Totally Whacked Consipracy Theories I Think of When I'm High

UPDATED: Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:34
VIEWED: 4722
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Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:57 AM




Originally posted by PIRATENEWS in the guerilla marketing thread. Due to the
flamey nature of the content, it has been relocated to Troll Country.

Notice how I'm not deleting it? I think I've grown...


PIRATENEWS - link to profile:

Yes #11, I suspected you were a moron artsy fartsy type, but you're far stupider than even I suspected. Thanks for setting the record straight about your stupidity. I stand corrected. With idiots like you "helping" Firefly, no wonder its banned from the airwaves.

You're not one of those govt collaborators suckling off Bushes' $1.5-billion govt propaganda tit, are you? That would certainly explain your ability to afford the time to produce all your artworks. Bush owns Serenity BTW, via military death-dealing contractor Carlyle Group (aka BLUE SUN). Coincidence Theory, or Conspiracy Factory?

Do you believe Pentagon's declassified Operation Northwoods is a figment of your drug-impaired imagination?

Do you believe that the TRILLION-DOLLAR class actions filed in US District Courts against Carlyle Group and the Bush Gang for perping 9/11 are a figment of your imagination?

My family's lawfirm is on the Dream Teams suing the Bush Gang using the RICO Act, regarding the Bush Gang's narcoterrorist bombings to murder US citizens, murder US journalists, and import cocaine during Iran-Contra, and suing the Carlyle Group today. Maybe that's why they get guns put to their heads, and their personal jet aircraft was hijacked by their own autopilot this year? Or is that a figment of the US District Court clerks and Carlyle Group attorneys?

Either you're a pathological liar, a pathological idiot, or an illiterate moron, with your inability to read a Physicians Desk Reference of routine side effects of a medication. The same drug that Joss wrote about in his movie and TV series BTW. The same drug this entire website is about. Or did you not watch the movie?

Funny how you don't want your artwork being sent to execs at Fox or other networks. That makes a lot of sense, to sabotage your own self-promotion.

In point of fact, it's useful to send these form letters to every TV network, to show support for that network if they pick up Firefly reruns, or better yet, an all-new series.

The best guerilla marketing strategy, according to 11th Hour, is to endlessly type on this forum, and do NOTHING. That makes a lot of sense. Or open a store on to siphon off profits from Fox. Good for #11, not so good for billionaire Rupert Murdock.

WHO DO YOU REALLY WORK FOR, #11? Carlyle Group? The same Carlye Group currently sued in numerous US District Courts for perping the 9/11 terrorist massacres...

To believe that Joss' script has no relevance to its marketability is insane. To believe that Joss' CIA/MI6 employers don't care about Joss reporting on Top Secret CIA mind-control slave projects quacks of mind-control on this forum. Universal is owned by Carlyle Group, which is owned by Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire, British prime minister John Major, Queen Elizabeth of England, and the Bin Laden family.

Joss is a subversive soul. So long as he promotes vampirism, wicthcraft and Satanism (which are REAL lifestyles of our world dictators at Bohemian Grove and Skull & Bones et al), he can employ his heros murdering mayors and bombing schools. I watched 2 hours of ANGEL on TNT TV this morning, where Angel joked about "saving the world by murdering the mayor". But discussing CIA's Project Monarch Manchurian Candidates is going too far in the eyes of the New World Odor Gangsters. Firefly's propaganda value is also subverted by being the only scifi story ever created to allege space aliens don't invade Earth, which is also an official US Govt psyop to promote Global Govt dictatorship (aka The Alliance).

Everyone who wants to ignore these realities can certainly do so to their own peril. That's everyone's right to live and die by the method of one's own choosing. But to deny other people their right to choose smacks of Mind Kontrol.

I vote for mailing uncensored letters to Fox execs and to every TV network, to promote Firefly reuns and a new series. And I vote for using 11th Hour's artwork as letterhead, copyright-free. You can even send them at lightspeed as PDF emails. Anyone care to second the motion?

Note that this thread now sounds like any other boardroom meeting to decide how to market any other product. That's how things get done in the Real World.

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right?"
-Joss the Boss, Serenity DVD
Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation
Pirate News TV
Channels 6 & 12
Winner Best Filmed Music
L.A. Indies 2006
Winner Best Music Video
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005
Winner Best Website
Y2K Tennessee Collegiate Website Design Contest

Does that seem right to you?


Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:58 AM


More animations available at


Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:08 AM


I think he is on to "something"(or on)


Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:19 AM




Another transplanted post from the guerilla marketing thread, which seems right at
home here.

Moved both for content, and because tremendously long posts like this slow down
the loading of the thread and create unnecessary bulk, thus hindering the usefulness
of the original thread.

11th Hour


PIRATENEWS - link to profile:


Originally posted by 11thHour:


Is the hold up by Fox, refusing to allow FF a 2nd rerun? Is the holdup over the contract price? Inquiring minds want to know, as do many journalists looking for their next story.

Inquiring minds had better inquire then. I don't have all the inside info on this, but the FOX Network showing Firefly again is about as unlikely as things get.

Anyway, FOX "refusing" to allow a second run of Firefly? This question is whacked.

The Sci-Fi Channel has shown Firefly several times, what's the fixation on FOX?

Fox originally made Universal sign a contract to ban Firefly from Tee Vee for 10 years, and this is public knowledge. Probably a standard clause a pack of lawyers cook up in the entertainment biz to justify their triple-billed paychecks.

So never underestimate Fox's power to subvert Firefly. Especially when it cancelled its pilot episode.

But money has a way of changing hearts and minds. Witness Joss' magic negiating skills with UPN.

Show me the money, or who's holding out for more of it, and I'll show you who's killing the deal with Firefly. Fox still owns FF, and SciFi/Universal has to pay each time it airs.

However, propaganda value is a major player, with CIA control of both Hollywood and NYC. Nazi Prescott Bush was on the board of directors of CBS, and George Bush Sr owns Firefly/Serenity via Universal/NBC/SciFi/Carlyle Group. Bush Jr has wasted $1.5-billion taxdollars on propaganda placement un USA, just in the past couple of years, bribing "journalists" and scriptwriters.

FF/Serenity is the only TV series I can recall that discusses one of the pet Top Secret projects of CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch mind-control slaves, where Uncle Scam tortured 1,000s of people with electroshock, meds and LSD, to manufacture multiple personality disordered zombies (aka dissociative identity disorder, as River and Joss pointed out). This is of course verboten subject matter within the Media Mafia, both in fiction, and the "news" of JonBenet Ramsey, who was tortured like River with a stungun and strangulation, to create dissociations and amnesia as a sex slave. Do a google search for "cathy o'brien" and "fritz springmeier" to learn more about this covert op, which reads just like a Firefly script. O'brien sells 17,000 declassified US Govt documents on mind control, at You can watch her video lectures at

A letter-writing campaign can certainly include this issue, if it's blacklisting FF on SciFi. It's certainly relevant to the debate, since that's the heart of Joss' plotline, and the heroine of his story. River is a composite character based in part on Cathy O'Brien and her lobotomized daughter Kelly. BTW, that's what NASA is for, according to court orders. You don't really think it was for walking on The Moon, did you? Apollo is the name of Satan, in Revelation 9:11. You can go as far down that rabbithole as you care to go.


VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Apollo 11 Outtake
Official NASA video marked "LIVE FROM THE SURFACE OF THE MOON". "That's one small step for Man, one giant leap for (crash as lightbulb gantry falls from the ceiling and hits him in ass)... Well, I guess you want to do it again?!" Then a team of Stanley Kubrick's film crew in London picks up the fallen studio lighting and helps Neil Armstrong climb back up the ladder of the LEM on the moonset, as proof Armstrong did not walk on the Moon and return safely to Earth. How many NASA engineers does it take to screw up a light bulb?

SciFi is a major player in Winning Hearts And Minds for Uncle's scams. I fear ole Joss threw a monkey wrench in Sir Rupert's and Sir George's plans for world dominion over a planet of mind-controlled slaves, aka Mirandized Earth. Joss colored slightly outside the approved borders, and must be slapped down, or bribed to change the subject, like Oilver Stone.


"And like all creative minds, they must be slapped down."
-Joss the Boss, Serenity DVD

So, my dear shiny friends, this is a spooky challenge to solve. I'm just looking at it from a corporate fascism point of view. But without all the terrorist bombings, that the new owners of FF/Serenity are accused of in US District Courts.

Me, I'm just trying to recruit some patriotic spooks to assist us in our goals for planetary domination of the ether.

