I'm an intellectual snob

UPDATED: Friday, May 21, 2010 07:37
VIEWED: 4977
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Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:46 PM


Normally I'm pretty accepting but today I realised sometimes I'm not. I attend university...and while I think anyone who wants to work hard to achieve tertiary qualifiactions should be able to attend and be supported regardless of their perceived intelligence level(e.g. I have an IQ of about 169 but I Also have a learning disorder so need extra time to complete things and a bit of extra support but I always produce excellent work if my needs are met so lectureres are willing to be flexible). too many of the people who attend my university only do so because they were accepted or their marks were high enough. Many of them don't deserve to be here and frankly alot of those are too stupid to be here. when you hear them talking you can tell they don't understand what a privelege it is to be part of the university learning process. And the way they talk about the people they think are "beneath" them just makes me want to perpetuate violent acts. also when they stand around critiscising what other people are wearing etc It pisses me off to the point where I actually do comment. I hate them and wish I didn't have to share my education experience with them because they are too dumb to learn the right stuff! (i.e. they are my intellectual inferiors and Given the choice I would have them banished).


Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:49 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Soak up the learning, and learn what to just let slide off you like water off a duck's ass, Boris. You're learning; they're just getting a degree. Yours is the more valuable education.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:54 PM


you're absolutely right Kwicko, And most days I manage it but some days I just want to kick people.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I know. I felt that way, too. I dropped out of high school, worked full-time jobs, sometimes 2 and 3 jobs at a time, and dropped into college at age 27. It was an awakening. I was there to LEARN, to learn everything I could about everything. Others just seemed like they were there to go through the motions or have something to do between parties. And while I hated them for that, I couldn't blame them, because if I'd gone from high school to college, I'd have done the exact same thing, and likely would've flunked out!

When I went, I *KNEW* what a privilege it was, and how lucky I was to be there. Wish I could finagle a way to go back. I guess my problem was, I never had a career path for my degree plan; I took classes that interested me, for the sake of knowledge and learning. I don't have a practical application for analytical geometry most days, but I'm glad I learned it anyway. Ditto all those political science courses and history classes.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:27 PM


I spent most of my time sleeping, not because of parties, but just... because. I get tired easily for some reason. I try not to, it's kind of rude, and I wanted to learn also, but if I just sit down for a little while anywhere, I pretty much am falling asleep in a couple of minutes. I never could help it much, and back then I was actually GETTING full nights of sleep.

I liked to pretend I got tired so much simply because I had an alter-ego who stayed awake fighting crime all night. I have a horrible memory, so sometimes I find bruises I don't remember how I got, so I just shrug and tell myself that excuse.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:30 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Nobody needs to attend college to get a diploma. Dictator Saddam Hussein Obama Bin Laden said so.


Guilty Verdict Press Conference

Thu 05/20/10 04:36 PM

PEACE John Lee, executive producer,

Due to the enormous number of requests for interviews regarding the CIA Columbia Obama Trial, I am scheduling a Press Conference for Friday, 21 May at 4 p.m. at ATLAH World Missionary Church, located at 38 West 123rd Street, New York, New York 10027.

I will not be able to do any individual interviews or appearances until the Press Conference has been completed.

Thank you for your interest in the future of our nation, and the results of the trial.

To the listeners of The Manning Report, I am extremely exhausted and will not be broadcasting again for a few weeks. Continue to visit our website daily for news and information about our effort to present the guilty verdict to the US Department of Justice.

In His Royal Service,
Rev. James David Manning, PhD
A Natural Born Citizen

Discuss these and other facts of history in class, and see how fast the Operatives attack... Ever had uniformed cops with guns and active-duty uniformed soldiers sit next to you in class?


Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:54 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I spent most of my time sleeping, not because of parties, but just... because. I get tired easily for some reason. I try not to, it's kind of rude, and I wanted to learn also, but if I just sit down for a little while anywhere, I pretty much am falling asleep in a couple of minutes. I never could help it much, and back then I was actually GETTING full nights of sleep.

I liked to pretend I got tired so much simply because I had an alter-ego who stayed awake fighting crime all night. I have a horrible memory, so sometimes I find bruises I don't remember how I got, so I just shrug and tell myself that excuse.

Ah-ha, so YOU'RE my secret identity.. I wondered where I left it this time.

