Young actors with promise...

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Sunday, August 16, 2009 6:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I like to notice young actors and make bets with myself on ones I think will go somewhere.

Hanks was a surprise, as were Carrey, Steve Martin and Robin Williams. BIG Williams fan, especially as I live in the Bay Area, but I was real impressed when he took on Deat Poet's Society and Awakenings;

Modine looked promising but became to quirky;

a bit of me died when River Phoenix self-destructed, I thought there was REAL promise there;

Timothy Hutton went virtually nowhere;

Brad Pitt has, in my opinion, only "half" lived up to his promise;

Matthew Broderick looked promising (or maybe just cute), but failed and ended up probably happier on stage.

Has anyone else played this game with themselves, and if so, who did you choose to watch, and did they live up to their promise or not?


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:06 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I like to notice young actors and make bets with myself on ones I think will go somewhere.

Hanks was a surprise, as were Carrey, Steve Martin and Robin Williams. BIG Williams fan, especially as I live in the Bay Area, but I was real impressed when he took on Deat Poet's Society and Awakenings;

Modine looked promising but became to quirky;

a bit of me died when River Phoenix self-destructed, I thought there was REAL promise there;

Timothy Hutton went virtually nowhere;

Brad Pitt has, in my opinion, only "half" lived up to his promise;

Matthew Broderick looked promising (or maybe just cute), but failed and ended up probably happier on stage.

Has anyone else played this game with themselves, and if so, who did you choose to watch, and did they live up to their promise or not?

River Phoenix was a great actor. Such a shame. Dogfight is one of my favorite films.

Timothy Hutton was great in Ordinary People. I expected more from him as well.

Brad Pitt. Great actor, but his roles are usually 50/50. Half his movies are really good, and the other..blah.

To be honest I always thought Tom Hanks was a mega star. I love all his movies.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:59 PM


With Carrey, not sure if you meant to reference from Living Color, but I first saw him in Ace Ventura and thought he was going somewhere.

Also thought Courtney Cox in Ace Ventura showed promise.
I liked Nic Cage since The Boy in Blue.
I had hoped Jill Schoelen had gone farther. A recent review for her role in Phantom of the Opera said it faltered because she seemed far too intelligent to fall for the Phantoms tricks.
When Star Wars was coming out with the pre-trilogy, I was thinking of who should play Queen Amidala - I conjured Liesel Mathews, Lisa Jakub, Natalie Portman, a few others I don't recall now.
I enjoyed David Walls in Braveheart and have enjoyed everything he's done since then. Same with Brendan Gleason.
Jessica Biel in Ulee's Gold showed promise.
Sandra Bullock in The Bionic Showdown held hope.
Thought Jennifer Connelly had promise in Hot Spot, Career Opportunities, and Rocketeer, then later Mulholland Falls and Inventing the Abbotts further endorsed my opinion.
Also enjoyed Will Patton in Inventing the Abbotts.
Thought Jennifer Aniston was hot in Leprachaun and hoped she did more work.
Brad Pitt's role in Thelma & Louise didn't seem like much, but he seemed to make the most of it.
Really disappointed Jan Smithers didn't do more, and apparently many others felt the same.
Of all the 21 Jump Street kids, that Johnny guy didn't jump out at me.
Joel Haley Osment looked promising in Forrest Gump.
Loved Michael Richards in all his work, I think UHF was one of the first I saw him in, too bad he got stuck on that one show as Kramer.
Enjoyed Nicole Kidman in Dead Calm, and hoped she did more.
Some guys named Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards, Tim Robbins, Tom Cruise, Michael Ironside, Tom Skerritt and Meg Ryan showed promise in Top Gun.
Katie Holmes in Ice Harvest made me want more.
Really hoped Liesel Matthews did a lot more after The Little Princess, but apparently she has too much money to deal with.
After The Professional, hoped for more from Jean Reno and Natalie Portman, Danny Aiello, but Gary Oldman kept going as well.


Monday, August 17, 2009 6:45 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

...lotta material there to work from!!

