Special Branch: Unbound

UPDATED: Friday, June 23, 2006 13:10
VIEWED: 17542
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Monday, May 8, 2006 10:16 AM


This is a new thread, for adventures in the vein of FIrefly and Farscape. I'm using my character from the Tree, but as she's still there as well, it will not affect that thread whatsoever. Everyone is welcome to come and post regardless of their activities elsewhere.

This is simply so we can get all of these stories told, they are to fascinating to be put on aside. I hope there will be action aplenty, but its also about writng and developing characters facing real problems and solving them realistically, and getting in visits to fun planets, cozy group evenings, and games of whatever the hell we're playing in the cargo bay.

Like I said, everyone is absolutely welcome. (So far i'm the only girl, so guess who going to be developing mulitple personality disorder)

*As one of the issues with action packed threads is keeping track, periodically i'll be posting updates (kind of like a 'previously on...')

I'll put the entire post in quote, so its easy to ignore. If i'm not doing it frequently enough, feel free to add your own. If you want to co-ordinated posts, plot stories and character arcs, or correct anything i've got wrong, pm or email each other and me, addresses on asking.

Ok, go forth, enjoy!


Monday, May 8, 2006 10:24 AM


{OOC: The unhinged? I personally can't think of anything better than FarFly or FireScape...

I don't really know how to kick off here, so I'll let someone else kick off.}

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Monday, May 8, 2006 10:25 AM




ok, so so far as I know, Safe, Bear, Jennings and another (?) are on the Dagger. . Attatched to the Dagger is the Transport, who's numbers I can never remember, so sometime soon she's getting a new moniker. And attached to the hull of the transport is the Nandi, containing Wisp, Seryn, the rabbits and all their worldly possesions (rooomy...)

After leaving the commerce planet, following the shopping trip, the rescue of Serenity, and a bit of a messy fight, there was a brief hiccup around the vicinity of the Tree, things went decidedly screwy. Undeterred, Safe has gone ahead with a plan to find his brother, CastIronJack.

Others are about, but they have yet to make their whereabout known.


Monday, May 8, 2006 10:26 AM


Seryn drags one eyelid open, she can feel something stroking at her hair, and a warm furry weight against her hand.

She lies crumpled in the nose of the fighter.

you took the belt off didn't you? clever girl

She manages to focus, and see Wisp looking at her, concern writ large in his features. He retracts his hand, and she realises his was the one pushing her hair away from her face. She wonders whether to give him the stern 'back off ' look, and decides to later. Clawing herself up she sits back down, puts esme back in her carrier and looks out at the space around them. The stars are vaguely familiar, but no other ships float in the vicinity, except the Dagger, just visible over her nose.

Also just visible is a very familiar planet. But she can't put a name to it, no matter how hard she wracks her brain.

"Well, it looks like we're here" She smiles over her shoulder to Wisp.

"Wherever here is.."

(OOC - over to you, remember, toys, pram... throw! ;D)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, May 8, 2006 11:22 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: So is this thread a spin-off of the SereniTree or a completely different thing?

Can you truly be in 2 places at once, or is this just an alternate side to the story?

Maybe I should have read your second post. So this is still adventures on SereniTree... only its not in the SereniTree folder right?

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, May 8, 2006 12:07 PM


For the moment, no, this isn't in the folder. The future is entirely flexible though, rule nothing out.

Theres still a Seryn on the tree (that 'oh it was all a dream' thing can work on the Tree) and shall be taking part in the festivities. So you can do exactly the same, totally your choice. But this is an oportunity for those who want to to carry on telling their stories, with action and humor and drama and fun, but at the pace we want, away from the people who get upset by that sort of thing.

When people have talked it over and decided what to do about things, then we'll consider our options, you don't need to have left the Tree, infact, its better if you don't. Just think something up or ingore the point completely, we'll deal with it later. Until then, carry on roughly where you left off.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, May 8, 2006 12:14 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: So, the ship you're in... is it the ISSCV, the one we've just left Garrison in (if it was Garrison we left, I may be confused with planet names)?

Hate to be such a dummy, but I want to be clear before I start writing anything... especially before I get in too deep with the story.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, May 8, 2006 12:30 PM


I rejigged my posts and did a starter update. If you want to ad or correct, pm me)

But, look up. ;D


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:33 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

In the engine room, a body lay pinned against the wall. The man is unconcious, unsurprising considering the large metal pole sticking out of his gut. Other than that, he looks fine... smartly dressed too.
Pity being impaled by a broken piece of a radiator would only go and kill a man. It's a good thing then, that this is no ordinary man.

Needy's eyes gradually open.
Well, that was fun. Next time, I must insist somebody else fly the damn ship
The male companion glances down at his position and notices the large metal rod sticking diagonally out of stomach.
Placing his hands at either side of him, he pushes himself up, letting his body slide out of the broken piping. As he stands, the intruding pipe finally exits his lower back.

Twisting his head over his shoulder and pulling back his arm to look at the wound, he sighs.
That's going to leave a scar

Stepping back, he kicks the pipe. Again and again until it moves back against the wall, so that hopefully shoddy flying won't cause another passerby to be impaled.

As his body begins to heal, he groans about the task he had been given.
"'Check out the engine room' he said. 'Do us a favour' he said. I'm a companion not a mechanic!"

Truthfully though, despite his moaning, he was glad he was okay.
It hadn't been that long ago that he died. During that brief time he ceased to breathe, he had found himself in another realm, where he was visited by a being telling him his time was not up. That he had work to do. When he was revived, he was a completely different man. He still had the same insecurities and inability to handle pressure, but his body wasn't the same. He found that he was practically invincible. Bullets would hit him, but they would do no harm - his body would just reject them.

Still, it wasn't as glorious a prospect as it sounded. He soon found himself in unbearable pain all around his body. If it hadn't been for a good doctor's medication, he might be still lying in bed, unable to think of anything but the pain.
Pity that the pills more than took away the pain, they numbed him completely. He couldn't feel anything. No pain. No pleasure. Quite ironic for a person whose occupation centred on experiencing pleasure.

But Needy wasn't one to complain, he had found friends... ones he could depend on to watch his back.

He could have done with a friend watching his back before he got impaled.

"Seryn?" Needy called into his comm. "Are you alright?"

