The Sereni-Tree and Mai-Quest 3: Quest to the Old West

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 20:08
VIEWED: 17472
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Friday, January 26, 2007 5:30 PM


This is Thread 55 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, telling our story and providing links to all such threads:

Early in this next link is the very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V6”. This post is a description of the ship and crew, the latter of which is out of date.

The latest crew list is early in this thread:

Following is a summary of our previous thread, located at:

The Sereni-Tree has come to the planet Zanzibar, colonized long ago by new age mystics, fantasy role-players, and Renaissance Faire enthusiasts. Our Heroes have gotten involved in a war between the heroic Knights of the Octagonal Order and the Immortals, a small band of unkillable magicians of terrible power who have conquered the planet.

Well, the Immortals have been sealed up into an escape-proof magical cell, the Special Project of the Immortals (a gene-spliced dragon / human / demon thing) has been destroyed by the Luc-monster, and the Luc-monster has been overcome by her own raging magics, not to mention the many magical gimgacks wielded by Chicken-man 13.

In fact, Our Heroes were helping the few remaining Knights of the Octagon with rescue operations. Most of us were highly regarded and rewarded for our service. Then, Wisp decided to blow up the Vault of the Techno-heretics so that the Order will be unable to experiment with super-science. We found it politically expedient at that time to beat a hasty retreat and departed in our shuttle and return to the Sereni-Tree in orbit.

Dangling Zanzibarbarian plot threads that may bite us some day are as follows:

Sir Morgana, the highest ranking member of the Octagonal Order to survive this conflict, has in her possession the Dreamer’s Stone (whatever that is, it sounds powerful!).

Chicken-man 13 has lots of powerful magical items that he got from somewhere (the closet of the Immortal Magnus the Maker?), and a flying mount!

Chicken-man 6 has the Key to Magnus’ Cell, where seven of the evil Immortals are trapped. He is also apparently in charge of the Castle of Immortals. There could be problems if the key in his possession is used to unlock the cage.

The Immortal Alatariel the Lurker is NOT in Magnus’ cell. Her mind was lost while fighting Empress Arinda of the Silver Eyes. Alatariel’s actions led to the fall of the Immortals and she seems to be in love with Jazaf, BUT she has done plenty of evil stuff. While currently catatonic and in the care of Number 6, she could wake up and cause trouble.

Our own Jazaf is both a Knight of the Octagonal Order and an Immortal, as Jazaf the Metal Beast. That is sort of weird.

The metal statue that was once the Luc-monster seems to be mentally communicating with Sir Kei of the Order. Worse, he seems to be listening. Still worse, he was never very bright.

It is not out of the questions that some Zanzibarbarians will find their way on board the Sereni-Tree.


Meanwhile on the Sereni-Tree, not only has Bride1 been returned to us through SimonWho’s cloning magic, but McQ the cyborg, our pilot CallMeAth, the kids Shadow and Ghost, and even the long-lost TheGreyJedi have all returned to us.

Unfortunately, Mai has been lost… AGAIN.

Oh, and TheRealMe and Jake7 have been having a very entertaining game of pool, until TheRealMe incapacitated himself. “You got a sports injury playing POOL?!”

Seryn gave birth with the aid of a squad of magical faeries.

And of course, Serenity and Soul are enjoying time with their baby angel, Serephina.


Friday, January 26, 2007 5:31 PM


TheRealMe strides back and forth in front of his audience, ice pack taped firmly to his forehead. “This is nothing new, really. It is a sad truth that Mai occasionally becomes lost in space-time and disappears. We just have to go find her and bring her back.

“The first Mai-Quest was to the Land of the Lost. There were dinosaurs, prehistoric butterflies, a cave boy, and weird lizard-people. We brought back Mai’s pet Frederick the Dinosaur, which some of you may have met up in our ‘This Land’ Park on the third floor of the North Wing. We also had some great omelets consisting of Tyrannosaurus Rex eggs. Them Rexes are tasty!

“The second Mai-Quest was to the Sea of Wings, where we encountered pirates and sharks. A number of these pirates joined our crew, including Jadehand, Seryn, and Scorpion Regent (or did we pick up SR elsewhere?). We got KellyofLuthien and LightMeDark around that time, too.

“Anyway, now we are about to start the third Mai-Quest. Thanks to my super-power of creating dimensional portals, I can reach through space-time to find approximately where she is. Note that I am doing this here in the Security Office brig. That is so I can leave the portal open without undue fear of something unpleasant sneaking back through, like the Dark Soul did during Mai-Quest 1. Also, as in Mai-Quest 1, Bride1 has volunteered to guard the portal to keep anything nasty out.”

Ace looks up briefly from her task of sharpening her already razor-sharp katana, shrugs, then returns to it.

