Firefly Fit Club: Year 2 Week 2

UPDATED: Monday, April 9, 2007 20:11
VIEWED: 2492
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Sunday, April 1, 2007 8:26 PM


New comers, or people thinking of joining, can check out the below thread to get a description of what is going on here.

Previous week:

Original thread:

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, April 2, 2007 9:41 PM


Hmm...been too lazy to post the past few days.

Wed: 2 hour or so workout which included pushups, sit ups, stretching, cardio, and more pathetic attempts at pull ups. I think I did some martial arts practice, too, but I can't recall what exactly.

Thurs: Did an 8 km 'march' with a pack weighing 30-40 lbs in an hour and forty minutes.

Fri & Sat: Rest

Sun: Walking and push ups

Yesterday: 2 hour or so workout which included stretching, cardio, pushups, sit ups, more pathetic attempts at pull ups (aka dangling from a bar), arnis drills (twirling, sinawali, redonda, cruzada, triangle), suburi w/ bokken (100 strikes per area: head, belly, wrists; plus 100 strikes at full arc), some hsing-i.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 1:05 PM


About 1/2 - 3/4 hr walk about.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, April 4, 2007 6:30 AM


Almost a 4 hour workout today.

Started w/ basic stretching and warmup, then proceeded to cardio stuff (running in place and jumping jacks), squat thrusts, pathetic attempts to do pull ups (aka hang on as long as I can), dips, suburi w/ bokken (100 'full arc' strikes using right hand as base, 100 'full arc' strikes, and 100 strikes per target area: men/head, kote/gloves, do/chest or belly guard), arnis drills (twirling, strikes, redonda, sinawali and cruzada stuff), push ups, situps, and more stretching for cool down.

Hopefully I can do another 'march' before the week ends (maybe I can make a trip to the various churches in the metro on Good Friday ).


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:18 AM


Had a long day/night today, so I hope y'all forgive the long-ish post:

Yesterday was Good Friday.
Before the day dawned, though, I had planned to 'march' to various churches in the Metro. The plan was to leave early in the morning and make a nice big circuit around no less than 9 separate parishes (I didn't know that my count was 9 then, though, it just ended up that way).
Unfortunately, I had sleep problems, so I ended up leaving at aroung 1510H.
I wore my nice pair of Merrels, a bush hat, shades, comfy shirt and jeans, and carried my Jansport daypack which weighed around 40 lbs. (4 x 5 lbs. weights which were inside my ABS plastic replica MICH 2000 helmet, and further secured by my knee pads; a couple of 1.5L bottles, one filled with water, the other with Gatorade; my Nikon FM10 SLR w/out flash; and some coins). I also brought along my ever helpful Handbook of Prayers.
By around 1530H, I had reached Sto. Domingo Church, a little over a kilometer or so from my place. After a few minutes there, listening a bit and offering some prayers, I proceeded to Quezon Ave. and 'marched' all the way to Espana and then into UST and it's parish (the name of which eludes me). Again, I listen for a bit, offer some prayers, and then took my first water/gatorade break for the day.
I then walked to the P. Noval exit and from there walked towards San Sebastian, the gothic church with metal spires. I think I arrived there at around 1700H. I stayed for confession and took time to take some pictures with my SLR, change my sweat-filled shirt, and then moved out towards Ayala bridge by around 1730H.
I 'marched' straight through Taft, and then went into Intramuros to visit both San Agustin and the Manila Cathedral. Plenty of people in all of the churches I've visited, at this point. Again, I offered prayers, enjoyed the sights, and took some pics ( I hope my pics of the Cathedral's exterior come out well). I arrived at around 1800H, and left by around 1830H.
I left the same way I came into Intramuros, via the main tourist entrance, I think, and then went towards Roxas Blvd., crossing it at the intersection of the Manila Hotel. It was close 1900H by then.
I then 'marched' along Roxas Blvd., headed towards Malate Church. I was quite surprised (mortified?), that there were plenty of people along the bay area sidewalks and that many of the food establishments were open. A festive mood was in the air, too, all the way to Malate Church. There were even several instances that I heard people saying 'Parang hindi Good Friday/Mahal na Araw' (It's like it isn't Good Friday/Holy Week), in reference to the festive appearance of the area.
As with the previous churches, Malate had a fair amount of people inside. I arrived at around 1730H, and as I was already quite tired, I just offered a few quick prayers, took a picture, and moved out to grab something to eat at Aristocrat.
The place was packed, with people waiting to be seated outside the restaurant. Being alone, though, I was seated fairly quickly. As I didn't bring more than 150 pesos cash on me, and had a craving for something cold, I opted for supper/lunch to be a Special Halo-Halo (hey, it's not meat! :P ). I finished resting/eating by around 2000H.
I was tired already: my feet and shoulders hurt, and my lower back had bore the brunt of either bad packing on my part (it's the freakin' helmet w/ the weights!) and was starting to bruise at this point. But I decided to push through with going to the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Redemptorist Church in Baclaran.
And so I walked, along Roxas Blvd. still, taking a few breaks, usually after crossing each major road (Buendia, then EDSA). I arrived at Redemptorist Church at around 2115H, where I offered prayers, took a picture or two, then took another break to drink and change shirt (which, I found out when I got home, I had put on in reverse. Yey!). I had already made calls home prior to this point, indicating where I was, but I made a call home at Redemptorist stating that I may forego my next destination and take buses to leapfrog the last two churches in my itinerary.
Of course, wanting to see as to how far I can go, I decided to try walking it. I left Redemptorist Church at around 2140H.
Oh, and I noted that the area around the Church was teeming with people, and the stalls were open, too. Ya know, people selling DVDs, clothes, etc. At least there were lots of people in the Church, too.
My next destination was Santuario de San Antonio in Makati, along McKinley Rd. From Redemptorist, I walked to Taft Avenue, and followed Taft all the way to EDSA. From EDSA cor. Taft, I turned right, into EDSA, and walked towards Makati. I took several breaks at this point (in a 7-11, underneath the overpasses/flyovers in Magallanes, and at the Petron Treats at the intersection of EDSA and Pasay Rd. I must state my dismay that, despite the 'Visa' sign on the counter of Treats, my card was rejected. Maybe they were offline or something. Still, I wanted cold Gatorade, as the one in my pack ceased to be cold hours ago at that point).
I arrived at Santuario de San Antonio at around 2310H, and found the Church proper, closed (I had received a call about 30 minutes before, from home, stating that it had closed already, so it wasn't a surprise). I decided to stay a bit at a small grotto thingy (which had a statue of Mama Mary), and offered some prayers, took a rest and a picture. I trudged towards EDSA afterwards, arriving at around 2330H.
I then took the first ride I had for that day: a bus towards the Kamias area. I had intended to go to the EDSA Shrine, but thinking that it was probably closed, and even leapfrogging to it then to Kamias by bus may have been a decent idea, I decided to forego it and just offered a customary bow of the head when the bus passed the Shrine.
I arrived at the Shak at around 2350H, bringing Coke. I wrote of my 'march' in the log, and spoke with the natives, before being fetched by my brother for home, and a nice, hot shower.