OOC: Long post but I thought since it was a new thread, I might as well summarise who Needy was. I thought we could have more flashbacks here too, like Lost (just my opinion). I was going to add more to this first post but I thought it was long enough as it is. I was also going to provide Seryn's answer on the comm, but I thought maybe you might want to have an amnesia twist or something, so I've left it for you to reply.
Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:57 AM


The Nandi's comm fuzzes a bit, static and pops in a random little tune. She leans forward to pick the unit up and gazes towards the transport, where Needy is walking around all half dead, visible through the windows.

She picks up the comm, fiddling with the buttons, then yelps.

Yep, yelps. Well, more like a squeek if you must know. Closing her eyes, she breaths deep.

Zen. come on, zen me up.

She opens them again. Needy stands by the window. Grinning, he waves. She yells at him, wondering if he can lip read. He frowns, waves his hand. She waves back at him, yells again. Something taps on her shoulder but she brushes it away. By now Needy is holding his hand up and pointing with the other finger.

".... ON'T KNOW WHAt you're...." She watches as Needy leaps away from the window, putting his hand to his ears, jumping again as the screeching comm nears his ear, and throwing it away.
She looks down at the comm unit held just in front of her mouth, follows the hand then the arm holding it up to see Wisp giving her a sardonic look. She grins sheepishly, then glares and takes the unit off him.

"Sorry Needy, its been a crazy few hours, like to get addlepated things don't settle down soon, anyway, enough of me, how about you? Hows that sucking great chest wound of yours doing?"

Calmly she sits, still and desperatly denying the need to freak out like a big girls blouse.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 12:20 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"Yeah everythings fine and dandy" Needy replies with a hint of sarcasm. "There's nothing like a bit of impaling to get your day off to a great start"

Seryn smiles at him "you'll be alright. You can handle it"

"That I can... fortunately. I think I'm finished here. I'll see you in a minute"

Needy clicks the comm off, and begins to make his way over to the others

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:38 PM


"Needy no!"

"I don't think this baby can handle three, and rabbits, and luggage. Besides, theres no way i'm letting you get yuk on the upholstery, and then theres the getting sucked into the black when I pop the hatch. We'll try and get to you. Are you able to get in touch with Safe and the Dagger?"

She turns to Wisp "Do you have any idea if the ISSV.... whatever, the Issi, has a cargo hold large enough for the Nandi? and, um, any way to get into it whilst in space?

"I suppose we really need to ask Safe, He's the one who knows her best"

She opens up a comm link just as the planets sun breaks over the edge of the planet.

"Oh thats pretty... uh, Good morning, any one there?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:58 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp checks his console and begins rapigly typing and clicking. Although it looked liked an average laptop it was completely overhauled into a ships computer core. He had a access to cortex radar and some other very handy gadgets at his disposal whenever he needed them.
"Ok ive found us" Wisp said to seryn who was busy trying to call safe "were in very very loose orbit over Boros the dagger should be near by and that transport that needys on seems to hev atmo but no engines"
"dont ask me im just the tech guy, but.......That transport has an emergency electromagnetic flux beam , kinda like a grappling hook beam, if Needy can activate it we can use our engines to pull him to the dagger or at least somewhere with less chance of us being destroyed by somthing"
Wisp pushed all thoughts of why he was here to the back of his head and concentrated on the im here now aspect. The warm fluffy insident confused him but she probably seduced him (ok i probably seduced her i do have the reputation) wisp removed a rabbit from his lap and called needy.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:05 PM


Seryn raises an eyebrow.

"Ok, I realise you were just speaking English, but what kind of English I'm not sure.

Could you repeat that? In the language of the stupid people?"

she tries another channel.

"ok, i'm trying not to use names, just incase we're being overheard, but you, in the little ship towing the bigger ship, are you listening? Come in..."

Then turns back to Wisp and raises an eybrow.

"what're you doing with my rabbit?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:51 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"ok needy your on the bridge arent you?"
"Ok can you see a terminal that says cargo sub-systems?" The line went quiet for a few seconds the Needys voice came back.
"yea what now?"
"are all the lights green or if not which ones"
"The hydraulic cargo lift is red but the rest are green"
We wont need that thought wisp to himself as seryn was still trying to contact safe. It was like watching the guessing game where you werent allowed to use the actual words. Seryn was becoming quite frustrated so Wisp tried to work faster before she turned the rabbits on him.
"Ok there should be a very long codealong the bottom of the screen can you read it to me nice and slow"
Needy rectited the code which was several dozen letters long which Wisp typed into his console. Wisp was hacking into the remote opperations software on the transport designed for skeleton crew opperations.
"Got it!!" Shouted Wisp with obvious glee at his own genious "Seryn hold on were going for a ride"

Wisp controlled the tractor beam and bay doors to park the Nandi inside the Transport. The door bays then sealed and Seryn and Wisp stepped out along with a ridiculous ammount of rabbits that seemed to multiply before their very eyes.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:53 AM


OOC: So you really want to do this eh? Hmmm... Well there go my toys out of the pram . In for a penny in for a pound.

Ok, so I got this straight. When last I saw our stalwart heroes, the Dagger (the same size as the Millenium Falcon) was towing the ISSCV freighter (same length as the Falcon only rectangular) and the Nandi was attached to it.

In the Dagger were Safe, Bear, Grunt and Jennings. In the Nandi were Seryn and Wisp and in the ISSCV were Needy and quite possibly Citizen and maybe others that didn't make the transition when the fence on the "playground" was pulled in to encompass a smaller area.

I'll post pictures of the Dagger and the ISSCV if needed, tonight. And I will most certainly have something to contribute to the story then too.

Sorry about the delay. Thank-you Seryn*hugs*

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:24 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

After Seryn and Wisp have put the rapidly multiplying rabbits back inside the ship the two of them survey their suroundings.
"Weve got to meet Needy on the bridge then we'll find a way to get onto the dagger" Says Seryn extracing a Rifle from an overhead locker "Their could be anything between here and there do you have any lethal gadgets without fancy names?"
Wisp goes to his bag and extracts his flak jacket with some grenades left, his laptop which he fits into a backpack, his new 12mm side arm and a silver object. The silver thing was Oval with rounded edges about a foot long by 6inch by 2 inch.
"I thought i said no gadgets"
Wisp pressed a button and the object unfolded into his pulse rifle as one side of the case became the stock and two barrels appeared at the front.
"This is one i cant live without" A Small screen was on the top of the gun with power and a small target display with a thermal detector.
The detector showed an arch with walls in white and people in red. Other objects like robots appeared as blue. The display showed The hangar and another room with a blue blip that was moving back and forth
"You know that 'anything' you mentioned? I think its next door"


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:06 PM


*struggles not to look impressed*

"So er... where did you say you got that one from?"

