The Sereni-Tree, the Immortals, the Octagonal Order, and the Harbringer of Darkness, Part 2

UPDATED: Thursday, December 21, 2006 03:42
VIEWED: 20445
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:56 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
OOC: Anyone have any guide lines as to how Sir Luc is to progress? I could go wildly out of control writing for her... so much potential... but I don't want to trod upon anyone's toes or story arcs.

WYSB? TRM? SR? 13? Jazaf? Anyone??

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."

OOC: SR just wants to fight the good fight. It looks to me like we have a the X-men rock Helm's Deep sort of situation. Just go for it Safe. I can't claim anything in the way of control here. I can play off others, but I can't always hold a story on my own. I had idea and then I got writers block. So just run with it, as far as I'm concerned.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:19 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

In the words of the infamous Doctor Cox


We'll just fill in the craters


Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:15 AM


OOC: Allllrighty then. Amuk amuk amuk.

Sir Luc looks sideways at Ouroboros, “What can you possibly offer me when I can do this...” Sir Luc’s eyes shift to white and the flames on the sword give way to ice.

Planting the tip of the sword on the floor of the tower, Sir Luc draws the sword up and a column of ice follows the sword tip up rising seemingly from the floor of the tower. Sir Luc draws the sword abruptly away leaving the column of ice at about six feet in height.

She blows gently on the column; her breath showing like it was the middle of a cold winter day. The column shatters revealing the unconscious form of Krysta.

Sir Luc turns and looks at Ouroboros, frozen water vapour rising from the corners of her eyes. She smiles a toothy, predatory grin, “Well?”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:09 AM


Before Ouroboros can respond, a voice calls up from below.

“Sir Luc! It seems we are out numbered.”

Sir Luc looks down, “Since when has that bothered you before Kei?”

Sir Kei looks around at the amassed army, “Tis is more than even I am accustomed to.”

Sir Luc sighs loudly, rolling her eyes. “Must I do everything myself?” She mutters. Tapping into Kei’s ‘talent’, Luc calls the others weapons to her. One by one the Knight’s and visitors weapons and armor are wrenched out of their hands and float up to Sir Luc.

Her eyes shift to gold and she reaches out touching each item, imbuing it with magic to compliment each Knights power. Again accessing Kei’s power, Sir Luc sends the items back to the owners. All except Kei who remains in the ill-fitting, mismatched armor.

“Ummm, Sir Luc? Could I bother you to return my sword and armor?”

“You’ll do fine. Now you’ll know how if feels to be the weakest link.”

Ouroboros watches silently, taking in everything. The thing he find particularly curious is how Sir Luc’s appearance changes slightly, taking on minute characteristics of each person whose power she uses. She had grown in stature from using Kei’s power, her hair now had streaks of white from Krysta’s power, etcetera.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:03 PM



Tapping into Kei’s ‘talent’, Luc calls the others weapons to her. One by one the Knight’s and visitors weapons and armor are wrenched out of their hands and float up to Sir Luc.

Her eyes shift to gold and she reaches out touching each item, imbuing it with magic to compliment each Knights power. Again accessing Kei’s power, Sir Luc sends the items back to the owners.

SR looks at his cutlass, dagger, and sling, they appear unchanged.

"Hey what's the difference?" he yells up at Sir Luc and then remembers that Sir Luc's memories of him are not all "fond". He quickly looks down and places his hand on his forehead in a desperate attempt to cover his face. Sir Luc turns her gase in the direction of the shout and Snarky unschooled in human subtleties points to SR. "Here comes the pain." SR mutters under his breath with the thought that he now has Sir Luc's full attention and can not flee the Keep for it is completely surrounded.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, November 30, 2006 4:15 PM


OCC: Sorry for my delayed response here, been kinda hectic with last week's holiday.


"Sorry, McQ, but I have no clue. I just woke up myself a little while ago. The last memory in this head before that was from over 30 threads ago when we were landing on Black Diamond. But maybe we can find out. Would you like a drink?"

She stares more closely at him.

"CAN you drink?"

"Hmm.." the cyborg ponders for a moment. "Well, I am still half human so I do believe I can drink, although since it's been a while, I should probably try something with a little less kick to it."

He wanders over behind a nearby bar and finds a cold soda, pops it open and takes a sip. " this is something I've been missing!"

The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:16 PM


On the Sereni-Tree:

Ace also reaches behind the bar and pulls up a bottle of blue liquid. "Ah, this is more like it."

She fills a glass. "It has layers!" She downs it and fills another.

"Something to eat?" She points. "The kitchen is in there, unless they've changed things all around."

Ace, Bride1


Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:20 PM


At the summit of the besieged fortress of the Octagonal Order on the planet Zanzibar:

Ouroboros calmly watched Sir Luc demonstrate her might.

"Yes, Empress Lucretia, I can be of service. The great amount of magic power that you are channeling through your body will burn it out in time. Also, if someone kills you, then you will be dead. I can make you Immortal, like myself!"


Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:27 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
On the Sereni-Tree:

"Something to eat?" She points. "The kitchen is in there, unless they've changed things all around."

Ace, Bride1

in the kitchen Seryn, busy stirring the largest pot of custard known to man, looks up at the unfamiliar voice.

*throws guilty look at custard* "er..."

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Sunday, December 3, 2006 10:43 AM


In the Sereni-Tree's kitchen:

Ace looks at Seryn and her bowl.

"Well, look at this. Another new person that I don't know. Say, new person, do you think that you can spare some of that custard for a clone and a cyborg?"

Ace, Bride1


Sunday, December 3, 2006 10:52 AM


*fights the urge to use the 'eating for two' excuse*

"Sure, but i kinda have to warn you... its lime flavoured..."

*holds out bowls*

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Sunday, December 3, 2006 10:54 AM


Somewhere on the planet Zanzibar:

TheRealMe stares back nervously at the army of mishapen monsters.

"Well, Jake7, I'm experiencing a bit of Deja Vu, how about you?"

Why, he had not seen so many mutated creatures like this since that imaginary valley of Whitefall during the Madness of Arkham.

"And I didn't even bring my lightsaber!"

Then one of them steps forward from the horde. It looks like it is part human and part chicken.

"Hello," it says, "I'm Number 6. My friends and I would like to help bring down the Immortals."

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, December 3, 2006 2:51 PM


**Jake7 turns to look at TRM**

Yep, it sure does look familiar!

**she is startled when 6 speaks**

OOC: if I don't respond for a while, feel free to move my character around. I got notice today which appears that my "landlord" wants me to move out (he *was* a friend - platonic) and I don't know where I'm going. I may end up homeless if my parents don't take me in -- which is why I'm living here to begin with. So, if you don't hear from me in a while, it's because I haven't had access to a computer.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Sunday, December 3, 2006 7:07 PM


OOC: Oh, I am so terribly sorry Jake7! I hope things work out well for you!


Monday, December 4, 2006 4:17 AM


OOC: Thanks, TRM, I apprecicate it!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Monday, December 4, 2006 6:52 PM


"Well, looks like it's time to see a man about a charm. Come on Duece, I have to speak with Magnus."


Planting the tip of the sword on the floor of the tower, Sir Luc draws the sword up and a column of ice follows the sword tip up rising seemingly from the floor of the tower. Sir Luc draws the sword abruptly away leaving the column of ice at about six feet in height.

She blows gently on the column; her breath showing like it was the middle of a cold winter day. The column shatters revealing the unconscious form of Krysta.

Jazaf turns to the Baroness and asks, "Um.. Who is the knight on that Parapet?"
"That is Sir Lucretia." She says with concern in her voice. "A mad alchemist who goes by Wisp imbued her with the powers of the Immortals."
Jazaf and Duece head outside only to encounter a massive army and it's general, Karg the Bloody. Karg instantly recognizes Jazaf and shouts as he approaches.
"Ho! Jazaf the Fool, Arinda told us of your return. Come to try and defeat us again? It did not end well for you last time and it will end worse for you today!"
Karg charges, Jazaf motions Duece to attack Karg from the right. Karg makes a series of quick gestures and holds his right hand in the direction of Deuce.
Karg leaps from his mount, which is more than grateful for the rest, and with his left arm brings down the sword onto Jazaf. Jazaf manages to block but the force of the blow creates a small crater beneath him. Deuce leaps in with a flurry of swings but her katana is deflected by an invisible barrier.
"Still fond of your barriers I see." Jazaf says through clenched teeth.
"But there is so much more for me to show you." Karg replies. He makes several more gestures with his right hand and knocks Deuce backwards. He then begins to chant and swing his sword with both hands. Jazaf does his best to counter the blows but Karg's arms seem to pick up momentum making it harder to block.
Eventually Karg's sword gets through Jazaf's defenses and takes off Jazaf's left arm. Jazaf cries out in pain and Karg drops back to gloat.
"You see? I have grown beyond just the barriers, my skills have become so powerful you cannot possibly contend with me."
Jazaf grits his teeth and glares at Karg.
"But there are still secrets I know about you Karg."
"Such as?"
"For starters," Jazaf's severed arm flies back into place, bones reknit and muscle repairs,"you still haven't found my soul. and secondly..." Jazaf rushes forward, placing a hand on Karg's breastplate he reshapes the armor to produce large spikes on the wearer's side. Karg jerks violently as spikes pierce his thighs, shoulders, chest, and neck. Jazaf removes his hand and Karg slumps to the floor. Deuce jogs up to her sensei, "Are you allright, Sensei?"
"I'm fine. What about you? Karg's barriers tend to leave large welts."
"Nothing I can't walk off!" she says as cheerful as ever.
Jazaf chuckles and turns to Sir Luc on the Parapet.
"Sir Luc, would you do an Old Knight a favor and summon Magnus the Maker?"
"Why? I have access to his powers, I can do anything that he can." she replies indignantly.
"Please, he has some things that hold sentimental value to me and items that could turn the tide of this struggle."
Sir Luc ponders the thought, Ouroborous points out, "See how he distrusts you? He knows of your ablilites yet he wants it his way."

