DragonCon Picture Diaries

UPDATED: Saturday, September 8, 2007 02:45
VIEWED: 13386
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007 8:30 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*changes up the wording for a special thread*

Ladies and gentermens, this weekend was DragonCon. I have a ridiculous number of pictures to share, and I'm hoping everyone else does as well. I know more than one person took pics that I want a copy of very badly, so I hope they will all post here.

If you were not fortunate enough to be there with us, post a bunch of pictures anyway! I hope you all got up to something fun, and we missed everyone who couldn't make it.

How to post images here:
(Short version: Image must be hosted somewhere on the internet and all you need is the URL. Photobucket, imageshack, and flickr are your friends. See above-linked thread for further details, or click 'reply with quote' to see how others have done it.)
Also, PLEASE NOTE: the tutorial thread is an excellent resource and we don't want it to get overloaded and weighed down. Please test your image posts in one of the many 'test' threads scattered over the board, particularly out of the way in troll country, or start your own to help keep the tutorial nice and easy to load.

Most recent picture thread:

Index of all past picture threads and sub-picture threads:

Kicking it off.

Magda was totally excited to see Mark Shepard in the Marriot lobby. When she finally got the guts up to go talk to him, he was on the phone, but once he was done he came over to us and as soon as she said she was there from Australia and on his Myspace friends he said "Yeah, I know exactly who you are." and he was just so lovely to us, even though he had gotten practically no sleep.

We went to the Vortex (which was a hella long walk and I don't ever want to do it again, but they had the best burgers I've ever tasted) and I met the 76th's 'sasquach' Zephyr, who was awesome.

And those are the best pics I have from the first day, so I'll leave it at that while I sort through all the rest of them. Don't worry, many more are coming, and I just know that plenty of people are ready to share

(Thanks Steamer!)


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 8:34 AM


Ok I will post pics as soon as I get home. Just can't do it from here...oh and just so you all know...Rose is even hotter in real life and more fun...and you should all hear the noise she makes when she sees knives...

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 8:39 AM


bring em' on! gimme a virtual con! make us that missed it - VERRRY happy!


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 9:01 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Awww, thanks MsG. Just so you all know, she is also way hot and fun to hang out with, and it's probably thanks to her that we got as much done as we did, since everyone else would have gladly babbled the whole con away.

Here I go again!

My lovely adoptive sisters on Friday morning:

The selfsame at the Hard Rock Cafe:

Engie is a rock star

I'm in a cute Aussie's lap! Not the one I may have had in mind, but still...

(somewhere out there is a pic of us giggling in bed together, which could have close to the same description )

And look, we found a kitten!!!

And this is Sister's awsome Zoe gun

I don't think I actually got a picture of Sister. I am sad.

I did get a pic of MsG, though! (well, I got more than one, but this is the first one at the Friday room party)

This woman was really cool; best Zoe costume of the con

And this is Gibbs with his excellent Badger costume on. Even has the diamond (there was a bit of talk about finding a Sparten and seeing if his diamond was truly the size of a testicle, but I don't think that went anywhere.)

He had an equally excellent Romo costume, which I think I have a picture of somewhere.

I think that's the end of Friday pics. Sorting through Saturday now

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 9:27 AM


HUGS Thanks Rose...and I've decided that ALL your pictures are fine. ( and I do mean all so even those ones I thought might not be ok are fine, if you want to post them)

Seriously I will post some of you as Saffron, but I do have to give the guys at least a warning so they make sure to have a clear bunk nearby or at least a defibrilator....

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 9:35 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
This woman was really cool; best Zoe costume of the con

Awesome pictures, Rose - And I can fill in one gap. The woman in the Zoe costume is EienAi, who posts both here and at serenitymovie.

I know this because she made the most awesome Zoe funeral dress ever for last year's D*C.

I can't wait to see more pictures!!!



