The Sereni-Tree, the Immortals, the Octagonal Order, and the Harbringer of Darkness, Part 2

UPDATED: Thursday, December 21, 2006 03:42
VIEWED: 20440
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:59 AM


Open it up and see, silly!

*Soul opens the box to find a new, hand-tooled leather quiver and hand-made bow.*

For your next adventure.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:25 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

*Soul opens the box to find a new, hand-tooled leather quiver and hand-made bow.*

For your next adventure.

Soul's jaw drops.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:22 AM


No, I don't think you ever have.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:17 PM


McQ approaches Serenity from behind and lightly taps her shoulder. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I believe I have all the wires and hooks untangled. Do you require further assistance?"

Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:46 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
SR labor side by side with Sir Kei and he speaks "I fear Sir Kei I can not show you the making of the sauce for it's a secret known only to members of my immediate family. I am honor bound to keep its secret safe." SR feels his final reserves wane. "Excuse me if you would." SR turns toward Snarky, "Snarky if you would be so very kind and carry on in my stead." SR steps aside several paces to a relatively clear area, sits down into a lotus position and closes his eyes.

Scorpion Regent

45 minutes later SR stands back up and returns to work, though close scrutiny will reveal that he appears to be in a trance.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:34 PM


*JadeBlackJackRackham (too lazy to change logins right now) shakes the cobwebs from his head as he takes in the bustling activity aboard the Tree, everyone scurries about taking care of the little things and the big things and playing games. He sits quietly and watches. They move by him almost in slow motion, almost not seeing him. He blinks occassionally, as if taking snapshots. Locking memories into place.
These memories stir others and he is, as is often the case, more than a little overwhelmed. Almost on auto-pilot, unaware of his actions, choosing to do nothing, he finishes his drink. He stands. He walks quietly, zig-zagging past the other crew that still seem to be moving slowly. He finds himself inside the hanger bay, the sound of Ocean Cloud 's door opening, Her engines starting and the craft leaving the Tree. He's in the pilot's chair, not remembering getting there and still not sure where he's going.
Atmo. Planetside. Far below, the smoke of battle is obvious. The knowledge of the war below passes though his mind. Ocean Cloud with full SEP active, passes overhead, unseen, unheard, and travels on. Past the coastline, over the sea, lowering itself to a hover just a few feet above the ocean.
It's late afternoon, near evening here. The rear hatch begins to lower as JadeBlackJackRackham walks to the rear of the craft. He spins one of the rear seats around and sinks into the chair, staring off into the distance of the open sea. He drinks. He watches. "And the sun and the equator, sitting like an ember thrown to deep water, from crimson to black. worth coming back... tomorrow."

Reclining in the sunset.... he drifts off to peaceful sleep.*

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:36 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
On Zanzibar in the castle of Immortals:

Arinda approaches Jazaf, eyes closed as always, but with many magic silver eyes floating about her. "Good job, Alatariel." She scoffs at those Immortals Alatariel recovered, each still held in Wards Major. "Allow those fools their discomfort, so they might contemplate their future actions. We will break them free in time."

"But you, Jazaf! You are a prize! What have you to say for yourself?"

At Arinda's side is Adelle the Burner, eyes fixed upon Jazaf and a fireball already in hand.

Jazaf takes a steadying breath as a nervous smile creeps onto his face.
"We can still end this peaceably. If we.."
Jazaf is cut off as a fireball engulfs his left arm and sears his flesh. A second fireball hits his right leg and sends Jazaf to the floor.
"You still think reason will win out the day? Karg was right to name you 'The Fool'." Arinda says in a mockingly motherly tone. Jazaf does his best to pat out the fires on his arm and leg.
In between gasps of pain he makes a statement, "No one will benefit from this. In the end, you will be alone with none to rule."
Jazaf is then engulfed in flames as Adelle hurls fireball after fireball at him.
"They will learn their place soon enough!" Arinda shrieks, then in a much calmer tone "As will you."
The fire burns hotter, Jazaf howls at the increased feeling of pain all over and passes out.
"Take him to the holding cell we had Magnus enchant in case of his return." Arinda commands Alatariel.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:14 AM


Hey McQ. Thanks for untangling those!

If you want to help finish hanging all the ornaments, that'd be great. I think there are some lights and garland that still need hanging, too.

I'm going to take Sera to see the penguins and the snow! Give me a buzz if you have any problems.

