The 76th Independent Battalion (Part 5)

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:56
VIEWED: 13680
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Sunday, December 10, 2006 6:31 PM


Greetings! This is the discussion thread for the newly-formed 76th Independent Battalion. We are planning on marching in the DragonCon parade as a Battalion of Independent soldiers.
Last threads:

And our new website (thanks, BWTP!):

We have a patch!

I'll see if I can get all of the relevant data in this first post...

We have agreed that it is important to be at least somewhat uniform in appearance...vests, coat or smock, helmet, and least close in pants, shirts, and boots. There are two basic uniforms that we can see, and have broken them down as follows:

Type A...basically use Mal as a model. The major item of this uniform is the long coat.

Type B....use Zoe as a model. The vest is worn over a smock-type tunic, and the mail sleeves are visible.

As the war progressed, the Independents seem to have become very hodge-podge...I was aiming for a relatively new group...haven't really had their edges dulled too far yet. On thing we have agreed on is the weapons. Those will be covered below.
Here are other photos from the series that we are basing the costumes from:

A similar pair of pants that most of the soldiers seem to have worn can be found here:

These are the pants I used for my Mal costume...all that needs to be done is a bit of hemming and adding the stripe down the side. You don't have to use these pants, but they are the closest within a decent price range.

Tristan is designing one now:

I have decided to go with the simple three-line pattern to make the vest more generic as well as quicker and easier to construct.

Overcoat and "smock".
Tristan is currently working on a pattern for both the overcoat and for the smock worn under the vest for those opting for the mail sleeves.

Chainmail Sleeves:
Artcat is testing out these directions and will be making chainmail sleeves on a limited basis, possibly making a make your own sleeves kit available if there is enough interest.

BabyWithThePower has found an inexpensive Russin helmet that looks very good:
They are currently out of stock, but BWTP will let us know when they re-stock.
The idea has also been suggested that the "Specialists" (snipers, demolitionists, etc) wear either soft caps or scarves,head-wraps rather than helmets. This is an acceptable alternative. If you have a question about whether or not to wear a helmet, contact either myself (Tristan) ot BabyWithThePower)

Not really a problem. Mid-calf or knee high boots. Shades of brown would be good.
BabyWithThePower has this to say regarding boots:

As for the boots, wear them around the house if need be, just wear them. Also, get yourself a pair of wool socks. You can get ‘boot socks’ at any Army/Navy Surplus for a buck or two. If you wear gym socks you will likely blister. Keep that in mind. I found a couple of cool boots for those interested.
This is the pair I’m getting:

And some others:

It has also been decided to use blue scarves for the comissioned officers, green for the non-comissioned officers, and red for the enlisted.

Belts, ammo packs, backpacks, etc:
Look around. A brown belt isn't hard to come by, and holsters are relatively easy to find. SAXON has a large number of holsters available. for more info.
Tristan may also be creating a leather shoulder-bag for those that are interested. More on that as it develops.

Patches can be found here:
AND will has fully embroidered Independent patches. The star is a navy blue, which is the color in the Firefly Companion book.
We have decided to wear the Independent patch on our right shoulder, and the 76th patch on the left shoulder.

Gloves: Up to the individual

This is the one area in which we would really like to have uniformity. The main weapon of the Independents was the H&K G36C.
Airsoft and airsoft-clones can be found for $20-$50, either from or ebay.
This picture shows two versions; the top one is made by CYMA and is called the CM.021, the bottom one is made by Double Eagle ans is called the M41. A detailed breakdown of both weapons is available in this thread:

BrownCoat1 found a more correct version on airsplat, but the price is a bit higher:

This one is more "screen-accurate", but is more expensive.
Either weapon is alright, but for the sake of uniformity, let's stick with the G36 look. By this I mean let's not have anyone running around with an AK-47 or M16.