TheRealMe continues. “So, let us see what mess Mai has found herself in, now. Hmmm… Where is Mai? Where is Mai?” TheRealMe concentrates as he reaches out with his hand, and a spot of light appears. This light grows in size to become a ring of fire surrounding a dark void, a flat circle against a wall in the brig, perhaps as wide as a tall person. TheRealMe sticks his head and shoulders into this hole in reality. He pulls back. “Hmmm… Well, that’s different! Excuse me for a bit!” TheRealMe departs the cell in the Security Office and heads left along the balcony overlooking the common room.

After perhaps ten minutes, he returns. He is riding a great white horse along the balcony. He is dressed in jeans with leather chaps, a durable shirt, a vest with a tin star pinned to it, and a white cowboy hat. Two six-guns are in their holsters at his sides and a guitar is slung across his back. Saddlebags are near bursting with supplies and equipment. “It seems that Mai has found herself in an Old West setting, the USA circa 1885. That would be the late Victorian Era to our British friends.”

TheRealMe ducks as he squeezes his horse through the Security Office door and into the brig. Then he causes the animal to rear back, hooves pawing the air. “Hi, Ho, Aluminum! Away!” He rides into the dimensional portal and is gone.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, January 26, 2007 6:01 PM


OOC: Woo Hoo! Getting lost is what I do best!


“It seems that Mai has found herself in an Old West setting, the USA circa 1885. That would be the late Victorian Era to our British friends.”

Meanwhile, in Cowboy Land... (what? trust me it's a good name for the place!) Mai finds herself inexplicably transported from the comfy tag cupboard to a strange new place.

Standing in the midst of what appears to be a ghost town, she starts when a loud click sounds from behind her. "Uh-oh, that can't be good" She turns around slowly to face a man she's never seen before. A man dressed a bit oddly in what seems to be old fashioned western outlaw gear.

"Don't you make a move, Missy..."

"Uh, sorry you must have the wrong person, my name isn't..."

"I suggest you shut your yap women and listen to me really closely."

"Gee, nice to meet you too. What's with the getup?"

"You gotta hearing problem, Missy? I said keep it quiet. Now you are gonna come along with me real quiet like. Talk about get up what is that your wearing. No proper women would be seen in pants. You're gonna come along with me, real quiet like. We don't take kindly to strangers in these parts. Especially strangers, who appear out of thin air. Now get to movin'!"

"Nice manners. And who ever said anything about being proper?! I'll have you know that disappearing from thin air is my specialty! My names Mai, and who might you be Sheriff tight pants?"

"The names Jesse Lane McCoy, I'm the law around here. And you miss, have just earned a free nights stay in our lovely jail."

"Uh, could we maybe reconsider that last part, I'm just a harmless tourist and ... "

*is dragged away kicking and screaming by the nefarious Sherriff of Cowboy Land!
dun-dun - DUN!!!!


Friday, January 26, 2007 6:16 PM


"Well, so much for polishing the armor and steel, seems there's no need for a knight in shining armour. Time to polish the Iron and flex the trigger finger. Huh...."

*JadeHand closes his eyes for a moment thinking of the right persona, scribbles a name on a tag and slaps it on. Hair body and clothing begins to shift as he steps through the portal behind TRM. As his boots kick up dust on the other side, he adjusts his hat, checks his twin six guns, and coughs a deep wet cough.*

"I'm... I'm ready wheneva you are there, Captn'"

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Friday, January 26, 2007 7:24 PM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.

We momentarily interrupt this thread for a monumental event:

Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.

"Wondrous is our great blue ship that sails around the mighty sun and joy to everyone that rides along." -- Jeff Lynne, Electric Light Orchestra.


Friday, January 26, 2007 8:18 PM


several hours later...

*Mai sits in her "cozy" cell pouting. While Sheriff tight pants is busy at his desk cleaning an array of guns.

"Hey Mister-I've-gotta-horshoe-shoved-up-my-pigu, when's room service arrive? You know time travel really makes a girl famished."

"I've had about enough of your crazy talk, lady. You want room service? I'll give you Room Service"

*looks JLM up and down, approvingly*

"Not a bad idea cowboy, but I don't kiss on a first date. Besides you have to buy me dinner first."

JLM rolls his eyes and leaves to the adjoining room momentarily, returning with a small metallic plate, covered with what looks to be a well used cloth napkin.

"Your dinner Madam." he says smirking.
He unveils a slightly moldy crust of bread and something that appears to be a wanna-be pile of oatmeal. "Perhaps if you partake of these delicious morsels I can finally get some peace."

"Oh sorry, I'm on the no crap diet. Don't you people have anything edible?

*gets a not nice look from the Sheriff

"Fine, no snacks. Don't you people at least have cable? I've never actually been to jail, but I know that even the worst of the worst is allowed tv time!"

"Listen, I've asked you all polite like and I'm not going to ask again. SHUT UP!"

