The Sereni-Tree and the Next Big Thing

UPDATED: Friday, April 6, 2007 18:47
VIEWED: 37304
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Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:14 PM


looks at SR's retreating back
"...huh, he always like that? Also, I hope he doesn't think I'm a total idiot, I mean, I'd have to be pretty ruttin' stupid to fire a gun in an engine room, plus I like my blades more anyway"
With that BR'07 gives a feral grin and begins to walk away


Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:19 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
"huh... musta been the empathy kicking in... so, Jet said something about... a Reaver?! Shouldn't we be, well, looking for it? I heard a kid crying last night, so I do know there may be a few children on board, and even if it IS just one Reaver, in a ship this, well, massive, there are WAY to many places for it to hide..."

(OOC: I was busy posting so I crossed over yours.)

"Yes there are some children and they are well guarded. The best thing is to stay in groups and not go off alone poking in dark nooks and crannys. You don't know this ship at all that makes you particiularly vulnerable. When TRM comes up with a plan he will let you know."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:24 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
"Actually Warren, Femalereaver is loose on the ship." Jet says indicating the sealed bulkhead.

"Well then I guess we had better be double careful. Seven if you are going to stick around best stay alert. Now no shooting in here, to many things in here don't react well to bullets. I am heading down dirtside, but it looks like you have things well in hand. I'm just going back into my cave to change then I'll be on my way. If things were really bad TRM would have asked me to stick around."

SR goes back into his quarters and changes from his work clothes to loose pants, calf boots, a peasants shirt, a leather jerkin and a cloak. He straps his cutlass to his waist along with several belt pouches. He then emerges out into main engineering and has Jet open the vault door just long enough for him to leave. He makes his way uneventfully to the shuttle bay where he preflights the Napoleon. The board is all green when he opens up a channel on his com-link to the bridge,

"Bridge this is SR in the Napoleon B requesting permission to depart."

Scorpion Regent

SR waits for a reply when something inside him clicks, "Bridge, belay that, my trip can wait and there are people who need me here." He punches up his com-link to contact Seryn.


Scorpion Regent


Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:28 PM



(OOC: I was busy posting so I crossed over yours.)

"Yes there are some children and they are well guarded. The best thing is to stay in groups and not go off alone poking in dark nooks and crannys. You don't know this ship at all that makes you particiularly vulnerable. When TRM comes up with a plan he will let you know."

Scorpion Regent

"Don't know if I'd be... vulnerable to a single Reaver, but I can understand the not looking for trouble bit, only problem is, trouble aways deems it necessary to find ME... but, yeah, will do. The not wandering into dark nooks bit, and the waiting for TRM."


Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:09 PM


After a while of wandering the more populated areas of the ship, BC finds himself looking into an empty bunk that he decides to claim. The bunk is furnished with rich, dark oak floorboards, a large closet made of the same oak, as well as a small writeing table/book shelf. The closet takes up most of the west wall, while th desk sits against the east wall. On the wall over the desk is a scroll with the chinese kanji for solitary warrior on it, and there is a display hook for a sword over the bed. The bed is neatly made, with a dark forrest green blanket on it and it takes up space against the north wall.

"Perfect... now, to find my way to the gym and the pool from here, and mabey get in a few laps and some practice time in..."

BC grabs his gym bag and sets off to the gym carrying his katana...


Friday, March 30, 2007 3:45 AM


Jet smiles at both BC and SR as they are departing. "TheRealMe gave a full briefing on the FamaleReaver situation in a long post on this thread dated March 29. Here is a link. And yes, I'm sure that TheRealMe will come up with a plan."

Jet, Bride4

OCC: So Soul releases this horrid menace, but I have to come up with a plan? Okay, I suppose I will, but I'm busy IRL, so maybe not until Saturday morning. Until then, you all can have at it, but don't write FemaleReaver as being stupid or easy to take down. She is an arch-enemy calliber villain.


Friday, March 30, 2007 4:31 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Jet smiles at both BC and SR as they are departing. "TheRealMe gave a full briefing on the FamaleReaver situation in a long post on this thread dated March 29. Here is a link. And yes, I'm sure that TheRealMe will come up with a plan."

Jet, Bride4

OCC: So Soul releases this horrid menace, but I have to come up with a plan? Okay, I suppose I will, but I'm busy IRL, so maybe not until Saturday morning. Until then, you all can have at it, but don't write FemaleReaver as being stupid or easy to take down. She is an arch-enemy calliber villain.

