The Sereni-Tree: Newcomers and Oldtimers

UPDATED: Friday, August 15, 2008 00:18
VIEWED: 16680
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Saturday, April 12, 2008 6:48 PM


This is Thread 62 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, telling our story and providing links to all such threads:

Early in this link is the very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V7”. This post is a description of the ship.

Next in THIS thread will be a crew list.

Here is a summary of our previous thread, located at:

Our spaceship, Sereni-Tree, had returned to Zanzibar, the magical medieval world of fantasy role players that we had once visited before. We celebrated Christmas, the New Year, and Valentine’s Day in our way.

Down on the surface of Zanzibar, we almost became involved in a plot concerning our bunch of Harry Potter clones, Mai, Bluefishie, her little purple squid-thing pet, Browncoat2007, and some others doing something at Puffenstuff’s School of Sorcery, where the headmaster (a huge dragon) had been put into a magical sleep and replaced by an evil sorcerer.

But we didn’t. Nobody seemed too interested in that plot. Oh, well. And I even threw in some flying monkeys!

Also, Bride5, with the help of a new giant friend, built the first Zanzibarbarian golf course.

Jadehand hovered for months over a tranquil Zanzibarbarian sea in his shuttle the Ocean Cloud.

During this thread we met a number of new people: Invictus12, LeopardFlan, Mobbex, Oram, and Tatertot. We also saw the return of some old friends who had been missing for a very long time: Ebonezer, Malicious, Monkeytail, TheManInBlack, and ThatWeirdGirl (or at least her disembodied hand).

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, April 12, 2008 6:49 PM



Under active crew I have put everyone who has posted something since around the time of Christmas. I shuffled others off to the MIA list.

If I have missed crew or if anyone would like to change my one-line description of them, let me know. There is always the possibility that some missing folks have just been sleeping in their quarters for the last dozen threads, or perhaps they have been placed in the secret cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat.

The Active Crew and Passengers of the Sereni-Tree

Bluefishie: Often just wanders around. Has pet blue fishies and a pet squid-thing. Power: “Magic” marker.

Browncoat2007: A 5'6" brown haired, brown eyed college kid, joined at the very end of Mai-Quest3. A merc. Powers: Calling forth his dufflebag from thin air; rapid regeneration; "Browncoat fury".

Ebonezer aka Ebo (Commodore): Exuberant, impulsive; nest under the pool table where she is often in hibernation; Power: speaks to any creature. Drops in every nine or ten threads to see how we are doing. Now able to hang naked from a chandelier.

Invictus12 New crewmember picked up at Zanzibar.

Jadehand aka BlackJackRackham aka EVERYBODY! (Brewer and Gunner) : Power: nametags of shapeshifting, which allows him to become anyone, at a price! Brought aboard after Mai-Quest 2.

Jake7 (Gunner): Volunteers for all the hard missions; enjoys a game of pool. Power: gadget that projects force fields and grants night vision.

LeopardFlan New crewmember picked up at Zanzibar.

Mai (Cruise Director / Tour Guide): Not an attack-and-kill kind of girl; has pet dinosaur Frederick; sometimes disappears and has to be quested for. Power: light generation.

Malicious aka Mal-licious (Mistress Most High): Regal and self-assured Goddess-Queen; Powers: thread-jacking, charisma, and beauty. Two-time judge and two-time winner of the Sereni-tree’sGala Pageant.

Mobbex New crewmember picked up at Zanzibar.

Monkeytail: Former cabana boy of the Forgotten Not A Guy/Girl Clubhouse. Admits to being a bit lazy. Powers: Jedi powers.

Oram New crewmember picked up at Zanzibar. One-time student of Puffenstuff’s School of Sorcery. Power: Specializes in shapeshifting magic.

Potter-clones: A bunch of Harry Potter clones (perhaps 10) herded by Mai, Bluefishie, and sometimes Seryn. At least one has a wand and sometimes sparkles with magic.

PsychicRiver (Security Deputy): Son of TWG and SimonWho from the future. Just a little crazy; knits. Once took his dad’s TARDIS out for a spin, but has since returned. Powers: telepathy, precognition, telekinesis.

SimonWho (Physician): Helpful, friendly, annoys women he likes; In the future, he and ThatWeirdGirl are the parents of PsychicRiver. Power: Timelord; blue box; can destroy an entire planet (but only an ENTIRE planet, all or nothing).

Tatertot: New crewmember picked up at Zanzibar.

ThatWeirdGirl aka TWG aka the pirate Mad Anne Rackham aka Wildigstart aka The Hand (First Lieutenant and Nelson pilot): Playful and weird; Pepsimilk proponent; with SimonWho, parent of PsychicRiver in the future. Power: Confusion; also shorts out electronics. Departed after the Time of Too Much Peril. Returned during our second visit to Zanzibar as a disembodied hand. Established the “No Dying” rule.

TheManInBlack aka Roberts: Has teleported in and out on occasion, but never stayed long.

TheRealMe aka TRM (Captain): Level-headed, reliable; Powers: inventor, dimensional portals, and space-folding. Rarely, he shows Jedi powers.

The Brides

Bride1 aka Ace: Grim blonde assassin with katana. “Reaverized” by FemaleReaver, slain by Needleseye, cloned and brought back by Doctor SimonWho at the request of the other Brides. Lost an arm during our second battle of wits with the FemaleReaver, but it was replaced by a robotic arm.

