The Sereni-Tree and the Raid on Reaverworld

UPDATED: Friday, May 18, 2007 20:47
VIEWED: 32706
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Friday, April 6, 2007 6:30 PM


This is Thread 57 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, telling our story and providing links to all such threads:

Early in this link is the very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V7”. This post is a description of the ship. There follows in the same thread another post describing the crew and passengers.

Here is a summary of our previous thread, located at:

Mai-Quest 3 was completed, and we left the dangerous Westworld using TheRealMe’s dimensional portals.

Soul accidentally released the dangerous and brilliant FemaleReaver from cryo-sleep.

FemaleReaver began terrorizing the crew, sabotaging items on the ship, and attacking some people. Normally, she plays mind-games with the crew, and strikes lone people from the shadows. She spreads terror.

Sir Kei of the Octagonal Order arrived on the ship. He is marveling at its wonders.

FemaleReaver sent the ship into hyperspace to an unknown (at the time) destination.

While in hyperspace, there were a number of encounters with FemaleReaver, who had acquired Soul’s bows and arrows and his power of desolidification. She terrorized the Yeti, using Soul’s trick arrows to freeze all of them but Hewitt and the baby SimonYeti. She succeeded in getting her hands on the parts of the Baby3000, once in the possession of Hewitt the Yeti. Also, FemaleReaver acquired BrownCoat2007’s healing power. Some of her other victims seem to include Ace / Bride1, Quincey / Bride5, and River-clone. While BC07 was gravely injured, he is healing nicely, now. SimonWho has been busy tending these people.

Bluefishie wandered around the ship, meeting a Diagnostic Repair Drone, BrownCoat2007, and Bobbie Sue / Bride6.

Mai and Citizen just removed her locator helmet, which had gotten stuck. Hewitt the Yeti had slammed into them while running from FemaleReaver and is unconscious. SimonYeti is there, too.

The last anyone saw of FemaleReaver is when she was tricked into phasing through the hull of the ship and out into hyperspace. This ruse involved TheRealMe, SoulofSerenity, Jake7, and McQ, at least. I don’t expect her to be able to return until we drop back into normal space, if even then.

BrownCoat2007 discovered that the destination that FemaleReaver set us on is to some Reaver-inhabited planetoid. She has fixed things so that Sereni-Tree will be largely disabled once we fall out of hyperspace into that system. A number of us are trying to undo or get around that sabotage.

TheRealMe has arranged that as soon as the ship falls back into normal space, it will shoot off at high velocity in a direction away from the Reaver planetoid, even if its engines are disabled. Also, the ship will be cloaked and very hard to spot.

In his Ocean Cloud ship, Jadehand has arrived in the Reaver system ahead of Sereni-Tree. He is clearing a space for us through an asteroid belt.

To get spare parts and/or supplies needed for repairs from FemaleReaver’s sabotage, BrownCoat2007 will lead a raiding party over to the Reavers, using one of our shuttles.

There! Did I forget anything?

Oh, right. While looking for peanutbutter, Fishie found a shiny orb! Shiny!

So, who among the Sereni-Tree crew is planning to accompany BrownCoat2007 on his Raid on Reaverworld to get our spare parts? Plenty of peril there to go around! However, I declare that for the duration of this thread, the Sereni-Tree itself, that is, our ship, will be a peril-free zone. Oh, you can do foreshadowing and some ominous stuff, but no direct peril. In this thread, all the actual peril will be with the strike team.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, April 6, 2007 6:31 PM



ScorpionRegent wrote:
SR listens intently to Me's proposal. It makes enough sense that he is willing to give it a shot. He looks over most of Femalereaver's time triggered sabotage and figures that there is one factor in that can be if not overidden at least delayed, time. He suggests that they glitch the nav computer to slow down its internal clock so that they remain in hyperspace approximately 15 more minutes longer than originally need to complete the trip. This will cause them to arrive in the same planetary system yet not neccessarily at peril's front door, this may also give them enough time to allow the jump engines to recharge without the need of out in out combat. SR does admit that this also could place the Tree smack dab in the center of a asteriod field or the crushing depths of a gas giant, but what is life without adventure?