Sidearms were also discussed, and it has been decided to leave that to the discretion of the individual. I'll let BrownCoat1 sum it up for us:


I find no reason to believe that an Independent army, formed by volunteers from border planets would be all that different. It could be that Mal's pistol was an individual weapon Mal either brought with him, was issued, or found on a dead soldier. I would think it highly likely that other browncoats carried personal weapons as well. I think we should try to stay unified to a point on uniform and long arms, but that if individuals want to add sidearms, knives, etc, it should be okay. It would give us that frontier, individual feel of the browncoats. Unified for a purpose, but still individuals.

BoomerGoodheart will be making lanyards for sale to the 76th, with "76th Independent Battalion" on one side and "We Will Hold the Line" on the other. (Thank you for those!)

We have discussed a Battalion flag, but as we will be marching with the SouthEast BrownCoats, I would rather we hold off on making a flag this time. As we grow and possibly go to other Cons, it may be an idea. Let me know what everyone thinks of this.

For those interested in marching with us, but unable to secure a weapon, I will be bringing several extra with me. I will also (hopefully) have extra coats, smocks, and vests with me at D*C.

Still looking for more stuff I have missed...
If anyone sees anything I missed, please let me know.

There is still an ongoing recruitment effort for the 76th, so if you know of anyone that would be interested, let them know about us!

Thank you to everyone involved so far!

76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:49 PM


As y'all can see, I have the Second Generation vest done. It's a darker red with darker stripes. I think it turned out quite well.
What do y'all think? Are the colors good, or do I need to try something else?

A few pictures. Pardon the slight blur in some of them...I have no idea what happened.

And a few with accesories, including my Browncoat...

I found a pattern for the overcoat, and am in the process of making a sloper for it...I'll post pictures of that as it comes along.

As for the vest, I need some input as to closures in the front. I was thinking something along the lines of a clasp and D-ring, but I am drawing a blank. Any help?

76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 12:26 AM


Good look with the vest there Tristan, I think the color's great. As to the closures, I'm not sure. I know I'll most likely just wear it open. I know there are probably 101 different ways you can do that up.

Okay, so I was sitting here thinking about the Con and I realized I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I'm excited for the parade and marching with the unit, but I have no idea what else goes on at one of these things. So I ask, what do I have to look foward to?


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Monday, December 11, 2006 2:21 AM


Ahh...the CON and what to expect...Well, If I may; this past year was the first Dragon*Con for me and basically, I wandered around three gi-normous hotels in Atlanta with my mouth open!! (There are TONS of seminars, exhibits, workshops, artshows, vendors rooms, on-going live-action role playing games(ya gotta sign up to play but you can watch 'em)...There are room parties and bar parties full of people in the most incredible costumes and there are costume contests and in the main lobbies of the hotels there appeared to be an on-going, never ending PARADE of costumes...and people begging to take pictures of those in costumes ...It was a veritable FEAST for the eyes...This year I'm planning on actually signing up for some of the workshops....and working on keeping my mouth CLOSED.
Tristan; vest looks very good; I think you're right about a simple closure that way it's there if you need it.


Monday, December 11, 2006 2:32 AM


I second everything Sister has said about the Con. The highlights for me, are the Q&A's with the BDHs (Browncoats start lining up 4+ hours beforehand!), and the Walk of Fame, where you get a chance to talk with 'em & get their autograph/picture.

Let me say, though...there really is no adequate way to describe Dragon*Con. Until you actually go and experience it for yourself, words just can't do it justice.

So, be prepared to be: amazed, overwhelmed, giddy, tired, exhilirated, broke, flumoxed, poleaxed and, oh yeah, TIRED.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 11, 2006 4:28 AM


mornin' soldiers.

Tristan - the vest looks good, colors are better.

I want to echo what Sister and BGH say: This year was my first Con ever of any type, and I was almost overwhelmed. I got so distracted that I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with the shiny Browncoats, which I do regret. Maybe, since our following is so big (look at Flan 2 and how things still persisted through the fiasco) we can have our own track. I was in two of the three lines for the panels, and also in a 1.5 ish hour line to meet the BDHs on the Walk of Fame (I thought it was really neat how no other actors had anything close to a line). Anyhow, if it isn't obvious, I had a great time, and have been counting down to the next one (262 days) for a few weeks now.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Monday, December 11, 2006 4:39 AM


Morning, all!

