Coach K., The Lakers and Serenity!? What does it all mean!???

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 7, 2004 09:07
VIEWED: 4487
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Saturday, July 3, 2004 10:37 AM


Hi all. I've got to vent. Off topic, but hey... if we can get political on the boards - why can't we talk a little human drama? And nowhere does the human drama play out louder than in real life. Real life in Lakerville.

OK, so how many of you Browncoats out there are Laker fans? I call myself both of those things - even having suffered crushing defeats on both fronts in the last 24 months (The Lakers losing to SA in 03 and Detroit in 04 and Firefly being cancelled.)

Anyway, who here thinks Coach K. will take the job in LA? Man, I sure hope he does. What a great turn of events that could be. Kobe will stay. Shaq might have to stay. Malone will come back. Anyway, say your prayers if you are a Laker fan and hope we get our Serenity in Coach K.

PS. To all you Detroit Fan/Browncoats out there... no need to flame me or ridicule me. The Lakers losing to a harder-playing Detroit team was - inevitable. At that level, all that matters is desire. And the Pistons had it in spades. It's like Roy Jones getting knocked out. Is Antonio Tarver a better boxer than Roy Jones? No. Did he knock him out? Yes. Why. Desire. Hate. Anger. (And a lucky punch). Detroit, while not needing a "lucky punch," are the Laker's Tarver. A team that had enough rage and desire to squeeze maximum effort from themselves. In sports, maximum effort always wins. Always. They did a great job and kicked the Laker's asses for 5 games. Could any other team in the NBA have done that? No. But, like I've always said, everyone has someone that can beat them. Styles make a bball game, a fight, a tennis match, whatever..., and the Detroit style of basketball (under the great coaching of the genius LB) was unbeatable (at least unbeatable for the Lakers - and Nets and Pacers and...)


Saturday, July 3, 2004 11:54 AM


I'm a Carolinian Browncoat and have been a die-hard fan of the NCSU Wolfpack all my life. Cried like a baby when Jimmy V. passed away and still get choked up when I hear the "Neva. . .eva give up" speech.

However, like all true Carolinan ACC fans, we recognize that when our OWN team of choice, be it Carolina, NC State, Wake Forest or Duke is not the one to represent our fair state in one manner or another, we automatically shift our support to our neighbors.

Having said that. . .I think it would be the height of shinyness to have Coach K don the mantle of "Head Coach" for the Lakers, and I think there would be no better man for the job. 'Cept of course if Jimmy V. were alive, may God have mercy on his sweet soul.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Saturday, July 3, 2004 12:42 PM


I'm an NC State student and I hope Coach K stays. He's a great person and he's built a dynasty at Duke, and as much as I yell and scream obscenities in his general direction for the forty minutes he's in the RBC center every year, I respect him.
If he leaves, it won't be easy for the Duke program to recover. I love ACC basketball, and I like that Duke is the "team to beat." I was at the game last year when they were ranked number one and we beat them; cheering my head off, rushing the court, hugging my friend while jumping up and down in complete elation, these are the kinds of things you remember when you leave college.
I want Duke to be unbeatable again next year, and I want to leave their players crying on the busride back to Durham again next year. Coach K is a part of the ACC, just as much as Jimmy V or Dean Smith, and if he were to leave it would be like losing a piece of tradition.
Now having said that, I don't think he'll go. Money is one thing, but college basketball in North Carolina is on a completely different level. Why would he leave a program that he's built, a school full of students that worship him, and an atmosphere unrivaled by any professional team in the country?...he won't.

p.s. I always get choked up when I hear that speech too. My favorite part is "If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day." There's just a lot of wisdom there.


Saturday, July 3, 2004 1:29 PM


i dont know if coach k will take the job, i have a feeling he might not take it but who knows? but even if he DOES take the job, as impressive that might be i dont think its enough to make shaq stay.(he might have to if no one can pony up a worthy amount of money or players to bring shaq over) shaq doesnt want to stay in LA because without phil there implementing the triangle, its will be an offense lead by kobe. and with the laker front office obviously showing their alliegence more towards kobe, shaq feels unwanted. phil was the only one able to keep both players egos in check. before phil lakers had 0 rings, with him they have 3. now that jacksons gone, shaq getting up there in age along with fox, fisher i dont think they have what it takes anymore. and even if malone DOES stay, hes now more prone to injury. the only positive thing that came from jacksons departure is the glove might get more points a game(no more triangle).

coah k is one of the greatest coaches in basketball history but i dont care how many ncaa championships youve won. cause theres only been ONE coach to ever win a ncaa championship as a coach and an nba championship as a coach and it happened THIS year with larry brown. so already coach k already has history against him.

