unintentional self injury

UPDATED: Monday, January 10, 2011 03:44
VIEWED: 3526
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Thursday, January 6, 2011 2:53 AM


I'm lactose and gluten intolerant but I can't stop eating cheese, ice cream, bread and pasta...the gluten/lactose free alternatives just doesn't cut it: the double shot spanish hot chocolate affogato over vanilla bean gelato at my fave cafe just doesn't taste as heavenly with soy ice cream and the only bruschetta worth eating needs to be on crusty white fresh cooked Sicilian casareccio bread. my gut hates me

Rose S


Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:49 AM


No pain, no gain...weight gain that is! Wahaha!
I'm so clever.


Thursday, January 6, 2011 4:45 AM


Have you tied eating dates? They fix alot of my problems because they have soo much fiber. Hard to find, though....And not usually cheap...


Thursday, January 6, 2011 4:47 AM


Also, we got hubby's test results back yesterday, his cholesterol is high so I finally get to put him on a diet I've been threatening him with for years. Not a happy camper...


Thursday, January 6, 2011 10:37 AM


I'm vegan so I might have some good tofu-based recipes for some of this, I can make a no-cheese-cake that's better than actual cheesecake.

Not sure what I can tell you about soy ice cream, I actually don't like that stuff much either. But I do know some examples of tofu cheeses that you might cream up for a Bruschetta, and I know other people who substitute other stuff besides tofu like some kinda nut paste that's also really good, I could ask about it.

It's kinda like eating protein 24-7. Tofu tastes like crotch if you don't know how to prepare it right or which kind of tofu to use, but if you know a good cook you can make your cake as chocolatey as possible.


Thursday, January 6, 2011 12:49 PM


I'm not a weighty person have low blood pressure and I eat pretty healthy yet 5 years ago my cholesterol level was through the roof. the reason: Too much Cheese. so I cut way down and try to stick to low/no fat varieties. but even eating one piece makes me ill. My gut is a bit sensitive due to two bouts of Giardia. Other people have recommended dates...but I don't do dried fruit :-) actually the only fruit I'll eat happily are Bananas, citrus, pineapples watermelons and apples everything else has to be juiced or pureed or i won't eat em...texture issues.
Bytemite a recipe for no cheese cheese cake would be good. I make a pretty decent tofu based icecream...unfortunately I can't take it with me when I go to cafes and most of them only use the one brand available in supermarkets here, which tastes vile. we used to have another brand Fruccio which was yummy but Sanitarium the brand that monopolises the Soymilk products market here killed their business somehow. shame coz it was vegan friendly, and had no nasty additives.


Friday, January 7, 2011 6:58 PM


America loves a winner!

You're ( allegedly ) intolerant to these things, yet continue to eat them?

That's so not my kind of stupid.

Be better than that. You know you can.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, January 7, 2011 8:15 PM


In most cases an intolerance isn't fatal, rather it just upsets the stomach a bit.

There's some evidence out there that most PEOPLE are lactose intolerant to some degree, but just don't notice, or care that their stomach gets upset. Cheese and ice cream is yummy.


Saturday, January 8, 2011 4:42 AM


I am pretty smart about most things but have to admit I have been grossly stupid at times when it comes to food. the lactose and gluten thing just affects my gut.and gives me a rash so i am fairly blase about it because a gizzillion other things give me a rash too and my gut is regularly compromised by abdominal tics (Tourettes)which makes it pretty cranky on and off. I have to keep an epi pen with me as inhalation or Ingestion of most Moulds, moderate levels of MSG, some fruit and most antibiotics would require a quick trip to emergency. Back in the past when I was way less evolved I used to eat just enough brie cheese or watermelon to trigger wheezing and if i was really stupidly indulgent I'd get to vomitting stage which is usually the next step before anaphyllaxis. kind of like allergy russian roulette. the last time i did that (15 years ago when I was more impulsive) I went too far and learned that a) a jab of adrenalin though a lifesaver immobilises you for about a week b) the kind hardworking doctors and nurses at the ER have better things to do with their time than deal with people who choose to get sick. so as much as I miss that cool slice of watermelon on a hot day I just don't go there anymore...stinky italian cheese is another story :-)

Rose S


Saturday, January 8, 2011 5:38 AM


America loves a winner!

Couple of yrs ago, I decided to change what I was doing, and it's amazing what you can adapt to, once you try. Not trying to put myself in anyone's shoes, ( as Mal says, we all got on this boat for different reasons ) but it comes down to what matters most. For the longest time, I put up w/ bad eating habbits, simply because that's how I'd done it for so long.