Wednesday, September 5, 2007 9:42 AM


Ah she was fantastic and her costume was soooo good:) I bet she looked great in the funeral dress.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 10:15 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yay! Thanks, Mav! She told me who she was and it just flew straight out of my head.

Okay, y'all ready for Saturday? I seem to have more pics with every day that goes by

Here's my Saffron-esque look. MsG has the one of the Mal passed out at my feet (or actually my knees, since that was the only way to get us both in the picture)

The Flying Spagetti Monster touched me with her noodly apendege

This may explain why I couldn't resist buying a pirate hat the following day.

A cool shot I got of the Marriot before being kicked out for tossing half business cards over the railing (long story, will be told later and in blogs, I'm sure)

The first picture I took of Navy's friend Michael (NavySeils is also Michael, and eventually this Michael was our auxiliary backup Michael) giving Zephyr a hug while we waited for MsG and Canter to be superheroes and get us un kicked out of the Mariott

I could so not resist once he jumped; it was such a cute yet unsettling pic.

Okay, once let back into the Mariott I talked with ArtCat and her friends. That's her in the blue dress. The orange shirted one is NaughtyMan, the guy on the far right is anotherfireflyfan, who was totally awesome (I'd never gotten to talk to him before then, and actually didn't see him for the rest of the con, which made me sad) The red hatted guy is ArtCat's brother, whose name escapes me right now, and I also can't remember the woman with the fabulous brown coat. Speaking of which, I missed getting pictures of Aiken in his swoon-worthy coat and Mal pistol, but I'm sure someone got it.

Anyway, here are VeX, Magda, and StinkingRose at the shindig with their fans

I left the shindig pretty early because it was so dark and crowded in there, but the dresses and costumes were certainly a sight.

On our way from the shindig to another room party, we saw some Halo soldiers. I think this is the only pic Seils actually wanted to be in, and he still looks uncomfortable. Oh well.

Speaking of Seils (he is going to hate me so much by the time this thread is over) he made several claims that he didn't drink, so the one time he did I couldn't resist catching him. That's Babywiththepower in the background.

Even I found myself sampling several forms of alchohol, none of which I could get past the first sip of. Except perhaps the Smirnoff Ice; that wasn't bad, but I still didn't have more than a sip of it because I still felt a burn in my throat. Apparently this makes me some kind of freak.

Magda being cute at the room party

Double the cuteness!

I couldn't resist this one

And Lila looked adoreable sprwaled out, so I had to have a pic of that, too

Though starting to get used to hugs, Seils (Navy) still didn't like much contact, and nearly died when I did this:

In fact, he went and hid in the corner for the rest of the party

The mentioned Romo costume:

He was one of my favorite people ever because he had Bawls mints (we had trouble finding the drink anywhere in Atlanta) and gave me about five tins of them, allowing me to function like a person.

And Jimi looking about ready to pass out

And those are the best Saturday pics I have. Stay tuned. (although I have to go to work soon, so I don't know how many more I'll be able to sort and upload before then)

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 10:22 AM


you got some great pics Rose. We are going to have to trade cd's :)

Yes I have several awesome shots of Rose in the Saffron gear and several of them with a large gun and a wicked grin:)

Poor Jimi of course he look about passed out. He barely slept, or ate, or anything...he's such an angel:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 12:35 PM


Excellent pics. Keep 'em coming!

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 6:49 PM


Thanks for sharing the pics Rose!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 7:55 PM


I am terrible at remembering to take pictures. I only have a few. The first is of Magda and PhoenixRose just moments before we saw Mark Sheppard at the Marriott lobby on Thursday night.

Friday morning I ran into Navy Seiils and his friend Michael at the Star Trek vs. Battlestar Galactica panel, and we stayed to see the Stargate panel. Is there a slight smile on Navy's face?

Later on Friday, I ran into Magda and Canter at Mark Sheppard's panel. Here's Magda in her Kaylee outfit.

Here's Magda and Canter.