As for the drugs, you folks might want to try distilled water. It's just about the only way to remove the Fluorine, which is the active ingredient in Prozac - and in the air of Miranda:



Suicidality in Children and Adolescents — Antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in short-term studies in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. It is designated (±)-N-methyl-3-phenyl-3-[(?,?,?-trifluoro-p-tolyl)oxy]propylamine hydrochloride and has the empirical formula of C17H18F3NO•HCl.

Fed woman: It's the Pax. The G-Paxilon Hydroclorate that we added to the air processors. It was supposed to calm the population, weed out aggression. Well, it works. The people here stopped fighting. And then they stopped everything else. They stopped going to work... they stopped breeding, talking, eating. There's 30-million people here, and they all just let themselves die.
(smashing down door)
(whine, wimper)
I have to be quick. About a tenth of a percent of... the population had the opposite reaction to the Pax. Their aggressor response increased beyond madness. They have become...
(smashing down door)
Well, they've killed most of us. And not just killed... they've done things.
Wash: Reavers. They made them.
Fed woman: I won't live to report this, but people have to know. We meant it for the best... to make people safer.
(Reavers growling)
(Fed woman screaming)
(Reaver munching)
Reaver 1: Bill, does this taste like chicken to you?
Reaver 2: Ted, I think it takes like sheeple.

PAXIL HCL is an agent in a class of antidepressant medication known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It is effective and generally well tolerated and has successfully helped people treat their depression, social anxiety disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and panic disorder.

