The Sereni-Tree, Dealings on Boros, and Mai-Quest 2

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 06:13
VIEWED: 19533
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Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:42 AM


*KellyofLuthien stands on the pirate ship, hands bound behind her back, gagged by a dirty rag torn from her dirty grey dress, her Elven Ring of Fire, Narya, hanging fruitlessly from her neck. Trying to make herself as insignificant as possible, she listens in on the pirates as they discuss what to do about the sudden turn of events*

Pirate Captain: "Yar! This be a rotten turn o' the tide. One blasted prisoner bein' rescued!"

First Mate: "Captain, we do still have that blasted she-elf! Let's point her to the edge o' the plank!"

Captain: "Aye, Matey, that there be a good idear! Fetch her up!"

*KellyofLuthien shrinks back, trembling. The first mate gruffly grabs her arm and forces her to the plank. KOL resists but suddenly feels the point of a cutlass at her back. She slowly begins walking toward the end and stops, her bare toes right at the edge. She looks down at the chaos in the water: spammed sharks, a winged beauty walking on a forcefield. Hopelessly she cries out through her gag*

"Mmmmmfff! Mmmmmmemmmff!!"

*'Oh, it's no use,' she thinks. 'Help me! Oh please, someone help me!'*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Sunday, January 8, 2006 12:04 PM


* Finally freed of the shark jaws, TheRealMe bobs about in the ocean, trying to evaluate the situation. A moderate distance away, he sees Mai in the water, reaching out her hand as if to pet a shark! The shark’s mouthful of teeth seems ready to play. *


* TheRealMe concentrates. There is a flash of light, a quick whirlpool, and TheRealMe is gone. Over Mai’s shark, a spot of light appears and opens into a dimensional portal. TheRealMe falls through, along with about a ton of water, landing right onto Mai’s shark. *

Mai! Swim! Swim toward the ship!

* TheRealMe graps the shark’s fin with one hand while fumbling for his high-tech squirt gun with the other. He gives the shark a kick for good measure. *

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:19 PM


Back on the Serenitree
'When I get my hands on PR I'm gonna......' Jazaf mumbles a few unintelligible words as he puts the weapons back in there rightful place.
Several small nicks dot his hands from improperly carrying most of the weapons. He also sports a large bruise on his left thigh from the cannon when he tried to bing it back down the flight of stairs.

Finally after an hour all the weapons were replaced.
'Now to see how things are going with that quest.'

Jazaf heads to the room with a portal and sticks his head through to watch their progress.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Sunday, January 8, 2006 4:27 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

*'Oh, it's no use,' she thinks. 'Help me! Oh please, someone help me!'*

The heavens are rent assunder by a high and mighty thunder
The pirates are enraged, seasick captives make to chunder….

(Start again!)

*Even as the elven one trembles precariously upon the plank of doom, her pleas seemingly unheard, a distant thwopping dopplers into a nearer, um, louder thwopping. Soon the waves are whipped into a frothy maelstrom and the pirate vessel’s jibs strain from the hurricane generated by cozen’s rental Sikorsky! Saved from being mothballed for the sake of this thread, the once mighty chopper weaves uncertainly nearer the distressed damsel. ‘Tis unclear which factor plays the greater part in it’s erratic flight vector, the dilapitated condition of the whirlybird or the Russian pilot’s level of intoxication. Nay! Let us not allow our focus to waver from the task at hand.*

*KoL scrunches her toes in to the plank in a feverish effort to gain purchase against the hellacious wind force generated by the helicopter’s blades. Sensible pirates dive for cover, not so sensible ones dive into the gorram ocean. Our hero appears on the Sikorsky’s open deck, tossing over a rope ladder down which he boldly descends. Frantically waving the pilot to steer closer to the imperilled lass, cozen kinda sorta inadvertently manages quite by accident, y’understand, to windmill an arm in just such a way as to catch Kelly in the midriff and send her, inevitably, plummeting into the briny.*

… Uh! Um, oops?