OCC: Yes I know all that, but my character doesn't read the threads constantly, maybe he should but no one's perfect. Sometimes being captain means taking care of a problem whether or not you caused it. Hey it comes with the hat! Captain also means that you can order someone else to take care of it, like Soul. Up to you, but you are the captain of the Serenitree and somewhere on your ship is a deranged killer is ready to strike. I have IRL stuff to do too, so I won't be back for at least 10 hours.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, March 30, 2007 4:33 AM


For a second time, TheRealMe gathers most of the crew in the briefing room. Soul and some of his deputies are acting as armed guards.

"Let me illustrate how crafty the FemaleReaver is. Computer! Locate the FemaleReaver!"

"The FemaleReaver is in the briefing room."

There are a number of gasps as everyone present starts eyeballing his or her neighbor.

TheRealMe drops a small metallic object on the podium in front of him. "This is the tracer beacon we once imbedded in her. She dug it out with a kitchen knife."

There are sighs of relief.

"However, that doesn't mean that she ISN'T her, possibly in a disguise."

Murmurs fill the room.

"But I do have a method of finding her. We will assemble a Security detail, and I will open one of my dimensional portals directly to her. That should be fool-proof."

As TheRealMe finishes, the entire ship shudders. TheRealMe pulls out his com-link. "Bride4! What just happened?"

Jet's voice answers through the link: "We just jumped to hyperspace, silly."

TheRealMe is concerned. "Why? On what course? Who gave the order?"

Jet sounds concerned. "Why, YOU did... didn't you? The command was input from the Bridge. It had all the correct authentication codes, so..."

"Soul, with me to the Bridge. But leave a few guards here."

TheRealMe and Soul lead some secturity deputies out of the briefing room, up a few flights of stairs, and around the upper balcony to the Bridge entrance. With weapons ready, they open the door and rush in.

Quincey lies in the middle of the deck in a pool of blood, unmoving.

"Check her! Be wary!" TheRealMe calls as he makes his way to a control station. TheRealMe taps furiously at the control panel.

"She's alive," Soul reports. "I'll have her carried to Sickbay. What course did FemaleReaver put us on?"

"Can't tell. She input the course, activated the Jump Drive, then erased the data record."

"That's bad!"

"It's worse. I can't fold space inside of hyperspace. Too many folds. I won't be able to open a portal to wherever she is. And we can't exit the ship or alter course or drop out of hyperspace until we reach this unknown destination."

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, March 30, 2007 4:38 AM


OCC: Sorry, SR, I thought you just missed the briefing. Oh, and I'll find a way to make things interesting.


Friday, March 30, 2007 5:46 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
OCC: Sorry, SR, I thought you just missed the briefing. Oh, and I'll find a way to make things interesting.

OOC: Like they aren't interesting enough. Damn! this means SR really can't go to Zanzibar, perhaps some other time. I have to go to work IRL. Back later.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, March 30, 2007 6:16 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Oh, come on! Releasing her was an accident!!!

"Alright, this is the way it's going to work. Teams of two, regardless of where you go. I don't want anyone getting seperated and the FemaleReaver replacing them. That goes for all of the crew, too. If that's okay, Me."

TheRealMe nods, so Soul continues.

"Once you pair off, come up with a simple question and answer that only the other person will know. That way if you ever get seperated from your partner, you can confirm if they are still, indeed, them. The FemaleReaver can impersonate people, but she can't read minds."

Soul waits as people pair off.

"Okay, let's check the ship, wing by wing, deck by deck. We have to find her before she can cause any more havoc. Come by my office before you begin. I've pretty much got an armory in there under lock and key."

Soul leads the way, crossing the balconies to the Security Office. He makes his way through the door, and then stops dead in his tracks, TRM nearly bowling him over.

"Oh," Soul nearly whispers, "This is so not good."

Soul's desk has been thrown against the far wall, and the mini-armory in the wall stands open.



Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:26 AM


follows TRM and soul into the security office, and stops dead in his tracks...
"Uh... Soul, you mind informing me what all was in there?? I have a lot of blades people can borrow, and I guess I can live with one handgun, but, well, blades and one gun isn't probably gunna help much..."
BC Paws nervously at the butts of his guns


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:53 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:

"Uh... Soul, you mind informing me what all was in there?? I have a lot of blades people can borrow, and I guess I can live with one handgun, but, well, blades and one gun isn't probably gunna help much..."

"Ooh, I'm gonna kill her with my bare hands. She took my bow and arrows! And my arrowheads! Some of those arrowheads are seriously dangerous. But she took my bow!!!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:06 AM


Backs away slowly from the madly ranting Soul
"What kinda arrowheads, and how are they incredibly dangerous?"


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:14 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:

"What kinda arrowheads, and how are they incredibly dangerous?"

Soul sighs.

"They were designed for me by a guy who dabbled in a strange combination of dark magics and science. They basically become whatever the holder wishes them to be."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:22 AM


*patches up Bride5*

Okay... I'll stick around sick bay for now. I have a horrible feeling I'm going to be needed.


