The 76th Independent Battalion (Part 5)

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:56
VIEWED: 13678
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:00 AM


No problem, just passing along what I was told. Yeah, my brain did go all missing when she started talking shop. :P


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:05 AM


So, Saxon, I have asked in general, and I have received a few vague responses....maybe you have an idea. I am still stuck as to closures for the vests...any ideas?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:17 AM



Nearly done knitting chainmail sleeve #2,

leatherworking pals are working on buckle design which will make the chainmail sleeves more true to the show, also more adjustable!

I have round 2 of dye ready to roll as soon as Sleeve 2 is knitted completely

Found Silver colored mylar at Texas Art Supply :)

oh and coworker gave me their clothing iron actually, two fo them.... sooo fun with heat, glue and shiny stuff will probably ensue after Saturdays Big Houston BC holiday Shindig

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:18 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

No problem Tristan. Always happy to help. Maybe some others can make use of the info too. I have seen the $300 + models on Ebay and online. I imagine the difference is in quality & use. The lower end one I pictured is most likely of like quality to the G36Cs that you received. The $300 + models seem to be top end units for the serious airsoft enthusiasts.

Artillery? Hmmmm..... Do you think the City of Atlanta would mind a 155MM Howitzer being towed down Peachtree Street? Last time that happened is when Sherman (spits) burned the city. It sure would be hard to peacebond a field artillery piece.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:21 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Nathan knows about us?!? How freakin' shiny is that?

How utterly cool would it be if he comes to Dragon Con next year, we had a uniform for him, and he marched with us? That would be the highlight of the con for me.

Tristan we so have to do this!

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:22 AM


ArtCat, thank you for that update! Sounds like it's coming along smashingly.
Try not to have too much fun with the heat, glue, and shiny stuff!

BrownCoat1, I thought the same thing...the expensive ones seem to be all metal, precision parts, etc...all to shoot little plastic BB's or paintballs. Does that seem right to you?

155mm Howitzer...huh. I'll see if they have a policy against that on their website...and can you imagine the size of the orange plug that would have to cover THAT barrel? hehehe

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:27 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I may pick up one of these too to see the difference between the Airsplat version & these. Definitely better than the $90 + S&H range on Airsplat.

It ends up being more on eBay in most cases. Just be sure to check the shipping and handling.


Originally posted by quandom:
The 76th web site application link is not yet operating, but I have puut together my own Browncoat impression, as a sniper. I have taken an Crossman air rifle, lengthened the barrel, added a scope and a few other items. I'm on the West Coast in the Bay area, and wouuld be intested in supporting an impression of the 76th out here.

Unfortunately, real life keeps getting in the way of me updating the site. I will hopefully get an update in on wednesday, and if not, I won't be around again until saturday. Next week will be when I'm available for faster updates.

As it stands, anyone that is interested should just send me or Tristan and email (they're on the site) giving us the last name you want to use (real or made up) hometown (city, state, country) and callsign (usually your handle on here). Also include any pertinant infomation you think we's need/want to know (past military experiecne, fan related activities, etc.).


Originally posted by Saxon:
I got it on GOOD authority that the triangular patch with the star is supposed to be 'point end down', which makes the star 'right side up', if that is true, then shouldn't the star on the newly designed patch for the 76th also show the star 'point end up'? I was told that the one time the patch is shown 'base end down, with the star upside down' was a mistake...poor dresser...big boo boo. So, I really hope those patches haven't been ordered yet!!

Yeah the Visual Companion mentions this, though I think the patch looked better pint up anyway. And though it may be wrong, it has become the widely accepted visualization of the patch. I know how Joss intended it, but I know what we saw and I decided to take both of those into account when making the patch. I do appreciate the input though, that's exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for when it comes to everything I'm doing regarding the 76th, so thank you.


Originally posted by Saxon:
Oh, I did give Nathan the info on the 76th, and the desire that he lead the group, he seemed all for it, only mentioning that he 'didn't have anything to wear' has been thrown!! Someone should start work on something for the Captain!! I'm very sorry that I didn't even THINK of speaking to Shawna about the costumes...I totally forgot!! I even opened a door for her and spoke to her briefly when she arrived...I got side tracked when she had the Illyria costume out and I found out I was right about how it was constructed. Forgive this costuming fangurl.