"Fine I won't talk, Mr. grumpy britches. I guess I'll just have to entertain myself."

"You do that."

*Mai begins singing showtunes, off-key and at the top of her lungs.


*Sheriff JLM covers his ears and makes his way across the room to his desk, taking out the ring of keys, he walks back to the cell and unlocks it.

"OUT! NOW!" he screams. "Stop that god awful racket. You can do whatever you want. Just stop singing!!!!!"

"Anything I want?"

"Anything that you can do while not leaving this building. I'm not letting a lunatic out on my streets and putting my people in danger."

"Hey, I resemble that remark!" she says as she walks up to the him until they are face to face.
"Ah, you're not scared of little 'ol me are you? You shouldn't be. You know Jess, I can call you Jess can't I? We've only known each other a few short hours, but I feel like I've known you forever..."

"Lady you are off your nut, back up!"

"Crazy. That very well could be. Just crazy enough to fall for the handsomest, most muscle bound, macho, law man in all the land."

*Mai leans up a bit, grabs the Sheriffs head and plants a kiss on his lips.

He stands there for a minute giving her a strange look. "Well that was..." he begins to say and then promptly passes out.


Saturday, January 27, 2007 1:12 AM


As the Jade Gunslinger comes out of the other side of the dimensional portal, he sees a vast expanse of desert with cactuses and a tumbleweed or two lazily bouncing by (thanks for the SFX, Karel!). In the distance is a ramshackle town with people riding horses.

Nearby stands the great white horse Aluminum, seeming somehow annoyed. TheRealMe is on the horse's back, slumped forward, asleep, using Aluminum's mane as a pillow.

Under his breath, between snores, he mutters, "Okay, Jake7, it looks like it's your turn..."

Apparently, the recent blow to his head has caused TheRealMe to acquire narcolepsy.

TheRealMe, Sheriff of Serenity County


Saturday, January 27, 2007 4:55 AM


OOC: Why I do beleive Jade's current persona is none other than the good doctor. Doc. Holliday that is.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Saturday, January 27, 2007 7:25 AM


**OOC: As soon as I read "Old West" I immediately thought of Back to the Future III -- esp. since it's been on every single weekend for the past few weeks! (and don't you suppose I've missed it every time? It's the only one I haven't seen)**

**jake7 hears a faint voice telling her it's her turn, but TRM is nowhere to be seen. She takes her shot, purple in the side pocket. Her next shot is the yellow to the other side pocket. She misses, then scratches.**

ARG! OK, TRM, your turn...

**she looks around, realizing TRM is missing from the couch, a wet drip trail going out the door. She follows it to the security room where she finds that Mai has dissappeared once again and a portal sits open to an old west town.**

Well, guess I better go get dressed, grab the remote and head out. Who else is going?

I do hope we aren't going to get wings again. They were nice for a while, but they got in my way after we got back on the ship!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Saturday, January 27, 2007 7:56 AM



Originally posted by jake7:

I do hope we aren't going to get wings again. They were nice for a while, but they got in my way after we got back on the ship!

You get used to them.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Saturday, January 27, 2007 1:31 PM


As he gathers together the correct equipment, Grey sighs. Never a long quiet moment in the Sereni-tree. He slips a pair of knee-high brown riding boots over grey pants. He buttons a grey double-breasted mandarin color jacket and straps a matching brown ammo belt across his waist. He tops it all off with a calf-length grey wool coat in a lighter shade than the pants and jacket, with an almost silver-grey circle-crowned hat. He adjusts a brown strap and slings an almost six foot long scope rifle across his back and grabs a serviceable looking cane of pure ebony wood with a blued-steel cap and a matching handle that's shaped like a hammer. He turns to Jet.

"I'll be back very soon."

He leans down and gives her a soft kiss on the forehead.


Grey makes his way to the brig and into 'Westworld.'

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Saturday, January 27, 2007 1:46 PM


Isn't sure if he's here there or everywhere.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, January 27, 2007 2:41 PM



Originally posted by LightMeDark:
He sits back again as he forces another swallow from the bottle. His mind begins swimming as the first notes play.

cue flashback-ish scene

Originally posted by LightMeDark:
LMD stifles a laugh fed by the astonished look on Paul's face directed at the woman leaning against the frame of the open door off the porch.

"Don't mind Paul, dearie...old fool. LMD you said? Name's Sally, and right glad to have ya. There's some food to be ate on the table if ya care to."

"I'd be pleased and honored, Sally. Perhaps I could be of some help around here after, in compensation?"

The look of anger Paul aims at Sally is quickly masked with a smile when he notices El is looking at him.

LightMeDark stands up from the table after a hearty meal. He empties his plate into the nearby trash bin, throwing a banana peel in after the scraps of food he hadn't finished.