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:23 AM


"Oh damn... that doesn't sound good... we need to find this chick NOW!!! Put a stop to her 'fore she can hurt anyone... you know how to use a handgun Soul? Here..."

Tosses soul one of his .45's and a few daggers

"we're also gunna need someone with a tranq for me... based on what I've heard about her... and my... condition, there is an extreme possibility that I may get kinda dangerous... and if the tranq doesn't work, promise me you'll put me down 'fore I can hurt anyone"

As he is speaking BC's pupils start to dialate and turn black, while the whites of his eyes take on a blood red tinge


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:34 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
"Oh damn... that doesn't sound good... we need to find this chick NOW!!! Put a stop to her 'fore she can hurt anyone... you know how to use a handgun Soul? Here..."

Tosses soul one of his .45's and a few daggers

"As Security Chief, I'm kinda required to know pretty much every weapon, but if I don't have my bow, I prefer something a little more close up. I do appreciate the daggers, but I've got something of my own."

He closes his eyes, and his right hand shimmers, fading. A moment later, his eyes open. In his right hand lies a dagger, the blade dark as night, with some sort of alien writing casting a green glow. The handle is shaped like a scorpion's tail, curving around his closed fist to end in a rather sharp looking stinger.

"That guy that made me the arrowheads, also made me this."


"we're also gunna need someone with a tranq for me... based on what I've heard about her... and my... condition, there is an extreme possibility that I may get kinda dangerous... and if the tranq doesn't work, promise me you'll put me down 'fore I can hurt anyone"

As he is speaking BC's pupils start to dialate and turn black, while the whites of his eyes take on a blood red tinge

"Don't worry, I've got an old friend that needed a tranq every now and then. I think the two of you might have a similar past."

Soul reaches into a drawer of the destroyed desk and pulls out a small dermal injector.

"If I need to, I know how to use this. I guess you're with me, then."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:49 AM


In the change room just off the pool area shortly before the Sereni-Tree’s jump to hyper space, there is a loud bang accompanied by flash of light, not unlike a strike of lightning, and a large cloud of smoke.

The lights in the room brighten, popping one by one. Until only one stubborn light remains, flickering like a flame in a wind storm.

The smoke eventually clears. In the center of the room kneels a large powerful naked man, head down, one hand holding the pommel of a large broadsword whose tip is imbedded in the floor.

He slowly raises his head and looks around, confusion clearly written all over his face.

As he scans the room his eyes come to rest on a dark slight figure crouched atop the lockers in a corner.

Scraggly hair hangs over the figures face and it seems quite at ease, but the newcomer can’t quite shake the predatory feeling emanating off the figure. But to his trained eye, it is obviously female, and his natural instincts take over.

The newcomer stands, a broad confidant grin now replaces his previously confused look, and he bows grandly, seemingly oblivious to the fact he has no clothes on.

“Good evening m‘lady.”

As he rises back up the figure launches itself at the him, two wicked looking swords flash out, one catching the surprised newcomer in the left shoulder the other he is able to grab with his hand. The figure pivots in mid air bringing her feet around kicking the newcomer in the chest. He crashes into the lockers behind him, caving in the doors.

He grunts slightly and wrenches the one blade from the dark figure, in the same movement snapping off the blade stuck in his shoulder with the palm of his other hand. She leans in and tries to bite his face but the newcomer manages to throw the figure backwards and she crashes into the opposite lockers. The newcomer grabs his broad sword and stands to face the figure only to find no sign of her. Both blades, even the broken one, are gone too.


"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, March 30, 2007 9:11 AM


**OOC: Just wanted to let you all know that I was approved for disability yesterday, so my nightmare is basically over! I wanted to take a quick opportunity to thank all of you who were so supportive during this whole mess. You'll never know how much it meant -- and still means -- to me!! You guys are the greatest!!**

**jake7 grabs a large pack of batteries and changes the ones in her remote.**

Well, got my remote ready -- I'm sure we'll need it!

I guess I'll have to be careful that I don't trap the femalereaver inside with myself and whomever I'm with!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, March 30, 2007 9:51 AM


ooc: Oh, Jake7, that is fantastic news! I'm so glad!

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Friday, March 30, 2007 12:15 PM



"As Security Chief, I'm kinda required to know pretty much every weapon, but if I don't have my bow, I prefer something a little more close up. I do appreciate the daggers, but I've got something of my own."

He closes his eyes, and his right hand shimmers, fading. A moment later, his eyes open. In his right hand lies a dagger, the blade dark as night, with some sort of alien writing casting a green glow. The handle is shaped like a scorpion's tail, curving around his closed fist to end in a rather sharp looking stinger.