Well, you were way ahead of me on Carrey...I HATED him until he did Truman Show, then when he followed it with "The Majestic" I was sold. Took me that long...and I'm still kind of on the fence.

Sandra Bullock, I never expected much from. Easy on the eyes and pleasant, but haven't seen anything to make me expect more. Loved her in "While You Were Sleeping". Aniston and Cox, ditto. And Meg Ryan.

I adore Jean Reno, but we're talking young actors you spotted and followed...he doesn't quite count, does he?

Tom Cruise I won't even go INTO (can't get past the man to enjoy his acting, but never had a high opinion of it to begin with).

Natalie Portman has yet to prove herself to me, but I'm still hoping. You snagged her right for Star Wars, tho'!

I don't think Anthony Edwards has proven himself yet--to me anyway--and Val Kilmer, yeah, I had hope for him, but it appears to have gone nowhere.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:31 AM


I was kinda misled with the thread title as I thought that you would be talking about actors that are young now and show promise, not ones that are significantly older these days. A lot of the names mentioned were already adults in the films mentioned - Sandra Bullock, Jean Reno, Courtney Cox, Jennifer Connelly, the Top Gun guys to name a few.

Of the ones mentioned I don't think that Haley Joel Osment has made much of himself after Gump and Sixth Sense.
Tom Hanks was always a star and great actor, even if the film wasn't that good. He just has that thing, 'it', or whatever you want to call it. Always watchable at worst, brilliant at his best.
Katie Holmes had great potential and started to make the right moves by mixing bigger and lower budget movies but seems to have completely derailed her career since meeting Tom Cruise.

As for the other Dawson's Creek girly I have always been a big fan of Michelle Williams. She has huge potential to be one of the greater actresses if it goes the right way and I feel she is always a joy to watch and should have got the Oscar for Brokeback Mountain.
I have to disagree about Natalie Portman as I think she has made a good career for herself although I don't always like her movies she has some good ones in there.
Reese Witherspoon is another one that showed potential at a young age and lived up to it. Again not always the greatest movies (Legally Blonde 2) but if it paves the way to make stuff like Walk The Line then go for it.

Of the current batch of youngsters I would say that Dakota Fanning has the best chance of turning her childhood career into a long lasting adult career. She always impresses and appears to like doing thoughtful pieces which is a good sign.
Can't think of her name now but the blonde girl from Bridge To Terabithia maight make it. I saw her in Sleepwalking and she was excellent. As long as she stays away from Disney style live action movies she may do okay.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Tom Hanks floored me with "Splash". And to be honest, "Bachelor Party" cracked me up, too. But it was Splash that told me he was going to be a star.

Nic Cage and Matt Modine both floored me in a tiny little movie that no one ever saw, called Birdy. Stellar performances. Shoulda been nominated, both of 'em.

Robert Downey Jr. - when you saw him dump the slurpee on Anthony Michael Hall at the mall in Weird Science, and then when he showed up to the party at the house later, he grabbed your attention. And he only got better from there. Despite his problems, he's still alive and kicking, and still doing a damn good acting job.

Natalie Portman killed me in two movies: The Professional, and Beautiful Girls. She stole both of those movies, completely.

Jennifer Aniston - I saw the first episode of Friends and said, Ya know, that girl's got something about her...

Edward Norton. Wowk. What was that movie with Richard Gere and Laura Linney? Primal Fear? Yeah, he totally blew me away in that one.

And, ummmm... Nathan Fillion. Liked him in Two Guys and a Girl. LOVED him as Caleb in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And then I say some weird little western-in-space where he played a vagabond space pirate guy. Can't remember what that one was called... ;)

Matt Damon in Rounders (with Ed Norton). And again in Good Will Hunting. And if you didn't cry seeing him in Saving Private Ryan, you're not human.

So who's got my attention now?

Well, there's Zac Efron (he was in that weird space-western, too. Played some young kid named "Simon Tam" or something like that). He might have a future.

Hillary Duff. Turns out she CAN act. Saw her in a Law & Order recently, and she was kinda the bad girl character and main suspect. I was impressed.

Of the current (or recent) crop of latest flavors-of-the-month, those two certainly seem to have some talent.