Right, a minor setback.

*Cozen hies up the ladder. Scrambling onto the chopper’s deck, he frantically searches through the storage lockers for something, anything that can be of aid in a sea rescue. He finds – and how coincidental is this? – well, he finds MontanaGirl’s watermelon floater. Snatching the somewhat underinflated floater, he sprints to the edge of the deck and…

… well, stops dead at the edge of the deck, on account of it’s a long way down.*

And, y’know, it’s the ocean, with like sharks and stuff in it. I mean, heh, it dawns on one that there are many brave heroes about and so it seems likely, well, possible that a timely rescue should occur from some other quarter, right?

“Nyet!” *And with that, the burly, tatooed and disconcertingly hirsute arm of the Russian pilot is put forth in such a way as to gently yet firmly nudge cozen over the edge.*

*After a short plummet, splashing ensues.*


Sunday, January 8, 2006 4:44 PM


Back on Boros;
"Lets find someplace a little more... un-sewerly like, and a little more private, first."

Citizen leads the small party through the maze of tunnels.

Jack breaks the silence. "Safe, we've been down here too long, it's starting to actually smell good."

Citizen smiles at him, "No, it's because we're here." He reaches up and grabs a rope hidden amongst the pipes and pulls. A stairway folds down from the roof.

Citizen climbs up and pushes up a doorway into a room above. The smell of food washes down.

The rest follow Citizen up the stairs. They find themselves in what appears to be the storeroom of a restaurant. Citizen is greeting two women.

He turns to the others. "I'd like you to meet Flechette, chef and owner of this fine establishment. And Amy, owner of the finest clothes shop this side of Persephone."

"Flechette, we'll need to borrow your backroom. Amy, I may need to trouble you for some umm, suitable, attire for my... acquaintances."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, January 8, 2006 4:55 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

If Ath and Serenity are brother and sister, then why does she have angelic wings and he does not?

I don't know, but I want some now.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, January 8, 2006 6:28 PM


*Ath swims toward Mai, intent on rescuing her when he notices a woman, bound and gagged, fall into the ocean. Before he can decide what to do, he sees what appears to be a Canadian fall into the water as well.

As he hesitates, unsure of what to do, he feels a strange burning sensation on his back, right around his shoulder blades.*

What the--

*Before he can finish, pain erupts in his back. He can't even scream, instead curling into a ball, mouth open, unaware that he's in the ocean, unaware of the sharks nearby, unaware of his Tree-mates in danger. The pain is all he knows.

Just as the pain reaches a point where he not only thinks he's going to die, but welcomes the prospect, it stop.

He realizes he's under the water and out of air, and kicks his way toward the surface. As he does so, he feels a strange pull, as if something is trying to drag him down. He kicks harder, trying to get away from whatever it is, and manages to make it to the surface.

As Ath sucks in air, he feels a strange sensation on both of his shoulder blades. He looks back and sees what was pulling him down.


Wings have sprouted out of Ath's back, not white, feathery wings like his sister's, but leathery and muscular. Like a bat's. Or a dragon's, with claws at the end of both middle joints.

With a start, Ath remembers that he was in the middle of a rescue. Without thinking, Ath dives deep into the water, hoping he's not too late. With a huge flap of his wings, Ath shoots towards the surface. Before he can wonder how he knew how to use his wings, he finds himself 20 feet above the water, wings flapping. He spies the bound woman, struggling to stay afloat, and dives towards her.

He snatches her out of the water, then banks towards Mai. Mere moments after grabbing Mai, a sharks jumps out of the water, missing Ath's foot by scant inches.

With the two ladies in his arms, Ath realizes two things. One, while both ladies are quite light, he pretty sure his wings aren't meant to carry 3, and he's getting very tired. Two, he's out of arms.*

"Oh, Serenity! Could you hold onto Mai for a second?"

*Without waiting for an answer, Ath gently places Mai into Serenity's arms and dives for Cozen.