OOC: SR, the computer is not timing the Jump through hyperspace. Think of a hyperspace Jump as sending the ship on a ballistic trajectory. You send the ship from your current location to its destination, but after you “launch” it, you don’t really have control during its time arcing through the air. The ship comes out of hyperspace not when a clock ticks off the last second, but rather when the trip is over, which takes approximately a week. However, we do not know the exact instant of dropout. This Jump Drive is based on that of the Traveller roleplaying game of Marc Miller from days of yore, mostly because I have a dislike of Star Trek style Warp Drive, where you go faster than light by simply going faster than light! On the other hand, the FemaleReaver’s sabotage probably is timed for so many minutes after exiting hyperspace. If we adjust the computer’s clock that might delay the damage to the engines, weapons, and shields until we’ve been in this star system a bit longer.


Friday, April 6, 2007 6:32 PM


TheRealMe is standing ready in a vac suit on the Sereni-Tree’s hanger deck. The hanger is being kept in a vacuum for the time being. In front of him is the shuttle Admiral Nelson, fully fueled and with weapons ready, prepared to depart on the raid against the Reavers for the supplies and spare parts that Sereni-Tree will need. Waiting inside the shuttle is the strike team assembled by BrownCoat2007.

TheRealMe touches a control. “Bride5?”

”Quincey here on the bridge.” She sighs. ”Still ready to dodge whatever. Still waiting.”


“Jet here in Main Engineering. Main maneuver drive is just idling, but we retain a tremendous velocity with respect to normal space. Ready to bring up the drive for dodging maneuvers. Power to S.E.P. field generator holding steady.”


”Jake7 here at the main gunnery station. Ready to shoot anything in our way.”


“Yeah, here in the shuttle, waving at you through the window. When does this thing happen?”

TheRealMe waves back, smiling weakly. “Not sure.” He checks his chronometer, which is set to standard time, not slowed like the bridge nav computer was, based on ScorpionRegent’s recommendation. “There is something like an 80% chance that we will translate to normal space within the next five hours.”

”Five hours?!” BC07 was getting impatient.

They had been waiting like this for a few hours now. Too bad that the exact time of hyperspace dropout was so uncertain.

Suddenly, a shudder goes through Sereni-Tree.

“Five hours… or five seconds!” TheRealMe says. “Quincey, dodge whatever we’re about to hit! Jet, supply her with power. Jake7…”

A chorus of echoes answers him. ”I KNOW!”

TheRealMe reaches out, and a spot of light appears before him. It grows larger, to become a ring of fire surrounding a dark void, about the diameter of a tall person. “Browncoat2007, my dimensional portal will be able to compensate for the difference in velocity. You should arrive more or less at rest with respect to your destination.”

The Nelson's pilot pulls a lever, activating the shrinking technology that Rat once created. The large shuttle shrinks down to about a foot in length. The pilot launches the shuttle through the dimensional portal, which TheRealMe closes after they are gone.

TheRealMe sways back and forth, almost thrown off his feet. Quincey must be taking the ship through its paces if he can feel that much acceleration through the inertial dampeners! The curses coming from the bridge channel, combined with the loud clangs against the hull, tells TheRealMe that Quincey’s dodging ability is not perfect. The ship’s main batteries fire multiple times, no doubt clearing rubble from its path. He winces as something else slams against the ship. Then there is a steady tapping on the hull, as if from hail. He sighs. “Hold together, baby!”

With only a few mishaps, Quincey, Bride5, manages to thread Sereni-Tree through the hole in the asteroid belt cleared by Jadehand. The ship speeds its way to the outer system, coasting on the great velocity built up while in hyperspace.

Minutes later, after Sereni-Tree is out of immediate danger, things start to explode or short out all over the ship.

