how mean can you get?

UPDATED: Thursday, January 28, 2010 14:42
VIEWED: 2981
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010 3:28 PM


I have a rep as being a rather friendly person...with a bit of an acid streak. I don't like it but there it is. I'm not indiscriminantly mean, in fact I'm very picky about who I decimate and why:
deliberately rude people.
superficial types.
anyone who is ungracious towards close friends and family.
people who push past me without trying to use good manners.
people who do not give up seats on the bus for the elderly,ill, impaired, pregnant, or very young children.
my ex boyfriend's mother (she's not very nice and a liar).
people who are nasty to cashiers, bus drivers, teachers, police and other community workers.
people who pick on the mentally/intellectually impaired who are unable to defend themselves. etc etc etc.
I try to ignore them but generally I have to say something...and what I say is not always mean but usually designed to do have an impact that will helpfully make them take a good look at themselves and their actions.

what/who makes your blood boil, and how do you react?


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 3:34 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Ever been to RWED?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 3:38 PM


People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 3:58 PM



Originally posted by fearthebunnyman:
People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


I have a key chain tag that says "I do not discriminate, I hate everyone"

@Boris: My ex would never tip waiters which I hated!! He says "why tip them for a job I can do?" He didn't understand they don't make min wage. This is how they make a living.

I just bitched at him and hope they did something to his food.

btw I'm just curious how did you come up with your screen name?


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:04 AM



Originally posted by Boris: people who push past me without trying to use good manners.

I--LOVE people like that! Sometimes I want to trip them when they shove by....
>>on this note, at the end of last semester my ASL class went out to dinner (very small class, and not all of us went) with our ASL teacher. She's Deaf (makes sense, but most people assume all teachers are hearing teachers, but both ASL teachers at this university are Deaf) and EXTREEEEMELY nice, not to mention she has the most absolute endless patience of anyone I've ever met--but anyways, we finish an awesome dinner at Chili's and are on our way out the door, but Sherry wanted to tell one of my classmates something, so she paused in the doorway to get her attention. The rest of us stopped as well because, well, ASL is a visual language, so your full attention has to be devoted to the signers hands and face. We were kind of blocking the door, but really had no place to move, and these girls came up behind us (none of us really noticed because we were trying to watch Sherry); however, instead of saying "excuse me, would you mind moving?" like a *normal* person raised with good manners would do, these girls shoved right through us with "Jesus, way to block the fucking door, this ain't a party room." (yes, she said 'ain't', I unfortunately live in a city where people are blatantly rude, drive like maniacs, and can't speak properly). Now it wasn't like they couldn't *SEE* Sherry signing and realize she's Deaf, but apparently they just didn't care. I almost followed them out the door, but I didn't want to start a cat fight in the middle of the parking lot--unfortunately I don't have your talent for making eloquent but effective comments at the spur of the moment, Boris (referring to the Spike fans at the Con you mentioned in another thread), I truly wish I did, because karma or not I would've loved to make those chicks feel like shit for being so gorram ignorant. (when I'm mad, my brain goes into lock mode because when I get one of those rare "oh you just said the WRONG fucking thing" tempers, I kind of launch into saying-things-that-could-start-trouble mode, and thinking mode goes straight out the window)

People who are rude to those in the service industry (whether it be a waiter or a cable guy) bug me intensely. No matter how frustrated I am with something, I'm always courteous to them. They don't have an easy job and they deal with a lot of shit on a daily basis, the last thing they want is one more customer bitching at them. >>this includes people not tipping, or tipping a few cents to round up the bill to the next even dollar (has happened to my brother's gf)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:33 AM


Keeping order in every verse

People who think owning a truck is an indication of manhood.

People who think owning a gun is an indication of toughness

People who think that because their country is bigger than mine they can dictate to it.

People who think free health care is an abomination

People who base their entire lives on the existence of a man in the sky and inflict it upon sensible folk

People who preach love and forgiveness based on the above and prove to be the biggest bigots on the planet

People who don't recognise that anything exists to the west of California or the east of New York Harbour.

People who elect geriatric aging ex film stars to run their country and thus the world.

People who think that "British" is the same as "English".

People who think you are an idiot because you fail to agree with their POV,

People who will lambast and villify another country's history and politics but will not allow any such critique back.

People who think that the events of 300 years ago are still relevant today.

People who think that a RWE discussion is in any way based on knowledge or reality.

I'm sure I can find a few more,but that will do for now.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 10:49 AM


So... You hate Americans, Peacekeeper?