Bride2 aka Deuce: Red hair, freckles; impulsive, temperamental; strong, athletic, and tomboy-ish; acrobat. Has pair of katanas. Martial arts student of Jazaf. Youngest Bride.

Bride3 aka Trey (Bartender): Tall woman of African descent. Practical, wise. Looks out for the others. Mixes drinks and deals cards. Eldest Bride.

Bride4 aka Jet (Engineer): Small of stature, dark hair, brave and intelligent, wears glasses. An excellent engineer. Usually keeps to herself down in Main Engineering, pining after TheGreyJedi.

Bride5 aka Quincey aka Quin aka Mei-ling Kuin (Pilot): Beautiful woman of Asian descent; long straight black hair; affects the “glamorous” look; adept at vamping men to get what she wants, fashion conscious. Likes piloting. Has father who is connected with Chinese Tongs and trying to arrange her marriage.

Bride6 aka Bobbie Sue aka Roberta: Giggly and excitable blonde with curly hair; not overburdened with intelligence; does nails; likes frilly and lacy dresses. Collects Barbie dolls, which she greatly resembles. A gun nut after spending some time with Jayne-clone2.

Bride7: Blushing psychotic bride with sarcastic, cutting remarks; files nails; avoids work; good cook; possibly cannibalistic.

Bride8: **See entry under CallMeSerenity.**

The Fairies

The Olympic synchronized flying team of pint-sized fairies, including: Luna, May, Fauna, Merle, Amber, Orla and Tiffany. They wear gowns they make themselves, out of spider silk and faerie glamour. Apparently, they are excellent midwives.

The Black Diamond Yeti

The Yeti live in a snowscape on one of the cargo decks: Assan, Corbin (who recently gave birth), Ervin, Hewitt, Lichna, and SimonYeti (Corbin’s baby, named after our good doctor).

Mechanical, Natural, and Magical Servants, Friends, and Pets of the Sereni-Tree

Aluminum: TRM’s white horse, for when he’s playing at being Sheriff of Serenity County.

Attack Bunnies: Archie and Esme and their ever-expanding brood, pets or companions of Seryn, but being handed out to whoever wants them. Probably wherever Seryn is.

Automops: A modern convenience devised by Mai.

Baby3000 aka CallMeCharles aka CallMeCharlise aka CallMeChucky: Evil robotic “practice baby” once acquired by Serenity and Soul before the birth of Seraphina. It was destroyed (twice!) Pieces were in the possession of Hewitt the Yeti until the FemaleReaver hunted him down and took them. Current whereabouts of CallMeChucky are unknown!

The Black Ribbon: MontanaGirl’s magical protective black ribbon kept in a glass of Pepsi. Probably still with MontanaGirl.

Blue Fishies: Pets of Bluefishie. Have a three-storey floor to ceiling aquarium in the Sereni-Tree’s water park.

Cats: PsychicRiver’s cat Annabelle and Mai’s cats.

Dale, the Intimidator Ferret: Montanagirl’s friend, who takes revenge on those who disparage NASCAR. Probably wherever Montanagirl is.

DRDs: An unknown number of programmable Diagnostic Repair Drones, presumably built long ago by TheGreyJedi and directed by Jet.

Doris the Goat: A talking goat brought aboard by Wisp. Probably with Schwartz the Llama.

The Ebo Golem: The Effigy of Ebo, magically animated by TRM; lost an arm after the Boros Incident. Very strong, but not sentient. Sort of falling apart, now.

Frederick the Dinosaur: A pet brontosaurus picked up in the Land of the Lost by Mai during Mai-Quest1. Resides in the Sereni-Tree’s “This Land” game reserve, park, and miniature golf course.

Kissies: Numerous pokemon-ish emoticon creatures which spread affection everywhere; also they have medicinal properties.

The Malicious Golem: A magical construct fashioned out of living mercury by SimonWho and TheRealMe and resembling our own Mistress Most High in appearance and attitude.

MollytheParrot: The cutest baby parrot ever! A creature cloned from Cozen’s one-time mouthpiece, Black Jack Silver.

Nugget, the Meteor Troll: Emma’s friend, a large and brutish creature with some affection for TRM.

Piffleponies: Everyone wants a pifflepony, deep down. Piffleponies include: Patience, Prudence, Penitence, Ororo, Shadowfax, two mothers, four foals, among others.

The Pillow CageyBee: The golem created by CageyBee of fabric and stuffing; not seen for a long time.

Schwartz the Llama: Cozen’s pet or companion. Probably busy consuming Serenity’s garden.

Shadow: NoSkillz's tiger companion, not to be confused with the little girl from Boros. Probably with NoSkillz.

Snarky: A robot built by ScorpionRegent, stronger than Sparky; takes the Three Laws of Robotics as guidelines only. Probably with ScorpionRegent, wherever he is.

Sparky, The Mechana-Cabana-Boy 3000, Mark II: a robot built by TRM. Follows the Three Laws of Robotics too precisely.

Squid-thing: A little purple creature that follows Bluefishie around.

On Ice (known to have been put into cryogenic suspension):

Krysten Renae: An Alliance soldier who fell in combat during the Boros Incident. McQ’s love from when he was fully human. Put on ice by River-clone during the confusion of that time.

Departed, Missing In Action, Stored in Cryo, Occasional Visitors, Treehouse Dwellers, and the Unknown

13: Thirteenth out of the twenty-one chicken-men chimeras created by the Immortal Alatariel the Lurker; has lots of outlandish gadgets of magical nature. Rides a pegasus. Not known to be currently on board our ship.

