Sheep, baaaaaaah, baaah bah!

UPDATED: Friday, June 8, 2007 06:23
VIEWED: 33585
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Saturday, January 1, 2005 2:30 PM



Originally posted by terryo:
The reason I mentioned the SSE is that most of them are young, enthusiastic actors in love with the material and it shows. There isn't a fake suck-up, stuck-up attitude in any of their productions and again, it shows. The actors have to sell t-shirts after the show for crying out loud. You can't do that without passion.

Every summer here, Montana Shakespeare in the Parks tours for three straight months with about three days off the entire time, driving to all the little podunk towns (my home"town" has about 200 people), putting up the stage, putting on a performance, selling shirts and mugs afterwards to help raise enough money to keep doing it, tearing down the stage, getting to eat around 11pm, then going to stay at strangers houses before getting up the next morning to do it all again. They love their work and it shows in the performances. I've been going for close to 30 years now, and I haven't seen one bad performance yet. Those people are the reason I love Shakepeare. I've yet to see a movie version that comes close to what they do.
(Again, apologies for hijacking the thread.)

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Sunday, January 2, 2005 12:15 AM



Originally posted by CapnRahn:
SoupCatcher! Did you post over on the RPF {Replica Prop Forum} years ago?! Sounds VERY like that place when a certain lawyer went spastic ... and if you have never been there - consider yourself blessed!

Nope. Can't say I've ever been to that forum, CapnRahn. I'll consider myself blessed (since I need all the blessing I can get ).

"What sort of raw meat do you people feed your cruiser captains, Hamish?" - Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore


Sunday, January 2, 2005 3:42 AM


America loves a winner!

Liking Firefly might have as much to do w/ it being a kick ass t.v. show as with there not being very much else that's worth watching. Folks pay $40,$50,$60 a month for cable or satilite connection, and for what? Paris Hilton ? Who's your Daddy? Cookie-cutter cop or lawyer shows?

I simply enjoy Firefly because it's so unlike anything else on t.v. I only casually caught episodes of Buffy or Angel, so my alter to Joss wasn't making much headway.( But man, you should see it NOW!! )

Now if you'll excuse me, my Temple to Lindsay Lohan needs a few more candles.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, January 2, 2005 3:51 AM



Originally posted by MohrStoutbeard:

I mean, I just don't understand the concept of going somewhere with the sole purpose of starting up an argument.


For you, I offer the following:

A reception desk in a sort of office building.
(Rita Davies) Yes, sir?
Man I'd like to have an argument please.
Receptionist Certainly, sir. Have you been here before...?
Man No, this is my first time.
Receptionist I see. Do you want to have the full argument, or were you thinking of taking a course?
Man Well, what would be the cost?
Receptionist Yes, it's one pound for a five-minute argument, but only eight pounds for a course of ten.
Man Well, I think it's probably best if I start with the one and see how it goes from there. OK?
Receptionist Fine. I'll see who's free at the moment ... Mr. Du-Bakey's free, but he's a little bit conciliatory ... yes, try Mr. Barnard - Room 12.
Man Thank you.
The man walks down a corridor. He opens door 12. There is a man at a desk.
Mr Barnard (shouting) What do you want?
Man Well I was told outside ...
Mr Barnard Don't give me that you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings!
Man What!
Mr Barnard Shut your festering gob you tit! Your type makes me puke! You vacuous toffee-nosed malodorous pervert!
Man Look! I came here for an argument.
Mr Barnard (calmly) Oh! I'm sorry, this is abuse.
Man Oh I see, that explains it.
Mr Barnard No, you want room 12A next door.
Man I see - sorry. (exits)
Mr Barnard Not at all. (as he goes) Stupid git.
Outside 12A. The man knocks on the door.
Mr Vibrating (from within) Come in.
The man enters the room. Mr Vibrating is sitting at a desk.
Man Is this the right room for an argument?
Mr Vibrating I've told you once.
Man No you haven't.
Mr Vibrating Yes I have.
Man When?
Mr Vibrating Just now!
Man No you didn't.
Mr Vibrating Yes I did!
Man Didn't.
Mr Vibrating Did.
Man Didn't.
Mr Vibrating I'm telling you I did!
Man You did not!
Mr Vibrating I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?
Man Oh ... Just a five-minute one.
Mr Vibrating Fine (makes a note of it; the man sists down) thank you. Anyway, I did.
Man You most certainly did not.
Mr Vibrating Now, let's get one thing quite clear. I most definitely told you!
Man You did not.
Mr Vibrating Yes I did.
Man Didn't.
Mr Vibrating Yes I did.
Man Didn't.
Mr Vibrating Yes I did!!
Man Look, this isn't an argument.
Mr Vibrating Yes it is.
Man No it isn't, it's just contradiction.
Mr Vibrating No it isn't.
Man Yes it is.
Mr Vibrating It is not.
Man It is. You just contradicted me.
Mr Vibrating No I didn't.
Man Ooh, you did!
Mr Vibrating No, no, no, no, no.
Man You did, just then.
Mr Vibrating No, nonsense!
Man Oh, look this is futile.
Mr Vibrating No it isn't.
Man I came here for a good argument.
Mr Vibrating No you didn't, you came here for an argument.
Man Well, an argument's not the same as contradiction.
Mr Vibrating It can be.
Man No it can't. An argument is a connected series of statements to establish a definite proposition.
Mr Vibrating No it isn't.
Man Yes it is. It isn't just contradiction.
Mr Vibrating Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.
Man But it isn't just saying 'No it isn't'.
Mr Vibrating Yes it is.
Man No it isn't, Argument is an intellectual process ... contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.
Mr Vibrating No it isn't.
Man Yes it is.
Mr Vibrating Not at all.
Man Now look!
Mr Vibrating (pressing the bell on his desk) That's it. Good morning.
Man But I was just getting interested.
Mr Vibrating Sorry the five minutes is up.
Man That was never five minutes just now!
Mr Vibrating I'm afraid it was.
Man No it wasn't.
Mr Vibrating I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more.
Man What!?
Mr Vibrating If you want me to go on arguing you'll have to pay for another five minutes.
Man But that was never five minutes just now ... oh Come on! (Vibrating looks round as though man was not there) This is ridiculous.
Mr Vibrating I'm very sorry, but I told you I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid.
Man Oh. all right. (pays) There you are.
Mr Vibrating Thank you.
Man Well?.
Mr Vibrating Well what?
Man That was never five minutes just now.
Mr Vibrating I told you I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid!
Man I've just paid.
Mr Vibrating No you didn't.
Man I did! I did! I did!
Mr Vibrating No you didn't.
Man Look I don't want to argue about that.
Mr Vibrating Well I'm very sorry but you didn't pay.
Man Aha! Well if I didn't pay, why are you arguing ... got you!
Mr Vibrating No you haven't.
Man Yes I have ... if you're arguing I must have paid.
Mr Vibrating Not necessarily. I could be arguing in my spare time.
Man I've had enough of this.
Mr Vibrating No you haven't.
Man Oh shut up!


Sunday, January 2, 2005 4:33 AM


Ya gotta love the Circus.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Sunday, January 2, 2005 4:55 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Where's that Minister of Silly Walks emoticon when you need it?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, January 3, 2005 12:11 AM



Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:

No probs, mate. I just like to stir things up from time to time, get people a little ornary - whatever the hell that is... I'm British, you know. Ta ta me old china.

As a Brit myself, I would just like to point out that it is generally not considered polite to turn up some place and 'stir things up' as a new member. If an old member decided the place needs a bit of a shake up then sure but to come in and mess with people you've never spoken to just for fun is more than a little rude.

Also you might get further in enlightening people as to what is wrong with their lives if you don't begin your post with something as derogatory as calling them a sheep.

I couldn't care less what you think of people on this board but I do think it should be pointed out that you could benefit from learning some manners.

I think an apology would be appreciated and respected at this point.

Keep Flyin'

Heather (who has decided to not only make fun of trolls but to actually try to rehabilitate them)

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Monday, January 3, 2005 12:18 AM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:

[tongue in cheek]
As far as an altar goes... I haven't got around to installing one because I'm having a hard time figuring out what the sacrifice should be. Joss is a hard deity to figure out.

[/tongue in cheek]

Goats, of course, or maybe shrimp.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Monday, January 3, 2005 1:05 AM



Originally posted by heb:

Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:

No probs, mate. I just like to stir things up from time to time, get people a little ornary - whatever the hell that is... I'm British, you know. Ta ta me old china.

As a Brit myself, I would just like to point out that it is generally not considered polite to turn up some place and 'stir things up' as a new member...

Get a life, Heather. I wasn't being offensive to anyone. To think you wrote all that because of what I wrote kind of makes my point. So, thanks for that. For a Brit you appear to have no sense of irony what so ever. Well, at least Whedon does.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.