After the Mark Sheppard panel I ran into Naughtyman and PhoenixRose. Naughtyman mentioned that he doesn't have a way of posting pics on his computer, so I wanted to make sure I got one to share.

On Saturday morning at 7:30 AM, the 76th invaded the lobby of the Hyatt before the parade.

Saturday night was the shindig. Here's StinkingRose, Engie, Magda, and Engie's friend.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 8:07 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

The sexy bellydancer is Clara, who I hadn't gotten to talk to before the con, but she was awesome. We have similar reactions to getting pissed off, though, which made the ridiculous wait for RHPS rather... interesting. Like, the 'oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die' kind of interesting.
I can't believe you got Seils smiling! Someone out there (I think it's Gibbs) has him with a full-out grin on his face and I need that pic so badly.
Just got home from work, but stay tuned for the next 'day' of pics

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 11:33 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Okay... I feel a little awkward posting right after myself, but I finally got everything cropped and shrunk and sorted and I want to post more now! So...

What are we on now, Sunday? I think this is Sunday. Totally losing track of time by that point, though. Anyway, here's Lila playing with bubbles.

Seils and I looked in a few places before we tracked down the very lovely Serenity and her bag full of Jayne hats. She'd had to get a non-wool one just for me and then I forgot my cash when headed to the shindig, so it wasn't until the next day that I got my hat, but that worked out since he wanted one as well. His first question was, of course "How's it sit?" (only said in an incredible but almost incomprehensible Scottish accent) and our response was, or course "Very cunning." and it is; he pulls it off well.

This sword was as tall as I was. I just had to have a pic of that.

I was trying to just get a candid shot of Jimi, but he took a drink, looked at me, and held until I got the picture. That pretty much embodies Jimi right there

The one and only stormtrooper chick (that I saw) at the con. She was totally awesome and also totally hot.

This is just the sweetest helmet ever. Man walks into battle in this helmet, and you know he's not afraid of anything.

Except, in this case, he's afraid of hugs and other forms of affection.

After going to a few room parties, Magda pointed out that we had more space than a lot of people and should just invite everyone to our room. So we did. This is Flat Top, who tried to hide in his hat when I pulled out my camera. He is such a sweetheart.

Magda doing what she does best: talking and dressing like Kaylee

Lila and StinkingRose (who's name is Heather but who is called Rosie, which causes me no end of confused moments)

They didn't know I was taking their picture

Jimi's sister, who is breathtakingly beautiful, and her man

I got a pic of her way cool earings, too, but it didn't come out at all. They were pirate skulls in big hoops, and the skull is turned sideways so you can't see it. Sad me. But you know, you can see it pretty well here, actually.

Jimi passed out after being ordered to lie down. He was such a honey, driving everyone everywhere and never sleeping. Finally MsG just said "Lie down and sleep. Now." So he did. He was still asleep when I got back from Rocky near dawn. Hybernating Jimibear!

He was not the only one to pass out in our room:

Most were still up when I got back (I have no pics from Rocky, which is sad because there was a beautiful man in a corset and Serenity T-shirt who was from Florida's cast Interchangable Parts, which I know of from a webcomic I read so we had all kinds of things to babble about. And my outfit, by the way, was awesome and so was Engie's, and there are pictures somewhere but I forgot my camera, arg!)
Lila we were expecting at that point, and Clara too, obviously, but not the Michaels or the Jimi.
Despite not expecting it, and despite the mild panic I think it induced in Navy to realize he had slept next to me most of the night, they are adoreable bunkmates:

So ends Sunday. Begin Monday in three... two... one...

Monday morning and Magda is goping through her luggage and hands me a flag. This is a really unflattering angle and I have an odd look on my face (I think I was caught between being sad and wanting to smile) but... I'm posting it anyway.

I was eventually talked into piling into the post-con shindig with everyone else. The Bards were there, and they are some of the coolest guys ever.