CallMeAth aka Ath (Former Pilot): Brother of CallMeSerenity. With Lissa, creator of the kissies; Powers: pyro-kinesis, predictive parrying, and bat wings. Rarely, he shows Jedi powers (but then he usually turns into his dark alter ego, Darth Ath).

CallMeSerenity aka Serenity aka Bride8 (Gardener): Ath’s sister; built greenhouse in cargo bay; Parent of baby angel Seraphina (with husband Soul); Skilled with katanas. Power: flight via blue-white angelic wings.

CastIronJack: Associate of SafeAt2nd.

Citizen: A businessman of Boros brought to the Sereni-Tree after the Boros Incident. Has connections and an impressive armory. Recently found in Westworld during Mai-Quest 3, but gone again.

Cozen aka The Infinite Goof: Kidnaps women and subjects them to pleasurable torture in his “Stockholm Suite”; Power: insect and clone creation / control. Has pet llama, Schwartz.

Elwoodmom (Mom): Knows what is best for us; occasionally stops by to give advice; Powers: “eyes in the back of her head”, “knows what you are thinking”, “knows where you left things”, and other “Mom” powers.

Emma: Space-going entrepreneur (thief). Owns (stolen) spherical spaceship. Faints at the slightest danger. Missing for a very, very long time.

FemaleReaver: Very dangerous, very intelligent, very clever, very persuasive, very good combat skills. Accidentally created by TRM via a magical wish-granting plank. Escaped on Black Diamond, hurt lots of people, caused the Yeti there to rise in rebellion. She was finally hunted down and squished. However, she was then revived and ran amok on Sereni-Tree, putting us in much peril by sabotaging the ship and hunting us down, one by one. She started stealing our superpowers, but was tricked to taking an unprotected walk in hyperspace, then was seen to fall down to the planet of Reaverworld.

Finn: Seryn’s recently born son, certainly with Seryn.

ItsAWash aka Wash aka Washie (Ship’s Counselor): Empathetic and protective of others. Powers: taps into psychic powers of her room mate, River-clone. Seemingly evaporated one day.

Jazaf aka Sir Jazaf of the Octagonal Order aka the Immortal Jazaf the Metal Beast: Master swordsman, mystery man, Sensei to Bride2; has once mutated arm that MIGHT be fixed now; Powers: metal-shaping. Immortality.

Sir Kei of the Octagonal Order: Cheerful, amazingly strong and tough monster-slayer of Zanzibar; not too bright. Perhaps under the control of the Luc-Monster.

KellyofLuthien (Cook): Red-headed Elf woman. Pleasant, helpful. Powers: Immortality, Elvish magic; wielder of the Ring of Fire Narya and the magic sword Nardol.

LightMeDark aka LMD aka Elemdee (Animal Handler): Tends to remain drunk; Powers: banana powers?? Understands speech and writing of all creatures. Joined just before Mai-Quest 2.

Lissa: With Ath, creator of the kissies; tends to prefer the calmer times (and jacuzzi parties).

McQ, aka “Modified Combat Quarters” and once Alliance soldier Patrick McQwertz: A cyborg, formerly an Alliance experiment. Not big on people skills. Powers: impressive guns, a jet pack with wings that flip out, durable armor, infra-red vision, and other cyborg-ish gadgets. Joined during the Boros Incident.

MontanaGirl (MedAssistant and Vet); Likes Cozen’s kidnapping methods. Likes things to go boom! NASCAR fan. Has ferret friend Dale.

Needleseye (Assistant Engineer): Aquatic carnivorous faerie creature; shapeshifts to monster; creates flowers. Once ate Bride1 when she (Bride1) became too Reaverish.

Needy (Companion): A confused boy whore who sometimes talks to angels only he can see. Power: Indestructible.

Needy’s Angel: Angelic figure resembling Serenity that only Needy can see and hear.

NoSkillz (Security Deputy): A gunslinger. Has a pet tiger Shadow (not to be confused with the girl from Boros).

The Phantom: A ghostly being wandering unseen among the crew. Evaporated during game of pantsless Twister (for you Brits, we mean ‘trouserless’) before it could do any evil. But it might still be around!

Piffle101: Breeder of piffleponies. Shared Piffleranch Mallorn tree with Kelly, Ghost and Shadow. Might still be there.

Rat (Acquisitions Officer / Lee pilot): Troublemaker; messes with things; Powers: inventor, weather prediction, elemental blasts. Missing for some time, but once seen climbing out of the cryo tanks.

River-clone: River-clone seemed to be back from the dead after a part-ghostly existence, but she disappeared when FemaleReaver was running amok aboard the ship. Powers: a mind-reading genius with a leaky brainpan.

Safeat2nd: A pilot and former Alliance officer who objected to certain brutal orders from his superiors. Departed Sereni-Tree with Dagger’s crew to look for his old buddy CastIronJack. Took ISSCV dropship with him. Currently absent from Sereni-Tree.

ScorpionRegent (Engineer): Red-headed pirate formerly with Nell’s crew. Very competent fighter and sniper. An engineer. Friendly with Jet. Getting romantic with Seryn. Powers: Appears and disappears from nowhere with time shifts throughout the multiverse; Piratey Angst. Joined around the time of Mai-Quest 2.

Seraphina aka Sera: Baby daughter of Soul and Serenity. Has cute little angel wings.

Seryn aka VoodooNell (Nandi and Bonaparte pilot; hanger mechanic?): Restored the Nandi to full operation. Recently gave birth to Finn, assisted by the Faeries. Has bag of holding and trained attack bunnies. Power: Shapeshifting. Joined us during Mai-Quest2.

