Gorram American Idol Crap!

UPDATED: Friday, February 3, 2006 11:11
VIEWED: 3072
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006 3:49 PM


I was just mulling over some recent threads when I heard a disturbing sound coming from the other room. It was American Idol! And I was just wondering...
Does it piss anyone else off that that this crap show gets a ruttin' spot every season, but our quality show doesn't.
I think I can sum up the season:
Simon will insult someone,
Paula will try to sleep with one of the contestants,
and Randy will call someone 'dog'.
Yeh, that's crap Fox programming for you. I'm gonna go turn it off, and beat whoever turned it on.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:21 PM


I will admit that I watch the first few episodes to get a laugh at some of the crazy people, but then I dont watch it at all.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:36 PM


The creators of American Idol should be shot. Its amazing how many people sit down and watch that filth. I hate reality tv.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:39 PM


As with every Hollywood production that's cheap to make and brings in fan(atics)and sponsers, they will milk this cow till it goes dry, no matter how sour the milk. I feel your pain Rum. And your speaking to someone who actually watched the first season, (and admittedly a little of the second. Hey, if your desperate you'll watch anything)

Everytime I see yet ANOTHER (non)reality show on any of the networks I go into a rage and scream to anyone who would listen when will these things end? Why does crap like this exist? How can people even consider watching these things? I remember when shows, drama's, action, and sitcoms had real content and weren't one liner's. Where the victims were focused on, and not the perp, and where cops LOOKED like cops and not models off the runway. Oi, here goes a rant.

Bottom line, todays TV culture has taken the human race backwards, not forwards, and those who would argue that point just have to see how low quality has gotten. It used to be about shows, writing, and making people watch to enjoy and discuss. Now it's about sponsors, marketing, and how much money one can make. Sounds very similiar to a certain Blueish corporation nes pas?

Not to always quote S.T. but there is an episode that has the crew de-evolving. That's what I always think now when I see a new (non)reality show get burped up by the suits. I soooo feel your pain. It makes losing Firefly all the more tragic.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:44 PM


I will agree that todays t.v. has brought our culture backwards. Reality crap like real world shows people its okay to act like morons, because you could be on t.v. today. Firefly doesnt alwasy have the greatest things on it, but it always empasizes family and love which is something that this world needs.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:10 PM


American Idol

Waste of everyone's time! I hated that show from it's first showing, loathe it and it's kind!!

I think that shows of this kind and just about all the other crap they have on tv has contributed to the dumbing down of America.

Another thread was just mentioning that "Big Momma's House 2" ( don't know if I even have that title right) made more money in one weekend than our movie did it's entire domestic run. Unbelievable! That is the level of intelligence of people right now.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:30 PM


Whats sadder Followmal is that Bigg Momma 2 was given more PR and marketing than our movie. That's what I mean, the suits know how to promote crap like that and Final Destination 3 (it got another sequel made? Got the premise, kids avoid death, death takes a holiday by going postal) But when they have a genuine movie that is witty intellegent and out of the norm they say huh, how the hell do we market this? Just put out a few posters, that should be enough. Now, lets pull out the stops for Jessica Alba's movie. Everyone loves her right? T and A, hey, what more do people want?

It's just so sad it's pathetic.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:53 PM


The DumbING down of America? Can we get any dumber?
I may be wrong, but it seems as though our movie isn't aimed at the teen crowd, which is really the only crowd that enjoys going to the movies. Don't get me wrong, I love going to the movies... minus all the other people. It's no wonder Big Mommas House does well. And into the blue might show Jessica's boobies, so every teen guy is going to see that. (The older guys wait for it on DVD:))(Don't get offended - You know I'm right).
And you are right, smart, witty quality programming poses a dilema to the less than intelligent suits. I can see their meetings now...
A bunch of chimpanzies sitting on the tables chewing the script, and bouncing the posters off of each others heads. (No offense to chimpanzies, who are actually very intelligent).


Friday, February 3, 2006 11:11 AM


Look. Some people work hard all day, and just want to come home and turn on the tv and watch someone make an a$$ out of themselves. I don't begrudge them that. It's funny, and you don't have to have seen the episode before, the episode after, or even the rest of the show to get something out of it. There's nothing wrong with mindless entertainment in and of itself. What we need is a distribution system that allows people like us to still get what we want, and with DVDs and downloads and whatnot, I think that day is coming.

Ain't. We. Just.






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