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Monday, December 4, 2006 7:12 PM


SR, having found a bow and a quiver of arrows from the wall sends arrow after arrow to give cover to Jazaf and Duece.

"Fall back! we can not leave the gate open any longer and you will be overwhelmed in the open!" Cries the Baroness "Magnus is within, as you should be, Fall back!"

Snarky looks to SR who gives him a quick nod and Snarky quickly pulls the release pin free on a nearby trebuchet sending a boulder the size of a trash dumpster into the hordes the surrounding army. SR notes the carnage it creates and watches how quickly the ranks close and in five seconds it was if the boulder had never struck.

"plenty of job security here.' He mutters under his breath as he ducks back as a rain of arrows sails into the keep.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 12:19 AM


*JadeHand stands on the astral plane, completely unaware of the recent goings-on on Zanzibar, and the Tree. *

"Again! JHMFC!....Fine!"

*JadeHand stumbles off into the distance, He knows what lies ahead, but is pretty much paralyzed with not caring very much.*

"Let's get this over with. I've got a tonne of Nothing to do."

*, days, pass as he floats in the pychic plane, the mind of Mel. Oh the horror. The mind is so surpremely different. Is it the fact he's an elf, or does the insanity have something to do with it? "Push the button!" *

*as JadeHand roams another realm, he plots out his dreams and fears for the near future, he's been here so often, he's almost bored.*

"yeah yeah, "save the souls of those you've used." Why bother? those who used me didn't..... Forget it!"

*He stops in the middle of his work. He focuses...concentrates..... and wakes up in his room, back on the Tree. His thoughts fail to become complete, he sits up, stands, walks to his bag, withdraws a pad, and starts to scribble...*

"What!?!? I'm already completely nutters, like this will hurt."

*Slapping a name tag to his chest, his hair grows, long slick boots form on his feet, he pulls a bottle from his hip and drinks so deeply from it that you might think it was a woman. He lifts the patch over his eye and stares into the mirror at BlackJackRackham.*

"Hey Brother! Welcome home!, Let's see what's happening on board. Might have some business to take care of off-world."

*The door slips open, and BlackJackRackham stalks down the hallway to the common room, and the kitchen.... he's bloody hungry.*

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 12:23 AM


bowl of custard in hand, Seryn wanders up to the bridge, using the ojimmiflips and whatnot she trains a camera on the keep and watches SR trying to make a dent in the enemy forces.

Very worried, she quickly runs off around the ship, finds the ingredients hse need, loads as much as she can on to the Nandi, and fly's the ship remotely down to SR.

SR, runs to the fighter as it lands a while later, and reads the note taped to the inside of the lid thing "Greek fire - burns a lot, recipie on reverse, careful around matches. Included bowl of custard for you, 'case you get hungry, lots of love, Seryn xxx"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 5:19 AM


TRM Quote:
Ouroboros calmly watched Sir Luc demonstrate her might.

"Yes, Empress Lucretia, I can be of service. The great amount of magic power that you are channeling through your body will burn it out in time. Also, if someone kills you, then you will be dead. I can make you Immortal, like myself!"

“You can make ME?!?!” Sir Luc’s eyes shift to violet. “Why would I need you when I can just take that information from inside your head?”

Sir Luc is interrupted by a S.R.’s shout from below. "Hey what's the difference?"

Tapping Sir Wil’s talent of extraordinary sight, she scans the area. “YOU!” she says laying eyes on S.R. “You can fend for yourself. You’ll get what you deserve later.”

Another voice calls out.

Jazaf Quote:
"Sir Luc, would you do an Old Knight a favor and summon Magnus the Maker?"

"Why, Do I look like a cursed genie??? I have access to his powers, I can do anything that he can." she replies indignantly.

"Please, he has some things that hold sentimental value to me and items that could turn the tide of this struggle."

As Sir Luc ponders the thought, Ouroborous points out, "See how he distrusts you? He knows of your abilities yet he wants it his way."

“Enough! Stop all the chatter!” Sir Luc screams. Her eyes shift to blue and dark storm clouds gather overhead. Lightening flashes and the wind picks up.

Her hair billowing in the wind, Sir Luc’s eyes flash through the colours as she accesses each power.

Violet: Amongst the hoard small groups turn upon each other.
Blue: Lightening strikes the ground, scattering orc like bodies.
White: The gathering moisture in the air form into fist sized hail stones.
Green: The earth at the base of the Keeps wall peels back onto the hoard creating a moat.
Orange: The moat fills with lava belching flames skywards.
Black: ...

Sir Luc turns to Ouroboros, her eyes still black, and smiles revealing sharp canine teeth: red flames flash briefly behind her eyes.

“You were right, they all want something, yet they fear me.” She pauses to puzzle out this new development. “And why is it that I find it so... exhilarating?” She smiles again, this time the canine aspect is more pronounced.

