Your Best Compliments Ever!!!

UPDATED: Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:17
VIEWED: 6900
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Friday, January 4, 2008 2:10 PM


This comes with two questions:

Q1) What is the best complement you've ever received?

Q2) What is the last complement you've given?

My answers...

A1) Shortly before the holidays, a friend was asked in one of those pass-along quizzes on Facebook what kind of drink I would be, and she said, "She'd be the type of drink that would make you feel good without rotting your teeth or getting you wasted."

A2) One of my guy friends asked himself a very serious question about himself, "What kind of girl would I be?" I replied, "Boy? Girl? Frankly, it doesn't matter. Either way, you're still pretty awesome!"

"I swear, having you guys in my corner is like being friends with Zorro."
-Joss on us fans and our persistent reputation
Thanks, Joss!


Friday, January 4, 2008 2:32 PM


I don't keep track of either giving or receiving.

One I've gotten sticks in my mind. Unfortunately the exact wording escapes me so I can't really communicate it well. I was talking to a classmate and I pointed out that I can't play video games (well) because my reaction time is so slow I'm always a few seconds behind the rest of the world. Her response was that she had noticed this, but if you gave me a few seconds I would, and this is where I've forgotten the wording, more or less she said I was witty and insightful but it was so much more meaningful than that. Was it the best complement I've ever received? I'm not sure, but it meant a lot.


Friday, January 4, 2008 3:41 PM


I remember that someone one said that I was channeling the spirit of Skakespeare (I believe it was on this very site, point 'o fact). That made my week, I have to say.
Best I've given? Hard to say,as I give 'em out in spades. I think one of the higher ups is telling my friend that she's a cute lil' Polar Bear.


and every time I play with passion I start breaking strings,
and my voice cracks when I sing from my heart
guess that's the price I've got to pay to know that I'm alive
this melody is tearing me apart

Gott weise ich will kein Engel sein.


Friday, January 4, 2008 5:01 PM


I don't normally keep track of compliments, unless they all happen at once. Chances are I won't be hearing them for a while. But there are a few that stick out. One is particular:

1) "You are you. That's good enough. Any guy would consider themselves lucky to be with you."

Made me feel all fuzzy and shit. Haha!

2) "I believe that you are probably the best friend I've ever had. I believe that so much that I want you to be the only friend I'll ever want."

What's best is that he replied with "I've thought that for a long time. We're...perfect!" He was an old co-worker of mine. One of my best friends.

It was like a Simon/Mal-Kaylee/Inara friendship. He looks like Simon, acted like Mal, and I am a combo of Kaylee and Inara.

"You are pretty funny."
"And you're pretty...pretty."
"What did you just say?"
"I said that you were pretty."


Saturday, January 5, 2008 4:15 PM


Ever received? Well I don't really know. I'm a big fan of calling myself a geek, and everyone disagrees which is cute I guess. I had a guy friend of mine describe me as "Beautiful. Ask any straight guy who isn't shy. Trust me" That was really sweet.

Given? I told my friend the only thing more beautiful than her was her soul. True too. Beautiful soul.

If nothing else, I will always believe in the fans of Firefly/Serenity.

We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008 7:21 PM


I can't recall the best I've given, don't keep track of them. Don't really keep track of those gotten, either.

For gotten, probably all the "You will forget more about (this subject) in your lifetime than most people will ever learn." First time was my math teacher, about math.

One I've never understood was "You wear life like a loose suit."


Wednesday, January 9, 2008 6:57 PM


I love the misspelling and the answers I could give if I replied to what these questions imply in terms of how they are presented...But I'll answer according to the intention of the questions...

1) I can't say I have one compliment which is paramount to all I have ever received but one of my favourites was said by my adopted cousin, who said I was like I was from another planet and made people nervous sometimes. I know that sounds weird but in the context it was, albeit strangely, very adulatory.

2) The last compliment I've given to a person? That is what I'll take the question to be implicating. Well, I complimented the actress Ellen Page in a post a few minutes ago but most of the compliments I give to people I know in real life I give in my head. Actually saying them out loud is just too weird for me.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008 7:19 PM


Best one's I've ever received? There are two that spring to mind.

My first real celebrity encounter, Don McKellar. To make a long story short, I went to a movie at a local theater, bumped into Don McKellar, left my movie early so that I could intercept, asked if he could go for coffee before he went to his thing, he said yes, and we talked about making movies and all that. He told me that Quentin Tarantino is exactly like me. That, so far, has been the best compliment of my life.

My second best compliment I got was from the last couple whose wedding I videographed. They actually thanked me in the toasts saying that I was recording their memories and for that they were thankful. And I even managed to dance with the bride, which I pretty much never do, at least when I wasn't on the job. When I thanked her for mentioning me in the toasts, I told her that I'm not really a guest, but more of a hired hand. She then told me that she considered me a guest. Me, a complete stranger whose doing this one last time for the money. But just that thank you was enough for me, although the money doesn't hurt.

In terms of compliments I've given, I told a girl that I was into that she was without a doubt the most awesome and fascinating person I've ever met. And over the years in the film program I've told various classmates that I thought specific aspects of their shorts were fucking incredible.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Thursday, January 10, 2008 7:42 AM


Great thread idea! :D What a way to make people feel good. :)

1) Most fondly remembered: Theater friends asked amateur me to participate in a project of theirs, completely out of the blue. Weeks later I gathered up the courage to ask why. "Because you're good." It was just such a simple and honest confidence boost. I think about it whenever I'm unhappy.