Wisp fiddles with the gizmo, then reveals the not so great news,

"Blue blip you say... angry blue blip? Evil blue blip? Fluffy kind and benevolent tree hugging blue blip? Do you have any more information we could go on?
OK, lets go find out..."

She takes a step back and winces as a minute sqeak sounds out. In a low voice, she looks apologetically at him.

"gargh! er ok. One thing I gotta do, really quickly"

She looks around, then spots something ideal. She drags the crate, about a meter square but only a foot high, over towards the Nandi, pushing it in under a wing.
Then she and Wisp spend a delightful few minutes hunting down rounding up and depositing the little pink and wriggly bundles of joy into it. Quickly she transfers the bedding from the carrier to the box and adds a bowl of food. On the screen the blip moves back and forth unchanged.
She turns round and finds Esme and Archie staring at her balefully.

"Well, i'm not doing it! get in there and parent. Just remember, diciplin!"

Wisp grins, turning back to her has they move off, " I hope Archie doesn't take that to heart...

It be like bunny boot-camp before long if he does."

"Oh don't even joke"

They move silently towards the room containing old blue, alert to all the various noises of the ship, Wisp approaches the door, and rests his hand on the catch, "ready?"

"yep.... whenever you are"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:07 PM


OCC: Right I'm in the ISSCV, that helps
The ISSCV drifted aimlessly as a cloud of space debris, pulled along by the dagger. Citizen lent back in his seat.
"Well we've got a ship full of weapons and no functioning engines, we're being dragged along by a warship commanded by a man who's looking for his brother with a group of mercinaries."

Citizen began punching random buttons on the dead console. "Sounds like we're in for some fun, dontchya think?" He beamed.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:07 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp opened the door revealing an automated robot cleaner stuck in a loop by the debris.

"Well that sure was an anticlimax" Says wisp lowering his weapon.

He walks over to the robot and removes the cover. He fiddles around with some switches and the robot stops moving.

"Thats the last time you get to decide whats dangerous" Says seryn rolling her eyes at Wisp as he replaces the cover.

"Hey i didnt....." Wisp was stopped midsentance by a bleeping sound coming from the deactivated robot.


Wisp fired his weapon into the machine deactivating it permenantly.

"what does that mean?" Seryn asked

"we move. Quickly." As Wisp spoke The door into the next room, opened and a large Robot entered the room. It was humanoid in shape about 6 ft tall with dark blue plating over its body with a few hydraulic pipes showing. Its hands were pulse weapons and its head (if you can call it that) Was a dome with lots of circuits and flashing Lights.

"Are you the receptionist? We'd like two single rooms each with a sea view a continetal breakfast and a wakeup call at nine please." Seryn asked leveling her weapon at the mechanical beast.

It replyed by opening fire on the two of them causing them to fall to the floor.


Thursday, May 11, 2006 6:53 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
"we move. Quickly." As Wisp spoke The door into the next room, opened and a large Robot entered the room. It was humanoid in shape about 6 ft tall with dark blue plating over its body with a few hydraulic pipes showing. Its hands were pulse weapons and its head (if you can call it that) Was a dome with lots of circuits and flashing Lights.

"Are you the receptionist? We'd like two single rooms each with a sea view a continetal breakfast and a wakeup call at nine please." Seryn asked leveling her weapon at the mechanical beast.


OOC: Will post again soon, just thought I'd update you with my decision regarding the Sereni-Tree. I'm there at the minute but I think posting in 3 different "adventure" threads (this, SereniTree and Destiny) as well as trying to write a fanfic is a bit much. Since I'm not keen on the comedy of SereniTree, I think I'll leave that for a while. And my explanation for being there when Safe left on the Dagger? Well I'll stick on the SereniTree for a bit and then get TRM to open a portal to teleport me to this thread.
Also, Seryn, whilst Unbound is a good title for what's happening in this thread, are you planning on keeping it for followup threads eg Unbound and the ... (whatever). Otherwise, maybe you could use the suggestion I made at Sereni-Tree. Call this Special Branch:Unbound (then just call the others Special Branch:(Something else))
Just a suggestion.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:25 AM


(ooc -I was actually hoping for suggestions, unbound is quite frankly, crap. But the only other name icould think of was Adventurers Anonymous (as in Alchoholics...) so I nobody objects i will go with Special Branch.)

Seryn wakes up, her entire skin tingling with the effect of the stun. The robot still click and whirrs, rotating what she can only assume is it eye to monitor their every twitch. She looks down towards her feet "when did i put my boots back on...?" and beyond them to where Wisp lies prone, Arm thrown out at an odd angle. She wonders if it got broken or something, then realises hes reaching for his gun, the whizzy gizmo, that had turned back into its non-threatening form during the robots attack. The questing fingers locate it, and attempt to pull it towards them, and a small scraping noise prompt the robots 'head' to rotate towards the source of the noise.

If I get zapped again Wispy my dear, you are so for it.." she think, then moans softly, pulling the robots attention back to her. She moans again, then raises the back of her hand to her forhead. Way to go Sarah Bernhardt!

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:42 AM


OOC: Sorry, softball practice went a little late last night and of course we had to sit around jawing and having a few beer afterwards...
Here's the link for the pictures of the ISSCV so you have an idea of the size and layout

Let's back up just a little bit....

"Hyper-space is becoming unstable!" Bear says struggling at the controls."Grunt, what's going on?"

"Readings indicate that our mass is out of kilter." Grunt replies scanning his controls. "The ISSCV for some reason has increased in mass."

"Takes us out Bear" Safe says and turns to Grunt. "How could it suddenly get heavier?"

There is a stomach jarring moment as the Dagger slides out of hyperspace.

"There's a ship attached to it and the scans indicate there are people on board. And for some reason, the holographic projectors in the ISSCV are on line. The reality/attitude shift over Commerce must have messed with the ISSCV's circuitry. The holographic projector is channeling all the ships power." Grunt informs Safe.

"Shut it down and restore the ships systems, let's get to bottom of this." Safe says and punches the comm. "ISSCV, come in please."

In the ISSCV, Wisp grabs at his weapon, cringing at the expected pulse blast. Seryn, eyes closed, also awaits the end, but nothing happens. Everything is quiet for a moment, then the hums of systems powering up startles her eyes open.

