Ranty Rant

UPDATED: Thursday, January 11, 2007 13:08
VIEWED: 3187
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Monday, January 8, 2007 8:59 AM


I'm so sick of this war crap, whatever happened to competativeness? We used to invent stuff in America, now we just outsource and invade! What are we gonna do when oil runs out? It's already started- wells will be played out 40 years...or less...
We need to be more productive!!! We need to move ahead on hydrogen, and solar; we need Joss to make more FF movies; we need to invent more cool stuff that the world can't do without!! We need to educate kids, not send 'em to foreign lands to secure a diminishing staple of energy!!! We need new, clean sources of energy!! We need more spacelabs!! We need less Cheneys and Bushs!! We need more Buffy comics!!Why the F**K isn't this gorram world on track??? I like to blow s**t up like the rest of us, but we need to begin thinking as ONE world here, before it becomes the world-that-was....or Earth-that-usta-be, you know???? NeoCons frak yourselves!!!

Oh. Fresh fudge....



Monday, January 8, 2007 9:02 AM


*dumps a bucket of ice-cold water on chrisisall*

do you feel better now?

Why is the rum always gone?


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:16 AM


Whoah...thanks, dude.

Ranting demon...

Where's Mr. Pointy Chrisisall


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:18 AM


you need to join the league of psychic nutcases

Why is the rum always gone?


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:33 AM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.


Stop being observant, thoughtful, and insightful.


"Wondrous is our great blue ship that sails around the mighty sun and joy to everyone that rides along." -- Jeff Lynne, Electric Light Orchestra.


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:34 AM


Here Chrisisall...a nice flamethrower..just burn down Fox's executive offices and you'll feel much better:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:41 AM


Wouldn't the flame thrower be put to better use on the White house?

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:43 AM


nah, for them I have -drumroll please- The Infernal Spawn Of Evil!!!!!

*insane laughter*

Why is the rum always gone?


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:48 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Wouldn't the flame thrower be put to better use on the White house?

Careful--don't want to go confusing the office with the office-holder!

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:49 AM


And btw, Chris, you must read Twilight of American Culture by Morris Berman. Seriously. Mandatory reading. If I've earned any credibility with you at all, read the book. So good.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:21 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
If I've earned any credibility with you at all, read the book.

You have, and I'll ask for it for my birthday- coming up soon (But I think my father-in-law has it...hmmmm)

Endless oil reserve hoarding Chrisisall


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:22 AM



Originally posted by Causal:

Originally posted by seryn:
Wouldn't the flame thrower be put to better use on the White house?

Careful--don't want to go confusing the office with the office-holder!

well i did originally write something on how it should'nt be used on the White house its self, as it was a very pretty office chock full of furnishings and antiques paid for by the american taxpayer.

I was going to suggest he just use it on Bushes bed while Bush was in it - the bed could be put down as acceptable loss.

But that was a trifle sour sounding i thought, so i didn't say it.

Yes, confusing the office with the office holder was the gunpowder plotters mistake wasn't it? If they'd just poisoned the water supply it would have been all done in no time with no loss of historic buildings.


Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:26 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
I was going to suggest he just use it on Bushes bed while Bush was in it - the bed could be put down as acceptable loss.

Good to know that you're no longer planning to incinerate public property, but murder--eek. Can't we just publicly humiliate him and then give him 40 lashes with a wet noodle? Maybe try him? The whole let's kill him thing freaks me out a bit.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:27 AM


Watch the documentary Why We Fight and that will pretty much explain half of your rant.

And if Bush bites the big one, then we will have Cheney to deal with. (Redlava shudders)


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:29 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Causal:
If I've earned any credibility with you at all, read the book.

You have, and I'll ask for it for my birthday- coming up soon (But I think my father-in-law has it...hmmmm)

Endless oil reserve hoarding Chrisisall

Here ya go. Good stuff. Books preview.

May comment later on the rantiness but, I'm sticking with ignorance is bliss while working.


Monday, January 8, 2007 11:22 AM


I have a theory that if you start to make too much sense ,lightining will strike... please be carefull



Monday, January 8, 2007 11:32 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I'm so sick of this war crap, whatever happened to competativeness? We used to invent stuff in America, now we just outsource and invade! What are we gonna do when oil runs out? It's already started- wells will be played out 40 years...or less...
We need to be more productive!!! We need to move ahead on hydrogen, and solar; we need Joss to make more FF movies; we need to invent more cool stuff that the world can't do without!! We need to educate kids, not send 'em to foreign lands to secure a diminishing staple of energy!!! We need new, clean sources of energy!! We need more spacelabs!! We need less Cheneys and Bushs!! We need more Buffy comics!!Why the F**K isn't this gorram world on track??? I like to blow s**t up like the rest of us, but we need to begin thinking as ONE world here, before it becomes the world-that-was....or Earth-that-usta-be, you know???? NeoCons frak yourselves!!!