Ken Jeong. He played King Argotron in "Role Models", and he keeps turning up in stuff everywhere. He was in The Hangover and Pineapple Express, too. And he's got SIX movies he's working on right now!

Kyle Bornheimer. I noticed him first in an old Beneful dogfood commercial. Then he turned up in "Worst Week", which I thought was just hilarious. Too bad it didn't make it. :(

Michael Cera - George Michael in Arrested Development. Superbad. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Juno. Paper Heart. You just know he's going to be huge.



Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:49 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...and Val Kilmer, yeah, I had hope for him, but it appears to have gone nowhere.

Really? The Doors? If you didn't like that one, try a little flick called The Salton Sea. He's a little bit amazing in that one, and it's not that old.

I think he takes too many chances, maybe. He seems to be looking for risky roles, ones that are chancy to play or HARD to play. John Holmes, for instance. But dude's got acting chops. Look for him to make a HUGE comeback down the line. Harvey Keitel big. Christopher Walken big. :)



Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:57 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Oooh - gotta add one more: Jonathan Rhys Meyers. He plays Henry VIII in The Tudors (on Showtime). He was bizarre in Velvet Goldmine, as Brian Slade (based on David Bowie in his Ziggy Stardust era). That whole movie was really wacky. Christian Bale, Ewan MacGregor, Toni Collette, good cast. Weird flick.



Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:30 PM


Correct about Jean Reno, I shuld not have included him, having already worked his craft in foreign market. Same should likely be said of those who work in stage and such, but those were the first I saw of them.

Those guys in Top Gun were unknowns at the time.

I hadn't assumed the title meant child actors, but I see your point.

AnnaSophia Robb in Because of Winn-Dixie, The Reaping, before Bridge to Terabithia, and now Jumper and Witch Mountain. Great call, been enjoying her work always.

Kristen Stewart and Josh Hutcherson in Zathura, and Kristen in Panic Room and then Messengers.

Thora Birch was cute in Clear and Present Danger, but I needed further material to solidify an opinion.

Enjoyed Reese in Man on the Moon, that SFW thing, Fear, before Election and Twilight before her bigger roles.

Not a child, but always enjoy Simon Pegg (Hot Fuzz is best).


Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:53 AM


Georgie Henley.

I wasn't overall impressed by Narnia, the story itself lacks in places, something a little more glaring in the movie than the book, and I found the boys to be wooden and the girl playing susan not very memorable either...

But that kid, Georgie ?
WOW, she brought her A-game to the party indeed!

She had a pretty large canvas to cover, range-wise, especially for her age and she just slam dunked every inch of the damned thing.

It takes quite a lot for any of the drek out of mainstream hollywood to impress me, but her performance did, to the point of the rest of the actors seeming little more than props, cause she swiped the whole kit n kaboodle right out from under them.

That girl has huge potential, I think.



Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart... Val Kilmer. Would be nice if he fulfilled his promise; I'll have to check that out. Haven't seen Doors; being an old Doors fan, didn't want to see what Hollywood did to them. That said, I may check into it, given your comments.

No, I wasn't referring to child actors, by the way, but to YOUNG actors, people you catch like Brad Pitt in Thelma and Louise. First time you see them (even if missed in a previous film) while they are still young, like River Phoenix.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:29 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Nic Cage and Matt Modine both floored me in a tiny little movie that no one ever saw, called Birdy. Stellar performances. Shoulda been nominated, both of 'em.

Michael Cera - George Michael in Arrested Development. Superbad. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Juno. Paper Heart. You just know he's going to be huge.

I saw Birdy. It was a fantastic film and very underated. One of the few movies that bought me to tears. Definitely should have been nominated.

I forgot to add Michael Cera. He was in my brain but then when it started typing he left. Equally as good as Ellen Page in Juno and he seems to have that Tom Hanks 'everyman' thing about him. Ellen Page should also do well for herself.