As Ouroboros watches, Sir Luc’s countenance slowly reverts back to normal. All except the teeth. As she turns to survey the battle, he notices a small patch on the side of her neck. It looked like a metallic spider web.


“You want to see interesting?” Sir Luc’s eyes shift back to the rainbow hue as she stares intently at the air before her. Reaching out she plucks at the air, again drawing her hand back trailing smoke which coalesces as Magnus.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 6:15 AM


Jazaf and Duece fall to the ground as chaos erupts around them.
"I'm ready to go back inside now." Deuce says
They start to head back until the ground opens up and fills with Lava.
"Well, crud." Jazaf mutters. "Duece, help me carry Karg over hear. I'm gonna make us a bridge."
With Karg in position Jazaf extends Karg's armor to span the width of the moat, with Karg in the middle. Jazaf and Deuce quickly cross leaving Karg stranded hanging above the lava. Jazaf races for the Parapet, making sure to thank S.R. for providing cover fire.
He reahes the top of the Parapet just after Magnus appears.
The pudgy man spins around confused and scared.
Fear gives way to concern when he sees not one but two familiar faces.
"Magnus! A pleasure to see you again!"
"I'm afraid I can't say the same Jazaf."
"No matter, I believe you're holding a few things of mine so if you don't mind."
Before Magnus can protest Jazaf begins to sift through the assortment of medallions, pendants, and charms.
"Ah ha! There they are." Jazaf pulls out two medallions and a pendant. "I knew you wouldn't have seen them. You're too scared to take anything off, why I'd wager you haven't bathed for quite some time. Of course you have a charm against odors don't you?"
"What do you and Ouroborous plan to do?" Magnus asks.
"Ouroborous? I hadn't seen him here." Jazaf furrows his brow. "In that case, I'll need..." Once again he goes fishing for charms. "This one." The charm is shaped like a serpent, Jazaf toss it to Sir Luc. She catches it and looks at Jazaf blankly.
"No doubt you've seen what great power can do, Sir Luc. That charm is to help you see into the truth of matters."
"Why did you give her that? It's.." Magnus whispers.
"I know it's not enchanted, if she truly does have everyone's abilites she can see how obvious my lie is, but Ouroborous doesn't." Jazaf whispers back.
Jazaf heads back downstairs, "So how'd it go?" Deuce asks.
"Pretty well." Jazaf hangs a Pendant around his neck, it's in the shape of a sheath with no sword. He tosses a medallion to Deuce and the other to S.R.
"S.R. that medallion will show you where the Immortals keep their souls, with it"
"With it gone the Immortals will become mortal, got it." S.R. heads off
"Deuce you medallion.."
"Allready got it Sensei." Deuce says as she begins to hover above the ground. "It's gonna be useful for those hard-to-reach areas."

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:03 AM



Very worried, she (Seryn) quickly runs off around the ship, finds the ingredients she needs, loads as much as she can on to the Nandi, and fly's the ship remotely down to SR.

SR, runs to the fighter as it lands a while later, and reads the note taped to the inside of the lid thing "Greek fire - burns a lot, recipie on reverse, careful around matches. Included bowl of custard for you, 'case you get hungry, lots of love, Seryn xxx"

"Cool Greek Fire! Oh custard, (shrug)." SR quick sets Snarky to off loading the ingredients while he turns on the Com-link to the Tree.
"Thanks for the stuff love. I'll be in as soon as I'm done cleaning up the castle. If it's not too much trouble could you do a few quick strafing runs with the Nandi on the way back to the Tree?"


Tapping Sir Wil’s talent of extraordinary sight, she scans the area. “YOU!” she says laying eyes on S.R. “You can fend for yourself. You’ll get what you deserve later.”

Another voice calls out.

Jazaf Quote:
"Sir Luc, would you do an Old Knight a favor and summon Magnus the Maker?"

"Why, Do I look like a cursed genie??? I have access to his powers, I can do anything that he can." she replies indignantly.

"Please, he has some things that hold sentimental value to me and items that could turn the tide of this struggle."

As Sir Luc ponders the thought, Ouroborous points out, "See how he distrusts you? He knows of your abilities yet he wants it his way."

“Enough! Stop all the chatter!” Sir Luc screams. Her eyes shift to blue and dark storm clouds gather overhead. Lightening flashes and the wind picks up.

"Damn Prima Donna," mutters SR under his breath, "If you don't stop bloody grandstanding and get with the bloody program we're all going to get all very irreparably dead whether we deserve it or not."


Originally posted by Jazaf:
He (Jazaf) tosses a medallion to Deuce and the other to S.R.
"S.R. that medallion will show you where the Immortals keep their souls, with it"
"With it gone the Immortals will become mortal, got it." S.R. heads off
"Deuce you medallion.."
"Allready got it Sensei." Deuce says as she begins to hover above the ground. "It's gonna be useful for those hard-to-reach areas."

