child sceptics

UPDATED: Monday, May 17, 2010 01:32
VIEWED: 3296
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Monday, May 10, 2010 10:11 PM


I just tweeted this but thought I'd expand upon it coz I found it to be both amusing and interesting.
Today at work (afterschool care) a girl aged 7 admired the necklace I was wearing (black leather choker with pendant of: dark green resin donut 5cm diameter with 2cm flat round resin bead floating on wire inside it and two of the same smaller beads above and below). I said thanks I made it myself. she said she didn't believe me. I was like "whaddya mean by that?" she said I wasn't cool enough to make something like that. She was being serious not facetious so I was trying not to laugh and started helping her understand that you don't have to meet a standard of "cool" to make cool stuff but at that point some of the sixth grade girls jumped in and said I was cool and that I wore great outfits and I made jewellery to sell sometimes and I had taught them to make jewellery and other things too (kids are extremely loyal once they decide they like you). Miss sceptic didn't believe them. this kid is an accomplished dancer so I responded with " fine I don't believe your a dancer"
her response: " Ha! if I'm not a dancer how can I do this?"and she does the splits with extreme later I made a pretty good ring using a piece of wire and a bead and she was impressed but tried to hide it. As I was leaving she said goodbye and also muttered "I do think you're kinda cool...but in your own way"
"thanks sweety I wouldn't want it any other way.

I didn't realise the older girls rated my dress sense so highly. I asked them about it later and apparently me and the program coordinator rate the highest on the trend scales coz we dress "funky". neither of us indulge in trends and tend to wear what makes us happy so I was pleased to hear their opinions weren't influenced by media inspired crap.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 8:27 AM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.

Sounds like everybody learned something.

"Whatever is wrong with you is so right for me." -- Marillion.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 9:08 AM


I don't believe in children either. Hearsay and myths IMO.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:18 PM


too right karel: working with kids is a never ending learning experience...probly why I keep going back there despite finding other jobs :-)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:31 PM


America loves a winner!


that's one shiny post.

thanks for sharing.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:37 PM


your welcome Auraptor...I feel lucky that I get to have these frank informative exchanges with kids so it's only fair that I share.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 2:41 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Important lesson for this "cool" kid to learn: be nice to those on the way up, because you'll meet them again on the way down.

Besides, geek nerds run the world.


Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:54 AM


we were saying pretty much the same thing about this kid the other day...she's amazingly talented but a bit of an elitist, influenced somewhat by her overly image conscious parent...we're working on it and seeing signs of her becoming a bit more accepting.


Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:23 PM


Kids can be extremely trusting, and assume people are like them until taught otherwise.
Possible that her family and friends are liars on a regular basis.
Also likely she has learned from public examples that most people lie. Too young to remember that algore invented the internet and electricity and stuff, but old enough to see obamination claim US birth, and many other talking heads claim other obvious lies.
Glad you showed her some people are truthful, even when it seems unlikely. Broadened her horizons.
Shiny post.


Saturday, May 15, 2010 9:44 PM


Hi Boris,

I really like your post. Seems to me this young girl has been fed the media "cool aid" and measures coolness with a tainted yardstick. What's so cool about your post is that you took time to exchange and get her to thinking (rather than regurgitating the mainstream Disneyfied montra).

I say this because my grandniece (who's 6 years old) watches Disney 24/7 (almost literally). I often tell her parents to be ever mindfull of the Disney claptrap. One conversation between 2 of their live-action characters made fun of theater (cinema) workers. They both made a face as if to say that that kind of job is undesireable.

We, meaning adults, must take time to talk to young'uns to guide them through such crap. There's nothing wrong with striving to be a doctor, lawyer, singer, actress or dancer; but equally, there's nothing wrong with working as a laborer , especially if you're working to support the family or just helping out (as some teens do).

Kids 12 and under seem to have that natural ability to speak truth (as long as they're not going to get in trouble - something my niece told me once). My little grand niece often scolds her father whenever he does or says something that he scolds her for. Turnabout is fair play. She is remarkably frank and will not hesitate to put you to the test if she feels you've been less than forthcoming.

Anyways, it seems like you made a connection with your young charge.




Sunday, May 16, 2010 3:38 AM


Thanks shinygoody, you are absolutely right. I get what you are saying about disney claptrap...or any sensationalist media inspired clap trap for that matter. Happily I've been doing what I've been doing with kids for a good 20 years so I know how to engage and direct rather than impose or lecture. it is up to us to actively head them in the right direction. I get what you are saying about their frankness. Kids are very frank...however I agree with your niece about the honesty factor.Kids lie a lot...generally to avoid getting into trouble for things they've done they know you know about. E.g. the other day I saw a boy throw a grape at the back of a a girl's head. She squealed I pulled him on it. His response:"I didn't do it"
me: "Ah buddy chum I saw you with my very own buggy eyes"
"it was someone else"
"using your hands?'
"um um it was Jesus" (half the kids attend Catholic school)
"Jesus threw the grape?"
" you can't be mad at him"
"Oh great now Jesus is a delinquent...go and apologise...etc etc.
damn I love my job.


Sunday, May 16, 2010 3:56 AM


actually re the subject of snobbery towards different professions. I was on the bus the other day on the way to university. Two youngish students were talking. One of them had some disparaging things to say about a cashier at a supermarket trying to engage her in conversation. She was actually offended and I heard her saying to her friend " Oh my god! she was like trying to converse with me..I'm a f_cking law student! why would I talk to a check-out chick?"
I was so peeved, I looked at her with my most vinegary gaze and told her that any troglodite could be a lawyer, but it took people with immense strength of character to serve the likes of her for hours every day whilst maintaining a pleasant demenour and I for one would not be able to do that.


Sunday, May 16, 2010 3:58 AM


No offense meant to any intelligent, decent, hard working lawyers who might be reading but she was a trog, so obviously there is something wrong with the "who should be allowed to be a lawyer" filter.


Sunday, May 16, 2010 9:04 AM


My mother has told me, practically from birth, that any job was honorable, especially if you gave it your all. That has always stuck with me. I raised my son the same way. I am proud to say that he has never looked down on those who serve.

I've raised him to see people for what they are, how they treat you rather than the stereotype. Having said that he has admitted to me that 9 to 5 is not his thing. I can dig it and I appreciate him for being honest with me (right here I'm gonna give myself a Saliva Medal of Honor for raising a good kid - and he smiles like a Cheshire cat).

I kinda serve the public within the company I work for. I mainly deal with the secretaries and account assistants of financial managers and consultants in providing printed copies of presentations. You get all kinds, mostly young kids fresh outta college - they all have stories to tell. Some treat you well, while others give you what you describe in your scenario. I treat all with respect. I've only had words with one and he later came and apologized (I have not seen him in a long time).

But yes, I have run across people that think in that manner (their shit don't stink. I often think of that if ever I get to uppity for my own good. Everybody bleeds red and everybody's poop smells - except for YoSafBrig - lol).

Thanks Boris, you are definitely shiny!




Monday, May 17, 2010 1:32 AM


Ta shinygoody. Sounds like you and your son were raised right. My parents always encouraged my brother and I to get an education but to remember where we came from. They were peasants in Sicily...literally. They did working class jobs when they immigrated to Australia. they wanted us to be doctors and lawyers. We are both pretty intellectually inclined but My brother worked as a waiter and labourer then in television and film production. I've always worked in community services but I've also done a variety of jobs on the side: marketing and concept development,voice work for govt depts,cleaned houses for years, washed cars, was a brothel receptionist for a short period (there's a story). everyone you meet is worthy of respect unless they are disrespectful.






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