Monday, January 3, 2005 1:22 AM



Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:
I wasn't being offensive to anyone.

Certainly didn't offend me. Stir 'em up, brother. Sorry, I mean Di Di


Monday, January 3, 2005 1:25 AM



Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:
To think you wrote all that because of what I wrote ...

OT: I sometimes think of the length of replies as the indication of an efficient original posting; that small hole at just the right spot in the dam wall


Monday, January 3, 2005 2:27 AM



Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:

Originally posted by heb:

Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:

No probs, mate. I just like to stir things up from time to time, get people a little ornary - whatever the hell that is... I'm British, you know. Ta ta me old china.

As a Brit myself, I would just like to point out that it is generally not considered polite to turn up some place and 'stir things up' as a new member...

Get a life, Heather. I wasn't being offensive to anyone. To think you wrote all that because of what I wrote kind of makes my point. So, thanks for that. For a Brit you appear to have no sense of irony what so ever. Well, at least Whedon does.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.

I'm not entirely sure I proved your point. I did not write that post because I was upset or offended at what you wrote because I know I am obsessive and do not need anyone else to point that out for me. The reason I wrote that post was because there are an abundance of people on the internet these days who do not make use of the social skills that I am sure they would use in person. In life I wouldn't dream of taking the mick of people I had only just met. It occurred to me that perhaps it had not been pointed out to you and the increasing number of others doing this that this was generally not a done thing.

You can take my previous post and this one as proof of your point because, according to you, your post upset me enough to write this or you can take it as what it was intended which was a complaint at a lack of social skills these days.

So to reiterate:
I was not upset or offended by the substance of your post

But I did think I'd point out that your post was impolite incase you hadn't realised.

So basically, feeling superior due to the fact that I wasn't the one calling people a sheep, I was trying to help.

Perhaps you could give me some help with the 'getting a life' thing.


Ps. Perhaps you'd like to explain the irony to me then as I clearly missed the point.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Monday, January 3, 2005 2:51 AM


Heb - I'm practically certain ole what's-his-bucket doesn't have irony in ole Sheep's Farm On Bottom, or wherever "he's" from. Unless, of course, "he's" purchased it at Ye Ole WalMart (2-for-1 @ $1.98).

I do love a good smack-down. ;-D

First "European": Hur, hur, hur. Sheep. Baaah. Hur, hur, hur.

Second "Brit": Hunh, hunh, hunh. Short post make me smart. Hunh, hunh, hunh.

First "European": Henh, henh, henh. See? I'm British, me ole teacup. Henh, henh, henh.

Second "Brit": Hur, hur, hur. Of course y'are, mate. Why it's so funny, dontcha know? Hur, hur, hur.

First "European": Henh, henh, henh. Uh, yeah, 'sroit! Dude! Henh, henh, henh.

Second "Brit": Hunh, hunh, hunh. Yo! Hunh, hunh, *herk*...'scuse me.

"Today we get to meet the real you." Niska - War Stories


Monday, January 3, 2005 3:06 AM



Originally posted by heb:

Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:

Originally posted by heb:

Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:

No probs, mate. I just like to stir things up from time to time, get people a little ornary - whatever the hell that is... I'm British, you know. Ta ta me old china.

As a Brit myself, I would just like to point out that it is generally not considered polite to turn up some place and 'stir things up' as a new member...

Get a life, Heather. I wasn't being offensive to anyone. To think you wrote all that because of what I wrote kind of makes my point. So, thanks for that. For a Brit you appear to have no sense of irony what so ever. Well, at least Whedon does.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.

Ps. Perhaps you'd like to explain the irony to me then as I clearly missed the point.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.

By all means, Heather. The irony is that my comments were tongue in cheek and they seem to have sparked off something.

I'm curious, do you only take the mick out of people you've gotten to know then? Me, I wade straight in there and break the ice as soon as possible, makes for more stimulating conversation. It's just "poison in jest", nothing more.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.


Monday, January 3, 2005 3:07 AM



Originally posted by montanagirl:

Originally posted by terryo:
The reason I mentioned the SSE is that most of them are young, enthusiastic actors in love with the material and it shows. There isn't a fake suck-up, stuck-up attitude in any of their productions and again, it shows. The actors have to sell t-shirts after the show for crying out loud. You can't do that without passion.