Nor fogiveness needed, you've done more than I hoped. Is there any way someone can contact Shawna either online or offline to see what can be done? Thank you so much for getting the word to him.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:27 AM


*grumble, grumble* double posts.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:39 AM


BrownCoat1, if there is any possibility of Nathan being there, I will have a uniform ready for him. No problem at all!

BWTP, thanks for the update! RL always gets in the way of things, eh?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:42 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

High dollar toys to shoot plastic pellets doesn't seem right to me, but some of these guys take airsoft really seriously. Met a guy on another board a couple of years ago. He was in Missouri and was in some sort of airsoft league. They were real strict about gear & guns. This guy posted pics and it looked like a pic right out of Iraq. He had the latest desert camo BDUs (military Basic Duty Uniform), desert boots, kevlar helmet w/ desert cover, shooters goggles, an M4 airsoft gun that set him back nearly $500.00, plus the combat rig & ALICE pack. He had over $1,500.00 into the outfit. To each their own. Guess some might look upon us as odd for putting together a fictional unit based on a cancelled tv show.

I imagine it would be a lot of plastic to plug a 155. Sure would be worth it for the awe factor though, huh? Imagine a salute fired on that bad boy.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Thanks for the tip. The couple I just checked seemed to be $20-30 for S&H. It would seem it is cheaper just to go through Airsplat. I will have to check the gun show next weekend as they have a vendor that sells a ton of airsoft guns cheap. Got my son a P90 airsoft gun there a few months back.


I figured you might be persuaded to have a little something for Nathan.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:52 AM


Huh. I guess there are really obsessed people out there, eh? Wait a minute...what's so odd about creating a fictional unit based on a cancelled TV show? We all know it will be back some day...who knows, we may get well-known enough that we'll all get hired as extras for some of the new episodes!
Hey, a guy can dream, right?

Oh, yeah...that salute would really blow out some windows! Hehehe, the 501st who, again?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:15 AM


I know Saxon gave us an update already, but I thought I'd paste what her post from the OB, as there's a little bit more info. Here it is:

"BUT, I totally forgot that there were questions for Shawna! I had more of an opportunity to speak to her, and it just wasn't in my head! Oh, I did find out one thing...on the flyer, the triangular patch is sitting "base down", and it should be "point down". Apparently in one shot it is shown base down and that was wrong...the way it is supposed to be is point down. So, everyone should take note of that and make sure they use it correctly. AND since the newly designed '76 patch has the star in the same orientation as with the 'upside down triangle', the star should probably be set 'right side up. In other words, the star is upside down on the new '76 patch. I got that from Ray, who works very closely with Shawna.

So...that should probably be addressed before they order a bunch of patches!! (hope it's not too late).

Now, to describe how it went down with Nathan. I was at the club in Hollywood, it was extremely crowded, and Nathan had just gone to the restroom and was trying to get back through the crowd...I put myself in his path, and had the flyer ready. I gave it to him, explained what was going was very loud in there, but some of what he said was, "How many are there?" which I replied, "the group is new, but growing every day...I can't go, but I'm a costumer so I wanted to help spread the word". I told him that the group has two desires, second to outnumber the Storm Troopers 501, to which he said, "They have a f'in lot of people!", and firsly, they want YOU, their Capt. to lead them!! He nodded and said, 'yeah sure, but I don't have anything to wear'. To which I replied, "If you could do it, I KNOW that you'd definately have something to wear!". I told him the talent I'd seen in this group is on par with would look great.

I then told him about his causing my addiction to "Rings of Orbis" to which he gave me a thumbs up, and then told me that his friend PJ is taking the books and games into schools and how great that was going. I thanked him, and he walked off with the flyer in his hand...I wish I'd been able to see him in a saner place during a more coherent moment...but I did the best I could!

We need try to follow up, and any time Nathan does an appearance someplace, to keep him reminded and up to date on things."

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:24 AM


Boomer, thank you for that!
Would you mind posting a link to the OB in here so we can see what's going on over there, too? Sounds like there is a 76th thread over there, as well? If so, I'd like to register and start posting.

