The Sereni-Tree and the Start of the Second Gala Pageant

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 16:00
VIEWED: 12811
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Monday, June 12, 2006 8:33 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Ervin starts to dance, flinging drops of water from his fur. In the audience, the other yeti present get up and begin to dance too.

Ervin the Yeti

*Serenity pulls an umbrella out of one of her pockets and opens it. She is saved from the flinging drops of yeti water.*

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Monday, June 12, 2006 10:53 AM


Seryn turns around in his strong arms, breath mingling, she leaned in to place a light kiss on his lips, emotions running riot in her shivering body. His eyes had darkened, deeper and more intense than the sea, and as she whispered the words he'd been longing to hear for an eternity, her heart fluttered in her chest, its rhythm matched by his.....


Alarm bells rang, somewhere, her common sense grabbed vital parts of her brain and began hitting them with a gong.

She bolted to her feet, confused and highly agitated.

SR looked pissed.

"Ok! What was that!?!

"What was what?" His expression could have stopped a bull in its tracks "I didn't hear a thing" It was ground out betwwen clenched teeth " I was concentrating on something else at the time"

She ignored the look, began pacing and waving her arms about.

"All that romantic crap! Breathing, eye colours! What was it? I mean I love you, but I don't do that romantic drivel! Its not me! So why am I suddenly all gooey and soft? What.. does... it... what are you doing?"

SR had stood up, a sudden glint in his eye, he grabbed her round the waist and pulled her in.

"You just said you loved me" he grinned
"well... I do. wouldn't continue sleeping with you if I didn't....." she looked at his grin "wasn't wise to tell you was it?"

He leaned in close, nuzzling slightly, and she let her self laugh.

hehind them the sun broke though the fog, burning of the last whirling strands, and glinted in rose hues off the water. Her heart stirred to life again and her skin felt electrified, his every touch setting of cascades of sensa....

"ok, thats enough of that! You really don't feel it?" SR shook his head. "There is something skewed about this place..."

"Ok, shall we eat?"

His eyes glinted.

"Food I mean..."

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, June 12, 2006 12:31 PM


*drains the last drop of the tenth drink*

Mmmmm. I say, tarbender, there appear to be a large number of Yetis dancing in front of me. I think it may be night to call it a time.

Wha? They're real? Well then... same again!


Monday, June 12, 2006 5:10 PM


Wonderful. Let's swing by the room and pick up a blanket or two and head up to the park.

*JadeHand stands and collects his belongings, Bag over his shoulder, guitar in one hand, He extands the other to Mai who smiles and takes his hand as she stands. They turn and walk up the stairs and return to his room where he stores the guitar and collects a couple of blankets from the closet.*

So, I know all of this is sudden. This Love between us. I know we've been moving fast by most people's standards, But we're not most people. I have something I need to tell you, and I don't think it will come as too much of a surprise....

*JadeHand leans forward and whispers into Mai's ear. Her eyes widen just slightly, she pulls her head back just enough to look him in the eyes. She leans forward and kisses his lips, whispering back to him. He holds her tight and gives her a soft squeeze before releasing her.*

Good. That makes me a very happy man. let's get to the park.

*JadeHand stops by the fridge on the way out and collects two bottles of wine, which he stashes in his bag as they head out for their picnic, smiles on both of their faces.*

"You landed in my life Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in shadow
I always used to believe That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new word to describe you
And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak.
-No One Can(Holidays in Eden)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, June 12, 2006 7:30 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

"ok, thats enough of that! You really don't feel it?" SR shook his head. "There is something skewed about this place..."

"Ok, shall we eat?"

His eyes glinted.

"Food I mean..."


SR ate his apple slowly. He was so happy to at last be able to share this special place with someone, but life is never perfect. Seryn didn't seem completely comfortable.
"Have I done something wrong?" He asked as he looked out into ocean horizon.
"No, why?" she said looking up at him.
"Well you seem a little upset and I want to make sure that if it's my fault, I want to make things right. Well I want to make things right regardless."
"It's not you."
"Then talk to me, or is the sex object not entitled to a explanation."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:09 PM


*rolls eyes*

"Sex object?!! I go break the rule of a lifetime out there on the rocks and you are still insecure about where you stand?"


"No, nothing to do with you, more to do with something being not right. Out there just now, there seemed to be all this rose tinting going on. All this bizarre flowery language floating round my head. Hell icould almost hear violins and fireworks."
She catches SR's eye, and grins.
"Yes darling, 'cause you're such a stud. But also, back on the Tree I checked the T.H.R.E.A.D.S. to see how the Pagent was going on, and did you know that Bobby Sue jumped Wisps bones? Or, vice versa, but there was jumping - someone got it on camera. *shudders*
You didn't hear any strange noises while we were..? "

SR shakes his head.

"Good good... and Mai and Jadehand can be described as pretty thoroughly getting it on.
I mean, phew, they're worse than us."

She glances up at SR and blushes.

"If thats possible...

God help me I don't know how to admit this...
I hugged the Llama!"

SR stared blankly.

"I don't know how it happened! I was washing him, llama's can be so smelly, and then this wierd sensation... almost like I liked him and thought he was cute and fluffy and such a dear little llama came over me, and before I knew it i'd hugged him round the neck!"

She shudders again. SR attempted to suppress giggles.

"Don't laugh at me! It was a traumatic experience! I almost considered getting my own Llama!"