2) It'd be up to the recipients to rate, but most heart-felt on my part, "My life choices four years ago were the stupidest possible. But they also led me to you guys and that makes it all worth it."

Now I'm getting sappy. Oy. *g*


Thursday, January 10, 2008 7:49 AM


The best one I've received came in a text message. She could not say it to my face until she knew how I felt. The text said that she never knew what the guy of her dreams would be like until she met me. Have to say, it left me speechless.

Simon: What if he(Mal) tells you to kill me?
Zoe: (without hesitation) I kill you.


Thursday, January 10, 2008 6:51 PM


It's not just a good answer, it's an honest answer.

Yessir, Captain Tightpants.


Friday, January 11, 2008 10:24 AM


In a thrift store once, I was holding my son, the 3 year old terror(who was only about 1 and a half at this point), while my wife tried something on. This lady came up and was talking to him, and asked if when he grew up he would become "a tall drink of water like his dad."
Now, the compliment was nice, if odd, but the best part was the guffah that came from the dressing room that my wife was in. She did what I was too polite to. Now, my wife will use it to tease me, but from her, I actually hear her love.

I give compliments all the time, mostly just little boosts to help people, I don't have any fabulous ones.

'Who are you and how did you get in here?' 'I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.'
Police Story


Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:39 AM


I was having a grand ol' time playing with my friend's kids.
Instead of asking, "Chris, how old are you?" my friend said, perfectly deadpan, "Chris, I think what I detest most about you is that you lack any sort of child-like enthusiasm."
We both busted out laughing!


Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:34 AM


The best compliment I've ever given:

I was working register one day and checking the items of a woman in her early 40's. I always use sirs and ma'ams while wage slaving. So when I finished her order and handed her change and reciept I said, "Thank you ma'am, have a nice day."

She replied, "Don't ma'am me." And grabbed the change and reciept.

I snatched it back out of her hand and said, "Well let's try that again. You have your self a great day smart, sophisticated and sexy lady!"

She gave me a hug and smiled the whole way to her car.


Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:52 AM


Best compliment: my wife told me that I was cute.

Most recent compliment given: A co-worker dyed her hair dark, and I told her it looked nice.

So surface Chrisisall


Thursday, January 24, 2008 8:14 AM


Best I ever gave was to my girlfriend. I can't remember exactly what I said (Michelle can) but it was along the lines of:

My heart just skipped a beat and I wonder at the merrits of a god that would have me be this far apart from you" Something like that....

Best I ever received was when I was at college studying english. We were set a task of writing a poem for the next days lesson. Our english class was comprised of twenty four individuals. Twenty girls and four boys. (good odds I know :P)

I wrote a poem about a girl I had a crush on (yeah I know!) but it was heartfelt and honest. Anyway it was read out in the class, much to my embarrasement, but a very strange thing happened. All the girls just gathered around me and gave me cuddles. Some were even close to tears and one in particular commented:

"Oh my god! I never knew a guy could write such beautiful words."

Needless to say the three other guys in the class seethed with rage and jealousy.

It was a good day.


Thursday, January 24, 2008 8:38 AM


TheSomnambulist, your girlfriend is a very lucky girl indeed! After several millennia, some men just don't understand that women love to hear florid prose. Your college poetry class story proves that. You want to get the girl, write her a poem! It doesn't have to rhyme, and it can be short as long as its beautiful and honest (see: haiku,

"I swear, having you guys in my corner is like being friends with Zorro."
-Joss on us fans and our persistent reputation
Thanks, Joss!


Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:38 AM


The best compliment I've ever received is getting asked for ID. Apparently no-one thinks I'm over 18



Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:01 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

The very best compliment I have recieved to date was: "You're a strong personality with strong opinions and it's natural you would be frustrated when you aren't understood. There's nothing wrong with that. I love that you say what you mean." It might seem odd that I would pick this one (especially if you knew how many sweet things this guy has said to me) but it really touched me in a special way for several reasons. As he said, I like to be understood, and that he knew exactly what I was frustrated about was a breath of fresh air, since so rarely do people look past the frustration itself. Also the fact that he doesn't just tolerate the fact that I can be very outspoken and intractable, but actually appreciates and loves it, was really an indescribable feeling.

The last compliment I gave was, I think "You are adorable, and I adore the hell out of you!"

I don't think that being cautiously ashamed, or selectively ashamed, or in any way ashamed of who I am is any way to live my life.


Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:17 AM


I run a little Firefly writing group, we just passed our third year anniversary. A couple years ago, we received a compliment on our writing, and it was so nice, I saved it, verbatim.

" I like how you guys have been able to re-create the joss feel without recreating the characters verbatim, And you've done it. It's not a ship vs the universe or a every-character-is-river vs the alliance, It's the CREW vs everything that threatens the crew"

This was one of the nicest compliments we've ever received.

The other was from one of our own writers, who, before he joined us, had everything we'd written printed out, and read it, and was a fan first. He said getting the chance to join us and actually write with us, was like having Joss pick him out of a crowd, and invite him to don a browncoat and join the crew. That was a really fun compliment.

As to giving them, I try to be generous with them, and I really don't keep track of them.

You know you want it -

You know you need it -






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