Thanks for the comments on the vest...I'll be trying different closures as time goes by. I'm hoping to have these ready for shipping by the middle of January or so.

BWTP, I'll just add my voice to the's fun, exciting, and tiring; but you won't get the tired part until the trip home. I had to leave Saturday night, so I did miss a lot, but I was lucky enough to walk with the SEBC Browncoats in the parade. That was so very shiny. It was the highlight of my weekend, as I did not have the chance to meet any of the BDH's. Add to that the fact that you get to meet quite a number of fellow Browncoats, it's a weekend you will not soon forget!

262 days!

76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 4:56 AM


Tristan, do try and stay the whole weekend this time!

We usually check-out on Tuesday, as trying to get out of the hotel on Monday is crazy! We also have the freedom of hubby being able to take his job with him, should any programming need to be done.

Everyone should stay through Sunday, at least to see the Masquerade...and luckily, the host hotels carry it on closed circuit, so you don't have to actually be there!

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 11, 2006 5:13 AM


Boomer, I intend on doing so. I don't want to get into it too much, but last year, a divorce happened that Saturday, so the rest of the weekend was curtailed. I plan on being single when I go, and not taking anyone with me...that way, I can stay!

I am very much looking forward to spending the entire weekend in the company of Browncoats!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 7:05 AM


Been through the whole divorce thing, so I can sympathize. 2nd marriage took quite nicely, though (14 years and counting).

I'm gonna make hubby join the board later today so he can answer any and all leatherworking questions.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 11, 2006 7:10 AM


Boomer...unfortunately, this was the second one. But, I see them as learning experiences. Congrats on the 14 years, though!

Oh, I meant to tell you, my armoring career started in leather work...and I've been armoring since '89. I have moved into steel, but I always love when I can get back into leather!
I am looking forward to talking to the hubby!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 7:25 AM


Walking around in complete amazement your first time at D*C would be an accurate statement. Don't be intimidated by the size, just enjoy it. Print out the final schedule and make a plan, the plan will be fluid, so just go with the flow. And, if there are any BDH's attending be prepared to stand on line for a good long time. And Browncoat etiquette says you don't save places in line or seats for like half a dozen people. One, maybe two tops won't get you crucified but any more than that people start getting a might teetchy that some folks didn't have to wait, if you know what I mean.

As for the no Battalion flag, I am all for the idea of no flag (I bet you knew that Tristan). Just somehow doesn't seem right to have a flag, makes us seem "apart" from the SEBC which I have no wish to do. Suggestion to anyone wearing new boots for the parade, break them in first or you'll be sorry!

Shiny vest Tristan! I knew it would be!

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Monday, December 11, 2006 7:30 AM


Howdy, FFG!
Yep, I knew it about the flag. That is why I suggested we not have one the first year. Add to that the problem brought up before about the coat, and who gets to keep it, and what should be on's something we can work on after we survive our first march.

Glad to see you back! How did things go?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:24 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

The vest looks good Tristan. The ideas are really starting to fall into place and the unit is really shaping up. I think if our turn out is good we will be a force to be reckoned with at the DC parade.

Got my G36 ordered and am reworking the pants for the uniform. Already have some boots, but most likely will look for another pair that have more of a combat feel to them.

The website and all is looking great. Talked to the local browncoats about the 76th this weekend at our get together. Hopefully I can get them interested and signed up.

As for the scarf thing, I like the red due to it being canon, but see no reason why officers shouldn't wear a different color like blue or green. Of course different colors would make it pretty easy for those pesky Alliance snipers to pick them out on the battlefield and put a bullet in their brainpains.

Sorry to hear we are foregoing the flag this year. I think it is a good idea and would lend that military & unit air to the 76th. Not my call though.

I'll let you know when I get the pattern for the holster. Thanks again for that kindness.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:32 AM


Howdy, Browncoat1!
Thanks for the info! Looking forward to seeing the completed uniform!
As for the flag, it has been pointed out to me that we will be marching with the SEBC, and having our own flag may confuse some people...there was also talk of "stealing thunder", and that is not something I want to do. Perhaps in 2008, we can march as a separate but combined group. We shall see what the future holds!