Every summer here, Montana Shakespeare in the Parks tours for three straight months with about three days off the entire time, driving to all the little podunk towns (my home"town" has about 200 people), putting up the stage, putting on a performance, selling shirts and mugs afterwards to help raise enough money to keep doing it, tearing down the stage, getting to eat around 11pm, then going to stay at strangers houses before getting up the next morning to do it all again. They love their work and it shows in the performances. I've been going for close to 30 years now, and I haven't seen one bad performance yet. Those people are the reason I love Shakepeare. I've yet to see a movie version that comes close to what they do.
(Again, apologies for hijacking the thread.)

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.

Hijack away. All comments welcome.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.


Monday, January 3, 2005 3:12 AM



Originally posted by ReeQueen:
Heb - I'm practically certain ole what's-his-bucket doesn't have irony in ole Sheep's Farm On Bottom, or wherever "he's" from. Unless, of course, "he's" purchased it at Ye Ole WalMart (2-for-1 @ $1.98).

I do love a good smack-down. ;-D

First "European": Hur, hur, hur. Sheep. Baaah. Hur, hur, hur.

Second "Brit": Hunh, hunh, hunh. Short post make me smart. Hunh, hunh, hunh.

First "European": Henh, henh, henh. See? I'm British, me ole teacup. Henh, henh, henh.

Second "Brit": Hur, hur, hur. Of course y'are, mate. Why it's so funny, dontcha know? Hur, hur, hur.

First "European": Henh, henh, henh. Uh, yeah, 'sroit! Dude! Henh, henh, henh.

Second "Brit": Hunh, hunh, hunh. Yo! Hunh, hunh, *herk*...'scuse me.

"Today we get to meet the real you." Niska - War Stories

LMAO. I am actually English, me old cock sparrah. Cor blimey guv'nor, strike a light, isn't it obvious? Apples and pears, me old trouble and strife.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.


Monday, January 3, 2005 6:13 AM



By all means, Heather. The irony is that my comments were tongue in cheek and they seem to have sparked off something.

I'm curious, do you only take the mick out of people you've gotten to know then? Me, I wade straight in there and break the ice as soon as possible, makes for more stimulating conversation. It's just "poison in jest", nothing more.

Maybe as a group of people meeting for the first time I would take light-heartedly take the mick but not when I'm the only newcomer to an established group and I'm not sure how it would be recieved.

Firstly I'd introduce myself.

Secondly I'd make sure that it was clear that my comments could not be interpretted as my actual thoughts. I'm still not seeing where in your initial post it could be interpretted that you didn't actually think some people on this board were 'sheep'. I'm sorry if I misunderstood but I still can't understand how your original statement is tongue in cheek.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Monday, January 3, 2005 7:01 AM



Originally posted by heb:
... I still can't understand how your original statement is tongue in cheek.

You mean there are some postings here that aren't tongue-in-cheek?
Oh ... OK, you got me


Monday, January 3, 2005 8:17 AM


Being British, I am hoping that you may be able to tell me the meaning of the phrase "pear-shaped", as in "and then it all went pear-shaped", a phrase used or abused frequently by my favorite author (Terry Pratchett - he hangs out on Olympus with Joss). Also:message to EVERYONE: look up the meaning of the word irony, willya, sheesh.

lunatikat - as much woman as you can cram into one space without getting two women


Monday, January 3, 2005 8:35 AM



Originally posted by Lunatikat:
Being British, I am hoping that you may be able to tell me the meaning of the phrase "pear-shaped", as in "and then it all went pear-shaped"

I'm not British, and I would really like to know that one...
edited to add: I did find this:
and further explanation here:
this is sooo funny: it is a British expression all the time!

and you can give up on anyone online figuring out what irony means, I think it is too subtle for cyber-speak....

and what is up with all of Angust's double or triple posts? Hasn't any one taught you how to edit?


Monday, January 3, 2005 9:22 AM


Personally, I prefer "wahooni-shaped," but that's just for preference.

(edited to add)

Serial posts, ah, the sign of a truly ironic mind.

"There is no dignity for a cat on fire." Cosi


Monday, January 3, 2005 9:38 AM



Originally posted by embers:

Originally posted by Lunatikat:
Being British, I am hoping that you may be able to tell me the meaning of the phrase "pear-shaped", as in "and then it all went pear-shaped"

I'm not British, and I would really like to know that one...
edited to add: I did find this:
and further explanation here:
this is sooo funny: it is a British expression all the time!

and you can give up on anyone online figuring out what irony means, I think it is too subtle for cyber-speak....

and what is up with all of Angust's double or triple posts? Hasn't any one taught you how to edit?

