The Sereni-Tree: back at Zanzibar!

UPDATED: Saturday, December 22, 2007 03:28
VIEWED: 27996
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Sunday, August 19, 2007 12:46 AM


This is Thread 60 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, telling our story and providing links to all such threads:

Early in this link is the very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V7”. This post is a description of the ship. There follows in the same thread another post describing the crew and passengers.

Here is a summary of our previous thread, located at:

The crew of the spaceship Sereni-Tree has been trying to form a band of various members. We discover who are the more or less musically inclined among us. As it happens, there is a big recording studio on the top floor of the East Wing, along with a dance hall equipped with a disco ball.

Also, there are the Harry Potter clones created by Seryn as a new subplot. While a few were destroyed in an orgy of literary criticism, some 8 or 10 or the original dozen have survived. Seryn, Mai, and Bluefishie seem to have taken the most interest in guiding these young man-like objects toward sentience.

There was some kind of contest over who can come up with the worst song that gets stuck in one's head the longest. We learn that one of these songs resulted in the birth of Seryn.

Finally, Jet and TheRealMe have discovered and corrected the defect that was keeping the ship trapped in hyperspace. It has fallen out of hyperspace over the planet Zanzibar.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, August 19, 2007 12:56 AM


Ah, the zany Zanzibarians and Zanzabarbarians.... fun.

A man who walks the Earth


Sunday, August 19, 2007 12:57 AM


TheRealMe suddenly wakes up and coughs, expelling a black cloud from his lungs like a Warner Brothers' cartoon. His body is smudged and scorched. He tries to reach for his com-link, but his arm does not seem to move. It is tingly. He reaches across with his other arm.

"Hello, Bride5?"

The com-link is dead.

"Use mine," the nearby Jet suggests helpfully.

TheRealMe takes the offered device with his good hand. "Bride5?"

Quincey answers over the link. "Yes?"

"Are you on the bridge?"

"No, but I'm on my way. I felt us come out of hyperspace. Do you want a new course? I can get us in a synchronous orbit over the Keep of the Octagonal Order."

"Indeed not! They probably still want to kill us. I'm thinking that our bunch of Potters might need some schooling, and a few of us could do with a refresher course or two. Take us to the coordinates I left in the nav computer. It will have us in orbit directly above Puffenstuff's School of Sorcery."


TheRealMe signs off and hands the com-link back to Jet. It is only then that he realizes that he can't quite move and that he is strapped to the back of one of Jet's Diagnostic Repair Drones. She seems to be leading it down various of Sereni-Tree's corridors.

"Taking me to the Infirmary?"


"Ah, then I should think..."

And at that time, TheRealMe sucumbs to shock and passes out.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, August 19, 2007 1:01 AM


Okay, maybe I need to give a quick summary about Zanzibar and of what happened when we were last here.

Zanzibar was colonized long ago by New Age mystics, fantasy role players, and Renaissance Faire enthusiasts. When they got here, they discovered that magic worked and they set up a low-tech medieval society. They also discovered that their horses died off due to some unidentified ailment, so their knights took to riding a native beast, some giant, fire-breathing space chicken.

About a hundred years ago, a group of very powerful wizards came to power, the Immortals. These individuals removed their souls from their bodies and hid them, becoming unkillable. They came to dominate the lands of Zanzibar. Each Immortal had an associated color and magic specialty.

Adelle the Burner (Orange) – Fire, Smoke, Energy; ruthless and efficient.

Alatariel the Lurker, of the Black Tower (Black) –Transformation, Illusion. Breeder of monsters; uncaring of the toys she makes.

Arinda of the Silver Eyes, the Empress (Violet) – Mind Control, Knowledge; ugly, vain, and domineering.

Karg the Bloody (Red) – War Magic; gigantic warrior encased in armor. Consumed by battle rages.

Krysta the Whisperer, the Ice Queen (White) – Cold, Ice, Water; a VERY faint voice.

Magnus the Maker (Gold) – Crafter of Magical Items. Somewhat pudgy and timid for a powerful Immortal sorcerer

Ouroborous the Infinite (Green) – Life, Plants, Animals, Earth, Stone; floats, likes snakes, worst backstabber of the bunch as he plots against all his fellows.