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny

SR realises as he puts the medalion arround his neck that he will be the only person on Zanzibar to know the location of Sir Lucresia's soul should she choose to be immortal. A grim smile crosses his face as he understands the sort of 'leverage" he will have if Sir Luc decides to be nasty after the battle is over. With the location of the dreamers stone in his head and the medalion around his neck he has the feeling that he has not just one but two brass rings in his pocket, if he can just stay alive.

He quickly mixes the greek fire and sets it aflame and aloft as the trebuchet slings it over the keep's wall and into the screaming hordes.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:08 AM


OOC: Sorry I got confused yesterday when I had the Baroness claim that Magnus was inside the keep. She might just have said that as a aceptable lie to get Duece and Jazaf back into the keep. Regardless I aplogise.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:37 AM


*in the Common Room, Serenity begins decorating for the annual Christmas party. She's pulled out all the decorations she can find, including last year's aluminum tree made by Jazaf (which someone was clever enough to save) since PsychicRiver is still nowhere to be seen. She begins stringing lights around the balconies and stocks the CD player with Christmas albums.*

Anyone want to help me decorate the tree?

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 12:06 PM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Anyone want to help me decorate the tree?

Soul wanders into the common room carrying Sera.

"Sure. I've got nothing else to do. Next off-ship adventure, I am SO going!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 1:03 PM


Oh, well, I'm sorry that being a husband and father isn't enough for you! I'm sorry that I've been so inconsiderate as to give birth to your child!

How was that? Convincing?

You know as soon as little Sera's old enough to be without me for awhile, I'm going on adventures, too. Motherhood is absolutely wonderful, but I miss all the fun we used to have. My blades are getting rusty!

Remember the EI's? Those were good times.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 1:40 PM


Zanzibar: siege of the octagonal order's keep. SR surveys the results of his first few flings of greek fire. "Barbeque Orc ribs, legs and thighs." He muses then takes a sip of his hip flask. "It will thin their numbers, but it's not even a percentage." He say as he offers the flask to Jazaf.
"What is it?"
"Greek fire."
"I know that, I meant the flask."
"Kool aid with just a touch of Vodka." SR replies and leaves the flask in Jazaf's hand as he helps Snarky crank and reload a trebuchet.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 1:45 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Remember the EI's? Those were good times.

"Ooooh! What was EI's? Sounds interesting."

Seryn wanders into the room holding what looks like a giant remote control held together with gaffa tape, one thumb making sweeping movements accross the control widget, as she starts to pick up baubles and hang them off branches with the other hand.

Down on Zanzibar, the Nandi lift off and does a couple of graceful sweeps, harrying the hoards that wern't already on fire, but then starts going bonkers, twitching and flitting about, and making more than a few or the hoard members squeal and wet them selves with its nosediving antics.

"So, I was thinking about christmas shopping, but with bump makeing is presence felt, and you having Sera to get around, and not to mention all the trouble we had last time we went shopping, i was wondering if you wanted to get together one evening and, over several cups of tea, have a marathon Ebay session. I ear they now have at least one of every product ever made on there now. It's achieved what the Alliance never did anyway..."

*hangs a pair of sparkly blue baubles off her ears*

"What do you think? Do they suit me?"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 4:20 PM


I'd love to help decorate for Christmas.
How about some pretty old fashioned popcorn strings?
That is assuming we still have a popcorn popper. I think the last one may have bit the dust after the wiring went all wonky last year?

"Don't chew on tin foil unless you like that feeling."


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:18 PM


On the planet Zanzibar:

TheRealMe takes the blood of the Immortal Alatariel that was collected by chicken-man Number 6 and puts it into the soul jar detecting device fashioned by Jadehand. The compass-like arrow on its top spins, then points to the north.

OOC: No, the industrial strength popcorn machine is still in the kitchen.

The Enemy Invaders aka Evil Invaders WERE rather nasty, as I recall. But Serenity dropped a bomb down their smoke stack, or something like that.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:49 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Remember the EI's? Those were good times.

Down on Zanzibar, the Nandi lift off and does a couple of graceful sweeps, harrying the hoards that wern't already on fire, but then starts going bonkers, twitching and flitting about, and making more than a few or the hoard members squeal and wet them selves with its nosediving antics.

"If you ever decide to open up with the Nandi's weaponry, it would be all right dear." SR mutters knowing full well she can't hear him. "A fighter pilot who doesn't know how to strafe, I guess I'll just have to learn to live with her imperfections, if I live." SR decides that this moment of questionable survival will be a good time to discover what custard tastes like. "It's not bad, tastes like..., Oh Bloody Hell!" he quickly runs to the edge of the battlement and amidst a flurry of arrows, slung stones and darts, he pushes back a storming ladder that had just appeared. "It's my custard get your own, you bastiges!" At this moment a arrow knocks the custard bowl out of his hand, down into the inner courtyard of the keep where it smashes into a mess.
"Now you guys are going to get it! I'm here to eat custard and defend this castle and I'm all out of custard!" Another ladder appears on the wall's edge this time a orc is over the edge and on the wall before SR can send the ladder back. "Sorry it's a private party, no admittance without a invitation." SR lops off the orc's head and kicks the body over the side. He pitches the head at the next orc coming over the wall. The second orc stunned loses his balance and falls off the ladder.
"Jazaf, Snarky, Baroness, DUECE! We have company, Let's not be moping in our rooms now, come out and play. It's not their fault the're orcs!"