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:12 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


People who are rude to those in the service industry (whether it be a waiter or a cable guy) bug me intensely. No matter how frustrated I am with something, I'm always courteous to them.

That's just good common sense. Always be nice and respectful to anyone who can spit in your food or cause your TV to no longer work.

I've worked in restaurants; I've *seen* what can happen to an impolite prick's food. It's not anything I ever partook in, but I've seen it happen.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:52 PM


In answer to your question AVeryfinecompanion. If you mean 'Boris'...Boris is my ID (inner dickhead). I have Tourette's, when I was little I was quite confused about this inner force I couldn't see, that made me do and say things I wouldn't normally want to do. to stay sane I gave it a name and character. I named it after Boris from Rocky and Bullwinkle: a small, noxious evil doer who could cause me some hassles but never could best me. Now I'm older it's kind of a joke thing. I can't remember why I chose it as my screen name, other than it's in my email address. I'm pretty sure if Firefly had been around when I was a kid I would have named it Badger instead of Boris.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:55 PM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by Stegasaurus:
So... You hate Americans, Peacekeeper?

Absolutely not!!!I find most people of every country perfectly acceptable people.I merely refer to a number of individuals who participate in forum discussions who hold those views that I refer to.They annoy me not because they are American, they annoy me because they give other Americans a bad name.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1:06 PM


freelancertex: I am lucky in that if I'm ticked off I can usually come up with excellent combacks. here's some you can use if you want:
for anyone that gets your goat like the girls at the restaurant
"there's nothing I like more than observing intellectually undernourished troglodites in their finer moments (or variations to that effect...the truly ignorant know they have been insulted on some level but are to stupid to understand how, so can't really retaliate.If they do, you can just give them direct eye contact and smile superiorly while shaking your head slowly managing to also look sorry for them. or run away very fast depending on how big they's okay to run, dumb mean people are dangerous.
for people that shove past without saying exscuse me, I generally mutter stuff like: "poor thing must be mute", or hey buddy that's ok I wasn't planning to use the left side of my body today" or" that resistance you felt as you moved past me was". sometimes they actually look back and apologise.
maybe I'll write a book of comebacks and insults.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1:34 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by peacekeeper:

Originally posted by Stegasaurus:
So... You hate Americans, Peacekeeper?

Absolutely not!!!I find most people of every country perfectly acceptable people.I merely refer to a number of individuals who participate in forum discussions who hold those views that I refer to.They annoy me not because they are American, they annoy me because they give other Americans a bad name.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!

Heck, I'm American, and most of the time I'm embarrassed by Americans...

By the way, PK, the English/British thing throws me sometimes, I must admit. I guess all Englishmen are British, but not all Britishers are English, eh? Or do I have that wrong?


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1:53 PM


America loves a winner!

English and British are interchangeable.

It's a fact.

( For those who know who they are. )

Anyone who thinks that they are entitled to a portion of another person's life. Burns me up.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:38 PM


Oh you definitely should. I always remember things I read and I would totally read that XD I need an arsenal of comebacks as I have none :( *dejected*


Originally posted by Kwicko: I've worked in restaurants; I've *seen* what can happen to an impolite prick's food. It's not anything I ever partook in, but I've seen it happen.

oh DO tell!!!!!!! I've heard stories (my dad used to work in a restaurant way back when, and he witnessed the abuse of an impolite prick's food) but I always love to hear more. I find them funny even if they're disgusting :P


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 4:09 PM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by peacekeeper:

Originally posted by Stegasaurus:
So... You hate Americans, Peacekeeper?

Absolutely not!!!I find most people of every country perfectly acceptable people.I merely refer to a number of individuals who participate in forum discussions who hold those views that I refer to.They annoy me not because they are American, they annoy me because they give other Americans a bad name.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!

Heck, I'm American, and most of the time I'm embarrassed by Americans...

By the way, PK, the English/British thing throws me sometimes, I must admit. I guess all Englishmen are British, but not all Britishers are English, eh? Or do I have that wrong?

Thats right Kwicko.England,Scotland and Wales are all part of Great Britain as per the 1707 Act of Union.If you go to Scotland and call them English,you will experience almighty hell.It's the same as calling an Alabaman a Yank.The term is used generically to mean American but descendants of general lee's Army may take offence!!!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Thursday, January 28, 2010 2:42 PM


I'm guessing calling someone from Scotland or Ireland English will elicit the same response as calling a Sicilian "Italian" family doesn't have a problem with Italians we know and like alot of them,we just aren't Italian, and don't like being told we are, we are and have always been Sicilian. (and Australian)






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