I do hope you all understand about the design of the patch. I think BWTP put it pretty well in his last post.

And Saxon, thank you again for the flyer, too! I envy the fact that you got to talk to the Captain, and that you had the presence of mind to hand him something! I would have just been brain-dead!

As to keeping him updated, I'll go ahead and send him a message through MySpace as the CO of the 76th. Let's see if he responds!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:40 AM


Well, I just emailed the Captain. Let's see what happens, eh? If he does respond, y'all will be the second ones to know!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:17 PM


do my eyes decieve me or are the "stripes" on this guy's vest actually vest pouches?


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:10 PM


This is about the only link I have to the OB. If it doesn't work, let me know.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:20 PM


Long time no post. Caught wind of the 76th from Tristan's posting on First I just want to say I'm glad that someone grabbed the Independents Unit idea and was able to run with it and make it work. It was lonely for the few of us that put together uniforms before all this.

Anyhow, the soldier I put together (ya'll might have seen the series of photos I posted a couple months back) won't be making it to the 76th. I shudder at the prospect of sewing patches onto that oiled leather coat, and armbands just don't hang right...

But the 76th would just have to settle for having its first squad machine gunner (if they'll have'm) I got myself a 1:1 scale resin replica of an M-60. I think I can pull together a nice original design that will go with it for the unit.

Pic of my "pig" here:

Dogbert: Try not to think of yourself as an organic pain collector hurtling towards oblivion

Dilbert: Too late...


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:03 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi all my comrades in arms... I am... well... I'm sitting at a computer in Australia drooling over the pictures of the costumes, and dreaming of putting mine together ...and also thinking that I need to get to Atlanta early so I can get rid of my jet-lag before I hit D*C for real!!

I cannot wait! 260 more days if I remember correctly!!!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:10 PM


For any 76ers arriving to D*C early...hubby and I have plans to get into Atlanta on Wednesday the 29th. We'll have our cellphone(s) with us (of course). Happy to meet up with any other early arrivals.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:40 PM


Same goes for me, though I plan on getting in late wednesday/early thursday. I will have my cell with me and will be happy to give it to those coming early.

Magda, about how long is the flight over from Australia? When I was flying from Germany to the States and back in my Army days what I would do is sleep as much as I could on the plane (not always possible, I know) and then get a 2 hour nap in when I arrived. Then I'd force myself to wake up and not fall asleep until that night. Doesn't work for everyone, but it might help.

I wish D*C would hurry up and get here. I actually wish we started putting this together closer to the event because I'm afraid we're going to lose some of our fervor as we get closer.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:42 PM



Originally posted by techiecl:
Anyhow, the soldier I put together (ya'll might have seen the series of photos I posted a couple months back) won't be making it to the 76th. I shudder at the prospect of sewing patches onto that oiled leather coat, and armbands just don't hang right...

I don't disagree with that sentiment. I'd never expect someone to sew the patch onto leather because I know I wouldn't myself. We could definately figure something out in the time to come.

Oh, and before I forget, you wouldn't have, by chance, served in the US Army and trained as a 96B at Ft. Huachuca, AZ would you have?


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:47 PM


Evening, 76th!

LostThought, there are pouches on his belt, but the stripes on his vest are just that. The evst looks like it is un-latched and the folds may look like pockets. (Sorry...learned to look at details from costume training)

Boomer, thank you for the link!

Techie! Welcome! I was hoping you'd show up here. I posted a response over in Cosply to you, but I'll put it here, too.
I understand about the coat...I am designing some cloth versions of the coat Mal wore, as well as the vest.
As far as the weapon, that is one thing we are strict on. We are sticking to versions of the H&K G36...we are doing this to avoid having things like M16's and AK47's show up. While that is one shint looking M60, it does not really fit in with the guidlines of the 76th. There are LMG versions of the G36 available if you are interested in being a gunner. The only alteration in weapons would be for the snipers.
We would love to have you as a member, but the M60 is not something we could let slide. I hope you understand.
We would love to have another Machine Gunner...I know that LostThought had that idea, too, but you can never have enough fire support!