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:15 PM


"Holy crap, Sensei! You picked up your freakin' arm and stuck it back on! How does THAT happen?"

From the walls, ScorpionRegent called for help.

"Right! Later!"

Deuce drew both of her magically enhanced swords and dashed up the series of catwalks to the top of the walls. With great skill, the blades whirled about her, slicing up everything within reach. Goblins and trolls fall back from the edge of the wall.



Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:37 PM


In the Keep of the Octagonal Order on the planet Zanzibar:

At the highest point, Ouroboros smiles at Sir Luc. "Oh, Empress Lucretia, I have no doubt that you possess the sheer magical might to rip your soul from your body. Heh. Also, I have no doubt that you could take knowledge from my mind. But technique? Subtlety? I have made others Immortal. It is not something to try on yourself by way of experimentation, and without absolute control. It is a task to be done with a scalpel, not a two-handed sword. Do you have such fine control of your own power?"

Meanwhile, Sir Elaine and Sir Morgana each lead troops of men at arms (and women at arms) to the defense of the wall. Sir Wil takes a position in one of the highest towers, leading a gang of archers who snipe unerringly at the leaders of the invading force.

Also, an old, tired Sir Devan climbs up to the pinnacle where Sir Luc hovers, god-like.

And in the distance can be heard the faint wails and howls of the approaching Great Project of Alatariel as it buninates the countryside, a creature that is part dragon, part human, and part demon.


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:54 PM


(ooc - i don't know why, but I decided when i wrote that that you couldn't use the nandi's weaponry without actually being in the Nandi - something about two powerful a plot device without any added danger? but if you want strafing, my dear, you get strafing.)

Still hanging baubles and nervously watching Mai start up the popcorn machine (i distantly remeber someone fixing it) Seryn realises one of the buttons on the remote isn't working properly - no sastisfying little click when she presses it.
"Oh it would have to be the ruddy cannon wouldn't it..." Using the wire hook from a bauble she fiddles around a bit and reconnects the button, and watches on her tiny grainy screen as short but devastating blasts set the orcs to running for their lives again.

Then she changes the blue sparkly bauble earrings for purple sparkly, and starts hanging tinsel in swathes over the tops of doors (a masterful accomplishment with one hand)(the sectret is sticky hooks)

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:33 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
The Enemy Invaders aka Evil Invaders WERE rather nasty, as I recall. But Serenity dropped a bomb down their smoke stack, or something like that.

That's right! Saved us all, I did!

See? Good times!

*helps Mai with the popcorn machine, as she has no fear of kitchen appliances*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:36 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp stood on the castle walls bombarding the hoards below with his exoskeletons weaponry. Although it was effective it just wasnt enough against their numbers. They were taking out huge numbers but the army still had troops as far as the eye could see.

Wisp decided that he should take drastic action. In a single bound he leapt from the castle walls into a dense group of orcs approaching with ladders strafing himself a landing spot as he careered toward the ground. Upon impact the monsters around him were stunned at the iron beast and were at first afraid to approach. Wisp took this opportunity to extend to sword like beams of light from either of his hand like appertures and began to hack into the army with great ferocity. His small weapons destroying enemys at medium range while his blades hacked through anything close. His cannon on his back seemingly independantly taking down large targets at range.


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:30 AM


In the keep of the Octagonal Order on the planet Zanzibar:

Old Sir Devan reaches the peak of the highest tower. He somehow ignores the spectacle of the god-like Sir Luc in the company of no less than three Immortals, and moves to view the sight of the battle far below.

"Well, it seems that we have seen the return of Sir Jazaf, the Soulless Knight, the one Arinda tried to turn against us. My, our number would be complete, now, if only that fool Fesai was not such a fool."

He turns to face Sir Luc. "Hello, Sir Luc. Or should I call you Empress like that toady next to you? Do you really want to go through life without a soul?"

"It's not so bad, really," Magnus the Gold offers.


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:42 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Still hanging baubles and nervously watching Mai start up the popcorn machine (i distantly remeber someone fixing it) Seryn realises one of the buttons on the remote isn't working properly - no sastisfying little click when she presses it.
"Oh it would have to be the ruddy cannon wouldn't it..." Using the wire hook from a bauble she fiddles around a bit and reconnects the button, and watches on her tiny grainy screen as short but devastating blasts set the orcs to running for their lives again.