She and Wisp are sitting on the floor, Needy looking down at them shocked. The Nandi, instead of being docked inside the ship was still latched to the outside, the connecting hatch open and the bunnies playing mini bunnies round-up in and out of the hatch.

"Nice show!" Citizen calls from the co-pilots chair where he has his feet propped on the consol.

Responding to the hail, Citizen keys up the comm. “Hey Safe, ‘bout time you looked back.”

OOC: I like the sound of that title too, plus there is Citizen suggestions of Farfly or Firescape add mine of Firefly: Above and Beyond.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, May 11, 2006 12:19 PM


Seryn lies back, stares at the bulkhead, which is suddenly a hell of a lot closer, and thinks for maybe a minute or two.

"Ok, thinking hurts, so, someone explain to me, what just happened, why the ship appears to have a facelift, an exactly where Robbie the robot both came from and went too....

On second thought I don't think I want to know."

She pulls herself upand sits in the pilots chair, absent mindedly smacking Citizen ankles off the console, the surroundings once again familiar. She catches sight of the rabbits and grimaces "I ain't even gonna think about that..."

"OK, any word from Safe and the guys yet?"

(ooc - So was that a vote for Special Branch or a Firescape variant?)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:48 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp was still a little groggy from the fake energy blast and set about trying to explain it away. He didnt like things happening that he couldnt explain so he walked over to the now working console and started looking at the ships schematics.

It turns out that as its a military transport it has holograms to disguise it and repel intruders. Add to that a little neuro-disruption field and most people stay away from it.

He and Seryn however werent clever enough to be held under that bracket of scoiety.

After relaxing in his chair happy with his new discovery he started working on his next master plan. How to restart the engines........


Friday, May 12, 2006 3:58 AM


*loves Wisp endearing way of thinking out loud*

"Oh, well thats good, for a moment I thought the white goods were rebelling"

She sets about testing which systems are operational, and which need Wisps attention, as well as periodically trying the comms again, trying to raise Safe and the others on the Dagger.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 12, 2006 5:50 AM


“Citizen. Glad to hear from you. And Seryn, isn’t it? We thought we lost everyone in that phenomenon over Commerce.” Safe replied.

“Who all is back there and of them who can pilot? We’re gonna land in a remote area of Boros, do some repairs and take stock of our situation. Whatever That phenomena was, really messed with our systems. Grunt says we need to put down for a bit while he recalibrates.”

“What’s the status back there?”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, May 12, 2006 7:37 AM


She raises an eyebrow at Citizen, and he indicate for her to speak.

"Hey sweetie, thought we'd lost you all. Ok, yep it's Seryn, besides me, theres Citizen, Wisp and Needy. As far as we can work out, Life support comms and your, ahem, security system, are all in perfect nick. The rest of it, Wisp is sorting through now. But I don't think we should have any problems getting planetside."

She looks to Wisp, for confirmation, but he doesn't look up from his screen.

"Ok, we'll get back to you in just a little while on that front. I can fly her, not brilliantly, but well enough, I think Citizen is more than capable as well. Pick a spot, any spot, send us the details and we'll be down there before you can cook an egg.

Someone will be cooking eggs won't they?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:31 AM


{OOC: I love space above and beyond. Now remind me what was it, oh yes it was a great Sci-fi show cancelled by Fox. Where have I heard that before?}

Citizen hit a few buttons on the console setting off a number of alarms. Seryn shot him a 'what are you doing' look before shutting off the alarms.
"Hey," Citizen said. "I don't know how to fly spaceships." He took a look at the rabbits. "Do you think we can get them to lay eggs?"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Friday, May 12, 2006 10:00 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Ok the right engines main hydraulic drive is shot so its stuck in vertical which for landing isnt any problems.
The left engine took some shrapnel at some point ,cant say when, and will need to be repaired on the ground.
I can bring her into land but it wont be pretty and i cant do it with the Nandi still docked .So, heres my plan: Seryn you take the Nandi with Needy and Citizen land in the clearing and find some way to cussion the fall while Citizen and Needy cook eggs, I will pilot the ship down , Safe I'd like you to follow me down and be ready for an assist if the brown stuff hits the spinny thing"

Wisp stopped for a breath after his long talking and wiped a trickle of sweat from his cheek. This was not gonna be nice. He'd hidden the truth from the others but there was a very good posibility of this being his final flight. But with the others off the ship he could think things through and save the ship.
'I Wonder if safe will mind me commanding this ship'Wisp thought 'he's got the Dagger Seryn has the Nandi and if i save it i will deserve an inhuman ammount of praise' He pushed it to the back of his mind and continued.

"Any Questions?"


Sunday, May 14, 2006 1:56 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC as no-ones responded ill continue

"Are you sure?" asked Seryn as she bundled Citizen and Needy into the Nandi" It doesnt seem like the milk run you make it out to be"

"I'll be fine. Go. And make my landing soft"

Seyrn gave Wisp a last reassuring look then closed the hatch to the Nandi. As It detachted Wisp through his flying jacket over a chair near the back and Settled into the pilot seat.

His trademark grin was gone. Replaced by a look of cold determination, with a glint of fear in his eye. His hair was plastered to his face in all directions and sweat poured freely down his face.

He watched on Sensors as The Nandi entered Atmo and disappeared, and The Dagger disengaged the tractor beam beginning his descent.

The ship rumbled through the atmosphere accelerating too fast. Wisp had activated the deflector shields but knew they would fail soon. He fired the manuvering thrusters to slow his fall but it was like thowing deckcahirs off the titanic-ultimtely pointless.

"Your going in too fast slow down! You need to....." Wisp deactivated the Comm. He didnt need Safe telling him what he already knew.

The ship bucked throughly and a red warning light appeared accompanied by many alarms. The shields had failed. The interior became very hot now that the only thing between him and the atmosphere was the superheated hull plates.

Wisp through out his Wild Card. His only shred of science to cling to. He activated his one engine on full.

The Ship slowed to the correct speed but at the price of direction. The vessel was spinning in a wild corkscrew towards the ground.

Wisp closed his eyes for the breifest of seconds now that his gamble had failed. But at the last moment a thought entered his cranium. He saw a yellow light that he hadnt seen before. At a breif mile before the surface he pressed it. Two rockets screached from the plane exloding in a goey jelly on the surface which the vessel carrered into and stopped. perefctly okay. a metre above the floor.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:05 AM


(ooc- sorry, I was trying to give someone else a chance!)