Guns are illegal in Scotland as well as Australia. The Michaels and Magda had a bit too much fun with the airsofts (the orange tips often vanished in my photoshop, just because I think it makes a better picture, but these are toy guns)

Auxiliary backup Michael was chatting with NaughtyMan and wanted a picture. Even then he couldn't stop stroking his gun (and yes, for those of you who have been in the army, I know what I just said, so be quiet )

Blades are also illegal in Australia, so this was only the third or fourth time Magda touched one.

NavySeils is an amazing guitar player. He will tell you he sucks (was, in fact, insisting that he was terrible even after one of the bards said he was the better player) but he is flawless. Sure, it's true what he says that he only knows bits and pieces, but he knows bits and pieces of legendary songs, and he plays them well. Anyway, he rocks socks and seems to transform when he picks up a guitar, and here he is.

And here's the last picture I have. They are both drunk, though they claimed to be perfectly fine and cogent.

Totally drunk.

The end! I need everyone else's! There was talk of everyone burning all their pics onto one CD, I think? Anyone who can get me a copy of that can have my address. I'm also happy to send all of mine to anyone who asks (though really all the decent ones are here and most of the others are in my photobucket there, so...)

I didn't get pics of Whims. I need Whimsy pics. I didn't get Karel or Serenity or Citizen either, but I didn't get to spend more than a few passing moments with them, and I spent all kinds of time with Whims

And Lila, a couple you wanted are ready to send. I know you said I could post them, but I didn't want to bog it down completely, so I'll just email you. But first I need to sleep again.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 11:40 PM



Thursday, September 6, 2007 2:36 AM


That's it!

I'm going next year.

Forsaken initiate.


Thursday, September 6, 2007 2:45 AM


*pouncing huggles* PhoenixRose, I had a grand time and xie xie for having your pictures up so fast!

hmm.. Lostthought is my brother unit, and Michi is the blonde in the lovely browncoat.

AnotherFireflyFan posts mainly on the OB :)

Hope that helps, oh and bug the Lost brother unit about getting his gorram pics loaded!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, September 6, 2007 3:00 AM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

OMG, I'm so jealous!!! Y'all look like you had the best time! Wish I had been there, but those pics make me smile and glad to know y'all had a great time together. Maybe next yr, eh? Keep posting people! I need MORE!!!!



Thursday, September 6, 2007 3:14 AM


It was quite clearly not alcohol in that bottle, all smoke and tricks to make it look like it was.

And I never was a smirk at the most.


Thursday, September 6, 2007 4:06 AM


I wasn't at DC due to being on the wrong continent with not enough cashy money but figured if I am going to be enjoying everybody elses pics (having crawled over from the bar) I'd better share something so assuming I managed to setup a photobucket account correctly (and I am an IT engineer for God's sake) I present to you my recently expanded full drum kit which brings me much joy and happiness:


Thursday, September 6, 2007 4:21 AM


Wow Rose you rock and then some. Great pics my gorgeous one!! OK paypal payment will be done tomorrow ( sorry I am at work 16 hours today and haven't made the deposit, but I swear I will make it tomorrow and get everything to you!!) HUGS for your patience my sweet Rose

I have more pics of everyone and if I didn't have to work so dang much I'd have them up. I will do my best to get them up soon:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Thursday, September 6, 2007 5:27 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Thanks to all for posting these pics for those, like mysef, who couldn't attend

Looks like you all had an awesome time

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Thursday, September 6, 2007 5:47 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Shiny drumset, gee!

Originally posted by BornToFly:
That's it!

I'm going next year.


Originally posted by artcat81:
*pouncing huggles* PhoenixRose, I had a grand time and xie xie for having your pictures up so fast!

Woo huggles! (I got so many huggles at the con I thought I was in heaven)
My pleasure to rush my pictures up, dahling (matter of fact, it may well be a compulsion at this point )
Thanks for the info, and I can't wait to see what Lost has for us; his camera was so very pretty. Engie's, too. Where are you, mei mei? I know you're starting college and all, but try to come see us!