detroit was younger and hungrier. younger and hungrier. younger and hungrier. i love shaq, kobe, malone, payton and jackson but the dynasty is over imo. but hell, 3-peating isnt so bad. the whole squad can retire and have complete nba careers. so im not stressin. and another good think is now if the sacramento queens beat the lakers it wont be the same team and that means NO REDEMPTION for them MWAHAHAHAHAHA! and that goes for every team as well.(minus the spurs when they beat em in 03 BUT, the lake show redeemed themselves by beating the 4 games in a row after going down 0-2)

now that tarver/jones fight. THAT HURT. but tarver was more hungrier he had something to prove. shout goes to roy jones my fav boxer,

look out for my clippers in 05! and look out for the heat with rafer alston killin people like a game street ball. and watch for the brooklyn nets!

-Soul Rebel-


Saturday, July 3, 2004 1:32 PM


double post, sorry.


Saturday, July 3, 2004 1:54 PM



Originally posted by Pickle:
I love ACC basketball, and I like that Duke is the "team to beat." I was at the game last year when they were ranked number one and we beat them; cheering my head off, rushing the court, hugging my friend while jumping up and down in complete elation, these are the kinds of things you remember when you leave college.

You make some good points. This has got to be hard for any college hoops fan to stomach. I guess, for me, it's a question of economics. I say Mike takes the job. For the simple fact that he can make $40M in 5 years! Even with his perks and endorsements (the Nike thing) he couldn't make that in nearly 20 years at Duke! Plus, after everything he's accomplished, he's got to be yearning for more. Add to that, the sad sad state of NCAA Basketball (all the best players skipping out to the NBA) and you could make a pretty compelling case for Coach K. to LA. I guess we'll all find out soon enough. I feel for ya though. This has got to be as tough on you as it is on me. Indecision and uncertainty are the worst.


Saturday, July 3, 2004 1:59 PM



Originally posted by standing8:
i dont know if coach k will take the job, i have a feeling he might not take it but who knows? but even if he DOES take the job, as impressive that might be i dont think its enough to make shaq stay.(he might have to if no one can pony up a worthy amount of money or players to bring shaq over) shaq doesnt want to stay in LA because without phil there implementing the triangle, its will be an offense lead by kobe. and with the laker front office obviously showing their alliegence more towards kobe, shaq feels unwanted. phil was the only one able to keep both players egos in check. before phil lakers had 0 rings, with him they have 3. now that jacksons gone, shaq getting up there in age along with fox, fisher i dont think they have what it takes anymore. and even if malone DOES stay, hes now more prone to injury. the only positive thing that came from jacksons departure is the glove might get more points a game(no more triangle).

coah k is one of the greatest coaches in basketball history but i dont care how many ncaa championships youve won. cause theres only been ONE coach to ever win a ncaa championship as a coach and an nba championship as a coach and it happened THIS year with larry brown. so already coach k already has history against him.

detroit was younger and hungrier. younger and hungrier. younger and hungrier. i love shaq, kobe, malone, payton and jackson but the dynasty is over imo. but hell, 3-peating isnt so bad. the whole squad can retire and have complete nba careers. so im not stressin. and another good think is now if the sacramento queens beat the lakers it wont be the same team and that means NO REDEMPTION for them MWAHAHAHAHAHA! and that goes for every team as well.(minus the spurs when they beat em in 03 BUT, the lake show redeemed themselves by beating the 4 games in a row after going down 0-2)

now that tarver/jones fight. THAT HURT. but tarver was more hungrier he had something to prove. shout goes to roy jones my fav boxer,

look out for my clippers in 05! and look out for the heat with rafer alston killin people like a game street ball. and watch for the brooklyn nets!

-Soul Rebel-

A basketball and boxing fan - ah, the best kinda browncoat! You make some great points as well. I agree that the old school Lakers Dynasty is dead - but I feel a new dynasty may be on the horizon. Yes, Shaq will probably go - if like you said, anyone can afford him. My guess is that Shaq will be forced to play for LA next year... under Kobe Bryant. He'll have to play in a new offense, and at the end of next year - he'll be gone. Opt out. If the Lakers give Kobe everything he asks for - which is basically a Jr. GM role - he'll stay. He won't let his hate for Shaq drive him out if they hand him the team. He'll stay - and redude Shaq's role to rebounder. Shaq will fake hurt half the year and that'll be that. At this point, when you look at what Shaq brings next year - moretrouble than good - I hope they can trade him. Better to get compensation for someone who's gonna leave anyway. As far as coach K coming or not, read my post above. I think the chances are very good for us right now.


Saturday, July 3, 2004 2:06 PM



Originally posted by Static:
I'm a Carolinian Browncoat and have been a die-hard fan of the NCSU Wolfpack all my life. Cried like a baby when Jimmy V. passed away and still get choked up when I hear the "Neva. . .eva give up" speech.