As the juddering and shaking of the breaking into atmosphere eased off to be replaced by the only marginally less queasy making buffeting of wind and air pressure drops, Seryn threw a reassuring look over her shoulder at the guys.

Needy caught the smile, and grimaced back, Citizen remained stony cool, to look at him, no one would have guessed that they had just snuck onto and planet crammed into a two seater (at a push) ship. As it was, only the lack of skin tight lycra distinguished them from the average bobsled team. She figured that was the effect he aimed for.

"Well, I think we can all agree,this thing has a max capacity, no matter what the circumst....

oh god...."

Wisp was in trouble.

She'd set one of the monitors to show the Issi's progress, and as they watched it became increasingly obvious that the other ship was in desperate trouble.

"He's coming in way to fast!"

"Can you get a visual?

"The comm isn't working...."

"He's through atmo...."

"What the hell is he doing?


"He's fired the engine, it'll send him spiralling, theres no way he'll compensate"

"oh gods, he's too close to the ground"

She had landed them, barely settling and killing the engines before they were all out of the Nandi, eyes straining into the sky, trying to see the doomed ship.
Strong slanting sunlight bleached out the landscape, they were in hill country, the Nandi had landed near an outcropping, hidden in the low ground in its shadows. She ran up-slope, hand shielding her eyes as she scanned the sky.


All three of them followed the progress of the transport as it corkscrewed through the sky.

"oh, its too close, he'll never pull out of it."

As the transport neared the ground all three ran in the direction it would land.

"What is that?" Citizen pulled up short, prompting Needy to slow. Only Seryn kept running.

"They're rockets..." puzzlement clouded Needy's features "He fired rockets.. what is he doing?"

Citizen paused for the space of a breath "Something irritatingly clever I should think" He grinned "come on"

They ran, in front of them the transport roared past and disappeared behind the rise of ground before them. A few paces ahead, Seryn stood stock still and stared at the hill.

"There was no explosion."


"No detonation, no little ones for the rockets, nor a large one for the ship. There would have been noise, a boom, a crunch, something. But there wasn't anything. What does that mean?"

Unable to think of an answer, they started forward again, steady paces took them to the top of the rise.

Below them in the shallow basin, the ISSCV sat, perfect, unbelievabley undamaged, upright, facing forward, glinting gently in the sunlight, perched atop a large, funky coloured gelatinous mass, which slowly melted as they watched, rivulets oozed away and sank into the sandy earth.

"the canny bast..."

As they watched one of the hatches opened, out of it climbed a figure, it hesitated, then leapt in an attempt to jump the ooze. Then stood and kicked the goopy mess from his shoes.


They started running again, at her yell of glee Wisp looked up and waved at them.

They reached him, hooting and yelling like madmen.

At one point Seryn looked at Wisp sternly, whacked him around the head like an errant school boy and attempted to lecture him on the dangers of lying to her and attempting to play the hero, but she barely finished before decending into laughter again. Citizen returned from a foray into the transport, clutching several bottles of beer, with a a small amount of ceremony he popped the caps and handed them round.

A while later they sat on the verge and watched the sun lower and the last of the goo ooze into the landscape.

"What is that stuff made from?"

"God knows. More interestingly, do you think they set out to make it or was it just a 'happy' accident."

"moreover, how exactly do you think the inventor died?"

"er, his mother probably killed him when he got it on the carpet I should imagine"

"oh, hang on, company..." Quickly all four of them loosened their weapons and watched the figures advance down the hillside. She was the first to recognise the figures, and waved a greeting.

"Hey guys!"

Safe looked up, the last of the sun highlighting a smile on his face. As they reached the small group the pause was awkward, then the ice seemed to melt like so much landing slime.

"Right, you lot can show off your combined manly prowess and get a fire started, and someone raid the transport for protein chunks.

I feel like a barbecue."

She set up off the hill, back towards the Nandi.

"Where are you off to?"

"I'm going to get the bbq sauce! Come on, manly! chop chop!" She grinned, and set off.

On returning with her bag and the rabbit carrier, she saw a large fire burning merrily in a hollow, someone had dragged folding seating out of the transport, and some traditionalist had dragged over logs and blankets for additional lounging facilities. As she sat down and started to scrape together some sort of spicy marinade from the random ingredients in her bag, Safe wandered over to set up a tray to cook things in.

"So can we expect interest? Do you know if we were detected on entering?"

Safe looked back at her, grinning "we wern't, not as far as we can tell, Bear is scanning the usual channels, see if we get a mention, but so far... I reckon we're good for the night"

She smiled back, then started dousing bits of roughly meat shaped foodstuffs in the mixture. Wisp and Needy joined them, Bear and the other Dagger crew settiled down, chatting with the others. All seemed perfectly cordial.

"So how was you landing Safe?"

"Oh, standard, bit rough on entering, but we got here. How was yours."

"Wisp grinned, and slight hint of smugness creeping into the smile.

"oh, you know, standard."


(ok, that was one essay of a post and I've run ahead a little, if people want to go back thats fine, sorry if I've got things wrong. I've decided to stop a moment and have this barbecue thing as we need a chance to get to know each other - learn backgrounds and whys and wherefores, before we go on to anything else.

I've also decided that wherever we go next we're having a few more join the team. And by that I mean girls. I am not going to be the only girl! So feel free to write one in at any time!)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:07 PM


Citizen took WYSB's hand. "Bloody show off." He said beaming. "Now I've got this great recipe for chinchilla enchiladas if anyone's hungry, we're all out of hot sauce because someone still hasn't picked up the consignment yet, but we can make do."

Citizen pulled a stick of chewing gum from his pocket. "Now a fire was it?" He said chewing slowly before spitting the gum on to a pile of leaves that spontaneously erupted in flame. "Alliance Special forces incendiary insurgency kit." He explained. "Found it stuck under a bus seat."


I've also decided that wherever we go next we're having a few more join the team. And by that I mean girls. I am not going to be the only girl! So feel free to write one in at any time!)

So... many... wierd science... refrences... can't... contain... self...}

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:50 PM


(ooc- so you want to build your own? DIY fan hey?
Right, in that case one small rule, they have to be characters - No window dressing sex slaves, you have to write them whole characters)

Seryn looks over at Citizen

"Now sweetie, where do you think you're going to get anything like a chinchilla from around here?"

Citizens chin starts to tip towards...