Hiya, Magda! Thanks for popping in! Do you have any hints, comments, advice, input on anything you have seen so far?

Boomer (again)...I don't think I'll be making it there until Friday afternoon or night...but the idea of exchanging cell phone numbers before the actual date would be a wonderful idea!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:28 PM


Babywiththepower, sorry, I'm just a posuer soldier picking up tac gear at surplus and airsofts on the cheap for costuming.

Tristan, well, I will have to respectively decline joining the 76th. I picked up the pig for two specific costumes, 2nd. Lt Jean Havoc (full metal alchemist) and the original design Browncoat Gunner I've had puttering around in my mind for some time now. After dropping the cash for it, I can't imagine doing the costume and not using it.

Nothing personal, and I wish the unit all the luck, but we costumers can be stubborn.

Dogbert: Try not to think of yourself as an organic pain collector hurtling towards oblivion

Dilbert: Too late...


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:30 PM


TechieCL, I understand totally. I am a costumer as well.
I do hope you will be marching at D*C, though?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:40 PM



Originally posted by techiecl:
Babywiththepower, sorry, I'm just a posuer soldier picking up tac gear at surplus and airsofts on the cheap for costuming.

Man, it's uncanny then. You're a spitting image of my old roomate from AIT. I just had to ask.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:23 PM


Greetings Tristan and Comrades:
Got some questions and suggestions but mostly observations.

Firstly,love the vest!That style is more appealing to me than the other more busy one.Did you say you were working on the knee length coat that goes under the vest?Would love to see what you've done with that.Everbody's so gorram industrious,it's downright inspirational!On the subject matter of the triangle patches:we absolutely should wear them patch point up,star point down like they did in the show.It may have been a mistake,but if the BDH's wore them like that,then that's good enough for me!

So,how many of us are there?I'm thinkin' we're probably platoon strength at this point;a platoon consisting of between two and five squads,with about ten men each to a squad.The reason I'm bringing this up,is that TechieCL is right,there ought to be one heavy weapon to a squad and at the very least one per platoon.I'm thinking maybe a mortar or a heavy machine gun,something World War Oneish!does anyone happen to have a watercooled Maxim or a Hotchkiss or a Vickers kicking around the house?

Speaking generally,the impression I get of the Independents is one of a loose confederation having common interests with a well funded levied army very likely raised by planet or by nobles/warlords.I seem to remember Joss envisioning something analogous to the C.S.A..Personally,I keep getting reminded of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War.

I'm not sure exactly what those"Air Tank Squads" mentioned in the show are,but I'm thinkin'that they and any kind of "rollers",i.e. tanks,would have been precious and possibly have consisted to some degree of looted or otherwise "requisitioned" Alliance materiel repainted with Independent markings.While I was watching the deleted scenes from the pilot(yet again),It occured to me that those "Air Tank Squadrons" must have been precious indeed that they were willing to abandon sixteen Brigades rather than risk losing any of their air power!Men were probably the only expendable resource the Independents had.

Yes,I am aware that I've spent a considerable amount of time analyzing a purely fictional military organization.It is possible I may be a nerd.
BTW,in an earlier post I said that I would volunteer to be an officer.I didn't mean to be presumptuous,but considering that officers were looked on quite poorly by the grunts in the show,I didn't think there would be any other takers.I was wrong.I really just want to march.That's what matters most.

Canter & Magdalena: I'm in total awe of the two of you coming from so far to march with us.I can't wait to meet you!

I would love to have that 76th Avatar as part of my signature if I knew how! Somebody please help.

"I like to smack 'em!"


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:57 PM


I am so sorry that I didn't write these questions down!! I was surprised when I saw the Browncoat up close that it had some interesting metal clasps. Has anyone heard from Shawna? Send me a list of questions, and I'll see if I can get the answers, k?


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:08 PM


As I've stated before, she's always been very helpful with any questions I've had for her. Just give me a list of questions to ask.