"That guy that made me the arrowheads, also made me this."

"Heh, I meant no offence I hope you know, nice dagger by the way..."
Catches his .45 as it is tossed back and re-holsters it

"I, too, enjoy the up close more, but, hey, never bring a knife to a gun fight right?"

starts smelling the air.

"Seems we got a might large storm in the pool, lots of fresh ozone there, also the smell of blood , Reaver, and some strange male scent as well... oh crap!!! I left Fishie in there, don't know if shes ok..."

takes off down the hall, running up walls when people get in the way, moving much faster than any normal human has a right too, and drawing both daggers as he runs

"Hope Soul can keep up..." BC thinks


Friday, March 30, 2007 12:43 PM


*Simon looks around as though listening to something*

Was that... did you guys hear that?

Nah, couldn't be. Must be working too hard.


Friday, March 30, 2007 4:54 PM


As BC'07 slides to a halt around the corner, he sees a large man carrying a broadsword and bleeding from the shoulder, as BC looks around he notices the caved in locker doors.

"Hey, you there!! What happened here? Who are you? Was there a girl here and is she ok?"

BC advances on the man, still holding his twin Reaver made 12" blades, and his eyes still have dialated pupils, but the whites have been compleatly overtaken by a deep, blood red color


Friday, March 30, 2007 6:09 PM


"I think someone needs to tell me where I am and what's going on and what I should be doing." Citizen said, a slight look of wild abject terror in his eyes. "I mean this whole thing's beginning to get a little nuts, first I was in the space bar on some mining colony, next I know I'm hanging around WestWorld with a mouth full of dirt fighting off Zombie vacuum salesmen and it's not even Christmas. Now I'm here, back now on the ship and quite frankly I want my mummy."

"He's about six foot tall and covered with bandages, anyone seen him? He may be on a rampage, he gets like that sometimes, no heart you see."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, March 30, 2007 6:58 PM


BC07 takes off from the Security Office, running faster than any person has a right to. Soul simply turns ghostly and floats down off the balcony and then makes his way across the large common room to the pool area beyond.

“Gorramit!” Without his dimensional portals, TheRealMe is at a disadvantage. He decides to risk using his Jedi powers. He hops off the balcony and lands, cat-like, on the floor below. He runs across the common room, all the while wondering what he is going to use as a weapon. He snags two billiard balls and a cue as he passes the pool table.

He stops at the entryway into the pool, the smell of ozone strong in his nostrils. Soul is nearby and so is BC07, who appears to be on the verge of going berserk. TheRealMe blinks as he sees the large, naked man in the locker room. “Sir Kei? Is that you? I’m TheRealMe. We met in a village inn back on Zanzibar. Welcome to the Sereni-Tree and… ummmm… can we get you anything? Like, uh, maybe some pants?”


TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:00 PM


On the Sereni-Tree, in Bride1's room:

Ace is groggy as she forces her eyes open, making her escape from yet another nightmare. But what woke her? Wait, did she hear something? Was someone there? The room was completely dark. “Lights,” she mutters.

Nothing happens.

Ace grabs for the katana beside her and leaps out of her bed. Her knees wobble together for a bit, but then she collapses onto the floor. In her hands she holds a scabbard, but it is empty; her katana is missing. “What’s going on?” she asks, voice slurred.

“You have been drugged,” someone answers from the darkness.

Ace’s heart almost skips a beat as she recognizes that voice. “You won’t turn me again! The doc stripped out all of my bad DNA before he cloned me. Do your worst!”

“Oh, I will!” the voice replies, seeming calm but slightly amused. “My very worst!”

The drugs complete their work and Ace falls unconscious.

“Hmmm… You have a sharp blade, here. VERY sharp!” The voice from the darkness then lets forth a giggle that would chill one’s blood to ice.

Ace, Bride1


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:02 PM


The wind whips up a driving snow. It chills the face and stings the eyes in such a way that it is hard to believe that it is merely simulated weather.

“Corbin go! Go with SimonYeti and Hewitt! Ervin stay. Ervin stay and face...”

From behind, an arrow hits Ervin in the shoulder. “Ervin… Ervin… cold…” Ice covers the Yeti’s shoulder and quickly spreads to envelop his entire body. Ervin falls over, landing at Hewitt’s feet.

Despite the fact that they are in their very own environment, camouflaged by their white fur, the Yeti are being hunted down one by one in the Sereni-Tree’s snow park.

“Run!” Hewitt yells. He and Corbin leave Ervin behind and scramble up a cliff face, each carrying a burden, each hoping that the boulders above will provide some cover.