"Don't even think about it. One interesting fact about the vorpal strain of the rabbit family is that they're highly poisonous to most mammals reptiles and insects. Including humas"

(ooc - sorry, just heading off ideas before they start... ;D)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Sunday, May 14, 2006 1:48 PM



Hmmmm... Need more girls? Perhaps I need to bring Quincey to this thread.

Of course, she is the sexiest and flirtiest of the Brides, but there is more than that to her character.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:09 PM


ooc- all are welcome honey! It'd be great to have her around.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:34 PM


OOC: On the other hand, I'd hate to break up the Brides. They've been together since the previous gala pageant in thread 8. Hmmmm... Maybe a female yeti?


Monday, May 15, 2006 1:41 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

After much meriment,dirnking and consumation of barbeque protein conversation inevitabley turned to unmentionables.

"I Need WOMEN!!!" Shouted Needy, his career being directly connected to pleasing womenfolk.

"Ive got a perfect gadgety idea" Says wisp as he stumbles to his bag and extracts a small box about the size of a deck of cards. He opens it and plants several seeds into the ground and they grow into seven beautiful plant based females.

"YEAH!!!!" Shout Needy and Citizen in unsion from their drunken state and begin oggling the plant girls thourouglhy.

"This is disgraceful and sexist!!! I Cant believe you wisp your supposed to be the respectable hero type not the perverted kind!!!" Shouts Seryn with much finger wgging and pointing.

"Wait!" Says wisp as he goes over to one of the women and twists their ear 180 degrees so it faces the back of their head. The plant girl suddenly transforms in a blur of petals into a plant guy who begins massaging Seryn.

"Well....I'll let you off this time"


Monday, May 15, 2006 2:28 AM


(yeah, ok, very funny. Ha ha.)

Still in the process of cooking Safe and Seryn look up at the sound of Wisp ranting somewhere beyond the fire. They watch for a few moments as he scrabbles about in the mud.
"How many has he had?" she asks, nodding at Safe's beer.
Safe pauses to watch Wisps empty sail through the air. "I think that one was his first."
"So do you think we should worry?"
He grins, "tomorrow."


Monday, May 15, 2006 2:56 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC I resent the accusation that i am a lightweight!! Geeks can drink a lot too!!! So character development eh?

Anyway-Wisp watched as the fire flickered in front of him and looked back on his near death experience. Why did he always have to play hero?

He could never just watch the virgin get sacrificed to the sun god, or see the old lady walking over the railway lines in front of a train, He had to go and uphold honesty, shivalry, courage and courtesy....dumb ass.

Ever since he ran away from home he'd always helped others before himself. Even with his many women they were more important than himself. When he was first living on the street he had no problems robbing a faceless store to avoid starving but he couldnt bring himself to rob a real person.

Like the last knight of the round table of Earth that was. He Had to ride his horse and save the day. Never the king who got all the attention, or the high priest who ran the show, not even the jester who everyone noticed. He was the guy who saved the world and then got forgotten about.

Wisp finished his beer and threw the empty into the fire. He walked back into the ISSI and extracted his laptop and began scanning the planets information.

Suddenly a name cropped up.

A name he hadnt seen in years that he'd hoped he'd never see again.

If He was the white knight she was his wicked witch of the west. An old flame who instead of providing a happy memory of warmth served as a reminder of a time he got burnt.

She couldnt find out he was here. She just couldnt. End OF. Then how come he was sweating again?


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:00 AM



TRM: Who said that it was neccessary to take the brides away from the pageant to bring them here after all Seryn is currently two places at once.

WISP: Chivalry is spelled with a C.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, May 15, 2006 4:29 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
OOC I resent the accusation that i am a lightweight!! Geeks can drink a lot too!!! So character development eh?

OOC: I thought it was quite funny. A nice little reference to Back to the Future 3 (I dont know if it was intended).
Also, Sorry it's taken me so long to post back. But I'm here now

Just before the arrival of the plant women:
Needy sat down by the fire, appreciating the beautiful sights. Unfortunately, the heat did nothing for the companion. He could not feel the warmness of the fire, his body neither hot nor cold, but seemingly nothing more than an husk meant for holding his consciousness - without that, it might as well be an empty vessel.

"I'm sorry"

Needy turned to face the one that had spoken.
Recognising who it was, he turned back again towards the fire, ignoring the voice.
"I'm sorry that what I did for you has left you irreversibly altered. But it was what I had to do."

"My guardian angel." Needy thought to himself.
"Sure you're sorry!" Needy called out to the person behind him.

Wisp shot the companion a funny look. "What?"

Needy looked at his comrade. "Sorry... just talking to myself"

"Ooookay" Wisp replied, attempting to mind his own business.

Needy looked back to the being that stood behind him, gave it a black look, before sighing and putting his head down.
"They must think I'm insane. Hell, maybe I am. I'm seeing... I'm talking to an imaginary person."
He looks as the being sits down between Wisp and himself.
Needy closes his eyes as he tries to ignore the being, hoping that when he opens them again, it will be gone.
"She's still there. Perfect... If it even is a "she". Who's to say?" He eyes the being, studying it for a glimpse that would provide answers to it's true nature. No such luck.
"She" had been with him ever since he died and came back. He didn't know why "she" still visited him. Needy knew what "she" had told him - that she was to guide him towards his destiny to saving the verse. "A likely story."
But what was the truth of "her" presence? And why had she chosen to take the form of one of his old friends - Serenity? It was a mystery. And it wasn't the only mystery in his life.
If she's just in my head... then how do I get her out. I can't go to a shrink, or to the nuthouse. I just can't. Mind over matter, that's all it is. Tell her to go away." He sighs again. "That didn't work. She always returns, no matter how much I tell her to leave. No matter how hard I try to ignore her. She's always there"
Mysteries clouded his mind, and drinking the alcohol before him was the only thing he could do to take his mind off of it.
Before long, he was drunk.

OOC: Woah, long post

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, May 15, 2006 6:48 AM


Safe watched Needy with interest. Needy was impervious to pain and his wounds healed themselves, yet alcohol affected him. Safe made a mental note to keep an eye on Needy and to sit down with him when he was sober to get the whole story behind his condition.

They had moved the ships near the crippled ISSCV, which Safe now leaned against. There was a lot to do and he was less than thrilled to be doing it on Boros. Besides the repairs to the ISSCV, there was the recalibration of the Dagger’s systems, which Grunt had almost completed. Plus he was still trying to wrap his head around the phenomenon that took the Sereni-Tree and the people aboard the ISSCV only to put some of them back, or were they ever gone to begin with. Safe was sure they hadn’t seen the end of the ripples caused by it. So many questions, where to begin…

And then there was that criptic wave from Soul to consider...