I know there was a question about the vest closure...others? I can try to get answers.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:57 PM



Originally posted by naughtyman:
Firstly,love the vest!That style is more appealing to me than the other more busy one.Did you say you were working on the knee length coat that goes under the vest?Would love to see what you've done with that.Everbody's so gorram industrious,it's downright inspirational!On the subject matter of the triangle patches:we absolutely should wear them patch point up,star point down like they did in the show.It may have been a mistake,but if the BDH's wore them like that,then that's good enough for me!

I agree completely. Mal had it star point down, and I will follow his example.


Originally posted by naughtyman:
So,how many of us are there?I'm thinkin' we're probably platoon strength at this point;a platoon consisting of between two and five squads,with about ten men each to a squad.The reason I'm bringing this up,is that TechieCL is right,there ought to be one heavy weapon to a squad and at the very least one per platoon.I'm thinking maybe a mortar or a heavy machine gun,something World War Oneish!does anyone happen to have a watercooled Maxim or a Hotchkiss or a Vickers kicking around the house?

I don't think we're that big yet. If we're lucky, we're 20 members, and not all of them will be at D*C. The reason we're sticking to our guns, to coin a phrase, in the weapon department is simple; uniformity. We don't want everyone showing up with their own weapons and us, as a whole, looking like a cluster f*ck. This isn't just a couple random fans meeting up at a con to look cool. We're trying to organize a cohesive unit here. It's amature now, for sure, but we hope to be more than that someday. And in order to do that we're going to have to have some level of uniformity. We're already going to have a large mix of G36 varients and I think that's enough. The snipers get there own weapons, and even those I'd like to find a common rifle and have them all stick to it. Maybe in time. As it stand, our numbers are way too small to be creating whole platoons of units.


Originally posted by naughtyman:
Yes,I am aware that I've spent a considerable amount of time analyzing a purely fictional military organization.It is possible I may be a nerd.

Not at all. Even if you are, you're in good company, because the same could be said about us.


Originally posted by naughtyman:
BTW,in an earlier post I said that I would volunteer to be an officer.I didn't mean to be presumptuous,but considering that officers were looked on quite poorly by the grunts in the show,I didn't think there would be any other takers.I was wrong.I really just want to march.That's what matters most.

Well, all volunteers start out as Privates to be fair. Based on contributions to the unit and on the decision of Tristan and myself (and as we get bigger, that decision will be made by others) promotions will be given out. And the only office rwe see alive in the series is the one that locked up, the other was a corpse. They did talk about their one commander with the mustache, but that's about it. In military environs, the troops only hate the officers if they're shitbags that are incapable of doing their jobs.


Originally posted by naughtyman:
Canter & Magdalena: I'm in total awe of the two of you coming from so far to march with us.I can't wait to meet you!

A sentiment I share.


Originally posted by naughtyman:
I would love to have that 76th Avatar as part of my signature if I knew how! Somebody please help.

That's easy, reply to this post with quotes, and pull the html link that follows and paste it in your sig: (it'll appear as the image on the page)


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:05 AM


Time for more comments on my costume.

As already mentioned, being the demo man, my outfit will be stripped back in terms of protective gear (ie no helmet, and possibly the smock instead of the coat, although I'd probably go without the mail sleeves when I wear the coat), and carrying the carbine variant of the G36 (or just a cut-back shotgun), as I'll be loaded down with grenades, IEDs and the like. Although it's not as applicable for battles like Serenity valley, where there'd be room for mortars and rpgs to deal with rollers (tanks), in the urban battles it'd be more likely that my role would include trying to sneak up on a roller to plant a sticky-bomb or the like on it (or leave the odd landmine out if I had any available).

Which raises a question. Would I be more likely to use a basic IED to destroy the roller, or something more along the lines of an EMP bomb to disable it, allowing us to potentially scavenge documents/gear/etc from inside it, once the crew had been dealt with?

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:28 AM


Well, that depends wholly on the mission at hand. What should be considered instead is what your uniform would look like in a parade. Remember, we're going for a clean look, unworn by combat. At this point you would most likely have issued equipment and it would be clean and ordered. This is of course, only in regards to the parade. Once that's done and you're walking around the con, anything you add or take away is completely up to you. Tristan, if you have issue with this, please let me know. Also, go with the G36 carbine, not the shotgun. Weaponry is the one item we're being pretty adamant about.

