Paracetamol plus ibuprofen - advice

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 10:29
VIEWED: 5254
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Friday, August 10, 2007 1:04 PM


Guys.... really, *really* bad headache over here. My ibuprofen tablets aren't working.

Do any of you know if it's OK to take a couple of paracetamol as well? Wikipedia and my ever-wise sister fail me on the topic.

Love and strawberries to you all. (Sorry for rambliness; bad cold, mind full of fluff, not with it at all, aforementioned atrocious headache...)


Friday, August 10, 2007 1:19 PM


How many Ibuprofen have you had today?

Try and drink plenty of water and avoid bright light or straining your eyes. In truth looking at a monitor won't help, but minimise reading or watching TV etc.

I always tell my girlfriend to go easy on tablets and generally she gets better quicker with water and just taking it easy for a while.

Found this hope it helps:


Friday, August 10, 2007 1:34 PM


Thank you very much for the advice. (I'd completely forgotten NHS Direct.) Paracetamol + bed = feel better. I hope.

(Six ibuprofen today - two at 10amish, which worked, two more at 2pmish, which also worked, and two about an hour ago, which didn't. I should *not* have gone to work today. I'm not fond of pills either but right now I'm too sore to sleep...)


Friday, August 10, 2007 3:19 PM



Originally posted by Eloisa:
Guys.... really, *really* bad headache over here. My ibuprofen tablets aren't working.

Do any of you know if it's OK to take a couple of paracetamol as well? Wikipedia and my ever-wise sister fail me on the topic.

Love and strawberries to you all. (Sorry for rambliness; bad cold, mind full of fluff, not with it at all, aforementioned atrocious headache...)

Paracetemol is Tylenol or acetaminophen. One CAN take Ibuprophen and then a little later take Tylenol. SO yes you can.

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, August 10, 2007 3:49 PM


I had no idea what paracetemol was! I don't know quite where my drug reference got to during the move.

Yes, you can overlap them if you need to. Do not exceed the maximum daily dose (MDD) of either, and try not to do it too often.

The reason you *can* mix the two is that ibuprofen (Motrin, etc) is an NSAID, and acetaminophen is not. You should not mix your NSAIDS, so no aspirin on top of Motrin.

READ THE LABELS. In self defense. Really.


Friday, August 10, 2007 5:07 PM



Originally posted by stinkingrose:
I had no idea what paracetemol was! I don't know quite where my drug reference got to during the move.

Yes, you can overlap them if you need to. Do not exceed the maximum daily dose (MDD) of either, and try not to do it too often.

The reason you *can* mix the two is that ibuprofen (Motrin, etc) is an NSAID, and acetaminophen is not. You should not mix your NSAIDS, so no aspirin on top of Motrin.

READ THE LABELS. In self defense. Really.

I only know from living in the UK. Did you know you can get tylenol 3 over the counter there! I miss me some Solpedeine! Some notmeofcourse people have been known to buy a large bottle of tylenol and whilst in UK tipping out the boring tylenol and replacing with Solpedeine or one of the other parecetemol/codeine products. I would NEVER do that, no NEVER...cause it would be wrong....very, very wrong...... (but it makes the cramps from pmsing a little easier to deal with)

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, August 10, 2007 7:26 PM


strange, random, breaking-into-a-previous-convo-with-no-current-standing-introduction moment of mine but codeine, vicodin, etc. can get you a BIG profit on the street... I've heard... from... people... whom I happen to have a passing aquantence with... of course, never me, you understand...


Friday, August 10, 2007 11:34 PM


Paracetamol are nice. I slept.


Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
strange, random, breaking-into-a-previous-convo-with-no-current-standing-introduction moment of mine but codeine, vicodin, etc. can get you a BIG profit on the street... I've heard... from... people... whom I happen to have a passing aquantence with... of course, never me, you understand... my Feminax must-take-for-period-pain-only pills sitting in my bathroom cupboard (paracetamol 500mg, codeine 8mg) are worth rather more than I paid for them??


Not, of course, that I would do anything about that. Still... ooh.


Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:50 AM



Originally posted by Eloisa:
Paracetamol are nice. I slept.


Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
strange, random, breaking-into-a-previous-convo-with-no-current-standing-introduction moment of mine but codeine, vicodin, etc. can get you a BIG profit on the street... I've heard... from... people... whom I happen to have a passing aquantence with... of course, never me, you understand... my Feminax must-take-for-period-pain-only pills sitting in my bathroom cupboard (paracetamol 500mg, codeine 8mg) are worth rather more than I paid for them??


Not, of course, that I would do anything about that. Still... ooh.

Worth MORE than black market beagles!

And we welcome interruption on this ship!

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Saturday, August 11, 2007 3:35 AM


The registered nurse is now placing her fingers firmly in her ears and saying LALALALALALALALA..

I could just smack the lovely people who take in a little extra income by converting hydrocodone and its ilk to cash on the street. We call them drug dealers. Whenever I've got a patient in for surgery who has taken something someone gave or sold them, which my patient should not have been able to get hold of, it ends in tears and vomit.

