'Dragonfly' Preproduction - Epi. "Procrustean Karma" RP and Indi film.

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 7, 2004 05:42
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Sunday, January 25, 2004 12:56 PM


-A Privateerin' Venture-
{Dragonfly is a spin-off series from the popular 'Firefly' series by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy.}

{Series song}


(To the tune "A Horse With No Name" by America ).

On the last leg of our duty we were sickened by all the strife

There were burned out worlds where broken dreams lay inside the rotting corpse

The first death we dealt at Serenity vale ...

The murder of the sky

Our weapons were primed,

We rained fire down

Burning Spirits to the ground

I've been thu the black on a ship of some fame

The price that we paid was ultimate pain

In the Vale we gained too much shame

'Cause they ain't the ones that gave us our pain

Why why were we so blind to believe the lies

After two hours in Serenity vale our hearts and souls went dead

{Not finished yet ... I am 'filking' because I haven't been musician for decades!-CapnRahn-}

Marovech Rahn's PerChron # PBoSV1664

Voice-over: Marovech Rahn

"I've heard there is always two sides to a story."

"I heard wrong, there's only one perspective."

"The one that is important to you."

"Things aren't just all nice-n-clean and black-n-white."

"There are more shades of gray than stars in the 'Verse."

"And gray is usually considered by the Core Worlds to be ugly, dirty & undefinable."

"In protecting those worlds, I and a several others in the Alliance Protean Empyreans learned a hard and bloody lesson at the Battle of Serenity Valley."

"As part of a legion of elite specialists, we were eyelid deep in Da-shiong bao tse shr doo tze* on the front lines."
*{the explosive diarrhea of an elephant}

"I had ... an encounter with an Alliance spook that shattered my confidence in my ranking officers and government.

"After all the bleedin' and dyin' was done, a Unity was built on the corpses of the Independents and ... our comrades."

{Not quite finished with this yet either -CapnRahn-}

"Dragonfly - the trials and tribulations of the DF Class Frigate Justiciar

It would be a group of post-war disaffected Alliance folk and retired Federal Marshals who found out the hard way that they were used. They don't feel they were on the right side of the war.

So, they quit their jobs or (if military) were 'rolled-out'. The main cast is based around a Fighter Craft Crew Chief (forcibly retired Chief Master Sergeant) by the name of Marovech Rahn.
(yep, the name is from an old DnD Character and the last is, of course, my ID )

He and his 'sympathizers' (engineers and his ground crew and others) scavenged and 'kitbashed' their own ship out of - primarily-Firefly class transports.

It is slightly bigger and to keep within the 'bug' aspect I am calling the 'new' class the 'Dragonfly Class Frigate'. Thinking of calling the ship the 'Justiciar'.

Explanation of the (overtly highbrow)Series Title "Procrustean Karma"
Definitions are a good place to start, 'specially for those not who have not been exposed to Greek/Roman Mythology.

Procrustean: (pro krus te ann) Exhibiting merciless disregard for individual differences or special circumstances. -After Procrustes, a mythical Greek giant who stretched or shortened captives to make them fit his bed-
{Much like the Alliance tries to make everybody 'fit' their ideals.-CapnRahn-}

Karma:(kar'ma)The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.

Now you may see how this title accurately applies to the crew of the Justiciar.

Here is a Cut-N-Paste of the Dragonfly Class Frigate so far.

and the orginal sketch.

I have the fwd engines set so a 'power boost' could be done by directing both engines 45 degrees (up or down)and the fore/dorsal engines exhaust (mixed correctly by the pilot) feeds the aft/ventral engine ... it think it is called hot fuel packing or somesuch. End result: Zoooooom!

You catch the 4 shuttles and the "Starship Trooper" esque retrieval ship planted on the nose?

Ships and tech can't just look purty, it's gotta work!

Spending 6 years working on B-52s and KC-135s sorta helped me get that ... um ... picky

The sorta purple/blue things are the shuttles ... the aft ones I fergot to put back in on the dorsal view after I noticed I had a superstructre-blocking-the-shuttle problem.

Yellow showing where the engine 'wing' is at in the side view

Red is the Captain's gig and main Bridge.