I had not thought about the bullet in the brainpan thing...I do think it would be a good, easy way for those in the 76th to find the "leaders", though...just in case. Now, if we do end up in the field, I'll remember to carry an extra red scarf....

Oh, by the way, if you are listed on the 76th's website roster, please feel free to use the 76th patch in your tag, along with the link to the website. A few of us have started to do so. Don't feel compelled, but know that you are welcome to do so.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:34 AM


Browncoat1, sorry, I forgot to tell you that you are welcome for the pattern. I hope it works out for you...if you need "translation", let me know!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:44 AM


Hi Tristan!

The Zoe vest had quite a bit of interest, I have 1 card left and I'm firmly convinced that was because I couldn't display it properly due to issues beyond anyone's control.

Browncoat Back-up Bash was the best non-convention I've ever been too. It was an astounding feat the Cal Browncoats pulled off! They were the BDH's of the weekend. But there is a thread to read and link too so we don't change the subject here :)

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:45 AM


Have you got a name, like Mal's 57th Overlanders?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:45 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Hey Colonel.

About that uniform, I am still waiting on a couple of items to work on it some more. As soon as you & BWTP decide on the sergeant rank, we will need to determine placement of rank on uniform. I am assuming we will follow current military guidelines for simplicity sake.

If we hit the field, I'll give you my extra scarf. No sense losing a good officer. They're so hard to come by these days.

I added the patch & homepage link to my sig as suggested.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

[img] [/img]


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:49 AM


FFG, thank you. I have been following those threads with quite a bit of interest since first hearing about them. We will not change the subject, just wanted to know of you had a good time. Seems you did! And thank you for the vest cards...

So, back to the subject, then. I am going to be developing the smock/tunic to go under the vest for the Type B uniform. I'd like to have something that looks newly-issued rather than thread-bare and worn...I'm thinking of making a really short-sleeved coat similar to the overcoat I am also working on (shorter, of course). The sleeves would be just "hints", so there would be places to put the patches.
Any ideas or suggestions?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 9:01 AM


Citizen, not yet. We are, so far, the 76th Independent Battalion, and the tagline on our website is "Balls to the Wall". I don't think we have gotten around to giving ourselves a name beyond that yet...

Browncoat1, BWTP and I are discussing the placement of rank, too. The one thing we are running into is the difference in the two uniform types right now. One has the long coat, which is good for placement of all kinds of things, the other (with the mail sleeves) is being a bit problematic. We have discussed the collar tabs and other alternatives...if anyone has some ideas, please post away!
Oh, and thanks for the scarf offer!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 9:03 AM


time to vote:

This was brought up in the Imponderables thread, and I like the idea (thanks Tristan and JP):

I would like to make a beer for us, the 76th. I already plan to make a general D*C beer (caffeinated candy beer [sweet stout]), but I would love to make another. What I want from you, soldiers, is to tell me what kind you prefer. If you don't care for a particular type, let me know that too, so I can make something that we can all enjoy.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Monday, December 11, 2006 9:08 AM


RIMG, I am a Guinness-drinker, so I would prefer that type. However, if it has been home-brewed, anything would be wonderful!

I can't wait for the commercials!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 11, 2006 12:26 PM


How about The 76th Holders?

As far as rank if your following US ranking system, Lt Colonel is CO of a battalian, Colonel is CO of a regiment or brigade .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, December 11, 2006 1:46 PM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
I would like to make a beer for us, the 76th. I already plan to make a general D*C beer (caffeinated candy beer [sweet stout]), but I would love to make another. What I want from you, soldiers, is to tell me what kind you prefer.

Speaking strictly from personal preference, bitter is better.

Also, any "army" has its greater proportion of grunts, and I'm okay with being one of those. Which I can be, given Tristan's shiny 'coat, courtesy of CallMeSerenity's endeavours.