Once he has Cozen, Ath lands the only place he can: on the ship. Shaking with exhaustion, Ath removes the woman's gag and frees her hands. He then turns towards the pirates, sword drawn, putting himself between them and her.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, January 8, 2006 7:12 PM


Eenie, meenie, mineie, mo...catch a tiger by his toe...if he hollers let 'em go..eenie, meenie, minie, mo!

*dives into a box, made of dark shiney wood*

Time to

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me
Yay myspace...


Sunday, January 8, 2006 7:39 PM


*KellyofLuthien is looking down, screaming her silent plea for help when suddenly she is almost swept off her feet by the force of massive wind emanating from a nearby source. Eyes tearing up, KOL looks up to see a chopper hovering nearby, a Canadian crouching inside. Closing her eyes, she braces herself against the wind, when OOMPH! she feels something hit her hard in the stomach. Losing her balance, KOL opens her eyes as she tumbles off the plank toward the ocean. With a sickening splash, she hits the water.

Struggling to break the surface, KOL begins to panic. Her arms are still bound behind her back, and her mouth is still gagged. All she can hear is the rushing of the ocean in her ears.*

"Kick your legs, keep moving, tread water," she tells herself.

*Without warning, Kelly feels hands grabbing her and she is pulled from the water, gasping for air. She looks up to see a man--with WINGS! Huge leathery wings flapping strongly behind him.

Before her mind can fully grasp this concept, she feels him dive toward the water again. He grabs another woman moments before sharks attack her. KOL can feel him struggling to keep flying. He dives toward the winged angel woman and says

"Oh, Serenity! Could you hold onto Mai for a second?"

and places the other woman in her arms. KOL feels him dive a second time, and looks over to see the Canadian being pulled from the water.

KOL can feel the winged man struggling to keep flying again. He heads towards the pirate ship--the only solid place for miles. KOL feels him grunt as he hits the deck. She sees his trembling hands as he unties her bonds. He turns around, drawing a sword as he does so, and faces the advacing pirates.

Kelly can see that he's about ready to pass out, so she quickly grabs the chain around her neck and pulls. She slips Narya, the ring of fire, over her middle finger on her right hand. Standing tall, she grabs the Canadian and pulls him behind her as she walks up next to her hero. She touches his arm gently, and he shoots her a quick glance, sword shaking.

"Here, let me handle this. It's payback time." Kelly says.

*Kelly closes her eyes, holds her right hand up, and mutters strange words under her breath. Suddenly, huge silver flames erupt from her ring, shooting straight towards the advancing pirates. Opening her eyes, Kelly begins slowly walking foward, keeping the flames at chest level on the pirates. There is much scrambling and shouting as the pirates are backed towards the plank.

Careful to not burn the ship, Kelly lowers the flames just long enough to look at the Captain of the ship.

"Now it's your turn," she says, and she raises the ring as white flames shoot towards the pirates. Having nowhere else to go, the pirates jump off the plank one by one. Kelly lowers her ring, and the flames disappear without a trace.

Still dripping wet and exhausted, KellyofLuthien turns around slowly and locks eyes with her hero.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Sunday, January 8, 2006 9:26 PM


A noise from above? Is that a cannon firing? Or is it a helicopter? Shark-wrestling is certainly a distracting sport!

At that moment, the shark bucks, almost tossing TheRealMe from its back. TheRealMe is forced to grab its fin with both hands, and his high-tech squirt gun goes flying. Damn! Though the shark is distracted by his presence, TheRealMe notices that Mai is still too near, still in danger. But with strong, practiced strokes, Ath is swimming closer. Good! He will get Mai to safety!

Then a new woman, bound and gagged, falls from the pirate ship above with a great splash. She struggles in the water, seeming to have trouble keeping her head above the surface. Soon after, Cozen also falls into the ocean! Cozen?