Heh, wait till you see the aft towed {collapsible) cargo containers ... makes you think even More of a Dragonfly.

Oh, and she has guns ... ever hear of Metal Storm, it is a real munitions system ... so it seems ...

here take a peek ...

Justiciar Crew List

Ship Owner/Pilot
Captain Marovech Rahn
played by CapnRahn

Maro during the war:
Maro Post-War

Marovech Rahn was an Alliance fighter Deck/Crew Chief that found out where the Alliance was going to go with their Procrustean attitudes and decided he had been on the wrong side of the war.

His talents and personality during the war garnered him several close friends and allies. With these allies, Maro starts a project ... to build a long range heavy load hauler and crew it.

more later ...


Pilot/1st Officer
Major{ret} Hlastoni[/b
Played by StJayne
The Major during the war (on leave):
and post war:


COB/Master of Arms
Mercedes Troy
played By MercedesTroy

During the War \/



Here is Justiciar's Hippy chick Doc and Cook...
During the War \/
and Post war --->


During the War \/
and Post war --->

Avionics Tech
Milla {temp name}
played by Ciara

During the War:
and post war -->

Corzaire Jax
Played by Geezer

During the war --> POST WAR --->

Cargo Loaders/General Maintence
Allyson Michael

Gigi Michael
Played by TeelaBrown

The Twins! Gigi is on the left and Allyson on the right ... suuuuure.

OK folks! I will try to get the pictures reduced a bit and the same size. Keep them crew bios coming and I'll get them posted after you and I suss them out.

Remember - you folks are not only the characters/actors but the writing team as well.
I am the head writer and director, but I cannot do it without you - YOU make it all 'play'!

Fly Free!

All Firefly content copyright 2002-2003 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, all rights reserved.

Privaterrin' Ventures is not affiliated with Mutant Enemy or Fox Film Corporation

All original text, pictures, graphics, diagrams and CGI wireframes are copyright of the contributors to this venture unless otherwise noted.

Actor likenesses are used as referance only}

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, January 30, 2004 5:25 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Just to keep this thread out of the archive, and to express a thought.

I was wondering if at some point we might want to have a "lessons learned" review of the "Adventures in Gunrunning" RP as part of the workup for PK. Look at what did and didn't work, try to find the correct balance between free play and plot structure, maybe try to come up with a common format for dialog, stage direction, expressing character thoughts, etc.

Does this sound reasonable, has years of project planning at work seeped deeper in my psyche that I thought, or am I already way behind the curve?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:38 AM


Geezer, that's a fantastic idea. This RP thing was a very VERY new experience to me...and if I'd had some sort of resource--a FAQ or someting like a do's and don'ts of RPing, it would have been a great help and comfort on those days when I had NO idea what I was supposed to write :)

Sounds like something I'd save on my harddrive and use often ;) let's do it!

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:42 AM


I agree, Geezer, that's a fantastic idea. I think CapnRahn is working on a plot outline (or an act by act arc) for the overall RP, so that should fit some of this. And I also think that having some more specific guidelines about posting format for a move would be very helpful.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 9:09 AM


Geezer, I agree strongly with you; it's very important to learn from the experience of Firefly: RP and not duplicate the faults in Dragonfly: RP. I wish I could help out, but as a casual reader of the first RP I have little to say.

1) Someone recommended timelines a while back. I don't know if this is necessary.

2) Common posting style. Everyone uses different styles to express the though, action and speech for his character. No one seems to use a simple novel style with paragraphs and quotes, maybe because it's easier to read with bold, italic and capitalized text to punch important points out. BTW I like putting the names in caps.


Friday, January 30, 2004 9:54 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Glad I cound make a useful suggestion. I'd like to get some feedback from the Capn as well, since we're playing in his yard here. Maybe he can get to a wired library for a bit this weekend so we can chat.

Meanwhile I'll see if I can come up with a method for doing this via email or chat that allows us to capture our ideas in a usable format. Sounds like work. Ugh.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 30, 2004 10:16 AM


Trivia - pretty much all the Instant messengers: AOL, MSN, yahoo .. and even ICQ keep your complete current conversation intact until you exit.