Smaller, younger, and nimbler than Corbin, Hewitt leaps over the wall of boulders first. Corbin follows, but as she gets over the wall and starts running after Hewitt, an arrow arcs high into the air above her and comes straight down, striking the back of her leg. Corbin falls, but manages a roll that brings her to her feet. Yet her leg is covered in ice, and it is spreading over the rest of her. “Hewitt!” Corbin calls out. She tosses her bundle away just before she is completely enclosed.

The baby Yeti cries loudly as it flies through the air.

But Corbin’s throw was off. Hewitt drops what he is carrying and runs to be under where the baby will land. “Hewitt catch! Hewitt catch! Hewitt catch!” he keeps repeating to himself. Finally, the young Yeti leaps and extends his long arms to grab little SimonYeti before he hits the ground. Hewitt falls, but shields the baby with his body. In an instant, he is back on his feet and running for the exit.

Slowly, calmly, a figure in a parka walks past Ervin, its fur-lined boots crunching in the snow. It selects another arrow from its quiver and aims upward. The arrow embeds itself into the line of boulders above, trailing a line behind it. The figure attaches a hand-held device to the line, and holds tight as the motor hums and pulls the figure up the cliff. It hops over the boulders and walks past Corbin.

“I wasn’t after your baby, you big stupid ape!”

It walks further to the package that Hewitt had been carrying, but dropped. It carefully lays its bow aside and examines its prize.

“Hmmm… Servos, processors, memory crystals, arms, legs, torso… AND a head. Yes, it seems that we have all the bits and pieces of a complete Baby 3000 here. A robotic practice baby! How wonderful! And I so love putting jigsaw puzzles together!

"But I wonder what it’s going to do when it discovers that it’s been… replaced… by a real child?”


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:14 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
BC07 takes off from the Security Office, running faster than any person has a right to. Soul simply turns ghostly and floats down off the balcony and then makes his way across the large common room to the pool area beyond.

“Gorramit!” Without his dimensional portals, TheRealMe is at a disadvantage. He decides to risk using his Jedi powers. He hops off the balcony and lands, cat-like, on the floor below. He runs across the common room, all the while wondering what he is going to use as a weapon. He snags two billiard balls and a cue as he passes the pool table.

He stops at the entryway into the pool, the smell of ozone strong in his nostrils. Soul is nearby and so is BC07, who appears to be on the verge of going berserk. TheRealMe blinks as he sees the large, naked man in the locker room. “Sir Kei? Is that you? I’m TheRealMe. We met in a village inn back on Zanzibar. Welcome to the Sereni-Tree and… ummmm… can we get you anything? Like, uh, maybe some pants?”


TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree

Before Soul even finishes re-emering from a wall, BC has one of his guns cocked, saftey off, and aimed between Souls eyes without even turning around, then, as TRM enters he draws his second gun and aims it at TRM's chest, in line with his heart, still facing Sir Kei and watching him with an eary, un-blinking gaze

"I suggest one of you answers my question... what happened in here, and is the girl ok?"

I can't find her... can't find the Reaver eather... gorramit this ISN'T GOOD!!! I need answers, and right now I can't pick up anything with my senses... this ship is to ruttin' BIG, and that damn Reaver isn't leaving any residual... ANYTHING!!!


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:43 PM



"But I wonder what it’s going to do when it discovers that it’s been… replaced… by a real child?”

OOC: That is quite possibly the creepiest thing that's been written in a 'tree plotline yet.

*awakes suddenly (unaware of the new "makeover") and looks around a barren engine room.

Well, that's the last time I'm playing hide and seek with any of you people. I mean you have a locator for goodness sakes, how hard could it be! Ah well, maybe Serenity just got distracted by baby Sera. Can't blame her for that.

Walking through the ship, it seems eerily quiet and calm. Uh-oh that can't be good.

*walking and struggling to take off the silly helmet. Why won't this gorram thing come off!!! The helmet finally budges, but only slips down over Mai's eyes and refuses to move another inch. She walks straight into someone, busy yelling about missing their mummy, and knocks them both to the ground.


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:48 PM


TheRealMe stands very still as he stares down the barrel of BC07's gun. His eyes narrow as he considers his options, gripping the pool cue tightly in one hand. He decides that talking has the best chance of the fewest injuries. Mostly likely, only he will get shot.

"Like you, BrownCoat2007, I don't know what just happened here. But I think that I recognize that large naked man as a monsterslayer that I have met in my travels. I don't know where Bluefishie is, but if you get that weapon out of my face I can try to locate her with my com-link.

"Are you always like this in a danger situation? Would you have drawn a weapon on Bluefishie if she had run up and surprised you? Maybe shot her if she didn't answer fast enough?"