“Bride4, we need an inventory of everything that just got damaged, so we can give it to our raiding party!”

There is no response from Jet.


NOTE: Jake7, if you would like to go on the raiding mission, I can put someone else in the gun turrets.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree

EDIT: Changed Napoleon to the Nelson, as SR had the Napoleon loaded with trade goods.



Friday, April 6, 2007 6:59 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

TheRealMe is standing ready in a vac suit on the Sereni-Tree’s hanger deck. The hanger is being kept in a vacuum for the time being. In front of him is the shuttle Napoleon Bonaparte, fully fueled and with weapons ready, prepared to depart on the raid against the Reavers for the supplies and spare parts that Sereni-Tree will need. Waiting inside the shuttle is the strike team assembled by BrownCoat2007.

TheRealMe touches a control. “Bride5?”

”Quincey here on the bridge.” She sighs. ”Still ready to dodge whatever. Still waiting.”


“Jet here in Main Engineering. Main maneuver drive is just idling, but we retain a tremendous velocity with respect to normal space. Ready to bring up the drive for dodging maneuvers. Power to S.E.P. field generator holding steady.”


”Jake7 here at the main gunnery station. Ready to shoot anything in our way.”


“Yeah, here in the shuttle, waving at you through the window. When does this thing happen?”

TheRealMe waves back, smiling weakly. “Not sure.” He checks his chronometer, which is set to standard time, not slowed like the bridge nav computer was, based on ScorpionRegent’s recommendation. “There is something like an 80% chance that we will translate to normal space within the next five hours.”

”Five hours?!” BC07 was getting impatient.

They had been waiting like this for a few hours now. Too bad that the exact time of hyperspace dropout was so uncertain.

Suddenly, a shudder goes through Sereni-Tree.

“Five hours… or five seconds!” TheRealMe says. “Quincey, dodge whatever we’re about to hit! Jet, supply her with power. Jake7…”

A chorus of echoes answers him. ”I KNOW!”

TheRealMe reaches out, and a spot of light appears before him. It grows larger, to become a ring of fire surrounding a dark void, about the diameter of a tall person. “Browncoat2007, my dimensional portal will be able to compensate for the difference in velocity. You should arrive more or less at rest with respect to your destination.”

The Napoleon’s pilot pulls a lever, activating the shrinking technology that Rat once created. The large shuttle shrinks down to about a foot in length. The pilot launches the shuttle through the dimensional portal, which TheRealMe closes after they are gone.

TheRealMe sways back and forth, almost thrown off his feet. Quincey must be taking the ship through its paces if he can feel that much acceleration through the inertial dampeners! The curses coming from the bridge channel, combined with the loud clangs against the hull, tells TheRealMe that Quincey’s dodging ability is not perfect. The ship’s main batteries fire multiple times, no doubt clearing rubble from its path. He winces as something else slams against the ship. Then there is a steady tapping on the hull, as if from hail. He sighs. “Hold together, baby!”

With only a few mishaps, Quincey, Bride5, manages to thread Sereni-Tree through the hole in the asteroid belt cleared by Jadehand. The ship speeds its way to the outer system, coasting on the great velocity built up while in hyperspace.

Minutes later, after Sereni-Tree is out of immediate danger, things start to explode or short out all over the ship.

“Bride4, we need an inventory of everything that just got damaged, so we can give it to our raiding party!”

There is no response from Jet.


NOTE: Jake7, if you would like to go on the raiding mission, I can put someone else in the gun turrets.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


*steps into the briefing room behind TRM, fully geared up*

"Ok, heres how it goes, I belive TRM has briefed you all here on where our destination is, and just how badly FemaleReaver screwed us, that is, before we screwed her right back *gives Soul and McQ a rather cold grin and nod* Now, what we need is a group of people to head on over to the good 'ol Reavers over there *points vaguely into the eather of hyper-space* and kindly... suggest... that they give us the parts we need to fix what was broke. I would like to request that this be mostly volunteeres, but I'm gunna say that I would greatly appreciate if I could get McQ, Soul, and SR in on this, you being the guys I have met so far, and who I feel could be rather... useful in a fight *gives his patented feral grin* I'll give you guys time to decide, and I'm sorry if this seems a bit... abrupt, but we need to get this boat floating again, and, well, me and waiting... *trails off with a chuckle and a wince, holding the area over the scar on his cheast* yeah, waiting and I work well togather..." *grins again and stalks off*


