The 76th Independent Battalion (Part 6)

UPDATED: Monday, December 18, 2006 08:29
VIEWED: 12464
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:53 AM


Greetings! This is the discussion thread for the newly-formed 76th Independent Battalion. We are planning on marching in the DragonCon parade as a Battalion of Independent soldiers.
Last threads:

And our new website (thanks, BWTP!):

We have a patch!

I'll see if I can get all of the relevant data in this first post...

We have agreed that it is important to be at least somewhat uniform in appearance...vests, coat or smock, helmet, and least close in pants, shirts, and boots. There are two basic uniforms that we can see, and have broken them down as follows:

Type A...basically use Mal as a model. The major item of this uniform is the long coat.

Type B....use Zoe as a model. The vest is worn over a smock-type tunic, and the mail sleeves are visible.

As the war progressed, the Independents seem to have become very hodge-podge...I was aiming for a relatively new group...haven't really had their edges dulled too far yet. On thing we have agreed on is the weapons. Those will be covered below.
Here are other photos from the series that we are basing the costumes from:

A similar pair of pants that most of the soldiers seem to have worn can be found here:

These are the pants I used for my Mal costume...all that needs to be done is a bit of hemming and adding the stripe down the side. You don't have to use these pants, but they are the closest within a decent price range.

Tristan is designing one now:

I have decided to go with the simple three-line pattern to make the vest more generic as well as quicker and easier to construct.
These should be available for purchase beginning in February. For those that want the pattern and a cloth swatch to match, email me and I will get those to you in February as well.

Overcoat and "smock".
Tristan is currently working on a pattern for both the overcoat and for the smock worn under the vest for those opting for the mail sleeves.
I hope to have photos of the coat up here by the middle of next week, with the smock shortly afterwards. I am still iffy about the type of cloth to use.

Mail Sleeves:
Artcat is testing out these directions and will be making chainmail sleeves on a limited basis, possibly making a make your own sleeves kit available if there is enough interest.
An update from ArtCat on the sleeves:

Nearly done knitting chainmail sleeve #2,
leatherworking pals are working on buckle design which will make the chainmail sleeves more true to the show, also more adjustable!
I have round 2 of dye ready to roll as soon as Sleeve 2 is knitted completely
Found Silver colored mylar at Texas Art Supply :)
oh and coworker gave me their clothing iron actually, two of them.... sooo fun with heat, glue and shiny stuff will probably ensue after Saturdays Big Houston BC holiday Shindig.

BabyWithThePower has found an inexpensive Russian helmet that looks very good:
They are currently out of stock, but BWTP will let us know when they re-stock.
BrownCoat1 is also looking at a local surplus store for US helmets. If they can be found in quantity and at a good price, we may have a vote coming up soon.
The idea has also been suggested that the "Specialists" (snipers, demolitionists, etc) wear either soft caps or scarves,head-wraps rather than helmets. This is an acceptable alternative. If you have a question about whether or not to wear a helmet, contact either myself (Tristan) or BabyWithThePower)

Not really a problem. Mid-calf or knee high boots. Shades of brown would be good.
BabyWithThePower has this to say regarding boots:


As for the boots, wear them around the house if need be, just wear them. Also, get yourself a pair of wool socks. You can get ‘boot socks’ at any Army/Navy Surplus for a buck or two. If you wear gym socks you will likely blister. Keep that in mind. I found a couple of cool boots for those interested.
This is the pair I’m getting:

And some others:

It has also been decided to use blue scarves for the comissioned officers, green for the non-comissioned officers, and red for the enlisted.

Belts, ammo packs, backpacks, etc:
Look around. A brown belt isn't hard to come by, and holsters are relatively easy to find. SAXON has a large number of holsters available. for more info.
Tristan may also be creating a leather shoulder-bag for those that are interested. More on that as it develops.

Patches can be found here:
AND will have fully embroidered Independent patches. The star is a navy blue, which is the color in the Firefly Companion book.
We have decided to wear the Independent patch on our right shoulder, and the 76th patch on the left shoulder.

Gloves: Up to the individual

This is the one area in which we have agreed to stick to a certain type of rifle. The main weapon of the Independents was the H&K G36K. I am aware that quite a number of you have alternate weapons, but as we are seeking uniformity, we will only accept weapons from the G36 family.
Airsoft and airsoft-clones can be found for $20-$50, either from or ebay.

This picture shows two versions; the top one is made by CYMA and is called the CM.021, the bottom one is made by Double Eagle ans is called the M41. A detailed breakdown of both weapons is available in this thread:

BrownCoat1 found a more correct version on airsplat, but the price is a bit higher:

This one is more "screen-accurate", but is more expensive.
Either weapon is alright, but for the sake of uniformity, let's stick with the G36 look. By this I mean let's not have anyone running around with an AK-47 or M16.