Zorander the Storm Caller (Blue) – Air, Wind, Storm, Weather; holds a grudge.

And there was a ninth Immortal!

Opposing the Immortals and protecting the normal humans is an organization of knight-magicians, the Octagonal Order:

Sir Devan - Old, white-haired, bearded mentor in the style of Obi-wan Kenobi.

Sir Elaine - She is temperamental and wields a greatsword with much skill.

Sir Fesai - Has light, flexible armor and a halberd. Least of the Order.

Sir Kei - Large, super strong, cheerful slayer of monsters. Summons armor and weapons to him. Unburdened by great intellect.

Sir Luc / Lucretia. - She can locate the other Knights. Friend to Kei, who annoys her greatly.

Sir Morgana, Baroness of Fairhaven - She is very cautious. Wears flexible leather armor.

Sir Wil - Lightly built; extraordinary archer. First to trust Chicken-man 13.

And there was an eighth Knight!

It so happens that the individual who was both the ninth Immortal and the eighth Knight of the Octagon was our own Jazaf! He was Sir Jazaf of the Octagonal order AND Jazaf the Metal Beast (Grey). His power was control of metal in all its forms. Apparently sometime in the past he left the Immortals and joined the Knights of the Octagon. He had some kind of long-lost romance with the Immortal Alatariel the Lurker.

We came during the middle of a great war between the Immortals and the Knights of the Octagon.

Sir Devon rescued our own Wisp from the clutches of the Immortals, and Wisp helped him out by evaluating items in the Order’s Vault of Technology, where forbidden (but potentially useful) items were kept. The Immortal Alatariel unleashed the gigantic creature that was her part human, part dragon Special Project (which then proceeded to burninate the countryside). However, Alatariel’s created races of chimeras rebelled against her. The Immortal Krysta was captured in a Wards Major by the Octagon, acting together. Sir Lucretia obtained awesome magical power (courtesy of our own Wisp) and mutated into the huge, twisted, uncontrollable Luc-monster. Immortal Karg the Bloody led his troops in an assault on the hidden fortress of the Octagon, where many of our own (including SR, Wisp, Jazaf, and Bride2) helped to hold the walls against them. The Luc-monster fought the burninating Special Project to a standstill. However, she still needed the help of Chicken-man Number 13, one of Alatariel’s chimeras who had acquired a bunch of magical items.

Meanwhile, TheRealMe and Jake7 used a soul detector made by Jadehand to try to hunt down the hidden souls of the Immortals. They had time to find only Alatariel’s which was hidden on a beach, not in some random pebble, but in the SHADOW of a random pebble. LightMeDark had been taken in by a strange old man and woman in a hut. We didn’t really see the end of that plot line.

This war took a great toll on the Knights. Impulsive Sir Fesai mistakenly beheaded the trapped Krysta. Unfortunately, this merely freed her magic-using head from the Wards Major, whereupon it froze him to death with a glance and then freed its body. Sir Lucretia, as mentioned, took Wisp’s super-potion and gained so much magic that she could not control it. However, she did manage to mind-control Krysta. After mutating into the Luc-monster, she fought the Special Project and ended up as a metal statue of herself. The excellent archer Sir Wil had a tower collapse on him. Sir Devon was turned to stone by Ourobouros, THEN had a tower collapse on him.

However, due to the love she remembered for Jazaf, Alatariel betrayed her companions and caught them in Wards Major, but not before the Empress Arinda burned out her mind. Another of Alatariel’s Chicken-men, Number 6, took the bound Immortals and locked them in Magnus’ special magical cage, from which there is no escape. Alatariel’s body was made comfortable in her chambers. This was all done at the direction of Jazaf, who promised to try to find some way to restore her mind.

Also, Scorpion Regent was known to Sir Morgana. He handed over the Dreamer’s Stone, which was some kind of artifact of great power desired by the Empress Arinda.