Friday, April 6, 2007 7:26 PM


*lays on the kitchen table, which she found alone for once, absentmindedly flicking large globs of peanut butter off a spoon onto the ceiling*


Friday, April 6, 2007 8:10 PM


*paces the halls restlessly, trying to find something to do to keep his mind occupied while waiting to get the call about his mission*


Saturday, April 7, 2007 6:22 AM


At the pre mission briefing SR kicks in his two cents worth when TRM comes to the point where questions are addressed.
" Do you have to take the Napoleon? As you recall it's still heavily laden with my trade goods bound for Zanzibar. Then again lots of highly concentrated alcohol might make good Molitov cocktails and all that scrap metal could make good improvised weapons. What am I saying, we'll be surrounded by Reavers, if we need a improvised weapon made from scrap metal all we need to do is kill one of them and take it. I suppose we could ask politely and they would be happy to give it to us, business end first."

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, April 7, 2007 10:00 AM


*overhearing SR's comment before he leaves, BC turns back around and re-joins the briefing*

"Bet they would, too... don't even think you'd have to ask nice oh, yeah, here *grabs his bag and summons all mannor of things what go boom, bang, or cut things* thought we may need to get re-armed *tosses a bow and arrows to soul* not exactly as nice as your old set... but I think they may get the... point across *holds up an arrow with an shaped impact charged explosive tip* the quiver is kinda like my bag, only it will summon different types of tech arrows, so you'll never run out of ammo for it, now, what can I get for you SR?"


Saturday, April 7, 2007 4:30 PM


*gets bored of the kitchen, and walks out, leaving the mess of a jar of peanut butter on the ceiling, not having actually eaten anything*

"Gah. This is boring. There has to be something exciting going on."

*pulls the something shiny out of her pocket*

"Maybe this will end up being something exciting. I'm done with crazy reaver women, let all the crazies with weapons take care of that."

*decides to go inspect the area where she found the something shiny*


Saturday, April 7, 2007 7:04 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
... now, what can I get for you SR?"

"I'm just fine, thank you very much." He returns the previously loaned belt to 7. "My weapons are still safe where I left them and I'll be arming myself appropriately very soon. I'm loathe over burden myself with a entire arsenal it tends to slow me down, make noise, get in the way, and cramp my style. Besides I've seen too many greenhorns armed to the teeth try to swarm across the rail to board a ship at sea, lose their footing and go straight to the bottom because they couldn't have enough weapons. Talk about taking it with you...," SR closes his eyes and shakes his head at the memory.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, April 7, 2007 7:22 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
"I'm just fine, thank you very much." He returns the previously loaned belt to 7. "My weapons are still safe where I left them and I'll be arming myself appropriately very soon. I'm loathe over burden myself with a entire arsenal it tends to slow me down, make noise, get in the way, and cramp my style. Besides I've seen too many greenhorns armed to the teeth try to swarm across the rail to board a ship at sea, lose their footing and go straight to the bottom because they couldn't have enough weapons. Talk about taking it with you...," SR closes his eyes and shakes his head at the memory.