Thanks, guys.

Oh, ibuprofen will actually work better than acetaminophen for your cramping. It blocks the prostaglandin receptors, thereby reducing the input your brain is translating into "ow". Just in case you were wondering.
Personally I need 400-600mg on a regular basis for cramps. I used to get cramps so bad I'd puke.


Saturday, August 11, 2007 3:46 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I suffer from migraines and severe tension headaches (severe enough to land me in hospital for 4 days!!) and at one time my doctor said "you didn't hear this from me but... if you get one of those headaches you can take Ibuprophen and panadeine (paracetamol + codeine) together if you have nothing else stronger with you...."

mind you - these were headaches that were landing me in hospital for 4 days at a time!

*reads what StinkingRose and FMF wrote*

Oh yeah - what she said, and what she said too...

And FMF... that is so cool... I am going to have to NEVER do that either when I find myself in the UK again!!

Mind you I think we get something that strong here over the counter too - they just look at you like you're a codeine addict when you buy them...!



Saturday, August 11, 2007 9:24 AM


Well I KNOW that... I've seriously just heard it around... stupid kids in Minnesota... *shakes head* And, unfortunately, I guess I'm still counted as a kid... *sighs*


Sunday, August 19, 2007 11:20 AM


I know i'm probably just repeating others, but I can be slightly more exact - I had a carzily bad headache (not a migrain apparently, but it felt like someone was trying to kick my ear down from the inside) and the doctor said the best thing to do drugs wise is to take a dose of paracetamol then no less than two hours later take the ibuprofen, but do it for the shortest possible time and never more than two days.
She also said avoid the products with caffiene in, even if they doo work quicker, and plenty of water and try to eat small amounts regularly - if you crave something as well, have a little as it might contain something that your body need, but not to much sugar.
With out so many drugs, the best thing I know to do (I used to get crippling stomach pains and tension headaches often - the joy of womanhood) is distract myself - take a tablet with plenty of water,get into the comfiest position you can, reclining but not flat, no matter how odd you end up looking, then sleep, or if you can't do that immerse yourself in something that will take your mind off it - very gentle music or a movie that you don't need to watch closely to follow, just to give your body chance to relax and stabilise.

I have waffled long enough, I hope some of it helped.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 7:08 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
I know i'm probably just repeating others, but I can be slightly more exact - I had a carzily bad headache (not a migrain apparently, but it felt like someone was trying to kick my ear down from the inside) and the doctor said the best thing to do drugs wise is to take a dose of paracetamol then no less than two hours later take the ibuprofen, but do it for the shortest possible time and never more than two days.
She also said avoid the products with caffiene in, even if they doo work quicker, and plenty of water and try to eat small amounts regularly - if you crave something as well, have a little as it might contain something that your body need, but not to much sugar.
With out so many drugs, the best thing I know to do (I used to get crippling stomach pains and tension headaches often - the joy of womanhood) is distract myself - take a tablet with plenty of water,get into the comfiest position you can, reclining but not flat, no matter how odd you end up looking, then sleep, or if you can't do that immerse yourself in something that will take your mind off it - very gentle music or a movie that you don't need to watch closely to follow, just to give your body chance to relax and stabilise.

I have waffled long enough, I hope some of it helped.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!]

Seryn, that sounds like the headache I had from 19 October 2004 to may 14 2005 - yep. everyday. By the end I was chewing tramadol like it was candy. They found that I had a wicked bad sinus infection that hqd been residing in me sinus' for years as well as ear infections with patchulous eustachian tubes.

Have them send you to an ENT.

Also - I know StinkingRose will kill me but - I have been a Navy dependent for ever and they hand out Ibuprophen by the wheel barrel. I have been taking 800 miligrams of Ibuprophen 3 or 4 times a day for YEARS! Helps with my aging body and all the joint pain from years of abuse.

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 10:29 AM


I should imagine they do, my only problem with ibuprofen is that it give me horrendous stomach pains, and i'm told that in the long term it can cause terrible problems in that area.

As for the headaches, i've had my ears looked at and blood tests done and this test done and that test done, kind of sick of it now. I'm told they are tension headaches - they come on for about a month at a time, i can get one to go away with tablets but the slightest provocation brings them back, so at that point I too tend to rely on paracetamol/codeine. But to be honest, the stupid thing about painkillers and headache tablets is the side effects are listed as headaches - keep taking them and it will just make the situation worse, and in the meantime you've increased your chance of ulcers and whatever in later life.

to be honest whats helped me more than anything (WARNING - girl talk! if you don't want to know, don't read ahead)

Select to view spoiler:

was getting one of those contraceptive coils fitted - Mirena i think it was called - its regulated and calmed everything, made monthly pain and headaches and everything diminish to almost nothing - plus, no babies!

Sadly one thing it hasn't done away with is PMT.

Ah well.

so, thats cool.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!






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