It's gone pear-shaped means it's all gone wrong.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.


Monday, January 3, 2005 9:45 AM



Originally posted by heb:

By all means, Heather. The irony is that my comments were tongue in cheek and they seem to have sparked off something.

I'm curious, do you only take the mick out of people you've gotten to know then? Me, I wade straight in there and break the ice as soon as possible, makes for more stimulating conversation. It's just "poison in jest", nothing more.

Maybe as a group of people meeting for the first time I would take light-heartedly take the mick but not when I'm the only newcomer to an established group and I'm not sure how it would be recieved.

Firstly I'd introduce myself.

Secondly I'd make sure that it was clear that my comments could not be interpretted as my actual thoughts. I'm still not seeing where in your initial post it could be interpretted that you didn't actually think some people on this board were 'sheep'. I'm sorry if I misunderstood but I still can't understand how your original statement is tongue in cheek.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.

So, Heather, you're an elitist. You want everyone to pass some kind of longevity test before they can be themselves. They should all be polite and only speak when spoken to. If you'd wait that long, you'd probably either say nothing at all because you weren't totally sure whether everyone in the place would completely understand what you meant or everyone would ignore you. Personally, I don't like either option. Don't be a sheep. Get it? I took no offense at all. It's a laugh, just like using a rolled up fist from time to time.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.


Monday, January 3, 2005 9:48 AM


Yes, and we thank you for explaining the obvious, since nobody had posted, y'know, links explaining the obvious.

May you live in interesting times.....

"There is no dignity for a cat on fire." Cosi


Monday, January 3, 2005 10:09 AM


Have we all been judged crazy on the basis of one fan's notions?
If so, I sure hope that fan was me!

Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Monday, January 3, 2005 10:43 AM


I wonder where my fellow English teachers are? There used to be several of us here.

As I've been reading this thread I have been trying to decide which is better - Shakespeare or Joss Whedon. My head almost exploded. If you don't love Shakespeare, you should sit in my class for a day while we do Romeo and Juliet, and by the end I assure you, you will be mezmerized. Not by the acting, because most of my students are lousy actors, but by the beauty of the words. I think the students who hate Shakespeare just had teachers who didn't know how to teach it.

Also, as has been discussed in a previous thread, Irony is roughly when something happens that is the opposite of what was expected. For instance, when Oedipus learns that he will kill his father and marries his mother, he runs away. In the process of escaping his fate, he kills his father and marries his mother. He expected to get away from the danger by running away, whereas if he had stayed put, the tragedy would not have happened.

So when Angusthermopyle posted, he expected for people to react negatively. When HEB reacted negatively, she did exactly what Angus expected. Therefore, her reaction is in no way ironic.

Don't try this at home, folks. I am a professional.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Monday, January 3, 2005 10:50 AM



Originally posted by AngusThermopyle:
[Don't be a sheep.

Damn you, insideous trollman! Just when you had convinced me sheepdom was a virtue.



Monday, January 3, 2005 10:54 AM



Originally posted by Lunatikat:
Also:message to EVERYONE: look up the meaning of the word irony, willya, sheesh.

"Irony is only hypocrisy with style." - Al Pacino in Looking For Richard
One of my favorite quotes.

Also, could someone explain the phrase "take the mick" to us non-Brits? The only British phrases I know come from Monty Python, and I don't remember that one.

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Monday, January 3, 2005 11:01 AM


I prefer being called an automoton.


" is my very favorite gun."


Monday, January 3, 2005 11:08 AM



Originally posted by maugwai:
Shakespeare or Joss Whedon.

There's actually a good comparison between the two. Shakespeare wrote popular work meant for the masses. He only became a thing to frighten English students when 'thee' and 'thou' dropped out of common useage. Shakespeare wasn't writing (dramatic classical drum-roll) Shakespeare.

As Shakespeare was a brilliant craftsman of the language, it is invariably Joss's dialog-writing that causes primary mention with his works. As mentioned at the start of this thread--the vernacular. The tools of both Joss and Shakespeare are words shaped into clever, compelling patterns that catch the imagination and are repeated so often they become cliches of themselves.

In 500 years Joss's works may also cause groans of dismay when students are told the 'have' to read Buffys or Fireflys. But he's just so hard to understand...



Monday, January 3, 2005 11:10 AM


"Take the mick."


take the mickey expr vt :
make fun of, mock, syn. piss take, take the mick.