As far as being demolitions and trimming back on the protective gear, I kinda have to ask why? Wouldn't it make more sense that the guy with the bombs would be armored? Your helmet would have a face shield, you'd be wearing a ballistic vest and leg/crotch armor. This is of course from a modern military, realistic sense, and I am in no way suggesting that you reimagine your entire costume, but it's something to think about.

Anyway, my shift is almost over, and I have to get ready for turnover. More to come when I get a chance.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:48 AM


The way I see it is less weight equals faster movement. I wouldn't want to be getting slowed down by armour while trying to dash (or sneak) around planting IEDs. Plus I think that the guys with the full body armour and face shields are more likely to be the ones trying to defuse the bombs, or the heavy weapons types, but that's just my viewpoint.

In terms of the weaponry, I only raised the idea of the shotgun as an alternative, but since I'm unlikely to be supplying my own firearms, it's somewhat of a moot point.

And thank you for mentioning parade uniform vs general con uniform. If my funds stretch far enough, I'll probably wear the type A uniform (coat, helmet) with just a small amount of demo gear in belt pouches or a satchel / backpack for the parade. My con uniform will be a personalised version of the type B uniform (incorporating various details I've mentioned in earlier posts).

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:56 AM


Good Morning 76th! For some reason, the site seems to work better earlier in the day so I won't be posting too much today (damn broadband service!) Tristan: I believe your earlier post regarding vest closures is correct; most were held closed by belts, straps, etc. and I haven't heard back from my e-mail to Shawna about what was used so I'm thinking no closures? Got my D*C membership confirmation in the mail over the weekend; planning to arrive Thursday...will be happy to share cell phone#'s to connect with other 'coats and assist with off-loading gear. I'm not worried about anybody losing fervor as we've still got close to 9 months to go...browncoats are the best fans in the world!!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:16 AM


Agreeing with Sister, I see our numbers and the excitement growing as more folks costumes get closer to completion and posted, once they see how its coming together our numbers will grow.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:23 AM


Morning, all!

Looks like I have some catching up to do!

Saxon, as for the buckles on Mal's coat, I actually researched the heck out of them and hand-built some close approximations (I think so, anyway! )...but I don't want to use something like that on the vest. I would love to find out what the costume designer had planned, though...I have been going over the scenes again, and I swear they don't have closures...

NaughtyMan, thank you for the props on the vest! And yes, I am working on both the knee-length short-sleeved coat that goes under the vest and the long coat that goes over the vest. In the first post of this thread is a brief description of each of the two "Types" of uniform.
As far as the weapons go, we are sticking to variants of the H&K G36, as they cover the gauntlet from short assault rifle all the way through SMG. That is the one thing that has bothered me in the past about groupings of soldiers...generally, they did not look the same and all were carrying different weapons. We are aiming for a uniform look organized body of do that requires some semblance of uniformity in weapons and gear. Personalization is not going to be totally ruled out, but we would rather have a group that looks good together.
I see that BWTP has put it much more eloquently than I did. So, what he said combined with what I said.
NaughtyMan, thank you for the research into a purely fictional military! We are right there with you! It is this kind of enthusiasm that will make this group phenomenal.

I also stand with the decision on the ranking procedure. We do take "applications" via email. If you have contributions to make, please let us know that way.

Nico, that outfit is sounding good. May I suggest the cut-down version of the G36? The Double Eagle gun pulls down to a very short, pistol-grip version (I think I suggested this to RIMG, too). It would be small enough to be out of the way and still fit in with the weapon uniformity we are going for. Matter of fact, I should have an extra one by then if you are interested. I know you are coming from a long way away (thank you!) and don't have as easy access to them.
I don't have an issue with what people do after the parade. I would like to keep up the look, though, in terms of the weapons, etc. Hopefully, as we wander around in groups and such, we will be stopped for photo the closer we remain to the parade look, the better. By all means, ditch the helmets and bulkier equipment, but I would really like to keep the basic look. As I have no right to demand this, please only look at it as a suggestion.