Originally posted by RoxyFreefall:
OMG, I'm so jealous!!! Y'all look like you had the best time! Wish I had been there, but those pics make me smile and glad to know y'all had a great time together.

Oh sweetie, we missed you so much! And hanging out with all these wonderful, amazing, beautiful people who were as cool or cooler than I expected made me want to meet everyone else even more!!

Originally posted by Navyseils:
And I never was a smirk at the most.

*whispers loudly to everyone else* He has a great smile! And sometimes he laughs! Really, it's quite amazing. Don't believe a word the boy says. He babbles, smiles, laughs, plays guitar beautifully, and gives really good hugs. I have all his secrets now

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Thursday, September 6, 2007 5:58 AM


I note she's also mentioning he willingly shares a bed with her...and several others:) LOL you should have seen them all piled together. It was so amazingly cute and if I'd had the energy to get up out of Jimi's arms I might have taken a pic...I'm just glad she had the energy to take some pics ( not sure where she got the energy as she partied more than any of us...and plus her natural hotness must take a lot of energy too)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Thursday, September 6, 2007 6:28 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by msg:
not sure where she got the energy as she partied more than any of us...


Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Thursday, September 6, 2007 8:08 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

I didn't get pics of Whims. I need Whimsy pics. I didn't get Karel or Serenity or Citizen either, but I didn't get to spend more than a few passing moments with them, and I spent all kinds of time with Whims

I think only Engie and Magda took pics of me. I know I only took about five pics, none of them had me in them, and I need a USB cable to get them off my sweetie's camera. Why don't they make those damn cables universal?!

Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics Rose. If I can track down any of myself I'll post them.

And for the record everyone, Navy DOES smile.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, September 6, 2007 8:11 AM


I have some pics of you too Whimsy:) I feel bad that I haven't posted yet, but I can't compare to Rose and her mad skills as a computer picture maven:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Thursday, September 6, 2007 8:14 AM


YAY! Thanks MsG. I think people might be wondering if I can be captured on film (or digitally) at this point.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, September 6, 2007 8:22 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Whimsicalnbrainpan:
YAY! Thanks MsG. I think people might be wondering if I can be captured on film (or digitally) at this point.

You're behind me in the pic with Sister's Zoe gun! You can barely be seen, but you are certainly there!
I wish I could have gotten copies of your pics to bring with me, MsG. I could have them sorted out, cropped, resized, and ready by now I betcha.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Thursday, September 6, 2007 9:26 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Whimsicalnbrainpan:

I think only Engie and Magda took pics of me. I know I only took about five pics, none of them had me in them, and I need a USB cable to get them off my sweetie's camera. Why don't they make those damn cables universal?!

Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics Rose. If I can track down any of myself I'll post them.

And for the record everyone, Navy DOES smile.

Hey Honey - I did get a couple of pics of you - but I left my camera at Zephs so I will have to get it on the weekend on my way through to see you!! I love these Rose - thank you so much Mei Mei - I am reliving the whole weekend all over again!!

And for Gee and Roxy and Little Albatross and FlyVote and all those whom we wish were there and couldn't be! Lissa's friends had a terrific idea - they made a lifesize mask of her and took it with them wherever they went - she managed to get to D*C at the last minute - but it got me thinking we should do that next time someone can't make it!



Thursday, September 6, 2007 10:54 AM


Hi Mag!!! Are you taking pics too? I hope to see some soon!

And Rose, are you gonna post some in your myspace?


Thursday, September 6, 2007 12:07 PM


Rose - we found actual Bawls, but it was the day that everyone left, and at an out of the way gas station in the middle of Atlanta. We'll know better for next time.

Yay, more pics:

The 76th, just before the march. :)

Not really D*C, but I found where Jayne thinks River belongs, and it's in Warner Robins !!!

Really, don't we all feel this way ??

Look! A whimsy! She made me one happy Jimibear by getting this shot with me.

Ever wanted a size comparison between a sexy ninja kitten and a huggly Jimibear? Now you have it.