Oh, and there are cookies and milk in the kitchen when you want a break. Have fun!

Hey Mai! Ready to go play in the snow?

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:18 PM


"Hey all! Didn't forget about me, didja?"

13's incredibly magnified voice rings across the battlefield as he, atop a somewhat tired-looking pegasus, soars into view, a sword in each hand, avian eyes blazing. He is adorned in glittering, silver armor, his rooster's talons decked out in gold magnificance. An Aztec plume of rainbow feathers tops his head, giving him a regal/utterly silly appearance. Each item glowed with hidden power, and he smiled a goofy smile as his new, bass voice rumbled:

"Where's this Project, friends and neighbors? I'll tear him a new one!"


Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:25 PM


OOC: Apparently, 13 has raided Magnus' personal clothes closet!


Friday, December 15, 2006 4:45 AM


Yes! I am very ready! Let's go.

Think Sera is too little to go sledding?


Friday, December 15, 2006 5:10 AM


Maybe. But we could put her in one of those little pull-wagon thingies and walk her around. I bet she'd love that.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, December 15, 2006 6:42 AM


Aw, she's such a cute baby.

*makes himself a cup of tea*

Though I advise as a doctor that you should all wrap up warm when playing in a cold environment. I don't want to treat a dozen people for the sniffles.

Ugh. This milk tastes off.


Friday, December 15, 2006 7:31 AM



Did you drink out of the container with the blue lid?

Can you not read the sign that says "DO NOT DRINK" on it?

Who do you think you are? Alice?

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, December 15, 2006 8:05 AM


Aaachooooooooooo! *sneezes all over SW

Heh. Oops. Sorry about that. Maybe going into the cold will freeze away all these cold germs!


Friday, December 15, 2006 10:01 AM


Ath having disappeared off somewhere, Seryn makes her way to the kitchen, makes herself a cup of tea, then goes to do some christmas shopping.

Well, she puts a call through to a mad scientist she knows, and orders a load of boxes.

Then she waits, make another cup of tea, waits a little more then grins as a proximity alarm goes off.

In the loading bay, a small craft lands, drops the boxes onto the floor and buzzes off again. Seryn then loads them onto a palet, and drags them off to the common room, where she selects the prettiest pictures from a years worth of newspapers and wraps them all up with ribbons and froufy bows.

Seeing as Simonwho is nearest, she hands him his prettily (and environmentally friendly wrapped) box.

Then she leave another with peanut butter smudged on it in the kitchen, then goes off to find Serenity and Mai to give them theirs. Leaving Simonwho scratching his head over why Seryn just wrapped and handed him an empty box.

If he would read the lable, it would say - 'DO NOT open before December 25th. Box will produce object most desired if placed by bed whilst recipiant is asleep. Neat innit?'

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, December 15, 2006 3:16 PM


At the Keep of the Octagonal Order, on the planet Zanzibar:

A spot of light appears in the bailey of the keep. It expands to become a ring of fire as tall as a person, surrounding a dark void. From this hole in reality steps TheRealMe and Jake7. Among other things, they are carrying Jadehand’s five soul jar detectors. TheRealMe is fatigued. “Whew! It’s been a while since I did that.”

Immediately, they are surrounded by thirty warriors with long pointy spears.

“Huh… Hi! Would Sir Kei be anywhere around?”

Then beyond crumbling wall, TheRealMe observes the ongoing struggle of titans between the Luc-monster and the Special Project. He whistles long and low. “Wow! The last time I saw something like that was ‘Godzilla Versus Mothra’!”

Jake7 steps forward, facing numerous spears pointed at her face. “Is Sir Kei around? We know him.”

“We’ve MET him,” TheRealMe amends, wondering if Kei had sufficient mental agility to recall their brief meeting at the village inn. “And he might be interested in knowing that we can locate the soul jars of the Immortals!”

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, December 15, 2006 7:58 PM



Originally posted by mai:

*races down to the kitchen and eats all the pb cookies before Ath can get there.
Yum! Serenity those were delicious!!! Do we have any milk?