So, at the end, all of the Immortals except Alatariel and Jazaf were trapped in a magical cage and Chicken-man 6 was left in charge of the Immortals’ Castle. Of the Knights of the Order, only Sir Morgana, Sir Jazaf, Sir Kei, and Sir Elaine were known to survive (though Wil’s body was never recovered, and he might return). Jazaf, Kei, and Chicken-man 13 ended up with the Sereni-Tree crew. We departed in quite a hurry when Wisp decided to blow up the Vault of Technology to keep dangerous toys unused. This action did not please Sir Morgana, the new leader of the Octagon.

Oh, and there was a subplot about a techno-heretic agent of the Alliance that was trying to do something (something evil, no doubt!).

Sorry I took this long, but we spent a lot of threads doing this.

Anyway, we’re back. But we're going to start out on the other side of the planet, at Puffenstuff's School of Sorcery!


Sunday, August 19, 2007 6:15 AM


*wonders off to find breakfast*


Sunday, August 19, 2007 7:04 AM


Oh, and apparently there is some terrible demon or creature named Abbadon trying to break loose.


Sunday, August 19, 2007 7:15 AM


And don't forget the Glass Altar thingy that managed to turn me into a human, although what it really did was cause me to shift from man to chicken-man to occasionally pure chicken.

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Sunday, August 19, 2007 8:26 AM


So, um, this means we're back at the place where I was building my golf course, right? If so, er, can anyone who can pilot a transport large enough to haul me, a whack of dynamite, a few tonnes of grass seed, a few miles of water piping, and three or four largish earth movers, to the site the Serenitree was last parked?

By way of payment, I offer this here handy Sorcery Protectionizer and Majicks Wizardry Inertial Security Extruder, guaranteed 100% effective by it's manufacturer, RoncoMatic, against all of the known powers of common immortals. Heck, if you get me to the site without anything going splodey, I'll gratefully add in the unincluded batteries.


Sunday, August 19, 2007 9:04 AM


*knocks on Flowers door to see where the wayward girl has gone

"Hello? Anybody home?"

After a minute the door to Flower's apt opens on its own accord. Inside there is a very empty room except for one smallish, silver, rectangle sized container laying on the bedside table.
On further inspection there is a note attached to the container that reads:

"Dearest Mai,

Thanks so much for inviting me aboard your ship. I had to make a hasty retreat and I am sorry that I didn't have the chance to say good-bye. As a token of my appreciation I have left you this small, but very useful gift. I have a feeling it will come in handy in days to come. Enjoy and BE CAREFUL!

P.S. Please don't come looking for me. It may put you and your friends in DIRE PERIL!
Have a great day!

Yours Truly,
Ms. Flower St.Claire"

*opening the box a soft yellow light glows and then flickers out. Laying on its padded surface is a shiny silver wand.

"WHOA. Good present."

*Mai runs back to the group of people still milling about after the singing contest/band rehersal

"Hey guys! Flowers disappeared and look what she's left me! We have to go and help her, she's in some kind of trouble."

*at these words the wand begins to vibrate slightly and a small reflective disc appears floating in mid air.

It shows the blurry image of a small women, being blindfolded and knocked unconscious then drug off down a road by another mysterious looking women in a long cloak. As they make their way down the road they pass a sign that is marked "PS SCHOOL OF SORCERY 2 miles" Then just as suddenly as it appeared the disc evaporates and the wand is still.


Sunday, August 19, 2007 11:35 AM


Seryn feels the shudder of them dropping out of hyperspace, and decides to head to the music room to find out what plans are, with several of the Potters in tow.

They enter the room to see the image playing out from the wand, and Seryn feels the air bristle with testosterone as they all in unison puff out their chests and assume grim, determined-with-a-hint-of-heroic faces.

"Oh lord.. why didn't I start with Hermione?"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, August 20, 2007 3:35 AM


After putting the Sereni-Tree in a parking orbit over Zanzibar, Quincey comes down from the bridge and snags Cozen.

"I've had Sparky load the stuff you wanted on our stolen alliance shuttle. We really have to give it a name. But it's ready to go. Some on, let's have a nice vacation blowing stuff up."

She then proceeds to drag Cozen onto the shuttle, where she ties him securely into his seat with silk bands. Then she opens the main hanger's large overhead doors and pilots the shuttle away from the ship and starts heading down to the surface of the planet.