However, like all true Carolinan ACC fans, we recognize that when our OWN team of choice, be it Carolina, NC State, Wake Forest or Duke is not the one to represent our fair state in one manner or another, we automatically shift our support to our neighbors.

Having said that. . .I think it would be the height of shinyness to have Coach K don the mantle of "Head Coach" for the Lakers, and I think there would be no better man for the job. 'Cept of course if Jimmy V. were alive, may God have mercy on his sweet soul.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."

Amen to that, bro! You, my friend, are ok in my book. I think you're absolutely right to feel pride at the fact Coach K. might become the most famous basketball coach in the world. And if he wins - holy god. He'll be known as one of the greatest. It'll be Red, Phil and Mike in the same breath. Not bad company at all. All he has to do is pull one championship - and he'll be known as "the greatest". Something every Carolinian, as well as Duke alumunus, would be supremely proud of.


Saturday, July 3, 2004 4:07 PM


America loves a winner!

SEC Football fan here, and I care less about the LA Lakers than I do Duke Basketball. Ok, Duke is ok and Coach K is great for the college game, but I think it would be a poor choice for him to go to La La land. Then again, w/ the downfall of college basketball on the horizon ( H.S. kids going directly to the NBA, college kids jumping early ), it might be a logical move for him to make.

Don't know about the Lakers or Coach K, but 1 thing I do know for sure, us Browncoats? ..we shall rise again!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, July 3, 2004 5:12 PM



yeah im afraid shaq might have to stay.(i dont want that to happen) it will be another season with MORE turmoil than seasons past. and if that happens it will just tarnish their legacy that much more and i dont want that. i honestly want shaq out and kobe out. and let the lakers rebuild with fresh faces. i would like either kobe or shaq go to a big venue like new york. but i doubt that will happen. the clippers are my team so i would be lying if i said i didnt want kobe to consider them. but i doubt that will happen either.

yeah its not looking good for college basketball with the HS jumping straight, but last year david stern was trying to work out an age limit for the players entering the league. like 20, so high schoolers couldnt jump straigh to HS and be forced to play a few years in the collegiate ranks. who knows?

oh and about what i said concerning the jones/tarver fight. i didnt like what i said, i think tarver was a little hungrier than jones BUT even the greatest boxers get caught with a perfect(or lucky)punch. and alot of the time, thats all it takes. i betted on the first fight and the second fight and lost money both times. but if a third fight ever happened, i wouldnt hesitate putting my money on jones jr again.

thanks for the kind words, you made some great points as well. browncoats unite!

-Soul Rebel-


Monday, July 5, 2004 4:51 PM


[i told you so]


Monday, July 5, 2004 7:39 PM



Originally posted by Pickle:
[i told you so]

Yes you did. This is a Traves-sha-mockery! Oh, man, what does it all mean!? Rudy T. will be announced as head coach tomorrow. You can bet on that. But, will Kobe stay now? Where will Shaq go? If Kobe goes, does he stay - or does he try to leave and stick it to Buss? Man oh man. It doesn't get anymore exciting than this in July.


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 7:41 AM


one thing i do know is that rudy t and pat riley's stock just went up. now that the lakers lost one of their chips in coach k. i dont want kobe or shaq to stay in the lakers(it sounds crazy) cause i want that team to end. they obviously arent the team they use to be, if just one of them stays then they will get beat alot more by the very teams they dominated over the years and i dont want the other teams to get that satisfaction of beating the lakers with just kobe or shaq present. you know what i mean?

-Soul Rebel-


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 7:53 AM



Originally posted by MutantFriend:
Real life in Lakerville. OK, so how many of you Browncoats out there are Laker fans?

I hadn't realized that the Lakers were still playing basketball. After they were stolen away from Minneapolis, we lost interest in them.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 8:47 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:

Originally posted by MutantFriend:
Real life in Lakerville. OK, so how many of you Browncoats out there are Laker fans?

I hadn't realized that the Lakers were still playing basketball. After they were stolen away from Minneapolis, we lost interest in them.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."

OK, now that's just messed up. LAKER HATER!



Tuesday, July 6, 2004 9:42 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:

Originally posted by MutantFriend:
Real life in Lakerville. OK, so how many of you Browncoats out there are Laker fans?

I hadn't realized that the Lakers were still playing basketball. After they were stolen away from Minneapolis, we lost interest in them.

you MUSTVE realized that the lakers still play basketball when they dismantled the twolves not but a few months ago in the conference finals.


-Soul Rebel-


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 10:09 AM



Originally posted by standing8:

Originally posted by Knibblet:

Originally posted by MutantFriend:
Real life in Lakerville. OK, so how many of you Browncoats out there are Laker fans?