TheRealMe takes a step back and to one side.

"Do I need to worry about you as well as our enemy? Are you more dangerous to us than the Reaver?"

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:58 PM


*is still wandering around, continuing the line that traces from the pool room to the winding corridors of the 'tree*

"Wonder what the boom was?"


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:58 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
SR waits for a reply when something inside him clicks, "Bridge, belay that, my trip can wait and there are people who need me here." He punches up his com-link to contact Seryn.


Scorpion Regent

Getting no response SR shuts down the shuttle's engines. He decides a different approach is warranted. He toggglesd up his commlink again and sends a V-mail.

"SR to Serenity, you are most likely aware there is a potential peril situation. Femalereaver has escaped Cryo and is loose on the ship. I am concerned for the safety of Seryn and her child. I know you two are close, If you know where they are give me a call and let me know. I'm heading to the common room from the shuttle bay and if I don't find her there I'll check her quarters. In the mean time keep yourself and Sera safe."

SR departs the Napoleon locking the door behind him, draws his cutlass and makes his way toward the common room.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:01 PM


starts to shake and breath heavily... and then falls to the ground... He starts to speak as his eyes revert to normal

"Sir... I'm sorry... I don't know whats wrong, this is the first time I haven't been able to find... well... ANYTHING with my sense in that state... its scareing me, and I'm worried about Fishie, shes a real nice girl, seems pretty innocent, and I don't know how well she'd be able to defend herself against one of those... THINGS..."

starts shaking uncontrollably

"I... I think I should leave your ship, your right, what would I have done had it been Fishie? I could have killed her... what the hell is wrong with me... I useually controll that side fairly well, can distinguish friend from foe... and potential threats... something about this situation is messing with me..."


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:03 PM


During the tense situation between BC07, SoulofSerenity, the large naked man, and TheRealMe, a Diagnostic Repair Drone rolls over and begins to scrub away at a nearby bulkhead in order to clean up the mark made by Bluefishie.

OOC: Sorry, Citizen, I can't answer you just yet, but I'll be glad to help in a minute. Got a situation here!


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:10 PM


TheRealMe looks past BC07 to where Soul had almost gotten himself into position. The two men shrug at each other.

TheRealMe then sticks the pool cue under his left arm and pulls out his com-link. "Computer, locate Bluefishie."

"Bluefishie is aimlessly wandering in a maze of twisting, winding passageways, all alike."

"See, everything is normal with her," he assures BC07.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:19 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
As TheRealMe finishes, the entire ship shudders. TheRealMe pulls out his com-link. "Bride4! What just happened?"

Jet's voice answers through the link: "We just jumped to hyperspace, silly."

TheRealMe is concerned. "Why? On what course? Who gave the order?"

Jet sounds concerned. "Why, YOU did... didn't you? The command was input from the Bridge. It had all the correct authentication codes, so..."

"Soul, with me to the Bridge. But leave a few guards here."

TheRealMe and Soul lead some secturity deputies out of the briefing room, up a few flights of stairs, and around the upper balcony to the Bridge entrance. With weapons ready, they open the door and rush in.

Quincey lies in the middle of the deck in a pool of blood, unmoving.

"Check her! Be wary!" TheRealMe calls as he makes his way to a control station. TheRealMe taps furiously at the control panel.

"She's alive," Soul reports. "I'll have her carried to Sickbay. What course did FemaleReaver put us on?"

"Can't tell. She input the course, activated the Jump Drive, then erased the data record."

"That's bad!"

"It's worse. I can't fold space inside of hyperspace. Too many folds. I won't be able to open a portal to wherever she is. And we can't exit the ship or alter course or drop out of hyperspace until we reach this unknown destination."

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree

As Sr makes his way to the common room he feels the Tree go Hyper.

"SR to Jet did we just go into jump?"

"Yeah Warren, you're still here? I thought it was Me, but apparently it was some one else."

"Yeah I realized that I couldn't leave you guys with all the peril. That's right, Me would never have jumped, because he knew I was leaving for a three day trip to Zanzibar and had no plans to take the Tree anywhere. Keep the door to engineering locked, Jet we can't afford to have femalereaver deciding to start running the engines without reactor containment."

SR toggles up TRM on his com-link
"SR to TRM, did we just jump to hperspace?"

"Yes, femalereaver knocked Quicy out cold and set a course, but we don't know where to."

SR felt his heart pause and all his blood turn to liquid oxygen.

"I do,"


"What does a single reaver do once it has a whole ship full of people? Bring home the bacon. She's taking us to what she considers to be home, though for us it may be the ninth gate of hell."

Scorpion Regent


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:21 PM


"I'm off, next stop, if that is what you want... I really don't know what is.... wait a second..."