Shaking his head and sighing heavily, Safe pushes upright away from the ISSCV, accepting a warm smile and another beer from Seryn, his last no matter how good it was, Safe joined the others at the fire.

Bear grunts acknowledgement to Safe, never looking up from his third bowl of campfire stew, thanks to some wild potatoes and onions found by Seryn. Grunt was still typing away at the control module from the Dagger and Jennings was well on his way to being drunk along with Needy and Citizen, all of which had taken to singing songs… off-key.

Safe introduces himself to Wisp “I’m Seth Franklin, but everyone calls me Safe. Nice bit of flying back there.”

Wisp looks up from his laptop startled, still trying to shake the memory, to see a tall man about 6 foot with short sandy hair, obviously military judging by his stance and build. The man had just said something and was offering his hand. Wisp looked at it puzzled for a moment.

“You look a little green around the gills” the man says to him. “You ok?”

Safe waits for a moment then drops his hand when he doesn’t receive a reply. Wisp just seems to stare through him to someplace far away. Shrugging, he sits next to Seryn, who’s joined the rest at the fire.

Leaning back on his elbows, Safe looks around the fire at his fellow adventurers thinking *Well, it could definitely be worse* a small grin creeps across his face.

Seryn sees the grin and punches Safe lightly in the arm. When he turns towards her, she grins back at him.

OOC: I left an opening in case anyone else was missed.

Now THAT was a long post.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:12 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe watched Needy with interest. Needy was impervious to pain and his wounds healed themselves, yet alcohol affected him.

OOC: Oops, was that a goof?
Ah well, he can't be super-super-human, maybe alcohol its his kryptonite.
Oh, and you post may have been long, but nothing will beat Seryn's essay earlier. That rocked!


Taking note of Safe's (failed) introduction to Wisp, Needy realises that he still doesn't know these people all that well, other than their names.

"Right," he says, starting to stand up. Those around the fire slowly look towards him. "Since we here are..." he staggers to his feet and tries to keep his balance "still kinda strangers. Maybe we should introduce ourselves. Get better aquainted"

Safe smirks and replies "I hope you don't mean what I think you mean."

Needy looks at him clueless, his face straining as if he is desperately trying to keep his eyes open and remain conscious.

Safe clarifies "I thought by "better aquainted" you were referring to something sexual. Obviously not"

Seryn slaps him on his shoulder. "Hey give the guy a break. Just because he is a... you know... doesn't mean everything that comes out his mouth is an innuendo"

Safe hangs his head down in shame, whilst Needy stares at Seryn.

"What?" she asks

A cheeky smile appears on the companions face before he announces, "In Your Endo!"

OOC: Yes, I stole that gag from Todd in "Scrubs", but it makes me laugh every time.
Another thing: I just realised that, although the title of the thread has changed to "Special Branch", it still shows up in my list of messages and on the main page as "Unbound". Why?
Edited to add: Doesn't matter now. It's now showing up on the main page as Special Branch: Unbound, after I renamed it in the Subject box. I didn't know I could do that

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, May 15, 2006 12:24 PM


Seryn finishes the last of her stew and leans back, elbows resting on a log behind her. She examines the three guys in Safe's crew, caught between the urge to get to know them, and the realisation that the big one probably bites. And not in a good way.

Movement around the other side of the circle catches her attention, and she watches, one eyebrow raised as Needy stumble's to his feet, he gives his speech, heckling taken in his stride, then sits back down before he falls.

Silence decends.

"Ok, ladies first then I guess" she jumps up with as much energy as she can muster and wonders how effective introducing themselves in firelight whilst drunk is going to be. Her tallish height exaggerated by the flames, her dark brown hair given a red glow, and her face with it slightly above average features obscured, it'd be a miracle if her own mother recognised her. She gives a theatrical bow to the rest of the group, eye glowing with mirth and alcohol. "Hi, Seryn. Just Seryn, I had a surname but I lost it somewhere... Formerly Captain Voodoo Nell of the Drobies Revenge, though if you haven't heard of me, don't worry, i'm not sure that the sea's I sailed were even in this dimension.
Anyway, before that, I think I sewed things... and before that I was a spoilt little rich girl, an ubringing for which I am eternally grateful, as it meant I could learn to fly that beauty over there.." she sloshes her beer in the direction of the Nandi "and nothing else of much use. the small legion of rabbits over there are mine, at some point I need to find new owners for the babies, they'll fetch a good price, if we can find suitable people, so thats fuel for a few months. Um, pretty much it. oh, yes, In about seven months i'm months i'm going to be a mommy." She sits down again, not daring to look and see the reaction that last line got her "we are not selling that one."

Theres a cough, and she settles back on her elbows again.

The next person get up to introduce himself, and she turns to Safe.

"Sorry to bring that one up. Figured it was best to get it all out at the start, minimises issues later. Don't ask me what I'm going to do, cause I haven't worked that bit out yet, but it shouldn't cause any problems for us, handled properly." She smiles. And he attempts to smile back at her, not entirely convinced.

Reminded by thoughts of hair, then shape changing, then the recent escapades on the commerce planet, she frowns, reaching down she pulls off her boot and examines her foot. Not a scratch, not a hint of mud, and for that matter, boots, she could have sworn Serenity was still wearing them when she left the Tree. She frowns again, and turns back to Safe. "This... hiccup thing. Us all getting wrenched about in space, and probably time, did you get caught in it? Did you lose anyone, or did things change? Do you think we'll ever work out what happened?"

He seams about to answer, then shrugs, the look on his face making it obvious that it concerned him too. It concerned all of them, she new Needy was troubled, and as soon as the beer wore off, the others would be too.

She resolved not to think about it for the moment, it was a task for the morning, when hungover cells would need the distraction, and turned her attention back to the speaker.

(ooc- you know, up until about 8 hours ago I would have had no idea whatsoever you were talking about, but I saw that episode for the first time today, but that was a funny ep. Is it wierd that i'm beginning to like the Todd? Aw, and Cox's kid, cute, he's going to grow up to be Badger, you can just tell from that end scene.)
Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, May 15, 2006 8:46 PM


“Hello! Hello! Is it my turn next?”