*Ath arrives in the kitchen far too late for the pb cookies and therefore wallows in abject misery for a while until someone mentions sledding. He immediately perks up, changes into some winter clothes and joins his sister, niece and Mai in the snow.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, December 15, 2006 8:28 PM


In the Castle of Immortals on the planet Zanzibar:

Deep in the dungeon levels of the castle, the Immortal Alatariel stared down at her former love’s wounded body. Already, it was healing the terrific burns inflicted by Adelle’s fireballs. “Jazaf, you should have known to not cross the Empress Arinda. There is a price to be paid for that. Always a price.”

Directed by her gestures, the part-human servitors lugged Jazaf into the special cell constructed by Magnus the Maker. “Once you are locked in here, no force or magic from inside can free you. It is absolutely escape-proof.” She sighed.

Alatariel glanced at the group of half-human creatures that do her bidding. In their eyes she could see two things only: fear and hate. She recalled Jazaf’s words to the Empress:


"No one will benefit from this. In the end, you will be alone with none to rule."

Jazaf was right! Yes, of course he was right. Why was it so difficult to see? Had she spent too much time without a soul in her body?

“Begone!” she yelled at her servants. Terrified, the creatures scurried away, leaving her alone with her prisoner. Wistfully, she asked, “What kind of world would you make, Jazaf, if you had the chance?”

A resounding clang echoed up and down the corridors as Alatariel slammed shut the door of the Cage. She inserted an ornate jewel-encrusted key, but paused before she locked the great door.

“What kind of world WOULD you make, Jazaf?” Alatariel smirked, and then smiled evilly. “Let’s find out!” Alatariel removed the key without turning it, leaving the Cage unlocked. She dropped the key to the floor and departed the dungeon.


Friday, December 15, 2006 8:30 PM


Meanwhile in the great throne room, the Imperial Chancellor knelt before his Empress. He tried to ignore the Immortals lying on the marbled floor, squirming, constrained within magical wards. He gulped. What these great Lords and Ladies of the Empire had done to deserve such treatment was beyond him. He had best stay out of it.

From her large throne, dressed in purple, a crown on her head, The Empress Arinda of the Silver Eyes gazed down upon her Chancellor, not using her own closed eyes, but rather the host of magical eyes that orbited her head and shoulders. Standing at her side was one of her great generals, Adelle the Burner, dressed in a fine gown of bright orange.

“Report!” Arinda commanded.
“Yes, Majesty!” he intoned, still kneeling. “I regret to inform Your Majesty that the Dreamer Stone is gone.”


The Chancellor lost his normally butler-like composure. “Uh, yes, Majesty. Lost. Or… or stolen! Ummm… Have I told Your Majesty how beautiful she looks today, why…”

Arinda stood up from her throne and walked down the steps to be right next to the Chancellor. “How? When?” The multitude of silvery eyes floated around the Chancellor, staring at him, unblinking.

“Uh, well, Your Majesty, it is entirely possible that…”

“WHERE IS THE DREAMER STONE?” Arinda commanded. The floating eyes were all staring at the Chancellor, and drew still closer to him. He was terrified.

“I, umm… it is hard to say exactly when…”

“WHERE?” Arinda opened her real eyes, and the Chancellor screamed in terror as he beheld them. He fell over, dead as a stone.

“You broke him,” Adelle observed casually.

“He didn’t know, the fool!” Arinda closed her eyes and returned to her throne, miffed. She gestured at the body of the Chancellor. “Well, get this cleaned up! And find me a new Chancellor!”

The other Immortals, still being punished by being trapped in their Wards Major on the marble floor, looked on with some concern. The mouth of Krysta the Whisperer moved. By their expressions, Ouroboros, Karg, Magnus, and Zorander all heard her.


Friday, December 15, 2006 8:32 PM


The Immortal Alatariel attempted to keep her mind blank as she walked into the throne room. She fidgeted with the objects in her hand, but then stopped. The Empress might notice. The Chancellor lay dead at the foot of the Throne. And still the other Immortals lay on the floor squirming in the Wards Major that held them. Had they not been released YET? Perfect! Alatariel privately cursed herself and blanked her mind again, before the Empress could notice that...

“Ah, Ally! There you are! So, you locked up Jazaf in Magnus’ Cage?” Arinda faced her, eyes closed as usual, silver eyes floating all around her head.

Alatariel was careful not to lie, or even nod her head. The Empress could sense lies. She could usually sense half-truths as well, so this was going to be tricky. Alatariel curtsied to hide her facial features. “Empress Arinda, Jazaf the Metal Beast is safely inside Magnus’ Cage.”

“Good! I could never understand what you saw in him!”

