Random world!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 6, 2007 17:12
VIEWED: 1582
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Monday, February 5, 2007 4:58 PM


Have at it.

Why is the rum always gone?


Monday, February 5, 2007 5:28 PM


A floral bunny....

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Monday, February 5, 2007 5:33 PM


you need to size that down and give it to FB to use as an avatar

(now random)

Yes, mothers, new and improved Whizzo Butter containing 10% more or less is absolutely indistinguishable from a dead crab. Remember, buy Whizzo Butter and go to heaven.

Why is the rum always gone?


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 4:50 PM


(Cut to a group middle-aged lower-middle-class women (hereinafier referred to as 'Pepperpots ) being interviewed.)

First Pepperpot: I can't tell the difference between Whizzo butter and this dead crab.

Interviewer: Yes, you know, we find that nine out of ten British housewives can't tell the difference between Whizzo butter and a dead crab.

Pepperpots: It's true, we can't. No.

Second Pepperpot: Here. Here! You're on television, aren't you?

Interviewer: (modestly) Yes, yes.

Second Pepperpot: He does the thing with one of those silly women who can't tell Whizzo butter from a dead crab.

Third Pepperpot: You try that around here, young man, and we'll slit your face.

Why is the rum always gone?


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 4:56 PM


Every fight is a food a Reaver.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 4:57 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Echo echo echo echo echo echo echo

Rules and voting:


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 5:12 PM


Husband: Hello, my wife and I would like to buy a bed, please.
Mr Lambert: Certainly sir, I'll get someone to help you.

Wife: Thank you.

Mr Lambert: Mr Verity!

Mr Verity: Can I help you, sir?

Husband: Yes, we'd like a bed, a double bed, and I wondered if you'd got one for about fifty pounds.

Mr Verity: Oh no, I'm afraid not, sir. Our cheapest bed is eight hundred pounds, sir.

Husband & Wife: Eight hundred pounds?

Mr Lambert: Excuse me, sir, but before I go, I ought to have told you that Mr Verity does tend to exaggerate. Every figure he gives you will be ten times too high.

Husband: I see.

Mr Lambert: Otherwise he's perfectly all right.

Husband: I see. Er... your cheapest double bed then is eighty pounds?

Mr Verity: Eight hundred pounds, yes, sir.

Husband: I see. And how wide is it?

Mr Verity: It's sixty feet wide.

Husband: Yes...

Wife: (whispers) Sixty feet!

Husband: (whispers) Six foot wide, you see.

Wife: (whispers) Oh.

Husband: ...and the length?

Mr Verity: The length is ... er ... just a moment. Mr Lambert, what is the length of the Comfidown Majorette?

Mr Lambert: Ah. Two foot long.

Husband: Two foot long?

Mr Verity: Yes, remembering of course that you have to multiply everything Mr Lambert says by three. It's nothing he can help, you understand. Otherwise he's perfectly all right.

Husband: I see, I'm sorry.

Mr Verity: But it does mean that when he says a bed is two foot long, it is in fact sixty foot long, all right?

Husband: Yes, I see.

Mr Verity: That's without the mattress, of course.

Husband: How much is that?

Mr Verity: Er, Mr Lambert will be able to tell you that. Lambert! Could you show these twenty good people the dog kennels, please?

Husband: Dog kennels? No, no, the mattresses!

Mr Verity: I'm sorry, you have to say 'dog kennel' to Mr Lambert, because if you say 'mattress' he puts a bucket* over his head. I should have explained. Otherwise he's perfectly all right.

Husband: Oh. Ah. I see. Er, excuse me, could you show us the dog kennels, please, hm?

Mr Lambert: Dog kennels?

Husband: Yes, we want to look at the dog kennels, hm.

Mr Lambert: Ah yes, well that's the pets' department, second floor.

Husband: No, no, no, we want to see the DOG KENNELS.

Lambert: (irritated) Yes, second floor.

Husband: No, we don't want to see dog kennels, it's just that Mr Verity said that...

Mr Lambert: Oh dear, what's he been telling you now?

Husband: Well, he said we should say 'dog kennels' instead of saying 'mattresses'.

(Lambert puts bucket on his head) Husband: Oh dear. Hello? Hello? Hello?

Mr Verity: (approaching) Did you say 'mattress'?

Husband: Well, yes, er...

Mr Lambert: (muffled) I'm not coming out!

Mr Verity: I did *ask* you not to say 'mattress', didn't I?

Husband: But I mean, er...

Mr Lambert: (muffled) I'm not!

Husband: Oh.

Mr Verity: Now I've got to get him to the fish tank and sing.

Husband: Oh.

Mr Verity: (sings) And did those feet, in ancient time...

Manager: (walking up, hearing the singing) Oh dear, did somebody say mattress to Mr Lambert?

Husband: Yes, I did.

(Manager gives nasty look at Husband)

Mr Verity: (still singing) ...walk upon England's mountains green... (Manager joins in) ...and was the Holy Lamb of God...

(Lambert removes bucket; Verity and Assistant immediately stop singing; Manager leaves.)

Mr Verity: He should be all right now, but don' know...*don't*!

Husband: No, no. (to Lambert) Excuse me, could we see the dog kennels please?

Lambert: (irritated) Yes, pets department, second floor.

Husband: No, no, no. Those dog kennels, like that. You see?

Mr Lambert: Mattresses?

Husband: (relieved) Yes.

Mr Lambert: But if you want a mattress, why not say 'mattress'?

Husband: (nervously) Ha ha, I mean...

Mr Lambert: I mean, it's a little confusing for me when you say 'dog kennel' if you want a mattress. Why not just say 'mattress'?

Husband: But you put a bucket over your head last time we said 'mattress'.

(Lambert puts the bucket over his head again)

Mr Verity: (running on the scene again) Oh dear! (stands in box and sings) And did those feet...

Manager: (to Husband) We *did* ask!

(Manager & Mr Verity sing together) ancient times, walk upon England's mountains green...

(singing continues throughout the next few lines of dialogue)

Assistant: (running in) Did somebody say 'mattress' to Mr Lambert?

(Manager points angrily towards the Husband and Wife)

Mr Verity: *Twice*!

Assistant: (shouting throughout the store) Hey, everybody! Somebody said 'mattress' to Mr Lambert -- *twice*! (joins in the singing)

(Organ music swells and they carry on singing)

Mr Verity: It's not working, we need more!

(The entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir begins to sing in the background. Sounds of water splashing; eventually Lambert removes the bucket again and they stop singing)

Mr Lambert: I'm sorry, can I help you?

Wife: (brightly) We want a mattress!

(Lambert puts the bucket over his head again. Verity, husband and assistants all groan and glare accusingly at wife)

Wife: But it's my only line!!!

Monty Python sketches are wonderful for randomness

Why is the rum always gone?






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