Shadow and Ghost: Orphans and stow-aways. A rather young pair of sisters picked up from Boros. Grew up in a bad home situation.

SoulofSerenity aka Soul aka Groom8? (Former Security Chief): Willing to sacrifice self for friends. Archer with trick arrows. Parent of baby angel Seraphina (with wife Serenity); Power: Desolidification.

Static (Former Pilot): No-nonsense guy; Gunslinger; Powers: piloting; combat with blade and gun.

TheGreyJedi aka TGJ aka Grey (Former Chief Engineer): Loner tech-priest; Powers: MacGuyver-like scrounging and inventing; angelic Jedi powers. Returned during Mai-Quest-3 for a short time after more than a dozen threads away. Has a big mecha. Built the starship Sereni-Tree.

WashsYoungerSexierBrother aka Wisp: Young sexy fellow picked up from Garrison. Very driven tough guy. Brought along Doris the Talking Goat.

Windmill Giants: A few shrunken giants from Black Diamond, including Rat’s friend Wendel. Quietly dumped on Zanzibar during our second visit there, since they have not figured in a plotline since the time that the Cozen Star Cluster was destroyed.

XanderLHarris aka Xander aka Ash (Former Security Deputy): Powers: two heads; Shindig goddess.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, April 12, 2008 6:58 PM


After the queasiness of the hyperspace transition wears off, TheRealMe addresses the crew and passengers of Sereni-Tree

"WELL! Greetings! It seems that we have some new faces here. Please, tell us something about yourselves!

"Also, we have a great number of our old friends who have been missing that have returned, some from our very first thread, including our Fearless Leader Ebonezer who made the very first post in the very first thread. Welcome back!

"We will be together during our week-long journey through hyperspace to our next destination. If you'd like something to eat, the kitchen is that way. There is the bar, where our bartender Trey can get you a drink. If you like swimming, our water park is through that set of doors, and for video games or DVD watching, well, that's over there. Finally, there is the pool table, but be sure to clear it with the Commodore before you use it. Her nest is underneath!"

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:12 AM


Well, I'm one of the newcomers, so hi!

I'm a pyromaniac, but not into arson much, so don't worry about that (much). I have a leopard, a couple of foxes, a firebird, and an ocelot as pets. Often wacky and weird.

I also have a pack of robots (I think I have seven of them), that are extremely slow and tend to take orders very literally, and aren't exactly flexible when it comes to changes in plan. These robots actually killed Mobbex, but I still hold that it was all MSB's fault.

Oh, and I'm now an ice dragon, on account that I was dumb enough to go to Antarctica, I ended up being a frozen chunk, and an ice dragon ate me, but was nice enough to give me a new bod. I can't speak using this new mouth, but apparently ice dragons are telepathic, so that's why this sounds a little weird.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:31 AM


Hi Leopard!

Right, we've got a whole week to reach our destination, we need to get ourselves prepared, focus ourselves, sharpen our reactions. As a doctor, I can prescribe only one thing.

Wii Mario Kart tournament!


Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:53 AM


Oooh whatz that?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 6:12 AM


Hi there! In case you haven't noticed, I'm a puddle of translucent goo locked up in a crystal jar, and if one of you would be so kind as to set me free, well I'd be much obliged.

Thanks ^_^


Sunday, April 13, 2008 6:38 AM


*opens the jar and pours Mobbex out* There ya go, you're free


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:13 AM


*As soon as LeopardFlan unscrews the lid, the jar spews out sparks and purple smoke. The smoke then condenses into a rangy, long-haired young man.*


*turns and crushes the jar to smithereens*

*laughs manically* Yeah, that'll teach you! GNARF! Stuff me in a jar for over a thousand years... GNARF! Just wait until I get my mitts on your descendants!

*turns back toward LF* Huh, sorry about that ^_^

I'm Ometochtli, the aztec god of debauchery and leader of the of the four hundred rabbit gods of drunkenness. Pleased to meat you!


Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:49 AM


*munches on the crystal shards*

Hmmm... not cold enough, but otherwise tasty. Delightfully crunchy.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 7:16 PM


TheRealMe raises an eyebrow.

"I see. So we have an ice dragon and some kind of Aztec god. Well, that's rather... unique. Welcome!

"Oh, I should mention that we have had at least two other gods among our crew. There is, of course, Malicious, our Mistress Most High, who is the goddess of charisma and beauty. Also, there is Ash, also known as XanderLHarris. She is the goddess of shindigs and... ummm... has two heads."

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 7:19 PM


Bluefishie suddenly thinks, “I want some ice cream.” She goes off to the kitchen, opens the freezer, and spoons out a nice bowlful of her favorite. She brings it back to the common room and enjoys it.

After she finishes, Bluefishie thinks, “I want some ice cream.” She looks oddly at the empty bowl. She stands and picks it up, a puzzled expression on her face. She doesn’t think she feels hungry.

As she glances down, Bluefishie sees her pet, the little purple squid thing, staring at her with its human-like eyes and waving all of its tentacles in her direction.

“I want some ice cream!” Bluefishie thinks. “I do! Me!”


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2:51 AM


Well, I'm not completely a dragon. A friend of mine resurected my human body, so now I often jump back and forth between the two See?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, April 18, 2008 9:12 AM


*a moonquake hits the thread*

*sigh* *blows on all the thread* There, it's frozen in place, we won't be bothered like that any more.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, April 18, 2008 10:53 AM


Bloody moons and their quakiness.