Sidearms were also discussed, and it has been decided to leave that to the discretion of the individual. I'll let BrownCoat1 sum it up for us:

I find no reason to believe that an Independent army, formed by volunteers from border planets would be all that different. It could be that Mal's pistol was an individual weapon Mal either brought with him, was issued, or found on a dead soldier. I would think it highly likely that other browncoats carried personal weapons as well. I think we should try to stay unified to a point on uniform and long arms, but that if individuals want to add sidearms, knives, etc, it should be okay. It would give us that frontier, individual feel of the browncoats. Unified for a purpose, but still individuals.

BoomerGoodheart will be making lanyards for sale to the 76th, with "76th Independent Battalion" on one side and "We Will Hold the Line" on the other. (Thank you for those!)

We have discussed a Battalion flag, and have decided that for at least the first march, we should not have one. We will be marching with the SEBC at DragonCon. Fans of all types under one banner.

For those interested in marching with us, but unable to secure a weapon, I will be bringing several extra with me. I will also (hopefully) have extra coats, smocks, and vests with me at D*C.

RiverIsMyGoddess, our Medic (beer and cookies) is thinking about making a homebrew for the 76th. The discussion as to what type is still up in the air, I think.

We are still discussing the placement of rank on the uniforms. I think we have decided on the subdued pin-type rank. They will be easy to place on the Type A uniform, but we are still bouncing around ideas on the Type B. It has been suggested to place the ranking on the shoulder along with the patch (I think that's what was meant). This is still open for discussion.
We will be wearing the US Army ranks, but upside down, per BWTP.

Still looking for more stuff I have missed...
If anyone sees anything I missed, please let me know.

There is still an ongoing recruitment effort for the 76th, so if you know of anyone that would be interested, let them know about us! The link on our website is not working at the moment (we still have to create an application), but feel free to email either myself (Tristan) or BabyWithThePower.

Thank you to everyone involved so far!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:08 AM


Alright, the last thing under discussion was the unifrom coats. I'll try to move everything into one post so you don't have to bounce back and forth, so this will be another long one...

This was one of my long posts on the subject:

The coat I am basing my design off of (and will be offering for sale and possibly the pattern, too...we'll see how that goes) is a straight-cut single-breasted long coat. It is NOT a trench coat. I have several long coats in my closet, and the Independent coats don't match any of them. The best shots of the coat I am trying to recreate are in the flashback scenes from The Message. I have a working pattern right now, and am in the process of creating a shell. I should be able to post photos some time next week so y'all can get the general idea. The color is a light brown, close to a Khaki. I am currently using a cotton duck, but it may be too "stiff", so I may have to switch to a different fabric. I am sticking to the non-wool cloth for several reasons, cost and heat factor are the major ones...our first parade will be in downtown Atlanta in September...and it gets a bit warm. My ultimate goal is to have a lined and unlined version available for sale within a month or so. Same goes for the "smock" (I need a better word for that!) that goes under the vest for the Type B uniform, ala Zoe.
If nothing else, as I know there are people who already have coats in mind, is the color and basic cut. These are supposed to be uniforms, more or les, so they should at least all look similar. I would hate to have a dozen different shades and cuts of coat marching down the street. I am sort of stuck here...I would love to be able to build everyone's coat, but I don't want people not to march because they think they HAVE to buy my coats. That is why I will probably also offer the pattern to the members of the 76th along with the finished coats as close to cost as I can absorb. I would also be willing to allow other sewers access to the pattern so there are several of us making them at the same time. I need input on that from the other stitchers in here.

Basically, I have a fear that we will all have totally different long coats. As uniformity (I use that word a lot...) is the aim here, I would like to settle on one "cut" of coat. The above post indicates my plans and worries.

ArtCat brought up a good point...

Seeing as the independents were stretched over multiple planets, I would not be surprised to see variation from area to area on the color of the cloth, think about it the border planets do not seem to have the manufacturing capabilities of the central planets, and everything seems rather homespun or made, makes sens that if the war started that alliance would cut off shipments to the rim and folks would make do with what is on hand, that means handdying fabric, its much easier to transmit a pattern and have things made locally if push came to shove...

just a thought

Which is a really valid point. My response was:

ArtCat, thank you. I had not thought about that. Huh!

I would still like to keep everything as close as possible, though. Again, to the theoreticals of the formation of the 76th:
We may have been from different planets, but the muster and formation would have been on one of them. This would mean, hopefully, a collection of indentical or near-identical uniforms, helmets, etc. Recruits would still have personal items such as pistols, knives, pouches and bags, but the majority of the gear would be issued by the Independents. As we are creating a "newer" Battalion, I would think this would be the case...but again, I realize that we will be coming from all over the world, so the best we can hope for is coordinating uniforms with a few of the basics identical.

Good thought, ArtCat. That's going to have me pondering for awhile!

