Poets Unite!

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 07:36
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Sunday, February 3, 2008 10:10 AM


For the riddles, and the rhymes, and the poems
This thread has been started
All types are welcome, and haiku will surely
Become a favorite of us

If you don't know
The guidelines for haiku
It's very easy
They're composed of three lines
The first and last
Should have five syllables
And the middle
Has seven

Of course
You are free
To modify these guidelines
For they are not hard rules
Indeed, that would limit our creativity

With this very thread
Stretch your creative limits
And have so much fun

To provide an example
Of haiku

Color plays are welcome
To add a mood to these poems
Ask as to how
If you are curious

All I ask is
Do not mention Longfellow
Or Shakespeare
Or any of those types
That are not understandable


Sunday, February 3, 2008 11:29 AM


Firsties!! w00t Hill!!

Fun new thread
For poem fans
Sure to tickle
Your brain pan
Lotsa hugs
For RiverFlan

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Sunday, February 3, 2008 12:11 PM


Thank you for
The hugs Steamer
And also
I was thinking
(Yes, always
A dangerous thing!)

Would you like
A new avatar?
Useing the picture
In the pic thread
That you used
To describe
Your sceen name

And just
As a note
I am sorry
For my lack
Of talent
At making poems
For specific subjects


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, February 3, 2008 12:50 PM


New avatar
At your behest?
Sounds quite shiny
Be my guest.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Sunday, February 3, 2008 1:34 PM


Because I'm sweet
Here are two

Which one you use
Is up to you


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, February 3, 2008 9:39 PM


I was sitting outside earlier today trying to show a tree
How interesting it is to immerse oneself in random new free forms of poetry.
The inspiration of Ogden Nash
Has gripped my fingers since before they could write a semi-colon followed by a dash;
And only when I discovered that Mr. Nash had written not one, but two poems devoted to our favourite insect
That the lightning of inspiration again struck my sense of inflect.
Burma-Firefly poetry is by no means done
But indulging in the free-est of free forms - should be no need to ask where that gets fun.
Both avatars, mei-mei, are shiny to the point of blindness
And would that I could imagine how properly to repay your kindness.
Much as I'd like to swear an oath
To one of them, I simply can't, as I love 'em both.
This is turning into a bit of a run
So maybe it's time to call it done;
But fellow poetical Browncoats, don't be afraid to drop by -
We never meant for this thread to be a private little verse-fest reserved for RiverFlan and I.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Monday, February 4, 2008 2:22 PM


Everyone, please
Join in the fun
The poets here
Should not be numbered so few
It's okay if you're not
Drowning in talent
Just look me
And don't be shy
Because I hope to read
The poems by you

And Steamer
Thanks for the thanks
You need not repay me
I enjoy being nice
But, if it would make you feel better
You could perhaps teach me
How to make better poetry?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Monday, February 4, 2008 2:56 PM


I'm told that life in the vacuum
Becomes cold and unrelenting
Standing at the edge more darkness
But something says to leap
Bound as far as you can
For there is light
where no one but you can see

Through the suit I hear my feet give
Leaping now
Plunging into the dark

Beating so hard
The vacuum cannot deny my heart

Now I am home
Sitting under the old Cottonwood
Waiting for the field to flood
For the sun to fall
Waiting to find my heart again
In the lonely Nevada sky

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Monday, February 4, 2008 4:15 PM


I have dug
Into my past
Or, rather
In more literal terms
In journals
And I know
I had a book
That I wrote
My poems in
Now where can it be?
I shall have to dig some more
Become an archeologist
For it is surely
In my cabinet
Which is extremely messy
And things are layed
On top of one another
I think
I should stop babbling now
And get to work
So I can post some of those works
In here.

And welcome, NV
We're glad to see you
Now we have three
And one more than we used to have

But still
I think
We need a crew
Or a posse
A crowd
Whatever word
You like to use
To denomonate
A large group
Of many wonderful
Such as ourselves


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 6:48 AM


Shared this over at Hotel 23 in the Moans of the Dead section. Written more as a fictional character dealing with the horror at world end.