Monday, December 11, 2006 1:51 PM


Popped over to the website, just to see what's goin' on....sure are a lot of little dots on the official map! Seems like more everyday.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 11, 2006 1:52 PM


Afternoon folks. It’s seems you’ve all been busy so I got a lot of catching up to do. I apologize for the length of this post, but I wanted to reply to everyone. So here goes.

First off, I want to thank everyone for their input regarding what the Con is like. I still think I’ll be overwhelmed, but it’s good to know what to expect, and knowing is half the battle! (Thanks GI Joe!)


Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
Everyone should stay through Sunday, at least to see the Masquerade...and luckily, the host hotels carry it on closed circuit, so you don't have to actually be there!

I plan on staying until the bitter end.


Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
I'm gonna make hubby join the board later today so he can answer any and all leatherworking questions.

Cool. My rings should be arriving on Friday and I hope to have a sleeve finished by Christmas. Once it’s done I’ll be able to visualize what I want a whole lot better.


Originally posted by Tristan:
Oh, I meant to tell you, my armoring career started in leather work...and I've been armoring since '89. I have moved into steel, but I always love when I can get back into leather!

And I plan on hitting you up as well, sir.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
As for the no Battalion flag, I am all for the idea of no flag (I bet you knew that Tristan). Just somehow doesn't seem right to have a flag, makes us seem "apart" from the SEBC which I have no wish to do. Suggestion to anyone wearing new boots for the parade, break them in first or you'll be sorry!

I have to agree on both counts. I’d have liked a flag, but I’m not torn up over the prospect of not. As for the boots, wear them around the house if need be, just wear them. Also, get yourself a pair of wool socks. You can get ‘boot socks’ at any Army/Navy Surplus for a buck or two. If you wear gym socks you will likely blister. Keep that in mind. I found a couple of cool boots for those interested.
This is the pair I’m getting:

And some others:


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
As for the scarf thing, I like the red due to it being canon, but see no reason why officers shouldn't wear a different color like blue or green. Of course different colors would make it pretty easy for those pesky Alliance snipers to pick them out on the battlefield and put a bullet in their brainpains.

It could be a sniper check in combat, to be sure, but I think for D&C (Drill and Ceremony for the uninitiated) it’s forgivable. Plus, as Tristan said, it’ll make us easier to identify at the Con.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
Browncoat Back-up Bash was the best non-convention I've ever been too. It was an astounding feat the Cal Browncoats pulled off! They were the BDH's of the weekend. But there is a thread to read and link too so we don't change the subject here :)

Speaking of the Flan that wasn’t, someone mentioned handing out flyers about us and possibly mentioning it to Nathan. Anyone know if that happened? I know it may have been lost in the shuffle with them having to organize on their own, but I’m still hopeful.


Originally posted by citizen:
Have you got a name, like Mal's 57th Overlanders?

I’m working on something, but as of now, no. I’m assuming that ‘Overlander’ isn’t a nickname but rather their equivalent to our Infantry. So it’d be like me saying I was in the 2nd MI Battalion. That being said (and if it is in fact, the case) than if we’re infantry we would be the 76th Overlanders. If we decide on something else, we’ll have to come up with a term that works.


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
About that uniform, I am still waiting on a couple of items to work on it some more. As soon as you & BWTP decide on the sergeant rank, we will need to determine placement of rank on uniform. I am assuming we will follow current military guidelines for simplicity sake.

I suggested we use the Army’s rank structure but dropped out ranks that had duplicates, keeping Corporal and dropping Specialist for example. I also suggested that for the enlisted rank we turn it upside down. I suggested this because in the BDM in the Maidenhead, Jayne was wearing a shirt with a bunch of patches sewn on it, and the SFC rank patch was upside down.


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
I would like to make a beer for us, the 76th. I already plan to make a general D*C beer (caffeinated candy beer [sweet stout]), but I would love to make another. What I want from you, soldiers, is to tell me what kind you prefer. If you don't care for a particular type, let me know that too, so I can make something that we can all enjoy.

Not a big beer drinker here (living in Germany for two years spoiled me) but I enjoy a good Weiss beer. I’m not a huge fan of stout and, sorry Tristan, I think Guinness is like drinking tar. But I haven’t had a homebrew I didn’t like, so I’m down for whatever. I’d never miss a chance to toast with my troops.