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)


Saturday, January 31, 2004 1:56 AM


Good morning all.

I happen to know as a fact that while the captain supports a certain amount of free play in posting, there are certain format guidelines that are supposed to be a part of every in character post. Those will be brought up in time for the game to be afoot. I have heard about some of them and while I heartly agree, it is also NOT my place to post them here. After all I only heard about it once and would rather not get it wrong

I think we are ALL going to be please with the way this plays. It is even more new to me, and I am SOOOOO looking forward to getting started.

I have no idea if I will get a chance to talk to the Captain this weekend. But if I do I will read him your postings - I think he will be pleased.

Off for now, got a full day, and I think it's gonna be raining.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, January 31, 2004 9:26 AM



Due to the lazyness of ComCast!

But today I found a 'loophole' and crawled under the wall of ComCast's incompentancy!

OK DF-PK ... bleah... I am working on some things while I was 'web-locked' ...

Building the arc for the pilot episode "Procrustean Karma".

Deciding on 'how much format' to use - got some ideas in convos with Merz and the real-life Veila (Cathy).

Making a time-line for us.

Sorting out and green-lighting character bios.

Making a new bio template.

Finishing up the Capn's gig drawing.

Writing a flashback scene for the APEs and new crew.

Starting Hlastoni's 'drop-fighter'.

... gotta LOVE PDAs and hotsync'n Word documents with the comp!!!

OK, who DOESN'T have MicroSoft Word or something that can deal with *.doc files from MSW?

Got a possible character for you ... a ... um ... ah ... cleaner!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, February 1, 2004 8:08 AM


I have had a thought. (you all are going to learn to wince when I say that I bet.)

I read a lot of adventures in gunrunning and have to admit it was a bit confusing in spots. But part of that I fully admit, was me getting used to what I was seeing. However it does lack a certain amount of - shall we say - structure.

It is going to be difficult enough for us to keep track of where we are going and what we are doing if we don't watch the IMPACT of our moves carefully. If you make an interaction with another player, we are going to have to wait for a response before moving on. If my next move depends on what you do, I simply have to wait to see what you do BEFORE leaving the room or deciding what you would have done. It may avoid confusion and the possible need to edit if we can establish not only an end of move, but end of scene for major changes.

I bet I did not say that right, but I hope you get the gist.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, February 1, 2004 8:21 AM


Me, get it ... naw!

I know, you meant that fer the 'actors'.

Ignore the verdammit director, carry on...

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, February 1, 2004 7:01 PM


Actually, I get it and I agree. We'll just have to all stretching our patience muscles, if we're interacting with someone who isn't able to be online when we are. I know the difference in schedules has affected the ability of some of the AiGR RPers' being able to interact as efficiently as possible. It's all still fun, though!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, February 2, 2004 2:03 AM


Oh, it looks like great fun, and I can hardly WAIT!!!!! I have been an RPG fan since the early 80's, and I am not involved in anything right now (right now being defined as for over a year) and I got a bad case of excitment!

I hope no one minds. I have enjoyed AiGR and the current section definitely has me champing at the bit for more - can't wait to see the resolution. Or at least the next bit. I can be patient too.

:sings: An-ti-ci-pation is making me wait.

Later Kiddies, still got the work thing today.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:03 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Slow day at work, so got to thinking about the theme song. Somehow the "Horse with No Name" tune just sounded a bit too cheery(?) and I started looking for a darker sound. Didn't take much of a leap to arrive at "Darkness, Darkness" written by Jesse Colin Young but using the Mott the Hoople arrangement. (Sorry I can't find a Midi file right now. Our firewall at work blocks some sites that have MP3s and Midis available.)

So here's three verses of the so-far unnamed song.

Dark and lonely is my future, and my honor stripped from me
By the men I called my leaders, in my hour of victory
Dark and lonely like the spaces, ‘tween the planets and the stars
But however deep the darkness, it can never hide my scars

Scars I earned in honest combat, on my body, on my mind
From the places I still remember, and the ones I left behind
Scars cut deep into my being by the weapons of deceit
By the ones who finally taught me the meaning of defeat

I must battle for my honor, ‘gainst the traitors I once served
And if I can ever beat them, then their fall will be deserved
I must battle for my comrades, who were slaughtered for a lie
So that I may stand among them, when I join them by and by
When I join them by and by

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, February 2, 2004 8:02 PM


Hey folks like my shiny new ID fer seperatin' Capn Marovech Rahn and yer verdammit DiRecTor?