Skirmish in the Darkness

Gasping and clawing we fight
trying to see the dawn and morning dew
to taste the smoke and each other just one more time

Secret places hiding holding our tongues together to stay silent
writhing, reveling in our agony one as two as one amongst infinity

But in the heat there is ill conception, festering to rot and cheese
tooth and claw clash of fevered ferver
accusatory stare of the dying
two by two against infinity

claws release and gasping ceases

Fading now, the smoke and taste of tongue and breast
ever so far reaching is the light
cool dawn air welcomes
fresh carrion

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 7:42 AM


Post here?
But there are poems...
not rants or tales
just words lined up:
User wares
Some rhyme,
Some wander.
Others are short,
many are longer.
Do we keep going
on and on and on
with poems by us?
For you.
For me.
For all postees.
Post here.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 8:47 AM


Well, there are plenty less aesthetically
Pleasing ways of speaking and writing poetically.
They who try to explain poetry like a science
Eventually will probably end up forming the founding government of the Alliance;
The free form of true poetry is just out of reach
Of them as like to prattle on and on about meter, rhyme, and figures of speech;
While they enjoy their prep-school curriculum credit,
So pontifical has their verbiage become that their imagination has altogether fled it.
That, RF, is the key -
Never permit your imagination to flee;
You'll never find your written word hitting the rocks
While you're willing and able to think outside the box.
If you wax metaphorical
Without letting your creations become utterly borical,
Or simply employ a bit of lingual whimsy -
You'll find that it never gets flimsy.
For one thing, did you have a good time at the D'Arbanvilles' ball last year?
Well, since we don't know anybody named D'Arbanville, I'm having a hard time judging whether we got to partake of that bit of high-class cheer.
Can be a great poet's deity;
And, in a funny way, so can a fragmented reality matrix -
For we've all hung on the words of our favourite psych-chick, as from her tongue drips her curiosity when upon her eyes her mind starts to platrix.
NVG, damned decent of you to join in!
Looking forward to seeing what kinds of phrases you're plannin' on coinin'.
Well, me, I just hope Mr. Ogden Nash is not rolling over in his grave
At my indulgence in his new depth of free style that I've been trying on and off to imitate since before I could shave.

Say, RiverFlan, I just had a thought
As to a title for the next poets' thread to be wrought.
One day this one will undoubtedly grow long and populous enough for our share of notoriety
So how about the 'Live Poets Society'?

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 10:34 AM


There was a young actor named Huck
Who saw a hot babe in a truck... - my life - my work


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 11:08 AM


Well well well...

It looks like fun,
This monster begun,
On our humble fan site-
But will it become,
In it's force and it's fun,
A monster to end all of our nights?
To come into being,
Though seldom well seen,
By eyes mortal or immortal both,
That which would become,
A center, like a sun,
Within our shiny boat?


and every time I play with passion I start breaking strings,
and my voice cracks when I sing from my heart
guess that's the price I've got to pay to know that I'm alive
this melody is tearing me apart

Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 4:25 PM


Steamer, that would indeed
Be a good designation
This first thread title
Was just an abnormality
To get everyone's attention
And invite people
To join in
And not feel like
They're breaking in
And, of course,
The furure threads
Would have poetic sub-titles.

I have, at last
Found my book of poems
So here is one
And more will follow

Four-legged Contradiction:
Do you know
That cats can teleport?
I do
I saw one once
And I suspect
That they are psychic
(yes, like our beloved River)
And can read our minds
And understand our every word
Waht about, you ask
The times when I call my cat
And it doesn't come?
It's not that the cat doesn't
Understand you
It's just ignoring you
Because it is feeling ornery
The proof
That cats are psychic
Is in the times when you are feeling down
And your cat will come cuddle with you
Untill you feel better
So it might hurt you
When morning comes
And your cat is ignoring you again
But that is to keep the "cool cat" appearance
To other cats
And also
To keep you in your place
And remind you
That they are the ones in charge
Your cat still loves you
It just has a funny way of showing it, sonetimes.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008 8:15 AM


Still more from elsewhere as another person:

Just back with a piece created a few months ago after waking. Sleeping on the floor for so long really messes with the head once you start longing for a warm bed and someone to share it with. Little did I know that I would long for the floor a short while after not gettng exactly what I wanted.