Giving someone shit. Yanking someone's tail. Pulling someone's leg. But, perhaps, less politely.

BTW (and this really isn't aimed at anyone in particular), I didn't introduce myself in this forum, either, but I seem to have had less problem "getting along" by personally avoiding starting threads that take the mickey out of folks I would've hoped to engage in entertaining discussions. I have a "lurk'n'post" modality that has served me well, because I find taking the measure of the milieux, then jumping in, hair on fire, to be more efficient.

(edited to add)

Irony tends to be entirely subjective. Telling someone to look up the definition thereof, or that one doesn't understand irony, is a bit like telling someone they don't understand the colour, "blue." One either finds something ironic, or one doesn't. Oedipus' story was more one of hubris ( and that the gods were right bastards), he tried to outwit his fate and paid for it. ;-D

"There is no grace under pressure for a cat on fire." Cosi


Monday, January 3, 2005 11:14 AM



So, Heather, you're an elitist. You want everyone to pass some kind of longevity test before they can be themselves. They should all be polite and only speak when spoken to. If you'd wait that long, you'd probably either say nothing at all because you weren't totally sure whether everyone in the place would completely understand what you meant or everyone would ignore you. Personally, I don't like either option. Don't be a sheep. Get it? I took no offense at all. It's a laugh, just like using a rolled up fist from time to time.

"Elitist" Whoa! Over exaggerate much?
If being yourself means insulting people in your first post then,yes, I guess I do have a problem with you being yourself straight away or at all. This doesn't mean that people can't take the mick straight away, especially when they know the people they are taking the mick of, but there is a difference between teasing and what you did...

...unless like you said, what you said was tongue in cheek but I still don't see that it was especially as you repeated what you said when asked about it.

So either you were being 'tongue in cheek' and don't believe what you said about sheep (in which case I apologise for misinterpretting your comment) or you were insulting people on this board (in which case I stand by my opinion that that is not a very nice thing to do).
Which is it?


Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Monday, January 3, 2005 11:31 AM



Originally posted by ReeQueen:
"Take the mick."


take the mickey expr vt :
make fun of, mock, syn. piss take, take the mick.

Giving someone shit. Yanking someone's tail. Pulling someone's leg. But, perhaps, less politely.

BTW (and this really isn't aimed at anyone in particular), I didn't introduce myself in this forum, either, but I seem to have had less problem "getting along" by personally avoiding starting threads that take the mickey out of folks I would've hoped to engage in entertaining discussions. I have a "lurk'n'post" modality that has served me well, because I find taking the measure of the milieux, then jumping in, hair on fire, to be more efficient.

Welcome to the board !

This thread has turned into an unexpected opportunity to anglicize the place. We should exact some revenge for Whedon and his followers making us all talk like Americans. So if any non-Brits out there want to know the meaning of any other obscure British phrases - ask away.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Monday, January 3, 2005 11:36 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Just saw this - pardon my tardiness.

AngusThermopyle said
The fact that messages get answered in the same vernacular as the series is (like) so disturbing. Is this a cult now? Do you people have alters to Joss Whedon? I bet many of you have Starfleet uniforms, too...

Anyone who answers as one of the characters is, indeed, a bit too devoted. Them as chose to use the vernacular their own selves, however are simply honoring the time-honored tradition of the American Western novel. Take any one of those and add space ships to it, and you've got yourself a Firefly format.

You say "cult" like it's a bad thing - someone's been listening to the media too much, methinks. Without this "cult" there would never have been any rumors of a movie to pull you in here. Not to mention that most folks don't go to the bother of actually registering just to post their "tongue in cheek" opinions unless of course they LIKE being banished to Troll-dom. And why would JW fans have Starfleet uniforms? I ask you?

Name a fan organization out there and I guarantee you the media has painted them as cults as well - from Star Wars to LOTR. But it's the cults who get things done - who turn that squeaky wheel and cry out for more. I bet Shakespear had one or two cults in his day - he has them now, for Pete's sake.

AngusThermopyle said
How many people have learned Mandarin just so they can get the references in the show? Bet no-one tried to learn it because they thought it would be useful in helping the Chinese people who do not have the freedom to speak out or worship as they please. Oh, that got a bit more serious than intended...

I've apologized as many times as I can for my goofs in writing Mandarin and Cajun French as it is, thank you. I'm American, I believe in freedom of speech, but I also believe in to each their own. The Chinese have fought for their rights before, they will do so again. It's a human condition, no matter what the culture.