And DocJubal brought up some relevant information regarding "shell coats" from the Civil War era:

There is a Late Great Unpleasantness... ahem, Civil War... historical precedent. The Confederacy had a basic shell coat pattern, which was adopted by the several state armories. However, each armory put out coats with slight variations in color, trim, buttons, both because of supply issues and to emphasize the independence of the states of the Confederacy.
In fact, CW re-enactors seek sutlers who will reproduce the shellcoat from the armory of their unit whereever possible.
So. Our uniforms are supposed to represent a unit at the start of the Serenity Valley campaign. Nonetheless, some degree of mild color variation is well within the Civil-War-like art direction which Joss' team was working with.
MILD color variation. No Confederate *ever* wanted a blue shellcoat, after all. ;-)

So, up for discussion and approval...I am working on a coat pattern based on what I have researched from the show. In a week or so, I will have photos of this coat up on this thread. I would really like to have this be "the" coat of the 76th, but I don't want anyone thinking I am trying to milk y'all. I will offer the coat for as close to cost as I can. I will also make an offer to other stitchers in the 76th to give them the pattern so they can make coats, too. This will allow us all to have access to the same "cut" of coat, while still allowing for MINOR color and cloth variations throughout the world. It will also prevent the 76th from running around in several different types of coat. I know some of you have coats already, but I would be willing to bet no two of them are the same.

Please give me input into this. Thank you!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:29 AM


Since I'll probably be a private, and not wear a long coat..I hope my two-cents is welcome here; When you say "long" coat...are we talking duster-long..or 3/4 like the leather coats?
Also..I agree with Tristan that we gotta look as uniform as possible..but for those unable to sew (like my needle/thread phobic self); having Tristan make one...(plus the vests AND the smock!! Good G0D you will be spending your LIFE at the eerrrk..sewing machine until CON, you poor, poor man)...OR...get the pattern and if Tristan would be so kind as to 'post' some suggested fabrics?? Almost every town has someplace to buy fabric, yes?
Also it does appear that the soldiers coats ARE a lighter brown almost tan or those that want to (why, why WHY-omigod the horror) make their own coat could try and get w/Col. Tristan on color palate. BTW: keep an eye on when prices for D*C tickets start creeping up... they're $50/until Friday, I think.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:16 PM


Straight off the D*C website:

$50 to 2/15/2007

$60 to 5/15/2007

$70 to 7/13/2007

$85 thereafter

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:23 PM


Sorry, I guess I should clarify the "coat" and the "smock". The "smock" is not at issue right now...I will get to that after I have the coat pattern set and ready to go.

This is the coat I am talking about:

Knee-length or a little bit longer.
Thank you for the idea of posting fabrics, Sister. As soon as I decide on a final type, I will do so. Might even be able to include swatches with the patterns!
Now, about the patterns...I have a mock-up based on my size, so people may have to alter the pattern to fit them. It's not difficult to do, either. If I tried to make a pattern to fit every possible person in the 76th, I would be at it for weeks! So, the best thing I can do is send a pattern with directions for alteration and construction.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:01 PM


Thanks, Boomer for the D*C ticket prices; last year, as I worked the "media" for my newspaper I got a pass; this year I'm going for me! Good ideas on the coat, Tristan! Even tho I'll be a private...I just may have to have one someday! Perhaps after a few years, I'll get a field commission..who knows!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:23 PM


The CO said...


Thank you for the idea of posting fabrics, Sister. As soon as I decide on a final type, I will do so. Might even be able to include swatches with the patterns!

May I recommend linen, like the "judy linen" that WMA and SCA groups often use for fencing armor instead of duck and trigger? Drapes well, has a "hand" that evokes homespun rather than polyester, breaths very well, and is often available at prices comparable to heavy cotton duck.

A MUCH nicer fabric for warm and hot weather.

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy
Volunteer, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:57 PM


I'm no shakes at costuming, but when I received my goretex/skid resistant nylon motorcycle jacket, it was VERY stiff. A trip through the wash & hung dry => nice & comfy.
Can the same be done to cotton duck? I know it'll shrink some (a bunch? too much?), but cold water & line dry should minimize that.

Do you know what your sin is Captain?
Aww hell, I'm a big fan of all seven.

Vote for Firefly


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:53 PM


Evening, all.
Just a quick note before I am off to bed.

Thank you for the responses so far.

DocJubal, linen....I had thought along those lines, as well as "waffled" muslin. The cloth I did manage to get ahold of (cotton duck) is not turning out too bad, but I will let y'all judge when I post the photos. I will look for some decent linen next time I am in a fabric store.
I would love to use what we call "Monk's cloth", but it runs about $10-$12 a yard...that might be a bit much for some...

FlatTop, yes, washing the cloth would soften it up a bit. I normally wash the bolt before cutting to get all of the sizing out of it...the duck and trigger are both relatively thick cloth, so they don't have as much "flow" as light wool or linen would have.
Yep, linen or a linen clone are sounding like a really good idea....