"We'll have SUCH fun!" she assures him. "Why, I've even packed a picnic lunch!"

Quincey, Bride5


Monday, August 20, 2007 3:38 AM


OOC: *Cracks up*

*wanders back in with a bowl of protein from the kitchen*

"Huh.... that doesn't look so good..."

*wonders who the mysterious lady in the cloak is...*


Monday, August 20, 2007 4:07 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Seryn feels the shudder of them dropping out of hyperspace, and decides to head to the music room to find out what plans are, with several of the Potters in tow.

They enter the room to see the image playing out from the wand, and Seryn feels the air bristle with testosterone as they all in unison puff out their chests and assume grim, determined-with-a-hint-of-heroic faces.

"Oh lord.. why didn't I start with Hermione?"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!

SR having tired of singing has picked up Finn and turns just as the image splashes and Seryn enters. "Oh there you are. I see you brought your tribe with you. Here is your heir. They have some strange initiation ceremonies those Zanzibarbarian magic sororities. Well now that we are in orbit I was planning on ferrying Kei back down to the panet and that fellow so unlucky as to having been made into fowl man hybrid. Did you want me to take Finn along? Did you want to come along? If no to the latter then is there anything you would like me to get for you while I'm dirtside? I was planning on doing quite a bit of trading while on the terra firma."

Scorpion Regent


Monday, August 20, 2007 5:57 AM



Originally posted by cozen:
So, um, this means we're back at the place where I was building my golf course, right? If so, er, can anyone who can pilot a transport large enough to haul me, a whack of dynamite, a few tonnes of grass seed, a few miles of water piping, and three or four largish earth movers, to the site the Serenitree was last parked?

**jake7 sees Cozen and puts hands on her hips, taps her foot, and shouts**

Cozen! Is that where you were instead of finishing my breakfast during the last kidnapping plot involving that Dodge?

**she then watches Quincey hog-tie Cozen to a chair in the shuttle and grins**

Take him for a good ride, Quince!!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Monday, August 20, 2007 11:39 AM


*puts the loop of yarn down and speaks slowly to the clone sitting across from her*

Are you hungry?

*the clone nods*

Say 'Yes.'

*the clone complies, holding the 's' for a bit too long*

Good. Now let's go eat. 'Cause I'm starving.


Yes. We're going to go get food.


Monday, August 20, 2007 2:12 PM


*shakes his head at the "articulate" clone and summons his bag, pulling out a jar of peanut butter, bread, butter, banna chips, bannanas, honey, marshmellow fluff, and three different types of jam and jelly, then notices everyone gapeing at him*

"...What?!? Different people like different things with there peanut butter... sheesh..."


Monday, August 20, 2007 8:51 PM


*steals the jar of peanut butter and begins to eat it with a spoon*


Tuesday, August 21, 2007 12:59 PM


Seryn takes the very clean and sweet smelling Fin off SR and mouths thank you at him, then calls the Potters (who had got very interested in BC's "food") over to go get food from the kitchen.
By the time they return to the music room and sit to eat, all of the clones have learned what everything they are eating is called, how it was cooked and even most of the ingredients involved.
Sadly, Seryns entire culinry range involves beans on toast and bangers and mash, so its not that impressive. But still, as with language students everywhere, they've learnt all the swear words.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:21 AM


SR traipses down to his den in engineering to change into simple low tech traveller's clothes. Strapping a sword once more to his waist and collecting up a very simplistic duffle bag that he heaved up onto his shoulder.
He consulted his ship's comm-link to locate Snarky, 13, and Kei. With Snarky in tow he made his way to link up with the two Zanzibarbarian's.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 12:23 PM


Kei felt the shudder as they drop out of hyperspace as well as a shudder within himself, that chilled him to his very core. They were back over Zanzibar!

A voice accompanied the shudder. Faint, at first, but slowly raising in volume.

"Kei.... Keeeiii..." It whispered in his head.

He covered his ears and closed his eyes. "No. Go away..." He pleaded.

"Kei... Keeeii... you know you waaaant me..."

Kei stood in rage. "Nay!! I do not want you, vile creature!"