Originally posted by citizen:
As far as rank if your following US ranking system, Lt Colonel is CO of a battalian, Colonel is CO of a regiment or brigade .

Traditionally yes, though I had a Colonel for a CO for about 6 months until hos OCONUS tour was done. It's not common, but it happens. It can always be changed later too. Alot of what's been decided has simply been done for place holders. Most of this hadn't even really come together until about a week or so ago.


Originally posted by cozen:
[BSpeaking strictly from personal preference, bitter is better.

I bet you're a Beck's fan.

I think that coveres everyone. LegendaryLeather, welcome to the fold, and thanks for the offer to help. I'm sure I'm going to need it before long.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Monday, December 11, 2006 4:31 PM

BOOMERGOODHEART can call him Ben. Helluva lot easier to type!

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 11, 2006 6:37 PM


Evening, all!
Ok, looks like we are back online for now...let's see how long it lasts!

Thanks for all the input, everyone!

I will second everything that BWTP has said in regards to...well, everything.

Cozen, welcome aboard! Hey, nice coat! I'm not sure you want to be sewing patches on it, though...I am trying to design and build a quick, easy, inexpensive and good-looking cloth coat. I'm comnig along pretty well. I might have the first one mostly done in a week or so., welcome! We have heard a lot about you! Glad to be able to talk to you "in person" now!

And now, some personal responses...
BWTP, Guinness is an acquired taste. I did not like it myself until I was able to have a pint in the Guinness brewery in Dublin. Since then, I have been hooked. But I also reiterate that I am a big fan of home-brews, so anything will work for me.

Alright, that should about do it for now. I have been checking our website quite a bit, and I am very happy with how we are growing. Thank you all again for sharing a dream!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:55 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Tristan, in looking at screencaps, I don't really see any distinguishable rank insignia on the coats that Mal, Zoe, or any of the other browncoats are wearing. I am not certain how they are distinguishing officers & NCOs from enlisted, but if they can, I don't see how. It could be that like in many wars in history, soldiers quickly found out that sharpshooters sought and and killed officers and NCOs first to destroy the chain of command. Could be the browncoats ran into the same problem in fighting the Alliance & did away with obvious rank symbols.
I think that collar insignias might work best. You can get the subdued (flat black finished) rank insignias online that would work on coats or shirts.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:03 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by babywiththepower:

It could be a sniper check in combat, to be sure, but I think for D&C (Drill and Ceremony for the uninitiated) it’s forgivable. Plus, as Tristan said, it’ll make us easier to identify at the Con.

True, and I defer to your judgement.


Originally posted by babywiththepower:
I suggested we use the Army’s rank structure but dropped out ranks that had duplicates, keeping Corporal and dropping Specialist for example. I also suggested that for the enlisted rank we turn it upside down. I suggested this because in the BDM in the Maidenhead, Jayne was wearing a shirt with a bunch of patches sewn on it, and the SFC rank patch was upside down.

It makes sense to use the current Army rank structure for simplicity sake. Most people are at least familiar with it. I agree that eliminating the redundant ranks is a good idea. I have always preferred corporal to specialist. Will we be sticking with one sergeant rank & if so, which one? Perhaps the SFC rank we saw Jayne wearing?

As far as wearing the rank upside down, not a problem. That will make it like the old military style where they were inverted.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:32 AM


About the rank insignia:
There was apparently something special about the Lt's patch that Mal 'acquired' in Serenity Valley.
Something discreet, Change lettering color, change border color, combinations... Apparently an RFID chip (or future equivalent) was embeded in it (to get the ident to call in an air strike) as well.
Not practical for our purposes (who'd want to order 100 Colonel patches so that we could make use of 1?)
Perhaps everyone wore a red scarf (not saying colors aren't a good idea, they are, especially for parade & drill), and there was rank insignia stitched into it, or pinned to it. Then again, maybe the officers Did wear different scarves, thus explaining why they were all dead. (Wouldn't be the first military to make such an obvious blunder)

Do you know what your sin is Captain?
Aww hell, I'm a big fan of all seven.

