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Real or Legend, What's Your Favorite Cryptid?

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Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:59 PM


American Bigfoot scientists and researchers felt hoodwinked by
Russian Yeti event

By idoubtit - October 24, 2011

Dr. Jeff Meldrum, professor of anatomy and anthropologist
at Idaho State University, has spoken out about his recent
excursion to Siberia to examine the existence of the Russian
Yeti. Dr. Meldrum was a featured speaker at the Pennsylvania
Bigfoot Conference in Youngwood, PA on Sunday, October 23.
His conclusion: the yeti evidence was poor and he and other
researchers were brought to Russia to add credibility to the
local claim that yetis live in the area.

ETA: Still looking.
Mike Rugg has over 100 videos on YouTube; he's interesting,
down-to-earth IMO. His web site:

I am aware that no Bigfoots live in Europe proper, because it
is heavily populated. Apparently.
Wild men that may have lived there in mideval times (woodwose,
wudewasa) long ago retreated to the wilds of Russia.

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Thursday, November 29, 2012 10:48 PM


FloralBunny: "I wish we had Rugg's opinion of Siberian Almas,"
If you mean the huskies, I don't know if Rugg has a dog.

Siberian wildmen mentioned below are news to me.

... discussed “Siberian Neandertals” a year ago, in October 2007,
here. The notion there are unknown hairy hominoids in Siberia is

The various reports go by different names. They are called Mecheny,
Mirygdy, Chuchunaa, Mulen, or Wildmen; some former Soviet Snowmen
Commission scientists and a few Chinese in the last century have
studied them. The Chuchunaa, the sometimes-raggedly-clothed, eastern
version of the Mirygdy, are sighted in Eastern Siberia.

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Saturday, December 1, 2012 2:00 PM


Almasty?, Almas is singular?

"Bigfoot Research, the Russian Version" by Dmitri Bayanov
Book review, Mike Rugg, no mention of Almasty:
"Almas, Mongolian for "wild man", is a purported hominid cryptozoological
species reputed to inhabit the Caucasus and Pamir Mountains of central
Asia, and the Altai Mountains of southern Mongolia."
Interesting Sighting Details of the Almas
Almas is a Mongolian word for wild man. The plural term almasty
is derived from Russian, while other variations of the name are
almasti, almaslar, bnahua, and ochokochi, which translates as the
name for a forest deity in the West Asian regions, such as Armenia
and Georgia. Current accounts of the most recent sightings of the
almas locate it near the southern part of Mongolia, along the Altai
Mountains and the Tien Shan pass near the northern border of China.

1992 News, Hunting the Almasty

Oonjerah: My own prejudice about undocumented APEmen or Wildmen is:
Probably more man than ape if they've eluded hunters for centuries.
Gorillas in Africa have tried this, too, but when they get found out,
are soon on the endangered list.
If the Wildmen are also endangered, it's not from being hunted by men,
but may be from destruction of habitat.

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Sunday, December 2, 2012 11:25 AM


As I remember it from some years back I was up late one night listening to the all-night flying saucer show (Art Bell Coast to Coast AM or wotever)when someone came on the air who told a story of a couple of female "alma" creatures who were captured, kept caged in a town in Siberia, and eventually died there. From what the guest said, it wasn't the first time these beings had been seen in the area. Could he have had the name wrong, substituting one from another region? Dunno. Possible.
It has been so dratted long that I couldn't begin to guess at the name of the guest. There's turnover in these things, as in anything else, as witness even the hosts of the show.



Monday, December 3, 2012 12:03 PM


from TheBigfootForums:

"my daughter who is in the Army Natl' Guard was stationed at Fort Lewis,
Washington was given a manuel of the Army Corp. of Engineers showing to
Flora and Fuana of the base before they headed out for recon, they were
shown in the manuel the Sasquatch and told that if they encounter such
creatures to just avoid them and leave them alone."

At Fort Lewis, WA, Bigfoot in an Army manual?

This is the 2nd report of it I've read. I looked it up on the sightings
data base, and yes, Fort Lewis/Pierce county WA is a 'Squatch hot spot.
Perfect terrain and climate for them?

In an update from Dr. Ketchum, when the DNA report is published, they will
also release “Hi-Def video of some sasquatch it’s quite remarkable. It’s

There is a lot of old, but-new-to-me stuff I've been reading lately. It is
not quite coherent yet; hope to comment on it later.