He draws his massive sword, holding aloft over his head. "I deny you with every fiber of my being, nay BY THE POWER OF GRA...."

Sir Kei stops abruptly as SR walks in.

"You were saying something?" SR looks at Sir Kei with one eyebrow raised.

"Umm... no. Not I."

"Yes you were. I distinctly heard you start to say something."

"Merely yawning." Sir Kei demonstrates by yawning and stretching grandly. "See? Just a yawn, nothing more."

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 3:02 PM


*finishes distributing the new shirts to the clones, and preping the shuttles for those going planetside.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:20 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Kei felt the shudder as they drop out of hyperspace as well as a shudder within himself, that chilled him to his very core. They were back over Zanzibar!

A voice accompanied the shudder. Faint, at first, but slowly raising in volume.

"Kei.... Keeeiii..." It whispered in his head.

He covered his ears and closed his eyes. "No. Go away..." He pleaded.

"Kei... Keeeii... you know you waaaant me..."

Kei stood in rage. "Nay!! I do not want you, vile creature!"

He draws his massive sword, holding aloft over his head. "I deny you with every fiber of my being, nay BY THE POWER OF GRA...."

Sir Kei stops abruptly as SR walks in.

"You were saying something?" SR looks at Sir Kei with one eyebrow raised.

"Umm... no. Not I."

"Yes you were. I distinctly heard you start to say something."

"Merely yawning." Sir Kei demonstrates by yawning and stretching grandly. "See? Just a yawn, nothing more."

"Listen if you need ten minutes alone to consult with invisble friends I understand completely, but lies do not become a knight. So what do you want?"

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 8:01 PM


"Pete" Harry Potter speaks up at Seryn's words

"Hermione?! Where is she? Is she in danger? HURRY we must save her! OMG what if Vold- has her? What are you all just standing around for? Clearly this is a TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP!"


Woah, well that ones quite good at mastering the language skills.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 10:02 PM


*Rubs his head*

"Man, all of a sudden I don't feel so well... Bad headache... Strange voices in my subconsciense..."

*shakes it off and preps for dirtside by putting on a plain cream colored linen shirt, a pair of black linen pants, and his twin shortblades on either hip, and, slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder, he begins to walk to the shuttle*


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:52 PM


*Having already changed into a very lovely simple medieval style gown and travelling cloak*

Seryn put Fin in his carrier and announces. "Well i have to take Fin visiting - the ladies at the court made me promise i would if ever i was in the area, so... am I keeping the Potters with me, or are they going up to this academy? I'm thinking a few hours with the greatest gossips in the known universe might help those language skills immensly"

The Potters all look distinctly umhappy

"There will be girls there...

The look changes to stoic self sacfifce, with a barely hidden hint of joy.

"And then i could bring them to the academy later?"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Thursday, August 23, 2007 7:27 AM


*fishie's clone hear's Pete freaking out and begins running circles around him, screaming, as he hasn't quite mastered english, as Fishie chases him, trying to calm him down*


Thursday, August 23, 2007 8:42 AM


*As he passes Fishie and her freaking out clone, he grabs the kid, pulls a roll of duct tape out of his bag, rips a strip off, and puts it over the clones mouth, then he sets the kid down on the floor*


*keeps walking back to the shuttle*


Thursday, August 23, 2007 8:57 AM


*shouts after BC2007

Do you need medicine?


Thursday, August 23, 2007 4:42 PM



Originally posted by Bluefishie:
*fishie's clone hear's Pete freaking out and begins running circles around him, screaming, as he hasn't quite mastered english, as Fishie chases him, trying to calm him down*

As Fishie follows her clone running around in circles, the little purple squid thing follows right behind her. It's getting pretty good at moving around on its tentacles.


Thursday, August 23, 2007 6:30 PM


Finally suceeds in helping Fishie calm down the Potter clones. "It's ok guys, Hermione isn't in any danger, but we made need your help with a bit of an adventure/rescue mission once we disembark from the ship"

*takes out the silver magic wand

"Now I know that Seryn just brought you all here and there's a lot to take in, but I was hoping maybe one or more of you knew what this was all about? Have any idea how it works?"

