Poets Unite!

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 07:36
VIEWED: 10293
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Saturday, March 8, 2008 8:38 AM


A Shiny change, LP,
Whom used to be River,
But a thought that has struck me,
The likes to make of me shiver;

Why is it, pray tell,
That your name,
What is chosen,
Spins a tale of a Leopard,
Which a-feared the heart, makes it frozen-
Why the cat?
Why not a Hat?
Or one with a Moustache?


Who controls the past now controls the future
Who controls the present now controls the past
Who controls the past now controls the future
Who controls the present now?

Now testify
It's right outside our door
Now testify
It's right outside our door

The Band of the week is... Rage Against the Machine
Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Saturday, March 8, 2008 9:17 AM


Why choose the leopard?
Because the mighty feline
Is within my soul.

The leopard
Lying in wait
High above
In the leaves
Of a tree
The leap down
Upon the helpless prey
A bite
Crushing the neck
Ending the stuggle.

Powerful and sleek
Strikes as quickly as lightning
Queen of her kingdom.

An edit, here:
I have changed
The title of this thread
Using Steamer's idea
For this thread
Has grown
And could well prove
To become a series
And, a series of threads
Has to have
A common name,
Don't they?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:28 AM


A post, a post
Where has everyone gone?
Have you all become
Derelict ghosts?

We must not let
This thread die
Even if
It is only I
Who will revive it
From time to time


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, March 9, 2008 10:34 AM


Yes, silence in this thread while you were away was a bit of an issue,
But I think it probably speaks to how much we missue.
I did my level best to keep it alive,
And while it didn't exactly thrive,
At least there was no utter lack of imagination
To decrease the time needed for pagination.
And yowzee! I never would have even caught the title edit
Had you not said it.
But friends, Browncoats, countrymen, it goes without saying that life is unfair
(He preached to the choir as they all fixed him with a collective no-shit-Sherlock sort of stare),
So instead of less talking and instead being terse,
Why not put it into verse?
Doesn't have to be steeped in lightness or darkness
Or anapestic or iambic or richness or starkness.
Or rhyme, for all I care;
Whatever you find easier to bear.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Sunday, March 9, 2008 10:52 AM


Swirligigs and gigs of swirl
A whirl, a turn and a twirl
A bit of friendly nonsense
While I try to make a story make sense
Yes, I'm giving this rhyming gig a try
Just don't fall over and, of shock, die
Would I rhyme that with an "oud" or an "ol"?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Monday, March 10, 2008 3:44 PM


And yet another bump
While wondering
Has everyone been digested
Into some giant lump?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:42 AM


If there is indeed a giant lump, it feels like one exists in my brain pan.
This evening at work, you see, didn't make me any more of a migraine fan.
I already felt one coming on even before I reported
Which progressed quicker and quicker the more tank cars I sorted;
Of stress levels and cold dry air it was probably indicative
And as the night wore on it made me altogether sickative.
Right now I can't think of nearly enough words
To express the total tonnage of my contention that this nighttime railroading fei-hua is for the birds.
So, in the hopes that reading the work of a fellow poet
Will do away with the headache before I knoet,
LF, I have to say it gave me a smile
To see you go the extra rhyming mile.
You could probably rhyme "Lololol" with an "ol" if you really wanted to give a new height of geekiness a berth,
For if you ask me, the geek shall inherit the earth.
But right now it's almost 7 AM and the geek needs to go to bed
And hopefully sleep off the migraine before it implodes his head,
For that would not be pleasant for the next couple of free days otherwise affording
Several euphoric hours of snowboarding.
But hey! Folks! Let's see some more verse already!
Let's see this thread get more....well....thready!

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Tuesday, March 11, 2008 11:53 AM


I'm glad that you've gotten a smile extra
For I see (read?) that you sorely needed it
Hmmm... now I'm slightly stuck
For I don't know what would rhyme with "it"
Oh! I know! Let's make a mention of Cousin It!
And, of course, include the rest of the family too
For the wonderfully wacky things they do.

But, alas, I must scurry
Flitter, flutter, and flee
So adios, my friend
And see you next time around the bend.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:48 PM


I shall be working extra hard to keep this thread alive
So every day, in I shall dive
And bump this thread, whether anyone likes it or not
Though it would really be nice for some company (even a love-bot *lol*)

And Steamer, I hope you will be able to have fun
On your snowboarding trip
Also, I envy you your skill
For if I tried to snowboard
Why, I would do a flip!
(literally. painfully literally)