Shadow of Pomagranate Bloom

Needed rest from fitful dreaming


Despite twilight haze to wakened eye

Breath in berth, deep and languid

warm slither and squeeze on soft low back

Slow pulse awaken spirit

For mornings cool touch spirit of earthen warmth

Reaching coils sharing the lost day

Resting sensual blindness upon shoulders


pulled to restless depth

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008 12:45 PM


Red water drops fast
Rusting flesh creaks alone
Metal fades to dust

So I'd thought I would join in first with a an old Haiku, and then something else old because apart from not finishing my book I'm not writing that much poetry, or songs, or anything really except OU work. Sorry about the formatting, there should be some more visual impact but hopefully the words still work:

Yellow light reflects of magnolia walls
A new beginning? A blank slate for all

Does anybody just stop….

For a second,

One, and

The slow beat of time
A syncopated rhythm of life
Two drums, one beat
The simple question loved by kids
Looked down at for asking later
Why am I here?
What is my purpose?

You’ve work to do; you’ve reached the magic age
You have to vote, as it’s your duty
What do you mean it’s the least worst system?
Surely not a double negative
You’ve not time to waste, time is money
Even so called spare time as there is so little of it
Every second counts
You’re not a student anymore
Time is money
Time is an illusion
Sixty seconds is a human construct
Chaos exists
Look around and what do you see
Who built the walls?
Who painted them?
Who made the paint?
Who invented the psychology of colour?
Who? What? Where? Why?
Especially why?

I see the faces of the old cursing their age
Their wasted youth and their lost time
I see the young wishing to be old
Putting away childhood earlier and earlier
Another construct
There wasn’t always a time for play
Only time when you can afford it

I sit here typing, wasting my time
Well you decide?
I exist
To be
How do you know?
I think therefore I am
But if you’re an illusion, sense can be fooled?
Then I am fooled and doesn’t matter

We come to a solution


Scale is the key

Scale is the key
If you are not individually important or responsible what does it matter?
If not what then how
How you lead your life?
Are you responsible to God?
Who knows but why not act like it anyway?
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
But do we?
In a time where people commit atrocities of such magnitude
But there have always been atrocities
Do we change?
Yes because life is change but only within boundaries we can comprehend
Ying and Yang
The greater good
We do because we can
We chose when we can
We eat food from a damn can but that’s just semantics
A trick of language and a basis of humour
A flavour if you wish
So we eat from the banquet of the day only we don’t choose our food it just arrives
Sometimes sweet, sometimes sour but always…
No such thing
Tomorrow might not.
Who says today has to end
Who says these words

I see, people,
An audience
Hearing the tap of rhythm
For a moment seeing the experience of life in a drumbeat
Of having all those thoughts in a seconds moment of complexity
Or perhaps simplicity
Like a paradiddle
Left Right Left Left
Right Left Right Right
Two Drums
One Beat
A single moment
Of …


Wednesday, February 6, 2008 9:05 PM


I suppose there are problems nastier
Than the problem of wintertime driving becoming increasingly fastier.
Convinced that they must get everyplace yesterday
And in the process quite possibly ruin the restyerday,
They berate your snow-job driving habits
When it prevents them from hopping along faster than jackrabbits
Unless you step on it obediently
And end up speeding not only yourself, but your obnoxious tailgater and possibly every other cautious motorist within a quarter of a mile, to the emergency room quite expediently.
If the white stuff amounts to less than an inch
And allows you to avoid the mashed potatoes and follow the moose-tracks in a pinch,
The hasty will be happy to leave you alone
While they figure out how to blame the impending accident on you and relieve you of everything you own.
Myself, I'd like to see a little more respect
For the cautious wintertime motorist who is just trying to avoid getting wrecked.
He takes his time on the hills and curves, and keeps his headlights burning
(And his driveway shovelled and salted, so that his beloved wife and offspring won't break their necks when in-turning),
Keeps his chill'uns well versed in safe bad-weather driving habits and practises,
And is sure to stress the five-miles-from-home accident statistic so that they are keenly aware of what a well-known fact this is.
And what does he get for it? Tailgated and cursed,
For trying to make wintry roads a safer travel lane for every windbag trying to get to the drive-through first.
So, friends, Browncoats, countrymen, lend me your ears and eyes and when you're out there in the white,
Don't try to force the slowpoke ahead of you to fly like a kite.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Thursday, February 7, 2008 11:57 AM