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 8:12 PM



Bigfoot Recordings

"We have verified that these creatures use language by the human
definition of it. The months of hard work that we have put into the
study of the Berry/Morehead tapes is finally coming to fruition.
The analysis is finished, although I am still working on parts of the
final write-up such as frequency count tables, morpheme lists, etc."


"All I suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" ~Paul Simon


Wednesday, December 5, 2012 2:02 PM


Sasquatch Genesis - the Origin of Bigfoot
The Theory of Human Hyridization with an Archaic Hominin Lineage
David Claerr, Yahoo! Contributor Network - Dec 5, 2012

The Footers (community of folks interested in Bigfoot, includes
dissenters & proponents) and the Scoffers (columnists who regularly
ridicule the possibility of Bigfoot) have really been stirred up by
the announcement that DNA proof of Bigfoot will soon be published.
That's a long read & I've waded thru some of it, tho I have no
patience with the ridiculers. They are disrespectful and don't
deserve my attention.

The article linked above is the best one I've seen since Dr. Ketchum's
press release on Nov 24th.

Will the Sykes/Satori study, which also tested Bigfoot samples and
could be released even before the Ketchum study, be able to support
Ketchum's findings?

I seriously doubt it. Sykes-Satori, as I understand it, are testing
only mitochondrial DNA, which you can get from a hair shaft, and it
is very reliable: not subject to contamination. They are not looking
at nuclear DNA at all. According to Dr. Ketchum, Sasquatch mitochon-
drial DNA shows up as human ... could be why the dozens of tests
done on it in the past were tossed out as, "Nothing to see here."

The Sykes-Satori study isn't about Bigfoot in particular. It's about
cryptid homonids in general: Yeti, Yeren, Orang Pendek, Almas as well.



Saturday, December 8, 2012 7:05 PM


Lloyd Pye of "Everything You Know Is Wrong" fame has a brief page
on the cryptid homonids:



Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:28 AM


Bigfoot News December 8, 2012, Robert Lindsay

Oonj: How to preface this? It covers several aspects of current Sasquatch
news + some of the candidates for his ancestry. Pretty interesting.

When will Dr. Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA paper be out? Unknown.
The leaked-3rd-hand, peer reviewer's objection to it made 0 sense.

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Tuesday, December 25, 2012 5:59 PM


George Knapp interviews Dr. Melba Ketchum on Coast to Coast,
Sunday night, Dec 23-24. - Move the timer to 1 hour in.

They discuss her paper on the Bigfoot DNA study.
The paper isn't published yet, but already is controversial.

"All I suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" ~Paul Simon


Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:28 PM


I thought Ketchum sounded reasonably sane.
It was late for me. I was sober, a bit sleepy.



Wednesday, January 16, 2013 1:23 PM


An old friend used to say, "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a
duck and is seen in the company of ducks, it is probably a duck."

Re: Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study which proves the exis-
tence of Sasquatch and it's pending publication is almost upon us ...

I'm too tired, used & bruised to go into the details, but --

Since late November when Igor Burtsev mistakenly leaked on Facebook
Dr. Ketchum's intended press release, forcing her to make the actual
press release by way of clarification ...

Most of what's been coming out of the Ketchum camp is good or bad
carnival, depending on your taste in entertainment. To me, it's in
bad taste and offensive.

The latest is that some sweet young thing with a sweet handle put
out a petition calling for federal protection of Bigfoot. So when
that was also excused as an error in timing, "but please do sign it
anyway," I sorta gagged on my cookies.

I really want to believe that the woman did an actual DNA study on
Bigfoot tissues, has a 50-page report written by herself and other
experts; it's about to be published ... but I'm not able to believe
it now, today.

Dr. Ketchum is walkin' like a duck.

"All I suggest is Oonjerah hears what she wants to hear, and disregards the rest"


Wednesday, February 13, 2013 8:39 PM


Walkin' Like A Scientist Yet? Not quite to my likes.

Most would agree that the discovery of a Sasquatch, dead or alive,
would be an epic discovery for anthropology.

Last week of November, I said that a DNA study proving the existence
of Bigfoot was about to be published; the head of the study and primary
author is Dr. Melba Ketchum.