The scary part is that's half believeable.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 6:16 PM


I'm sorry you are having sucha hard time Boris...If you are smart enough to get an ed-ju-mu-caton you should be smart enough to realize that by far the vast majority of beings on this planet are vain, shallow, vapid, animalistic prigs. There is no fix for them. College does NOT guarantee you will be in more intelligent company. Hate them ALL the time and your life becomes comfortably worse and then eats you from the inside out. As I was tellin' someone else the other day "Frustration! Baby-you got ta breathe!

Pie??? Are you talkin' cherry or 3.16?


Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:01 PM


I don't hate em all the time. Usually I ignore em, and luckily I have a diverse group of friends to keep me sane at Uni...I've just had a couple of consecutive days where I've been around students spouting their vaccuous asinine perspectives and the attitudes weren't directed at me but they still irked me enough to stimulate eye rolling and acidic comments. I'm actually more irked about the fact that I really do beleive I'm more evolved than alot of people (not any of you :-))and that level of arrogance in myself disturbs me but I can't annihilate it some days.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:02 PM


Breathing is good...I should try it.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:23 PM



Originally posted by Iremisst:

College does NOT guarantee you will be in more intelligent company

I would argue that it should. Or at least increase the chances significantly. And as well, those chances drastically increase with each progressive year. So, in second year, many (or most) of those that do not belong should be weeded out. It should really only be in 1st year (and perhaps, to a lesser degree, 2nd year) in which one should have to "put up with it."

Point of fact, if the education system was doing its job, the above would be true. Unfortunately, it isn't and the product is a continuing degradation of academic standards.

NOTE: This isn't a "when I was a kid" type thing. I've seen this happen at my alma mater; the curriculum has changed for the worse. Similarly, with other institutions that I've both attended and institutions where I know people that work there.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:21 PM


re your title:

who isn't?

Be unique, be diverse, be yourself! Follow your heart, be your own person, hitch ya wagon to a star!

^Lol. I could have written your post. All the crap people say in the name of academic equality. Now that's what I call PRETENTIOUS. Buck up. That's all I can say.

Unless you want to hear a vivid memory of a finals-week busride marred by airheads chattering of margaritas and condoms...


Going for a ride.


Friday, May 21, 2010 12:59 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by boris:

Many of them don't deserve to be here and frankly alot of those are too stupid to be here. when you hear them talking you can tell they don't understand what a privelege it is to be part of the university learning process. And the way they talk about the people they think are "beneath" them just makes me want to perpetuate violent acts. also when they stand around critiscising what other people are wearing etc It pisses me off to the point where I actually do comment. I hate them and wish I didn't have to share my education experience with them because they are too dumb to learn the right stuff! (i.e. they are my intellectual inferiors and Given the choice I would have them banished).

Well, to be honest, I do agree that many who attend universities DON'T need to be there, and are there simply to give the institutions $$, and broaden the donation base. I'm not so sure your dislike is entirely deserved for those "unequals", though. We're always being told how much better a living one can make by earning a degree, and that's true. But not for everyone. One on going joke was that many women simply attended so as to find a husband and get married. Chasing that " MRS " degree, it's called.

My siblings graduated with engineering degrees. Does that mean that I too should be 'entitled' to automatically take up a spot and get to attend too, in place of some other student who may have shown greater potential ?

While I agree that a college education should be viewed as an admirable and worthy goal, it should not be forced down the throats of students ( and their tuition paying parents ) that financial success awaits all those who merely earn a degree, and that you'll amount to nothing if you don't attend college.

And I'm afraid that the trend of " allowing " 2nd and 3rd rate students will only continue , or worse, grow, as the cost of education increases and certain people in positions of power keep perpetuating the idea that higher education isn't just a privilege, it's a right, and that EVERYONE should go.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Friday, May 21, 2010 4:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by boris:

Many of them don't deserve to be here and frankly alot of those are too stupid to be here. when you hear them talking you can tell they don't understand what a privelege it is to be part of the university learning process. And the way they talk about the people they think are "beneath" them just makes me want to perpetuate violent acts. also when they stand around critiscising what other people are wearing etc It pisses me off to the point where I actually do comment. I hate them and wish I didn't have to share my education experience with them because they are too dumb to learn the right stuff! (i.e. they are my intellectual inferiors and Given the choice I would have them banished).