One of the plant women slowly pulls up her roots and starts walking nearer the campfire… but not TOO near. Her smooth naked body has a woody quality, and she has leaves and red flowers for hair. As she moves, there is a strange creaking sound. She smiles, and this also creaks.

“Hi. Here’s my life story: Uh, I was planted, and then I grew larger and larger, and then I uprooted myself and walked over here.”

She takes a beer and pours it over her feet. Then she tosses the empty on the fire like she has seen others do.

“Not a very exciting life, I guess.”

Suddenly, she lets loose an incredible belch. “Oh, excuse me!” Then she smiles. "Hey, that was kind of exciting!"


Monday, May 15, 2006 9:59 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp had been watching the AA Meeting from the doorway to the shuttle and thought he should join in.
"Im Wisp. Got a real name but it sort of has a warrant (or six) to go with it" Wisp pulled another beer from the cooler and continued to talk.

"Born on Ariel to an middle class family went to a good school had a great career as a technical wiz-kid to go into. But. My parents were terrified of the Alliance, during the war they attended every unification march,meeting,protest you name it. I Got dargged into their little 'dont arrest me im a zombie' plan.

From age seven onwards i was sent to the military Youth Acadamy. Rarely saw my parents. The military were training kids to be officers and soldiers at young ages so theyd be dangerous weapons by the time they reached adulthood. I wasnt easily brainwashed"

Wisp looked into the sky like a dying man looking at his wife. Then he shook his headand returned his gaze to the fire.

"I stuck it out till i was 14. Then I ran away. Lived on the streets of Capital City. Learned a lot more things, Got in a lot more scrapes, met a LOT of women. I ended up providing technical expertise for a shady business venture run by a mob and earned myself a warrant or two so i left my name behind and started using my call sign from my youth"

Wisp looked around at the motley crew and smirked inwardly.

"I ended up On commerce after another unfortunate incident, joined the tree did some thrilling heroics. Eventually the I decided to go back home to capital city, but the phenomenon pulled me onto the Nandi and Thats where everyone came in"

Wisp then walked back to the transport.

"Ive arranged a plan to get the parts we need and stuff but it'll save till morning. Im going to bed"

He walked into the shuttle and climbed into a sleeping bag after his confesion. He left out the part about her. She'd either be no problem or a gargantuan problem. and either way he couldnt do Jack.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:24 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Around the fire, the newly formed crew exchange looks, waiting for the next person to introduce themselves.

"Ah, what the hell." Needy suddenly stands up, trying his damndest not to fall back down again.
Stabilising his balance, he stands up straight, the fire warm against his legs as he addresses the people there.

"Hi, the name is Needy - not my actual name granted, but I'd rather not let that out. For those that don't know, yes I am a male companion, so deal with it. I know there are some that don't view my job as a respected one, hell my parents and friends thought I was an idiot for making a carrer of it, but I do ask that you keep your opinions to yourself. I grew up in a place called "the digs" on the outskirts of Kara on Londinium, before beginning my training when I was assigned to the companion house on Boros. It was there that I met Serenity, a remarkable woman most of you know, who lived on a ship called the Sereni-Tree. If it hadn't been for Mr Safe asking for my help though, I might never have saw her again, nor ever set foot on the ship, so I'm grateful to him for that."

Safe nods to Needy, accepting his thanks.
Just as the others expect the companion to sit back down though, he carries on.

"Of course, that was a big mistake... leaving home. Sure I've had adventure, and seen the stars but at what cost? I was shot; apparently died; had a spiritual encounter with a strange being that looked like Serenity, only she wasn't; I came back to life and found that my body chemistry had been changed dramatically - I'm now apparently bullet-proof; I found myself in constant unbearable pain which means I now have to take pills to numb me just to get through the day, only these pills seem to numb me completely so that I can't feel any sort of pleasure whatsoever..." Needy takes a large breath.
"Then I finally step aboard The Sereni-Tree where everybody knows me because apparently somebody that looked a lot like me and called himself Needy had stayed on board the ship months before... only it wasn't me.
"And to top it all off, I'm plagued by visions of that being I saw when I died, still posing as my old friend, popping up when I least expect it, only no one else can see them. And he/she/it is telling me that if I don't get my act together and accept my destiny as saviour to the verse, life as we know it could cease to exist. I try to ignore it but the thing won't go away, and the only reason I'm here with you now is because I gave in and did as it said, and... and..."
"And all I want is to sit back and relax with a cup of tea and possibly have a good time if you get my drift."

Needy sighs - a weight being lifted from his shoulders as he vents his thoughts.

When he realises all is silent, he looks around at the crew.

"Hello?" he asks

Seryn shakes her head and looks up. "Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts. What did you say?"

Seryn wasn't the only one. It seemed, others too had gotten bored of his rant and shut themselves off.

"Forget it" Needy mumbles, "I'm gonna get some fresh air"

"You're outside already" Bear grunts.

"And some space... Fresh air and space. I'm just going to go for a walk, okay?"
Needy leaves the group and walks off into the distance

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:13 PM


Seryn starts off with good intentions, listening appreciatively to Needy's story. Its so good to learn more about the people who may get you killed any day now...

she smiles, but then her mind begins to wander and try as she might she just can't seem to absorb the words. She looks over to the other side of the camp. Wisp and the others seem to be intent on a figure near them, With a small gasp, she makes sense of what she is seeing.

Digging in her back she pulls out a dress, and after a thought, and old bottle of linseed oil, and walks over to the naked femal made out of a tree.

"Um, hi.... you may want these..."

"and uh, this.."

"Oh thank you, thats very kind ah...?"

"Oh, Seryn. No problem, I ha, have to go back over there now"

She seat herself again, still a little freaked, and wonders if she's way drunker than she thought. She throws the contents of her bottle away, and lays down a little more, and attempts to listen to Needy again.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:26 PM


Looking around the campfire, Safe decides it’s time to tuck in. Wisp had already retired, Needy was “walking off his drink” and the talk had turned to talk of a living plant women. That, itself, was a sure sign it was way, way past time for sleep.

Safe excuses himself with a small bow to Seryn, and heads for the ISSCV. Slipping quietly in, so as not to disturb Wisp, he sets up the perimeter alarm, settles into the pilots chair and props his feet on the consol. Gazing out the windshield at the stars, Safe allows himself to relax and slips off to sleep.

Outside, Grunt sits atop the Dagger cleaning his rifle and scanning the horizon. Earlier he had drawn the short straw for first watch

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny






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