More from the twisty alter ego:

Very pissed an need to get something out before we decide, "Fuck it. I'm gettin' drunk."

Cheap tequilla?
(No reply)

Kessler Wishes and Vicoden Dreams

"From on high music ethereal
Can you hear the horns?
The Seraphim song ringing throughout?
Can't you feel the warmth of his love upon your face,
his word hammering at your heart?"

But it begins. The burning and the clawing.
Dull nail digging then giving and folding beyond
Desperate fingers reaching my depth
Though without nail they still tear
And clutch
And squeeze

And I spill to their gleeful delight
Their shoes slipping and squeaking
Last bit of bile burning my throat
Why must that be it
'til all is dark?

But a flash is this a trick?
Light, cold and warm
the confusion
I am walking no falling
Why is there screaming, I have no voice?

Now the screams, the agony
And as with the fire I burn
The sobs have given chase and won
There is no escape

We have burned and consumed
Tasted of fetid fountains
Fed upon the body that was not his

This is damnation
And we are its offspring

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Thursday, February 7, 2008 12:47 PM


Nice thread, Riverflan. :) I'd like to accomodate you, however....

I have this pet peeve of mine:
I really can't rhyme worth a dime.
And when I ask Book,
He just hints me to look
Close at "The end of the line."

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 7, 2008 2:11 PM


I've got this poem from a friend
And I thought it was worth sharing
Thank you, asarian, for you support
Against these rhyming types (lol)


The computer swallowed grandma.
Yes, honestly its true!
She pressed 'control' and 'enter'
And disappeared from view.

It devoured her completely,
The thought just makes me squirm.
She must have caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm.

I've searched through the recycle bin
And files of every kind;
I've even used the Internet,
But nothing did I find.

In desperation, I asked Jeeves
My searches to refine.
The reply from him was negative,
Not a thing was found 'online.'

So, if inside your 'Inbox,'
My Grandma you should see,
Please 'Copy,''Scan' and 'Paste' her
And send her back to me.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, February 7, 2008 3:42 PM


And-ah now-ah; to the morbid and the creepifyin'!!!
Once I saw the world stand still,
I saw the bitter struggle
I once thought I was worth the kills
Of a thousand thousand others.
But here I stand, alone,
And land before me does the rain
Refuses it to fall on me,
TO cleanse me of my sins
To make me feel at once, whole again,
And a thousands times more beat
But fear me not, my brethren,
For this is but not my end, No;
I know from long ago,
How so I shall go,
With the coming and going of the tide.
So watch me, longer, ere you leave,
As I sit here and ponder,
What I had and what never was,
And the career of Jimmy Fonda.
And so I fade, into the Black,
A ghost or spirit to you;
To me? A thousand thousand other things,
For I am haunted, too...

How's that for right off the top of my head?


and every time I play with passion I start breaking strings,
and my voice cracks when I sing from my heart
guess that's the price I've got to pay to know that I'm alive
this melody is tearing me apart

Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Thursday, February 7, 2008 4:21 PM


That's amazing, alliethorn
The poem that sprouted
Off the top of you head
But, I suppose
That happens to people
Who don't wash their hair nearly enough
Then don't wash it too well
And stay out in the sun...
Jk, jk, and only a tease
Don't mean for any hurt feelings
But I just couldn't resist