DocJubal, if you have a link to any online resources for the type of linen you are talking about, would you mind emailing them to me?

One more thing...I received an email from WickedWren of this board and the SEBC asking if we had any flyers we could email them. Let me quote the email here:

The SEBC are going to be at a con in Atlanta on New Year's eve and at two cons (FXShow in Orlando and ChattaCon in Chattanooga) in January. Do you have a flyer design you could email me? I'll make sure we have flyers on all our tables to pimp the 76th. We'll also be doing cons all the way up to D*C, so I'll make sure we bring flyers to all of them, also =)

The SEBC, in case anyone does not know, are the group of Browncoats that march in the D*C parade. We will be marching under their auspices, and they are going so far as to offer to "pimp" the 76th. This is VERY shiny! So, thank you, anyone in the SEBC reading these threads!

I know there was a flyer handed to Nathan Fillion at the FlanThatWasn't last weekend by Saxon. So, Saxon, if you are willing, we would love to get a copy of that flyer to WickedWren, assuming you have the time?

Alright, I am out. I will talk to you all tomorrow!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:26 AM


Good morning Tristan...I would be happy to send you a $100 contribution to buy the cloth you would like to use. I have absolutely NO talents in your craft but I am more than willing to step up to make things right. You let me know here, okay?


Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:14 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Tristan:
BrownCoat1, morning!
I agree about Techie, but I do understand where he's coming from. I am dying to see the M60 in person, though, so I do hope he plans on marching!

As for the rest, if you do come across a good deal on the G36's, let me know. If you pick up a few extra, I may buy them from you....assuming you would sell, of course. I already have the two, and they are very addictive...the next one will be the K version from airsplat, depending on your "review".

And thanks for keeping an eye out for the insignia, etc. If you do happen across a large number of helmets, email either me or BWTP. We had chosen a Russian design for looks and price, but if they can at least match the price and have a good supply, it may be worth looking it to.
I don't know that this was discussed, but the helmet finish we are looking for is rough...not the smooth, shiny NATO-type look.

Thanks again!

I will let you know about the G36Ks. Like I said the next show is the 2nd week of January (13th & the 14th to be exact), but the 76th will be the first to know what I learn. I know how addictive collecting the weapons can be. We now have an M16, and M4, a P90, an AUG, and a MP5S. Now if only I could afford the real ones. *sighs* If I wind up w/ extras, you get first crack Colonel.

The helmets at the local surplus place are the flat or rough finish. These were actual service helmets from WWII, Korea & the Nam. Who would want a shiny helmet? That would just draw fire. Maybe we can offer the shiny ones to the purplebellies. I'll let you know what I find out.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:35 AM


Morning, all!

Sister, thank you for the offer, but that is not necessary at all! I love experimenting with cloth and patterns, and part of every paycheck I have is set aside for that kind of thing. I am going this weekend to look for the linen, and will still be posting photos of the coat I am working on.

BrownCoat1, thanks for giving me first crack. And thanks also for the helmet description...I think that would be a good idea; give the shiny ones to the purplebellies!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:57 AM


mornin soldiers.

I, like Sister, would be willing to contribute some as well to the getting-the-costumes-the-way-we-want-them fund. I plan to wear the long coat, Option A, and I know that I am going to have to have Tristan make mine, as I am useless when it comes to that sort of thing.

As far as the beer goes, I won't be starting it anytime soon, but you guys are still free to discuss what you might want. So far, all I can remember reading was someone's desire for bitter, someone else suggested a Weiss, and Tristan wanted a stout, though I will already have one in the form of my Caffeinated Candy Beer. You guys feel free to discuss it amongst yourselves.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:58 AM


I forgot to add this to the last post:

Both types of uniform can be worn by anyone. The Type A uniform is not reserved for the officers and the Type B uniform is not reserved for the Enlisted.
I am not sure if this was discussed elsewhere and I missed it, but again, anyone can wear either uniform.

Morning, RIMG! Just missed your post.
Thank you also for the offer, but again, I enjoy doing this, and I will probably go through a lot before I settle on a "final" coat and smock. I have the funds set aside for the experimenting...once I get the coat and smock ready, then I'll start charging for those that want them, and offering the pattern to those that want to try to build their own.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:13 AM


Thank you Tristan; but the offer stands; a few extra $$ added to your "partial paycheck" might help in your experimentation! We want our uniforms to be WONDERFUL.
As to Riverismygoddess's offer re: beer; the best I have ever tasted is an Irish brew... Kilkenny; it's a red cream will never be sold in the US; but is sold in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand; Friends of ours who visit from those places ALWAYS bring me's absolutely HEAVENLY!! (And I am a Guinness fan, as well).
Can't wait to see the coats/ and the "smock-up".. I'm revisiting the Imaginknit folks today to see if their Internet is back up; I showed them the drawings from the Firefly Companion and they said that the mail sleeves would be a 'go' they have plenty of time before D*C. Again; I will get as many as my paycheck allows for extras. ArtCat: again, my thanks for your advice on the material used - I can't wait to see your "shiney" options. Have a great day, fellow 76ers!


Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:31 AM


I was actually the one to design some little flyers, that I then emailed to Saxon. I'll send them to Tristan and BWTP, and you guys can decide if they're alright, or if they need something else (i.e. more info, bigger size, etc).

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:35 AM



use show them that link about how to knit chainmail I found online, it prints up nicely and once they do the knitting you should be able to "finish" it aka using mylar and glue.

I cant wait to "finish" my projects, buuut, I have over 30 browncoats looking more like 40+ descending on my house this weekend, and well trying to make sure I am set to handle their onslaught,

oh and YES PLEASE I want to see those flyers, with that many BCs in once place I have a captive audience to promote the 76th :) (they are coming in from as far as Baton Rouge, LA ( I live in Houston, TX))

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:43 AM


Just sent the .doc to Tristan & BWTP. If no changes need to be made, I'll send it to you, too, Artcat. Right now I have them as 4 to a page.

Maybe one of the guys could actually put it up here for company input.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:06 AM


Thank you again, Sister, for the offer.

ArtCat, I understand. Relax, and enjoy the onslaught...if that is possible.

Boomer, I got the .doc, and emailed you one in return. I just changed a few things and turned it into a one-page flyer. I have forwarded this to BWTP, and he and I will hash it out and then post the final results here.
Thank you for that, by the way. I love the fonts!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:30 AM


Just a quick look see.

I'm sourcing all the elements now, and want to know if we'll be ordering our badges seperately or if one of us will order a batch badges(independent and '76) and then distribute it from there?

Are we sure the different suppliers are providing the same sized badges?

If one of the existing suppliers are doing '76 badges, I'll wait until they're done, so I can order once. (I find that the stuff is not that expensive, but the delivery charges are hurting me..) Still planning a strategy on that.

Same question with regards to the scarves? Are they wool or cloth? I've always thought they looked like a woollen linen blend, almost like a pashmina (just not as expensive). I also thought I'd skip the helmet and wear one around my head, but then I again realised that we're going for the pre-battle look, cleaner, more formal. I don't think any Independent would have been allowed on parade with a scarf worn like Zoe. If I'm wrong, please tell me so I can go celebrate.

I'm running into trouble with the gun. I've got feelers out for suppliers, but I'll maybe have to borrow one from one of you guys who have extras. I'll get back on that.

Anyway, off again.

And, just in case nobody has said it before. You guys are amazing. Absolutely incredible and I'm so very very proud to be here.

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:43 AM


Morning, Canter!

One of the ideas we have for the 76th patches is one or a few people splitting the bulk-order fee and then selling them directly to the recruits. As for the Independent patches, we are going with the "Blue Star" patch, and that can be ordered online...I know the link is in the first post, I'll put it here, too...hang on...
That one has the Blue Star patch.

As far as the scarves, I am thinking a crepe-like material, or a linen. Something light weight and flowy. This is something else that will go up for a discussion/vote as time goes by.

And no, for the parade, either helmets will be worn, or the soft caps/head wraps for the snipers, medic, and demolition soldiers. Honestly, I think it would be very shiny if everyone wore a helmet for the parade, but that decision had been made prior to me thinking about it.

Guns...Canter, if you can actually get here from South Africa, either I or someone else will personally loan you a gun so you don't have to worry about it. Same goes for everyone else coming in from outside the US. I know it's pert near impossible to get anything even resembling a firearm into the US now, so there will be several of us with extras. As the Con approaches, this will be something we can further coordinate.

Canter, I hope that answers all of your questions, and I hope it helps others that may have had the same ones.

And thank you for the compliments. Each and every one of us putting our time and love into this will make it a very shiny way to show our devotion for our show. I really cannot wait to march beside all of you!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:10 AM


Hey if people are interested in sidearms i have several airsoft handguns that i can loan out, holsters however, I do not have but one of. Also I may soon have hookups at a local airsoft store so if that happens Ill see what sort of bulk deals i can get if yall are interested (this store carrys both the G36K and C variants).


Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:10 AM


sorry, doublepost


Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:33 AM


Canter; don't you worry - I'll order you a star patch and bring stuff with me to D*C to attach it to your uniform...okay? Hell, if you're able to get here from S.Africa; I certainly can help get you outfitted! You worry about your uniform pants/brown stripe...shirt, boots, etc...and you let me know what else ya need..kay?
You're so welcome, Tristan! We are going to have SO much fun!!


Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:34 AM


Canter; don't you worry - I'll order you a star patch and bring stuff with me to D*C to attach it to your uniform...okay? Hell, if you're able to get here from S.Africa; I certainly can help get you outfitted! You worry about your uniform pants/brown stripe...shirt, boots, etc...and you let me know what else ya need..kay?
You're so welcome, Tristan! We are going to have SO much fun!!
LostinThought; I may take ya up on the sidearm/holster set up...Thanks!


Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:20 AM


Hello, all, again.

A couple of suggestions.
Not all of us are handy with a needle - can there always be a recommended commercial alternative to whatever is decided for common equipment. For example, I can't make a browncoat, but there's a fine on at 1880 Western Weat that comes in Walnut Brown that's worth examining. I have shopped this store myself, but kuds to for the call out of the "The Wah Maker 'Trail Duster' coat from"

Also, I can't be the only one who believes that the "Spirit of 76" is what was also intended in the selection of the unit designation.

I note that Reynold's pants look exactly like CSA butternet Sargeant's pants (think stripe of black for infantray) - this too can't be accidental, so could use an actual historically acurate re-production of same in my kit? I like to share between my recreational insanties where ever possible.

Tristan, I sent you an email separately requesting that I be admitted to you and your gang.

In service,



Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:31 AM


The Russian helmets are back in stock. They currently have 30 available. Here's the link:


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:04 AM


Canter, I second Sister's offer...whatever you need that you don't have or need help with, let us know.

Quandom, the reason I am trying to create a coat for us is will be as close to the screen-used one as I can get it (and somewhat unique, as I have not been able to find that coat anywhere), and I am also trying to make the coat as easy and inexpensive to build as possible. So, the short answer is no, there will not be a commercially available coat, unless you count what I or other Browncoat stitchers (with the pattern we decide one) can make. By buying from a Browncoat, you'll be keeping your money in the Firefly ' a round about way.
One of the main goals for the 76th is uniformity, so if we have ONE design for the coats and ONE design for the vests and ONE type of weapon, we will look much more like a cohesive unit than just a throw-together.

As for the pants, I have included a link in the first post for the Wah-Maker clones I use, but if you have a link for another type of pants with the stripe already on them, please post it. We are looking for khaki or butternut colored pants with a brown/brownish stripe down them. Any links you may have would be wonderful!

"Sprit of 76"...had not thought about that! I got the unit designation from a line Zoe used in one of the deleted scenes from the pilot...I don't remeber the exact quote, but it was along the lines of "We've lost another four from the 76th, sir".

I have not received the email...I don't think...
Go ahead and put your info down on the Roll Call thread:
And BWTP, our XO and webmaster, will add you on the next update.

Thank you for your input!

Canter, BWTP has asked me to pass along that he will send you both the Unit and the Independent patches, and not to worry about the shipping charges.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:16 AM


Tristan, Canter, and others: I went ahead and ordered 20 triangle patches from OutToTheBlack as they were one of the many vendors caught in the Flan last weekend, so I will have many of them for whoever wants one. Also, Tristan if you want I will send you a supply for the coats and "smock-ups"!...


Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:24 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Speaking of our unit designation, most military units have an unofficial mascot and motto or slogan. I have a couple of people I know that are some very talented artists. If we come up with a motto/slogan (whatever you want to call it) they could whip up some art for us.

I will brainstorm to see what I can come up with.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:47 AM


Definitely put me in for the knee-length coat when you get to that stage.Seems to me that you're going to have a lot on your plate in terms of tayloring what with you making a uniform for the captain and all.Wish I had those skills to help tho I will pay you for your time.If you need a bit of extra coin to help with the captains uniform let me know.

Returning to the subject of heavy weapons-I understand your reservations about having a hodge-podge of garden variety weapons in the parade,however,I feel strongly that the Independents would have employed these as a necessity albeit sparingly.Would you consider perhaps assigning a heavy weapon to an individual or to a two-man team?That way you could have control over what shows up.That M-60 that was discussed earlier would be pretty good if it got cleaned up a bit.This is my last word on the subject-I don't want to kick a dead horse,just a suggestion.

"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all"


Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:07 AM


Just a thought for those who do not sew ( like me) chances are if you do some checking around you either have a friend that can be convinced to help you for a minimal fee, OR a local tailor who can take on the project. there will be a pattern available so you will have the "blueprint" for what you are wanting made

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:21 AM


found a good deal on a military surplus shoulder bag, with bonus points for already having a browncoay phrase in chinese!! “Serve the People” Im ordering one for myself and my sister, and im gonna put a blueSun patch over Mr. Mao's head.

they are about $10 a pop.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:10 PM


Dear future comrades;

I am not only glad to buy a coat from our own q-masters - and keep the money 'in the family' so to speak - but promise to wear it out here, and even act as your 'recruiting sargeant'on the Left Coast. There is Wondercon and Silicon next year where I shall be glad to pimp both the 76th, and my other insanity the National Civil War Association ( I just hope we can keep the price under $200, this hobby is getting to be as expensive as my Confederate impersonation.