*walks over to TRM with Pete following closely behind

"Hey Cap, do we have any sort of strategy for once everyone gets planetside? The Potters are getting kind a tetchy."


Thursday, August 23, 2007 6:42 PM


A plan? Since when do we use those?
Oh... do we have a Good plan?


Thursday, August 23, 2007 6:51 PM



cozen and, uh... Quince, is it (?), overshoot their targeted landing site, on account of.. shenanigans.

Y'all do what youze likes to do. Her & me, it's all about love, not war, eh?

Sorry, Jake7, I'm such a slut.

Don't believe it's pig meat
Kind that you won't regret
Don't believe it's pig meat
Kind that you won't regret
I got something about this pig meat
Sweet mama ain't told you yet


Thursday, August 23, 2007 7:56 PM


*declares her Potter-clone is named Joe*

*follows behind Mai and Pete*


Friday, August 24, 2007 12:00 AM


*winces and shouts back*


*thinks to himself*

"... not rightly sure if it'll help though..."


Friday, August 24, 2007 3:20 AM


In the stolen Alliance shuttle, descending to the surface of Zanzibar:

Quincey smiles as she holds Cozen tighter. "Oh, Cozy, don't worry. This thing has an autopilot! So, where should we land and what should we blow up first? You know... for your golf course?"

Quincey, Bride5


Friday, August 24, 2007 3:29 AM


Is this a regular golf course, or a disc golf course?
Can we do a disc golf course too? Nothing quite like a walk through the part with a few discs.

Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

Mark Twain


Friday, August 24, 2007 5:43 AM


Oooo... Good idea Jadehand

OOC: Well... it's that time of year again folks... I'm heading up north for 4 days and will have limited to no internet capability, have fun, stay safe, and don't go blowing TOO much stuff up without me


Friday, August 24, 2007 12:02 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
Sorry, Jake7, I'm such a slut.

humph I'll remember this the next time a kidnapping attempt comes around...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, August 24, 2007 12:57 PM


Puts a comforting arm around Jake.

"Don't worry darling, i'm sure when he's kidnapping you you're the only crime victim in the universe to him"

*rejoins the Potters in examining the silver sword, but it doesn't mean anything to her*

"If its at all familar to any of you, feel free to speak up."

The Potters look puzzled, until one raises his hand


"Beans beans good for your heat, the more you eat the more you f..."
*Seryn slaps him around the back of the head*
"Ok, i'm calling you Fred."
Fred grins.

"Do you have any idea what it is?"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, August 24, 2007 1:54 PM


*Reluctantly submits to Quince's advances, noting specifically that the tables, as it were, are turned, and it is he that is bound*

In order to make this work, truly I'll fantasise Jake7 as the abductor.

Discgolf: works for me! TRM: frisbee delivery required... um, later....



Friday, August 24, 2007 2:28 PM


Well since we don't have a plan yet, Seryn and Fishie maybe we should all go down to the planet together with the Potter clones? I have a feeling it might take all three of us to keep track of them.

As for me, I think the first thing I'm going to do is try and get to the school. I don't know what's going on. Hopefully, we can find Flower and she can fill us in on the mystery.


Friday, August 24, 2007 5:02 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
In order to make this work, truly I'll fantasise Jake7 as the abductor.

**jake7 is marginally mollified**

Well, you better!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, August 24, 2007 6:58 PM



Originally posted by mai:
I don't know what's going on. Hopefully, we can find Flower and she can fill us in on the mystery.

FlowerQuest 1?


Sunday, August 26, 2007 4:50 PM


Looks like Jade...

OOC: Oh, yeah, I'm back by the way... y'all miss me??


Monday, August 27, 2007 10:53 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Kei felt the shudder as they drop out of hyperspace as well as a shudder within himself, that chilled him to his very core. They were back over Zanzibar!

A voice accompanied the shudder. Faint, at first, but slowly raising in volume.

"Kei.... Keeeiii..." It whispered in his head.

He covered his ears and closed his eyes. "No. Go away..." He pleaded.

"Kei... Keeeii... you know you waaaant me..."

Kei stood in rage. "Nay!! I do not want you, vile creature!"