Another relic poem
Relinquished from the layers
Of my past
Shall presented

Pillow of Perfection-
The perfect pillow
That anyone could give me
Would be furry
Soft, warm
Cuddly and cute
And it wouldn't run on batteries or electricity
Have you guessed what it would be?
A cat, of course


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, February 8, 2008 10:14 AM


No offence is taken, Riverflan,
That was merely my suposistion,
That folks would see this morbid side,
And not think as well of me-
Not care's I, or you, says I,
But these people know people with
The Asylum!


and every time I play with passion I start breaking strings,
and my voice cracks when I sing from my heart
guess that's the price I've got to pay to know that I'm alive
this melody is tearing me apart

Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Friday, February 8, 2008 10:27 AM


Posted elsewhere October 25th, 2007:

Been digging through old stuff since there is little else to do. Found this one from December 7th, 2005. Most folks know this as Pearl Harbor Day but it also happens to be the birthday of the man I consider to be my father.

Soul Shaken World
Crashing vicious
Equalibrium failed
Flying Wallenda falling
Empty grasp at granite
Ledge speeding by
Popping ear drums
Open for gasps and screams
Flooding on ground floor watching

Sharing the horror
Fallings final moments

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Saturday, February 9, 2008 1:49 AM


Ode to a Distant Star

We're so far away, we're too far apart,
Beyond what the radar can see;
But whilst you're within easy reach of my heart,
I wish you were here with me.

Empty the days and lonely the nights,
Overwhelming's my wish to flee
And pounce by surprise and hang onto you tight
For I wish you were here with me.

Don't know what you've been through or who's shared your life
But the next, I wish I could be;
For mutual respite from all our strife,
I just wish you were here with me.

Too much we might worry, too harsh we might natter,
Truthsome, it never comes free;
Just know that to my mind, no way it can matter -
I still wish you were here with me.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Saturday, February 9, 2008 5:28 AM


I wish to thank the browncoats for all they've said and done;
to keep alive the dream, the hope, the vision and the fun.
For I had lost the long-ago, passion of my past;
The pictured stories of a future that could come to pass.
We are so brief upon this globe, our time and lives do end;
What mark, what trail, advice or hope could we recommend?
Our lives are often filled with pain and loss and sadness too.
Too often life is just one giant steaming nasty pile of poo.
Without our loves and passions there would be no art to say,
Keep the hope - stay the fight - we HAVE to win - one day!
I could see no hope, no happiness upon that distant shore;
Until I found "Serenity" and then, and then, so much more.
What a wonder! What a jewel! How could this have gone by;
Without my full attention? How I miss more Firefly!


Saturday, February 9, 2008 6:52 AM


RF, I think we've created a monster
But in this thread we've safely ensconced her.

My ex could never seem to get her fill o'
Her friend's stuffed kitty pillow;
But methinks that doesn't hold a candle
To a warm little package of fur and purr that has a tail instead of a handle.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Saturday, February 9, 2008 7:06 AM


At least this monster
Isn't eating us
And we have it
Safely locked up
In this thread

Speaking of which
Another couple of poems I have
Sort of relate to this subject
So here they are-

Can be a wonderful thing
But terrible too.
You can take yourself
To a fantastic land
And meet
Wonderful creatures
Like unicorns
And others
That only you can imagine.
But having a good imagination
Also means
That your nightmares
Are unbearably real
And you feel all the horror
As vampires suck your blood
Werewolves eat you alive
And dragons
Incinerate you.
So be careful
And don't let your
Wander too far
For you never know
What might try to steal it.

Two Sides of the Ocean:
The ocean
So deep and fathomless
Host to so many creatures
Unrelenting and unforgiving
Just as deadly
As any jungle.
At any shark
Or a giant squid
Sucking the life
Out of it's prey
And that
Will prove my point.
But don't get me wrong
The ocean
Can be beautiful too.
Just look
At a pod of dolphins
Playing happily.
The ocean
Is very beautiful
Just remember
To be careful
While visiting.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Saturday, February 9, 2008 9:45 AM


Two poems' worth of good advice
Regarding things that may entice.
Or terrify, if we're not cearful:
Of them it's best we don't be fearful.