Scorpion Regent


"Yeah, I see what ya mean... I'd like to try and keep this as silent and un-violent as possible... thats why I like my blades, only carry 2 short blades and my katana, and a lot of light throwing knives, the pistols are for when we need to get loud and dirty... which, unfortunately, may be the case... these are slightly more insane reavers that we are dealing with, more insane than useual that is... Sorry if I insulted you in offering weapons, didn't know if yours had been... requisitioned... by FemaleReaver as well, so thought I would offer what I could that was close to what you'd use normally"

*Gives a slight bow to SR*

"Now... I will let you all go about your day... just let TRM or I know if your gunna be heading over to the Reavers with me"

*wanders off to find some way of killing time*


Saturday, April 7, 2007 7:35 PM


*walks farther down the hall that she had just started to go down when she found the shiny ball*

"...this is weird. There isn't any doors or turn offs down this hallway. Guess there isn't anything to do but keep going."


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:01 PM


*while striding restlessly down the halls, BC07 sees Fishie dart down the side passage where she found the shiney thing* "huh... wonder where she's off to?" *follows Fishie*


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:02 PM


OOC: *blinks* stupid thing went all... bendy on me :) sorry for the double post


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:04 PM


*stops mid-stride, glancing up at a suddenly unlit ceiling*

"What happened to the lights?"

(OCC: giggles at BC's double post)


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:04 PM


OOC: Okay, then I will edit the post so that you are taking the Admiral Nelson, not the Napoleon.


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:15 PM



The Sereni-Tree and the Raid on Reaverworld

OOC: Say that 3 times fast.
The Sereni-Tree and the Raid on Reaverworld
The Serni-Tree and the Rave on Readerworld
The Terni-See and the Reve ond Raiderworld...


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:24 PM



Originally posted by Bluefishie:
*stops mid-stride, glancing up at a suddenly unlit ceiling*

"What happened to the lights?"

(OCC: giggles at BC's double post)

*blinks as the hallway suddenly goes... darkish, then brightens as he waits for his "new" eyes adjust*

"huh... what happened?"


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:33 PM


*walks forward with arms outstretched for lack of sight*

"I have no idea. The hallway back there has light, but the lights are out on this part. I've never seen this hallway before though."

*stops and looks behind her, even though she can't see*

"I thought you were leaving..."


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:48 PM


"Well, I am, but we're still kinda... incomplete I guess, I HATE this waiting deal, I mean, I'm all for planning, but I'm more of the "lets go do something about it!" camp"

*places his hand in one of Fishies out streached ones to help guide her through the dark*


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:49 PM


*takes the hand*

"So you're going to waste time by leading me around on meaningless adventures I randomly jump into?"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 12:36 AM


*gently squeezes her hand*

"sounds about right *lightly teasing* I mean, you may go off and try and get stabbed again by crazy people with swords, then what would happen?!"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 4:44 AM


"Um...I'd get stabbed again by crazy people with swords...I think that'd be about the end of everything right then..."

*stops again, but this time because she ran into a wall*


*feels up wall for a door or something*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 7:39 AM


*opens a door he finds and leads Fishie through it*

"Well, I wouldn't stand for you getting stabbed..."

OOC: Happy Egg Day folks I.E. EASTER!!!


Sunday, April 8, 2007 7:43 AM


*jumps as to door slams behind her and BC*

"Um...well...this is great..."

*attempts to decide between trying to go back, and moving forward*

(OCC: It's easter! Hide the eggs, tell Jesus they come from bunnies so he doesn't take the chickens too! Paint them pansy colors! We have to confuse Jesus! >< sorry...)


Sunday, April 8, 2007 8:12 AM


(OOC: Laughs at the OOC goodness of Fishie )


"Well... didn't see that happening... *tries the door* oh, good, it's locked, what a big suprise there"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 10:32 AM


*is completely unamused at the situation*

"Greaaaaaat. We're stuck. And it's all this stupid thing's fault!"

*grabs the shiny orb out of her pocket and throws it in the direction that a wall hopefully is*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 10:56 AM


As the shiny orb hits the wall, it bounces off and smacks BC07 directly in the forehead, where it cracks and seems to stick there. Some kind of ooze leaks out of the orb and down his face. Then he feels something that tickles. Something is moving! He grabs for it and finds some kind of odd tiny purple squid-creature with wriggling tentacles.