What I thought was soooo important, that I coudln't do w/ out, I don't bother even thinking about these days. Seeing where I've come and where I am today. it's easy to imagine doing so much more. It's rather shiny, actualy.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Saturday, January 8, 2011 6:06 AM


Ok, bit of a brit alert, but here we go...

My Mother and sister are both wheat intolerent, and on top of that my mother is vegetarian, so eating for them is a struggle, as in this country wheat is in virtually everything. Even the stuff where you can't fathom why.

Over the years i've got pretty good at baking decent wheat free cakes etc (we're a sweet toothed family) and found some bearable bread alternatives but the one thing we can't replicate is scones.

I've tried endless variations, even adding odd things like xantham gum and powdered vit c, to no avail and the number of times i sit and watch both of them try to tot up in their minds whether having a scone is worth the three days of tiredness, headaches and aching joints is unreal.

Because of that, i've resisted giving up wheat completely, even though the likelyhood is that i'm mildly intolerent too, because I just don't want to go the rest of my life having to do that.
I've cut down, but i wont give up entirely because i don't want to get so sensitive to it that one accidental ingestion incapacitates me.

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Saturday, January 8, 2011 6:19 AM


By the way Boris, I have a great recipe for carrot cake that uses wheat free flour and no dairy. It has raisins in it but you could chop up dates and use them there instead - disguses the texture a bit!

It's become our go to cake for birthdays and christmas, and it uses a relatively small amount of sugar so its not stonkingly bad for you either. If you're interested I can pass it on, i think it's adapted from a recipe on the net to be honest.

Theres also something we can get in this country which is basically powdered fibre which can be added to any cold drink - I tried it once and its virtually taste free. Benefibre (i just googled, 'scuse me) or anything with Psyllium husks.

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Sunday, January 9, 2011 3:54 AM


Seryn have they tried doing pumpkin or potato scones? I did a potato based batch based on a Gnocchi mix plus wheat free flour egg and soymilk they were pretty light and not too crumbly. Is your mum a vegan? coz eggs make all the difference. I make my own icecream using soft tofu and xantham amongst other thingsIt'spretty good. The only brand of soy icecream you can get where i live has gluten and various chemicals added to it. I eat alot of buckwheat and brown rice etc and I have recently found a decent gluten free pasta...or else I make my own. when I start earning decent money I am saving up for a thermo-mixer an amazing kitchen do all that will make my life alot easier ans solve the hassle of having to find hard to get "me friendly" ingredients.

Rose S


Sunday, January 9, 2011 4:12 AM


I think scones are slightly different here - They're made with flour, butter and milk, and thats about it, even sugar is optional as the clotted cream and jam (preserve?) add the sweetness.

To the normal wheat scones my usual recipe also has bicarb, baking powder and cream of tartre and the secret is repeated folding and rolling to make it almost elasticated - that way when you put them in a really hot oven and the air expands they rise and become really light and fluffy. With the wheat free flours this doesn't seem to happen and they just refuse to rise and expand, meaning the end result is small, dense and so hard you could break windows with them. Even the xantham gum, which is so great everywhere else makes little difference.

Ho hum.

Its possible to use bananas and potatoes as bases for sponges etc I know, but i've no idea how this would work with the methods for scones - its another avenue to experiment with i suppose - would just have to add sugar to compensate which doesn't sound great

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Sunday, January 9, 2011 9:07 PM


scones in Australia are made the same way though the bicarb or cream of tartar are optional. My version with egges was just a close substitute. I know you can get a gluten substitute product which you add to wheat free flour to add the elasticity factor. I'll find out what the brand is and let you know. I'm pretty sure it's a european product. Coeliac websites are always good to find out that sort of thing

Rose S


Sunday, January 9, 2011 9:07 PM


scones in Australia are made the same way though the bicarb or cream of tartar are optional. My version with egges was just a close substitute. I know you can get a gluten substitute product which you add to wheat free flour to add the elasticity factor. I'll find out what the brand is and let you know. I'm pretty sure it's a european product. Coeliac websites are always good to find out that sort of thing

Rose S


Monday, January 10, 2011 3:44 AM


I've no idea what the cream of tartar actually does, but theses scones always come out brilliantly, so i'm not messing with the recipe!

I might try an egg variation then, see if it makes any difference, i've also seen a recipe using buttermilk - might give that a go too.

Xanthan gum in powdered form is what you usually get here. It works fantastically in sponge cakes where the mix tends to be too crumbly to work with otherwise, if theres another one i'd love to know cause it might make all the difference. I'll have a surf later

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)






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