Sally breaks the after-dinner silence. "Been a mighty long time since we had any visitors in these parts, even longer since we been out t' town. How's things these days?"

LMD pauses before speaking, considering how to go about answering his host. "Well enough, as far as I can tell. To be honest, I only just arrived a few days ago, and I've spent most of my time at the pub. Friendly enough there...Sorry I don't know more."

"That right? Thought yer clothes was a bit odd compared to what we use'ta, but like I said, ain't been to town for...well, long 'nough. Anyhow, where'd you ride in from?"

"I came, ah, I came here on a ship with my, ugh - s'cuse me - came with my crewmates." LMD shakes his head in an attempt to clear his vision which has started to blur at the edges.

"Came in on a boat, did you? Never been on one o' them, afeared I'd get the seasickness. Terrible thing, I heard."

"No, no, a spaceship," El clips out as he grabs his stomach with both hands, "lookin for fire-breathin birds."

"You a'right, dearie? Ya look a li'l pale. Why don't ye have a seat." Sally smiles sweetly at LMD as he stumbles towards his chair.

Paul sits in silence, fuming through dinner and the conversation following it, until a shout of surprise bursts from him as he watches his unwanted guest crash to the ground several feet from the chair he'd been lurching for.

Laughing at her husband's shocked expression, Sally says, "What, Paul? You seen his clothes, an' don't tell me he didn't soun' funny t' ya, too. And ya heard him, talkin about fire-breathin birds an' ships from space an' all. Had to drug him. Good thing it was that our friend here likes bananas."

Paul again adopts a look of anger and fixes it on his wife. She's practically beaming.

"Can't a woman have fun, too? "


Saturday, January 27, 2007 4:56 PM


OOC: well, I do believe someone here is a might perceptive.

*JadeHand looks up at, and to, Captain TRM slumped over his horse.*

"Now Captn, it's not time to be passin' out. We've only just arrived at our......(looks around).... destination. We've not even begun to drink the locals under the table, and ...inquire about our dear Mai."

*JadeHand takes the reins and begins walking Aluminum and his captain towards the small town up ahead, Taking great care to not let his Captain fall from the saddle. He pauses briefly to cough into a hankerchief which he tucks back into his inside coat pocket. Quickly, he returns to his walk and begins his calculating observations of the town as they approach.*

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Sunday, January 28, 2007 8:12 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp wanders bleary eyed from his room, Doris in tow rubbing his face as he stumbles forward.

"Whats that?? More adventure?? Not gonna happen, I had enough of adventure last time and I still have brainache from being a genius. Sand Really isnt my bag.

"Im just gonna stay here in reserve. Perhaps eat sandwiches."


Sunday, January 28, 2007 3:20 PM


Jazaf frowns at the thought of the Old West.
"I'd be at a considerable disadvantage there. I favor the Up-close-and-personal fights and, well... only a square brings a knife to a gun fight."
He then leaves the brig and heads for the common room.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Monday, January 29, 2007 6:05 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Isn't sure if he's here there or everywhere.

OOC: Whatever works best for you, Citizen.


Monday, January 29, 2007 7:43 PM


4 hours later...

**thinking**Well, the lovely fun of freedom is starting to wear off. How come I never get lost with a pack full of food and useful stuff?!" Ah well there's gotta be a restaurant around her somewhere. Even crazy cowfolk have to eat sometime."**

A few blocks down toward what appears to be the town square, finally a "Tavern" sign comes into view.

*walks up the sidewalk, trying to stick to the shadows, one foot hits the threshold, when an all too familiar, growly voice sounds from just a few feet behind*

"Take another step and I will end you where you stand!" the sheriff growls as he walks purposely towards his target. "And don't even think about openin' that pretty little mouth. You didn't really think you I'd just let you leave, did you?"

Sheriff Panties-in-a-wad, takes one large step behind Mai, pointing his gun directly at her temple.

"Now walk! I've got a brand new, special place all set up to hold crazy criminals, like you. I've been looking for an excuse to use it too"

"I'm not a crimi.." *falls in heap on the sidewalk steps as the Sheriff raises his gun and smacks her upside the head.

"Now generally, my rule is to never hit a women, but even and upstanding man such as my self has his limits. You should've listened when I told you to shut up the first time." he says to himself as he swings her over his shoulder and makes off in the opposite direction.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:52 AM


The old west, huh? I can do that.

*Serenity heads off to her room and returns several minutes later wearing a calico dress and a cloak that serves to hide both her wings and her katanas.*

Here, Soul, dear. Watch Sera for a bit. Hopefully, we'll be back before her next feeding.

She heads through the portal.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 1:38 PM




Citizen lands comically face first from an indeterminable distance above the ground in a puff of dust.

Groaning his arms and leg begin to twitch.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 8:32 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Here, Soul, dear. Watch Sera for a bit. Hopefully, we'll be back before her next feeding.