He draws his massive sword, holding aloft over his head. "I deny you with every fiber of my being, nay BY THE POWER OF GRA...."

Sir Kei stops abruptly as SR walks in.

"You were saying something?" SR looks at Sir Kei with one eyebrow raised.

"Umm... no. Not I."

"Yes you were. I distinctly heard you start to say something."

"Merely yawning." Sir Kei demonstrates by yawning and stretching grandly. "See? Just a yawn, nothing more."

"Listen if you need ten minutes alone to consult with invisble friends I understand completely, but lies do not become a knight. So what do you want?"

Scorpion Regent

"I want to go home."

"Right, climb aboard."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, August 28, 2007 7:52 PM


*after having made the rather uneventful trip down to Zanzibar BC steps out of the shuttle and immediatly begins to scent the purity of the air, and listening to the teeming life all around him, as the landing area was in a small forrest clearing near the school*

"... Nice place"


Wednesday, August 29, 2007 6:15 PM


A growing crowd is gathering in the Sereni-Tree common room, carrying luggage. TheRealMe surveys the situation with satisfaction. He is wearing his ‘The Real Me’ t-shirt. “Well, this is about everyone… except…” TheRealMe reaches out. A spot of light appears at his fingertips. It expands to become a ring of fire surrounding a dark void, about two meters across. He reaches into this hole in reality, his arm disappearing into it up to his shoulder. With some effort, he yanks back and pulls Cozen out of the dimensional portal.

From the other side, Quincey’s faint voice can be heard. “Hey! Wait a minute!”

TheRealMe casually waves his hand and that portal disappears. He immediately begins work on a new one. Soon it stands open before the crowd. Jadehand steps into it. He is followed by Xander/Ash, Mai, Serenity, and (?) Seryn... NO! Citizen! Then TheRealMe shoves Cozen through. He turns back to everyone else in the common room. “Well, we’re heading off to Dragon*Con. See you all next week!” TheRealMe enters the dimensional portal and it begins to shrink back to a point of light. Then it disappears completely.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, August 30, 2007 4:30 AM


From the doorway of the common room, Sir Kei quietly and intently watches TRM's actions.

When the last portal closes, Kei continues on his way to the hanger bay. Somewhere along the way he had changed clothes. He now wore a white T-shirt and jeans, a size or two too small, but a vast improvement from the track suit he wore before.

He had his great sword slung on his back and he carried his meager belongings in a rucksack. Over one shoulder draped an unconcious form.

Boarding SR's shuttle, he gaped in wonder, "This mode of transport will convey us to Zanzibar?"

OOC: Have fun at D*C everyone!

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, August 30, 2007 5:32 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
From the doorway of the common room, Sir Kei quietly and intently watches TRM's actions.

When the last portal closes, Kei continues on his way to the hanger bay. Somewhere along the way he had changed clothes. He now wore a white T-shirt and jeans, a size or two too small, but a vast improvement from the track suit he wore before.

He had his great sword slung on his back and he carried his meager belongings in a rucksack. Over one shoulder draped an unconcious form.

Boarding SR's shuttle, he gaped in wonder, "This mode of transport will convey us to Zanzibar?"

OOC: Have fun at D*C everyone!

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."

"That's the plan. I have a rule about disposing of bodies and kidnaping after the fact Kei; so before we leave would you spare me a explanation about the person you have there?"

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, August 30, 2007 6:28 AM


"T'would appear Sir Jazaf would like to accompany us." Sir Kei says, uncermoniously dropping Jazaf's form into a chair.

"Is that a fact? He told you this himself?"


"Was he concious at the time?"

"More or less..." Kei says scratching his head.

"More or less??" SR takes a deep breath. "Kei, were his eyes open when you asked him?"

"Yes... well... not exactly.."

"Not exactly?"

"Indeed. Ones eyes are open all the time. Sometimes ones eyelids cover them, but they remain open." Kei rolls his eyes like this an accepted fact.

"...." SR's mouth drops open. He grabs Kei shirt in frustration. "Kei, DID...YOU...KNOCK..HIM..OUT??"

Kei looks back at SR in confusion, "What are you trying to say?"

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."






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