Oh. Fresh fudge....


You forgot the twisted soul.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, January 8, 2007 12:02 PM



Originally posted by Causal:

Originally posted by seryn:
I was going to suggest he just use it on Bushes bed while Bush was in it - the bed could be put down as acceptable loss.

Good to know that you're no longer planning to incinerate public property, but murder--eek. Can't we just publicly humiliate him and then give him 40 lashes with a wet noodle? Maybe try him? The whole let's kill him thing freaks me out a bit.

You're squeamish about murder in a country where the death penalty still exists and a substantial portion of the population owns a gun?

People'd go out and shoot a bear that had killed people without a thought...

But hey, thats way too political and has no place in talk story - I was simply presented with the option of a flamethrower and suggested another use for it - big picture thinking I think it's called.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, January 8, 2007 1:22 PM


Speaking of rants...


Originally posted by seryn:
You're squeamish about murder in a country where the death penalty still exists and a substantial portion of the population owns a gun?

Why, yes I am! Not to get overly philosophical-jargon-y, but murder is not co-extensive with killing. That is, there is some killing that is not murder. Is killing in self-defense murder? Of course not. What about killing in war (leaving the present-war politics aside)? Nope, at least, not as far as I see it. Is it murder when a cop shoots someone who's shooting up a strip mall? Would it have been murder if a passenger on one of the 9/11 jets had killed the hijackers? I mean, seriously, you can't be suggesting that all killing is murder. Murder seems to involve the idea that it is killing without sanction--that is, unjustified killing. Unless you're the most committed pacifist ever, you've got to admit that there are at least some instances where killing is not murder.

In the second place, I fail to see what gun ownership has to do with being squeamish about murder. I don't even hunt; I just tear up paper targets, carboard boxes, and soda cans. I'm proud to say I've never accidentally shot anyone with any of my firearms, nor has anyone shot anyone playing with my guns, nor have my guns ever shot anyone all on their own. I resent the implication that private firearms ownership should somehow make me OK about murdering someone.

In the third place, what has the death penalty and private firearms ownership got to do with my moral commitments? Just because we live in what you seem to take to be a murderous society doesn't mean that I should condone murder, and it certainly doesn't mean that you should feel justified in contemplating it (even casually). The mere fact that someone else has violated moral obligations does not subsequently justify another individual in doing the same. It's both logically fallacious and just contrary to common sense--hell, there's even a cliche for it: two wrongs don't make a right.


People'd go out and shoot a bear that had killed people without a thought...

If you're suggesting that killing a bear constitutes murder (and I'm not sure you are), we seem to have problems with delimiting what constitutes murder. As I understand it, from both an ethical and a legal standpoint, the killing of an animal does not constitute murder. One could certainly be unjustified in killing an animal, but that doesn't amount to murder (as the unjustified killing of a human being would). You'd certainly face censure if you unjustifiedly killed an animal, but no one (except for the more extreme animal rights folks) would call that a murder.

I think it's more likely that you're suggesting that like the bear, Bush has killed people without a thought. But Bush isn't a bear--he's a man. Humans are moral creatures (the philosophy of logical positivists notwithstanding) and as such we are accountable for our actions. You don't kill the bear because he's committed moral atrocities--you kill the bear because he's dangerous. Humans, on the other hand, you might kill because they've committed moral atrocities. But that doesn't mean you get to take the matter into your own hands and flame-thrower the Bushes. There's a term for that--vigilante justice. It's condemned in most civilized cultures. Why? Because if a person is going to be deprived of their life because of the seriousness of their transgression, we want to have an accounting for the fact that such a punishment really is necessary. With such an account, the killing of the offender becomes a justified killing (on the account of the death penalty advocates), but without such an accounting, all you've got is unjustified killing--murder.