Sister, thank you for that info on the vests. That makes good sense, not having closures. I kept going over the screen caps and watching the flashback scenes, and was having a hard time seeing how they were closed. So, I think not having closures would be just fine by me. And good on the D*C membership! That's something I am going to have to get ahold of pretty soon.

Are there any objections to this from anyone? I am now planning on not having closures on the vests.

I am also very much looking forward to the nine months ahead! This is going to be a great Con, and we are going to be one good-looking group of soldiers! Chiseled jaws (in the case of the men, of course)...too pretty to die!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Mornin' 76th!

Looks like a lot has been posted since I checked in yesterday. Good to see the ideas still flying and discussion going on. This is shaping up to be one fine unit.

Techie. Glad to see you here bud. Wish you would sign on, but I understand wanting to carry that pig. She is one sweet looking weapon. I do have to agree with Tristan & BWTP though that we are going for a unified look w/ the weapons and uniforms. I hope that things change between now and DC & you can find the funds to get a G36C and march with us. I think I speak for all of us when I say we would love to have you with us. You are a top notch costumer/cosplayer and we could all benefit from your input and participation.

I checked online and it appears the next gun show in town is not until January 13th & 14th. As I posted before there is a vendor that rents 4 tables and wall space there for all of his airsoft products. I remember seeing the G36C & G36K at his tables last time I went back in March. I will check in with him next month to see what he has. The G36K I have on order should be here next week, but I may pick up a couple extras in case they are needed by other 76ers.

There is also a military surplus warehouse a few miles from here that I will be going by this weekend. I am going to go there to price out subdued insignias, helmets, and other items we have been discussing. My wife is friends with the owners son, so maybe I can swing a deal with him. I'll keep you posted.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:58 AM


BrownCoat1, morning!
I agree about Techie, but I do understand where he's coming from. I am dying to see the M60 in person, though, so I do hope he plans on marching!

As for the rest, if you do come across a good deal on the G36's, let me know. If you pick up a few extra, I may buy them from you....assuming you would sell, of course. I already have the two, and they are very addictive...the next one will be the K version from airsplat, depending on your "review".

And thanks for keeping an eye out for the insignia, etc. If you do happen across a large number of helmets, email either me or BWTP. We had chosen a Russian design for looks and price, but if they can at least match the price and have a good supply, it may be worth looking it to.
I don't know that this was discussed, but the helmet finish we are looking for is rough...not the smooth, shiny NATO-type look.

Thanks again!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:10 AM


Good evening all!

I'm just looking in quickly to see how things are going, and I'm amazed. You seem to be almost ready to march. I've got some catching up to do. (I just *love* that patch!!!)

I want to start building the uniform, ('s such an interesting word....) and I'm curious about the coat. I've always assumed that the Independents had brown coats like the one always worn by Mal, as part of their uniform. The dark brown one.

But from the pictures about the battles of Du Kang and Serenity Valley, his coat looks more like a woollen, woven coat, almost like the traditional second world war coats. It's also a bit lighter in colour, almost the same colour as his pants. So which one will form part of our uniform? I'm having mine made when I visit my parents in a week's mom is a wizard with sewing, and I want to get it right.

Anyway, I can't stay, I have to actually be somewhere else right now, and still have to drive there. But I'll look in tomorrow.


Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:32 AM


Canter, hi! Thanks for popping in!
The coat I am basing my design off of (and will be offering for sale and possibly the pattern, too...we'll see how that goes) is a straight-cut single-breasted long coat. It is NOT a trench coat. I have several long coats in my closet, and the Independent coats don't match any of them. The best shots of the coat I am trying to recreate are in the flashback scenes from The Message. I have a working pattern right now, and am in the process of creating a shell. I should be able to post photos some time next week so y'all can get the general idea. The color is a light brown, close to a Khaki. I am currently using a cotton duck, but it may be too "stiff", so I may have to switch to a different fabric. I am sticking to the non-wool cloth for several reasons, cost and heat factor are the major ones...our first parade will be in downtown Atlanta in September...and it gets a bit warm. My ultimate goal is to have a lined and unlined version available for sale within a month or so. Same goes for the "smock" (I need a better word for that!) that goes under the vest for the Type B uniform, ala Zoe.
If nothing else, as I know there are people who already have coats in mind, is the color and basic cut. These are supposed to be uniforms, more or les, so they should at least all look similar. I would hate to have a dozen different shades and cuts of coat marching down the street. I am sort of stuck here...I would love to be able to build everyone's coat, but I don't want people not to march because they think they HAVE to buy my coats. That is why I will probably also offer the pattern to the members of the 76th along with the finished coats as close to cost as I can absorb. I would also be willing to allow other sewers access to the pattern so there are several of us making them at the same time. I need input on that from the other stitchers in here.

