UPDATED: Thursday, January 13, 2011 17:23
VIEWED: 5885
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011 7:40 PM


I feel it's gonna be a good year. I for one am embarking on a new career as a bonafide Speech Pathologist. After 4 years of gruelling study I can now assess and treat all manner of swallowing and communication disorders....I just have to complete and submit my thesis on the "impact of Stuttering" on school aged children and I can start applying for jobs. I know I'm lucky that I was able to return to study in my late 30's early 40's thanks to my parents letting me move in and the Australian Govt allowing me to pay later...when I'm making a higher income. So I'm gonna ensure I do a great job.
Am praying the Queensland floods subside and we don't get flooding here in Newcastle again. (we copped it 2 years ago).

This year I'm planning to travel to the gold coast to catch up with my oldest friend who I haven't seen for 10 years. We have decided to write a funny kids book based on our childhood. Hopefully it will teach kids some things about tolerance as well as entertain them.
I also want to save up and go to the UK as I haven't seen my brother and family for 3 years.
what are your plans for 2011?

Rose S


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 10:07 AM


I'd like to go on vacation in S. Carolina (east coast for you) this year, but I make no plans. Every time I make a plan, the universe laughs...


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 11:27 AM


lets hope this time the universe hugs you :-)

Rose S


Sunday, January 9, 2011 4:47 PM


Can I get a hug from the universe?

(This year was meant to be the year that selling my papercrafting supplies got me off benefits and back into paying, but flexible, work. I spent the latter half of last year doing my absolute best to find customers, spending loads on craft and market stalls and things to sell. It didn't work. And the one customer I made subsequently signed up with my upline, with both of them having gone silent on me, so i'm pretty bummed to be honest.)

So change of plan, and i'm now having to gear myself up to return to an office job or something. But i'm also going to try selling wedding invites online, investigate doing childrens parties and put some serious time into planning a business idea that I had so that I don't have to stay in the offices forever.
I think my basic plan though is try and stay optimistic.

I'm also on day 4 of a diet (that i'm sticking too! Not managed that before!) and i'm making a senbazuru (1000 origami cranes) garland.

Fingers crossed.

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Sunday, January 9, 2011 8:52 PM


hey Seryn...the universe has plenty of hugs to spare. I hope things work out better for you this year. don't take what happened too personally. My Brother and Sister in law live in the UK and I know it's pretty tough there at the moment. I have experience with trying to break into the craft market. It is always tough. It takes a long time to see the profits start coming in. Building up clientele is timely too. Then there's all that lovely stuff you get to learn about people like how deceiving they can be and how eager some of them are to steal your ideas and pass them off as their own. But if you plug at it you do see rewards. I make jewellery and textiles. I found my stuff sells becuase what i make is a little different without being completely out there. It sounds like you are organised if you have a business plan so I'm keeping fingers crossed for ya. Good luck with it

Rose S


Monday, January 10, 2011 4:04 AM


To be honest you are completely right. So far i've been trying to learn how to work the 'usual' way and produce things like other peoples stuff, and i'm just not that good at it.
I think i'm going to make sure this year I inject more of my own taste and personality into things, like include more origami and my other hobbies and reveal my geeky side - cause its a side of me i love and so far i've been hiding it.

I couldn't sleep last night so sat up designing geeky invites and stuff, i'll post links if i'm happy with them.

The business idea was to open a town centre crafts studio to host lessons and workshops and groups, cause the places like that are usually out in the middle of nowhere and impossible to get to easily. I wanted to be able to host most every type of craft and have people come in to share what they do - everything from milliners teaching how to block and trim felt hats to foresters showing how to make runner bean supports from traditional materials. I also wanted to have some kind of space in which to sell affordable art and crafts and to provide an outlet for small scale crafts people.
I need to find out where to go to research the viability of all of these things though - i still have no idea, so thats what i need to do with 2011.

As for the stuff that happened with my customer and upline i'm just trying my best not to think too much about it, cause thats when i start to take it personally.

Cheers Boris - it really is helpful to the sanity that i'm not the only one.

