Repub Presidential Candidates Want to Call the Shots

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 16:39
VIEWED: 1245
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015 4:18 AM


It seems that the Republican Presidential candidates want to control what goes out to the general viewing public by demanding that future debates carry with it some major changes; namely -

+30 seconds or more for opening and closing statements.

+"Parity and integrity" for the questions.

+No "lighting rounds," in which the candidates are forced to give fast, often one-word answers.

+Approval of graphics displayed during the debate. (This was apparently a demand of Jeb Bush's campaign. During the CNBC debate, a graphic depiction Bush's career ignored his eight-year stint as Florida governor.)

"One flash point in the meeting, according to several people in the room, came when Jeb Bush's campaign manager Danny Diaz urged the group to reinstate the planned Feb. 26 debate with Telemundo, which the RNC suspended this week," Isenstadt wrote. "Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski pushed back hard, threatening to boycott the event entirely."

(Source: Business Insider, by Colin Campbell)

There was a report that even the temperature in the room was discussed, plus no camera shots of the candidates from behind, among other things.
Of course, the Fox Business News debate, November 10, will not be subject to the changes. According to the RNC, there was not enough time to implement the changes.

I do hope that they get whatever their little hearts desire. Make everything nice and cozy for the candidates; have Rush, Hannity and company ask them questions, and have the ladies of Fox bring them pipe and slippers, reclining chairs, soft music and glasses of wine. Everything to make them comfortable and present them in the best light possible. After all, they're Americans and should be treated with honor and dignity. Plus I hope they win the grand prize - the presidency.

There's only one small problem. Do you think that when the president goes to a UN meeting, or a Summit meeting with China, Russia or Iran, that they are going to bring him his pipe and slippers? A nice hot toddy with a Playboy magazine and a reclining chair?

But, I digress. They have a point about the Mainstream media setting them up for failure. Those Meanies!

Fox and Friends should run all the debates so that they get a Fair and Balanced debate, with all the trimmings. Only republicans asking questions in the best possible light. No Mainstream Media from now until the General Elections next year. I will personally send a letter to the King of All Media and present the candidates case. After all, they have worked hard to get to this point. Why not!?

This way when they lose, and lose they will, they can't use the excuse the liberal biased Mainstream Media is to blame. Brilliant idea Donald and Ben, brilliant idea!



Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:59 AM


You know, it's funny, here we have probably the most important time in our short history - the presidential primary and eventual general election, and nobody cared enough to comment about the Circus that took place a little over a week ago.

And now we have last night's debate on the books, and do we have a brave soul wishing to express their deep felt feelings on the matter?

I personally didn't watch it, but I did see highlights. Still a bit of a mess..................



Wednesday, November 11, 2015 9:56 AM


I agree, it indeed is an insult to the voters.

One of the ones that almost made me gag was former Governor Pataki, seriously!?
Then you have the "televangelist" Ted Cruz who is perhaps the most hateful person in America. Fiorina is a joke, Christie is a delusional buffoon. At least a handful have some experience in public service - Paul, Kasich, but Jeb bush is totally lost up there on the podium, Marco Rubio keeps making mince meat out of Bush, but even he has little to no experience and he hardly voted in Congress. How can anyone put themselves out there with that kind of record.

And don't get me started on Carson. What a joke!



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You know, it's funny, here we have probably the most important time in our short history - the presidential primary and eventual general election, and nobody cared enough to comment about the Circus that took place a little over a week ago.

And now we have last night's debate on the books, and do we have a brave soul wishing to express their deep felt feelings on the matter?

I personally didn't watch it, but I did see highlights. Still a bit of a mess..................


I did not watch it. I can't watch more than 30 seconds of any of them. Except Tump - he funny. He insults the others which is what they deserve, because by their very belief that they feel worthy of being president they are insulting all of us.

I am certain that none of them will be president, that this is all money printing for whatever network carries the "debates."


Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The "debates" are tending towards cage-matches, where everyone is expected to put on spikes and get in the cage with everyone else. It makes for great spectacle and sure gives the impression that there are real differences of opinion going on, but hardly informative. This is the mass media, playing to the lowest common denominator as always, kind of like the nightly "if it bleeds it leads" news.

I would LOVE to see some intelligently-moderated interviews, where the candidates are questioned in depth about their plans and views. We have a program available to us called Air Talk, in which several local people are questioned in depth about a particular issue (say, Airbnb and its effects on city coffers and quality of life for the neighbors, or local minimum wage ordinances) and with intelligent pursuit of the who, what, where, why, and how of each issue it becomes at times very clear what the best path forward should be. OR sometimes you just get an appreciation for how complex the issues are, with winners and losers on all sides of a decision.

But the debates in their current format - both Dem and Republican- are just meaningless entertainment. They don't include any candidates from other parties, for example. They're just "bread and circuses", but without the bread.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015 4:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I think our style of government leads to disenfranchisement. If you can't vote them out at any time BETWEEN scheduled elections then you're in fact voting for a term-dictator.

And everyone knows how that goes. The people running for office make all sorts of promises just to get in. Once in, as term dictators, they do what they please - whether it's status quo politics in support of the wealthy or some other minority agenda.

There's no option for keeping them honest during their term. And once the next election cycle rolls around you're stuck voting for either the devil you know, or rolling the dice on a different set of promises - that you're pretty sure will not be kept either.

When something runs without feedback from the real world it's called insanity.

And so we have this insanity. There are some people who are SO disenfranchised they've given up entirely. And there are some people whose beliefs are stoked by emotions and untempered by reality.

I can't imagine how you can have any other outcome given the system we have, which takes the power to say 'no more' out of the hands of the people; and the influence of wealth which places virtually all of the power with them.

There are only two ways out that I can see. One is that you accidentally get someone who really does have the interests of the people at heart. The other (untested and unproven) one is that you get an electorate willing to CONSISTENTLY toss out the unsuitable candidates and vote for those who, at least in their promises, seem better. Until, you'd hope, at long last the trend would move in a more representative direction.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.






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