How Not to Be Seen, Kitten-style.

Hot women with big guns, yeah, I'll be in my bunk.

Apparently even the stars have to go outside for a smoke at the Marriott.

I didn't get nearly enough shots of Magda, or Rose, or MsG, but I plan to take copies of those I find on here of them that I like. It was a great Con. :)

I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


Thursday, September 6, 2007 1:21 PM


*sneaks in!*

This is the only picture I will need.


I would like to point out that all these pictures - while quite nice - do not do people justice. You are all far more lovely in person than any picture could ever hope to capture. It was a pleasure meeting you.

*sneaks out!*


Thursday, September 6, 2007 1:43 PM


That's a great picture!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Thursday, September 6, 2007 3:38 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
This is the only picture I will need.

A-yep. That'd do it for me, too.

Awesome pic, HK.

And I like your BSG coolio t-shirts...



Thursday, September 6, 2007 5:37 PM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

Look! A whimsy! She made me one happy Jimibear by getting this shot with me.

YAY! Thank you Jimi! I copied it along with most of the others in this thread.

Rose: LOL! I was so busy looking at you holding that gun I didn't even notice.

Magda: I can't wait to see you! The pics come in at a very distant second. Rose did do an excellent job didn't she!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, September 6, 2007 6:29 PM


Okay, just got back home my ownself, so a little late to the thread on account of additional holiday happiness with a fellow Browncoatstress

In any case, just got off of the aeroplane and pretty much all I've had the energy to do is correct the many redeyes. I'll leave y'all with this one... for starters.

Thanks to all of you who happily posed your gorgeous selves for my camera. More to follow, if you want, once I've Adobe-ized the less crappy pix into reasonable file sizes and then Flickred 'em.

Y'all have a good time at D*C '07, or what, eh?



Thursday, September 6, 2007 6:49 PM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Oh sweetie, we missed you so much! And hanging out with all these wonderful, amazing, beautiful people who were as cool or cooler than I expected made me want to meet everyone else even more!!

I can't wait for next yr now (hoping beyond hope that y'all will go again *hope, plead, hope*)! Oh and cause you were gone for a while... *GLOMP, GLOMP, GLOMP, GLOMP, GLOMP*


Originally posted by magdalena:
And for Gee and Roxy and Little Albatross and FlyVote and all those whom we wish were there and couldn't be! Lissa's friends had a terrific idea - they made a lifesize mask of her and took it with them wherever they went - she managed to get to D*C at the last minute - but it got me thinking we should do that next time someone can't make it!

Hehe, I like that! What a cute idea! Then pics can be taken and those who weren't there can still be... well kinda.

Here's my lil contribution. Bryce (LittleAlbatross29) and I got together this passed Sat. and had a lil 'Not Going to D*C' party. I had such a lovely time and we even watched the 'Serenity' Special Edition! I wish we had taken more pics.



Thursday, September 6, 2007 8:17 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by averyfinecompanion:
Rose, are you gonna post some in your myspace?

Oh, eventually. I have to clear out some of the ones already there so they'll fit, I think, and it will be a huge long pain in the arse, so probably not right away. I'm still trying to recover and haven't even gotten my blogs written yet, but I'll get it all done eventually.

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Rose - we found actual Bawls, but it was the day that everyone left, and at an out of the way gas station in the middle of Atlanta.

Damn everything! Oh well, I had my mints, I was good.
Your pics are adorable!!! *steals*

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
I would like to point out that all these pictures - while quite nice - do not do people justice. You are all far more lovely in person than any picture could ever hope to capture. It was a pleasure meeting you.

So true. *huggles!* It would be hard to pick a single highlight of the con, but I think seeing you the first time was definitely one of them. I wish I could have spent more time with you. I sure seem to be saying that a lot about a lot of people, but it's so true!!
I think there was mention of an island? I would so love to live in a constant shindig.

Originally posted by cozen:
I'll leave y'all with this one... for starters.