"I...but...wha...hey, I missed the last Mai-Quest, I'm not gonna miss this one!! I need a babysitter!!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:36 AM


It's not my fault you were dead the last time Mai got lost.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1:21 PM


In the kitchen onboard the Sereni-tree, Seryn industriously sets about steaming and liquidising every vegetable she can find.

Then she realieses that Fin isn't eating solids yet.
The last however many days spent sleeping sporadically, trying to work out 'diapers' and convincing her bouncing baby boy not to pee everywhere while she does so, and trying not to let cabin fever take hold have left her looking somewhat 'mussed looking' - rather like the women you see stumbling into pubs in the Dales after they've been lost on the moors for a few weeks.

Hearing Horse shoes on the decks outside she watches as first TRM, then Jade, then a whole host of others dressed in western garb disappear into the security office.
"Oooooh! Field trip! I think that might be fun don't you? Shall we go and find some Indians?"
"sucks big toe, blows bubble, squeaks"
"I'll take that as a yes shall I?"

Returning to her room, Seryn dresses in her most suitable leftover bits of piratey stuff, throws all of Fins toys, some clothes and a lifetimes suppy of nappies into her bag and follows it whth the rabbits in their carrier, then includes a tiny weeny pair of fuzzy blue anti-noise ear protectors, and an old shotgun.
"Ok, don't you be watching too close - you ain't shooting things till I say so!"
Stopping only to write a note telling SR where she's gone (if they ever see him again) she heads up to the security office, and angling into the fuzzy edges of the portal, ends up in fields full of waving crops, a small camp of tents and some wooden buildings in the distance.
*rubs suncream on Fins head* Lets go see if they're friendly, and if they have one of those nifty papoose things we can trade for - you'll like them - high up, you'll get to see the world a bit"


Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 3:10 PM


*spots the happy triple*

Hi guys. I'm afraid it's time for Sera to get her first round of shots. I could take her to the bay now if that's all right?

You might even be glad of a break for half an hour, eh?


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:44 PM


On the Sereni-Tree:

Trey watches the departing back of Serenity go through the portal and then she approaches Soul. She waits until SimonWho is done speaking. “And if you like, Soul, I could take care of little Sera after the Doctor is done and while you are still out. It’ll be fun. I could get help from some of the other Brides.”

SimonWho, Soul, and Trey all glance at the nearby Ace, Bride1, who is intently studying the open portal, waiting for something to step through so that she could have an excuse to kill it.

“Some of the more girly of the Brides,” Trey clarifies.

Trey, Bride3


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:46 PM


*JadeHand leads Aluminum, and the captain on board, into the town. As it seems to be approaching evening, very few people notice the new arrivals. JadeHand ties Aluminum to a hitching post near the entrance to a saloon. He checks his Captain to make sure he's secure and well.*

" Captn' I shall return in a few moments, It seems I've some manner of investigatin' to be done. Hopefully the locals are observant..... but not too observant if'n you catch my meanin', sir. Aluminum, you look afta the good Capitain. I'll check back shortly."

*Jadehand strolls into the saloon, and quickly notes the poker tables to the side and sizes up the players. Sadly, he realizes he has none of the local currency. He approaches one of the tables, and with his left hand pulls the pistol on his left hip and spins it about in his hand, then gently sets it on the table.*

"Appologies, getlemen. It appears I've found myself without much coin. I offer this fine Iron for a mere 20 of your dollars. I shall, howeva, have to buy it back from you for 100 dollars in an hours time."

Several men scoff, and one man passes Jade $20.
"I'll take that for 20, no way you'll survive our game on only 20 long enough to buy it back."

*JadeHand Nods to the man, excepts his bills, and passes the man the handgun.*

"You are a betting man, I respect that. But I hope you are mistakn', that's my second favourite gun."

The men at the table let out a brief laugh and "Deal JadeHand in".

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:46 PM


In Westworld:

As Citizen smacks against the ground with much force, TheRealMe is awakened, startled. “Huh? Oh.” He hops off his hitched-up mount and examines the still-twitching form lying face down in the dirt. TheRealMe turns to address Aluminum. “Well, if I’m not mistaken, this appears to be Citizen from the events surrounding the Boros Incident. We haven’t seen him for a while. How did he get here?”

TheRealMe looks around. "Where IS here, anyway?

TheRealMe shrugs, then he grabs Citizen’s arms and drags him over to prop him up against the hitching post. He pats Aluminum's broad flank.

Citizen’s arms and legs still twitch, occasionally.

TheRealMe thinks about their next step. “Hmmmm… Gathering information is probably the first order of business, I should think. We seem to be in a town. Towns have saloons.

TheRealMe peeks into the saloon to see Jade Holiday playing poker. "So, Doc, it looks like you are way ahead of me!”