I hadn't realized that the Lakers were still playing basketball. After they were stolen away from Minneapolis, we lost interest in them.

you MUSTVE realized that the lakers still play basketball when they dismantled the twolves not but a few months ago in the conference finals.


-Soul Rebel-

good one, Soul.

me? i'm a fan.
not a fair weather fan. a REAL fan.
who loves the team whether they're winning or losing.
one who misses chick hearn and was glad to hear stu lanz call it as he saw it when he said the lakers looked dreadful.
actually, they looked like mierda.
yep. i said it. but i'm still a fan.

coach k is staying at duke. i don't think his ticker could take coaching 1)at the nba level; and 2)in l.a. where you're expected to win championships.
Serenity tie-in? Can't think of one.
So excited about the BDM, though.
: )

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Wednesday, July 7, 2004 4:19 AM


you MUSTVE realized that the lakers still play basketball when they dismantled the twolves not but a few months ago in the conference finals.
-Soul Rebel-

Not really. There are few things in this world more boring than basketball. Few things which drag on endlessly (and pointlessly) than the last two minutes of any basketball game.

I'm a hockey fan. I hear tell that basketball might be entertaining if they played it on ice and hit one another.

My only interest during that time was to see the Woofies do well. I wasn't interested enough to do anything further than check the newspaper headline the following morning. They did well.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Wednesday, July 7, 2004 5:46 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
There are few things in this world more boring than basketball. Few things which drag on endlessly (and pointlessly) than the last two minutes of any basketball game.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."

Oh, dear lord. If only I could post a picture of my facial expression as I read that. It was the embodiment of "horrified". Most sports bore the crap out of me, but not basketball. never basketball. The constant movement, the sudden change in the score - how could you not love it? What's great about basketball is embodied in the Duke/Kentucky game of several years ago (or was it Kansas? I always mix them up) when Christian Laetner managed to hit a game-winning shot with a from across court with almost no time on the clock. Amazing.

But that kind of excitement just doesn't happen as much in the pros. I always feel like the love of sport is diminished when players go to the pros. They always seem so rote abouot how they play.

I'm a Duke fan. Always been a Duke fan. Born in N.C., hate Carolina and if coach K leaves I will be so sad.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Wednesday, July 7, 2004 7:10 AM



Originally posted by maugwai:
But that kind of excitement just doesn't happen as much in the pros ...

This is why I love college hockey - in particular - women's hockey. They have no pro league to move onto so you know they're playing for the love of the game.

I go to Wild games too, but I prefer a Gopher women's game to a pro game. Nothing beats watching Natalie Darwitz and Krissi Wendell skate and opposing team into dust.

As for Basketball ... tall folk in long ugly shorts ... trotting.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Wednesday, July 7, 2004 7:47 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:

Originally posted by maugwai:
But that kind of excitement just doesn't happen as much in the pros ...

This is why I love college hockey - in particular - women's hockey. They have no pro league to move onto so you know they're playing for the love of the game.

I go to Wild games too, but I prefer a Gopher women's game to a pro game. Nothing beats watching Natalie Darwitz and Krissi Wendell skate and opposing team into dust.

As for Basketball ... tall folk in long ugly shorts ... trotting.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."

Wow, Women's College Hockey, huh? Sounds like a barrel of monkeys. I grew up playing and watching Hockey. I'm originally from Rochester, NY (although I've lived in sunny San Diego for 15 years now) - and I went to a million Amerks (Americans - the Buffalo Sabers farm team) games.

I guess that's as close to watching college hockey as I've ever gotten. AHL. But, I see your point, when players play for the love of the game - the fans benefit. I guess that's where the lakers went wrong. Too much success. Too much money. Too selfish.

Oh well, this is what seperates guys like me (Laker FANS) from the sure-fire parade of bandwagoneers that appear every year around finals time. I hate all this turmoil, but the LAkers will survive. They'll rebuild - either way. I hope Rudy T. signs as the new coach today - I'm sick of waiting.


Wednesday, July 7, 2004 9:07 AM



Originally posted by MutantFriend:
Wow, Women's College Hockey, huh? Sounds like a barrel of monkeys. I grew up playing and watching Hockey. I'm originally from Rochester, NY ...

Watching Darwitz play is like diving headfirst into poetry. While still in Jr. High, she played for her High School team -- Her 8th grade year, she scored 85 points.

She was well on her way to becoming the highest scoring high school player (boys or girls) when she made the decision to play for a higher goal; Her senior year, she went to Lake Placid and played with the US National team preparing for the Olympics.

She moves like lightning and NEVER misses. It's almost as if she can see into the future and be where the puck will be, bend time and space and then be graceful about the entire experience.

If you ever want to experience hockey, watch Natalie Darwitz play.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."






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