Another Introduction

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 14:45
VIEWED: 2709
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:09 AM


I'm not sure where I should introduce myself so I'll do it here.

As my profile says I've been a fan of the 'Verse for almost two years (actually I guess it's almost three years now). While I was in the Navy I deployed a lot and couldn't justify paying for cable TV for the one to three week periods of time I had in between my one to four month deployments. I had heard about this sci-fi western that I should check out but at the time my concerns were else where.

I saw the movie after I separated from the service and thought it was really good. It made me curious about the cancelled series. I bought the DVD set and fell in love with the characters, the dialogue, and the deeper meaning behind everything in the show. It was ahead of its time in every way. DAMN YOU NEWSCORP! Sorry, outbursts like that will be frequent.

I joined this community to make the occasional post, ask the occasional question, and eventually post a few fan fics. I'm currently working on a Star Wars fan fic. It is about a mercenary group 12 years before Episode 4 hunting down Jedi for the empire. About a week ago I had to admit that I was subconsciously channeling a little Joss and borrowing from a couple motifs in the show. But instead of huge outside influences and challenges bringing this crew together, they are torn apart. Completely and utterly. I won't share the title just yet but I will tell you the names of the first three complete chapters. 1)The Drop, 2)Inquisition's Imposition, 3)Lies, Ties, and New Guys.

For the Verse, I'm really interested in the time after the film. Zoe has to go on without Wash giving her a baby (or did he?). River assumes a central role in the crew (and explores her powers and abilities with a calmer mind). Kaylee and Simon start their love affair (while grieving Zoe watches). Mal and Inara are a little more comfortable with exploring their feelings for each other (but will they abandon their opinions of each other?). Will Mal seek out a spiritual outlet in the absence of Book? What the hell happens to the Alliance?

Those are just some things that bounced around in my skull in the time between typing the word "Verse" and "I'm" at the beginning of the previous paragraph.

Keep Flying


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:54 PM


Hello GoramMan:

This is as good a place to introduce yourself as any. Glad to have you on board and hope you enjoy our little black rock full of Browncoats.

The one thing I was wondering about after the movie is if Zoe is pregnent. There could be a little Wash or Zoe on they way. Zoe and Wash were talking about children in "Heart of Gold" and we never heard if they started trying. Here is hoping for Serenity the Sequel and if we find out.



Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:04 PM



Originally posted by GoramMan:
I'm not sure where I should introduce myself so I'll do it here...

...I joined this community to make the occasional post, ask the occasional question, and eventually post a few fan fics...

For the Verse, I'm really interested in the time after the film. Zoe has to go on without Wash giving her a baby (or did he?). River assumes a central role in the crew (and explores her powers and abilities with a calmer mind). Kaylee and Simon start their love affair (while grieving Zoe watches). Mal and Inara are a little more comfortable with exploring their feelings for each other (but will they abandon their opinions of each other?). Will Mal seek out a spiritual outlet in the absence of Book? What the hell happens to the Alliance?

Keep Flying

Always a pleasure to have new folk aboard the

boat...Y'all have such interestin' stories...I

hope you'll make your presence , and your posts ,

more than 'occasional'...'Course , if there's

ever any 'occasion' for a Shindig , Browncoats

will be there...

Make yourself to home !


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:28 PM


Hi there Traveler. Thanks for the welcome.

For me, Zoe is the most fascinating dangling thread after the movie. Out of everybody on the ship she had the most stable life before those events took place. She had a leader she trusted completely, a respected position in the group, and a man that loved her, and a nitch in life where a future was possible. Everyone else was a combination of lonely, on uneasy terms with Mal, not always uselful in an adventure, or a fugitive. After the film a lot of these problems for the others were solved (or they died).

My family recently went through a similar tragedy. The more sensitive of us have memories that are set off by the simplest of reminders. Just imagine what she would feel for a while when the ship would shudder beneath her feet while hitting atmo, when Simon and Kaylee sit next to each other at dinner, or when she went to bed. All of those things for her used to be accompanied by Wash.

And the baby thing. Jeesh. That would be terrible. What would Mal do? Haven't thought that far ahead yet but it will be interesting to explore in a fic.

So I will work those angles for sure.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:14 PM


Something else GoramMan. You may want to go to '' and see Gina Torres in Cleopatra 2525 if you have not seen any of these episodes. Gina is already using her rasor sharp eyes to cut through people like she uses on Firefly. I think she brought a little of her Hellena, A.K.A Hel, wit from Cleopatra over to Firefly when she signed on.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:30 PM


Welcome GORAMMAN .... to hell ....

uhm wait that was incorrect ...

welcome to FireflyFans

* hands GORAMMAN his very own virtual Browncoat *


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 5:12 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
Something else GoramMan. You may want to go to '' and see Gina Torres in Cleopatra 2525 if you have not seen any of these episodes. Gina is already using her rasor sharp eyes to cut through people like she uses on Firefly. I think she brought a little of her Hellena, A.K.A Hel, wit from Cleopatra over to Firefly when she signed on.

Haven't seen that one but I've heard of it. Was that her first entry into sci-fi and ass kickerey?

Also, Pumamanredux, thanks for the gesture


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:10 AM


from one gorram to another goram, welcome! There are just all kids of shiney people here, who have great ideas and are great company. Sit back and enjoy! Look forward to the fics.

'Who are you and how did you get in here?' 'I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.'
Police Squad


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 2:45 PM


Ass kickerey is just what that show was about. Very Physical. Talk about flying through the air and smashing heads. A little dialog thrown in so you know there is a plot. That is Cleopatra 2525.






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