As TheRealMe continues his shark-wrestling, he realizes that he cannot locate Ath! Serenity leaves Jake7’s nearby force-field bubble and flies near in order to rescue her brother.

Suddenly, Ath erupts from the water, flying upward on bat-shaped wings! He dives down to pick up first the bound woman, then Mai as well. The shark finally throws TheRealMe from its back and reaches up high to almost snap its jaws on Ath’s leg as he departs.

As TheRealMe splashes down into the water again, there is an explosion of hot pinkness above him, and the shark disappears in a flash of Spamic carnage. TheRealMe scans his surroundings. There is Rat, floating nearby with a great grin on his face, holding his Spamgun out of the water.

“Sorry, son,” Rat says. “I had to wait. I couldn’t shoot while you were so near it. Had to wait for an opportunity.”

TheRealMe nods to Rat as he catches his breath. But above, he sees Ath hand Mai off to Serenity’s care, then Ath flies down to rescue Cozen from the water as well. Ath carries both Cozen and the bound woman up to the main deck of the pirate ship.

Somewhat relieved that Mai is safe, TheRealMe looks about for his companions. Ath, Cozen, and the bound woman are on the deck of the pirate ship, from where great gouts of flame now seem to be issuing. Hmmm… Ath once practiced pyrokinesis. Perhaps he has come into his full power? Serenity is hovering above with Mai, as if not sure whether or not to land on the ship. Rat is bobbing about nearby, and Jake7 is not far, still floating inside her force-field bubble. But where was PsychicRiver? Oh, there, dandling over the railing of the ship, staring confused at the rope in his hands.

“Rat, what about the stranger, the one who appeared just before we left?”

Rat chuckles, and points with his Spamgun. “Cannon shot him that-away.”


It was at that time that pirates, escaping the flames, started raining down upon Rat and TheRealMe.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:36 PM


*Rubs eyes.* *Rubs eyes again.*

Did I just see a Canuck in a Chinook?

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:43 PM


*Chaos is erupting both on board the ship, and down below in the water.*

*PR is'nt on the deck, he's a up a flight of stairs, on a higher deck, which overlooks the lower deck. PR is now wearing a pirates bandana, has a sword tied to his belt, and has donned an eye patch. He's also painted on of his front teeth black.* Ahaarrrr. *He says, as he stands at the wheel of the ship, turning it slowly.*

*He walks over to a table at the back, with maps laid out on it. He makes a few marks in pencil on the mapt and then picks up a large tray next to the maps. Then he goes downstairs to the lower deck, carrying the tray.* M'harties! I think we could all use a nice strong drink. *Says PR, holding up a tray with lots of full glasses. Also on the tray, Is a huge bleeding cow's leg. PR wanders over to the edge of the ship, and looks down at those still in the water. He picks up the cow leg and throws it as far as he can. It lands in the water, not too far from the ship. It turns the water in a short radius blood red, and the remaining sharks rush to it and start fighting over it. PR looks to the others in the water.* Come on then, all aboard!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:49 PM


Sprouts wings, big bug like ones!

*Flies about.*

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Monday, January 9, 2006 3:40 AM


*a dark shiney wood box rattles around somewhere*

*box rattles harder*

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me
Yay myspace...


Monday, January 9, 2006 5:16 AM


* With the shark feeding frenzy begun nearby, TheRealMe suddenly has a great desire to get himself and his companions out of the water. He swims toward Jake7's force field bubble. *

Uh... Rat? Could you please fly over to wherever that cannon shot the new guy, to see if he needs any help? It might even be a good idea to bring him back to the ship.

* TheRealMe reaches Jake7. With much effort, he manages to create a portal large enough for her force field. TheRealMe grabs his head. *

OW! That hurts!

*TheRealMe and Jake7 fall through the portal and appear above the pirate ship. He falls to the deck, unconscious. Her force field bubble drops down and bounces around a bit on the deck. *

* Jazaf, whose head is peeking through the first portal, notices that it seems to be getting smaller, closing. *

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, January 9, 2006 6:43 AM


**jake7 bounces around a bit on the ship's deck. Once the bouncing stops, she turns off the force field. Still a bit woozy from the motion sickness on the ocean and now from the bouncing about, she asks weakly...**

Anyone got Dramamine?