AngusThermopyle said
It isn't the Magna Carta, or Shakespear (although the jokes are better).

This gave away your nationality, for me at least. Otherwise it would have been the Declaration of Independence or Maya Angelou. I mention her because I prefer to read Shakespear's sonnets over the plays. Hyphenating "no-one" helped too. No one over here does that.

For my ownself... baaaaa...

Incidentally, your alias sounds somewhat... Harry Potter-ish...and I mean that in the best sense possible. Honest

(see, that's tongue in cheek)

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Monday, January 3, 2005 12:07 PM


HAHAHAHA!! That's great! I came onto this page because I thought there would be some interesting Sheep jokes. Half the enjoyment of something is getting to talk about it in Quotes.
"Now it's time to sing the doom Song, doom doom doom doom doom doom..." I make a pretty good Gir. Another great show canceled before it's time.
Back to me. Hey dude person lady man? Who wrote the Sheep, Baaaaaaaaah, Baaah, bah! If you like the show how come you are upset over the respounce it's been recieving from it's "Loyal" fans?

With Hope because love is nothing without hope.


Monday, January 3, 2005 12:12 PM



Welcome to the board !

This thread has turned into an unexpected opportunity to anglicize the place. We should exact some revenge for Whedon and his followers making us all talk like Americans. So if any non-Brits out there want to know the meaning of any other obscure British phrases - ask away.

Thank you, Heather.

I was actually raised in NZ, therefore the Anglicanized spelling habits; currently living in Utah (my accent has been described as a Utah/NZ/Valley Girl mix - I lived in LA for a while); born in Edmonton (still retain Canadian citizenship for that place to run to if/when W reinstitutes the draft. I have three sons). I'm also 1/62nd Iroquois, if that helps. Hah! I admit I'm culturally schizophrenic, and I probably need help.....

To address Channain's theory that spelling and syntax can give away someone's nationality - that is all eminently fakable. I've posted as "foreign" in my long and storied (at least, in my own mind) online career. It's fun, and keeps the straights on their toes. Hyphenating "no one" merely means that at least one didn't spell it "noone."

As a matter of fact, Noone is my Samoan lover. My husband knows about this.

"There is no grace under pressure for a cat on fire." Cosi


Monday, January 3, 2005 12:53 PM



Originally posted by heb:

Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
[tongue in cheek]
As far as an altar goes... I haven't got around to installing one because I'm having a hard time figuring out what the sacrifice should be. Joss is a hard deity to figure out.

[/tongue in cheek]

Goats, of course, or maybe shrimp.

Shrimp would definitely put up less of a fight.

I can't believe I forgot about the ideal animal (slaps forehead)... PENGUINS!

Thanks to Dave's Firefly FAQ for the OB reference to the whole penguin thingie:

I guess another potential animal is bunnies, but that would be more in line with Anya.

"What sort of raw meat do you people feed your cruiser captains, Hamish?" - Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore


Monday, January 3, 2005 1:17 PM


When he fixes his spellings of Shakespeare and altar, maybe...just maaaaaybe I'll listen to him.

Oh, who am I kidding...I won't listen to him, he's a shit-stirrer!


The Uncharted Outlaw!
Captain of Prosperity (99-K64)

See my Site:
See my Firefly Store:


Monday, January 3, 2005 1:19 PM


Lunatikat pierced us thus:

...Also:message to EVERYONE: look up the meaning of the word irony, willya, sheesh.

Please tell me we're not going to go down that road again... Remember, in order to get proper use of a dictionary, you must be able to comprehend the definitions.



Monday, January 3, 2005 1:31 PM


montanagirl asked, quite reasonably:

Also, could someone explain the phrase "take the mick" to us non-Brits? The only British phrases I know come from Monty Python, and I don't remember that one.

While I prefer the less socially acceptable 'taking the piss' (var. '...out of you/me/us/her/him'), both the mick and the piss are like saying 'pulling my leg' or 'having me on' or my favorite, "dipping Angus'pyle's pigtails in the inkwell".




Monday, January 3, 2005 2:06 PM



Originally posted by UnchartedOutlaw:
Oh, who am I kidding...I won't listen to him, he's a shit-stirrer!


Shouldn't that be "shit-stirrer-upper?" Or, is it unacceptable to end an insult with a preposition? I keep forgetting that rule.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Monday, January 3, 2005 2:18 PM



he's a shit-stirrer

Well, now, actually--in his own self-definition--he's a steaming pile of cow shit.