Does this sound reasonable to everyone? Again, keep in mind that we are trying to present a uniform, united Battalion that is relatively fresh, which would mean clothing and equipment is still sort of new and shiny.

Thank you!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:21 AM


Sounds great to me on the coat, Col. Tristan, sir! Since I'm happy to be a private, I'll await word on the 'smock' thingy. A while back you asked if burlap would be okay...and while it's scratchy as hell..and difficult to hem, (I think as I am violently opposed and allergic to needle and threadishness) does appear to look like the fabric. And..with long-sleeved teeshirts/etc. the scratchyness issue could be solved. I bow to the more experienced.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:28 AM


Thank you, Sister!
I have been looking at different types of fabric for the "smocks", and while burlap seems to be what they are, I agree about the PIA it is to deal with. I am thinking of something like what I am using for the coat right now...a cotton duck. It's a stiffer material, and the thread pattern is a bit more visible. Thank you for the input! I will be posting the smock when I get a mock-up done...which should be a week or so after the coat.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:40 AM


Seeing as the independents were stretched over multiple planets, I would not be surprised to see variation from area to area on the color of the cloth, think about it the border planets do not seem to have the manufacturing capabilities of the central planets, and everything seems rather homespun or made, makes sens that if the war started that alliance would cut off shipments to the rim and folks would make do with what is on hand, that means handdying fabric, its much easier to transmit a pattern and have things made locally if push came to shove...

just a thought

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:48 AM


ArtCat, thank you. I had not thought about that. Huh!

I would still like to keep everything as close as possible, though. Again, to the theoreticals of the formation of the 76th:
We may have been from different planets, but the muster and formation would have been on one of them. This would mean, hopefully, a collection of indentical or near-identical uniforms, helmets, etc. Recruits would still have personal items such as pistols, knives, pouches and bags, but the majority of the gear would be issued by the Independents. As we are creating a "newer" Battalion, I would think this would be the case...but again, I realize that we will be coming from all over the world, so the best we can hope for is coordinating uniforms with a few of the basics identical.

Good thought, ArtCat. That's going to have me pondering for awhile!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:49 AM



Originally posted by artcat81:
Seeing as the independents were stretched over multiple planets, I would not be surprised to see variation from area to area on the color of the cloth...

There is a Late Great Unpleasantness... ahem, Civil War... historical precedent. The Confederacy had a basic shell coat pattern, which was adopted by the several state armories. However, each armory put out coats with slight variations in color, trim, buttons, both because of supply issues and to emphasize the independence of the states of the Confederacy.

In fact, CW re-enactors seek sutlers who will reproduce the shellcoat from the armory of their unit whereever possible.

So. Our uniforms are supposed to represent a unit at the start of the Serenity Valley campaign. Nonetheless, some degree of mild color variation is well within the Civil-War-like art direction which Joss' team was working with.

MILD color variation. No Confederate *ever* wanted a blue shellcoat, after all. ;-)

76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:24 AM


DocJubal, ya know, I think you may have gotten it figured out! Thank you! That would make things so much easier!

Ok, so, if I offer the pattern to the members of the 76th that do not want to purchase a pre-made one from me, would that be an acceptable alternative to us all having a different "cut" of coat?

I am going to start a new thread, and I will make this the first discussion over there. I would really like input into this from everyone.

Give me a little bit, I'll be back with a new thread link.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:39 AM


Tristan, you made me laugh....working on your "smock-up". That may not be what you typed, but that's what was in my head.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:56 AM


Boomer, I totally missed that opportunity! "Smock-up"! I'll have to use that in the future!

Oh, we have a new thread...

More discussions and decisions to follow!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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