'Bout the song ... It sounds wistfult to me and a bit mournful of what was lost and gained by leaving civilazition behind.

Much like our 'crew' will do in DF. Leaves the brigth lights and easy living for the simpler life. (Please NO Paris Hilton puns ... ick)

I know where I am going with the lyrics, just hard to get it across w/o finishing the lyrics.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:43 AM



Originally posted by DragonFlyDirector:
Hey folks like my shiny new ID fer seperatin' Capn Marovech Rahn and yer verdammit DiRecTor?

nif-ty ... spiffy even


Much like our 'crew' will do in DF. Leaves the bright lights and easy living for the simpler life. (Please NO Paris Hilton puns ... ick )

Capn ... would anyone here really want to make a Paris Hilton wisecrack? Now if you had mentioned Michael Jackson ...

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)


Saturday, February 7, 2004 5:14 PM


I have been asked (in various ways):
"Why are doing a spin-off of Firefly concerning the Alliance, aren't they the bad guys?"

The end of that question aptly illustrates my VERY reason for 'going to another perspective'.

Mostly it comes down to 2 points:

1) Most do not know that I am a Gulf War vet. Now you do.


"There are more shades of gray than stars in the 'Verse" -Marovech Rahn-

Point One
The idea that a government or military could betray their service members is close to my heart.

Most folks don't know that RIGHT after the GW, a 'cost-saving' proposal was passed to 'roll-out' 500,000 service members from EACH service. No matter the experance, skills or loyalty of the member. If there was a way -- roll 'em out.

So they did. Even offering soon-to-be-retirees a lump sum instead of their monthly (until death) retirement pay. Lump sums look good on paper, but dosen't come near what the retiree would get (then at 45% of exiting pay) if they lived for more than 8 or so years after they left the service. Don't invest smart, you end up working at Meijers as a 60 year old 'greeter' -- with nothing but social security and you retail store check for you to try to survive on. The 'help' seminars were just set dressing ... most of the investments they suggested were ... unhelpful.

Good, the 'government' is saving money -- right? Nope - the money 'saved' went elsewhere, most notably into the pockets of congress-members -- remember the 50% raise they gave themselves in '91/'92?

I am not here to debate this, I lived it. This is information about my reasons for doing Dragonfly, only. Savvy?

OK, now you know the barest minim, there many other reasons for my feelings concerning 'betrayal'.

Point Two
I feel that lumping EVERYONE exists/lives/participates in a system, government, corporation, religion or just plain fan group - into a bigoted pile, is wrong.

There is another story to be told here in the Firefly 'Verse. I am going to attempt to do so, with the help of the players/actors in the proposed RP.

Quick Synopsis of Dragonfly
During the Battle of Serenity Valley a group of intelligent and loyal Alliance elite military engineers {A.P.E.s} come across information that shows that the Alliance faked several incidents to precipitate a war with the Independents.

The Commodore in charge gets wind of this and insures the group is persecuted in various manners that cannot, or will not, be questioned {see point one for the tiny basis for this}.

Before the Commodore's plan can move to completion, the APEs decide to resign/break-out/accept-forced-retierment and attempt to right the wrong that they helped to perpetrate. They disappear to the mid/rim worlds. To one planet in particular - Arcade' {r K dee a}

They build a ship out of scrapped vessels (most notably Firefly class) while on this Alliance junk yard/trash-dump planet.

Arcade' was once a garden-world, one of the 'breadbasket' planets of the Alliance. It's biosphere was all but destroyed in one of the falsified incidents nearly 10 years before the incidents shown in Firefly. It is now a junk yard/trash dump planet.

The APEs spend 5 years building a ship. One they can utilize to fulfill their reasons for being in the military in the first place -- help and protect the citizens, regardless of their affiliation.