I don't mean to vent on you, Seryn--I like you, and usually enjoy your contributions. I just see the flame-thrower-ing of the Bushes as emblematic of something that concerns me: that is, the unqualified hatred that some on the left feel toward GWB. Now, I'm no fan of the guy, myself. He's made some spectacular policy blunders, including Iraq, the biggest whopper of them all. But let's be rational: the man isn't pure evil. Do I want him out of office? Bet yer bippy, I do. But not because I think he's the anti-Christ. I want him gone because I think he's a megalomaniac who thinks he's got a mandate from God, and who systematically ignores the advice of his cabinet, his generals, the congress, and, ultimately, the will of the American people. What that makes him is a bad president--not some sort of neoCon Mephistopheles. I guess what gets to me, in the final analysis it the idea that because GWB is guitly of innocent blood, we should just go ahead and burn he and his wife to death in their beds, no trial, no due process, no nothing. I know you weren't entirely serious, Seryn, but still. I just don't understand the virulence with which people hate this guy.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Monday, January 8, 2007 1:58 PM


Despite having said already that this wasn't really the place to talk of such things...

To me its very simple - theres killing for survival, and theres killing for fun and profit.
Killing for survival is often regrettable but necessary - what a lion does to feed its young and a cop does to protect people from an insane gunman or something.
Then theres killing for fun and profit - what people do cause it amuses them, or cause the other has something they want, or cause they think they know better... that to me is murder.
So yeah, a guy in an orange hat killin bears on his weekends, thats murder, a guy sending three thousand troops to their deaths with wild stories and an oil lust? thaaats murder....

But no, in answer to what i think one of your questions was, no i don't believe i have a right to march into the White House and kill the president for the crimes he's commited.

See, it was what is called a joke. J O K E - it means something said in jest - not actually meant. To be funny or silly, and intended to make people laugh.
Honestly, they need to get humour HTML in this place.

One last thing, gun are designed to kill people, quickly and cheaply. If all all of you ever want to do with 'all of your firearms' is harras innocent paper targets, why are you not just using straws and paper blobs - much less contorversial.

But, yes, apologies to everyone. It was a joke, meant to be funny, it misfired, sorry, i'm stopping right... here.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, January 8, 2007 3:09 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
See, it was what is called a joke. J O K E - it means something said in jest - not actually meant. To be funny or silly, and intended to make people laugh.

I think I knew that you weren't serious. Complicating the matter is that I'm a philosopher, and sometimes I just rant and can't help myself. Also complicating it is that although I know that plenty of people dislike President Bush (myself among them), I don't understand the people that hate him.


Honestly, they need to get humour HTML in this place.

Ain't that the truth. And a sarcasm one. And an "I'm-teasing-you" one.


One last thing, gun are designed to kill people, quickly and cheaply. If all all of you ever want to do with 'all of your firearms' is harras innocent paper targets, why are you not just using straws and paper blobs - much less contorversial.

You're right, guns are meant to kill things. I won't disagree to that. Swords are, too. Some people have collections of swords, and some even swing them around on occasion--safely, of course, and never to hurt anyone. I have a relatively small collection of guns. Sometimes I get them out and use them--safely, of course, and never to harm anyone. I enjoy the physical mastery of being able to put thirty rounds into a bullseye from 200 yards (although I haven't been able to duplicate that since I left the service). But I do own one gun that I rarely shoot. That one I keep just in case someone attacks me in my home. I will never use it to hurt anyone that isn't trying to hurt me. I'll never use it in anger. And I'm reasonably certain that it will never get up and hurt someone on its own. But, God forbid, I ever have to defend myself from mortal peril, I have the means to do so. I respect your right not to own a gun, Seryn. That's your choice. It's my right to opt to own a gun. All I ask is that you respect my right to choose, even if you don't understand, or disagree. As far as the using "straws and paper blobs" thing goes, I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I don't give a damn about being controversial (no offense). I take very seriously my responsibility to protect my wife, my home, and myself, and I want to have the means to do so.

That said, in what sense can paper be considered "innocent"? That implies that it could also be considered "blameworthy". I'm not sure those concepts are applicable to paper targets.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:11 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Wouldn't the flame thrower be put to better use on the White house?

Aww. don't burn the White House. What about all the nice paintings on the instead, not to mention all the pretty decorative stuff and the like. But i do agree, i do not like this war. And i am very curious and worried about the future of my country and the rest of the world. I have friends in Iraq. Good friends, people i grew up with and we're all too young to be burying them. they're barely adults. stupid army.