Oh, did someone mention ice cream?


Friday, April 18, 2008 11:13 AM


Bluefishie did. It appears she got the amenisia ice cream by mistake, poor thing.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 8:27 AM


"but I don't want ice cream anymore..."

thinks 'but I do!'

Stares at her little squid, now attempting to climb her leg.

"But you do don't you?"

Bluefishie laughs as the squid climbs higher.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 9:20 AM




98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 6:39 PM


The little purple squid-thing squeezes Bluefishie's knee. It makes a weird gurlging noise.

"Yes," Bluefishie thinks. "I want some ice cream!"


Sunday, April 20, 2008 6:55 PM


Ace holds her katana above her head, and glares down, first at Trey sitting on the floor cross-legged, and then at the Hand gripping her leg.

"Want a drink?" Trey asks her casually.

Ace snorts. "Sure!" She sheaths her katana and limps over toward the bar. "Look, Hand!" she says. "Look, this is getting irritating!"

Trey springs up and dashes over to the bar to prepare Ace's favorite drink.

Ace pauses when she passes LeopardFlan. "Dragon, huh? That's a new one. We had a water faerie, once. Heh. She had a loud screech! So, dragon, you want a drink? Trey's buying!" She continues on her way to sit down at a table. Her prosthetic hand whirs and clicks as she flexes its robotic fingers in frustration. "Really, I'm an agent of chaos. Or was." Her blonde hair dances as she tosses back the drink that Trey has brought. "Make it a double!" she croaks.

She leans back and puts her legs up on the table. "Okay, Hand, what's it gonna take to get you to let go?"

Ace, Bride1
Trey, Bride3


Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:23 PM



Yes good idea. Wonder if we still have any of that stuff from the Purple Dimension? Yum.


Monday, April 21, 2008 12:14 AM


*limps over to the refrigerator*


Monday, April 21, 2008 1:36 AM


*spies a barrel of cream*
*breathes on it with her icy breath*
*starts to munch on the icey cream*


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:17 PM


In Sereni-Tree’s Main Engineering:

TheRealMe tries to control the nervousness in his voice as he turns to address the feet of Jet, which are sticking out from under a computer console. “Ahem. Bride4? Is lightning supposed to be shooting out of the top of the main Jump engines?”

The feet under the console squirm a bit. “No. Lightning? Really?”

“That would be bad then?”

“Yes, that’s bad. But there are various levels of bad.”

TheRealMe gulps. “Like that ‘moonquake’ we had a while back?”

“Yes. Vibrations like those are MUCH worse than the lightning. The lightning only means that the Jump engines are strained and are about to explode. Did you find the reference to the phase converter coupling, yet?”

TheRealMe pages through the giant volume of Sereni-tree’s technical specifications as written down by its builder, TheGreyJedi. Jet had made many updates over the intervening years in red as old equipment broke down, new equipment was installed, or circuit pathways were re-wired. She called the book “Grey’s Anatomy”. “Yes, Bride4. Here it is.” TheRealMe shoves the book under the console. The page is covered with complex technical drawings and inexplicable magical runes. TheGreyJedi was not only a gifted engineer, but also a tech-priest and a techno-mage.

Jet drags herself out from inside the computer console to gaze at the page. She adjusts her glasses and brushes back an errant strand of her dark hair. The fact that she is so small is useful for squeezing into tight places.

“Oh, Bride4?”

“Mmmm?” Jet’s attention is still focused on the page before her.

“What DID that ‘moonquake’ signify? Why is it more dangerous than our Jump engines exploding?” At that moment, a bolt of lightning shoots out of the Jump engines and misses TheRealMe by a scant few feet.

Still studying the page, Jet explains. “We were on a ballistic trajectory through hyperspace to our new destination, as determined when we entered hyperspace last week. Now, however, we are overdue for our exit into normal space and our protective fields are starting to collapse. Once they are gone, we will each be exposed to the effects of raw hyperspace and probably be reduced to our component atoms in seconds.”

“Is this problem more sabotage by the FemaleReaver, from back when she was still on board? I thought that you tracked that all down.”

“I thought so too. But it might be possible. Or maybe the engines are just getting old. Remember, Grey didn’t teach me EVERYTHING about his creation before he disappeared.” An image of intense concentration is fixed upon the young woman’s face, but soon she is laughing. She hops up and starts tapping on the console before her, the one with half of its guts carefully extracted and arranged upon the floor. Suddenly, there is another moonquake as Sereni-tree shivers throughout its entire structure.

Jet leans back in her chair, sighs, and closes her eyes for a moment. “Don’t worry, that was me. I had to recalibrate the fields aligned with the ship’s seventh dimensional axis. They were out of alignment.”

TheRealMe looks at the readings on the various engineering consoles around him. “Does that mean that…”

Sereni-Tree shudders again.

“That’s it!” Jet smiles. “We just dropped out of hyperspace. “

The lightning around the Jump engines subsides as the accumulated energy is radiated out to space.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree

Jet, Bride4, Engineer


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:09 AM


*the hand releases her grip. she paces back and forth*

I don't need a new me. I"m fine being a hand. It would be weird to be someone else's hand. Freaky weird. Could be funny though...I'm cool just hanging out with a clone that can escort me. That's all I need.

*plops down on the panel and listens (how's that?) to the engine troubles*

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Friday, May 2, 2008 4:09 PM


*boosts the tree up*


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Monday, May 5, 2008 7:25 PM


In Sereni-Tree’s main engineering.