“As I recall,” Adelle said with a smile, “Your Majesty was quite taken with him yourself!”

Arinda scowled. “Enough! There is another problem that must be dealt with! By YOU Ally!”


Adelle the Burner sneared as she gazed out of a window. “That mutant army of yours is at the gates. They are trying to storm this castle. Fools!”

Alatariel was puzzled. “I thought they were all dead when my lab-tower collapsed.”

On her throne, Arinda shrugged. “Well, they are quite durable, I’ll give them that. You built them to last. But it’s time to destroy them now. All of them. Take care of it. Now!”

Alatariel curtsied again, and she used that motion to hide her true actions. Small balls bounced at the feet of both Arinda and Adelle. “Infuse and invoke Wards Major!” Alatariel whispers.

Taken off guard, Arinda and Adelle are trapped as the restraining magic envelops them. Arinda is furious as her numerous silver eyes fall to the floor and bounce about. “Traitor!” the Empress screams.

Alatariel almost laughs, but then she is herself trapped when Arinda opens her eyes to gaze upon her captor.

Alatariel screams.


Friday, December 15, 2006 8:35 PM


In the dungeon of the castle of the Immortals:


Jazaf slowly opens his eyes at the unfamiliar voice, to find himself face to face with a half-human, half-chicken creature.

“If Milord would care to exit Magnus’ Cage, I could escort him to the throne room.”

Behind the chicken-man, other mutants of various shapes and sizes are carrying a bound figure into Magnus’ Cage. It wears the regal purple gown of Empress Arinda of the Silver Eyes, but there is a bag over her head. She is dumped unceremoniously into one corner, where she squirms.

“Milord sees the Empress,” the chicken-man responds to his unanswered question. “It cost the minds of twenty-seven of us to get that bag over her head. Her eyes contain a most formidable power! And, if I may be permitted an opinion, the bag also acts to greatly improve her looks.”

Jazaf is still a bit groggy as Zorander the Storm Caller is also dumped into the Cage. “Who... What…”

“Of course, Milord. I am one of the breeding experiments of Lady Alatariel. While Her Ladyship was extremely creative in designing monsters, she was somewhat lacking in imagination when assigning names. As I was the sixth of her batch of twenty-one chicken-men, I was called Number Six.”

The form of Ouroboros the Infinite is dumped into the Cage by more monsters.

Jazaf makes it to his feet. “Do I know you?”

Krysta the Whisperer is tossed in, to be followed by Adelle the Burner. Some wit among the monsters thought it amusing to put the Mistress of Ice right next to the Mistress of Fire.

Number Six bows. “Milord departed long before I was created, but I well know Milord through his great reputation, and through the musings of Her Ladyship.”

The massive form of Karg the Bloody is dragged into Magnus’ Cage just as Jazaf is exiting the structure.

Jazaf considers what he sees. “All of the Immortals are caught in Wards Major?”

“I cannot say, Milord. But they seem to be trapped, and we have taken advantage of that. All are so except for Milord and the Lady Alatariel.”

Magnus is placed inside the structure that bears his name. His eyes are wide in terror, for he understands the Cage’s power.

“Where is she?” Jazaf asks.

“Here, Milord.”

A group of less misshapen mutants gently cradle Alatariel the Lurker. Alatariel’s eyes are open, staring straight ahead at nothing.

“From what I understand, she looked into the Empress’ eyes, Milord. Her own mind seems to be gone.” Number Six sighs. “I cannot say that she was kind to us, but she did give us life, and in the end, she refused to slay us and acted to depose the Empress. What is her fate to be, Milord? Still, she is guilty of many crimes.”

Jazaf does not respond immediately.

“While Milord can take his time to decide her ultimate fate, I must ask now: does Milady Alatariel go inside or outside of Magnus’ Impenetrable Cage?”

Number Six places the great ornate key to Magnus’ Cage into Jazaf’s hands. Meanwhile, numerous monsters wait on Jazaf's instructions, some still holding Alatariel, others prepared to slam the door shut.



Friday, December 15, 2006 8:37 PM


OOC: Okay, I have ended the Immortal Menace in time for Christmas as I promised. Now we only have to deal with the Great Project and the Luc-monster, and I think I’ll leave that to Safe, Bride2, SR, 13, and anyone else.


Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:56 AM


"No, Lady Alatariel is to be taken to her Chambers and placed on her bed."
"Very well, Milord."
The group carrying Lady Alatariel went off to place her in her chambers, while the other group of chickenmen slammed the door with obvious satisfaction. Jazaf locks the door then hands the key to Number 6.
"While I'm sure no one will want them back out in the world, I want you to safeguard this key. I'm heading out to find a way to help Alatariel."
As Jazaf leaves the keep Number 6 holds up the key to the cell in his misshapen hand in triumph causing a cheer to arise from all the other mutants.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Sunday, December 17, 2006 1:07 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Doris The talking goat leaves his room and wanders into the galley. He is wearing a very fetching antler set and tinsel waist coat.

"Merry Christmas!!" He says as he shakes a bell under his collar.


Sunday, December 17, 2006 1:29 PM


"merry christmas Doris! My don't you look festive!" Seryn hands Doris a box, tnen carries on, intending to find the others where they are sledding, but she gets distracted by the T.H.R.E.A.D machine which is blinking and whirring furiously.

Reading bak several screens she realises she can't for the life of her understand whats going on... but nevermind, as one little snippet stands out.

Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

Now if some one were to say, hypothetically, drop ship one of SR's ballistaes and some of his experimental missles into the keep, we might have a really good chance against the "special project" thingy flying about.

In less than half an hour she's loaded as many of SR's experimental weapons onto the Nandi as can fit, (plus more under the seats and in the glove compartment) and also filched a crossbow and lots of bolts from the armoury.


Approaching the keep, she attempts to keep low, to minimise the nuber of people who see the nandi approach, and hope that no-one noticed the quick manouver that takes her up to the keep walls where SR appears to be , quite mechanically, bludgeoning the enemy into submission. She tries to see who else is on the wall but the enemy soldiers start to approach the Nandi, so she sit and picks them off as quick as she's able with the bow, all the while yelling to try and get someones attention.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Sunday, December 17, 2006 2:56 PM


Hey Ath! Let's show them how to make REAL snow angels!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:07 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
She tries to see who else is on the wall but the enemy soldiers start to approach the Nandi, so she sit and picks them off as quick as she's able with the bow, all the while yelling to try and get someones attention.

One of Seryn's arrows kills the main orc leader and the contingent of reconstituted orcs dissolves again into a routed rabble.

"Good shooting there slim!" Yells SR from the wall.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, December 18, 2006 9:21 AM


*dances* "yey me!"

"oo!" *starts shooting again*

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, December 18, 2006 10:15 AM


At first the Great project is too much for Sir-Luc-Creature. Everything she threw at it seemed to bounce harmlessly off its scaled hide. Blow after blow rained down on her and she struggled to hold her ground, frustrated that a being such as this should aspire to best her might.

The battle field was littered with Orc bodies and smoking craters. Sir-Luc-Creature slumped amongst the carnage gathering herself for the next attack. One of her curved horns was broken off and she was bleeding from several nasty wounds. If she survived this battle, she would have to find Ouroboros and have him make her immortal, then she would have no further use for the Immortals.

Suddenly she noticed a change in the magic. Not unlike a house where all the water taps were running and they are all turned off save one, her access to the magic increased seven fold.

Grinning like the cat that just swallowed the canary, Sir-Luc-Creature stands. Throwing her head back, she laughs at the sky and her laughter is echoed by peals of thunder.

“This game is done, creature” Sir-Luc-Creature says as her eyes shift to violet and she opens herself to the magic.

The creature stops mid lunge, Sir Luc cocks her head to one side and the creature starts tearing itself to pieces. Veins of silver slowly cover her. The Great Project finally falls to the ground and Sir Luc finally notices the veins on her own body.

At first she just shows annoyance and tries to brush them off. Annoyance changes to anger as she accesses all the Immortals magics in efforts to stops the veins advance. The anger is replaced by panic.

Turning to face the keep Sir Luc calls out “Wisp!! What is happening?!? I need more serum! Kei? You’ll help me right?”

Sir Kei moves to go to her but S.R restrains him. “Whoa there big fella. I don’t think that would be wise...”

OOC: Ok Wisp, you had some counter measures for magic and I'm not sure how they work so go to town Don't feel you have to save Sir Luc unless that's what you had in mind.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, December 18, 2006 1:06 PM


Watching the battle between the two giants, 13 tries to deduce exactly which one he is supposed to kill. As the uglier one tears itself to pieces, he decides that the one that caused that strange mutilation MUST be the Eviler Of The Two.