OOC: Okay, here are the people who are in the Westworld currently engaged in Mai-Quest 3: TheRealMe in his cowboy outfit and his trusty steed Aluminum, Jadehand shapeshifted into the form of Doc Holiday, Jake7 with her remote control device, TheGreyJedi in a very snazzy period outfit with a cane and a sniper rifle, Serenity in a calico dress and cloak with her swords, Seryn with her new baby, and Citizen who has recently fallen out of the sky.

TheRealMe, Sheriff of Serenity County


Thursday, February 1, 2007 5:03 AM


*on her wrist comm*

Shots! Oh no! Hold on!

*Serenity runs back through the portal, ignoring Ace who quickly raises her blade. She takes her baby out of Soul's arms.*

Okay, sweet little bird, the nice Doctor is going to take you to get some shots so you don't get sick. It'll hurt a bit, but just for a little bit. And then all your Auntie Brides are going to play with you for a bit until Mommy and Daddy get back. Doesn't that found like fun? We'll be back very soon, just as soon as we find Auntie Mai. And your rabbit Toki will be with you the whole time to make sure you're okay. Right Toki?

*Toki, Sera's pink and white rabbit, looks up from the floor at the sound of her name and jumps up onto Serenity's shoulder.*

Doctor, Trey, here's her diaper bag. There's a bottle in there if we're not back in 3 hrs. She can have some of the strained peas in the freezer, too. She'll usually eat about two little cubes. Just warm them up a bit. She should go down for a nap in about an hour, and should get up an hour later. She likes you to sing "Baby Owlet" to her. If she sleeps more than 2 hours, wake her up or she won't sleep at night. She's cutting one of her bottom teeth so she likes to chew on everything. Including Toki, which we're discouraging. And, don't worry if she seems to be losing feathers. She's molting, getting ready for her big girl wings so she can fly. Isn't that right, sweetie? Call me on my commlink if there's any problems and I'll come right back.

*deep breath*

I think that's everything. Thank you for taking care of her for us.

*She kisses her baby and hands her over to SimonWho. Sera immediately tries to put his stethascope in her mouth.*

Ready, Soul? Let's go find Mai.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Thursday, February 1, 2007 1:02 PM


Three hours? With the...?

No, Serafina, stop chewing on that. Give it back. Come on....

Okay, you keep hold of that for now. Let's go to sick bay and get you innocked.

Which reminds me...


Thursday, February 1, 2007 4:17 PM


Trey distracts Sera with a particularly tasty chew toy and recovers SimonWho's stethoscope.

Trey, Bride3


Friday, February 2, 2007 1:36 AM


*walks slowly towards the encampment with her hands out in plain view and a smile on her face, she's initially surrounded by big fearsom warrior types but motions that its the women she wants to see. After a few minutes of trying to pantomime her intentions to the unamused women of the camp she simply takes the wrappers off from around Fin and lets the universal language of Cute Newborn work its magic.

After much fussing a cooing takes place she's settled by the fireside with Fin sucking his toes and burping on a pretty blanket infront of her, understanding enough of what they say to know that most of the jokes are about her.

Signalling another woman with a small baby in its carrier on her back she manages to make her desire to trade understood and sets about showing off all the trinkets she has to trade.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, February 2, 2007 4:20 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Meanwhile on the Sereni-Tree....

*Having recently been booted, literally, out of the Honeymoon Suite by Bride?, cozen sets his sore butt down on a soft couch in the dining room and ponders just how he's going to mess up our intrepid cowpokes' rescue of Mai.*

Meh. Just show up during the inevitable fracass, I guess.

*** Or.... ***

*Peering over his steaming cup of mocha java, slowly focussing upon the vista visible through the dining hall windows, he can't help but notice that the Sereni-Tree just so happens to be parked in the midst of 190 acres of gently rolling landscape that evokes unused ranchland. While the posse prepares to leave, cozen limps out of the Tree, surveying the surroundings. He takes note of the nearby creek winding a course through the proliferation of Bentgrasses and fescues and pines. He thinks he recalls there's a nice sandy beach not too far from this location. He considers that this ship has lasers and storage rooms full of things that go "boom", and underutilized mech that certainly can be easily modified as bulldozers and backhoes.*

Yep. Now would be a good time to start blowing up a few unfortunately placed trees.

*He re-enters the ship, sits gently down to the nearest 'puter with a CAD program, and sets to designing the Zanzi-Tree Golf and Country Club*

Some forms of Art are created by removing what is not there.


Friday, February 2, 2007 2:32 PM


*feels a Cozenesque trembling in the fabric of the universe*

"Oh, this should be fun"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, February 5, 2007 4:12 AM


*Hand in hand, Soul and Serenity step back through the portal into the Old West.*

"Well, this is....quaint." Says Soul.

"Very. Let's go find the others and get Mai."