Any of y'all happen to notice the meaning of "AngusThermopyle"? Angus = a breed of cattle/cow. Thermo = heat. And pyle is pile. Hence CowHotpile, or more eloquently phrased... see above

Obnoxious, maybe. But, come on, the guy's got a sense of humor. Uh... I hope. Hate to think a nom-de-net like that would be an accident!



Monday, January 3, 2005 3:19 PM



Any of y'all happen to notice the meaning of "AngusThermopyle"? Angus = a breed of cattle/cow. Thermo = heat. And pyle is pile. Hence CowHotpile, or more eloquently phrased... see above

I interpreted it thus: Angus=beef=steak=edible; thermo=heat=cooked=tasty; pyle=stack=more-than-one=invitation to pig out: Eat me.

Could be I'm just a mite peckish.

"There is no grace under pressure for a cat on fire." Cosi


Monday, January 3, 2005 4:32 PM


ReeQueen replied to Guildsister:


Any of y'all happen to notice the meaning of "AngusThermopyle"? Angus = a breed of cattle/cow. Thermo = heat. And pyle is pile. Hence CowHotpile, or more eloquently phrased... see above

I interpreted it thus: Angus=beef=steak=edible; thermo=heat=cooked=tasty; pyle=stack=more-than-one=invitation to pig out: Eat me.

I interpreted it as a Greek encounter in a narrow inlet valley (Thermopylae) with the lead guitarist of AC/DC (Angus Young), or "bugger me, please". (NB: the term 'AC/DC', of sexuality, means bisexual. But which is 'AC' and which 'DC'?)



Maybe we really shouldn't make fun of his(?) name. It seems a little childish, even if it is fun. Especially since he(?) provides us with so much risible material otherwise. In all good sportsmanship, if he sets us up -- in analogy to volleyball -- should we not slam them into his face, as he so clearly wants?


Monday, January 3, 2005 4:38 PM


Zoid, I agree. Making fun of someone else's name is petty and small-minded. Of course, I am petty and small-minded, but what I can't change I embrace.

That being said, all offers to make fun of my name will be respectfully considered.

"There is no grace under pressure for a cat on fire." Cosi


Monday, January 3, 2005 4:52 PM



Welcome to the board, btw. Having read your posts, I get the sense that you are remarkably the female version of myself. I like your stuff.

Anybody ever notice how you've never seen ReeQueen and zoid in the same room at the same time? Hmmm...



Monday, January 3, 2005 5:12 PM


See, this is why I hang out here rather more than any place else. I've got either the warm fuzzies or a hairball - either of which can be the result of people being nice to me. Dunno why, I've got a weird constitution....

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen us together in the same room, Zoid. I might have to blame wormholes, but you'd have to provide the scientific basis for them.

"There is no grace under pressure for a cat on fire." Cosi


Monday, January 3, 2005 5:20 PM



Seriously: I've got a weird vibe on this one. Ever since I read your first post, the way you word things... Not like 'kindred spirit' or anything, because how could I/we possibly have one of those? More like twins separated at birth. Spooky.

So stick around and post more. I still ain't got my finger on it yet...



"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Monday, January 3, 2005 6:56 PM



Incidentally, your alias sounds somewhat... Harry Potter-ish...and I mean that in the best sense possible. Honest

(see, that's tongue in cheek)

Actually Angus Thermopyle is a Stephen R Donaldson character from his Gap novels. I think Harry Potter sucks lol. His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman was so much better - although I'd debate it being a children's series.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.


Monday, January 3, 2005 6:59 PM



Originally posted by FemaleJayne:
HAHAHAHA!! That's great! I came onto this page because I thought there would be some interesting Sheep jokes. Half the enjoyment of something is getting to talk about it in Quotes.
"Now it's time to sing the doom Song, doom doom doom doom doom doom..." I make a pretty good Gir. Another great show canceled before it's time.
Back to me. Hey dude person lady man? Who wrote the Sheep, Baaaaaaaaah, Baaah, bah! If you like the show how come you are upset over the respounce it's been recieving from it's "Loyal" fans?

With Hope because love is nothing without hope.

I think "upset" would be somewhat overstating the case, Female Jayne. I've never joined a fan site for anything else and thought it was strange is all. But the fact I'm here at all is a credit to the show.

May none of your pizzas have unfortunte toppings.






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