Things to Improve on:
A better bag, definitely. One with more padding. I'm really eyeing this nice 65L backpack from Habagat, but it's quite pricey.
Better itinerary. My mom pointed out when I got home that Quiapo Church would probably have been a good place to visit, too (I guess after San Sebastian). Because, like the San Agustin Church and the Manila Cathedral, that would almost necessitate a visit to the Sta. Cruz Church, and maybe even Binondo Church. I gave the reason that I kinda intentionally missed those places because the route around to Intramuros may have been longer, but in retrospect, I'm probably wrong there. That and I started out late. Had I started earlier, I'd have had more time to 'relax', instead of praying that every Church on my itinerary stayed open. Oh well, maybe next time.
Marching buddies. Yes. I need to drag someone next time I try this. Staring at the ground (when I was already 'trudging', though I consciously put an effort to fix my posture and look straight) for minutes isn't fun. I may be anti-social at times, but not so much as to not want someone to tag along something as tiring as this.
A digital camera would be nice, too.

N.B.: This 'march' was made, for those who are interested, in the Philippines' capital, Metro Manila.
As for the total distance I 'marched'/walked/trudged, I don't know.


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:31 AM


This thread has been going for 2 years? Has it been that long?

*finally gets around to poking her nose in this thread...been putting it off until I climbed on the scale the other morning*


Ok. Trying to lose weight. I've cut out the soda and replaced it with sparkling water. No more eating leftovers from my son's plate after dinner...and trying to commit to taking the dog for a long walk every night.



Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:38 AM


1 1/2 yoga class this am. Planning to do some heavy housework - still in the planning stage.



Saturday, April 7, 2007 11:25 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

So the last few Thursdays seem to have been total messes, but we did do something Tuesday.

(VERY IMPORTANT) Rules and voting:


Monday, April 9, 2007 8:34 AM


Went 'swimming' for several hours (more like feeble attempts to move from point A to point B in water...).


Monday, April 9, 2007 8:40 AM


Sunday I was able to get in my Pilates dvd while my boys took the dog for a romp in the park behind our house. It's been a while. I'm seriously out of shape. Trying to do this at least 2x / week.

Don't buy Stonyfield Farms Light Yogurt Smoothies in Mixed Berry. Tastes like chalk. (And trying to cut calories in the A.M. with my morning yogurt...)



Monday, April 9, 2007 8:11 PM


New thread coming.


Forgot to add that I had a couple more 1/2 - 1 hr walk abouts over the week.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"






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