However, the loss of faith in the APEs ex-superiors has made a mark. One visible example is the name of the vessel they build - Justiciar.
{jus tish E air : to and of the dispensation and administration of justice.}

Well, there ya go... I hope that answers the question!

Shades of gray ...

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, February 8, 2004 9:52 PM


Well, here is the prelim. sketch of the last bit of the Justiciar ...

I present, The Outrider Class F.A.C.V.
{Forward Area Controller Vessel}:

Starboard View:

Dorsal View

I know it needs work and the drawing shows the wings in the stowed postion.

When deployed, the wings are a variable 'morphing' poly-organic sheet connected to the wing tip and main body.

The wingtip can be seen in the pics, tucked just forward of the platypus tail (Think of a variation of the F-117 exhaust ports) ion engine.

Length : 23ft 3in
Beam {width}: 33ft
Height : 5ft 3in

Crew: 1 Pilot
In prone postion on silding/rotating gimble couch. Much akin to the refueling jockey couch that is on KC-135 air refuelers.

Passenger: 1 to 3
Number of passengers epends on the size of the passenger(s) and hoe friendly they are with each other.
Prone behind pilot.

{in each 'horn')
1 - 111.5mm OD (outer diameter} MetalStorm cannon capable of firing up to 80mm caseless rounds of various payloads.

16 - 25mm OD MetalStorm RFG {Rapid Fire Gun}capable of firing up to 15 mm caseless rounds.

Info on real world Metalstorm weapons, 100%electronic ballistics technology:

More later...

Oh yes, StJ... no longer using the working name of 'Meg' ... I gotta find a new 'name' fer this little vessel.

Not sure I am happy with it, but here it iz!

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s


Sunday, February 8, 2004 10:45 PM


I posted this as an answer to a question Teela 'almost' asked on me b-log 'Answer to the question:"Why Dragonfly"' ...

Bleah ... yor gonna KILL me for the acyronym ...

I liked the CO Lt. Razak calling his troops 'apes' so much, from the CGI show called "Roughnecks:Starship Trooper Chronicles", I had to ... ahem... borrow it.

So get yer guns and get ready to shoot me...

Just keep in mind the Alliance seems to like their wordy labels and titles!

A.P.E.s = Alliance Protean Engineers

StJ {he is playing in DF} jokingly asked if the APEs made protein ... I had to laugh!

Chuckling aside, I figgered I better define Protean a'for I get shot!
{and I dinna check to see if I had already noted/defined Protean, previously on this thread.}

Protean {pro tee ann}
1)Readily able to take on varied forms or shapes - 2)exibiting considerable variety or diversty.
synonyms: adaptable, flexable or multifaceted.

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s


Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:20 AM


OK, here is the Outrider with the wings deployed...

...And yes, it is still unfinished, lol.

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Tuesday, February 10, 2004 11:32 AM


Ok here is some Rubbermaid shelving that I am thinking as using deck grating & cargo-bay wall panels when I build a set section of the Chimera {FKA Justiciar}.

The double high view is to show I could build an elevated set.

I weigh 217lbs and was able to walk around stand on the two level tier!

Replace the light grey thin walled tubes with PVC, make a 'plug/connector' for where the segments connect and I think it have a 'set' solution!

Whatcha think?

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Tuesday, February 10, 2004 1:37 PM


looks really good to me and an interesting shape

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:48 PM


Slightly Updated Outrider...

Where's 'Waldo'?

In Other Words: Do you see what I changed? Better or Worse?

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:14 PM


the top of the wing looks different - the wider part. If I am right it is a very subtle change - a little too subtle to go "better one or better two" for. But the second picture is clean, clear and nice. Like it!

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, February 13, 2004 11:31 AM


Check out the 'horns' from the 1st pic and then scroll down to the 2nd newer pic.

Yes, I did alter the wings a tad.

The original 'horns' just bugged me ... they looked a bit ... elderly.

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Friday, February 13, 2004 1:50 PM


yeah ok I see that. that may be what I meant by "cleaner". Altogether I like the second pic better

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:49 PM


OK ... I have begun to get the Character sheets filled out.