**she lays down on the ship's deck and curls up in a fetal position willing the waves of nausea to pass. She looks up toward TRM, Serenity, and PR.**

Thanks, guys, for keeping me nearby!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Monday, January 9, 2006 10:16 AM



What be goin' on here!

*from the captain's quarters steps a piratess, dressed in an ornate, widebrimmed hat, a poofy sleeved white blouse under a tight, leather lace up bodice, a short leather skirt, fishnet stockings and high boots. On her shoulder is a ferret, wearing an eye patch. She wears a rapier at her waist, along with a pair of pistols. The hilt of a dagger peeks from the top of one of her boots. She is obviously one tough cookie.*

*behind her stands several of her crewmates, allarmed with pistols or daggers and bearing scars and tatoos aplenty. One man is obviously drunk.*

I be GeDunk Rose, Captain o' this here vessel (havin' just disposed of our previous capt'n.) State yer names an' yer purpose so I can be decidin' yer fates.

An' be quick. Killin' always makes me hungry.


Monday, January 9, 2006 10:32 AM


Ath! Why did you hand me Mai? You know I can't fly holding anyone! Eeeeeeeeeeep!


*Serenity and Mai surface, thankfully, quite near the ship. Then, it's a simple matter of grabbing a rope and hauling themselves up to the deck of the ship, where they join the rest of their friends just in time for the fun to start.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, January 9, 2006 11:57 AM


*falls onto the deck head first. again.*


Good flyin' there Serenity. Thanks for the save. *hugs*

(teeny tiny bit of panic mode)

Maybe you could tell me how exactly we got stranded on a pirate ship? The last thing I remember is lying down to take a nap.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, January 9, 2006 3:12 PM


Mai, I have no idea what's going on. you disappeared, so we started a Mai-Quest. TRM opened up a portal, we ended up here and now everyone is sprouting wings and we're being threatened by pirates.

*aside to Ath* Why do you suddenly have wings?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, January 9, 2006 3:27 PM


*Captain Rose overhears Serenity's whispered conversation and laughs*

Do ye not know where ye be?

These here seas be known as th' Wing'ed Waters. Any man what drinks o' this 'ere water sprouts wings. We all have 'em, see?

*She whips off the gold-laced coat she had draped over her shoulders to reveal black, shiny, lacy insect-like wings. The other pirates all reveal their wings, too, hidden under cloaks or jackets or their long ponytails. Everyone has a different sort of wing; bat, beetle, moth.*

Well, we all 'ave 'em 'xcept 'im. *she says, gesturing at the drunken sailor.* 'E won't get in th' water. *She leans close, conspiratorily.* 'E can't swim!*

*She leans back and joins the other pirates in a hearty guffaw. The drunken pirate holds up his bottle of rum good-naturedly, taking a long swig and falling over backward onto a pile of ropes. This causes everyone to laugh the harder.*

But don't be worrin' none. *She says when the laughter dies away.* It ain't lastin'. Th' wings fall off after a coupla days. Which is why if ye wanna keep yer wings, ye need t' 'ave a steady supply o' th' water. Which is why we be pumpin' it into our hull as we speak. Which is why we don't take too kindly to strangers who fall outta th' sky and interrupt our clandestine operations.

Which is why I be needin' ye to tell me what ye be doin' 'ere.


Most Feared Piratess in 6 o' th' 7 seas!


Monday, January 9, 2006 4:37 PM


/me rides his now-winged banana high above the lone ship, surveying the situation.

*ponders his situation... What an odd day...I was hangin' in the hidey hole when a strange feeling came over me, an unfamiliar female appeared, and then...what? what happened?...shrugs

--- <-inching towards daylight


Monday, January 9, 2006 6:25 PM



Mai, I have no idea what's going on. you disappeared, so we started a Mai-Quest.