Today,Dr. Ketchum self-published that study. Costs $30 to download
and read. Well worth it if it's a true & fine paper that will prove the
elusive 'Squatch.!special-issue/crrc

Everything about the publication seems odd. Early reviews are bad.
"It's a mess." ... Well, yeah! But is it a hoax?
I don't know that any actual genetics expert has reviewed it yet.

As for the "truly amazing" video that comes with the report (pay extra?
I dunno) ... like so many Bf films, we're looking in thru the bushes and
we see ... a shag rug that breathes. Wow!

    Update: 13 Nov 2017
Dr. Ketchum Is a hoax, & BF is half lemur?
Melba Ketchum: Bigfoot is part human and part lemur. She
says it on YouTube. I've not got the link to work, though.

  HolyCredibilityTilt!! The woman claims to be a veterinarian,
& I know more about high school biology than she does!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013 10:29 PM


The Real Deal:

Genetics professor investigates the Yeti

"in the provisionally titled "The Quest for the Yeti, A DNA
Detective Story" ... Bryan Sykes, professor of genetics at
Oxford University, is to investigate whether there are genetic
traces of species including the Yeti."
The Quest for the Yeti will describe Sykes' hunt for genetic
traces of species whose existence remains scientifically
unconfirmed, including the Yeti, the Sasquatch and Big Foot.

For the most part the samples he has tracked down for analysis
have turned out to be known species such as bears, raccoons or
cows; however two samples taken towards the end of his quest
will "change our understanding of human history," he says.

Towards the end of his quest, BTW, he spent about a week in
the Pacific NW visiting a well-known "Footers."



Tuesday, October 15, 2013 10:17 PM


18-foot-long oarfish carcass discovered! Now, what do they do with it?

"The discovery of an 18-foot oarfish off Catalina Island thrilled the
staff at Catalina Island Marine Institute. Now they’re wondering: What
do you do with the carcass of a very rare 18-foot-long fish?

"Jeff Chace, program director of the institute, said it took about 15
people on Sunday to lug the serpent-like "leviathan" onto shore after
it was discovered dead in about 20 feet of water.

"It just amazed me," he said. .....

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime discovery," Chace said."

Not just another fish story.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013 4:59 AM


17 Animals that Scientists want to bring back from Extinction


Wednesday, November 6, 2013 9:44 PM



Originally posted by Penguin:

Originally posted by FloralBunny:
I love hummingbird moths!

We always called them "Sphinx moths".

Do penguins count as Cryptid??

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa

Yes!! Penguin counts as a cryptid.

He hasn't been seen in here since the last week of June.
Is it up to Little Me to track him down?

Come Back, Pengy!!

A man's gotta know his bird tracks.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2:31 AM


The Spanish 'wolf man' who survived 12 years in the wild:
Modern Mowgli: Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja, raised by wolves from age 7 to 19.

Yes, he's on YouTube, but nearly all the posts are in Spanish.
There is also a full length movie in Spanish.

10 Feral Human Children Raised by Animals


Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2:36 AM


Cryp'tid: In cryptozoology and sometimes in cryptobotany,
a cryptid is a creature or plant whose existence has been
suggested but is not recognized by scientific consensus.
Bernard Heuvelmans (1916-2001), a Belgian-French scientist,
explorer, & writer is said to be "the father of cryptozoology."

The thylacine, tho it may be extinct or not, believed to be
wiped out by humans, I do not consider a cryptid, because it
has a record in botany. In any case, it may be resurrecting

The Mokèlé-mbèmbé, otoh, a smallish dinosaur living in the
Congo River basin, is a cryptid until a person with really
good credentials & a really good camera gets its picture &
returns to civilization with it. When asked to select the
creature closest to it in a picture book, the locals mostly
pick a rhinoceros. So alternate theory is that mokele-mbembe
is a forest-dwelling, water-loving, pygmy rhino. Evenso, it
is a cryptid, 'cause it's not in the botany books.

A dwarf Diplodocus or a Brontosaurus, surviving relic of
a prehistoric mega-dino, would be a cryptid because it is
a) not documented, b) too incredible, & c) too much fun
to contemplate.

====================== :>
All I suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. ~Paul Simon


Saturday, January 16, 2016 1:48 AM


the Sykes/Satori study:

OK. "The Nature of the Beast" by Bryan Sykes, professor of
human genetics at Oxford. I've not yet finished the book --
slow reader me. But I agree with someone else who read it,
"Dr. Sykes has an engaging style of writing."
  and he likes to sell books.