Vote for Firefly


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:08 AM


Morning, 76th!
It looks like we are back up and running.

BrownCoat1, thank you for that. I like the idea of the subdued collar insignia. This will work for the ones wearing the coats...we may have to figure out something else for those wearing the smock/tunic without a collar...any ideas for that? I am talking about the Zoe/Tracey style outfits, they Type B uniform.

FlatTop, from what I remember, it was a number code on the back of the patch that allowed for orders to be passed on via radio.
As for the scarves, I believe they all wore the same color (red in Serenity Valley, Blue for Du Khang), but we decided to differentiate rankings by scarf color. Rest assured that is we do go into battle, I will be wearing the same color scarf as everyone else!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:18 AM


Ben was looking at the screencaps last night, and he seems to think that the stripes on the vests are made of leather, not material. I'll make sure he posts more on this possibility later.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:42 AM


Morning, Boomer!
I am not so sure about the leather stripes. They look like cloth, especially on Tracey's vest...almost like strapping. I'm not going to argue this point , but as I have already started building the vests, I am going to stick with the idea that they are cloth. If it comes down to it, I'll stick my fingers in my ears and pretend I can't hear you.
I am glad he is on the site now, though! Give us time, we can make him as obsessed with Firefly as you/we are!

Oh, I want to go ahead and post something regarding "joining" the 76th. The XO and I have talked about this and agreed that everyone who wants to join should be able to. This is, after all, just another way for fans to show their love. So, if you want to be a member of the 76th, feel free to sign up! Even if you are not able to march at D*C, there will be other marches or cons or shindigs in which you can show off. We will have patches and all sorts of other items to purchase, make, find, etc., so everyone should be able to create their own uniform.
The one thing we are a bit more strict on is the ranking. Everyone is considered a Private unless they have or will be giving something to the group in terms of skills, advice and expertise, etc.; they are not automatic, nor do they give anyone any "real" authority. Remember, this is an imaginary battalion For the sake of the march, I would like to try to follow military guidlines as far as discipline. I am not talking about walking in lockstep down the street...that would not be the Independent way! I would like to see some semblance of order, though, as I am sure most of us will look very impressive, don't you think?

So, in a nutshell, even if you can't march, feel free to join. Rank is given on merit/contributions, but everyone is equal in terms of input.

Sorry for the long post, but we wanted to get that out there.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:50 AM



you are correct, the code needed to call for air support was on the back of the patch.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:55 AM


ArtCat! There you are! I thought we lost you for a spell!
How are things progressing with you?

And please forgive me for being rude and not even thanking you for that verification!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:07 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Morning Colonel.

The subdues rank insignia can be worn on the collar or just about anywhere. It could be pinned on the shoulder, as the current military does with the class A uniform jacket. The military does not use subdued insignia on the class A uniform, but the placement might work well for our unit.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:13 AM


Morning, BrownCoat1!
Aha! Thank you for that...I never would have thought to just attach the insignia on the shoulder! That would make things a lot easier.
Again, thank you!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:29 AM


Something has been brought up in regards to the designation of the, just for clarification's sake (thank you LostThought for prompting me to look this up):
The G36C is a "Compact/Commando" version and the G36K is the Carbine. I found a photo on HKPro showing the two weapons in one photo:

The G36K is on top, the G36C is on the bottom.

So, this has both versions that we are using as our main rifles.
I hope this helps clarify things!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:43 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Thanks for the clarification Tristan.

I still like the looks of the G36K as it appears to be the weapon we see Mal & Zoe use in the pilot. I have it on order & should have it soon. When I get it, I will post pics.

I do like the smaller more compact G36C too. It to me would be easier to wield and carry during the DC parade.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:51 AM


BrownCoat1, I am looking forward to seeing the pics. I may end up getting one of those, too, and keeping the G36C's as "loaner" weapons.
I agree that the K version is the one they both used in the pilot. Thank you for finding the K on airsplat!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:09 AM


So, a bitter Weiss stout? Hmmmm, might not work so well.