Well, to be honest, I do agree that many who attend universities DON'T need to be there, and are there simply to give the institutions $$, and broaden the donation base. I'm not so sure your dislike is entirely deserved for those "unequals", though. We're always being told how much better a living one can make by earning a degree, and that's true. But not for everyone. One on going joke was that many women simply attended so as to find a husband and get married. Chasing that " MRS " degree, it's called.

My siblings graduated with engineering degrees. Does that mean that I too should be 'entitled' to automatically take up a spot and get to attend too, in place of some other student who may have shown greater potential ?

While I agree that a college education should be viewed as an admirable and worthy goal, it should not be forced down the throats of students ( and their tuition paying parents ) that financial success awaits all those who merely earn a degree, and that you'll amount to nothing if you don't attend college.

And I'm afraid that the trend of " allowing " 2nd and 3rd rate students will only continue , or worse, grow, as the cost of education increases and certain people in positions of power keep perpetuating the idea that higher education isn't just a privilege, it's a right, and that EVERYONE should go.

The Growing College Premium
For a whole bunch of reasons I think it’s smart and necessary for American society and public policy to do more to advance alternatives to traditional college as a means to securing recognized credentials of advanced skills. That said, I think the notion that you sometimes hear bandied about that expanding the number of Americans with college degrees would have no value is extremely pernicious. The proof, as David Leonhardt pointed out yesterday (
), is clearly there in the large and growing college wage premium:

This isn’t all there is to say about inequality in the United States of America, but it’s part of what there is to say about it. What’s more, it suggests a substantial overall inefficiency—demand for the skills that college graduates have is growing faster than the supply. Increasing the number of high-skill Americans by increasing the number of people who finish college will do enormous good for the majority of people.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity", where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 21, 2010 4:43 AM


You cannot hide from these types of people at college, or out there in the big bad world either. You'd be surprised at how many of these so-called stupid people have much in common with you. Many people go to college for an all-around experience, which includes many things outside of the classroom. Some just want to party with minimum effort towards the education part. Doesn't mean they're beneath you, or even dumber than you. It just means they have different goals or timetables than you. You ought to lighten up a bit and enjoy your youth. You'll never get another chance at being young again.


Friday, May 21, 2010 4:53 AM



Originally posted by boris:
Normally I'm pretty accepting but today I realised sometimes I'm not. I attend university...and while I think anyone who wants to work hard to achieve tertiary qualifiactions should be able to attend and be supported regardless of their perceived intelligence level(e.g. I have an IQ of about 169 but I Also have a learning disorder so need extra time to complete things and a bit of extra support but I always produce excellent work if my needs are met so lectureres are willing to be flexible). too many of the people who attend my university only do so because they were accepted or their marks were high enough. Many of them don't deserve to be here and frankly alot of those are too stupid to be here. when you hear them talking you can tell they don't understand what a privelege it is to be part of the university learning process. And the way they talk about the people they think are "beneath" them just makes me want to perpetuate violent acts. also when they stand around critiscising what other people are wearing etc It pisses me off to the point where I actually do comment. I hate them and wish I didn't have to share my education experience with them because they are too dumb to learn the right stuff! (i.e. they are my intellectual inferiors and Given the choice I would have them banished).

So, let me get this straight. Some people who you believe are not superior to others are acting like they are superior to others and putting them down. However, you believe you are superior to them. Since you believe it then it must be true. So, you go about putting them down.

Sorry, but this is a pot meet kettle situation. You need to take the high road and accept them for who they are. Rather then thinking they're beneath you and therefore deserve to be criticized or insulted. In my experience you can usually find something good about most people if you are willing to accept that everyone has their flaws.


Friday, May 21, 2010 5:41 AM



Originally posted by two:

Funny thing, for me, is that educationally I am represented by the blue line, but financially I am represented by the red line. Go! Go! IT Certifications! :D


Friday, May 21, 2010 7:37 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Stegasaurus:

Originally posted by two:

Funny thing, for me, is that educationally I am represented by the blue line, but financially I am represented by the red line. Go! Go! IT Certifications! :D

I know somebody who's got less education than you do. Summer Glau was home schooled and she never went to college. River Tam dropped out at 15. Both can kick your IT certificate, financially, ya know what I mean? More precisely, the chart's "real median weekly earnings" says nothing about your particular earnings because it is only a medium, but it does hint at why rude vulgarians, complained of by "boris", go to college -- it's about the money.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity", where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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