The Almasty, 3 chapters: 7. The Russian Almasty, 26. The Russians,
& 29. Zana.

We know Zana existed, pretty sure she was an almasty.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Saturday, September 17, 2016 2:05 PM


New picks of Nessie:

hmmm. I had thought I had posted in this thread before, but now cannot find a post by me.


Monday, September 19, 2016 4:27 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
The Real Deal:

Genetics professor investigates the Yeti

"in the provisionally titled "The Quest for the Yeti, A DNA
Detective Story" ... Bryan Sykes, professor of genetics at
Oxford University, is to investigate whether there are genetic
traces of species including the Yeti."
The Quest for the Yeti will describe Sykes' hunt for genetic
traces of species whose existence remains scientifically
unconfirmed, including the Yeti, the Sasquatch and Big Foot.

For the most part the samples he has tracked down for analysis
have turned out to be known species such as bears, raccoons or
cows; however two samples taken towards the end of his quest
will "change our understanding of human history," he says.

Towards the end of his quest, BTW, he spent about a week in
the Pacific NW visiting a well-known "Footers."


Three years later and nothing on a topic that has been lingering for a very long time. Not a good sign for believers I spec.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Monday, September 19, 2016 8:05 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by Oonjerah:
The Real Deal:

Genetics professor investigates the Yeti

"in the provisionally titled "The Quest for the Yeti, A DNA
Detective Story" ... Bryan Sykes, professor of genetics at
Oxford University, is to investigate whether there are genetic
traces of species including the Yeti."
The Quest for the Yeti will describe Sykes' hunt for genetic
traces of species whose existence remains scientifically
unconfirmed, including the Yeti, the Sasquatch and Big Foot.

For the most part the samples he has tracked down for analysis
have turned out to be known species such as bears, raccoons or
cows; however two samples taken towards the end of his quest
will "change our understanding of human history," he says.

Towards the end of his quest, BTW, he spent about a week in
the Pacific NW visiting a well-known "Footers."


Three years later and nothing on a topic that has been lingering for a very long time. Not a good sign for believers I spec.

For hundreds of years humans believed Earth was flat. Should science stop looking, observing, investigating?


Thursday, December 29, 2016 7:11 PM




Friday, February 10, 2017 4:34 AM


Nessie would be fascinating if it were an aquatic dinosaur kinda critter.
I don't give him much credence because, his turf, Loch Ness is too small for a breeding population of them. If such a population existed, say 50, minimum 30 beasties, they'd be seen every day, and no mystery.

If you look at North America from space when it's night down here, just seeing all the lights ... it's immediately obvious that we humans occupy less than 10% of North America. It is mostly a vast wilderness.

Bigfoot is interesting for a few reasons.
Clearly it's homo, not an ape. That's obvious from Patty's face.

Knowing they exist, & trying to figure out why there's no proof yet, that's maddening.

Also ... many more cryptids are reported than Bigfoot & Nessie.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

I've given up looking for the meaning of life. Now all I want is a cookie.
I mean a good cookie ... not the super market garm they're selling now.


Monday, April 3, 2017 10:36 PM


Tasmanian Tiger* May Still Exist: Here Are Some Supposedly Extinct
Animals Found Alive -

*Also known as Thylacine

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

I've given up looking for the meaning of life. Now all I want is a cookie.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017 11:18 PM


First "movie" I saw was a documentary on bigfoot, which was an assignment for school. I was six and it was very scary. I wasn't allowed to see another movie until everyone went to the theater for the opening night of Star Wars. I wasn't allowed to go, but then everyone was talking about it, so my mom changed her mind and I went back on the second night.

The biggest problem I had with bigfoot as a kid though was why wouldn't there be more of them? The same thing is true of mythical monsters in general. Another issue that has spring up is that it's very difficult to be a stealthy apex predator. Watching people on facebook freak out about a sturgeon reminds me that the vast majority of the public is really quite ignorant, and that was almost certainly true when these legends were born. Something on the order of Loch Ness could exist as a vegetarian, a member of some other species, or some very long lived creature, but hard to say.

Meanwhile, real creatures are getting much creepier:

Huh, related: blue polar dot on Saturn:


Wednesday, April 5, 2017 8:45 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Think my first exposure to the subject was either Sasquatch stories or Nessie.

Personally I find Nessie more interesting than Bigfoot.