StJ is the proud 1st recipent of a filled out doc file called DF-CS Hlastoni DV01.doc

The text that following is a UNCOLORED and NONTAGGED (underline, bold, etc) blank template of the new character sheet/bios with instructions and definitions.

If you want a 'real' blank email me at

I will get to the others as I can. I am truly sorry for the loooong wait!

BLACK = Headers etc...

THIS or THIS blue = DireKtor creation

THIS green = Green-lighted AcKtor creation

THIS red = Red-lighted AcKtor creation - saved for possible use at a later time.

You can add anything you want in the appropriate area and send me the updated doc. file. I'll rename it from:
DF-CS CharacterName DV01.doc to
DF-CS CharacterName AV01.doc.

DF= DragonFly

CS= Character Star or Regular

CSV= Character Star Villian

CSG= Character Star Guest

CSR= Character Semi-Regular

DV01= Director Version 01

AV01 = Actor Version 01

Told ya I was anal about details!

Job or Title
Regular RP'd by So-In-So
Dream cast actor: So-In-So
ASI "WhatsThatShow"

Ethnicity or Nationality:
?' ?"
Your choice lbs
Your choice.
Your choice.
Your choice
Unusual Features:
Your choice

Planet of Birth:
Outer Rim/Mid-Rim/Spoke/Core world









Gi:{twin #1}

Kara:{twin #2}

Unknown At Present
Unknown At Present

COMM. Mekäfoy:

Visible: {to the observant}
Subconscious:{hidden even to the character}


General notes

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, February 23, 2004 11:17 AM


OK, how many of you acKtors have gotten a character sheet to play with ...

My 'sent to' list so far is:
SaintJayne - Dysseus Hlastoni

PumaManRedux - Quentin Hawksworth III

MerzadesTroy - Merzades Troy

Astriana - Veila

I know - I am reeeeaaall slow.

There are several factor in this 'slowness'.

1)Real-Life Concerns being the foremost.

2)I was sorta waiting to see what Haken had up his sleeve for the new gaming section of FFFn.

I thank you for your patience!!!

I am very sure the game will be worth the wait!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, February 23, 2004 11:26 AM


Looks like things are cooking along here. Getting close to actual play, it seems. I haven't received a sheet, (because I didn't ask for one)... considering that I am prolly only gonna play a guest-star villain, it's not necessary. You shouldn't know too much about your enemies.


Monday, February 23, 2004 1:13 PM


You were going to play Commodore Mekafoy, right?

He is the insane former commader to the A.P.E.s, the one who will begin 'chasing' them in the pilot episode.

If you have an idea for a regular, let me know. I just realized I really don't have a mercenary 'gun-toter' addition to the crew. Like the Jayne or Book characters in Firefly.

Like I said, if you got an idea, let me know!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, February 23, 2004 1:56 PM


okay folks ... I'm not sure how long I'll have a net connection where I am and when it will be back up.

Probably will be in a hotel for a week prior to moving into my 'new' hovel. No clue if I'll be able to jack my PC into the phonelines at the hotel ... so we're likely going to have to let Hawk drop in at another point in the scene. Once I get home I'm not sure about the net connection there yet.

Sorry if this complicates matters .. I do wish to play .. If possible I will early on ...

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)


Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:19 AM


Hello all paitent DF folk!

I hope to run an episode or mini in the GunRunning RP soon.

I hope to do a little foreshadowing in both the current episode and the one I will 'direct'.

In the current GunRunners game I really need Merz, Hlastoni, Hawk and maybe Veila to either play or be played by me.

I know Merz is joining, but I haven't talked to the other DFers about playing their roles 'early'. As in before DF starts.

BTW - The current GunRunner episode is set {in the Firefly Timeline} nearly a year before Dragonfly pilot episode.

How does that sound?

Here is a wav taken from the monologue that opens Time Cop 2 ... it is Jason Scott Lee.

I post it because it has the same inflection and vocal pattern I envision (enaudio?lol) Maro using for the opening monolog for DF...

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:28 AM


Hello all:

I'm still without a net connection at home ...

I just read the last message from CapnRahn today ... 29 days after the original was posted.

