Zanzibar Aftermath and a Sereni-Tree Christmas and a Happy New Year

UPDATED: Friday, January 26, 2007 17:39
VIEWED: 11339
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Monday, January 22, 2007 6:59 AM


**jake7 whoops with friendly laughter and lines up her next shot. Red ball near corner pocket. She connects with the cue, but only taps the red ball closer to the pocket.**

Dang it! Your shot, TRM!

**While TRM comes back to the table to take his shot, she goes to the bar and grabs herself a drink. She comes back to the table in time to see TRM's play**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:06 PM


TheRealMe bends over the pool table and aligns his cue with the cue ball. He is aiming at the purple striped ball. He holds his breath, closes his eyes, and smacks it a good one!

Balls clatter around, then a clunk!

TheRealMe opens his eyes. The yellow stripe went in, instead, but who cares! He sinks the red stripe in a corner pocket and this bounces the orange stripe to the center of the table. He sinks that in a corner pocket. He lines up on the green stripe. It is a difficult shot...

And he miscues and pops the cue ball high into the air. It bounces a few times and then settles, miraculously hitting no other balls.

"Your turn, Jake7!"

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:35 AM


**jake7 stares unbelieving at the run of "luck" TRM seems to have just had**

Mighty fancy play there -- did you just get lucky, have you been practicing, or am I playing with a pool shark?

**jake7 lines up her shot. Red to corner. She hits and it goes in. She goes for the green near the side pocket. She manages to hit in the green ball as well as one of TRM's**

Drat! Your turn!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:51 AM


*Serenity walks into the Common Room carrying Sera, and stops to watch the very interesting and intense game of pool. Sera is also apparently fascinated by the game, as she starts cooing and drooling a bit.*

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 11:58 AM


OOC: Ewwwwwwww, baby drool.

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:55 PM



Originally posted by LightMeDark:
LMD sighs. The constant wandering of his mind frustrates him. He thinks he should be used to it by now, but he's not. Feeling dejected, he grabs up a banana from the basket set in the center of one of the dining area's tables and begins peeling it.

The smell of the fresh banana brings a sense of well-being to El. He takes a big bite from the yellow fruit and sighs with contentment. Maybe it doesn't matter what happened down on that stupid planet, anyway.

No, it still bugs him; he has to know. Finishing up his snack, he leaves the table and throws the banana peel in the trash as he walks by, on his way to find answers.

How? He's not really sure, but that doesn't bother him, not much. He'll find a way.


Thursday, January 25, 2007 5:36 AM



Originally posted by TheGreyJedi:
OOC: Ewwwwwwww, baby drool.

Better than baby spit up.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:19 PM


*JadeHand strolls out of his room and towards the kitchen for a bite to eat. On the way he bumps into LightMeDark.*
"El, did you get your christmas gift? The one I left for you under the tree?
*Strolling back to the common area where the tree still stands with gifts underneath them, JadeHand plucks the one he left for LMD there and hands it to him. LMD removes the wrapper to find a bottle of 99 Bananas, and grins*
"You're welcome, good thing I didn't get anyone anything perishable..... Enjoy, may it bring the answers you seek."
*JadeHand gives his friend a good pat on the back, and continues towards the kitchen, almost becoming distracted by the crowd observing a game of pool, but his stomach grumbles and sets him back on task. In the kitchen JadeHand finds a large chunk of cheese, A knife, lots of crackers, and a couple of bottles of wine.*
*JadeHand returns to his room with his booty, occasionaly glancing up at the people who roam about him, wishing they knew.*

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:55 PM



Originally posted by jake7:
**jake7 stares unbelieving at the run of "luck" TRM seems to have just had**

Mighty fancy play there -- did you just get lucky, have you been practicing, or am I playing with a pool shark?

**jake7 lines up her shot. Red to corner. She hits and it goes in. She goes for the green near the side pocket. She manages to hit in the green ball as well as one of TRM's**

Drat! Your turn!

In the Sereni-Tree common room:

TheRealMe grins confidently as he saunters up to the pool table, rubbing chalk on the end of his cue. “Actually, Jake7, I must humbly admit that there are some who regard me as a master at this game!”

TheRealMe calmly lines up another shot, this time at the purple striped ball, and he smacks the cue ball. The cue ball misses its intended target, rams into the railing, and bounces back, impacting TheRealMe directly in the center of his forehead. He blinks once or twice, then topples backward to the floor like a felled tree.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:04 PM


Here is an interesting exchange I found in the tag, which I took the liberty of re-ordering so it reads from top to bottom:

cozen: *chases Mai all across the winterweb, but slips and falls a lot*

mai: winterwha? Eeep! *runs away

Jadehand: *hides can of oil behind his back.

mai: *hides in the cupboard

mai: *falls asleep in the cupboard

Oath: *opens cupboard* Huh?

CallMeSerenity: Mai! Mai! Don't get in the cupboard! You never know where you'll end up!!

Pondscum: very sleepy

Jadehand: Cupboard Teleporters? *runs to check cupboards. Drat, no Mai.

So, I must ask…

Has Mai really disappeared?