I thought Scooby Doo tracked down all of the Yeti, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Abominable Snowman, and mythical Honest Democrats back when I was a kid.
Who knew?


Thursday, April 6, 2017 7:45 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Think my first exposure to the subject was either Sasquatch stories or Nessie.

Personally I find Nessie more interesting than Bigfoot.

I thought Scooby Doo tracked down all of the Yeti, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Abominable Snowman, and mythical Honest Democrats back when I was a kid.
Who knew?

JSF, I grew up and live in British Columbia. There are countless stories of Bigfoot or Sasquatch here. First Nations people believe in them.

Also there is Lake Okanagan which is in the Okanagan and supposedly has a creature in it. It is called Ogopogo. Think of a North American version of Nessie.

Brenda, this particular post of mine was tongue-in-cheek.
I'm fair certain this thread has many of my honest posts in it.
Have you heard of the giant race(s) found buried in North America?
Do the First Nations consider Bigfoot to be human, another race, or what?


Saturday, May 13, 2017 5:11 PM



Sunday, May 14, 2017 1:51 PM


I got that they have not yet determined. Have you seen recently the pre-historic dog dinosaur they found in Montana? They thought it was part of another critter, but eventually figured it out. About 20,000 pounds I think.


Sunday, May 14, 2017 3:56 PM


I agree with the commenters, it has remnants of a baleen filter and a backbone, itsa whale. Really badly disintegrated...

This is an interesting article, the thing about Argonaut Octopi having heat seeking moisture missiles is pretty disturbing

And they only live less than five years, so no giant octopussys

1. The first octopuses evolved towards the end of the Cretaceous (the last dinosaur era). They were very small (8 cm long). Today there are 289 species of octopuses, forming about one third of the all cephalopod species.

2.The world's largest octopus is the North Pacific Giant Octopus (Octopus dofleini): on average 3 m (10 ft) in length and weighing15 kg (33.3 pounds). Still, in 1957 an individual of almost 10 m (30 ft) and 272 kg (604 pounds) in weight was found on the beaches of the British Columbia (western Canada). The average size is achieved in three years.

3. The males of argonaut octopuses are 2 cm (0.8 inch) long, while the female is huge in comparison, with her maximum 10 cm (4 inch) in length.

4. Octopuses are solitary, territorial agile hunters, feeding mainly on crustaceans (crabs and lobsters) and mollusks (clams, squids, cuttlefish), sometimes fish (including sharks). They can fast up to 6 months. Octopuses turn active at the twilight. During the day they hide in hollows, whose mouth they tap with a stone. They digest their food in 12 hours at a water temperature of 18-19 degrees Celsius. The hard parts of the prey are not swallowed.

Octopuses are preyed on by sperm whales, seals, fish (conger eels, moray eels) and sea birds.

5. Octopuses have mimic ability overcoming that of a chameleon. Hatchlings have 65 chromatophores; at the age of one year, an individual has 1-2 million chromatophores. This are starred pigment cells in the skin, colored in yellow, orange, red, brown or black, and activated through nerves. When contracted, their color disappears, when spreading, their color dominates. Leucophores form white spots on the skin.

Octopuses can mimic not just the color, but also the shape of the environment, imitating, for example, a stone covered by algae, making the approach to their prey and escaping predators easier.

Iridophores are found in the skin; they refract light and give the octopus an iridescent brightness. Adults can show off colors as signs of aggression.

6. The octopus is the most intelligent invertebrate. Its brain is formed by 500 million large neurons (the human brain is made of roughly 100 billion smaller neurons), but their intelligence is comparable with that of the apes. If a cat has to get the reflex of opening a door after having watched the action many times, an octopus can detect the solution by itself, displaying "conceptual thinking". An octopus opens the plug of a bottle to get to the lobster inside. Besides mammals and birds, octopuses are the only animals that play.

Because octopuses are solitary, the offspring do not have a learning process based on direct transmission. The speed of learning is astonishing: an octopus found by itself in about 12 minutes how to get out of a cage. The next time, it escaped from the cage in 90 seconds, proving an unmatched memory. Octopuses have two memories, cerebral (brain) and one connected to their cups. It is known how curious octopuses are to scuba divers, a behavior typical to intelligent animals.

Octopuses live only 3-5 years, so they have limited time for accumulating information. Some researchers say that if octopuses had lived more, they, and not humans, would have been the dominant intelligence on Earth.