BWTP - I made a peach wheat beer in July, and it was damn tasty.

Tristan - the general D*C beer is going to be a stout (albiet sweet) so I doubt this one will be too.

I plan to have a 36C, and to carry it without the shoulder stock, depending on how it feels/looks.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:14 AM


RIMG, good deal about the stout!

Oh, and as far as the 36C, one of the versions I have breaks way down into something about the size of an MP5. The M41 version by Double Eagle.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:40 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I found some G36Ks on Ebay at a price range of $40 - $70:

[img] [/img]

I may pick up one of these too to see the difference between the Airsplat version & these. Definitely better than the $90 + S&H range on Airsplat.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:56 AM


Greetings, all.
My interest in FIREFLY - and the 76th Bn - derives from one of my other forms of insanity - American Civil War reenacment. I have three impressions for the period - Confederate, Union, and civillian - but what I do most is Confederate artillery. I am the pround owner of "Flo" the 3" ordnance rifle, and have had alot of fun playing Reb over the years.

The 76th web site application link is not yet operating, but I have puut together my own Browncoat impression, as a sniper. I have taken an Crossman air rifle, lengthened the barrel, added a scope and a few other items. I'm on the West Coast in the Bay area, and wouuld be intested in supporting an impression of the 76th out here.

As you might imagine, I have many thoughts on the nature of Indepdendent infantry, derived from my own reading, and my experience with some very thorough Civil War impressionators.

I was at the recent BBB with an Alliance impression, as there was no one else doing it and it seemed a little imbalanced to me.

Congratulations on an interesting extension of the Firefly mythos, and I hope to meet at least some of you one day.


Pity there isn't a planet named "Virginia".



Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:15 AM


BrownCoat1, good find! The last time I looked for one of those on ebay, it was @$300.00! I'll be looking for those again!

Quandom, welcome to the thread! The recruitment link is not working on the website, so as of now, we are taking "applications" through the Roll Call thread.
As far as the weapon, I would love to see what it looks like. I don't think there would be a major problem, as long as the rest of the uniform complied with our guidlines.
And hey, has anyone thought of Independent Artillery yet?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:35 AM


Hey gang!!

I got it on GOOD authority that the triangular patch with the star is supposed to be 'point end down', which makes the star 'right side up', if that is true, then shouldn't the star on the newly designed patch for the 76th also show the star 'point end up'? I was told that the one time the patch is shown 'base end down, with the star upside down' was a mistake...poor dresser...big boo boo. So, I really hope those patches haven't been ordered yet!!
Oh, I did give Nathan the info on the 76th, and the desire that he lead the group, he seemed all for it, only mentioning that he 'didn't have anything to wear' has been thrown!! Someone should start work on something for the Captain!! I'm very sorry that I didn't even THINK of speaking to Shawna about the costumes...I totally forgot!! I even opened a door for her and spoke to her briefly when she arrived...I got side tracked when she had the Illyria costume out and I found out I was right about how it was constructed. Forgive this costuming fangurl.
But, seriously. The patches are wrong. Point end down on the triangle, which means the star should be point UP.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:50 AM


Saxon, thank you for passing the info on to the Captain! I think I can come up with something for him to wear...IF he will be at D*C, and IF he will march with us!

As far as the star on the patch, I am actually quite happy with the way it looks, as is the designer. Check Nico's Blue Sun Room post for more on that whole "the star is WRONG thing".

Also, a quote from the designer of the patch from that very Blue Sun Room post:


I've read the companion and I know the star is to be rightside up, but in designing the patch I wanted it to be, as Tristan mentioned, set apart from the original but stil recognizable as an independent symbol.
I prefer the star upside down, and as I'm the designer, I went with my preference.

So, as the star on the series has been shown two different ways, we opted for the upside-down star as the symbol for our Battalion. I am not trying to start a fight, or dispute that you are correct, but the patch stands as is.

And don't worry about not talking to Shawna...I would have been the same way..."I have a question about....ooh, pretty costume!"
I hope you had a good time, at least!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:






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