And is this the beginning of Mai-Quest 3?
Oh, wait! There’s more.

mai: *has left the cupbaord. Uh Oh.

Jadehand: Well, I was hoping you'd teleported from your cupboard to mine. Hope you aren't too lost. That could require questing.

Pondscum: being lost is not fun.

Jadehand: no matter where you go, there you are

EDITED to add later tags:

TheRealMe: And here I was all ready to start Mai-quest 3!!

Well, here is what mai has to say:

mai: *is still lost



Friday, January 26, 2007 6:31 AM


**OOC: TRM, that was a great visual! I had to really keep from laughing outloud here at the library!!**

**jake7's first reaction in witnessing TRM's shot is to let out a shout of laughter. However, she quickly regains her composure and rushes to make sure TRM is OK.

He stands up groggily, sporting a large, round red splotch in the middle of his forehead.**

Oh, TRM, that looks pretty painful. Are you OK? You smacked yourself pretty good, you might have one heck of a lump or even bruise!

**she helps TRM over to the couch to sit down for a minute**

You should rest here for a minute and then we'll resume our game. I'll be back with an ice pack.

**she goes and gets an ice pack and brings it over to the dazed TRM. He's too out of it to hold the ice pack himself, so she makes him lie down and places it over his head.**

I'm going to call Dr SimonWho to come up here and check you out...

**jake7 accesses her comlink and calls for the Doc**

SimonWho? We need you up in the Common Area. TRM's been smacked in the forehead with a pool ball and he's a bit dazed. I think you should check him out...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, January 26, 2007 6:41 AM


What? Mai has disappeared? But she promised she'd babysit for a few hours this afternooon.

I was gonna take a bath.

Well, if we're gonna have another Mai Quest, I'm coming! Let me just get the jogging stroller and the bjorn and the diaper bag and a extra outfit for Sera and some toys.

Oh, and I might want to bring my swords.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Friday, January 26, 2007 12:47 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
JadeHand plucks the one he left for LMD there and hands it to him. LMD removes the wrapper to find a bottle of 99 Bananas, and grins*

((wow brother, you basically did just what i wanted you to do without me asking you to do it, haha))

His prize clasped in his hands, LMD moves off towards his room. He passes the folk gathered around the pool table and absently waves at no one in particular, doesn't stop to see if any one returns his gesture.

Arriving at the door to his room, El looks around before opening his door and entering, locking the door behind him. He cracks open the bottle of liquor given to him by his good friend and takes a long pull at it to get started. Feeling the heat brought on by the spirits, LMD kicks off his shoes, hops on to his bed, and reclines against the headboard. He takes a sip with each movement, ending with a sigh as he comes to rest.

The alcohol rushes to El's head, making itself known more quickly than usual. LMD ponders this and decides it must have been some time since he'd had a drink or two. How long had it been, anyway? He could have been through a time warp as far as anyone knew, could have been gone for months during what was only a few days for the others aboard the ship.

Frustration with his situation again mounting, El gets up from his bed and drags his feet over to his listening station. The chair next to it creaks in protest as LMD flops down into it and throws his legs up on the otoman. He takes another chug of 99 Bananas before putting on his headphones, grimacing at the taste of the drink.

This's my favorite drink...isn't it? What could've changed? What's wrong with me? LMD's thoughts scrape through his head, distracting him as he tries to select an album to listen to. Quickly tiring of the task, El randomly grabs a CD and puts it into the player.

He sits back again as he forces another swallow from the bottle. His mind begins swimming as the first notes play.


Friday, January 26, 2007 4:42 PM



Originally posted by LightMeDark:

((wow brother, you basically did just what i wanted you to do without me asking you to do it, haha))

It's the link, you're welcome.

*JadeHand sits quietly in his room at a small table in front of the fireplace. He draws the knife through the cheese making fine slices perfectly sized to fit on crackers. After a few crackers loaded with cheese and several sips of fine wine, he finds himself staring at the empty chair across from him. He knows who he wishes was there, but they haven't talked as much as they used to. He missed her presence. Lost in his thoughts, unsure what she may be thinking, it occured to him that it might be time to actually ask.
Standing quickly, he leaves his room and strolls down the hall. He almost hesitates, but finds himself knocking on her door. After a minute has passed with no response, he knocks again. Still, no response.
He recalls that the recent infants often had her attention, and goes to a nearby T.H.R.E.A.D. terminal. Checking the logs, he confirms her return and checks her last known location.
He makes his way there and searches the area for any signs of where she may have gone..... nothing.
Worried, he heads back to the common area where a crowd still watches the pool game. Waiting for a moment between TRM's turns, he approaches.*

"Captain, Have you seen Mai?"

"All these years
Truth In front of my eyes
While I denied
What my heart knows was right."
visit for a better way of life.


Friday, January 26, 2007 5:38 PM


TheRealMe carefully prods the knot on his head that feels as large as a billiard ball, all the while listening to Jadehand.

"Mai seems to be missing?"

TheRealMe double-checks Jadehand's research, confident that he will find no fault with it.

TheRealMe sighs. "Okay, Jade, collect everyone. Take them to the brig."

Jadehand is confused. "The brig?"

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, January 26, 2007 5:39 PM







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