They ain't cuddly like me.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:01 PM



Originally posted by Causal:

I think I knew that you weren't serious. Complicating the matter is that I'm a philosopher, and sometimes I just rant and can't help myself. Also complicating it is that although I know that plenty of people dislike President Bush (myself among them), I don't understand the people that hate him.

i can't say i hate him hate him - you'd have to give me time to get to know him for that. but i know that i hate his policies on a lot of subjects, i hate the way that when it comes to crunch time, he can't seem to find his arse with two hands an a map, I hate the way he and Bliar* have this mutual butt kissing thing going on, and especially hate the way he's nominally the most powerful man in the western world.

but there you go.


You're right
I never tire of hearing those words...

guns are meant to kill things. I won't disagree to that. Swords are, too. Some people have collections of swords
yes, i cant say i entirely get that either - infact i stopped posting on the picture threads because of the pictures of people kissing and slurping at their knife collections.

See, weapons are like codpieces** - they exist in real life, and they are there for everyone to see, often signposting their presence with sequins and bells (the er, codpieces) and you have get used to it. And then they turn up in movies and stuff and they are a prop or a costume, so they are there, and someone put a lot of effort into making them and they often can truly be called a work of art. but why would you want one in your home? i mean - they're not necessary, they have no use apart from dust support, they're dangerous around dogs and small children and quite frankly the way some people behave they're a bit kinky.

But then maybe its just my hatred of ornaments coming through on the knife (and the codpiece) thing.

As for respecting your right to choose - of course i do - same as i don't tell someone not to drink or smoke. Doesn't mean i'm going to sit next to them on the bus if i can possibly help it, but they have brain of their own, i ain't got no say in it.


That said, in what sense can paper be considered "innocent"? That implies that it could also be considered "blameworthy". I'm not sure those concepts are applicable to paper targets.
i think i meant innocent as in 'what'd they ever do to you?'

Poor little paper people, lifes all quiet sitting in their stack, then someone shoots them full of holes....

*that wasn't a mistype
** no, seriously - codpeices seriously freak me out - any number of bizarre iron corsets, froufy collars and variationa on farthingales i can take - i can even gaze upon images of gimp masks undisturbed (not that i try too) but cod peices are just.. they're overt and sinistar and largely ridiculous.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:24 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

Originally posted by Causal:

I think I knew that you weren't serious. Complicating the matter is that I'm a philosopher, and sometimes I just rant and can't help myself. Also complicating it is that although I know that plenty of people dislike President Bush (myself among them), I don't understand the people that hate him.

i can't say i hate him hate him - you'd have to give me time to get to know him for that. but i know that i hate his policies on a lot of subjects, i hate the way that when it comes to crunch time, he can't seem to find his arse with two hands an a map, I hate the way he and Bliar* have this mutual butt kissing thing going on, and especially hate the way he's nominally the most powerful man in the western world.

but there you go.


You're right
I never tire of hearing those words...

guns are meant to kill things. I won't disagree to that. Swords are, too. Some people have collections of swords
yes, i cant say i entirely get that either - infact i stopped posting on the picture threads because of the pictures of people kissing and slurping at their knife collections.

See, weapons are like codpieces** - they exist in real life, and they are there for everyone to see, often signposting their presence with sequins and bells (the er, codpieces) and you have get used to it. And then they turn up in movies and stuff and they are a prop or a costume, so they are there, and someone put a lot of effort into making them and they often can truly be called a work of art. but why would you want one in your home? i mean - they're not necessary, they have no use apart from dust support, they're dangerous around dogs and small children and quite frankly the way some people behave they're a bit kinky.

But then maybe its just my hatred of ornaments coming through on the knife (and the codpiece) thing. safely, of course, and never to harm anyone.

As for respecting your right to choose - of course i do - same as i don't tell someone not to drink or smoke. Doesn't mean i'm going to sit next to them on the bus if i can possibly help it, but they have brain of their own, i ain't got no say in it.


That said, in what sense can paper be considered "innocent"? That implies that it could also be considered "blameworthy". I'm not sure those concepts are applicable to paper targets.
i think i meant innocent as in 'what'd they ever do to you?'

Poor little paper people, lifes all quiet sitting in their stack, then someone shoots them full of holes....

*that wasn't a mistype
** no, seriously - god peices seriously freak me out - any number of bizarre iron corsets, froufy collars and variationa on farthingales i can take - i can even gaze upon images of gimp masks undisturbed (not that i try too) but cod peices are just.. they're overt and sinistar and largely ridiculous.

Seriously, best post ever. Thoughtful, well-spoken, and--best of all--funny.

God, I love this fandom!

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Thursday, January 11, 2007 1:08 PM


aw shucks...

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!






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