7. Octopuses can change body shape to escape traps. An octopus's only solid part is its cartilaginous "skull". So, if a hole allows the passing of the skull, the octopus will escape, quite a problem in aquariums.

8. The octopus's eye is the most sophisticated amongst invertebrates, approaching as structure and function to that of the vertebrates. Still, they cannot see the colors.

9. These animals have three hearts, but the vascular system is poorly developed, explaining the short lifespan. Another thing: their blood is blue, as it contains hemocyanin, a copper containing respiratory pigment.

10. The octopus' penis, made by the male's third arm on the right, is called hectocotylus and is detachable. Mating can last two hours for several times, and the male introduces the hectocotylus into the gills' cavity where it deposes the spermatophores (pouches filled with millions of sperm cells), but the partners keep the distance. Partners recognize each other through smell and touch. During the mating, the male loses its hectocotylus, but till the next season, he will regenerate a new one.

They usually mate once in a lifetime: the female lays clusters of eggs, usually 100-500,000 eggs. A cluster of eggs can be 10 cm (4 in) long and contain 2,000-3,000 eggs. The clusters are defended and oxygenated by her with sprays of water for 24 -125 days (incubation time depends on the water temperature), a time of fasting for her, when she survives from her fat reserves. When the offspring hatch, she has just died of starvation. The same happens with the squids and cuttlefish. The hatchlings feed on shrimp larvae. . 90 % of them die soon after hatching.

Because females die after breeding, they live just 1-2 years, and the males up to 5.

In argonaut octopuses, the male does not even approach the female. When the spermatophores are formed, the hectocotylus breaks off from the male while away from the female, heading towards her and entering alone into its mantle cavity to fecundate the eggs. The argonaut octopuses are also called paper nautiluses, referring to the paper-thin eggcase that females secrete. This structure lacks the gas-filled chambers present in chambered nautilus shells and is not a true shell, but an evolutionary innovation unique to these octopuses.

10.The 1,600 cups found in the arms are not just tactile organs, but also olfactory. In other words, octopuses smell with their arms. A lost arm is regenerated....

11.When attacked by predators, octopuses can detach their arms. The amputated arm grows back in a few weeks. They also expel ink, which can persist for 10 minutes....

12.All octopuses produce venom, which is harmless for men in most species. Still, one of the smallest species, the blue-ringed octopus (Hapalochlaena) (20 cm (8 inch) long, 26 g heavy, the size of a golf ball), living in tidal areas in northern Australia has a powerful neurotoxic venom that kills humans and for which no antidote is known. The venom blocks the breathing muscles.

13.An abyssal octopus, the Vampire Squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) is covered completely with light-producing organs (photophores), controlled by nerves. It can produce disorienting flashes of light for fractions of a second to a few minutes.

14. There are no octopuses in polar waters.


Friday, May 19, 2017 4:50 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Think my first exposure to the subject was either Sasquatch stories or Nessie.

Personally I find Nessie more interesting than Bigfoot.

I thought Scooby Doo tracked down all of the Yeti, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Abominable Snowman, and mythical Honest Democrats back when I was a kid.
Who knew?

JSF, I grew up and live in British Columbia. There are countless stories of Bigfoot or Sasquatch here. First Nations people believe in them.

Also there is Lake Okanagan which is in the Okanagan and supposedly has a creature in it. It is called Ogopogo. Think of a North American version of Nessie.

Brenda, this particular post of mine was tongue-in-cheek.
I'm fair certain this thread has many of my honest posts in it.
Have you heard of the giant race(s) found buried in North America?
Do the First Nations consider Bigfoot to be human, another race, or what?

Sorry JSF. I thought maybe it was tongue in cheek.

I have heard one such "story" about giants in NA. I heard that when I was child. So memory not too good on it.

First Nations with stories of Sasquatch range from Alaska, Yukon through BC and down into the Pacific Northwest, Oregon and California. It's not considered human and depending on which tribe you are talking to, the creature is either harmless or dangerous. Just depends on the tribe. I gather that most consider it a legend.

But the story I added about Ogopogo is another such as I said "Nessie" like creature.

Further info about giants:
I believe this is a 3-volume set on the giants, not sure if this is the 2nd or 3rd part. All non-fiction.;id=311

Hope that helps.