*They head off towards the town.*

Meanwhile, in the MedLab...

*SimonWho smells something very unpleasant. Seraphina, however, is nonplussed. She says "babababababa" and chews on her toes.*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Monday, February 5, 2007 9:11 AM


*An hour later, JadeHand passes the man $100 and collects his second favourite gun. Placing it in his holster he looks at the remaining pile of cash in front of him, and the angry looks on the faces of the other men at the table.
JadeHand shakes his head. Not wanting to get into things with the locals, he takes $200 from the pile and places it in his pocket, then devides the remaining pile into equal stacks, one for each man at the table..*
"Gentlemen *cough* I'm prepar'd to purchase some information from each of you. Things are simple, I'm looking for a woman... She's exceptionally attractive and like to be dressed in an unusual fashion. Your ...cooperation shall be rewarded."
*The men calm and begin to share stories of personal sightings and rumours they've heard of recent activies that could be related. JadeHand stands with a smile on his face and quickly wipes a small speck of blood from his lip. He calls over a saloon maiden and places the $200 on her tray.*
"Bring these gentlemen anything the want, keep them happy. I appreaciate the entertainment, gentlemen, Enjoy the rest of your evening. Seems I've a sheriff to speak to."

*one of the men speaks up* "The Sheriff can be a dangerous man. You'll be putting yourself at an awful risk going after him".

"I appreciate the warning, perhaps I shall... aquire additional firearms before I speak with him. Goodday, Gentlemen."

JadeHand tips his hat to the maiden as she delivers the first round of drinks to the table, and he departs.

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, February 5, 2007 6:35 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
JadeHand tips his hat to the maiden as she delivers the first round of drinks to the table, and he departs.

Walking out of the saloon, Jade hears a cough beside him.

"Take your hand off the pistol, it's just me. Any luck?"

Grey leans up from the wall and tips his hat back off his eyes.

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Monday, February 5, 2007 7:06 PM


Through the swirling desert on the outskirts of town, a hazy, wavering figure can be seen through the cutting dust, astride a black, smokey-eyed horse. I wander where sweet sage and strange herbs grow down a sunbaked crumpled stony road...

As the shape clears through the dust, its appearance can be seen with clarity. A man, dressed in dusty riding leathers, a wide-brimmed black hat shading his face, where only his shining blue eyes can be seen.

...dusty wheels leaning rusting in the sun
snuff brown walls where Spanish lizards run...

Slung across his waist are two polished sandalwood revolvers, heavy and gleaming in the mica sun of the West. His boots are of exotic, patterend snakeskin, armed with spurs that glint viciously. On his back is a sawed-off shotgun. I'm shadowed by a dragon fig tree's fan ringed by ants and musing over man...

He tips his head back, revealing a face scarred by the truths of life, stained by it. His lips curl up in a sneer as he surveys the town around him, and urges his horse forward while placing a hand on the handle of his left revolver.

...I'll unwind my old strings while the sun shine down won't climb any high thing while the sun shine...

The Bad Man has come to town.

(OOC: Soundtrack by Crimson King.)


Monday, February 5, 2007 8:34 PM


*Jadehand's motion of his hand stops just short of bringing a weapon level to the man's head. Almost as quickly it is back in it's place on his hip, and his hand is extended in greeting.*

"Why Mr. Jedi, it's a pleasure to have you back. I've heard so much about you.
The locals appear to have seen someone matching our lovely's description. It also seems that the local... constulbury wondered off with an oddly attired woman over his shoulder. I understand he is not a pleasant fellow. Seems we may want to have a... conversation with him. Hopefully my... favourite lady is unharmed. It'd be a shame for such an uncared for officer to suffer from a dreadful case of lead poisoning. We should make sure all of our Tree folk are appropriately attired so as not to draw unwanted attention."

*The men shake hands and wander over to Aluminum who remains tied to the hitching post, with Captain TRM still slumpped over on top. JadeHand nudges TRM. He checks to make sure no one is wearing a red shirt before speaking*

"Captain, We've found something."

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, February 5, 2007 8:58 PM


OOC: Red-shirt. Ha!

"I'm not sure who all has come across or where. It seems the portal puts us out in proximity, but not exactly the same place. I didn't see any horse tracks on my way in. But!" Grey slides his cane into a rolled up blanket on the back of a grey mottled horse and mounts up. in a long holster to his right, the butt nearly reaching his shoulder. (It's a long rifle, my friends). "This should be fun!"

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Monday, February 5, 2007 11:28 PM


In Westworld:

From behind him, Jadehand hears, "Jade, I'm right here."

Jadehand spins about, pulling his pistol, only to find TheRealMe standing there in his cowboy outfit.

"That unconscious fellow up in Aluminum's saddle is Citizen, a businessman from Boros that we encountered. I hoisted him up there when it seemed like you were concluding your recon activities with the locals. So, you said something about a lawman and an oddly garbed woman?"