Jet sighs as she makes the last adjustment on the keyboard. She looks up. “Okay. I think the engine’s main sequencer is all fixed, now.” She finishes collecting the guts of the console that had been carefully displayed on the floor and has put them back inside the workstation. She returns the cover to its back.

“Excellent, as always, Bride4!” TheRealMe says.

“Thanks.” Jet is already making updates in red ink to the Sereni-tree’s schematics.

TheRealMe is feeling uncomfortable and is preparing to depart when his com-link beeps. He activates it and answers, “Hello, this is Me.”

“Yeah. Uh, this is Quincey on the bridge. We seem to have dropped out of hyperspace in the middle of nowhere. There is no star system here. No planet.

“Check the proximity scanner, Bride5. I will come up to the bridge presently.” He waves goodbye to Jet and heads out of the great vault doors.


TheRealMe arrives on the bridge and drops into a workstation. “What have you found?”

Quincey pokes her head down from her place above in the pilot dome. “Large metallic mass. About an hour away after a normal burn. What is it?”

TheRealMe smiles. “It is a space ark, traveling at sub-light speeds between the stars. It is a sort of way station. An interstellar market. Anyway, make docking arrangements, Bride5. You see, in our previous thread we received orders from our Fearless Leader Ebonezer. She wanted to raid a lost ark.”

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, May 12, 2008 8:18 PM


Up in the pilot dome, Quincey concentrates as Sereni-Tree slowly approaches the docking port. She twists the left hand grip slightly, then the right as she nudges the spaceship into the appropriate spot. A series of grappler arms reach out to grab Sereni-Tree and gently guide it into its assigned berth. With a click, the ship is secured. Quincey sighs and leans back, stretching the kinks out of her muscles.

Below the pilot dome, TheRealMe sits in a bridge console, monitoring the docking procedure. “Good job, Bride5. Thank you.” He reaches over to touch a com control. His voice echoes throughout the ship. ”All Hands! We have docked at the space ark. It is a space station. A port of call. Our last, best hope to… shop. Shore leave is granted to the entire crew.”

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree
Quincey, Bride5


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:17 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*the hand releases her grip. she paces back and forth*

I don't need a new me. I"m fine being a hand. It would be weird to be someone else's hand. Freaky weird. Could be funny though...I'm cool just hanging out with a clone that can escort me. That's all I need.

*plops down on the panel and listens (how's that?) to the engine troubles*

Bluefishie comes out of the Sereni-Tree’s kitchen with another bowl of ice cream. She sets it on a table next to where the Hand is pacing. Ace is still sitting at that same table, nursing her latest drink.

The little purple squid thing slithers over to the bowl and climbs up on top of it. It starts slurping the ice cream in the bowl. “Thanks!” Bluefishie, the Hand, and Ace all think.

The Hand is somewhat startled to notice (how?) that the little purple squid-thing is an exact-but-tiny replica of Inola Teg, Eldritch Horror from the Purple Dimension. Inola Teg was encountered so long ago (Thread 6) that few others among the crew would remember her.


Saturday, May 17, 2008 4:13 PM


*goes to get some of this ice cream*
*opens the fridge*
*eyes widen at the enormity of flavors*

How will I ever choose...?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 3:49 AM


Ooo, I think the pink stuff is really good. Or turns you into a monster. I forget. It's basically a 50/50 shot anyway.

*selects mint choc chip then complains about all the little brown bits in it*


Sunday, May 18, 2008 5:24 AM


Wait- if the pink stuff does turn you into a monster, what would happen if a monster ate it?

*leopardflan decides to be on the safe side, and piles up scoops of every flavor she recognizes -and likes- into a huge bowl*

*starts eating* Yum...


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:34 AM


Leopardflan notices that one particular purple-colored ice cream tastes like Leopardflan's favorite taste, whatever that may be.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:37 AM


In TheRealMe’s private quarters, a robot retracts numerous sharp implements back into its arms. Shining surfaces move and form themselves back into hands. “All done, sir.”

TheRealMe stares into a mirror at his new haircut and beard trim. “Excellent! Thank you, Sparky.”

“Do you require any further assistance?”

TheRealMe reaches for the tuxedo draped across his bed. “No, Sparky, I’ll be fine.”

Meanwhile, in the Sereni-Tree’s common room, a number of the ship’s inhabitants are gathering, all dressed in their finest.

Tall and stately Trey, in a black dress that has some slink to it, smiles down at the newly arrived Jet. “Why Jet, honey! You are beautiful! You should come up from Main Engineering more often!”

The small woman smiles self-consciously back at her friend. “I guess I turn out okay once I get the grease and grime cleaned off.” Jet is clearly uncomfortable in her evening gown as she fidgets with her glasses and her hair.

Nearby, Bride7 scowls. “Well, you LOOK okay. But do you know how to act?”

Jet gulps.

Bride7 leans closer. “I mean, have you EVER been to a formal event before?”

Jet blushes as she stares at her toes.

“Or ANY sort of party?”

Bobby Sue smacks Bride7. “Shut up! Don’t be such a meanie!”

Bride7 rubs her shoulder. “Or what, you empty-headed Barbie doll? Or you’ll threaten to shoot me again?”

“Huh!” Bobby Sue turns away in a huff, sending her long curly blonde hair dancing. She is still clutching the urn containing the ashes of her beloved Jayne-clone2. Bobby Sue is wearing her favorite dress, a frilly, lacy, pink thing that is not entirely easy to maneuver in, as she discovers after her quick movement.