The place for butternut trousers with Sargant's blacck stripe is "The Blockade Runner" ( which has many goods relevant to our common interest. For ordering the pants, note that they are wool and cost $180.

An alternative is to order the Cotton pants, the tape, and get some one local to sew it for you. My current Indy pants are $9 specials from Walmart - but the tailoring to add the stripe cost me $20! I can't sew and don't rely on glueing in a straight line.


If we are looking for slogans, may I suggest "The Spirit of 76". Many independents would undoubtedly trace their ancestry from descendatns of "Usans" - much the way in the re-enactment hobby you'll find many who can trace ancestors back to those who served on either side - and some have relatives on both!



Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:41 PM


So, we have a single blue star..
Instead of the 'bonnie blue flag that bears the single sttar', do we have a 'bonnnie blue star upon our single flag'?


Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:32 PM


Evening, all!

Sister, thank you for that! If, when you get them, you'd take pictures and let us know about the construction, etc., that would be shiny!
And I will probably take you up on your offer...let me know how much they are and I'll buy what you don't need.

Browncoat1, I think BWTP is working on our "slogan", but I had not thought of a mascot...that may be something to think of!

NaughtyMan, thank you for the "pre-order"! I should have photos of the test-version of the coat up by next week. I want to be sure everyone likes it before I start mass-producing them!
And from your mouth to the Captain's ears! I have not yet heard back from him on MySpace, but if I do!

We did also talk about the heavy weapons, and that may be something we open up in the future, as we grow. For the first parade, though, we are going to stick with the G36 variants. There is a SAW version out there. But, as there WILL be a future for the 76th and we WILL be growing (), the heavy weapons discussion will come about again. Thank you for your input on that!

ArtCat, thank you for the sewing info. I am more than willing to share the pattern for the coat with those that want it...I would love to find someone else in here willing to put together a few of them for people, too. Again, while I am aiming for having one style of coat and one style of smock, I do not want to be the monopoly...which is why I am offering the patterns.

LostThought, those bags are great! Well, other than the picture of Chairman Yao... That should not be that hard to either cover or remove, though.
Thanks for the link!

Quandom, thank you for that offer!
I actually hope to keep the coats below $100.00, which is why I have been tweaking the pattern so much. I want something that looks good and is simple to make. The major financial factor right now is the cloth to build it.

And thank you for that link! Um...whereabouts in there are the pants you were talking about? If most people are like me, they will just end up perusing the catalog (shiny stuff in there!) and forget why they started in the first place...

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:41 PM


Sister, please put me down for one of those patches! I'll need it for my un-Battalion project.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:19 PM


Good evening!...Absolutely, Tristan; as soon as I get those patches with the blue star; I'll haul out two of them..take a pic and send the rest to you! (one of the two I'll keep is for Boomer!)...I believe BWTP is sending patches to Canter, yes? If not, I'd be glad to.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:07 PM


About those heavy and specialty weapons:

The CO wrote:


We did also talk about the heavy weapons, and that may be something we open up in the future, as we grow. For the first parade, though, we are going to stick with the G36 variants. There is a SAW version out there. But, as there WILL be a future for the 76th and we WILL be growing , the heavy weapons discussion will come about again. Thank you for your input on that!

For those folks a-thinkin' that we need a SAW or two, I'd recommend hitting Ebay and searching on M41K2, or M41 K2, in airsoft. You'll come up with some inexpensive hits which look much like this:

Notice that the forearm guard is long, with six lozenge-shaped holes, and all that's visible of the barrel is the pronged flash hider. You want a model that's 1:1 scale, about 32-33 inches long.

Then you either kitbash a box or drum magazine, or buy one. I recommend kitbashing, because the price of the airsoft drum or box magazines are brutal. You can use the magazine which comes with your airsoft model to build around, easily enough.

Personally, I'd do a box magazine. Easier to put fiberboard, foamcore, or styrofoam around a magazine in a simple box, than fussing with a drum on either side of the magazine ; but both could be done with a modicum of effort.

If you want to spend an extra 20.00 or so, and buy the more accurate, longer add-on flash hider for G36s, and swap out , that'd be shiny -- I sispect you'll have to slide a dowel down the barrel and glue/slide the new flash hider on that way.

End result: A LMG/SAW built on a G36 chassis. What's not to like?

As far as snipers go? I'm probably looking to get this piece:

Also 33 inches, but the length is gained by the longer "barrel" on a fairly standard G36K body. I also like the slightly less skeletal stock, as I'll be adding a cheekpad to it, as snipers are wont to do. I'll be leaving off the pseudo-tactical greeblies on either side of the barrel shroud/foregrip, of course.