The Nandi does three erratic strafeing runs and breaks off to return to the tree. The for a brief moment the wall is clear.
"What in the name of all the gods and goddesses was that?" asks a soldier in awe.
"That's my girl." replies SR. The soldier looks at SR in horror.
"I meant that's my girl controling it." the soldier's look changes to something more like hostile suspicion.
"So you are techno-heretics?"
"If you are saying we're unwelcome, we can take our toys and go home."
"No, the heat of battle is not the time and place to stand in judgement of one allies."
"Fair enough then let's just call it appropriate technology for now and be about our business shall we."
"Kool aid?"

SR Runs down from the wall and begins to make smaller Greek fire molotov cocktails for the close defence of the walls.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 5:06 AM


Sir Kei joins Jazaf, S.R., deuce and the others on the wall.

Tapping S.R. on the shoulder, "T'would seem you have incurred Sir Luc's wrath as well."

Sir Kei casually plucks an Orc off the ladder an flings it back down at the other Orcs. He looks back up at the tower and Sir Luc and sighs.

"I know not what I have done to incur her wrath. She has always been... intense."

Back on the tower;

Sir Luc's eyes soften at the sight of her mentor, and her features revert to normal... briefly.

Looking at Ouroboros and considering his words, excitement flared through her. Being an immortal... it was what she had always dreamed of, but then...

She looks back at Sir Devan who holds out his hand to her.

That hand offered warmth and sanity...

Sir Luc holds her hands over her ears, throws her head back and screams. "Stop it!!"

Dropping her hands to her sides, she lowers her head. Her eyes snap open. The rainbow hue has returned but this time veins of silver creep across the surface of her eyes. The canine teeth have returned as well as pointed ears and the metallic spider web has grown to cover the whole back of her neck.

An evil smile steals across her face and she leans in close to Sir Devan. "You... are more than you appear to be."

Straightening, Sir Luc leaps off the tower into the hoard.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 5:50 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Sir Kei joins Jazaf, S.R., deuce and the others on the wall.

Tapping S.R. on the shoulder, "T'would seem you have incurred Sir Luc's wrath as well."

He looks back up at the tower and Sir Luc and sighs.

"I know not what I have done to incur her wrath. She has always been... intense."

"I can't speak for you, but I always seem to be bringing out the ..., intensity in women. I alway admired Sir Luc, though I never had a chance to tell her." SR snatches up a crude flail dropped by a dead orc and strikes down another invader. "Sod off! This is a private converstation." he speaks again to Sir Kei. "In the past my methods were, at best, questionable." SR lights a greek fire molotov and hurls it off the wall squarely hitting a gang of orcs rushing a ladder towards the wall. The ladder catches fire as does it's crew. "YES!!! That's why I was never knighted, inspite of the many things I acomplished here." SR spins the flail over his head and slamms it down on the back of the skull of a orc that had driven a defending soldier to his knees. "I'll may die without telling her. So should I fall, let her know, that is if she ever is herself again." SR retrieves a fallen shield and put's it to good use. "Not now, I'm busy." His flail sweeps the legs out from under another orc and SR brings down the shield on it's neck dispatching it. "Oh darling I'm going to die here with the taste of your custard on my tongue."
"What's that?" Cries Sir Kei.
"Nothing, nothing."

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:26 AM


(ooc -

Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
"Oh darling I'm going to die here with the taste of your custard on my tongue."

Yes! I knew just saying the word custard enough would eventually yield amusing results!)

Seryn tinsel hung, tree decorated, the popcorn machine rumbling ominously in the background, sit and peruses the recipies for egg-nogg.

"So what is this stuff, and how is it possible that at the same time it manages to sound both absolutely repulsive and very intriguing?

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:44 PM


On the planet Zanzibar at the keep of the Octagonal Order:

With a roar, a massive figure leaps onto the castle wall from below. He is at least eight feet tall, with a physique so heavily muscled that he appears deformed. Cuts and severe burns all over his naked body are slowly healing. It is the Immortal Karg the Bloody after abandoning the impressive plate armor that Jazaf ruined. Weaponless, with empty-handed punches and kicks, he casually smacks defenders from the wall with his unmatched strength. All blades seem to slip off his bare skin.

The petite Sir Elaine runs along the wall to face him, spinning her two-handed greatsword above her head. Her attacks against him are as quick as lightning. Four blows hit before Karg can react in any way. Only one of those draws blood, however, and then only just. It begins to heal.

Karg’s cruel laughter echoes off the castle walls. “Fool! You cannot harm me past my protective spells!”

“True,” Elaine agrees. “Everyone knows that you only wore that armor to spare us the sight of your body.” She smirks at him and shakes her head. “Speaking of which, I’d really expect such a big man to be… bigger…”

Karg roars in anger and charges toward her. With an inhuman leap, the small woman soars high above his head. As she falls, he makes ready to catch her, eyes intent upon her massive sword.

With Karg distracted by her sword, Elaine reaches into a belt pouch as she falls and throws an object at Karg’s great chest. An inky black goo splatters against him, sticking tightly. At a gesture from Elaine, the black goo comes alive, swarming up to Karg’s face to block his eyes. Karg bellows as he struggles in vain to uncover his eyes, but the strange substance continues to move as if alive.