“Graceful,” Bride7 smirks as Bobby Sue teeters precariously.

“Am I on time?” The glamorous Quincey glides forward in a short red dress that looks like it was painted on. She is using a practiced walk carefully designed to display her exceptional assets to their maximum effect. Her long straight black hair shines and shimmers as she moves.

“Hmmm,” Bride7 mutters as she examines the new arrival. “I guess she plans to make a couple of extra bucks on the side.”

“Yes, Bride5, you are right on time!” TheRealMe walks in from the West Wing, dressed in his tux. He touches a lapel pin in the shape of the Sereni-Tree’s flag. His voice echoes throughout the ship. “All hands, this is Me. A group of us are about to depart to the space ark Persepolis 8 in order to celebrate the Sereni-Tree’s fourth anniversary! Everyone is invited to this event. Mai? Have you and Bluefishie got the Potter clones dressed yet? Jake7? Doctor SimonWho? Are you coming? Leopardflan, Oram, Mobbex, and any other new crew are invited as well, of course!”

TheRealMe deactivates his com-link and walks across the common room to a table by the bar. “WeirdGirl?,” he says to the Hand. Would you like to join us?” He turns to face the blonde woman still nursing her latest drink. Bride1? You would be welcome, as well.”

Ace tosses back her drink, downs it, and slams the empty glass on the table before her. “No, I’ll just stay here.” There are whirring sounds as she flexes the fingers in her prosthetic hand. The glass shatters and she flinches. “Sorry, Trey!” she calls out. To TheRealMe, she continues, “Maybe I’ll find Deuce and we’ll do some sparring with our katanas. She’s getting to be pretty good in a fight.”

TheRealMe shrugs. “As you wish. Come later if you change your mind.”

Suddenly, an elevator door opens near the bar. A pack of nine-foot tall monsters with white fur walks out. One steps forward. “Ervin come. Ervin come with Yeti. Yeti go to party, too?”

TheRealMe smiles at the Yeti. Each has made some attempt to comb and style their matted fur. Ervin is even wearing the top hat and tie that he used at the last Gala Pageant. “Certainly! Everyone is welcome.”

TheRealMe turns and makes his way back to the center of the common room, leading the Yeti. “Bride4?”

Jet enters a few numbers into the pad on the wall next to the main airlock. The vault-like door slowly swings open and the finely dressed group walks through to attend the Sereni-Tree’s Fourth Anniversary Party.

TheRealMe, Captain of Sereni-Tree
Ace, Bride1
Trey, Bride3, Bartender
Jet, Bride4, Engineer
Quincey, Bride5, Pilot
Bobby Sue, Bride6
Ervin and the Black Diamond Yeti


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 7:26 AM


Holy Cow! Has it been four years already?

Of course I'll be there, TRM!

**jake7 hurriedly showers, does up her hair, and dresses in a flattering (like it would be anything else!) deep blue sparkly gown and carefully puts on her makeup.

She grabs her trusty remote and drops it into her evening bag -- just in case.

She is ready in 45 minutes and meets the group headed by TRM to head to the Ark.**

Ok, I'm ready!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 7:35 AM


Black tie? Oh, I think I might be able to find something suitable in my wardrobe...

And how about a few bottles of champagne from Earth-that-was? I've a splendid Magnum here, from 2267 (a very good year) courtesy of Chateau Picard.

Wait, that's wrong isn't it?

In any case, I'll bring some booze with me. And maybe some jelly too.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 7:46 AM


Bobbie Sue giggles. "Oh, Hi, Doctor!" While still holding the urn, she pulls a large handgun from the folds of her voluminous pink dress. "Hey, I have a magnum, too! See?"

Bobbie Sue, Bride6


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 8:07 AM


TheRealMe smiles and offers his arm to Jake7. "Jake7! I am delighted that you will be joining us. You realize, of course, that of the crew that have posted anything this year, only Ebonezer, Malicious, and ThatWeirdGirl have seniority on you as posters in Thread 1. and they don't seem to be around just now. None of the rest of us who are present even posted in the first two Threads. I assume that you have a speech prepared to kick off the event?"

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:24 PM


LF- Well, I think I know exactly what I'll be wearing... *goes and digs for that one particular dress* Well, it's my only dress, but it's a good one... *leaves the dress on the counter as she takes a hasty shower* *puts the dress on when she gets out and dries herself with a leopard-print towel*

Lf arrives, wearing a slinky halter-top dress, in leopard print, of course. "Do I pass inspection, cap'tn?"


Stan: LF! Stuffed LF!
Stan: That didn't sound right.. sorry. I'm not some psycho taxidermist serial killer or anything.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 5:45 PM



Mai? Have you and Bluefishie got the Potter clones dressed yet?

Yes! All done. Well Almost. For some reason Pete thinks formal wear involves flippers and a scuba mask... I GIVE UP!!!

*gets gussied up in a floaty, sparkly butterfly dress (not real butterflies, mind you, i learned my lesson about that last time.)

*joins the rest of the crew.


Thursday, May 29, 2008 1:56 PM


*emerges from his blue box, resplendent in a white tux, black tie and white flower in his button hole*

Splendid. Shall we party?


Friday, May 30, 2008 8:07 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
TheRealMe smiles and offers his arm to Jake7. "Jake7! I am delighted that you will be joining us. You realize, of course, that of the crew that have posted anything this year, only Ebonezer, Malicious, and ThatWeirdGirl have seniority on you as posters in Thread 1. and they don't seem to be around just now. None of the rest of us who are present even posted in the first two Threads. I assume that you have a speech prepared to kick off the event?"