Sunday, April 8, 2007 10:58 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
As the shiny orb hits the wall, it bounces off and smacks BC07 directly in the forehead, where it cracks and seems to stick there. Some kind of ooze leaks out of the orb and down his face. Then he feels something that tickles. Something is moving! He grabs for it and finds some kind of odd tiny purple squid-creature with wriggling tentacles.

*doesn't notice, because she can't see anything in the dark*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 11:14 AM


"... huh"

*hands Fishie the tiny purple squid-thing after deciding it won't hurt anyone*

"Any idea what this is?"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 11:15 AM


*screams and drops slimy thing*

"What the hell was that?!"

*still can't see*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 11:39 AM



"Looked like a little purple squid thing... hang on a sec... *summons and opens his bag, and grabs a flashlight* ... can't belive I didn't think of that sooner..."

*shakes head at self*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 12:35 PM


" appears to be aquatic..."

*looks at fishie bowl*

"I'm not putting it in there."

*pokes the squid thing*

"This is so not funny."


Sunday, April 8, 2007 12:41 PM


"Hey, it's a poor little... thing, slimey true, but I doubt it could do much to hurt anything..."


"How is it not funny? The shiney orb deal was like... an egg or something and it had this little purple guy in it"

*gently picks up the little squid-critter*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 12:43 PM


*holds fishie bowl close to her chest*

"'s gross. Still, I feel sorry for it."

*looks to the darkened floor, thinking*

"Hey, shine the light right here."

*points to a space*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 12:44 PM


*points the flashlight at the spot that Fishie is pointing to*

"Whats up?"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:06 PM


*quickly writes 'fish bowl 3/4 full of water' and catches the object before it falls through the hole that it was created from*

"There. You get one too now."

*shoves the bowl in BC's direction*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:12 PM


*blinks and grabs the bowl, placeing the little squid-critter in the bowl*

"So.... what do we do now? I mean, we figured out the squid crisis but we're still locked in a darkened room... alone... and no-one really knows we're here..."


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:12 PM


"Well, we can't go back, how about seeing if we can go forward?"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:16 PM


*looks around the room, carefully checking the walls for a door*

"Not seeing to much by way of doors... other than the one we came in from"



Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:18 PM


*walks around room checking in corners for anything useful, and promptly stumbles over a large cardboard box, then squints at the words scribbled on the side*




Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:24 PM


"What did you find Fishie?"

*looks at the box, but can't see the writing from his side*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:26 PM


*picks the box up one handed, and sets it in the middle of the room*

"Get in."

*hopes that BC can't see the mischief in her eyes*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:27 PM


*looks suspicously at Fishie*

"I'm trusting you, against my better judgement..."

*grins and hops into the box*


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:29 PM


*jumps in after BC*

"Ha! Knew it was my old box!"

*laughs gleefully within the now rather cramped closed box that her and BC were now crammed into*

"Transporter box. Haven't seen it in ages. Lucky, huh?"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:32 PM


"It would seem so..."

*is painfully aware of the closeness of Fishie and trys not to move to much in fear that he will get smacked for doing something "pervy"*

"Now, when you say "transporter" box... that means we can go... pretty much anywhere in it right?"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:43 PM


"Well...we end up in a random box. Somewhere. Dunno where we are really. Used to just jump in it and wait until someone opened the box for me."

*wriggles around to get more comfortable*

"Hopefully it's someone friendly, eh?"



Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:45 PM



"Yeah... hopefully, don't know how well I'd be able to defend us out of a box if it wasn't someone with our best interests at heart who opened it"

*shifts around so that he is sitting behind Fishie and places his arms around her waist*

"So we just wait now?"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:47 PM


*eyes BC suspiciously, then nods, inadvertently smashing the back of her head into his nose*



Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:51 PM


*winces and puts his fingers to his nose, just to be shure that he isn't bleeding...*

"Ouch, you ok? You kinda headbutted me a bit there..."

*gently prodes the bump on Fishies head*

"It'll swell some but I think you'll live..."







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