No idea huh? Not exactly the answer I was hoping to hear. So I disappeared again? I guess that explains the major deja vu I was feeling. Basically, because of me you all nearly drowned or were eaten alive by sharks. *cries*


These here seas be known as th' Wing'ed Waters. Any man what drinks o' this 'ere water sprouts wings. We all have 'em, see?

*sprouts pretty blue and purple fairy wings*

Now that was cool! Hmmm...maybe this day isn't so bad after all.

Excuse me, Miss Piratess, would you mind if we talk about some sort of trade for a nice store of your magical waters?

Rat, whatdya got we could trade her for, nice and legal like?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, January 9, 2006 11:08 PM



Originally posted by GeDunkRose:

These here seas be known as th' Wing'ed Waters. Any man what drinks o' this 'ere water sprouts wings. We all have 'em, see?

*She whips off the gold-laced coat she had draped over her shoulders to reveal black, shiny, lacy insect-like wings. The other pirates all reveal their wings, too, hidden under cloaks or jackets or their long ponytails. Everyone has a different sort of wing; bat, beetle, moth.*

Oh, WOW. *PR's eyes go wide with excitement and he smiles as he sprouts his own wings! They be...Dragonfly wings!* Golly! I CAN FLY AGAIN!!!

*PR flaps his dragonfly wings but doesn't go anywhere.* Huh? What? Whats happening?! *PR tries to look over his shoulder to see his wings. In a cabin window, he see's his problem; His dragonlfly wings are actual size.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:18 AM



Originally posted by GeDunkRose:
These here seas be known as th' Wing'ed Waters. Any man what drinks o' this 'ere water sprouts wings. We all have 'em, see?

**jake7, still in fetal position, waiting for her sea sickness to pass, stares up at the wings. She thinks to herself**

Tzao Gao! I always wanted to fly! My ONE opportunity and I can't swim, so I protect myself with a force field...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:48 AM


*As KellyofLuthien feels a burning sensation near her shoulderblades, she says aloud:

"Hmm....the water does kinda taste like Red Bull..."

and sprouts jewel-colored butterfly wings.*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:05 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Rat, whatdya got we could trade her for, nice and legal like?

SPAM, it is the universal currency you know.

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:09 AM


Of course. I knew that.

The problem is I'm guessin' even a small supply of the magical winged waters pretty pricey. Can we afford it?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:41 PM


*comes to and staggers to his feet*
*holding a bottle of rum in one hand he grabs one end of the ropes and lifts it up with the other*

I can swim fine, just don't much see the point.
So, which of these landlubbers is first on the Rack Capt'n? They don't call me Rack'em for nuthin'. That one looks like he almost got eaten by a shark.

'Sides I had them bat wings once, Flew too high and fell too far when they *piffed*, like that Icarus guy. Yes, I've read a poem.

*drinks more rum*
So, who's first for some lashes?



Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:00 PM


Me, pick me! I'm always up for some lasses!!

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:04 PM



Originally posted by mai:
The problem is I'm guessin' even a small supply of the magical winged waters pretty pricey. Can we afford it?

*Pulls a tiny cargo container out!*

Oh yeah, I think we can afford it!

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:03 PM


*kicks lid of box*

Oooo, a crack.

*kick kick kick*

Tough box.

*kick crack shatter*

Yesssss...I'm where the hell am I?

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me
Yay myspace...


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:12 PM


' long as it isn't anything in the ordinary.' Jazaf thinks to himself.
He pulls his head out of the portal and notices it's diminished size. 'I hope they can fit through that with their wings and all.' He thinks out loud.

Jazaf decides to wander the halls while the Acquisitions Officer does his thing. 'Spam the universal cash. I thought it was towels.' He shugs his thought aside when he hears something break in the Cargo Bay.