Not all monsters of the ocean
Can initiate their own motion.
In two months, there's an anniversary
On which I won't be quite so tersary:
A steel sea monster met her end
In verse her story shall then be penned.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Sunday, February 10, 2008 7:37 AM


And quote I, Steamer
That's quite a thing,
A monster in the sea, of steel,
And what story is this schpeil?

Is it Nemo, back from the grave,
Or is it Nessie with armored sides?


and every time I play with passion I start breaking strings,
and my voice cracks when I sing from my heart
guess that's the price I've got to pay to know that I'm alive
this melody is tearing me apart

Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Sunday, February 10, 2008 12:13 PM


Nay, I'm thinking not so much
Nessie, Nautilus, nothing such.
Sixty-two years, ten months past
She went down fighting to the last.
But with a glimpse of the next two centuries
We've not seen the end of her adventuries.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Monday, February 11, 2008 1:34 AM


Ok, RiverFlan, once more unto the breach. :) A small Firefly poem I wrote, and edited a bit on for the occasion, shortly after I first saw Firefly.

Be All My Love Remembered

If I were but a Firefly,
And you were River Tam,
For you my soul would glow!
To be a shiny haven in the sky
For you to safely go.

And should I find you broken,
The first thing I will do,
Is listen on that day;
Just to hear the words unspoken,
Which speak loudest anyway.

Shiny! is really what I am;
Or for her I want to be.
Thought Love was but a lie.
But now, because of River Tam,
I really want to try.

River, if only you were real;
Or with the power of my verse
I could make it so!
Then I could tell you how I feel!
But... you'd already know.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, February 11, 2008 7:44 AM


Asarian, all's I can say is, Amen, brother!;
Of all my fandom crushes to date, River is the mother.
But alas, we must commiserate and knock back a few beers
Over the fact that she won't be born for another 493 years.
Have to settle for pleasant dreams
Even though I haven't had one in almost a year, it seems;
Unfortunately, it also seems that this poem
Is losing steam even faster than many of my past fandom crushes, so I guess it's time to stow 'em.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Monday, February 11, 2008 7:45 AM


The Downside of R

95 to Vegas
south near sunset
coarse cliff and
canyon brown, red
crimsons deep burning

How fantastic
the burn

Autumn breeze blown
hair tickle lobe
and cheek

Brush away ferris
wheel fright

Allow the world to
rise and fall
rise and fall
rise and fall

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Monday, February 11, 2008 11:17 AM


Aw, poor Steamer, with your messed up ol' head,
Lazing about, with a fear from the bed,
But haste not to dreamless Void,
For there is one thing to know,
That when you dream well, attaboy,
When fields sway green, or fallen angels of snow,
There is always a window into eternity,
A place of bliss and a place of rest,
Where dreams do sway in unison, too,
And all are bought up on the stories of you!


it was in His name that artillery lit the sky on fire
the people sang protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
But the battle raged on......

The Band of the week is... Against Me!
Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:53 PM


Pretty quiet
In this thread
Let's not let it
Get too dead!

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Wednesday, February 13, 2008 3:16 PM


She's not in the truck
Hershey bar left on dashboard
Losing stone resolve

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008 4:40 PM


Dead, DEAD? Pray, don't mess with my head!
Who said we could die, who said that we'd try?
We're Browncoats, see, and poetically inclined-
Dieing is someat we'd never do,
Something truer was never through
Print and page a made to say,
And even when I've worked five hours today,
I still have wit enough to meet my mine
Head to head, thought to thought,
With this computer of mine!

Just victims of the in-house drive by;
They say "Jump", you say "How high?"


it was in His name that artillery lit the sky on fire
the people sang protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
But the battle raged on......