"Oh damn, I KNEW this would be a problem, you know how you told us that the FemaleReaver could "turn" people? Well, she does it through mental interferance, and some form of... pheramone or something... throws off the scent and its damn hard to track with residual body heat, especially in a crowded ship like this... gorram it... I should have KNOWN something would have happened..."
subsides into unintelegible mutterings, the occasional understandable words being "I'm such a ruttin' fool" and "damn hun dan" that BC is muttering about himself. The more angry he gets with himself, the more angry he gets towards the threat that the Reaver is posing to the crew, both through his own... change, and her being a Reaver and his eyes begin to change again

"Well... now that I know WHATS going wrong, lets see what I can do about the WHO that is causing the wrong"

BC stands up with a feral grin, sending chills down the spines of ever member present

"I can track that pheramone..."

Draws his blades and starts to stand


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:49 PM


TheRealMe looks concerned. "Ah, look BrownCoat2007... We can't have you going all berserker on us. What can we do to help you?"


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:52 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

"What does a single reaver do once it has a whole ship full of people? Bring home the bacon. She's taking us to what she considers to be home, though for us it may be the ninth gate of hell."

Wow! That's even creepier than CallMeChucky!


Friday, March 30, 2007 9:05 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

"What does a single reaver do once it has a whole ship full of people? Bring home the bacon. She's taking us to what she considers to be home, though for us it may be the ninth gate of hell."

Wow! That's even creepier than CallMeChucky!

OOC: I thought that one up at work and it's been festering in my brain all day. HAHAHA! HAHAHA! HAHAHA! Mine is an evil laugh!

Scorpion Regent


Friday, March 30, 2007 10:00 PM


*feels lonely without her fishies, and starts following her line on the wall back to the pool and aquarium room to fetch some*

"They're probably hungry by now..."


Saturday, March 31, 2007 1:36 AM



Originally posted by mai:
*She walks straight into someone, busy yelling about missing their mummy, and knocks them both to the ground.

"You're not my Mummy!" Citizen exclaimed as he dropped in a tangle with the helmeted figure. "Didn't you see me? Oh I guess not, I see what the problem is, you're wearing a helmet over your eyes, did you know that?" Citizen scrambled to a crouch. "If you wear it like that you can't see you see." He tried pulling at the helmet, it didn't move.

"Of course it helps if the helmets not stuck." He added. He started searching his pockets for something before pulling a tube of yellow paste and a tube of green liquid from his jacket. "Right this should work, this is lubricant, very useful in such circumstances, and this stuff'll crack that helmet in two nicely."

Citizen leaned over and started applying the yellow paste to the outside of the helmet. "Hold still, don't want to have this stuff go off on you."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:13 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
TheRealMe looks concerned. "Ah, look BrownCoat2007... We can't have you going all berserker on us. What can we do to help you?"

"Oh, don't worry TRM... only one person on this boats gotta worry, and its that reaver chick..."

Looking closely at BC's eyes, one would see a difference between the first time he went berserk and this time, namely that his dialated pupils are now surrounded by a golden color in the whites of his eyes.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:48 AM



Posted by TheRealMe:
TheRealMe blinks as he sees the large, naked man in the locker room. “Sir Kei? Is that you? I’m TheRealMe. We met in a village inn back on Zanzibar. Welcome to the Sereni-Tree and… ummmm… can we get you anything? Like, uh, maybe some pants?”

"Friend ME!!! Tis good to see you again!" Sir Kei's face lights up. "Alas, I have been attempting to 'call' my armour but to no avail. What is this strange metal place? Is friend Scorpion about? I brought him some..." Sir Kei reaches for his non-exsistant pocket.

"Umm... Ahem. Sir Kei when I said you had no clothes, I didn't mean you were just missing your armour. You're bleeding. Do you need medical assistance?" TRM asks.

"Tis but a scratch." Sir Kei says, pulling the broken blade out of his shoulder and tossing it on the ground. "Do all your women folk greet knights in this manner?"

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Saturday, March 31, 2007 4:49 AM


TheRealMe addresses Kei, "No, Sir Kei, it is most likely that you had a run-in with our enemy, who is stalking us here. Oh, and this place is our ship, Sereni-Tree. But it is not a ship that sails over the seas; it is a ship that sails between the stars. And... uh... there's no air outside. We have to bring that with us."

He turns to BC07, "And you say that FemaleReaver emits phermones, the lingering trace of which nearly Reaverizes you when you contact them? And you propose to track her by scent? No, I don't think so. I will not have TWO Reavers being the best-armed people on this ship. Stand down, mister, until WE have some way to control you or curb your violent moods! I'll forgive this incident, because you are new and nobody got hurt. But if you ever go wild and harm a member of this ship's company, I'll have you tossed out an air lock, hyperspace or no."