Still falling, Elaine mutters a piercing spell and her greatsword crackles with magic. When it impacts Karg’s shoulder, it has magic and the entire weight of Elaine’s small body behind it. About a third of the length of that blade impales Karg’s body, and he bellows again, this time in pain. Elaine leaves the sword in Karg, and mutters another spell as she drops to her feet. A Dannic rune inscribed on the sword sparks and the blade glows red-hot, then white-hot, as it burns into the blinded giant.

Elaine throws herself to the stone slabs atop the castle wall and lashes out with her feet. Even a monster like Karg has nerve pressure points. His knees begin to give way. Then she spins while prone, and topples her foe off the wall down onto his troops far below. Karg curses as he falls, while Elaine’s greatsword melts its way into his chest cavity.

The weary woman performs a back-flip to regain her feet. “That should slow him down, but I’ll surely miss that sword!” She draws a pair of daggers from her belt and continues fighting against lesser opponents.


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:16 PM


*20 buckets of popcorn later...

Perfect! That should be just enough to decorate the tree.

Now what shall we put on the top?


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:18 PM


On the planet Zanzibar at the keep of the Octagonal Order:

SR observes carefully the fight between Karg and Sir Elaine. He is particularly interested if the amulet Jazaf gave him will reveal where Karg hides his soul.

OOC: All right now somebody who feels they know Karg better than I do tell me what SR saw.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 5:00 PM


((i know i'd mentioned i had plans for the soul jars, but i'm so swamped at work lately with the move that i don't really have time to write it go crazy with it ;D))


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 6:45 PM



Originally posted by mai:
*20 buckets of popcorn later...

Perfect! That should be just enough to decorate the tree.

Now what shall we put on the top?

*Ath sits on the couch, licking his fingers, surrounded by 20 empty buckets.*

"Coulda used some more butter."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:20 PM


"Magnus! Do you remember what my name was before I became bored with immortality? Before the Knights rose to end our tryannical reign? Before Karg dubbed me 'The Fool'?" Jazaf shouts. Not caring if Magnus heard or answered, Jazaf leaps off the wall to join Wisp on the battlefield. During the descent his eyes go gray as he taps into his full array of skills, enemy weapons bent and impaled or cut into their wielders. Jazaf hit the ground swinging slaying the wounded orcs below. He picked up a fallen sword and altered it to cover his left arm. Then he gathered all the metal objects near him into a pile and stood on top.
'Jazaf, the Metal Beast' Jazaf thinks to himself.
The metal he stood on covered Jazaf in an instant, quickly becoming a second skin. He soon became a featurless metal humanoid. Razor edges appeared on the length of his forearms and shins, his feet and the fingers on his hands became pointed. His face changed last, the form it took resembled a wolf. With the changes made Jazaf entered the battle to begin the slaying anew.

Deuce whistled in awe. "Neat trick." She quickly went back into action, laying waste to any orc that managed to breach the castle walls. She stopped and looked at her medallion, "Time to follow suit!" She leaps off the wall, knowing full well that if her plan didn't work it would be the end of her. Deuce closes her eyes and wills the medallion to work as she did when she first got it. She opens her eyes to find herself soaring over the battlefield.
"Sweet and without the water from that other world!"
She flies back to the wall and cuts apart any ladder that wasn't torched by S.R.'s Greek Fire.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 10:21 PM



*Ath sits on the couch, licking his fingers, surrounded by 20 empty buckets.*

How did you do that?! I just made all of that 2 minutes ago...

Just for that you get to make the new batches with the crazy, tempremental popcorn popper and string them all by hand! Get busy you've got a 10 foot tree to decorate.


Thursday, December 7, 2006 12:24 AM


*watches Ath approach the popcorn maker through her fingers*

"Oh i can't watch!"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Thursday, December 7, 2006 12:33 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
SR observes carefully the fight between Karg and Sir Elaine. He is particularly interested if the amulet Jazaf gave him will reveal where Karg hides his soul.

OOC: All right now somebody who feels they know Karg better than I do tell me what SR saw.

OOC: I think that Karg would hide his soul in a sword, helmet, or piece of armor somewhere. Zorander the Storm Caller would hide his in the wind on some mountaintop. Adelle the Burner in the heart of a volcano. That sort of thing.

But none would be particularly easy to get to. Otherwise the benefits of being Immortal would be too easy to cancel. Karg's sword, for example, would never be something he would take into battle. It might be a well-guarded ceremonial blade on the altar of a temple to some war god. Or a simple-seeming blade buried with some knight. And there is no reason that the keepers of the blade would know of its importance.

Or, the soul jar might have a fierce guardian, or be hidden in some other dimension or on another world.

So, was Jazaf a Knight of the Octagonal Order who was made Immortal, or an Immortal who became a Knight? Or were all the Immortals once Knights of the Order? If he was an Immortal, then what was his color? Jazaf the Grey?






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