"Right then. C'mon, Peggy, let us bloody our blades and hooves, split skulls and rend flesh...and...yeah. Okay."

With a thundering shriek, the sword-wielding bird-man atop his 'peggy' charges the Luc-monster, blades flashing like the sun. Great plumes of fire erupt from the headdress's feathers, leaving a magnificent flaming trail. Eyes narrowing, he leaps from the peggy as they pass over the Luc-monster, landing nimbly on her back.

"Behold my more-than-competent weaponry and combat skills!" he screams, plunging the sun-blades into her shoulders, sizzling her hair with the flamethrowing headdress. "Indeed, I cannot be matched by anything that crawls, swims, creeps, or wheels about this planet!"


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:38 PM


Whoa. Now that's what I call an impressive snow angel! So life like! Ok, who's on for sled races?


Monday, December 18, 2006 6:23 PM


OOC: Okay, I was planning to start a new thread tonight, but I can't do it after a cliffhanger like THAT!


Monday, December 18, 2006 6:32 PM


OOC: 13 vs. the something out of a Godzilla flick.

"Come on, great beast! Fight back, so that our battle may be told of in awe inside barhalls and children's hospitals!"

The armor begins to glow and shake, producing an odd seismic effect on the ground below. Great beams of light erupt from 13's breastplate, pauldrons, and gauntlets, piercing the Luc-Monster like a pincushion.

"Fetched you a good one there!"


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:52 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
*dances* "yey me!"

"oo!" *starts shooting again*


The only orcs on the field are the wounded and the dying as SR climbs down from the wall and walks over to Seryn at the Nandi. He kisses her with the overpowering intensity of a man simply glad to be alive.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:38 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Whoa. Now that's what I call an impressive snow angel! So life like! Ok, who's on for sled races?

Oh, you know I'm game.

*Dons a pair of goggles and leather gloves.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:54 AM


*JadeHand wakes up in his comfy chair looking out of the back of Ocean Cloud as the sun rises. He stretches and yawns and pulls himself awake. Reaching into his bag he plucks a fresh apple and a bottle of water. After breakfast he showers and returns to his seat to watch the world. The sea rolls by underneath the hovering shuttle.*

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:26 AM


Okay, you and Mai climb to the top of that hill there and I'll stand here at the bottom with Sera and tell you when to start and judge the winner!

The winner will extra marshmallows in their hot cocoa!



President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:43 PM


While Ath, Mai, and Serenity take the little angel Seraphina sledding in the Sereni-Tree’s snow park, they are unaware that they are being stalked by a large, white, furry creature. After a time, when it finally has them where it wants them, it lets loose a low, satisfied growl.

Ath looks about. “Hey, what’s that? I thought I heard some…”

On a nearby hill, the Yeti Hewitt suddenly stands and starts to rain snowballs down upon Ath, Mai, and Serenity, though he carefully avoids Sera.

“Hur! Hur! Hur! Yeti best! Yeti best in snow!” He turns and dashes back over the hill.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:31 AM


OOC: Just got word this morning via a note that I have to be out by the end of February (I'd prefer to be out a LOT sooner!). This week I have limited time to be online, so continue to move my character around for me. I have one possible option (still could be more temporary than I'd like, but I might just have somewhere to go. If there's no need for my chicken confusing abilities anymore, I'd like to join the fun on the 'tree...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:52 AM


TheRealMe uses one of his dimensional portals to send Jake7 back to the safety... and fun... of the Sereni-Tree.

OOC: I wish you the best, Jake7!

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, December 21, 2006 3:42 AM







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Sun, November 3, 2024 10:42 - 8 posts
What Song Are You Listening To, New Slang
Tue, September 24, 2024 16:34 - 117 posts
Your essential top ten music albums.
Sat, September 7, 2024 10:00 - 32 posts
Marvel CANCELS Comic Shops | Snowflake and SafeSpace Won't Save Retailers
Tue, August 13, 2024 11:10 - 6 posts
I Made a Nintendo Game Play Nintendo Games
Sun, August 4, 2024 02:50 - 2 posts
The Great Bird
Sun, June 30, 2024 15:37 - 2 posts
DC to Marvel - Hold my beer
Sat, June 22, 2024 06:16 - 4 posts