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008 3:37 PM


Even though loading the site
Seems to be taking all night,
This is me keeping you company
And aiding in the thread bumpany
In the hopes that we might entice some more of the poetical types to return
Before the sea might boil and the land burn.
While everybody else is jabbering about 10,000 B.C.'s
Comparability to mastodon feces,
It's interesting you mention the family Addams
For it brings back such fond memories of dressing as Uncle Fester when I was in eighth grade and the movie was all the faddums.
Thank you for your well-wishes for my ventures snow-encrusted;
I am pleased and joyed to report that I made it to the bottom of the mountain without anything busted
Which is a far cry from the first act
When I was fortunate to make it to the bottom of the practise trail with my skull intact.
Not a one of us ever made it to double-diamond cruising
Without a little bit of initial bumping and bruising,
And the fact is it wasn't all that long ago that I undertook it
But today marked the first time that I was really able to book it.
How goes the story - fit for the eyes?
Do we get to watch how it soars, or glides, or flies?
Much as you one day might
When that inevitable day arrives when your writing will surely take flight?

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Wednesday, March 12, 2008 4:06 PM


Well, as for the writing
I must say, it isn't flighting
I can't get the words out of my clumsy head
Why, it's as if I'm dead!

I really am trying, as best I can
But even being an avid flan
Cannot make me into a writer
Any more than I could produce a purr!

It's not fit for eyes to see
And if it were on paper, I'd surely burn to a bit
But I shall continue on it
And maybe it will be able to earn a B!


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, March 13, 2008 7:19 AM


Well, if you care for a few bits of advice about writing
It's well worth it to keep fighting;
Whether it's fanfic or poetry or professional novel, not a word of it ever got printed
Without the author first-drafting, reviewing, revising, getting a little bit of constructive criticism here and there until every word was carefully and finely minted.
And mei-mei, never fear
That's why I'm here,
To lend you a hand wherever it's needed
Till you fully and truly feel that you've got something good enough to be readed.
I loved writing Star Wars fanfic back in the dewy grass of my youth,
But looking back through it and even daring to read it now is akin to pulling out toenail and tooth,
For it was so terrible
That I can't possibly comprehend how my best friend found it at all berrible.
The catch is, I didn't bother with a beta
Until much, much lata
When my writing had seen very little improvement
And for the sake of writing really good Firefly fanfic, finding someone who could read, review and concrit was an obvious behoovement.
So don't worry
And don't hurry
I'm a patient fellow
Just waiting here at the forger's bellow.

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Saturday, April 5, 2008 8:25 PM


When are you thinking of disappearing?
When are you falling off the map?
When the unknown that you're fearing's in the clearing
when your world's gone flat?
When you're waiting for your life to be depicted
and feeling estrangement from escape
when you're packaged up, beautifully scripted
insulated with electrical tape?
When the famous are getting airborne
and the evacuation's underway
and not for all the pot in Rosedale
could you possibly get them to stay?
When a blind eye turns to duty?
When I'm standing here holding the door
saying things like after you, wit before beauty
and okay, maybe there's room for just one more?
When technology fails, forever changes
and hardcore shadows are gone
when what the average age rearranges
is forever certain, forever wrong?
When new adventures in electronics
are making signals pleasing to the ear?
When tubes are cooking up distortion
meaning the end of suffering is near?
When the podium's sprouting weeds
that have been rendered ridiculous by the times
when people have different needs
and time smiles on disciplined minds?
When you're getting king-sized satisfaction
in the turnstiles of the night
from all the shaky pale transactions
and all the heartache in your social life?
When are you thinking of disappearing
when there's nothing but heartache in your social life?

Nothing But Heartache In Your Social Life
~ G. Downie

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Friday, April 18, 2008 9:55 AM


Let's bump this thread
Revive it
I shall not give up on it
Until I am dead

As for the fanfic, Steamer, I have to say
It's an impossibility for me
I cannot write River
Or any other character
I can't write
In another's universe


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009 7:36 AM


Why are diamonds a girl's best friend?
It's known to her alone;
When your three-month card you omit to send
In favour of the phone,
Promise is as promise is
Like happiness fulfilled,
But just ask the doubting Thomases
Whose blood was almost spilled.

Is diamond really the hardest rock
That's known to humankind?
Oh no, a block of hardier stock
Can any wuman find,
The trouble being, she too soon turns
The accusing on her man,
Who's caught off guard when away his love burns
In fire from frying pan.

Different strokes from different blokes
Might do the job of diamonds -
Just ask the closest of your male folks
Whether Peters, Pauls or Siamonds;
Trying to save in a postwar storm
A love with the best intentions
Can only be done in gemstone form
Or repeated 500-pound benchin's.

What once could be done with a bunch of roses
Or daisies, or zinnias, or tulips,
Tends now to end with broken noses,
Fractured bones or split-in-two lips.
If ever your thoughts wander round the bend
When you feel your spark's apt to die out,
To why diamonds are a girl's best friend -
Why, the better to poke her man's eye out.

Captain of the New England Browncoats






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