SR dissolved in to full on laughter.

"Look! Do you want me to set the otters on you?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:32 PM


*The couple strolls down the hallway hand in hand, spring in their step. The nearly empty halls echo their laughter as they work their way towards the animal park. When they arrive JadeHand lays out a blanket in one of the quieter areas of the park and begins entering the orders on the auto feed menu. He feels her step up behind him and wrap an arm around his waist. He smiles as he enters the last of their orders and turns to face her.*

You. You amaze me daily. No, that's not entirely accurate. Hourly.

"You landed in my life Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in shadow
I always used to believe That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new word to describe you
And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak.
-No One Can(Holidays in Eden)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:57 PM



Good good... and Mai and Jadehand can be described as pretty thoroughly getting it on.
I mean, phew, they're worse than us."

HEY! I resemble that remark!!!

*walks back over to the blanket w JH hand in hand*

I really can't imagine how it can get much better this.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:23 PM



Originally posted by mai:

Good good... and Mai and Jadehand can be described as pretty thoroughly getting it on.
I mean, phew, they're worse than us."

HEY! I resemble that remark!!!

Well, we are pretty thorough, but I think we're better

*walks back over to the blanket w JH hand in hand*

I really can't imagine how it can get much better this.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.

Oh believe me, there's better on the way. I'm very happy where we are, but I'm also looking forward to our future. I can't wait to share everything that is ahead of us with you.

*JadeHand unfolds the second blanket and holds it outstretched between his two hands, then swings it around behind his back. He steps forward and wraps his arms around Mai concealing them both within the blanket as they ease themselves to the ground. *

"You landed in my life Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in shadow
I always used to believe That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new word to describe you
And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak.
-No One Can(Holidays in Eden)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:29 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
*rolls eyes*

"Sex object?!! I go break the rule of a lifetime out there on the rocks and you are still insecure about where you stand?"


"No, nothing to do with you, more to do with something being not right. Out there just now, there seemed to be all this rose tinting going on. All this bizarre flowery language floating round my head. Hell icould almost hear violins and fireworks."
She catches SR's eye, and grins.
"Yes darling, 'cause you're such a stud. But also, back on the Tree I checked the T.H.R.E.A.D.S. to see how the Pagent was going on, and did you know that Bobby Sue jumped Wisps bones? Or, vice versa, but there was jumping - someone got it on camera. *shudders*
You didn't hear any strange noises while we were..? "

SR shakes his head.

"Good good... and Mai and Jadehand can be described as pretty thoroughly getting it on.
I mean, phew, they're worse than us."

She glances up at SR and blushes.

"If thats possible...

God help me I don't know how to admit this...
I hugged the Llama!"

SR stared blankly.

"I don't know how it happened! I was washing him, llama's can be so smelly, and then this wierd sensation... almost like I liked him and thought he was cute and fluffy and such a dear little llama came over me, and before I knew it i'd hugged him round the neck!"

She shudders again. SR attempted to suppress giggles.

"Don't laugh at me! It was a traumatic experience! I almost considered getting my own Llama!"

SR dissolved in to full on laughter.

"Look! Do you want me to set the otters on you?"


"Okay, first things first, the sex object quip was a dead pan joke. If you admit to me a hour ago that you love me than I am not object."

"I would love to believe that I am the reason you are going through these weird shifts in perspective, but I know better. Even if I have anything to do with it, It takes two, otherwise you would be the object, goddess forbid. No I suspect that you have lived the life of the captain too long and the emotional barriers are starting to crumble. I brought you to this place far away from the cares of the world and you relaxed and allowed yourself to feel good, I may have helped. Unless you are totally out of control,...I think not, you going to have to make a choice, turn back to stone or allow yourself to enjoy the moment."

"So you hugged a llama, so what. There are far worse things to feel ashamed about. It was a clean llama, I don't see the harm. Buy one if you want."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:21 PM


*sits down and snuggles in the blanket*

Oh, I belive that too. It's just hard to wrap my brain around the fact that there is so much more out there. For right now the best part is enjoying this moment.

So, how about a drink to toast the moment?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.
"You know things are serious when you start having the closet space conversation."


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:09 PM


Yes a toast.

*JadeHand pulls a wine key from his pocket and opens the small blade as he retrieves one of the bottles from his bag. carefully he cuts the foil away then opens the corkscrew and twists it into the top of the bottle. A brief *pop* and he plucks a glass from their picnic area and pours giving the bottle a slight twist as it seperates from the glass so as not to spill. A second glass is filled and the bottle safely stored as they turn to face each other.*

To us and our love, and our long long future together. To "the powers that be" that brought us together, may we show our gratitude by showing the 'verse what happiness is. You, Mai, are my light. I will always love you.

*They sit quietly together and sip their wine, and breathe the air, and hold each other close. Their hearts beat together, and they know. They just know.*

"You landed in my life Like a new and brighter light
That made all my past seem in shadow
I always used to believe That beauty was skin deep
But I need a new word to describe you
And the time that it took to take down the wall
Was the time that it took for me to fall
Hopelessly weak.
-No One Can(Holidays in Eden)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:49 PM


CONTESTANT 6: Quincey, Bride5

With body-paint re-applied (but this time in blue and yellow), Quincey finds Needy's Polish friend Valdek and performs a "pole dance".

Quincey, Bride5


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:00 PM







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