I remember that one! Hey, is Navy smiling? So shiny!

More to follow, if you want

Yes please!

Originally posted by RoxyFreefall:
I can't wait for next yr now (hoping beyond hope that y'all will go again *hope, plead, hope*)! Oh and cause you were gone for a while... *GLOMP, GLOMP, GLOMP, GLOMP, GLOMP*

I hope so too! I also hope a few peeps will try to get to WorldCon; it's in Denver for 2008!
Yay glomps!!!!
I'm so glad you and Bryce could have a bitty shindig together. There's nothing better than watching Serenity with another Browncoat!

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Friday, September 7, 2007 12:52 AM




the woman in the awesome browncoat is Michichan from, and Lost's girlfriend. A very shiny lady.



Friday, September 7, 2007 2:07 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

I so have to get those for my wife. She loved them when you gave her a few Rose and now she is wanting to know where to find them. Where do you get them?

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company
[img] [/img]


Friday, September 7, 2007 2:28 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Zephyr is here!! Hallo Zeph!

Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I so have to get those for my wife. She loved them when you gave her a few Rose and now she is wanting to know where to find them. Where do you get them?

I think Gibbs said he bought them at a CompUSA that was closing, and a few 7-11s carry them, maybe a few other random places, too. However, your best bet might be to order them online:

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Friday, September 7, 2007 3:29 AM



Man it looked like sooooo much fun.

*pouts again*

Oh well there is always next year!

Glad you all had a blast and thanks for sharing the pics!


The Shirtless jealous Forsaken


Friday, September 7, 2007 3:41 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Zephyr is here!! Hallo Zeph!

thank you rose

Commander, Alpha Company, 76th Independent Battalion
also the designated sasquatch


Friday, September 7, 2007 3:41 AM


more piccies

these are gummie's pictures, she was the one in the pink spikey wig and black leather

linkage to the rest of her pics

and I think these are washi's pics here, here is a shot of browncoats in an airport (aka what happens when planes landing times are close to each other)

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Friday, September 7, 2007 4:10 AM


OK throwing mine on in...and yes Rose could have gotten them up quicker

Here is the 76th...all shiny and marching

Here's the 76th promotion ceremony

A beautiful Rose as Saffron with Mal out cold at her feet

HK being fought over

Rose with gun...whooo

Browncoat BBQ which sweet Jimi went and got for everyone.

Navyseils and Rose in their Jayne hats

and a toast to NV ( with the rum he supplied)

Proof that Navyseils not only laughs, he flirts....

and last, but never least...the 3 most wonderful people in my world

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Friday, September 7, 2007 4:37 AM



Originally posted by msg:
HK being fought over

*giggle snort!*
I love the fact that I look unimpressed. XD
Excellent photos, MsG.


Friday, September 7, 2007 4:43 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Wooo! Yay for MsG pics! Oh those are awesome! I'm so glad you got a pic of Aiken's coat. It was a thing of beauty. As were his replica guns. *hopes someone has the pics of the Mal gun* And hey, that shot of 'Mal' and I came out terrific! That guy was such a good sport about it *g*
Oh. My. Goddess. Navy laughing. Proof! He'll never live it down.
Awwwww, I'm one of the most wonderful people in your world? I so honored! (I could never pick just three)

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
A troll's hair is still pointy, even when it's wearing a hat.


Friday, September 7, 2007 5:20 AM


DAMN impressive shots of the 76th. You had a LOT of people show up. You needed people in Alliance outfits to march around as prisoners, though!

Did fans on the sidelines know who you were?

And - where is Washie in all these pics! I haven't seen her once :(

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, September 7, 2007 5:28 AM


the whole parade route seemed to be lined with browncoats, they kept yelling out Firefly, and keep flying, browncoats, and shiny uniforms, and photographers kept dashing out into the middle of the street in front of us. The companions guild and other browncoats also looked splendid leading the way as we followed up the rear right behind the companions guild and in front of the Spartans

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse






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