'Whatever could that be?'Jazaf says as he goes to investigate.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:02 AM


*flies up near the portal door thing*

Hi Jazaf! Look I can fly!

Um guys I realize were all havin' a good time here what with the not dying and all, but I think we'd better be going home.

*points at the rapidly diminishing portal*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:37 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Of course. I knew that.

The problem is I'm guessin' even a small supply of the magical winged waters pretty pricey. Can we afford it?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.

No ye can't be affordin' it, because we won't be sellin' it. If ye knew the troubles we've gone through to get here, ye would appreciate that we can't be puttin' a price on this here water.

And what's more, we don't appreciate how ye jus' dumped yerselves in the middle o' this here ocean without so much as a by-your-leave. We can't 'ave ye tellin' others where to be findin' th' magical waters, now can we?

So, we're thinkin' we're goin' t' 'ave to be killin' ye now.

No 'ard feelin's, mind.

*Cap'n Rose raises her pistols. Behind her, her pirate band surges forward, pistols and blades at the ready.*

Most Feared Piratess in 6 o' the 7 seas!


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:14 AM



Originally posted by GeDunkRose:

So, we're thinkin' we're goin' t' 'ave to be killin' ye now.

No 'ard feelin's, mind.

*Cap'n Rose raises her pistols. Behind her, her pirate band surges forward, pistols and blades at the ready.*

Most Feared Piratess in 6 o' the 7 seas!

Sp...nobodies up for a drink?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:18 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Um guys I realize were all havin' a good time here what with the not dying and all, but I think we'd better be going home.

*points at the rapidly diminishing portal*

**jake7 looks to where Mai is pointing**

I'm with Mai. Where's TRM? We need to keep him conscious so he can keep the portal open!

I need some water for wings if I'm going to fly up there! Maybe I can squeeze some out of someone's clothes?

**Noticing the advancing pirates**

Guess we'd better get going -- and quick!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:21 AM


Here Jake7, try sucking on my wet hair! Think that'd work?

Cuz, no offense, I love you and all, but I do NOT want to go anywhere near the water. It's a shark feeding frenzy down there!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:33 PM


*whispers to jake7* what we need here is a diversion. any brilliant ideas?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:26 PM


*twg yells through the portal*

Ath could get nekkid!
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:41 PM



Originally posted by GeDunkRose:

Originally posted by mai:

The problem is I'm guessin' even a small supply of the magical winged waters pretty pricey. Can we afford it?

No ye can't be affordin' it, because we won't be sellin' it. If ye knew the troubles we've gone through to get here, ye would appreciate that we can't be puttin' a price on this here water.

And what's more, we don't appreciate how ye jus' dumped yerselves in the middle o' this here ocean without so much as a by-your-leave. We can't 'ave ye tellin' others where to be findin' th' magical waters, now can we?

So, we're thinkin' we're goin' t' 'ave to be killin' ye now.

No 'ard feelin's, mind.

*Cap'n Rose raises her pistols. Behind her, her pirate band surges forward, pistols and blades at the ready.*


* TheRealMe, still prone on the deck of the pirate ship, grabs at his side for his high-tech squirt gun. Too late, he remembers that he lost the weapon in the ocean while shark-wrestling. He changes his strategy. *

Uh, I mean, no need for killing!

* Slowly, TheRealMe regains his feet. He seems a bit unsteady, and is still enveloped by his attire of numerous black ribbons. But instead of floating around him like a halo of moving fabric, the ends of the ribbons all dangle down limply, wet and heavy from their recent immersion. TheRealMe staggers forward a few steps, placing himself in front of the rest of the Sereni-Tree crew members. He holds his hands out in plain sight, and tries to speak reasonably to Captain Rose. *

Madame Captain, by my reckoning, you have made out pretty well here already. Got your position, got your ship, got your crew, got your cargo… Now, we have no particular grudge against you. We have just come here to recover one of our own. Mai, here, got a bit lost. We plan to be on our way, and likely as not, we won’t cross paths with you again.