Capn .. I would prefer to play Hawk myself whenever I can get online again. I would prefer to wait until the actual Dragonfly thread starts up rather than confuse things in the Gunrunners thread. Also I don't see Hawk as being in the crew until the Dragonfly story begins in the present.

Another option is I drop out and the Cap'n can reassign Hawk to another player. I hope to be back on in two weeks time but as my mother seems to think the net is not a priority I'm not sure about that.

I can be emailed at (I can get my email remotely at the local library)

>> Mike/ MJ

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:37 AM


No worries, I don't want you to drop out!

The scene in GunRunners has been altered.

I forgot we were probably going to introduce Hawk in the very beginning of DF. Much like Book & Simon came aboard the Serenity in the orginal 2 hour Firefly pilot.

We'll hang tight for ya!

I am running the GunRunner Mini jst for that reason, to give a bit more time to get DF 'structured' and give others a chance to settle in.

OH! Cathy and I have moved as well! We got the house and are still sorting out our stuff.

So I can say this with authority -
I can imagine a tiny bit of what yer going thu. I was offline for only 2 weeks or so. Drove me spare.

You have been 'gone' for nearly 4 weeks! OW!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, April 18, 2004 7:41 AM


I came across something neat ... a song by Bon Jovi that is real Firefly-esque...

It's all the same, only the names will change
Everyday it seems we're wasting away
Another place where the faces are so cold
I'd drive all night just to get back home

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive

Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days
And the people I meet always go their separate ways
Sometimes you tell the day
By the bottle that you drink
And times when you're all alone all you do is think


I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back
I play for keeps, 'cause I might not make it back
I been everywhere, still I'm standing tall
I've seen a million faces an I've rocked them all

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
I'm a cowboy, I got the night on my side
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, April 19, 2004 12:37 AM


I had forgotten that one. I see what you mean.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, July 1, 2004 1:44 AM


Yet another song - but this is SO cool I had to share it. I see it as the instrumental behind the DragonFly version of the opening of the episode "Serenity" during the battle of Serenity Valley. Prolly during any scenes we see Hlastoni in his skiff ...

here tiz, let me know yer thoughts!:

Instruments Of Destruction Lyrics
Iron birds of fortune
Adrift above the skies
Cloudy revelations
Unseen by naked eyes
Flying tools of torment
Will penetrate the sphere
Erupt the rock of ages
Bringing final fear

* Instruments of destruction
Tools of powerplays
It's a violent eruption
Existence drips away

What it really matter
When nothing really counts
Grave eternal darkness
When drained of every ounce
And when the nightmare's over
The final from the storm
Dust of all creation
To ashes we transform

* Repeat

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, July 5, 2004 6:40 AM


I like it!

Decoy, they make me go first.


Monday, July 5, 2004 6:40 PM


It actually really fits the character of Hlastoni.

BTW Jason Carter {Bab 5:Marcus}is interested in playing Hlastoni, if things roll well in my (hopeful) meeting with a certain show creator!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, July 9, 2004 6:19 AM


Just an update ... still internetless at home .. hoping for sometime in July ...

>> MJ, hopeful player of 'Hawk'

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)


Friday, July 9, 2004 6:34 AM


Good to hear from you Puma! Actually things are working out with this slow time. Mucho things a-brewing!

Just let us know when you get access and we'll go from there.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, July 12, 2004 5:04 AM


Correction ----

Thanks to yet another communication error with my dear mother I'm not sure exactly when I'll limp back on the internet ....

Maybe fall of 2013

>>> Mike

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)


Tuesday, July 20, 2004 4:52 PM


Mike, you gotta be kiddin'!

On another note - Here is the New Temporary Theme Song for Dragonfly:

Words and music by Brian May

Here we stand or here we fall
History won’t care at all
Make the bed light the light
Lady mercy won’t be home tonight yeah

You don’t waste no time at all
Don’t hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We’re just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Oh ev’ry night and every day
A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face the western way
Build your muscles as your body decays yeah

Toe your line and play their game yeah
Let the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it’s time for the hammer to fall

Rich or poor or famous
For your truth it’s all the same (oh no oh no)
Lock your door the rain is pouring
Through your window pane (oh no)
Baby now your struggle’s all in vain

For we who grew up tall and proud
In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can’t be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder louder

What the hell we fighting for?
Just surrender and it won’t hurt at all
You just got time to say your prayers
While your waiting for the hammer to hammer to fall

It’s gonna fall know..hammer to fall
Waiting for the hammer to fall now baby
While you’re waiting for the hammer to fall

Give it to me one more time

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 3:18 PM


OK then - this one I like a LOT better. I can see relevence in it. And it still does not prevent working on a special significance song too.

