our 'verse.

I think we can safely say that the 76th would have fought on Hera (Serenity Valley), Du Khang & Stirges. We could always make up names or pull them from what canon info we can find online or in the Companion books.

As far as who carries the flags, we could always hold a random drawing to see who gets the honor.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 4:03 AM


Morning, all!

BoomerGoodheart, thank you again for the lanyards...we are all looking forward to them!

I also agree that it would be nice that only the marchers got ahold of these, either through shipping or on-site. Makes it that much more special.

Alright, so long as we mostly look similar, alternate weapons, bags, etc. should be actively pursued. I am happy about me a chance to come across another sidearm I will be happy with! long as it is a flag and not a banner. We will be marching with the SEBC and I do not want us to be competing with them, if that makes any sense. But, as we are supposed to be a relatively new Battalion...not too bloodied yet...would it make more sense to put one or two battles rather than the major ones? Just my thoughts. As for design and such, I am a fan of the smaller "battle flags". Again, not really up on military terminology; I again defer to the military amongst us. I do like Sister's idea of having a unit flag somewhere that gets added to as time goes by. That would be shiny!

The helmets...BrownCoat1, the Russian design is close, and at $9.97, pretty affordable. If you can find a good rate on the US helmets with a decent stock, please let us know!

Ooh, random drawing to carry the flag...I like that and second the suggestion. A drawing amongst the 76th the morning of the parade. How does that sound? Something simple that we can manage to do early in the AM, though...before all brain cells are firing properly.







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