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree

[OOC: Ok, three days and 10 tries later -- let's see if this finally gets posted!]

**Jake7 reaches out to take TRM's proffered arm and stops dead in her tracks when she hears him mention a speech**

Prepared speech? Oh my, no! I hadn't thought to prepare anything -- I've still been struggling with the realization that this is our fourth year together!

**She ponders a minute then shrugs and says**

Well, I'm not a speech maker, but here goes:

This is (and has been) quite a fun ride! Never guessed in a million years that when I joined Ebo's clubhouse that I would someday be flying through the wilderness of space in a Treehouse!

We've met many strange and wonderful characters (where *are* some of them anyway? Cozen, Rat, Ath, Serenity, and so on) along the way and have created quite a little family out here in the black.

Here's hoping that our adventures don't end anytime soon!

**With that, she takes TRM's arm**

Anyone else have anything to say? If not, let's get to the Ark and have our anniversary party! For once, someone ELSE gets to clean up the mess! ::smile::

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Saturday, May 31, 2008 5:56 AM



Leopardlfan wrote:
LF- Well, I think I know exactly what I'll be wearing... *goes and digs for that one particular dress* Well, it's my only dress, but it's a good one... *leaves the dress on the counter as she takes a hasty shower* *puts the dress on when she gets out and dries herself with a leopard-print towel*

Lf arrives, wearing a slinky halter-top dress, in leopard print, of course. "Do I pass inspection, cap'tn?"

TheRealMe blinks at the stunning Leopardflan before him. “Oh! Ahem! Yes, Leopardflan. You certainly have quite a nice… ah... leopard print. Thank you so much for coming with us. We always like to have new folks join our little family.”

From the group of women ahead, Bobby Sue smiles and waves at Leopardflan! "Hey! Hi! You can sit with us Brides if you like! I'm Bobbie Sue." She displays her urn. "And this is Jayne-clone2!"

Bride7 scowls. "He sort of fell apart one day."

Bobbie Sue pouts, glaring daggers at Bride7.

Bride7 shrugs. "What? Cloning is not an exact science!"

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree
Bobbie Sue, Bride6


Saturday, May 31, 2008 6:00 AM


After hearing Jake7, TheRealMe takes a hanky and dabs the corner of his eye. “Very moving, Jake7! Thank you.” He takes her offered arm and they walk together, falling in behind the Brides and in front of Mai and the Potters (with Pete Potter, still in his scuba mask and flippers, bringing up the rear).

“Simonwho, we are certainly a couple of lucky guys to be surrounded by so many wonderful and lovely ladies!”

“Ervin lucky, too!” the spokesman of the Yeti bellows.

The two female Yeti both roll their eyes.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, June 6, 2008 7:05 PM


At the bar in the Sereni-Tree’s common room, Ace is still drinking, leaning back in a chair, her feet up on a table. Though she seems casual and at ease, her eyes flash this way and that. Her ears strain to catch every sound. She takes another sip of her drink, ready for the coming attack.

High above Ace, a small figure creeps along one of the balconies above the common room, looking down and observing her. Suddenly but silently, the figure jumps over the railing.

As an instant response, Ace kicks down on the table and launches herself into a backflip. As she is turning through the air, she draws her katana with a smooth motion. She lands expertly on her feet, her long blonde hair falling all around her, drink somehow preserved in her other hand. The chair she was sitting in clatters to the floor.

Meanwhile, Deuce plummets down from the balcony, a katana ready in each hand. The small red-headed woman crashes into the table, and it breaks her fall as it collapses. Deuce dodges one sword thrust by Ace, and parries another. Deuce performs her own backflip and stands ready.

Ace laughs. “Not bad, pup. You’re getting better. This time, you almost made me spill my drink.”

Deuce smiles. She takes a breath as if to answer. Then she charges.

"Bring it on," Ace says as she parries with one hand and sips her drink with the other.

Ace, Bride1
Deuce, Bride2


Monday, June 9, 2008 9:10 AM


*watches the altercation with glee*

It's not really a party till there's a good fight. With katanas. Um...

Remember ladies, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye. Or a hand.


Thursday, June 26, 2008 8:17 AM


**OOC: Hello! (the sound echoes) Where is everyone?***

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Thursday, June 26, 2008 8:35 AM



Originally posted by jake7:
**OOC: Hello! (the sound echoes) Where is everyone?***

The Wytchtakers Guide has this to say on the subject of missing persons:

Over the centuries the list of the missing includes siblings, pets, lovers, husbands, wives, dinosaurs and aircraft - even apparently omniscient deities.

Since the missing are only very rarely found - this has lead to speculation that underlying esteem issues prevent successful recovery - in essence, as Zatboi from Overthair has been quoted as saying; "What if the the missing people are just somewhere more interesting? would we really want to know?"

An authorized plaque on the Alliance training moon of Jalopppi reads: Remember pilots, to lose one spacecraft is an accident - to lose two seems like carelessness.


Friday, June 27, 2008 6:17 AM


Jake7! I am here. And Wytchcroft? It is wonderful to have you back with us!

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, June 27, 2008 9:22 AM


**OOC: Ah! TRM, glad you're here! I wondered what happened to everyone when there hadn't been a post for a few weeks! Sadly, I just am no good at coming up with plot stuff, so I wait for someone to write something that sparks an idea in my head.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."






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