You don’t waste no time at all
Don’t hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We’re just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Damn Straight!


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, July 25, 2004 1:17 PM


So are you working on a feature or a short or a trailer? What market are you going for? I used to work in features as well. Production and Location Management mostly. Where you an OSD or APm? I now work as an Maya animator/director for a science foundation. Just let me know if you need any help I will do watever I can to help.



Monday, July 26, 2004 11:27 AM


Right now my budget is tiny ($70,000) so I am planning on shooting a 6 to 10 minute trailer for Dragonfly.

I am a semi-pro with only a few commercials and other items from working with UPN and paramount here in Indiana. Mostly props, costumes, production management etc.

I have to admit I am ignorant of the acronyms you used

Where you an OSD or APm?"
Unless by APm you mean a Asst. Prod. Manager, which - yes I have performed that function on an Indie film called "Starship 2". Heh, never again, lol! I will work my own productions, unless I am doing pro work! or the $$$ are REALLY good!

Thanks, I will take you up on that offer! Gimme an email at and we can talk.

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Monday, July 26, 2004 12:11 PM


DragonFlyDirector wrote:
Tuesday, July 20, 2004 16:52
Mike, you gotta be kiddin'!


yeah, Capn/ DFD .... I'm kidding

.... seems like it'll be 2013 some days

>> Mike

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:43 PM


* BUMP *

The theory is I'll be back online within the week ... we shall see

Decided to bump this thread due to the fact a poster was inquiring about Firefly RPGs ....

By the by: is a page I started awhile back about Firefly and RPGs ... just a wee bit of info there

*Shameless Plug Mode*

Check out my other sites via the following link while you are checking the Firefly page out

*End shameless Plug Mode*

>> Mike


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:02 PM


Puma -

Well nice indeed to see you still exist. LOVE your choice of Avatar, but he has always had a soft spot in MY ... heart. Or somewhere>

Best of luck on getting up and running. Oh and before I forget - working title to the Dragonfly is now Chimera - cause no one could spell Justiciar the same way twice



If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, September 4, 2004 4:51 AM


Hiya folks ... a brief stop to give more input and ask for opinions.

First off I am considering changing the Series Title to the name of the ship, Chimera, instead of the vessel class name, Dragonfly. I like the current title Dragonfly, but it may be TOO derivative. Opinions?!

Bad News Section
My so-called contact that was to aid me in getting a meeting with Joss Whedon was a scam. Long story short - 2 weeks before WizardCon they wanted 200 dollars to 'facilitate' this meeting. So much for slipping through the kitchen door. However, I still may be able to get to a convention or such and use the 'Fireflygasm' thread I started as an 'intro' with Mr. Whedon. Waiting is.

New Devlopments/Ideas
Here is an interesting thought I had. One that has not been done in any season or series - at least to my knowledge: In the first season the crew only have the heavily modified engineering tug Rubicon {AKA as the Rube or Ruby, depending on how the character feels about the ship} to be running around in. It is roughly half the size of the Serenity and will be very claustrophobic with over half a dozen folks riding on it. It will travel frequently to the homebase on Arcade, so we can leave a portion of the crew baseside.

In the final 3 or so episodes, we see the completion of the Dragonfly class Chimera being finished and actually launching. In ending episode of the 1st season we have a confrontation between the Chimera and the Beau Geste - with a climatic battle ending in the destruction of the Geste and the near destruction of the Chimera. And thus we have the most dreaded/hated words in episodic TV - TO BE CONTINUED.

OK, I am braced to be thoroughly smacked by all of y'all -- fire yer opinions at will!
{NO!!! - Not at the Will that is also Decoy! }

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers






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