And with you mentioning Nathan I can't believe that I forgot to add Summer to my list. Especially as it's on a FF site. Whoops. Hopefully in a short while she'll have broken out of scifi (but not left forever) and be delving into other areas just like she says she wants to. And I'm sure she'll be fantastic in them too.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:55 AM



Originally posted by Niki2: Val Kilmer. Would be nice if he fulfilled his promise; I'll have to check that out. Haven't seen Doors; being an old Doors fan, didn't want to see what Hollywood did to them.

Oliver Stone may twist facts here and there, but 'The Doors' was absolutely fantastic. Most of the movie is based on the book by John Densmore.
Krieger, and Densmore loved the film, and thought Kilmer "channeled" Jim Morrison. Ray Manzerik did not.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:24 PM


Anna Paquin. Imagine the pressure when you win an Oscar at 12. I didn't see The Piano but saw her first in Fly Away Home.

She does stage, she was Rogue and now she's amazing on True Blood. Also saw her a few months ago in a TV movie about a Polish woman that helped sneak Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto.

Another young Oscar winner that I loved was Tatum O'Neal. Unfortunately drugs and her crazy family derailed her career, but saw her on Rescue Me and hopefully she's straightened out now.

Loved Carey in In Living Color and the first of his movies but am a bit disappointed in him lately.

Robin Williams. What can I saw but Nanu, nanu?

Tom Hanks. First saw him on Bosom Buddies in drag and he was hysterical.

Am I showing my age?


Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:34 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2: Val Kilmer. Would be nice if he fulfilled his promise; I'll have to check that out. Haven't seen Doors; being an old Doors fan, didn't want to see what Hollywood did to them. That said, I may check into it, given your comments.

I'd highly recommend it. Or I'd recommend it high. For myself, I saw it with a 104ยบ fever, which I'm sure altered the experience more than a little.

But I thought Kilmer simply WAS Morrison. Again, shoulda won an Oscar for that.

And Downey damned well shoulda won for Chaplin.



Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:44 PM


Once upon a time in the eighties I was struck by a young actor named Adam Baldwin who was in a film called my body guard....but we all know what happened to him.
Joaquin Phoenix? so promising and now what? I worry about him, or is his craziness a tactic he's using to create distance between himself and all the hollywood foof.
Another "young" actor I had hopes for was C. Thomas Howell....he is a good actor I loved Ponyboy in the outsiders. now as far as I can tell he does z grade films and a couple of guest spots here and there. And then there's Tom Everett Scott. He's great: smart, charismatic, gorgeous, has a broad acting range, what happened to him? I have been watching yet another great but cancelled show called Saved where he plays a paramedic with issues, he's just brilliant.
It must just be about luck and timing in hollywood.
Also when "Freaks and Geeks" came out and i fell in love with it I thought all the kids on that had took a few years but look at em now.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:07 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by boris:

Another "young" actor I had hopes for was C. Thomas Howell....he is a good actor I loved Ponyboy in the outsiders. now as far as I can tell he does z grade films and a couple of guest spots here and there. And then there's Tom Everett Scott. He's great: smart, charismatic, gorgeous, has a broad acting range, what happened to him? I have been watching yet another great but cancelled show called Saved where he plays a paramedic with issues, he's just brilliant.

Oddly enough, both of them are on the same show now - Southland, on NBC. It's decent; I like it. C. Thomas Howell looks pretty bad in the show, though - it looks like he's battled quite a heroin addiction, but I don't think he actually ever did. How sucky is that, when you didn't get hooked on smack but still look like you did?


It must just be about luck and timing in hollywood.
Also when "Freaks and Geeks" came out and i fell in love with it I thought all the kids on that had took a few years but look at em now.

Hell yeah. I just got the DVD set of Freaks & Geeks. Loved the show when it was on, and it's better now somehow. It's set right in my high school years (1978-80 era), and I *was* both a freak and a geek. I crossed lines, walked on both sides of that aisle. I still have that damned army jacket, too. :)



Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:50 PM


Hey me too I was both a freak and a geek. I will have to order the DVD when I am rich....we are so damn slow to get stuff in Australia.


Friday, August 21, 2009 7:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

NC: Yes, I first saw Hanks on Bosom Buddies, too, but it didn't inspire me to expect further. Interesting how many stand-ups end up being really good actors...I'm sure there's a statement there...?