TheRealMe's com-link beeps. "Huh. I have a message waiting for me in my office. Excuse me. I need to see who this is. It might be HER."

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, March 31, 2007 4:51 AM


Don't worry, SR. Seryn and Finn are with Seraphina and me. We're in my quarters, behind locked and sealed doors. We're both armed and, as you know, we are quite capable of taking care of ourselves. We're just having a bit of a play date, out of harm's way.

We hope.

President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom
Wielder of the Magic Frying Pan of Sleep


Saturday, March 31, 2007 4:52 AM


TheRealMe sits at his desk in his office, tapping a pen against its smooth surface. “Computer, replay the last message again.”

How long had it been since TheRealMe talked to River-clone? Not in a long time. Too long, perhaps not since Washie vanished. Washie…

River-clone’s face re-appears on the screen. She looks sad, but determined. “A spider weaves its web. Traps us. Traps us all. Fear. Terror. Hate. It feeds on these. Grows stronger. Bolder. Sucks it into itself as it stalks us. It won’t kill us, not yet. It’s having too much fun. A feast of terror. Spiders have many eyes. Many eyes to watch us!” A tear begins to work its way down her face and she nods. “I’m going now. Yes. Got to go. It is coming for me.”

The screen goes dark as the message ends. Then there is a buzz at the door and Soul enters, carrying a bowl. He carefully places it on TheRealMe’s desk.

TheRealMe stares down at the bowl. It is full of dust. He looks up at Soul. “Clone dust? Did River-clone spontaneously dissolve like the rest of them? We’ve seen clones dissolve before. But that would be an amazing coincidence for it to happen now. Or is that what is left if a clone is killed, too?”

“Unknown,” Soul answers quietly. “For all I know she took up smoking and got messy with the ashes. But this is what my people found in River-clone’s room. Dust, but no River-clone.”

“And PsychicRiver?”

Soul places a com-link on the desk. “Here is his assigned com-link, but there was no sign of him.”

TheRealMe ponders this. “So he got taken by FemaleRiver? Kidnapped again? Or did he slip off the ship like he used to?”

“Unknown. But there are no records of anyone leaving in one of the pods or shuttles before the Jump, or since.”

“So this means that every reliable mind-reader that we have is gone?”

“Pretty much.”

“I should have seen this coming. We could have tracked her down with a mind-reader, through any disguise.”

There is a beep. “Jet here. You were right. There are signs of a tap into our information network at three places. But I won’t be able to sort them out unless I go to each site personally.”

“Negative, Bride4. Do not leave Main Engineering. Keep it shut tight. If FemaleReaver gets in there, she could blow up the engines or kill life support or trap us in hyperspace forever!”

“Well, okay, but based on what the DRD readings tell me, she can use these taps to view just about anything from any camera on the ship. Read our e-mails. Things like that. At least when the DRDs get back, I’ll be able to…”

“Negative, Bride4. Do not allow the DRDs to return to Main Engineering. She could follow them inside.”

Jet seems annoyed. “Whatever! Paranoid enough?”

TheRealMe gives a grim smile as he signs off. “No, not nearly enough.”

Mostly to himself, TheRealMe mutters, "And we don't even know if this River-clone message might be a fabrication, a diversion."

“When will we drop out of hyperspace?” Soul asks.

TheRealMe shrugs. “About a week. Whatever FemaleReaver’s plan is, she knows that she has to be finished by then, or I will find her with my dimensional portals.”

“Unless she takes you out before then.”

“Or unless the place we’re headed is more dangerous than she is, and we have more than her to worry about. Have you checked on Bride1’s room, yet? Nobody has seen her in a while.”

Soul places another com-link on the desk. “Yeah, I checked Ace’s room, too. Empty.”

"Okay, without mind-readers, do we dare to use BrownCoat07's nose to track her down?"

"So, would you really have spaced him... into hyperspace?"

"Aw, you know what a softie I am. Probably not. But I would have had him locked up, for his safety and ours. She's probably lying in wait for a driect attack, with all the weapons in your arsenal."

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:01 AM


As they work on the helmet, Citizen and Mai hear something coming from around a bend in the corridor.

"Run run run run run!"

Soon, a large white furry mass slams into them, sending everyone sprawling. It is one of the Yeti. The Yeti slips, falls, and bangs its head against the deck, rendering it unconscious. In its arms, the Yeti is holding a baby Yeti that begins to cry.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:35 AM


As Bluefishie follows her marker line back the way she came, she meets a bug-shaped robot about the size of a large dog. It is using fluffy spinning disks to buff off and clean up the line she was following!






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