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Tuesday, January 11, 2011 12:24 AM


Seryn I love your idea! I bet it will take off just make sure you have lots of contingencies etc..(My plan when I retire is to open up a gelateria/craft space). Do take the leap and inject some of your own may be surprised. I used to be part of TASDA a textiles group in Canberra (Australia's capital)it was brilliant there were all ages and we shared skillls and resources. If there's something similar near you see what they do and that might help with ideas about your business plan. or google something like "textile collectives" and see what happens. Good luck with it and I look forward to hearing about your progress.

Rose S


Tuesday, January 11, 2011 3:38 AM


I read the news this morning, I hope you aren't getting flooded out down there girl!

In unrelated news, we got about three more inches of snow this morning...

Stay safe Boris!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:28 AM


Hey Wishy, We haven't been flooded.My oldest friend and her family are close to it so we are crossing fingers for them. Her brother and his family are more or less stranded on their property which is on a hill near Toowoomba the hardest hit area. it's moving fast out of Queensland and has hit the north western part of NSW (the state I live in) we are pretty far from there but we are pretty tetchy as it's a huge volume of water and as you've no doubt seen on TV it's moving fast. I'm pretty sure we and other people around here are being overanxious as our area flooded heavily 2.5.years ago. Luckily the flood waters stopped about 500 metres short of our street so crossing fingers. I'm sure it's not going to get this far though.
Snow Ugh! I love winter but I hate snow unless I'm sledding or snow boarding on it. It doesn't seem to matter how many layers you have on, the cold from the snow always seems to seep in to your bones. Hey by the way I've gone to the chat boards a few times but no one is ever there...probably coz of the timezone factor...different bedtimes :-)

you take care and keep cozy

Rose S


Wednesday, January 12, 2011 3:48 AM


Wo! when was the last time you saw the ocean? Being an EAst coast Aussie I've always been close to the beach. can't imagine a summer without surf...except last year where we only had about 10 good beach days due to either poor weather or Shark sitings.

Rose S


Wednesday, January 12, 2011 4:00 AM


That's a long time. I hope you have the chance to go back soon. One of the things I love about living near Newcastle NSW is how close it is to the sea. we also have a great harbour I love hanging out there and watching the barges and tugs bring the cargo and coal ships in.

Rose S


Wednesday, January 12, 2011 7:22 PM


It is. We don't take it for granted either. we really appreciate what we have here.

Rose S


Thursday, January 13, 2011 4:25 PM


I know it's nothing compared to Oz but I've always loved living near the water, and was never very happy away from it, grew up on a peninsular, so never had far to travel and it was only when I got landlocked in Kent that I realised how much I missed it. I hope you get to see it again soon.

Going into wee smug mode, my dieting efforts paid off - I lost 7 lbs this week! I'm still working out my interim targets but I also settled on a final target of 10 and a half to 11 stone.Which is almost half of me - eek! I also found a picture of Christina Hendrickson and I'm going to be taping it to the fridge - I'm never going to be small of hip so she's good inspiration.

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)


Thursday, January 13, 2011 4:42 PM


Goals for 2011....
move back out of parents house.

and as for y'all diet folks?
here's the one I'm on, and have been quite successful with:

I was a Lima loser for 29 years before "glee" introduced us to the term. -ME


Thursday, January 13, 2011 4:59 PM


My goals for 2011...

1) Lose weight (20-30 pounds)
2) Go back to college so I can get my bachelor's or law school haven't decided
3) Stop being so god damn lazy
4) Find true love
5) Read more books
6) Go to North Carolina on vacation!

[Inara: It's all right. I mostly keep to myself. When I'm not whoring.]


Thursday, January 13, 2011 5:23 PM


Yeah, I followed that diet for years, cept I never got the crappy feeling before eating the doughnuts, just after. I've steadfastly refused to diet my whole life, but I'm too fat now for the rides at the theme parks, just when I grew the nads to go on them, and I wanna go on the rides!

So considering the fact that I loath all forms of sport and exercise by extension, diet it is. I just pray I don't get tedious.

Good luck with your goals Pp, if you want to read more books, and you have an Ipod touch or an iPhone download the kindle app, it's free and loads of books on amazon are free too (mainly classics and bonk'n'bites, but hey)

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)






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