There's plenty of *inexpensive* room to "kit up" within the guidelines of the 76th. Make it from a G36, but make it shiny; make it special; make it *yours*.

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy

Volunteer, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:40 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi all... Just letting you know I'm alive and well and so very excited about marching in the innaugural 76th parade!

Do you guys realise that in years to come our kids will be marching and saying to one another... "So, how did you get to be part of the 76th?" ... "Oh my Dad actually marched with them in 'o6... you?" "Wow! I saw the series on super speed lazer disc a while back and I joined up right away - so, your Dad was actually one of the originals... they're as amazing as the BDHs themselves...!!!"

or maybe "yeah - my Dad actually knows Tristan himself... "

At least that's how good it is in my mind!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:49 PM


About those box and drum magazines for LMGs...

Here's a nice box-magazine setup for inspiration:

Tasty, eh?

HK's own websites show the LMG version of the G36 with a double-drum magazine:

Airsoft Arms (among others) sells a replica for airsoft G36s -- but only the more expensive electric guns, and at a price that only a Blue Sun operative could love... still, it gives a good picture of the setup:

Hope these are of some help to any machine gunners out there!

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy

Volunteer, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:03 PM


Evening, all!

Sister, thank you for that. When they do arrive, and you are ready to get rid of them, please email me so we can work out the details.

DocJubal, thank you very much for that info! So, we should be able to have a few SAW's with no problems at all!
As far as the sniper rifle, thank you for that link. There is also a civilian version of that rifle called the SL-8 out there. It is also based on the G36. In following with the 76th's weapons guidlines, this is an acceptable rifle for the snipers. Not sure you want it that bright, glaring white, though!

Magda, , thank you for that! I really do hope it turns out to be that way...years down the road..."Nice coat!" "Yeah, it was my grandfather's. He was one of the original members of the 76th".

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:39 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oooooh - they look pretty serious to a girl who's only ever handled an air riffle for shooting rabbits or target practice on tin cans... and that was when I was 12! (and we had to pick up the tiny little pellets after our target practice to re-use them...)

Heh - I guess I have to get over that if I am going to fight for the Independant Army... I mean - march with the 76th!

EDIT: I am sure it will go down like that Tristan... I am sure it will...

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:22 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Evening, all!

As far as the sniper rifle, thank you for that link. There is also a civilian version of that rifle called the SL-8 out there. It is also based on the G36. In following with the 76th's weapons guidlines, this is an acceptable rifle for the snipers. Not sure you want it that bright, glaring white, though! ...

SHINY. I believe we have a Volunteer who already has one of these. Spiffin'... I conjure that the robust lines of the SL8 would allow a devoted propmaker to build a hefty "anti-tank rifle" by attaching an oversized barrel to the frame. Next best thing to a bazooka!

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy

Volunteer, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents?
Sign up and info here:


Friday, December 15, 2006 3:42 AM


It's FRIDAY!!!
Here's a BUMP.


Friday, December 15, 2006 4:08 AM


Morning, all!
'Tis Friday!

Magda, I too am looking forward to!

DocJubal...anti-tank, eh? Oh, yeah, that would indeed be shiny!

Morning, Sister! Happy Friday!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Friday, December 15, 2006 5:03 AM


ArtCat, I sent you the flyer that Tristan & I worked on (to the email listed on your website). If you decide to take it somewhere for printing, I encourage you to try to find paper that's not stark white. I think it would look better on something kind of tan or cream colored.

I'm going to have my local OfficeMax print out a ton for Serenity to take with her to FXCon. Here's hopin' we both manage to score more recruits!

Tristan & BWTP, thanks for the help, I think it came out great! Maybe you could figure out how to post it on the website?

I'll have Ben work on the lanyard this weekend so's we can get a pic up. We'll also have some new pics on our website later...magnets & shot glasses! (Yes, fully usable leather shot glasses. LOL.) Today's our anniversary, so I may not be around much. Have a good one, 76ers!

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Friday, December 15, 2006 5:13 AM


Morning, Boomer!
First off, happy anniversary to the two of you! I hope you enjoy the day and end up doing lots of fun things!

Thank you for the flyers...and thanks for your patience with my aged computer at home...the one at work is better, so I am going to see what I can do about getting it posted on kung fu in document-to-jpeg is not all that strong.

More recruits! That will be shiny! Remember, to match the 501st, we need at least 3,000!

I am very pleased and still surprised at how well this is all coming together. I would say that we should have all the details hammered out within a month or so!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Friday, December 15, 2006 5:55 AM


For those with the 76th patch in their signature blocks.
I wanted to make use of all that space to the right of the patch, so I put together a recruiting poster

Vote for Firefly

Sign up NOW!
More Information:


Friday, December 15, 2006 5:56 AM


FlatTop, that is one mighty shiny tag you have there! Thanks for coming up with that!
Would you mind if those that want to went ahead and used that in their own signature lines?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:






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