Homicidal and suicidal tendencies. Allergic reaction, chills, face edema, malaise, neck pain; rare: Adrenergic syndrome, cellulitis, moniliasis, neck rigidity, pelvic pain, peritonitis, sepsis, ulcer. Hypertension, tachycardia; infrequent: Bradycardia, hematoma, hypotension, migraine, syncope; rare: Angina pectoris, arrhythmia nodal, atrial fibrillation, bundle branch block, cerebral ischemia, cerebrovascular accident, congestive heart failure, heart block, low cardiac output, myocardial infarct, myocardial ischemia, pallor, phlebitis, pulmonary embolus, supraventricular extrasystoles, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose vein, vascular headache, ventricular extrasystoles. Bruxism, colitis, dysphagia, eructation, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gingivitis, glossitis, increased salivation, liver function tests abnormal, rectal hemorrhage, ulcerative stomatitis; rare: Aphthous stomatitis, bloody diarrhea, bulimia, cardiospasm, cholelithiasis, duodenitis, enteritis, esophagitis, fecal impactions, fecal incontinence, gum hemorrhage, hematemesis, hepatitis, ileitis, ileus, intestinal obstruction, jaundice, melena, mouth ulceration, peptic ulcer, salivary gland enlargement, sialadenitis, stomach ulcer, stomatitis, tongue discoloration, tongue edema, tooth caries. Diabetes mellitus, goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis. Anemia, leukopenia, lymphadenopathy, purpura; rare: Abnormal erythrocytes, basophilia, bleeding time increased, eosinophilia, hypochromic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, leukocytosis, lymphedema, abnormal lymphocytes, lymphocytosis, microcytic anemia, monocytosis, normocytic anemia, thrombocythemia, thrombocytopenia. Edema, peripheral edema, SGOT increased, SGPT increased, thirst, weight loss; rare: Alkaline phosphatase increased, bilirubinemia, BUN increased, creatinine phosphokinase increased, dehydration, gamma globulins increased, gout, hypercalcemia, hypercholesteremia, hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, ketosis, lactic dehydrogenase increased, non-protein nitrogen (NPN) increased. Arthritis, arthrosis; rare: Bursitis, myositis, osteoporosis, generalized spasm, tenosynovitis, tetany. Emotional lability, vertigo; infrequent: Abnormal thinking, alcohol abuse, ataxia, dystonia, dyskinesia, euphoria, hallucinations, hostility, hypertonia, hypesthesia, hypokinesia, incoordination, lack of emotion, libido increased, manic reaction, neurosis, paralysis, paranoid reaction; rare: Abnormal gait, akinesia, antisocial reaction, aphasia, choreoathetosis, circumoral paresthesias, convulsion, delirium, delusions, diplopia, drug dependence, dysarthria, extrapyramidal syndrome, fasciculations, grand mal convulsion, hyperalgesia, hysteria, manic-depressive reaction, meningitis, myelitis, neuralgia, neuropathy, nystagmus, peripheral neuritis, psychotic depression, psychosis, reflexes decreased, reflexes increased, stupor, torticollis, trismus, withdrawal syndrome. Asthma, bronchitis, dyspnea, epistaxis, hyperventilation, pneumonia, respiratory flu; rare: Emphysema, hemoptysis, hiccups, lung fibrosis, pulmonary edema, sputum increased, stridor, voice alteration. Acne, alopecia, contact dermatitis, dry skin, ecchymosis, eczema, herpes simplex, photosensitivity, urticaria; rare: Angioedema, erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis, fungal dermatitis, furunculosis; herpes zoster, hirsutism, maculopapular rash, seborrhea, skin discoloration, skin hypertrophy, skin ulcer, sweating decreased, vesiculobullous rash. Abnormality of accommodation, conjunctivitis, ear pain, eye pain, keratoconjunctivitis, mydriasis, otitis media; rare: Amblyopia, anisocoria, blepharitis, cataract, conjunctival edema, corneal ulcer, deafness, exophthalmos, eye hemorrhage, glaucoma, hyperacusis, night blindness, otitis externa, parosmia, photophobia, ptosis, retinal hemorrhage, taste loss, visual field defect. Amenorrhea, breast pain, cystitis, dysuria, hematuria, menorrhagia, nocturia, polyuria, pyuria, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, urinary urgency, vaginitis; rare: Abortion, breast atrophy, breast enlargement, endometrial disorder, epididymitis, female lactation, fibrocystic breast, kidney calculus, kidney pain, leukorrhea, mastitis, metrorrhagia, nephritis, oliguria, salpingitis, urethritis, urinary casts, uterine spasm, urolith, vaginal hemorrhage, vaginal moniliasis. Voluntary reports of adverse events in patients taking PAXIL that have been received since market introduction and not listed above that may have no causal relationship with the drug include acute pancreatitis, elevated liver function tests (the most severe cases were deaths due to liver necrosis, and grossly elevated transaminases associated with severe liver dysfunction), Guillain-Barré syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, priapism, syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion, symptoms suggestive of prolactinemia and galactorrhea, neuroleptic malignant syndrome–like events; extrapyramidal symptoms which have included akathisia, bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, dystonia, hypertonia, oculogyric crisis which has been associated with concomitant use of pimozide; tremor and trismus; serotonin syndrome, associated in some cases with concomitant use of serotonergic drugs and with drugs which may have impaired metabolism of PAXIL (symptoms have included agitation, confusion, diaphoresis, hallucinations, hyperreflexia, myoclonus, shivering, tachycardia, and tremor), status epilepticus, acute renal failure, pulmonary hypertension, allergic alveolitis, anaphylaxis, eclampsia, laryngismus, optic neuritis, porphyria, ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia (including torsade de pointes), thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, events related to impaired hematopoiesis (including aplastic anemia, pancytopenia, bone marrow aplasia, and agranulocytosis), and vasculitic syndromes (such as Henoch-Schönlein purpura). There has been a case report of an elevated phenytoin level after 4 weeks of PAXIL and phenytoin coadministration. There has been a case report of severe hypotension when PAXIL was added to chronic metoprolol treatment. PAXIL has not been systematically studied in animals or humans for its potential for abuse, tolerance or physical dependence. Based on the mechanism of action of paroxetine and the potential for serotonin syndrome, caution is advised when PAXIL is coadministered with other drugs or agents that may affect the serotonergic neurotransmitter systems, such as tryptophan, triptans, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, linezolid (an antibiotic which is a reversible non-selective MAOI), lithium, tramadol, or St. John's Wort (see Serotonin Syndrome). A multiple-dose study has shown that there is no pharmacokinetic interaction between PAXIL and lithium carbonate. However, since there is little clinical experience, the concurrent administration of paroxetine and lithium should be undertaken with caution.

(8 letters match, so what is Joss trying to tell you?)

10 miles from my home is ALCOA Corp, inventer of "approved fluoridated water" to discharge their toxic waste. The airborne fluoride was killing all the cows in East Tennessee, so ALCOA just exported it to your hometown.

So change your toothpaste to Tom's brand, and your IQ will grow. I bet Joss don't brush with Crest.

One more damn reason the networks hate FF, cuz it scares the toothpaste and pharma advertisers. But then again, most folks are sleepwalking anyway, so they really have little to fear.