But a fight here and now might be costly… For I promise you, I am very determined to keep my crew alive, and we will not be put down easily.

So, Madame Captain, what do you say?

* Those behind TheRealMe can see a bright spot of light appear on the back of the heel of his right boot. *

* At that moment, a great pair of black-feathered wings sprout from the back of TheRealMe, wiggling out between the ribbons. *

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:42 PM



So good to see you again.

Now that's the kind of brilliantplan im talking about.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:51 PM


** Drops the rope from his left hand **
** A look of grim determination crosses his face, It's the look of a man who's just been ordered by his Capt'n to get to kill'n. He doesn't seem to mind.**
** His left hand carress an odd shaped fine leather holster on his left hip. The holster has obviously been custom made, and cared for meticulously. He lifts the flap slowly, ever so slowly, revealing the completly empty holster. With his right hand he slips his bottle of rum into the custom holster. It fits PERFECTLY. **

Capt'n, Permission to blow that shimmer outta the sky?

*moves towards cannon*



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:24 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*twg yells through the portal*

Ath could get nekkid!

Do you think that will work??

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:47 PM



Originally posted by GeDunkRose:

*Cap'n Rose raises her pistols. Behind her, her pirate band surges forward, pistols and blades at the ready.*

Most Feared Piratess in 6 o' the 7 seas!

"Pardon me a moment, Captain Rose. I can't help but notice that we are in the middle of the ocean, on a ship, made almost entirely of wood. And hey! Is that gunpowder over there?"

"Now, this young lady next to me", Ath points to KellyofLuthien, "happens to be able to produce large amounts of fire at whim. So I'm thinking, maybe it would be best if you let us leave your ship in peace."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:01 PM



Now, this young lady next to me", Ath points to KellyofLuthien, "happens to be able to produce large amounts of fire at whim.

OH good idea! Now that would be a nice distraction. Although, I think Ath should still get naked.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:18 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

Originally posted by GeDunkRose:

*Cap'n Rose raises her pistols. Behind her, her pirate band surges forward, pistols and blades at the ready.*

Most Feared Piratess in 6 o' the 7 seas!

"Pardon me a moment, Captain Rose. I can't help but notice that we are in the middle of the ocean, on a ship, made almost entirely of wood. And hey! Is that gunpowder over there?"

"Now, this young lady next to me", Ath points to KellyofLuthien, "happens to be able to produce large amounts of fire at whim. So I'm thinking, maybe it would be best if you let us leave your ship in peace."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

*KellyofLuthien leans on her hero for support--she's still a bit winded from almost drowning and then making quite a bit of fire! But she gives the new Captain a steely stare*

"That's right--you forgot to take my Ring, and I've taken a mighty dislike to the way I was treated on this here ship. Hopefully we can settle this peacefully, but if not, don't expect me to go down quietly...."

*Kelly hold out her ring hand prominently, and gives the Captain a grim and determined smile. She then hears mai say

"OH good idea! Now that would be a nice distraction. Although, I think Ath should still get naked."

and looks from mai to her hero and back at mai*

"He's Ath? I wouldn't be mindin' him gettin' naked either....."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:29 PM



"He's Ath? I wouldn't be mindin' him gettin' naked either....."

Right I know were in some peril here, but I'm thinking its time to take a vote. Who votes for Ath to get naked? Purely as a life saving distraction of course...

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:13 PM


*PR has now somehow reached the crow's nest of the ship, and is looking through a telescope.*

SHIP AHOY!! *He yells, pointing.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:56 AM


* TheRealMe smiles after hearing PsychicRiver's report. *

So, Madame Captain, what are the odds that ship is friendly?

* A forward-mounted cannon on the approaching ship fires at long range. Its cannonball falls short of the pirate ship. *

Not so much, I'm thinking. Hmmmmm... Looks to me that they are trying to cross your "T". I'd suggest that you do something before they can.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree






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