TheRealMe slowly draws each of his colts and makes certain that they are loaded and ready.

"Oh, and hello, Grey. Glad to have you here. It'll be just like old times!"

TheRealMe, Sheriff of Serenity County


Monday, February 5, 2007 11:55 PM


having traded away most of her pirate treasure, Seryn loads Fin wrapped up in a bright blanket into the papoose and settles it on her back, then waves goodbye to the now very glittery indiam women, and smiles at the folks already making ready to melt down the gold to make prettier stuff with it.

"Ok, do we head to the town straight sonny boy? or do we rish the wrath of the bride trying to short cut through the portal."


"Walk it is"


"oh bless you"

a long while later, Seryn enter the outskirts of a town and is overjoyed to see familiar figures - outside the saloon of course. As she approaches, she waves hello, and asks..

"so have you located her yet? I heard something about a lawman?"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 12:28 AM


"Well, Hello everyone. Yes, the locals inside seem to think the town law may know more. He was seen carrying an "oddly dressed woman". Not that our Mai dresses oddly, just her normal attire may seem odd to the folk here. Again, they warn he is an unpleasant fellow. So caution may be appropriate.
Anyone else planning to join us? and do we have any bargining chips if he doesn't see reason?"

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 3:49 AM


Yes, I have a bargaining chip.

*Serenity and Soul join up with the group.*

He'll get my katanas in his throat if he won't be reasonable. I have a baby waiting for me back at the TREE, so I don't have a lot of time to waste on negotiations with pompous, power hungry hoodans. Besides, based on what you said, doesn't seem like this town would miss him much, were he to have an unfortunate accident.

Hello Seryn! Oooh! You brought Fin! He's getting so big! Look at you, what a big boy you are, oh yes you are!! Such a handsome boy!!

*She dissolves into incomprehensible cooing and babytalk.*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 4:13 AM


*floats in the fluffly place of unconsciousness

This town isn't so bad I suppose. Not exactly as much fun as that flying water, but still floating is like flying sort of. WAIT! How come I'm floating. Ah well, I guess things are different on every world... whee!!!!

*suddenly comes upon a group of people who's faces are mostly in the dark shadows but still recognizable as the lovely crew of Sereni-Tree.

THERE you guys are! Hi! Geez, what took you all so long? Thanks for coming I was getting a bit... Hello, people are you listening to me? *waves her hands in front of a few faces, but not one of them turn around.

UH Oh....


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 8:06 AM


**OOC: My creative mind has dried up for the time being. Feel free to move me about. I'm assuming I'm somewhere near where TRM and the gang are, since I wasn't far behind in going through the portal. Keep in mind I have my trusty remote handy, but don't know what all the buttons do. I can't find my sheet with the buttons I've used, but I know it does force fields, reverses things, and did something with nightvision, I believe. I'm keeping an eye on what's going on, but don't know what to do with myself...**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 9:57 AM



Hey, did anyone else feel that? I got one of those prickly hairs standing up on the back of your neck shivers.

There's something weird about this place.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 10:10 AM



Originally posted by jake7:
Feel free to move me about.... Everybody's makin' a fuss.

*Moves jake7 right on back to the Sereni-Tree, in order to facilitate the interuption of laser targetted pine tree explosions. Or, y'know, to have flaming trees become a metaphor for innuendo-ish plot lines....*

mixed metaphors manifest much malfeasance


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 1:43 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Hey, did anyone else feel that? I got one of those prickly hairs standing up on the back of your neck shivers.

There's something weird about this place.

Yes, i did get a bit of a neck prickle thing actually.... *thinks*

ok, i have one way of testing out if its supernatural... *takes Fin off her back and hold him out at arms length* for some reason, babies can always see ghosts, in the movies anyway... babies and cats, and in the absence of a cat... If theres something here with us, Fin should be fairly interested enough.

*all stare at Fin as he drools a little*

er... ok, how long shall we give it? Too long and he's going to think he the next King of the Jungle...

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 1:53 PM


*tries really hard not to start humming "Circle of Life".*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 6:52 PM


continue flashback-ish scene


Originally posted by LightMeDark:
Paul again adopts a look of anger and fixes it on his wife. She's practically beaming.

"Can't a woman have fun, too? "

LMD wakes to find himself still tied to the chair he guessed was the one he had tried to reach before passing out almost two weeks ago. Looking around and working out his stiff neck, he sees the now familiar surroundings haven't changed.

His chair, and him in it, sits roughly centered in a small room with a dirt floor and walls lined with dusty shelves filled with all manner of things, none of which looks like it has been touched in ages. To El it seems even the cobwebs decorating the peaked roof overhead long for the spiders that had made them but must have now been dead for some time.

((argh, cut short for time. more tomorrow))






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