In the sales profession, it's mandatory to "overcome objections", before the prospective buyer becomes a satisfied sucker, er, customer. Unfortunately, these are all valid objections that Fox, Universal and NBC have with FF/S. But then, that just makes FF/S more interesting.

Oh yeah, it would be a good idea to include your great 11th Hour posters with your letters to the executives. Reduce the transparency 95% and make letterhead. Or turn them into attention-grabbing envelopes via photoshop, as a cheap sales tactic.

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right?"
-Joss the Boss, Serenity DVD
Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation
Pirate News TV
Channels 6 & 12
Winner Best Filmed Music
L.A. Indies 2006
Winner Best Music Video
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005
Winner Best Website
Y2K Tennessee Collegiate Website Design Contest

Does that seem right to you?


Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:45 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Life's a bitch. Now I'm a psycho bitch.

Aha. So #11 is policing the entire website. She puts the 500-pound "guerilla" in marketing.

Ah, the sweet stench of guerilla poo.

I noticed you censored my trolled post, and left out the best parts, and blocked me from editing it. What part of the First Amendment right to Free Speech is that? Or are you one of those Brits who considers the US Constitution an act of treason against The Queen?

The uncensored version:


To believe that Joss' script has no relevance to its marketability is insane. To believe that Joss' CIA/MI6 employers don't care about Joss reporting on Top Secret CIA mind-control slave projects quacks of mind-control on this forum. Universal is owned by Carlyle Group, which is owned by Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire, British prime minister John Major, Queen Elizabeth of England, and the Bin Laden family.

Joss is a subversive soul. So long as he promotes vampirism, witchcraft and Satanism (which are REAL lifestyles of our world dictators at Bohemian Grove and Skull & Bones et al), he can employ his heros murdering mayors and bombing schools. I watched 2 hours of ANGEL's soap opera on TNT TV this morning, where Angel ordered a woman to sign a contract to sacrifice her baby in a Satanic ritual, and joked about "saving the world by murdering the mayor", and Spike joked about "saving the world by bombing the school", chasing a corpse's head and paying bribes to the Mafia for Wolfram & Hart in Italy, while all their ex-girlfriends gangbanged The Immortal. But discussing CIA's Project Monarch Manchurian Candidates is going too far in the eyes of the New World Odor Gangsters.

Firefly's propaganda value is also subverted by being the only scifi story ever created to allege space aliens don't invade Earth, which is also an official US Govt psyop to promote Global Govt dictatorship (aka The Alliance).

Which part of Truth made you go psycho, bitch?

If you believe the Fox boardroom don't discuss these facts, then you're truly insane.

The bitch can dish out the flames, but can't take the heat of her own Hells kitchen. Her flaming a relevant discussion of marketing strategy explains why Firefly is a Hollywood hanger queen. Containment is just another form of sabotage.


Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation
Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right?"
-Joss the Boss, Serenity DVD
Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation
Pirate News TV
Channels 6 & 12
Winner Best Filmed Music
L.A. Indies 2006
Winner Best Music Video
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005
Winner Best Website
Y2K Tennessee Collegiate Website Design Contest

Does that seem right to you?


Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:34 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Life's a bitch. Now I'm a psycho bitch.

Aha. So #11 is policing the entire website. She puts the 500-pound "guerilla" in marketing.

Ah, the sweet stench of guerilla poo.

I noticed you censored my trolled post, and left out the best parts, and blocked me from editing it. What part of the First Amendment right to Free Speech is that? Or are you one of those Brits who considers the US Constitution an act of treason against The Queen?

I didn't censor anything. Just did a complete copy and paste, easy peasy. If there are any differences between the one I moved, and your "uncensored version", you put them there. Are you now resorting to lame tactics to support your paranoid fantasies?

You lack credibility, and manners. Moving your posts has more to do with keeping the other thread on topic, and cutting down on all the bulk your incredibly long off-topic posts create.

What's the matter, not enough traffic on your news website so you gotta post your rants here? C'mon....

I haven't deleted your posts, I moved them. They are still in existence for all to read. However, if you continue your very negative and disruptive posts in the guerilla marketing thread, I'll just delete them. I don't have the time to keep moving them, since you can't seem to take a hint.

Hell of a way to start my birthday.

11th Hour

I'm done moving your posts. If you continue this behavior, it will be considered harassment and I will take the appropriate action.

You've got a website. Go work on it.






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