The Band of the week is... Against Me!
Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Friday, February 15, 2008 3:37 PM


While we keep track of those nasty objects in space
Between thoughts of Jayne ever joining the human race
We watch Simon worry to death over his sister River
And we can only stand back as Wash gets a stake in his liver
It is not us, but Mal, who holds it together with the Alliance in his face


Sunday, February 17, 2008 2:11 PM


But of course it was Mal,
In the face of great danger,
Who held together all the crew,
And two thousand souls who can't leave Serenity,
Seperate, yet united, in the face of enemies
Both old and new; Reavers, Alliance too,
Some old Browncoats who haven't a clue.
All these and more, in the past and before,
Has vanquished begun, the setting of suns
A thousand leagues from Home


And together there
In a shroud of frost, the mountain air
Began to pass from every pane of weathered glass
And I held you closer than anyone would ever get

Do you remember the JAMC?
And reading aloud from magazines
I don't know about you but I swear on my name they could smell it on me
I've never been too good with secrets.

The Band of the week is... Death Cab for Cutie
Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:47 PM


Now here's a quickee
To make up for my absence
For I was grounded
From my computer, you see
I managed to get
A half hour here
Because I managed to make
The 'rents happy
But other than that
I fear
You shall not see me
For a while after this
So off I go
To catch up
On all the other things
That have happened here


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 2:41 PM


RiverFlan!! I was a bit worried
That not only was your time on our website limited, but a bit too hurried.
It saddens the heart to hear
That the parental units have imposed limits on your time with the computear,
And for whatever the length of your absence and for whatever reason,
Without your warm and fun and vivacious spirit about to liven up the place, rest assured we'll all be freezin'.
If you feel that whatever is going on has put a dampener on the aforementioned spirit,
Let me know if there's anything I can do to cheer it.
And whenever you can return to the fold,
There'll be enough love, well-wishes, Browncoat kinship and shiny happy welcomes to fill Serenity's cargo hold.

(Do take good care, xiao mei-mei. We'll miss ya.)

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7:41 AM


Sorry 'bout the unfortunate groundage RF.

Dreamy floating life
Cannot believe thirty days
Is all that it takes

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Thursday, February 21, 2008 12:38 PM


Another jump
To my computer
They don't know of this usage
But I don't care
So, another visit
To keep ya'll company
And then
Off again
Flitter flutter
Like a butterfly
Bouncing along
In the woods
Where I hope
To see a clear path.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, February 21, 2008 2:03 PM


Constantly cursing carnivorous claws
still they follow and bite hard
into my haunches

After strong shaking
more running for my jungle queen
who will fend them off
with mere cunning and smiles

You can all bite my ass!
I say to my pursuers
For it belongs to her
And against her you cannot win!

Gots mad skillz, loves playing with matches.


Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:17 AM


Far from the stark trees and fields of the day
and out of the time that is kind to the few
the man-shape of iron lies long since the fray
unbroken yet stirred in dark spatters of dew.
Fully awake now, disappearing in thought
of past left behind in the flick of a whim
iron man feels the beckoning emptiness wrought
by dreams shaken, ashen and no longer dim.
Heart matters none to the cold and hard world
where hearth and home nestles far out of sight
but not out of mind and its longings unfurled
like that long-ago standard proved not worth the fight.
Mutterings subtle now make themselves known
of that which no iron is able to feel
organ-tones cold, hard, unyielding as stone
in endless confines wrought of wind, wood and steel.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Saturday, March 8, 2008 4:59 AM


I'm here! I'm back!
And this time for good
Or, at least, 'till
I get grounded again
But, for now
I'm here to stay

So, what's happening?
Anything new and exciting?
I have been thinking
About a change or two
But I love my avatar
And my signature too
So I just don't know
What to do

Oh, a thought
Just struck me
Like a flash of lightning
I won't tell
But soon you'll see
Off to impliment
This new and exciting change


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Saturday, March 8, 2008 6:10 AM


Happy dance to
Fiddle and flute
RiverFlan is
Back en route
With fellow Flans -
This calls for....

*hugs RF* Welcome home!

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Saturday, March 8, 2008 6:25 AM


Thankee Steamer
For your warm welcome
Makes me feel all
Warm and fuzzy
And yes, I am RiverFlan
I just changed the name
Because I was bored

It really was about time
I've had the same alias
For about seven months now
Normally, online
I change my alias
Once a week!






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