And I've been let down by Paquin...yes, I hoped for a lot from her, too, but haven't seen much. Fly Away Home wasn't exciting, in my opinion (acting-wise); maybe it's that she's doing stage that I've missed more of her. Wouldn't mind more, fer shore!

Okay, Mike; everyone's giving such glowing reviews of Kilmer in Doors that I guess I'm going to have to rent it. Woe be to you who recommended it if I think it sux, tho'!

And yes, yes, YES to Downey Jr. in Chaplin. One reason I was so bummed that he self-destructed; hopefully he's got it in him to get back, he's certainly trying!

Together we are more than the sum of our parts


Friday, August 21, 2009 9:20 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
And Downey damned well shoulda won for Chaplin.

Amen to that, brother. One of the few films he did around that time completely sober (or so he says) because it was such a demanding role. It was truly amazing.

I'd ditto on Tom Everett Scott, too. First saw him in That Thing You Do! (a VERY under-rated film) and thought he'd amount to something. Same thing for Steve Zahn in that movie. He is a great comedic actor.

Now if I can add two actors I really can't stand? Dylan and Cole Sprouse. I wish they'd just go away. Like forever.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Friday, August 21, 2009 12:58 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
NC: Yes, I first saw Hanks on Bosom Buddies, too, but it didn't inspire me to expect further. Interesting how many stand-ups end up being really good actors...I'm sure there's a statement there...?

And I've been let down by Paquin...yes, I hoped for a lot from her, too, but haven't seen much. Fly Away Home wasn't exciting, in my opinion (acting-wise); maybe it's that she's doing stage that I've missed more of her. Wouldn't mind more, fer shore!

Okay, Mike; everyone's giving such glowing reviews of Kilmer in Doors that I guess I'm going to have to rent it. Woe be to you who recommended it if I think it sux, tho'!

And yes, yes, YES to Downey Jr. in Chaplin. One reason I was so bummed that he self-destructed; hopefully he's got it in him to get back, he's certainly trying!

Together we are more than the sum of our parts

Have you seen "True Blood" on HBO yet? I've been blown away not only by Anna Paquin but the whole cast, (Stephen Moyer, a Brit, Alexander Skaarsgard,from Sweden, and Ryan Kwanten, from Australia, and Sam Trammel from the good ole US of A -off topic but all 4 are Uhmmmm....!good actors to say the least). And add Rutina Wesley, Nelsan Ellis and the great Lois Smith.

I never saw Chaplin but I'd always heard of how good Robert Downey Jr. was back then. I'll have to see it now.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:50 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
...lotta material there to work from!!

Natalie Portman has yet to prove herself to me, but I'm still hoping. You snagged her right for Star Wars, tho'!

I don't think Anthony Edwards has proven himself yet--to me anyway--

I had thought Edwards pulled off Revenge of the Nerds quite well. Not exactly Shakespeare, but many roles are not.

I had actually hoped Amidala in SW would go to Liesel Matthews or Lisa Jakub. But while watching SW1:TPM I noticed another, Amidala's servant/imposter/substitute - not a "big" role in terms of lines, but in many scenes, and a pivotal portrayal. Many scenes and performances in the film seemed stilted, and from good actors not prone to such problems, but she seemed engaged in the scenes and pulled off the performance quite well, the scenes flowed very well and her work was far better than the stars. But I thought she had a weird name, the letters went together differently. Then I saw her in Bend it Like Beckham, unrecognizable but the same name - have enjoyed Keira Knightly's work ever since.


Thursday, September 25, 2014 7:36 PM


Forgot this thread, similar to my thread titled Untapped Potential - I was likely looking for this one when I started that one.


Sunday, December 7, 2014 4:45 PM




Monday, September 11, 2017 11:14 PM


I notice this thread mentioned Sandra Bullock and Ellen Page, and in that year cinema released Blindside and Inception.


Thursday, January 4, 2018 2:45 PM


McKensie Grace. Other roles before, but carries the title role in Gifted.






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