Sunday, May 21, 2017 3:38 PM


I had forgotten that we just passed the 50th Anniversary of the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot video.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:52 PM


Yes, Patty, the Patterson-Gimlin film is 50 years old now. And Bob Gimlin
is still in demand as a speaker.

In 50 years, 100s of folks have claimed they saw bigfoot. So how come
Patty is still the only clear picture we have of one?
  ... Maybe because Roger Patterson was using a movie camera;
most folks lately are using their cell phone camera.

The BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) collects sighting reports
and keeps them an an accessible data base.
We can read the stories they have collected.

If I ever see a Bigfoot, I'll be scared and avoid it.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:34 PM


Are you in a location more suited to Bigfoot?


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:51 PM


Does extraterrestrial life count? Not that I believe any have visited here to date, but because I do believe life other than on our planet does exist.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:38 PM


Quote JSF: "Are you in a location more suited to Bigfoot?"

Yes, pretty much: El Dorado gold discovery county, western foothills of
the Sierras about 60 mi west of Lake Tahoe. Bigfoot could walk thru this
neighborhood at night, reeking, & only the dogs would notice.
  We should have Bigfoot sightings, but afaik, few have been reported.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Does extraterrestrial life count? Not that I believe
any have visited here to date, but because I do believe life other than
on our planet does exist.

I agree. The universe is huge. There must be other life in it. So ETs
would be good here.

And as soon as I get a coherent post composed, I'd like to discuss the Mound
Builders. JSF, you're calling them Giants? They were about twice our height
& lived in mounds. These were famously built all over our great Midwest ...
has the government been removing them? This race was not limited to the
Midwest or even to the Americas.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:21 PM


“In Captain John Smith’s map of 1606 is a picture of a Susquehannock warrior, with this curious description: ‘They seemed like giants to the English. Their language sounds like a voice in a vault. …One had a wolf’s head hanging in a chain for a jewel. His tobacco pipe three-fourths of a yard long prettily carved with a bird or a deer at great end, sufficient to beat out one’s brains. The calf of the chief’s leg was three fourths of a yard about, and all his limbs so proportionate, that he seemed the goodliest man we ever beheld. His hair on the one side was long, and the other shorne close like a coxe’s comb. His arrows were five-fourths long, headed with the splinters of a white chrystal stone, like a heart an inch broad and one and one-half inches long; these he wore in a wolf’s skin at his back for a quiver.'” —Maryland Historical Magazine

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Sunday, November 26, 2017 11:19 PM


  I like this:

Cliff Barackman on His Ongoing Quest to Track Down Bigfoot

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, April 1, 2024 4:28 AM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
Quote JSF: "Are you in a location more suited to Bigfoot?"

Yes, pretty much: El Dorado gold discovery county, western foothills of
the Sierras about 60 mi west of Lake Tahoe. Bigfoot could walk thru this
neighborhood at night, reeking, & only the dogs would notice.
  We should have Bigfoot sightings, but afaik, few have been reported.

And as soon as I get a coherent post composed, I'd like to discuss the Mound
Builders. JSF, you're calling them Giants? They were about twice our height
& lived in mounds. These were famously built all over our great Midwest ...
has the government been removing them? This race was not limited to the
Midwest or even to the Americas.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

OK, so are folks familiar with the Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees? These are about giants, included in many religious tomes, but excluded from The Bible.
The Nefilim, Naphelim, Elioud, Nephilim..
The Greek Syncellus, The Book of Giants.
Found among The Dead Sea Scrolls, preserved by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, and Beta Israel. Included in Sir Walter Raleigh's History Of The World, which he wrote while locked in The Tower of London (1592-1614).
Apparently these giants were located all around the world, and histories of many religions include them.


Thursday, May 30, 2024 8:07 PM


I keep forgetting to post about this.
She Squatchers is a group of Sasquatch searchers who are women, unarmed, without dogs, and are apparently successful except for the habit of chickening out as the Sasquatches invite them into their realm.

Interesting stuff.


Sunday, June 2, 2024 11:11 PM




Sunday, June 2, 2024 11:24 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Have you read about this, or heard about it/them?
Apparently, some or all of these women are of Tribal descent, and they utilized their spirit training and rituals to reach out to the Bigfoots, and also protect themselves from being spiritually consumed.
I would assume you would better understand what they said than I.
There was also mention of old photos of Tribal folk hanging out with their Bigfoot friends, long ago - like decades ago. One location I recall of this was Tennessee.






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